shirleywhere · 1 year
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debrink · 2 years
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Hotel Mosor • Villa Bačvice
Split • Jugoslavija (now Croatia)
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lore and character/class updates from tonight's episode:
Caes Mosor still stands as a massive, 11-story structure in the middle of the ruins of Molaesmyr. The cracks and fissures that run through the streets appear to emanate from it.
There are still bodies here, entangled with roots and mostly skeletal. They have been reincorporated with the voluminous, thriving corruption, creating twisted, almost beautiful murals and sculptures.
UNDEAD TREES!! (note, because I had to look it up: the trees that Caduceus encountered in the A2 crash site did not register as undead when he used eyes of the grave on them.)
There are also spores that permeate the air around the city, all coming from these twisting, vibrantly red trees that have bits of bone protruding from them. Their branches form hands, the bark has a semblance of eye sockets and a mouth. The Bells Hells can't tell if the trees are mimicking corpses, or if they once were corpses.
Frida knows the decompose cantrip!
FCG casts divination, and it appears to work. They hear the wind pick up, and it clears a path through the fog toward Ludinus' tower. Now, divination was among the spells listed by the Vellum Steeple as one that was tried unsuccessfully -- so are the gods settling into a new defensive position, and therefore mortals are able to contact them because they're stationary again? Or is it just that FCG in particular is being shown favor by the Changebringer? And if it's the latter, what does that say about the gods' favor to player-characters, and what does that say about fate and destiny when metaknowledge is considered?
The ghosts are doing a weeping angel thing, closing in on the group whenever they're not being looked at. They are elven in base structure -- angular features, long ears -- but their features are twisted and elongated.
Empathy domain clerics get divine strike instead of potent spellcasting at 8th level, implying that the subclass is more melee-oriented than range-oriented.
A winged creature watches them from Caes Mosor. Frida and Deanna see a creature with thin, leathery wings, with ribbon-like strands that trail from the 35-foot wingspan. Many, many taloned legs extend from the body, and there is no head -- just shoulders, a torso, and a bunch of legs.
The symbol of Molaesmyr is of a white tree, whose branches extend to the sky and whose roots encircle a white sun-like thing that's subterranean. (I'd put money on this being a depiction of a Luxon beacon.) The upper part of the crest is almost identical to the "elven" half of Uthodurn's crest.
Apparently "talking through some stuff" during a short rest can restore FCG's stress points.
Seething Storm is a reskin of either hunger of hadar, storm sphere, or conjure volley.
Dire wolf-like creatures are chasing the party, but their features and faces are elongated, almost like a mole. Their torsos and hinds extend into a serpent-like body that conjoin 30 feet later into one pair of hind legs, like a chariot pulled by 5 wolves.
Wait, Imogen have "infinite sending"? How, and since when?
Regardless, an 89 on a d100 allows the message to go through despite the leyline interference, due to the close proximity between her and FCG.
Deanna summons a spiritual guardian to protect the path they're taking as they climb up the Guildhollow Tower, and it looks like a big, angry, werewolf Chetney.
OHHHHH that creature is a "wolf king," like a rat king!
The inside of Ludinus' tower — the Guildhollow Tower — is mildewed, old, musty. Like the rest of the city, it's been picked through and looted by many, many people over centuries; there are bodies here, the remnants of a camp, all sundered, and much newer than the tower itself.
Has anyone written an academic paper about Matt's use of music in Critical Role, especially in mid-late C2 and C3? and if so, can someone write that? because there's so much mastery there it's insane
Even through the damage this room has sustained, there are elements of very expensive furniture and decoration, as well as patterns and designs that match Ludinus' vibes.
On the next floor, it appears that everything in here is crooked and tilted not because of someone throwing everything against the door, but because things were displaced in the blast. But again, the entire floor has been thoroughly looted.
Despite that, Chetney finds pieces of paper and cloth with elvish writing on them, mostly obscured by the root growth. Some has been torn off and taken, so it's broken up, but Deanna begins to read.
One cloth scroll is notes, self-written annotations, bullet points. "Patterns of arcana across cultures and time, Exandrian calendar patterns, repititions of magic, fonts of arcana that overlap with celestial events... noting where things continue to recur over long and short periods of time." This proves that Ludinus was studying the exact same thing in Molaesmyr as he is today: the movement and cyclical patterns of the leylines. It also bears resemblance to Ryn's research that the M9 found.
Another details "historical specialists, people to reach out to... names like Vatora, doesn't ring a bell; Laerryn, doesn't ring a bell; Vishtaron, doesn't ring a bell... there's also part of a small journal, a series of vellum pages torn from a religious tome. There are circles and notes talking about temple propaganda, inconsistencies and elements of religious rites that are contradictory and in of themselves proof that there is no real truth or plan in what the gods present. It looks like someone is preparing a speech, almost like an Exandrian TED talk, on what is wrong with the religious rites... you notice a heavy emphasis on the Matron, a lot of self-written notes about 'what's her name? I have to find her name. There is power in names.'"
Chetney finds a weird part of the wall, and by casting light at it, Deanna identifies it as an arcane lock that needs magic to open. This is very similar to the locks we saw on doors in Aeorian crash sites in C2. Frida vaguely recognizes the type of lock, but can't remember how to open it.
Chet climbs upward and plants his hand directly into a crimson cocoon, and the entire party watches as something pinkish-red begins to emerge, like an ooze of skinless flesh, a molasses of muscle — faces emerge from it, bestial maws that stretch out from it as it slams onto the stone in the center of the chamber. It has no form, like it hasn't decided what it wants to be yet... "it's drawing inspiration from you and whatever denizens of this city has walked its paths as these arms and tendrils and teeth begin to take form in this mass of chaotic, hungry, insane life that wishes to say hello to the new occupants of this tower."
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autumnagain · 2 years
So I’m caught up on Critical Role and having some CONNECTING THE DOTS thoughts.
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The Raven Queen ascended to godhood on an apogee solstice, supplanting the old god of death. Their names have both been erased from reality. Decades later, the archmage Vecna, creator of many powerful + destructive artifacts during the Age of Arcanum, attempts to recreate the Rite of Ascension on a celestial solstice but is interrupted and killed by an army of Pelor. The Rite of Ascension (also called the Rite of Seeding) is successfully performed by Vespin Chloras just before the next apogee solstice, instigating the Calamity.
Aeor was struck down during the Calamity when the Prime Deities and Betrayer Gods called an armistice to turn against it together, as Aeor had developed god-killing weapons. Parts of Aeor crash in Eiselcross, but at least one district of Aeor, the Cognouza Ward, plane-shifted into the Astral Sea to escape destruction either before or during the gods’ assault upon it. Cognouza encounters a psychic storm in the Astral Sea which “shatters every mind and spirit” in the city, turning the living people of the ward into a twisted hive mind, melded with the city itself.
The divine gate is consistently described as a “lattice weave”— the same kind of weave is wrapped around Ruidis. There is a city on Ruidis behind the red storm raging upon it, and potentially multiple forgotten gods locked away there. In one origin myth, Ruidis is a an alien power from another reality, and the prime deities and betrayer gods banded together to seal it away.
Delilah Briarwood was on the Cerberus Assembly as Archmage of Antiquity until an investigation by the Cobalt Soul into her use of necromancy lead to her flight from the Empire. She later resurrected Vecna, who re-attempted to ascend to godhood and was killed by VM. While serving Vecna, she was near-impossible to kill, as her soul continued to return to Thar Amphala rather than passing on. Her soul is currently riding shotgun inside of Laudna’s (I believe).
Vess de Rogna became the next Archmage of Antiquity, a position which concerns historical studies and research. De Rogna was particularly interested in pre-Calamity history and artifacts, and in her pursuits contacted the still-living hive mind Cognouza. She was marked by its eyes and compelled (either by her own ambition or its influence) to become its avatar, the Nonagon, until Lucien killed her.
Vess de Rogna and Ludinus Da’Leth were both researching the beacon which had been stolen from the Kryn Dynasty— the M9 saw her and Da’Leth in Felderwin and both Yeza and Luc mentioned that she had been the primary mage “working with” Yeza to extract dunamantic essence from the Beacon.
Da’Leth worked with Essek to steal the beacon from the Dynasty and research it, but we never learned what exactly his intentions were in this research. Essek expressed frustration at the deal, suspecting that they had certainly gained more knowledge through their research than what had been shared with him. Da’Leth’s co-conspirators in this scheme were Trent Ikithon and de Rogna, at minimum. Little is known of the true nature of the beacons, beyond their connection to an entity known as the Luxon, a being of light and possibility which pre-dates the gods of Exandria (and maybe Exandria itself).
Da’Leth is a survivor of the elven city of Molaesmyr, which was destroyed by corruption from an artifact from Aeor in 585 PD (about 260ish years before current day as of campaign 3). This artifact destroyed the city and corrupted the nearby Savalirwood. Quote “terrible fey creatures now call this city home” and the fey magics of the city and the Savalirwood have grown “twisted and dark”. Savalir means guilt in Elvish, it is believed that the curse was released in a labyrinth under the tower of Caes Mosor in the city, and the corruption of the trees was disturbingly similar to a subterranean, maybe sentient forest the M9 found while exploring the ruins of Aeor.
The Star Razor, a vestige of Divergence tied to the Wild Mother and the Moonweaver, was destroyed in a terrible battle in the ruins of Molaesmyr within the Savalirwood. The Moonweaver (Sehanine) is, of course, tied to the moon of Catha, whose cycles around Exandria are studied and recorded by elven astronomers. Sehanine often wanders the Feywild and is strongly tied to the Moontide Crown. There is also a weave-like barrier around the other, fucked-up moon.
Ira Wendagoth, the Nightmare King, is a twisted fey creature with some vested interest in Ruidis and whatever is happening with it. He stole the Moontide Crown from the telescope he used the Calloways to construct, is a member of neither the Seelie or Unseelie Court, is an inventor of dark and terrible artifacts, and (as a fun fact) shares a first name with one of the Somnovem of Cognouza. He built a telescope which is capable of seeing both leylines and the Weave surrounding the red moon, as well as something else the party did not see. An apogee solstice is about to occur, according to Hondir.
There is so much more going on (FCG is an Aeormaton! What is so threatening about the Grim Verity’s research that its members are being killed? Why did those same assassins attack the Ashari and kill Orym’s husband? Who is Otahan Thull and WHAT IS IN HER BACKPACK?) but these are the big things rattling around in my brain after last night’s episode.
Do I know what any of this means when put together?? NO. Am I saying the Nightmare King is one of the fey twisted by whatever happened to Molaesmyr?? MAYBE?? Am I feral about Da’Leth’s involvement and his still-opaque motivations?? ABSOLUTELY.
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deramin2 · 1 year
Theory: Ludinus is younger than the Calamity, but he did survive Molaesmyr. The source of corruption is said to have come from Caes Mosor. In the Critical Role Campaign 2 Wrap-Up, Matt confirmed the source of corruption was an artifact brought back from Aeor.
So what if this fucker was already studying Aeor and was part of the team that brought something back, and he's rationalizing that their experiments destroyed the city tampering with things they didn't understand with "it's the gods' fault."
He's a historian who got so into his period it took over his whole world view. And doubled down when he made their same mistakes. And instead of learning anything from this, he's just planning on blowing up even more of the world.
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blazingstar24 · 1 year
Point of interest: Caes Mosor was the tower that is believed to be the origin of the shadow fog corruption that consumed Molaesmyr.
Caes Mosor is the central tower in the city. It also was believed to have originated from the labyrinth beneath this tower.
What’s interesting is that Ludinus’s tower has been revealed to be a completely different location. The Gildhollow Tower, which was in the northwest of the city. Imathan seemed to imply that Ludinus basically never left this tower after the town stopped it’s support and openly distrusted him.
So if Ludinus is the cause of the fall, there’s two options. One is that despite most of the town hating him, there were still a few mages down to clown with him and they were working with him in Caes Mosor. The other is Team Wildemount is going to to find that in Ludinus’s tower, there’s a passage that connects his to Caes Mosor’s labyrinth and he was doing secret shit unknown to anyone else.
It’s also possible that the reports were wrong and the origin was Gildhollow. But what is also potentially interesting is that Ludinus may have nothing to do with the fall of Molaesmyr. Of course hearing his history and knowing what he’s doing now, this seems untrue. But to quote Kaz Brekker: “When everyone knows you're a monster, you needn't waste time doing every monstrous thing.”
It is possible that he truly had nothing to do with the fall, but was inspired and intrigued by it. Perhaps that day was the day he learned about the power behind an Apogee solstice. Because what stands out to me is that Ludinus personally visited A2. (The site where the corrupted trees just the the Savalirwoods were.) Why go there if he already understood what happened? Why go there if he could just go to the Savalirwoods? Was it just because the same thing happened? Was it just to compare notes? He kept sending his annexes there too. A2 was something he was highly interested in.
Now the simplest answer is he totally caused Molaesmyr’s fall. But the possibility that he didn’t? Also very intriguing.
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fara-posts · 1 year
Check it out
Să fiu cu tine ziua întreagă
Nici vânt, nici ploaie nu ar fi
Lângă inima ta dragă
Să fiu în orice clipă din zi.
Să dorm cu tine eu aş vrea
Nu m-aş mai sătura de somn
Să fii aproape de inima mea
Nu aş putea să mai dorm.
Să mă trezesc cu tine dimineața
Aproape de pieptul tău
Să-ți simt aroma şi dulceața
E gândul din sufletul meu.[13.03, 12:33] Ioana: Tu ai o frumusete stranie ...cu umbre in lumina si cu lumini ciudate...in noapte ...desfasurare de forte nevazute... luna plina ,ce neagra esti ,iubito ,si ce noapte...recastigari de armonie ...in soapta ta,divina....iar eu ,un biet pierdut ,fara sa stiu de ce... si fara vina...mi ai nesfarsit privirea,esenta ta...divina... cu acel ceva nestins ,mi ai daruit ,...lumina...
in picurii ,micuti...si auriul are pareri unduitoare, culoarea ta si un dor la care doina se ascunde ,fuiorul toarce,doare ...dor ...si iarasi ma intorc ...salbatic, din mosor...si tu, ma musti... de
parca... ai vrea sa mi spui ,instinctual ,din ultima ta fibra ,acum si nu atunci...povesti la care, eu, sunt cel, ce n are dungi ...un scrasnet straniu n mine ...si te as iubi din nou ...fierbinte ...fara ntrebari si alte...umbre ...mereu ...ca si atunci...acum ...ca si atunci ....fara ntrebari si fara indoiala ...nu sunt eu...iubirea n are dungi...cu dungi...nu s eu...iubito ,cine s eu?...si trupul tău...
Iubito ,cine esti tu si cine eu?....o stranie ingemanare si nu e curcubeu ,o frumusete irumpand nepotriviri ce mi lasa gustul tau...asa lila ,asa de violet ...lumina nu i culoare ,iubito ...trupul tau..O seamă ...necuvinte....
[13.03, 12:36] Ioana: Iar eu ...ma reantorc ca la un drog ...la tine ...iubito ,lumina are chipul tau...
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stumbleimg · 2 years
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Croatia, Mosor [5000x3333] [OC]
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lilycalvin · 2 months
Quad Split takes you to your Quad Biking Adventure Tour
With technological progress, our lives have become limited to only electronic devices. Our cell phones, tabs, and laptops have glued us. It becomes immensely difficult to create a work-life balance. However, Quad Biking Spilt understands the modern needs of its clients and customers to spend their time outdoors.
We bring a golden opportunity for those who firmly believe that the outdoors not only offers them a sense of refreshment but it assists them in exploring the natural beauty of Spilt in Croatia.
It has stunning sites that give you a better historical expression of the traditional way of Spilt and inland. Although Spilt is famous for its long-lasting Mediterranean climate and for being the second largest city it has commenced to attract tourists for its natural beauty, culture and history.
Locals and tourists can embark on their adventurous journey into the ancient villages that had fortified several battlements. You not only tour the oldest spots of Spilt but you get a chance to gain knowledge of the history of places like Star Village (Zvjezdano selo), Observatory on top of Mosor, Church of St. George, with a view of River Cetina, and town Omis. We also aim to extend our reach beyond the abovementioned places. You can navigate through the ways to the most breezy and calm beaches and the indistinguishable Cetina River Canyon.
Surprisingly, the River Zrnovnica can be visited with ease and comfort, it is the most accessible place for tourists. It has emerged as the most visited place for Game of Thrones Fans!!
We welcome our locals, tourists, and clients for an amazing experience with Quad Spilt and Mini Squad Spilt will make your experience unforgettable. You can get an opportunity to spend your day and night at these spots according to your ease. The excitement of stargazing, travelling to the shores of beaches, and enjoying your vacation is now much more affordable with our variety of Quads available. You can rent the Quad Spilt and Mini Quad Spilt with the specifications given. It gives us delight to provide you with the best features of Quad spilt:
Digital Data Display
Hitch ball
Hand protectors
Automatic Transmission
4x & 2x wheel drive
Quad Spilt has its French origin. It has proven to be one of the most reliable and cost-effective for our tourists on both regular and off-roads. The seat accommodates two people and is comfortable for both.
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cgvijesti · 2 years
Isključenja struje u petak
Isključenja struje u petak
Zbog planiranih radova na mreži,  u petak 25. novembra, bez napajanja električnom energijom će ostati: Podgorica – u terminu od 8 do 17 sati: dio Zlatice, Smokovac, Mosor, Peuta, Gornja i Donja Vrbica, dio Rogama, Repetitor Sjenica i dio Meduna; – u terminu od 8 do 15 sati – zgrade na uglu Ulica Oktobarske revolucije i Kralja Nikole (soliteri Drvoimpeksa i okolne zgrade); – u terminu od 9 do…
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saviorfoxowlis · 2 years
N:Era: Off the Track: Part 7: Forever Going Back
Part 7: Forever Going Back
One station sat in Spectris Woods, belonging to a city, lost to the wilds, in the middle of nowhere. No lightbulbs adorned the location because no one ever took the stop.
Passengers asked important questions about why the train wasn't moving, as usually, the train blazed past the Spectris Woods. Some peered through the windows and saw figures moving around, but because of the lack of light, they couldn’t make any shapes out, and the breaths not held fogged the windows.
Cyras trapped the furnace tenders with pillars of coal, knowing that if they came back to life, they could cause trouble. However, she saw the ghosts didn’t look exactly like their bodies.
A voice rang through the intercom.
"Greetings. I suppose you all have realized that there has been a delay in your travel plans. I am one who has a lot more time on my hands than most, as I've already run out of time.
"212 years ago, 11818 AA, we were murdered on one of these trains by our business rivals. They buried my body beneath this very spot, my bones are right underneath where I'm at. I am only a spectre. However, I can feel the presence of my murderer on this very train and now we finally enact our vengeance.
"We can feel you, attempting to make sure we never rest in peace, and you come and drain my spirit, but we found vessels, and we've taken our forms."
The figures from out of the train pounded the doors before busting in. Not all of them had eyes or even all their fingers.
Everyone shouted zombie.
Cyras ran down the halls of people trying to trample or push each other away, when she said, "Everyone, follow me." She lit her body on fire before growing eight new tails. She slammed one doorway, causing an explosion. The smell of barbecued roadkill pervaded.
Crowds would flock onto the dead station. As any zombie got too close, Lilu would headbutt them and push them back. Most passengers were afraid of touching any, however, because of their bloodstained and worm-infested bodies.
Kyofi and Vanos were trained fighters, and both slapped at the zombies, or pushing them, or even biting them. None of them had much intelligence. The zombies were also of questionable wit.
Baynana looked at some of the wormy faces of the zombies, some now scorched from Cyras’ attack, and said, "Oh I actually studied about this at one point. They're known as 'Thelosts'-"
"The point," Ahmond said.
"Uh, they're zombies who drowned before. What gets me is that Thelosts are water zombies. I don't get how flames are burning them."
"Because flames burn underwater if they have an oxygen source," Cyras said.
“Okay, well what happened is that their creator supposedly died, leaving them with no one as their leader.” Ahmond tapped Baynana and pointed at the sky, at the silvery moon.
Three crimsons rose in the sky. Spirits. Now they were visible for everyone instead of just psychics. They waved their arms, directing the symphony of death.
Mosor said, "Wait here, I have the power of Empathy, like how Ahmond can amplify. I think I can figure out more about them." She put her paw on the floor and sent out pink waves. The waves wrapped around the spirits.
Mosor said, "I can sense great negative energy. Energy like someone who's been so hurt from their spirit being harmed so much, vengeance without a goal but just with the intent of bringing suffering."
"Grrreat!" Cyras said. "Now how do we deal with that?"
"I don't know, I'm not a necromancer," Mosor said. "I can only empathize with people, but that's really nowhere near as useful as you may think."
Baynana said, "Maybe we should think about burning the books we've got, that way we can remove the power."
Rosod said, "Yes, that's a good idea. The books have gold flecks on some letters, keeping away ghosts from libraries."
Lilu said, "I guess I'd haunt a library if I was a ghost, seems quiet." She pulled out a book and examining the title, remembered something yesterday.
The hyena Lilu said, "Oh." As she walked back down the aisle, she saw a book on the floor. She sniffed the cover.
The Twayt at the seat said, "Hey, that's my book, why was that on the floor!?"
Lilu grimaced but then grinned in joyous discovery. "I'll need to borrow this book for the moment so we can figure out a thief."
The bird realized, "You're a member of that one team who helped take out the lie detectors. You're part of N:Era." Lilu smirked and nodded at the surmisal, having been glad someone appreciated her. Unlike Ahmond and Cyras.
"Correct," Lilu said, "I am Lilu, leader of Team N:Era."
Lilu turned back down the train. She stood by Cyras and said, "Good news, I've got the scent from the book, but the problem is, I can't quite pin who this is. Smells kinda like a Crimson."
Glass fell on the floor as well as plaster. More arrows brought out more explosions within the palace.
Kryyk said, smirking at the fox now surrounded by haze, "I'm amazed, Empress, about how much power you have had. However, as soon as you're employees all get breaks, they only care about the paycheck. Now, who protects you?"
As the smoke cleared, Owlis jumped through.
The Violet mimic avoided her sword the first time, however she got her paw on his thigh and he fell. As his body writhed from the lightning, Owlis summoned several fireballs before blasting them at archers below, burning their arrows.
Kryyk summoned a whip of water, slapping at Owlis, so she sent a blast of flames, evaporating the water.
The Violet got back up, pulling a dagger.
Owlis' annoyance reached a glass-shattering pitch as she turned towards him. She sent a blast of flames with electricity, blasting him off a balcony where he fell for hundreds of feet. As he splattered, a bolt of lightning struck him once more.
Kryyk jumped through holes, getting on lower floors, realizing he must avoid the wrath of Owlis.
Fireballs fell from the heavens, reddening the sky, and rendering even the grass orange from the warmth before landing. Shards of earth flew up, shooting every way, while clouds covered the moon before lightning fell.
Kryyk felt the atmosphere get intensely hotter from the flames, but couldn't tell where the lightning was coming. This wasn't sweltering like summer heat, but more like boiling water. His breath felt cool. He levitated a shard of earth and took cover underneath.
Fire and earth wove together. Chasms of lava and magma melted in paths along his army, and his forces fell within.
Earth and Lightning wove together, spitting up haze that ran over the area. Kryyk had felt intense flames before, from Cyras' tails, but embers burned his lungs and dried his eyes.
Lightning and fire wove together, coming down as beams of plasma. Any strike incinerated grass. Afterward, a blast of white and purple took out anything in a 30-foot sphere.
Kryyk entered the cover of trees, however he wasn't sure how much of that was on his own merits and how much of that was mercy. He hacked up some lung.
The ground closed up, the flames faded, and the storm clouds moved back. The palace looked untouched as usual.
Kryyk, realizing that he probably lost half of his army, said, "...Okay. Well that's a thing, yup..."
Glass flew back in place. With the power of death came the power of healing.
The next phase of the plan was definitely not gonna be another attack, however, Kryyk was sure he could ruin society in an easier way. For now, his gang of truth-seeking Civics and self would retreat.
But this was only the first shot in a longer battle.
Lilu was still taken aback by her memory and saw the book she got from the Twayt was "Biology: A Basic Introduction." Cyras said the book smelled like Rosod, and while searching, the weasel girl’s first thought was on her mirror, probably not her schoolbooks. "Rosod, are you sure you're not missing a book?"
Rosod looked in her purse and said, "Oh yeah, what do you know." She looked up and saw Lilu had the book. "Where'd you get this?"
“Uh, well, from someone I know. Let’s not burn the books, maybe there is a way to stop the spirit. Come with me, I’ve got a plan.”
Lilu walked along the horrified masses, got hip checked by one Crimson, and said, “Watch where you’re going, fat hips, you coulda taken out a moo-moo!” before finding the Twayt from before, shivering in a tree stump. "Lemme ask you a few questions."
"I'm trying to not get maimed or obliterated here," he said, receding further in the hole. “So I’m hiding.”
"Of course, but like, where did you get that book from? I'm just saying, you totally stole that from my friend, and Cyras even said that the book smells like Rosod."
The twayt said, "Okay, look, I..."
Pink waves from Rosod and Mosor shot at him - Mosor's being her power of Empathy, Rosod just being a probing spell. A vision showed him brush against Rosod, taking the book. "This should keep him from ever coming back,” he whispered, then he stole a couple more books.
Lilu said, "Huh that's kinda weird, we need a bit more."
The vision rewinded. One day earlier, he was with a friend. “Olivine, you’re really going to disturb a body.”
He whispered back, "Remember, Javine, by filling the gold flecks with spirit power, he’ll never come back. Every time I run over the bones, the more power I collect, but if he ever comes back, he will strike. I should be getting the full power this year, you just need to process."
After the vision faded, Rosod said, "Okay, explain that."
The twayt said, "Okay, so my great-grandparents murdered someone who was a powerful necromancer. They were part of a cult, as everyone knew, and no one liked the fact there was a train of evil magicians, so we... you know... We sealed them away."
Mosor’s eyes narrowed, bemused, and she said, "We can see there's more."
"Okay, and also as the big scary man said, we were business rivals... but now we own a good train company. I didn't know they'd be operating the train, I just keep buying tickets here so I can make sure the bones aren't acting up. You dig them up, take a bit of that spirit power."
"You dig them up often?" Lilu asked.
"Sometimes, and you get some books and that seals up the power, and also keeps the vengeful spirits from getting full power, because like, if you can't get the books, you can't get to full power... Looks like he got the books so moot point."
"Okay, you're under arrest for one," Lilu said. "And for next, well, maybe we should dig up the bones and purify them. Cyras!"
"Way ahead of you!" Cyras said as she pounced on the tracks and began digging under the heavy metal train.
Olivine tried flying further into the tree, but Rosod cast a levitation spell and kept him in place. He squawked.
Mosor shouted, "Keep the area clear for Cyras. If you've got luggage, you've got weapons. We use gold for money, gold is dense, start throwing your wallets."
Cyras manipulated earth as she tossed large chunks out of the way from under the train, getting underneath the wood. Lilu joined her. "Oh man, I think I broke my claw," Lilu said.
"Here, do as I do," Cyras said, explaining her methods.
A couple other citizens came down. Even if they weren't good at fighting, they would know digging, and soon there was an entire team of dires.
While hundreds of Thelosts were surrounding the passengers, simple spells kept them at bay. Baynana ran up and headbutted a Crimson.
"Careful, Baynana-"
Baynana cut Ahmond off with a paw on the muzzle. "Will you stop trying to protect me? Do you know how annoying that is?"
Ahmond turned her head. "I'm sorry. Um, I'm just making sure that my friends don't hurt you-"
"You're not protecting me from your friends, you're really protecting your friends from me, aren't you? How about you leave me alone for once? Am I still a child to you? Am I still your little cousin?"
Ahmond said, "Well... Okay..." She pondered if she should still give her an amplified boost. Eh well. She cast the spell on the diggers and excavators.
Some Thelosts broke through the loose formations, like water through sand, and began climbing on people. Vanos said, "Hurry, we're losing people."
Lilu said, "There's no point, we can't find the bones at this rate." She couldn't believe the disgusting behavior. Taking books and sealing away spiritual essence bit by bit.
Cyras said, "You're a hyena. Sniff, really sniff."
Lilu said, "I've never even smelled real bones except during, like, cluckcluck bones." Maybe she was getting that scent, or maybe just an illusion. That's when she clawed something yellow.
"Bones, I've found the bones!"
“My nine tails does damage to the undead, pull them out.”
As Lilu pulled herself out from underneath the train, Cyras gained eight new tails made of fire. And she slapped the bones.
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zenruption · 2 years
What Are the Most Beautiful Mediterranean Places to Live In?
Living by the sea is often the idyllic scenario people imagine will come true either when they retire or win the lottery. However, you don't need the fortune to move to one of the Mediterranean countries and start your seaside life. We have found out that living in Malta, Slovenia, and Montenegro doesn't have to be expensive. Want to know what other places in the Mediterranean are worth considering? Keep reading.
Malta is located south of Italy and represents a small group of islands. If you’re currently living in the United States of America, starting a new life in Malta will be much more affordable. You can find locally grown produce, at reasonable prices, while eating out won't break the bank either. Traveling on public transport is affordable, and you won't even notice the cost of utilities. The island is rather tiny, meaning you won’t need a car to go from one point to the other. You will also find some of the best health care systems in the world precisely in Malta. If you have kids, you’ll be happy to know that Malta has free public schooling. Being one of the sunniest places on Earth, with over 300 days of sunshine a year, Malta will be many beach lovers’ paradise home. Malta is chock-full of activities so you'll never have to worry about keeping yourself or the kids entertained. Diving, sailing, and hiking are very popular in Malta, but you can also take historical tours, or go to museums and art galleries.
A lovely picturesque island south of Italy – Sicily – is one of the places in Europe with a strong national identity and unique culture. With authentic cuisine and affordable seasonal produce, making food in Sicily will be a delight. Another reason we believe Sicily is one of the most beautiful and coveted places to live in the Mediterranean is that you can go everywhere without a car. Hop on a bus or a train to go over the 26.000 km² of the island without overpaying the tickets. Enjoying street food in Sicily will be inexpensive as they sell a selection of delicious, cheap, and homemade meals everywhere. Are you looking to buy a house in Sicily? Now is the right time as a run-down home can be purchased for only one euro, thanks to the One-Euro Home Scheme. 
While enjoying the seaside is the perfect reason to move to the Mediterranean, there will be people who like to see a mountain region now and then without having to travel for hundreds of kilometers to see it. The Bay of Kotor in Montenegro offers the best of both worlds. It’s been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since the late 70s, offering people around the world mesmerizing sceneries and unforgettable vacations. Kotor and Perast hem in the fjord-like inlet. Climb the fortified walls around Kotor, and you’ll see stunning views of both the town and the bay. You will find unique Montenegro apartments for sale all over the country, as the real estate market is on the rise. 
Croatia is home to almost 6,000 km of coastline stretching between the islands and the mainland. Many Croats and tourists outside of Croatia claim Dalmatia to be one of the most beautiful parts of Croatia, with Split as a lovely charming city to move to. Nestled between the sea and the massive Mosor Mountain Range, Split offers its visitors and residents a myriad of impressive landscapes and plenty of outdoor activities. Split also has a rich and long history little familiar to those outside of Croatia. If you look at the architecture encompassing several different styles, you will see its grandiosity and authenticity. If you’re living in Eastern Europe, the cost of living in Croatia won’t seem so affordable. However, for those in Western Europe and the United States, prices in Croatia will be beyond inexpensive.
Cyprus is an island divided into two parts, classed as individual countries. The southern section is under the Greek Cypriots' authority, whereas the north is under the Turkish Cypriots' jurisdiction. The coastal town of Paphos is among the most popular ones in Cyprus, attracting people from all over Europe. From stunning beaches to iconic ancient ruins from the Roman era, Cyprus will offer an array of activities for everyone. If you move to Cyprus, you can explore the Wreck of Zenobia, off the coast of Larnaca. Enjoy a white sand Nissi Beach sitting at the shore of aquamarine waters around the bay of Ayia Napa. Get ready to enjoy daily doses of meze — appetizer-size plates of traditional food that will be a symphony for your palate.
Final thoughts
The Mediterranean is home to a full spectrum of beautiful countries waiting for you to settle. From Malta to Montenegro, Sicily, Croatia, and Cyprus, you will find your ideal place under the sun, in one of those countries. Each of them is charming in its own unique way and will potentially be a wonderful home for your family.
cover: https://unsplash.com/photos/fLrY1Lu5h_A 
1: https://unsplash.com/photos/9cYiqVDeXDc 
2: https://unsplash.com/photos/AUaEboiEbuM 
3: https://unsplash.com/photos/fmZTiJ64QCw
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flufflord · 6 years
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mrtvotijelo · 7 years
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divni, naopaki divni na paki di? na paki.
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atlantissworldwide · 7 years
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August 2, 2017; Mosor, Croatia 
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deramin2 · 1 year
I need a lore citation: lots of people are saying Ludinus survived The Calamity, but Elves live over 700 years and it's 843 PD. So he's either very ancient/extended his life, or he's younger than the Calamity.
He did survive three destruction of Molaesmyr in 585 PD and he helped found the Cerberus Assembly in 570 PD. (Note that the Assembly was founded before Molaesmyr fell due to experiments on recovered Aeorian artifacts).
I'm not finding his age in the wiki or any obvious connection to extension. I don't think that's a stock wizard ability? But I could be missing something so if you have a citation please reblog this with it to share with the class.
My current theory is he's an Age of Arcanum researcher who may have had a hand in accidentally destroying Molaesmyr. But that he wasn't a direct survivor of The Calamity.
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