i’m mostly aromantic but put on laufey and it’s like damn !! maybe a romantic relationship would be cool
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blog-bellle · 2 years
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Photo by Andrzej Berłowski (signed photo).
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skxrbrand · 8 months
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dogtimeswithram · 2 years
anyone elze almozt pizz themzelf when they feel theirr tail or feel ani of theirr kin featurrez but theirr earrz?
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mikey girls never sleep
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wikagirl · 6 months
the curse of always getting up at 3:30 for work is that your body now thinks that getting up at 7:20 counts as sleeping in
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alittlerandomcookie · 8 months
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velthurvik · 1 year
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Abseits der üblichen Wege in der Niederlausitz, zeigt sich oft erst die Schönheit dieser Landschaft. Bei Minus acht Grad Celsius hat sich ein eisiger Nebel im Lug bei Rutzkau /Nierderlausitz ausgebreitet.
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mishalogic · 1 year
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Good morning tumblrites
Hello from Austalia
We love the cool gentle embrace of our autumn mornings,
and the kindness of nature's gifts to our nation in so many ways! ... Misha
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caddi68 · 8 months
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God morrning ✌🏻☺️
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sleepyphoen1x · 8 days
I some time to time wondered about the Skull any whats on it
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If i am not mistaken on the skull its written "For The Greater Good 1898" in German.
1898? What? If the Skull is from 1898 whys there the quate thats from dumbledore in 1899? Also wheres the skull from? Is it from Durmstrange before Gellert got expelled year before?
And whys there geneuently the quato?
Welp i have a small theory it
What if the quato was not made by our pookie Albus but actually Gellert? As we know he has been expelled from Durmstrange for twisted experiments on students, what experiemens? I dont have clue, but theres no way teachers or students woundt say ANYTHING, what if the Students were actually Gellert's friends that were supporting him? As in theres no way he did not have any friends or supporters in school (we know he can get anyone influence and manipulate them) he could be using the quato for many years for his experiments and tbr whole cause and then after he got kicked out he coukd say it to Albus who would be using it to the rest of his life as we can see in Harry Potter books (ofc).
I genuently been thinking about it since morrning and i need info dump it
Id love to know more about it if there will be FB4 or FB5 (books or movies idc)
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l48yr1nth · 3 months
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wat kind of foods would sparktrician eat does he have a digestive system???? does he sleep can he like zap around power lines and stuff cause hes a little electricity guy
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he can eat! .. kind of. there's no digestion happening, but he does need something to keep the spark going every once and a while! batteries are more of a small snack for 'em, though (i actually reference this in the dialogue i have written up for him). And, he absolutely can, and has, and continuously will travel through the power grid. it's not his preference, though, since he can't bring clothes with him. he mostly uses it during his job, to fix what's broken a LOT quicker.
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he wouldn't really sleep, but he does rest. it's typically in short bursts (heh) between things he has to do. He doesn't need sleep or rest to function, it just helps him be a bit less stressed. he's very busy!!
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rowaelinsdaughter · 4 months
Can u do 30 and 21 with rowan 🥰😘
21- on a place of insecurity
30- as comfort
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𐙚˙⋆.˚ 21
he would give her this type of kisses, mainly when they were shopping or walking around the city. she saw an ex of rowan. she was stunning, a true beauty. her stomach turned and she felt insecure.
what would they think about her? was she enough for rowan?
rowan left the shop where he was. he looked at his mate and felt her muscles tensed, how her gaze was distant. "what's wrong, babe?" she swallowed before answering "it's nothing, ro" but he didn't listened to her and looked at the square. he saw her inmediatly. his ex. she was the reason why his mate was feeling insecure. he moved closer to her, a hand on her chin so she was looking at him. "you're beautiful, you know? you're the most stunning, mezmerazing and awesome mate a male could ever ask for" his finger caught a tear and he leaned to kiss her. soft and lovingly. he felt her hand on her chest, above his heart. "i love you ro" "i love you babe"
𐙚˙⋆.˚ 30
if there was something she loved more about rowan were his kisses. they tasted like pine and snow, a scent that she growed to loved, to cheerish. they always bought comfot to her, it calmed her.
rowan opened his eyes at, that was for him, a perfect sight. his mate was sleeping on top of him, her entire body a comfort weight. his hands went directly to her silken hair. he never knew he would be obsessed with vanilla until he smelled her scent. vanilla and cherry. a combination he was obsessed with. the hand on her hair travelled to her back, the skin soft and smooth. she moved a little, waking up from a deep sleep. rowan smiled softly at the sight of her mate, her eyes puffy from sleep but still, they were amazing. "good morrning sweetheart" rowan murmured. she hid on his neck. "dont want to" "you dont want to what, sweet babe?" the sound cushioned, she said "dont want to wake up."
rowan laughed and sat with his back on the headboard. she was forced to sit on his lap and look at him. she smiled softly and leaned forward, their nose touching. she didn't knew who moved first, but they were kissing, love flowing down the bond. his scent relaxed her mind and she felt like she was on heaven. rowan grabbed her waist, and brought her to him, so they were touching, chests and hearts together. she was the one to finish the kiss, but she made no move to be apart from him. "i love your kisses, you know?" "yeah, i know"
"no i think you dont. i love your kisses, rowan, because when we kiss i feel complete, i feel alive. youre my comfort place rowan, you will always be"
"gods, how can i have such an amazing mate?" she laugh. a true laugh, one he loved. he grabbed her by the tights and he laid her down with him on top. a perfect morning indeed.
all rights reserved to ©rowaelinsdaughter. no tranlations allowed. no copy theme. don not copy my work.
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polycharismas · 5 months
morrning prinnies
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timetravelerpyrite · 6 months
Gub morrn evry n I hav ben met wih the reliizaton tht my bf doesnt THNK ABUT ME!
Jokin, jus wok up, eys blury.
🐉: Translation from tired Pyrite to English: Good morning everyone I have been met with the realization that my boyfriend doesn't think about me!
Joking, just woke up, eyes blurry.
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rudeteens · 9 months
Gooooood morrnning faggots! Let me hear u make some fucking noise!!!!!
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