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Mortier - Chaos Venerator
Brutal/Bestial/Blackened Death Metal from Indonesia
1. The Return of Chaos 03:30 2. Chaos Venerator 03:28 3. Dangerous Area 03:11 4. Execution 03:14 5. Disappear Ethnic 03:14 6. Annihilation Son 03:39 7. Final Attack 03:36 8. Black Mass 02:21
Release date: September 21st, 2024 via @mastersofkaosrecords
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acrayday · 1 year
day 4 blood family
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content warning for bugs, mold, bright colors below the cut
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it fits with context please
Also @oc-tober2023 as promised the tags starts now
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carbone14 · 10 months
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Un peloton soviétique de mortiers de 82 mm dans la région de Baranavitchy – Opération Bagration – Biélorussie – Juillet 1944
Photographe : Alexander Kapustiansky
Les mortiers sont transportés par des motos américaines Harley-Davidson 42WLA.
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philoursmars · 2 years
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Retour à mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 53880 photos (nouveau compte approximatif !)
2014. Marseille au printemps. Le Musée d’Histoire de Marseille.
- église funéraire de la rue Malaval, V-VIe s.
- statue de Pierre de Libertat -1600 
- casque ottoman
-  école d'Antoine Ronzen  : “Prédication de Marie-Madeleine” -  1517 (1er tableau de Marseille)
- mortier XVIe s.
- drague romaine  n°2 - Massilia,  I-IIe s.apr. J-C.
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ftnbooks-blog · 1 year
Antoine Mortier (1908-1999)
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isa-ko · 4 months
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I think I’m having a napoleonic styled doodle fever. I can’t stop drawing marshals. The drawing brainrot has finally begun.
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meneeddeadmenyaoi · 15 days
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Been drawing Mortisoult theyre way too cute TT
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oldsardens · 1 month
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Antoine Mortier - Les raisins
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soh-da-meatball · 11 months
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I recently completed a commission for Logan Mortier, who played Munkustrap in the Cast 13 of Oasis of the Seas ٩( ᐛ )و!!! He wanted a piece that would capture the relationship he shared on stage with his fiancé, Lewis Rimmel who played Macavity! What an honour to be given the opportunity to work on this! I was very excited and I had a lot of fun working on this commission 🥰 Thank you so much to Logan!!
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simple-giant-ed · 1 month
Soult! Er- Roi Nicolas gave me a farm hound!
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Now I have both a horse and a hound on this volcano wheat farm. And Ceres likes to eat the dragées, maybe I can finally get rid of them all.
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Life - I meant- death is good….
….Who in the world made these pictures. I'll have to hide them from soult...
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acrayday · 11 months
day 14 mask
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this is the lad from the not cannibalistic family prompt, i love it very much. @oc-tober2023
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flowwochair · 4 months
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girl mortier
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murillo-enthusiast · 3 months
🐕walkies with mortier🐕
previous ( 1, 2 )
"What is this disgusting smoke??" —@simple-giant-ed
At the mention of Spain, Soult's slightly good humoured mood sours deeply, though the scowl on his face does not exactly change. Neither does it change as the smoke pervades the strange church - though the unpleasant smell causes the kitten in his pocket to mew loudly in protest. But as Mortier runs off, Soult is certainly startled. He calls out-
Mortier- Ed! Do not run off like that-
Soult takes a step, cursing his crooked leg as he attempts to chase after Mortier- but the man is gone into the darkness. With a sigh, Soult looks down at the diamond flower, picks it up, places it in the other pocket, and then at a quick pace, sets off after where he believes Mortier to have gone. Thousand mackerels. Where the devil did that man go? He calls out for Mortier, again, his deep voice booming from years of practice and use. ... He needs a leash.
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kwilooo · 7 months
Is it just me or does the age difference between George Washington and Marquis de Lafayette kind of disturb me when I think of their relationship? Like, they were very close, and most likely in a father-son sort, but I’ve also read some of their letters that seem…romantically aligned?
He was 45 I believe when Alexander Hamilton was 20, and Lafayette was just a few months younger than him.
That is like, a 25 year age difference. I get that that was pretty normal back then, but with today’s society I can’t shake it off.
Not that it really matters much since they’re all dead :)
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yaggy031910 · 1 year
A fun little ask: the Marshalate is informed there is cake in the break room. How do each of them react?
Who ever you are, thank you for this sweet little question and I apologise for my late response. 🙈💕
I have ideas for some of them, however I am **not** aware of the maréchals eating habits so any input is welcome here. Also, I don't know all of the marshals well enough but I will try to include as many as possible. Don’t expect any historical accuracy in this.
See this post as a very big headcanon and as one ongoing story where I am going to try to mimic the marshals characters and miserably fail.
Shall we begin? :D
Les Maréchals and cake
Berthier would hear about it and quietly get excited by the idea of having a nice little piece of cake, just for him to be too busy with everything so that he isn't able to leave his desk. Either this or someone (probably one of his adcs) would be nice enough to get for Berthier his piece of cake.
Murat: You bet he is one of the first ones to look at this cake. His reaction might depend on how the cake looks. If it's a huge cake with a lot of golden details, Murat will carry it around so everyone admires this phenomenal cake because it deserves to be looked at.
Augerau and Masséna wonder why there is such a fancy a cake in the break room in the first place and who might have put it there. Augerau asks Masséna with a low voice: “How much money do you want to bet on the cake being poisoned?” Before Masséna is able to answer, Lannes enters the scene.
Lannes runs after Murat with the cake knife demanding to finally get his damn piece of this cake while Murat can't make himself to cut it because this cake is “so damn beautiful that it would be a waste to eat it.” This little game goes on for a minute or two until the other marshals grow impatient, one of them being Ney.
Ney who is known for his hotheadedness tries to save this cake from a disaster aaaaand fails. :) The three of them dispute over who is the actual culprit of this mess.
L: Murat, what have you done? M: I have done nothing. You followed me with a knife. N: You let the cake fall. M: You intervened in my business with Lannes.
The cake has fallen to the ground as Davout, Suchet and Macdonald watched. “Aaand here goes the cake”, Macdonald says; “At least the floor was able to taste it.” Suchet asks: “What do you think was its flavour?” ”Chocolate vanilla.” Davout answers. After a moment of silence, he adds. “Soult has a good recipe.” Mortier walks in, seeing how Lannes, Murat and Ney are loudly disputing while Masséna and Augerau get themselves black coffee and Davout, Suchet and Macdonald talking. Lefebvre who was walking right behind Mortier gestures him to move away from the door so he can get into the break room: “What is going on?”
Suchet: “We found a cake-“ Davout interrupts him: “We found a chocolate vanilla cake which we don’t know how it got here or if it was poisoned and now it’s inedible because his royal highness, the King of Naples, made it fall.”
Murat shouts from the back: “I didn’t let it fall.” Lannes: “Oh, you did.”
Lefebvre offers a solution like the good fatherly figure he is: “Do you still want cake? We could bake a new cake, messieurs.” Davout replies: “This sounds like a smart idea, Monsieur. Maréchal Soult knows an excellent recipe.”
Lefebvre: “Ahh, excellent. Where is our maréchal?”
Mortier: “He is in his office.”
“Then this where our journey goes next.” Lefebvre slams the door open and accidentally hits Oudinot. “Ah, Monsieur, my apologies. If I had known you were there, I wouldn’t have slammed the door as hard as I did. Are you alright? Yes? Until the next time then.”
Davout walks up to his friend to make sure how Oudinot is doing and explains to him in the meanwhile what is going on and also promises Oudinot to bring him a piece of the cake they are going to bake.
Lefebvre takes the lead and walks straight to Soult’s office while Davout and Mortier follow him. Suchet decides to stay behind while Macdonald thinks about it. Lefebvre knocks on Soult’s office door: “Monsieur, le maréchal? Are you here?” *Lefebvre knocks again with his energetic manner.* “Monsieur, le maréchal, it’s me, Lefebvre. Open the door!*
Soult opens the door with his usual unimpressed demeaner: Hm? Lefebvre: “Excusez-moi, mon maréchal, I heard you have a recipe for a delicious cake?” Soult: Cake? What cake? Davout: The chocolate vanilla one… the one you baked for your daughter Hortense’s birthday. The delicious one. Soult: Ah, yeah. That one. What of it? Mortier: We would like to bake this cake, which is why we want to ask if you mind us borrowing the recipe? Soult stares at his co-maréchals for a second, he shuts the door, opens it again with a piece of paper in his hand which he gives to Lefebvre. “Here. Is there anything else you need?” Macdonald who decided to join the baking group walks up to them and asks Soult: “Would you mind to lend us your baking equipment?” - “No. Have a nice day.” Soult shuts his door while Lefebvre shouts: “Thank you for your help, Monsieur Soult.” Macdonald asks: “What are we going to do now?” “We are going to bake the cake now, my good friend”, Davout answers. Mac: “Where? Where do you want us to bake the cake? Do we have the right ingredients?” D: In the kitchen and I don’t see why we shouldn’t have the ingredients. Macdonald looks at Davout with suspicious eyes about the matter if they are going to manage to bake this cake… The group of maréchals appear in the imperial kitchen where they start to gather the right ingredients. While the group is busy with the preparations, les maréchals Pérignon and Sérurier appear, wondering what is going on. As Lefebvre is explaining these two their baking journey up until now, Pérignon and Sérurier decide to join them: “A cake made by maréchals for maréchals.”
What could possibly go wrong with two additional heads in the kitchen? As it turns out: Everything. Pérignon and Sérurier manage to overdo the cake by confusing salt with sugar. The cake tastes salty, the icing itself is fine because it was made by Davout who religiously followed Soult’s directions. In addition to that, monsieur Lefebvre manages to mix up usual paper with baking sheets.
Bernadotte walks into the kitchen as he sees his fellow maréchals working on their baking project. He comments on the scenery: “This is just pure chaos without any discipline, a chaos which can’t possibly create something edible.” Davout replies “Well, have you ever baked anything in your miserable existence which you so call your life?”; to which Bernadotte says: “wELL, no, BUT-“ Davout continues: “Then get out of this room and give me my peace back or shut up.” Bernadotte decides to leave.
As Bernadotte is leaving, Jourdan walks right into the scene with an apple in his hand. A fire starts to break out in the oven and Jourdan, like the team player he is, turns and leaves this mess to his co-maréchals without saying one word.
Nothing is going as Davout had it planned. He sits in a corner, mourning this beautiful chocolate vanilla cake he had in mind. Macdonald sits right next to him with a spoon, telling him: “Well, at least the frosting you made yourself is delicious.” Davout, completely shattered by the fact that he wasn’t able to make his desired chocolate vanilla cake, puts his face into his palms until a surprise visits the kitchen: It’s maréchal Soult. With a cake. A chocolate vanilla cake. A chocolate vanilla cake which is neither burnt nor oversalted. A chocolate vanilla cake according to the recipe. Next to Soult is Oudinot who cuts two pieces of the cake: one for himself and one for his good old friend, Louis Nicolas Davout.
After Soult, Ney and Lannes enter the kitchen. Ney silently takes a piece of Soult’s cake, saying nothing except a simple “thank you”. So do Macdonald and Mortier. Soult tolerates Ney’s presence. Lannes on the other hand goes straight to the oversalted and burnt cake which the older maréchals made and are also eating. Kellermann and Grouchy, as late to the party as ever, also go for Lefebvre’s bad cake while Soult’s good cake is still sitting there. Soult can’t hide his look of disgust.
At some point, Bessières and Murat join or rejoin retrospectively the scene, walking up to Soult’s cake. Bessières, as well mannered as he is, takes one piece of a cake to which Murat comments: “I know how much you like this lovely type of cake, Bessières, take a second piece.” - “No”, Soult replies: “That’s not your cake. Take your piece and leave.” Murat adds: “For whom are the other pieces then? I don’t see anybody who would possibly want to eat this gorgeous baked good. We want to eat your delicious creation of a fabulous cake.” - “One piece each. You can give him your piece if you like to.” Bessières interrupts the two: “I am content with my piece.” Murat doesn’t listen to what Bessières says and continues his conversation with Soult: “My fellow maréchal, I don’t understand, why do you struggle so much with allowing somebody to have one additional piece of cake than the other ones?”
While Murat and Soult continue their dispute which leads to nowhere, one adc enters slowly the kitchen. He looks at Soult who recognises this man as one of Berthier’s adcs. He came to get a piece of cake for his marshal. Soult lets him take one of the few pieces left. All of a sudden, Kellermann seems to be chocking on his salty cake piece. All the maréchals are gathering around him and in the chaos, the last few pieces of Soult’s cake fall to the ground. Soult looks at his cake or what’s left of it. One could argue that everyone who wanted to eat it was able to eat it. One could argue that these fallen pieces can be ignored and Soult could go on with his day never ever thinking about the pieces again. However, we are talking about maréchal Soult here who sees the art in baking. The love, the accuracy of it. Today he didn’t just bring cake to his fellow maréchals. Today he witnessed how some of them have no sense of dignity for what it means to be able to eat good food. Good cake. Soult is leaving the room, not bothered about Kellermann as he wouldn’t be able to help anyway. He is going to his wife, his Louise Berg, who asks him about his day. He tells her the whole of it. How he was surprised by his fellow maréchals who wanted to bake a cake. How he knew that they are going to mess up his recipe. How he baked that cake properly and how a part of it went to waste. “Some of them ate oversalted and burnt cake. Who eats bad cake? Who likes bad cake???”
Davout on the other hand was thankful for Soult. With a smile on his face, Davout enjoyed his so desired chocolate vanilla cake, unbothered by the event surrounding him. The end. :)
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