#mortimer pastel goth
thesimulation · 1 year
Excerpt from an article in the Creek Chronicle entitled "Notes on a New Neighbour," by freelance journalist Mortimer Goth, dated Summer 2.
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"As we entered, we were joined by a third guest - a Miss Catarina Lynx. I could not help but take note that neither she nor Mx Pastelle touched my wonderful fruitcake. Perhaps Miss Lynx was simply not hungry, however Mx Pastelle preferred to sup from bizarre-looking 'protein packs.' A clue, perhaps, as to how they maintain their figure, but incredibly rude in my opinion. My grandmother died for that fruitcake!
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"Perhaps as an allusion to the family name, but entirely against my good sense of taste, the interior of Parkshore has been furnished with soft pinks, yellows and blues. Personally, I don't see the sense in buying anything that is not wine red or void black, but if Mx Pastelle wishes to bask in tackiness and mediocrity, then who am I to stop them?"
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silk,rose,film,fleece,parchment, and 1975!!
Silk: I have a few combinations. A lacey red top with a matching skirt and my black platform boots. My strawberry dream lolita dress outfit. My pastel goth hearts outfit. My white skirt, pink strawberry sleeveless top, and my pink lllama leggings. My black crop top, black sleeveless long jacket, black shorts, black leggings, and black platform boots. My "minnie mouse" dress, black leggings, and dark platform shoes. To name a couple of examples 🌸
Rose: Orchids I say. Also shoutout for lavender and all roses.
Film: T.rigun and B.SD are my favorite shows. I love beauty and the beast ! Nimona is a good movie, and Heathers also.
Fleece: I have some ! The two that are totally mine are Scrimshaw, my cat, and Lipstick, my beta fish. In my house fully, there's more fish, I collectively call the like catfish Charlottes, plus more fish. Our dogs, two chihuahuas, Scooby and Morty aka Mortimer, and a boxer, Mo aka Molasses. Our three legged cat, Charlie, and a bearded dragon, Icarus, a leopard gecko, Sun, and the two day geckos called Cleo and Leo.
Parchment: Throne of glass is a series I enjoy, I think the second might be my favorite. Also totally forgot I super liked the series the Lunar Chronicles then I saw it in the bookstore.
1975: Hm, Victorian era seems interesting for Ira aesthetics. Perhaps a peek at medieval times for curiosity. As a Greek mythology loving kid, I would like seeing ancient Greece also 🌸
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snarent · 3 years
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I am still finding myself without the time/energy to get regular posts going over here again yet, but!  If anyone was worried about my noodles, they are both doing well!  We have to leave them both alone for sheds right now, but here are pictures of them from last week.
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maytai18 · 5 years
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I'm afraid of things
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gotikamadegil · 5 years
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tsubasaclones · 5 years
I cant stop thinking abt the sentence "mortimer goth can be a short king" from my dream the other day
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starscattered-blog1 · 5 years
Bad Habits
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bold: often || italics: sometimes.
nail biting | throat clearing | lying | interrupting | chewing the ends of pens| smoking |swearing | knuckle cracking | thumb sucking | muttering under their breath | talking to themselves | nose picking | drinking | oversleeping| snacking between meals | skipping meals | picking at skin | impulse buying | talking with their mouth full | humming I singing to themselves | chewing gum | leg jiggling | foot tapping | hair twirling | whistling | eye rolling |licking lips | sniffing | squinting | rubbing hands together | jaw clenching | gesturing while talking | putting feet up on tables | tucking hair behind ears | chewing lips | putting hands on hips | rubbing the back of their neck | being late | procrastinating | doodling | shredding paper | peeling off bottle labels | forgetfulness | running hands through hair |overreacting | teeth grinding | nostril flaring | slouching | pacing | drumming fingers | fist clenching |pinching bridge of nose | rubbing temples| rolling shoulders
Tagged by: @historias-multorum
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this!!!
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nuttygalaxysims · 3 years
The Goth Family Curse
The Goths have been my favorite family since Sims 1, back when it was just “The Sims” and I’d go grab an afterschool snack while it was reticulating splines. It’s no surprise that I spent a LOT of time with them in the Sims 2 era, including going down the rabbit hole of Bella mythology and doing unnatural things with SimPE to try to reunite the family. 
Finding the family all together again in Sims 4 warmed my cold little heart, and I got a LOT of enjoyment out of watching them interact as a happy family... for a little while.
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Then it got weird... 
Bella & Mortimer were very excited to welcome twin daughters, Nada Goth and Visi Goth. As busy professionals and doting parents, they hired a nanny to keep the girls safe during the day. To be honest, she did a lot of overnights there too - money can’t buy happiness, but it CAN buy a night nanny, and sleeping through the night is practically the same thing!
I never saw exactly what happened, but somehow Mortimer, poor misguided Mortimer, wound up making a pass at the nanny. Bella overheard and was rather unimpressed, so the nanny was sent packing. Keeping up with all the kids plus their jobs was quite a strain for the Goth household; both parents often wound up utterly exhausted by the time they got home from work each day. 
Still, relationships were mending and I thought everything was going well. The kids were thriving (and toddlers can climb stairs now!?) They even put in a modest pool, at Bella’s request, so she could unwind by swimming laps without having to get a sitter.
Then one fateful evening, Mortimer returned from work very close to passing out from exhaustion. Between the monster under Alexander’s bed and two toddlers in a sleep regression, he’d been up most of the night. I’m a kind and merciful simmer, so I nudged him towards his bed as soon as he got home, before getting distracted by Alexander aging up to a teen, the toddlers getting into adorable trouble (did I mention they can climb stairs now?!), and all the other general evening chaos of homework, dinner time, and uninvited guests. Then I got THE POPUP.
Dear Old Morty had apparently decided that he knew better than me, and had chosen to unwind in the pool instead of going to bed as instructed. Did you know sims can pass out in the pool? Did you know that if sims pass out in the pool, they drown? I didn’t, but now I do. 😬😥 Level-headed Cassandra tried to plead for his life as everyone else panic-flailed, but she was ultimately unsuccessful. 
So much for the Goths being back together as a happy family...
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I know I could have exited without saving to spare him, but I’ve always enjoyed rolling with the game’s surprises. Also, I TOLD him to go to bed. He’s a grown adult with four kids. Love you, Mort, but make better choices!
(Also, I still have no idea why Mortimer & the nanny started smooching - at this point, I was still playing a completely vanilla game with no mods, cc, or expansions, just the base game; he’d never rolled any sort of romantic whims for anyone besides Bella, and it wasn’t something I initiated! To me, these are the most interesting bits of the game: when these little pixel people who you theoretically control from creation to death still find a way to get up to mischief!)
I still have that saved game, minus Mort of course. Bella got over him fairly quickly and switched to a less dangerous career so she could be there for the kids. The girls are delightful, Cassandra is a surprisingly savvy business woman who spends her nights playing piano, and Alexander is a star student with a steady girlfriend. I’ll check back in with them at some point - Nada & Visi are REALLY cute, even if Nada’s preference for pastels stands out like a sore thumb in that house - but I started a new saved game here to install & test City Living.
Fast forward a month or two of playing the new game, and I noticed Cassandra waddling around the neighborhood visibly pregnant - SURPRISE! By this point I’d added Deaderpool’s MCCC so that the townies could find love and grow families and all that fun stuff, but I hadn’t quite gotten the hang of all the settings yet. It turns out Cassandra had a chance encounter with none other than James T. Kirk and was left with quite a surprising souvenir (but that’s another story...)
Anyway, I pop in to the as-yet-unplayed Goth family home to see what was going on, and the very first thing that happened was Mort’s bunny slippers catching on fire while he was standing a little too close to the fireplace. What did I say about making better choices, Mort?? Cassandra once again came to his rescue, extinguishing the flames relatively calmly while Bella got as far away as possible.
 A few days later, Cassandra, now a proud mom to a bouncing baby girl, caught on fire herself while making a grilled cheese sandwich. Bella reacted yet again by sprinting out of the house and abandoning everyone - way to keep it real, Bella! Everyone is alive for now, but I’m a little scared to see what happens next...
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64-bitsims · 4 years
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Day 3: What if Cassandra Goth wasn’t Gloomy? Cassandra has always looked on the brighter side of life even where there seems to be no way out of the rut she’s in. When she was younger, Bella and Mortimer dressed their first child in their favorite shades of black and red. Shortly after her tenth birthday, she realized that the only colors she was going to see in the household were the ones she made or wore herself. Her parents, now onto their second child, realized that living vicariously through their children wasn’t a good way of going through life for any party involved, and adapted to their daughters blooming personality. Now that she’s about to become a young adult and looking to move out on her own to the city of San Myshuno to focus on her writing, her parents couldn’t be more proud of the lady she had become– always sticking up for herself and anyone she cared about, taking the high road, following her dreams, never backing down from a challenge, and always smiling the smile that she had blessed them with the day she was born. I wanted to make Cassandra wear somewhat of a pastel goth palette so that while she definitely was her own person and had her own tastes, she would still fit right in with the other Goths. I also used some information based off what we were given in the base game for their family, most specifically their sentiment about using what could be formal wear (or at least something fancy) for some of her outfits.  Cassandra Goth is one day from becoming a young adult. Her aspiration is bestselling author. She is a perfectionist, cheerful and a genius.
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madebycoffee · 5 years
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Townie House Renovations- Willow Creek 2/4: Goth
LMAO This one took me like no time at all. I spent like a whole week on the last house but maybe that was because I was still sick. ANYWEI I used a lot of Realm Of Magic and Vintage Glamour because... Ye. Bella DEF comes from magic and my Cassie would become a witch as she gets older. Pastel Goth Cassie is my favorite so far of my townie makeovers. 
anYWEI that’s all for today I think. I’m going to make sure that I work on some poses tonight too. 
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elisabettasims · 6 years
I’m playing some more of my Hoffmann Legacy but I’m really excited. I’ve written out the prologue, essentially, of my Berry Pastel Rainbowcy. I’m not sure I’m going to write the entire legacy but I really wanted to establish who my founder is and how they came to be where they were. I’m looking forward to getting in game and getting it going soon. I just need to add a few more sims to the save.
Someone on the forums inspired me and I told them I was totally stealing their idea. I’m taking all the premades, severing their marriages, deleting the children, moving them around, and turning them all into teens. I’m using the genetic feature in CAS to make relatives for them and am using the Sims WIKI to name them properly if they’re known. 
It’s a really fun project. I’ll start sharing them after I get a few more done. I just need to finish up Mortimer Goth’s family and then I’m creating Bella’s (she’ll be Bella Bachelor again).
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thesimulation · 1 year
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Excerpt from an article in the Creek Chronicle entitled "Notes on a New Neighbour," by freelance journalist Mortimer Goth, dated Summer 2.
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"The character of Blush Pastelle is an enigma, one not easily unravelled in a single short visit. They seem to be dour and distant, yet eager to entertain. Their 'cute' sense of style appears to drastically contrast their gloomy exterior, yet one gets the feeling that neither facade is truly an accurate representation. They are at once miserable and flamboyant, friendly and quiet, open and cheerful, but entirely closed off. I came away feeling as if I knew less about them than I did when they arrived."
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Name: Mortimer Smith Nickname: Pastel Goth Morty Age: 19 Date of Birth: Unknown Place of Birth: Unknown Gender: Male (DFAB) Race/Species: Human Language(s): English, Latin (studying), Spanish (studying)
Physical Description Height: 4′10 Weight: 117 lbs
Body Type: Endomorph Eyes: Blue Hair: Pastel pink (dyed), naturally dark brown Skin: Very pale
Personality/Attributes Fears: failure, insects & spiders, being utterly alone, being restrained, drowning Mental illness(es)/disorders: borderline personality disorder,depression Sexual Preferences: Homosexual Homoromantic Place/Type of Residence: Lives in a two-story house with his family Family: Jerry Smith & Beth Smith (parents), Summer Smith (sister), Ricardo “Rick” Sanchez (grandfather)
-his dimension is G-202.
-he has yet to find an alias to differentiate himself from all of his alternates.
-his Rick is Gothic, full-blown. Not pastel Goth like he is. 
-he adores flowers, especially lillies. 
-enjoys dimension hopping.
-likes to drink even though he’s not 21.
-he smokes sometimes too, but usually only around Rick.
-likes makeup.
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snarent · 5 years
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a c t i v a t e  t o n g u e
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starkweather-moore · 8 years
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Mortimer appears to have discovered the skull I put in his tank a few days ago. Ten hours later, he’s still in it, only now his entire head is hanging out one eye socket. [EDIT i meant to post this to @snarent BUT WHATEVER]
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thesimulation · 1 year
Excerpt from an article in the Creek Chronicle entitled "Notes on a New Neighbour," by freelance journalist Mortimer Goth, dated Summer 2.
"This morning my wife, Bella, and I paid a visit to Parkshore, the old house that stands next to our villa, and which has long been empty and charmingly devoid of life. Until now. It was a beautifully dark and stormy day, so I dug out the family fruitcake recipe and we went to welcome the new arrival.
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"My first impression of them was not a favourable one. We rang the bell and after at least several minutes of waiting, the door opened and we were greeted warmly by our host. My wife, Bella, took the lead of course; she will take a shining to anyone. After introductions were made, I commented, as one does, on the weather. Yet nothing I could say about the delights of a cooling summer rain would tempt them out from under the shelter of the porch. Bafflingly, they said that it was too bright, and preferred to invite us inside.
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"I must confess to being a little intrigued by our new neighbour's name: Blush Pastelle. A sickly sweet combination of syllables to be sure, yet anyone with a knowledge of history, such as myself, will know that the Pastelles were rich landowners in Willow Creek once upon a time. Older even than my own family! I found myself wondering if this could be a long lost descendant, yet all the information we have indicates that the last holder of the Pastelle name died long ago. An impostor, then?"
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