acgames · 4 months
For some reason one of my mornings started by listening to Netherland's this year's disqualified entry (because I missed second semi-final to see it be performed) and frankily Joost Klein's "Europapa" became my morning hit.
Now every morning, before I leave for work I listen to that particuliar song. It's now a tradition. And I absolutely love it.
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For those who dont understand why Israel is allowed to compete:
Eurovision is sponsored by morrocanoil, an Israeli company.
Its always about money
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toastylicious · 5 months
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g0dtier · 5 months
lol EBU banned the dutch participant from eurovision on the day of the fucking finale for "making a threatening gesture at a camera woman", conveniently the day after the israeli participant was told that she wouldn't have to answer any questions (you know about what) that made her uncomfortable and he responded with "why"
the camera woman was filming him while he had explicitly said he didn't want to be multiple times, and he made a move for the camera. there was no touch involved in the incident yet she apparently pressed charges and he was fully banned despite the outcry of how much bullshit that decision is
eurovision's main sponsor atm is morrocanoil, a israeli company btw 🤡🤡
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 5 months
I promised I wouldn’t make another esc post, I just need to say one more thing:
With all the drama that has unfolded in the past 24 hours, one contestant being DISQUALIFIED HOURS BEFORE THE FINALE…
I think it may have been a blessing in disguise you finns did not win last year. I wish we DIDN’T host it with all of this mess going on.
That crowd tonight is probably gonna be so aggressive and the whole vibe will be so odd and uncomfortable. Not even Petra Mede can save that. I don’t think I even wanna read the news articles, they are already updating with something new every 30 minutes, adding to the burning fire.
This all could have avoided so easily but EBU loves their precious Morrocanoil sponsor because without it they’d have way less of a budget and money is everything.
If you still wanna watch esc then go rewatch Eurovision 2021 and pretend it’s this year.
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ara-line · 7 months
So why hasn't Israel been kicked out of the Eurovision Song Contest and what's going to happen now?
There's two reasons that are speculated on right now:
One is that the one of the sponsors of the contest, MorrocanOil, is an Israeli company. So that makes things complicated. Again, this is just speculation.
The second is that there is no pressure to kick Israel out from the broadcasters. See, Russia was originally going to participate in the 2022, but a bunch of the participating national broadcasters (not countries. Broadcasters) basically put pressure on the European Broadcasting Union to kick Russia out. This one holds water to me. Sure, there has been pressure from the artists, but not from the people on top to get Israel out.
So what's going to happen now?
Israel is OK to participate if their song doesn't have any politics in it. (There's a whole chat to be had about how politics in Eurovision can go under the radar as long as they're subtle about it). However, there's rumours going around that their song is called October Rain, and it's apparently currently being reviewed for politics. If the European Broadcasting Union says it's not allowed, Israel will end up withdrawing from Eurovision. So we're going to have to wait and see.
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paradoxcase · 9 months
I've been reluctantly going back to reddit because I just can't follow Eurovision without it
Let me see if I have the current Israel situation understood at this point
Germany and Ukraine are threatening to leave if Israel is *banned*, Germany being one of the Big Five and Ukraine being Eurovision MVP
An Icelandic musician's association of some kind is against Iceland participating if Israel participates, but the broadcaster has said nothing and has no reason to listen to them particularly
An Irish politician from a party that is favored by 4% of the population is against Ireland participating if Israel participates but no one really cares about him
The EBU has stated that the Israeli broadcaster has not violated any rules and this will not be banned
The Finnish broadcaster has made a statement that they are "considering the situation" but mostly just want to assure the fans that UMK will happen regardless
Morrocanoil, Eurovision's main sponsor at the moment, is an Israeli company
Not looking great, I guess
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yodel-it · 5 months
I get sick to my stomach when I see HALF the screen occupied by the morrocanoil ad
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jewishhgirl · 5 months
בס"ד על הפרסומת של morrocanoil הורג אותי
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skincareroutine · 5 months
also fuck the israeli company morrocanoil company that sponsors eurovision
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andivmg · 1 year
Andi !! What’s some good curly hair products for styling and all that etc
i LOVE the rizos light hold gel, morrocanoil masks and oil, ouai leave-in, and the pattern’s mousse. if i could only recommend one product from that list it would be the rizos gel.
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licic · 1 year
Morrocanoil deserves an award for Moldova's background singers' hairs
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krasotashop1 · 30 days
KrasotaShop - professional cosmetics storeThe assortment of the store is specially selected for successful and active girls who take care of themselves and want to look gorgeous and be in trend every day. Here you will find and be able to buy products from original brands that have been tested for years, including Blender, HydroPeptide, Morrocanoil, Lebel, Beauty Blender, 3Lab, etc.In the catalog- Women's decorative cosmetics for eye, face, lip and eyebrow makeup.- Care for the beauty and health of hair.- Natural cosmetics for face and body care.- Make-up products and accessories (brushes, combs).- products and cosmetics for men.We cooperate with official suppliers of cosmetics and perfumes from different countries: USA, England, Canada, Italy, Spain, Germany, Korea, France, Israel, Ukraine.
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omagazineparis · 4 months
Adoptez une nouvelle routine capillaire pour la rentrée !
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kendallspussy · 5 months
so they may actually destroy eurovision forever huh… all of this mess because they refused to kick out a genocidal country (and the morrocanoil money ofc)
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drugastraian · 1 year
Set ulei tratament de par si parfum pentru par si corp, Morrocanoil, Signature Scent Duo, Light, 100 ml
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