#mostly shy uwuwu
yacool · 2 years
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"Serial designation K"
-aware in her surroundings
-mostly calm
-speaks when needed
-also a murder drone
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miikewheelers · 4 years
a3 character headcanons (spring troupe edition)
just because i can lololol
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has an extreme aversion to raw mushrooms for some reason. he feels nauseous just looking at them, and things get WAAAAAAY worse when someone is cooking with mushrooms and he can smell them (especially if they’re being sautéed, very much like myself kjdfhsdj)
actually really enjoys playing minecraft, he and itaru have sessions every now and then on his realm
v v shy when it comes to physical contact!! he doesn’t usually initiate any hugs or other touches, unless if he’s confident in his relationship with the other person, but if he’s hugged out of the blue by someone he’s still getting used to, it takes him a moment to respond or hug them back (but he’s gonna be a blushy mess the whole time uwuwu)
enjoys singing in his free time!! he’s actually a pretty good singer and has wanted to do musicals in the past, so he’s hoping he gets that opportunity with the spring troupe!! has a voice a little on the higher and lighter side, so a tenor role would probably suit him best ;w;
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gets cold very easily, hates winter and always layers up to the extreme whenever he goes outside on chilly days
actually a very soff teddy bear on the inside and is super duper caring ;w;
pretty camera shy actually, he always turns a little red whenever he notices someone filming or taking pictures without him knowing before. he also tries to hide whenever kazu is vlogging in the dorm for his youtube channel
he absolutely LOVES music. he listens to it all the time, whenever he’s doing anything that he can focus on with it. he usually listens to rock and lo-fi beats/ambient music, but he dabbles in mainstream pop, alternative, and k-pop every now and then (but he’s too embarrassed to admit it)
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gets teased and pranked by itaru all. the. time. ice water in the shower, fake poop on the toilet, scare pranks, blasting inappropriate music when he’s sleeping, basically anything you can think of skjdhfsjkdhfsd
horribly afraid of spiders!! he hates all bugs but he’s super DUPER averse to spiders bc in his own words “they don’t need that many legs”
because he has so many brothers, he’s learned how to use his people-reading skills with the other company members. he’s adjusted very well to the others’ personalities and knows exactly how to get them to comply with his requests
ADHD as ALL HELL. i mean, have u even seen the anime and/or read the stories??? my mans stayin up all night writing a SINGLE FUCKING SCRIPT. gotta be a product of hyperfocus skjfhskdjfhs
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kind of has to be pushed by the other boys (esp tsuzuru bc he’s mom) to get more fruits and vegetables in his diet. he usually kind of just lives off of pizza, curry and soda
he becomes very whiny whenever he has any problems, usually mostly to annoy tsuzuru bc he’s fun to make fun of (even tho his comebacks are sharp as knives). he usually exaggerates a lot but he just does it for the lols
ticklish af lmao. he and chikage sometimes go to starbucks together after work, and chikage just fucks with him when he’s placing the order at the drive through by just reaching over and poking or tickling his side or under his armpits.
uses terms like “pog” and “based.” does video game streams as well as occasional political commentary and he often drops these terms, esp if he’s streaming with kazu
btw did y’all know that he and i share a birthday??? uwu
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studies a lot of languages other than japanese, including english!! he’s particularly interested in korean, russian, and spanish. his english skills actually aren’t as good as his japanese skills tho ;n;
prefers to pay with cash over credit cards, he finds it easier to keep track of his expenses and spending that way
doesn’t really know how to handle small animals, probably bc he’s afraid of hurting or squishing them by accident!! he doesn’t really like lizards or frogs, he thinks they feel too slimy in his hands for his comfort
whenever masumi isn’t around, he’s the “designated bug-killer” (name given by itaru), even though he doesn’t really kill any of the bugs (he scoops them up in a cup and lets them back outside). sakuya, tsuzuru, and itaru all absolutely hate bugs, so he’s usually called upon for backup if masumi isn’t present to take care of them
i’m prolly gonna get to the other troupes at some point as soon as i come up with some hcs for them sjkdlfhskjdf
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simptasia · 4 years
Cats 2019 😌
Oh, thank you, I’m gonna gush about this movie without even a DROP of that “i knoooow it’s bad” stuff, y’all know that I know. Okay maybe a few drops sneak in, in a back handed way, but MOSTLY this is me gushing and fawning
For context, since i’m putting this in the tag, the prompt was this was somebody gives me a topic and I respond with what i like about it. Like, the opposite of that “send me a thing and i’ll tell you what i hate about it” one
sometimes, like half the time, the CGI actually slaps. like, the close ups are amazing. proper look at some of these cats and it’s like, wow
mr. mistoffelees is precious. he’s my favourite and he’s adorable and his song makes me cry! specifically the bit where old deut is back and it cuts to his happy “oh my gosh i did it” face. triumphant! heck, i just like that whole song, as like the character thing that it is. and yeah anyways, misto is a cutie pie, he’s so shy and awkward and nervous, i wuv him uwuwu
misto is my fave but munkustrap is actually the best character in this movie. i cannot gush enough about robbie fairchild’s acting, singing and dancing in this. he is the backbone of this movie and i adore him! there’s a reason i’ve reblogged a bagillion gifsets of him being so expressionate, he’s so good! you can tell robbie loves being a part of this. and like, very often munku will absolutely be the best aspect of a scene
plus he’s beautiful too. munku, misto, victoria. beautiful kitties
now that i’ve adjusted to the art style, i find these kitties adorable. i love the ears and tails, they make me happy. i like how misto’s tail curls and the movement of everybody’s ears
i really like the music, shoulda mentioned that first. like, when its good, its really good. memory is of course a powerhouse. skimbleshanks is the movie’s highlight, so fucking good. i like mr. misto’s song, fight me. jellicle cats is a fucking bop. rumpleteazer & mungojerrie, I Just Like It. robbie’s performance in... well the whole movie... but also in old deuteronomy is beautiful and soothing. i’ve actually gotten every song in this stuck in my head.... SKIIIIIMBLEEEESHAAAANKS THE RAAAAILWAAAY CAT
legit, making that number include tap dancing was an actual stroke of genius and i cannot praise steven mcrae enough. whomst is also australian, im so proud. i also like skimble’s pants
OH ALSO regarding the music, another thing i love about this movie is that it introduced me to the concept of this musical. i never had any exposure to cats the musical before this movie happened. all i knew before was a couple of references i saw and i had heard memory. but i didn’t know that memory was from cats. and like, think of all the great songs i wouldn’t be aware of if this movie never happened. i’ve also, by extension, become enamoured with the 1998 version of cats too. because of this! i wouldn’t have had a reason to care before! i had no interest! so besides the fact that i actually do like this movie, there’s that
this is true of the stage musical thing, but a lot of cute and fun character moments are gleaned from like background stuff and facial expressions, that sorta thing and i find it really fun to notice stuff (or see somebody else point stuff out). like it’s all very simple but still with some depth, ya know?
the dancing in this is so good. so so good. especially munku because his actor is a magnificent dancer. it’s also funny and cute how misto clearly isn’t as good a dancer as everybody else, so they have him doing clumsy doofy stuff in the background. but im not insulting laurie davidson’s dancing, he’s actually good considering he had to learn for this movie. i just have to praise the dancing in this movie because i’ve seen people say that “the dancing isn’t impressive in this movie because it’s CGI” and i WILL EAT YOU WHOLE. no n no no people HAVE to know that the actors are actually doing that. robbie and francesca are professional ballet dancers, most of the people in this are. the movements are real, they just painstakingly overlayed CGI cat stuff over it. the stuff that isn’t real is like, stuff humans can’t do, like the big fuck off leaps, they used wires for that
Rumpleteazer’s Lesbian Energy Is Palpable
Munkustrap’s Chemistry With Everybody Is Stunning
victoria, misto and munku are OT3 and they’re bicons in my heart
oh i already mentioned the music but i just wanna say i think beautiful ghosts is a lovely song/motif/character thing. i haven’t mentioned victoria much, i think she’s rather sweet in a like endearingly dumb way. and her singing and dancing is, of course, lovely
the sets are practical, they built that! bruh
i have to give my respect to the poor overworked effects artists who worked on this movie. they were pushed so hard and for so long and i think they did a great job and they don’t deserve even a drop of the scorn they have received
i love misto’s jacket, it’s so good. and the pencil as a wand is clever!
the last scene is refered to as a living hell by a lot of people but i love it because just. watch munku’s face the whole time. so good. just watch munkustrap, he makes everything better
ooh on that note, i like how they made it so munk lives in a flat thats literally right by the junkyard. i find that a nice touch and fitting
i like the nuzzles <3 (furthermore i love how misto is so much taller than victoria so he has to bend down so far for a couple of those nuzzles)
i dunno, you can tell most of the people doing this were like really into it, like really loved doing this movie. like these performances are good, y’all! and like, these cats come across as so happy to hanging out and dancing and being together (for the most part, there is bickering and... cattiness too) that it’s like infectious. it makes me smile!
and there’s like a bagillion little things here and there that i like, like my list could go on even more. for example, shout out to that one cat that kept smiling when skimble was spinning upwards into the air (due to being kidnapped) probably under the assumption that skimble can just fucking do that djksakjdsa
so yeah i can’t exactly call this a Good Movie but i can genuinely call it a movie i enjoy, that i adore even, because i’ve never liked anything ironically in my life! also im autistic and this has become my special interest, so choo choo, this trains a chugging. i’m having a lot of fun, and i think that’s good enough
and i feel like it’s already on it’s way to becoming the world’s most expensive cult classic. like, friends getting together and watching it and having a good time, for one reason or another. and i like that. i hope in like 5 to 10 years time, people are gonna be endeared and nostalgic for cats 2019, cuz that’d be neat
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saltys-writings · 4 years
Victon as types of hugs
I’m soft pls stop me
will probably keep the pda down to simply holding hands when you’re outside, but as soon as you’re alone with him, he will cling to you in all ways possible
back hugs!!!!
whether it’s just him sloppily putting his arms around your shoulders when you’re both exhausted from your days, of if he wraps them tightly around your waist to pull you close
loves leaving soft kisses all over your neck while he hugs you and when you start laughing because it’s tickling you, he will chuckle too and press a lingering kiss to your skin, making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside
if you try to escape he will simply lift you up and sit down somewhere, letting you sit in his lap while holding you tight
continues showering you in kisses
will hug you on every possible occasion - after waking up, before one of you has to go out, to welcome you back home, while making food, before going to sleep, and anytime in between
a gentleman and it will show in his hugs too
tries to figure out the perfect level of closeness, where to put his hands to make you feel most comfortable and safe, and most of all LOVES putting your head on his chest and stroking your hair
it will mostly be him trying to make you feel safe and secure, because he feels like it’s the right thing to do and he loves you so much
however, sometimes he too wants to feel safe in your arms
and you will see it in the way he approaches you and how his shoulders hang slightly lower than usual
if you spread your arms for him then he will happily come to you to let you return the favor and be held by you
he will feel so grateful to you in those moments, and smile to himself as he feels his heartbeat reaching a very calm pace, thinking about how to pay it back to you hundredfold later on
SUPER SHY about hugs at first
like it will barely be a hug in the beginning, but just him awkwardly patting your shoulder, hoping you won’t notice anything strange
of course you notice
does he hate you or is he just shy?? a look at his bright red ears and sheepish look tells you right away that it most likely isn’t the former
surprise hug him a few times - he’ll be so flustered the first few times, but slowly warm up to the feeling, until he will approach you himself to hug you
a big fan of the quick side-hug
but sometimes, usually when it hits him just how much he loves you, he will very seriously walk up to you and wordlessly embrace you, holding you tight
you can feel his heartbeat through his chest, and you too just hug him back wordlessly, until your heart beats at the same pace as his
pretty sure he would be the BIGGEST FAN of hugging you all day long
like he’ll just engulf you in his arms and then have his typical Sejun-smile on his face for the entire time
oh you have other stuff to do? too bad, it’s hug time now
he’s too soft for you, he’d really just want to never let you go
but he knows he has to at some point, so he does after you promise him to go right back to hugging him when you’re done with whatever you have to do
(he will make a sulky face though and pout a whole lot so you REALLY know he doesn’t like you leaving him like this)
also loves having you fall asleep in his arms uwu as you’re both cuddled into the soft blanket of your bed uwuwu
mumbles that he loves you over and over again when he’s half asleep, and put his face into the crook of your neck so you feel his warm breath on your skin as he does so
not a big hugger at first, probably because he feels insecure about it
like he WANTS to hug you, but do you want him to hug you too?
you’ll probably be the first one to hug him, and he’ll be like “...oh, okay?”
realizes he’ll have to show you his affection at some point, or you’ll get the feeling he doesn’t like you
so after gathering a whole lot of courage he tries hugging you out of nowhere, very slowly at first
just let him do his thing and then when you feel he’s comfortable, hug him back and never let go
you two could stay like this forever
soft, long and tight hugs become a regular thing for you two from then on
will use the occasion to whisper to you that he loves you, while you both bury your faces in each other’s neck and just blank out the rest of the world for a few peaceful minutes together
so tol, so when he hugs you from behind he’ll just loosely put his arms around you and lower his head as far as possible, so you can lean yours against his cheek
may or may not complain if you lean back with too much weight lol
I think he would be a little timid with hugging you and usually only give light hugs
however when you need some comfort he will be right there to hold you and let you bury your face in the fabric of his shirt
will be very patient with you then and rub your back in slow circles, or just pat your head
keeps repeatedly telling you that everything is fine and that he’s here for you to protect you
likes feeling protected as much as he loves protecting you, so it’s really just the best feeling for him when you’re lying in bed at night and you wrap your arms around his upper body, snuggling up to him closely uwu
shy bean
his shyness won’t keep him from bear-hugging you, but he will grin widely out of embarrassment
will probably make you chuckle as well
hold onto him tighter and after a while he will become more confident about hugging you
loves lowering his head onto your shoulder if you’re smaller than him
because he likes having his head on the same level as yours
once he’s fully relaxed he’ll close his eyes to just enjoy your presence
might even whisper a cute and silent “I love you” into your ear
cheek and neck kisses that go from super soft and cute to sometimes very needy if you haven’t seen each other for a while
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dwaynepride · 5 years
Today Or Yesterday
Summary: Tensions between reader and Gibbs finally erupt, and reader confesses something big to Dwayne.
Words: 4,502
Warnings: None
Notes: AND THATS THE END! uwuwu tell me what yall think
Part 4
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The most difficult part, by far, of being trapped in Jethro’s house was going back and forth from the kitchen to the living room with coffee. It was a slow, arduous process of limping, wincing at the pain, and trying not to spill the coffee too much.
Though, in hindsight, you’re not even sure why you’re making as much coffee as you are. It’s not like you have a lot of work to keep you busy. Gibbs brought home some files of the case for you to look over and help out; their guy lawyered up as soon as Dwayne and Jethro started getting too close. He left, leaving the team to scramble and find something absolutely damning to hit him with.
But the files are next to useless. They’re nothing compared to all the resources at NCIS, and being unable to access it only leaves you alone with your thoughts in a big, empty house.
It wouldn’t even be so bad if Dwayne were able to come by more often. More than just dropping off lunch and a quick kiss before he was off again to continue the search. He might as well be back in New Orleans with how much you were seeing him.
The only inkling of a bright side you can see in all this is that Gibbs is every bit as busy and vacant as Dwayne. Maybe even more so, because he doesn’t come home until long after you’re asleep, and leaves before you ever wake up and limp back downstairs. And you know him well enough to know he’s doing everything possible to avoid you. To see you a little as possible until the case is over and he’ll finally be rid of you again.
Everything is so tense and awkward, and you just want to get back home with Dwayne and resume the blissful happiness you were forced to walk away from.
And sitting on this dumpy old couch with a cup of coffee that’s long gone cold wasn’t going to do a damn thing to achieve that goal. So, just as quick as your leg would allow, you got dressed and got a cab all the way to the Naval Yard.
You tried your hardest not to limp too much while padding through the building to the elevator. The wound was definitely getting better, and didn’t hurt as much as it did. It was far from completely healed up, but easy to ignore. Besides, with all the work to be done, you’ll barely even notice it.
The doors slide open and you walk through. Despite the same old sight of orange walls, there’s a small thrill of joy at being back in the squadroom. A much better setting than Jethro’s home. You’d take the bustle of working agents over dead silence and cowboy movies any day.
You’re not even halfway to the bullpen before you spot Dwayne straightening up over McGee’s desk. His face is hard, eyebrows drawn low in concentration. The same look he gets when things aren’t going so good on a case. Dwayne raises a hand to run over his face before letting his eyes rise from McGee’s computer monitor. They roam around before landing on you, and then they widen with surprise.
You stop in your tracks when he excuses himself from McGee and makes his way over, face taut with confusion. You knew after leaving that he probably wouldn’t be too happy to see you, or welcome you back to the office. And the prediction rang true when he stopped, eyes lowered to analyze your leg before looking back up. “What’re you doin’ here? You should be restin’ that leg,” Dwayne says, and you can hear the concern in his voice. “You’re gonna pop your stitches.”
“Dwayne, I’m fine. Really.” That was mostly the truth. It ached to be standing for so long, but you pushed aside the discomfort. If Dwayne saw that you were hurting, even a little, he’d send you back to Jethro’s with an escort. “I was just feeling so useless. I want to help; that’s why I’m here.”
He wasn’t buying your answer. His brow was still taut, a small frown marring those adorable laugh lines he gets when he’s happy. So you give a small shrug, putting on your best pair of puppy dog eyes. “And I really missed you,” you tack on at the end.
That softens him up. Tension leaves his shoulders as Dwayne sighs a little. The frown lightens, and he gets another good look at you and your leg, as if checking to make sure you’re really alright.
And then he gives a single curt nod. “Fine, you can stay. But you gotta promise you’ll stay on paperwork and desk duty.”
“I promise.”
“And if you start hurtin’ at all, even a little bit, you tell me. And I’ll drive you back to Jethro’s.”
“I will.”
He can sense your growing excitement, and Dwayne smirks despite himself. So he motions with his head and you follow him back to the bullpen. Bishop is gonna be gone most of the day, so Dwayne sits you down in her desk. You have to physically push him away back to McGee because he was getting too caught up in making sure your leg was in a comfortable position.
It felt good, being back in a desk and doing work that actually mattered. If you had to stare at another inch of Jethro’s walls, you would’ve started screaming. Usually, desk work wasn’t all that exciting; making phone calls or searching up old files. But after days of isolation, it was just about the most exciting work ever.
Especially with Dwayne working just feet away. He’s back leaning over McGee’s shoulder, and the two are talking in low voices. You can’t make out what they’re saying, but it must be something important. His face is getting hard again.
Until Dwayne feels your eyes on him, and he glances up. The surprise eye contact makes you smile, and that familiar rush of butterflies in your belly has a bit of heat rushing up into your cheeks. The way Dwayne’s eyes go soft and he smiles back doesn’t help things. This was the same problem you faced in New Orleans; you two would be in the thick of working. Completely focused on the job. But then you look at each other - make eye contact - and that focus turns into shy smiles and butterflies.
Not that you were complaining. It’s good to know some things don’t change.
He’s the first to look away, and you reluctantly get back into the swing of working.
Some time passes before you feel the urge to recline back in the chair and stretch. Every once in a while, it feels good to straighten out your leg. Being tucked up in a desk isn’t helping; not that you’d tell Dwayne that.
Figures it would be during your little stretching break that you’d look up and see Gibbs coming from the back elevator. At first, he doesn’t notice that a different agent has taken Bishop’s desk. But then his eyes finally fall on yours, and even from across the room, you see his face harden and his pace quicken.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
He’s not yelling, at least. But there’s still a level of anger in his taut voice that makes you feel like a fresh probie. Maybe because he just said more in that one sentence than he has in days. “Working,” you answer plainly. “That’s why I’m here, isn’t it?” Your tone isn’t as tight or angry as Jethro’s, but it’s still hard. Was he really going to make a big deal of you helping out?
Dwayne’s head comes up, watching as Gibbs pads into the bullpen and sets his coffee cup on his desk. You didn’t need to know the Marine long to know he wasn’t at all happy you were here. “You’re hurt. You almost died. It’s stupid to run around as if you’re okay.”
Instantly, you pull yourself to stand up. Albeit, it’s slow and the effort pulls a grunt out, but you’re standing on your own feet to face Gibbs and his bad attitude. Dwayne is also standing, coming out from behind McGee’s desk. But right now, you don’t care about the concern written on his face. Jethro’s little comment sapped all the enjoyment the desk work has brought you. “Don’t call me stupid!” You bark out, limping from behind Bishop’s desk to face him more.
“Alright, you two, let’s just settle down-”
Neither of you listen to Dwayne’s attempts at peace. Gibbs is glaring hard, and it’s hard to remember a time when he looked so angry. “You’re acting stupid by pretending you’re fit for duty. You should be resting, not running around, trying to reopen your wound.”
“Why don’t you care more about the case and less about me,” you challenge him. Words were coming out before you could stop them; had it not been for your leg, you’d probably be getting in his face right now. Maybe it’s a good thing you were hurt. “It’s never stopped you before.”
Gibbs takes a step forward at that last jab, and that’s when Dwayne comes out, standing between you and his old friend. “Jethro, let’s just calm down,” he says evenly.
“Did you let them work?” Gibbs instantly turns his anger towards Dwayne, and even he’s taken aback by the sudden heat of the Marine’s glare.
But he quickly hides the shock to nod. “Yeah, I did. They promised to stay on desk duty, and to tell me if their leg started hurtin’.”
“Well, why the hell did you do that? They’re better off at home.”
That’s when you cut in, taking a half-step towards Gibbs and ignoring Dwayne’s look when he whirls around to look at you. “You’re right, I am! I can’t wait to go back to New Orleans and away from you!”
Dwayne finally turns his body around, his arms coming up to your shoulders and carefully turning you to start walking out of the bullpen. He mutters out ‘c’mon, honey, it’s not worth a fight, let’s go cool off.’ It never did take much for Dwayne to soothe your temper, even if Gibbs and his attitude stokes it high. You let him lead you away from the fight.
But Gibbs isn’t done. “Yeah, and I can’t wait for you to leave, either! The only thing you’ve done since getting here is get in my way!”
Dwayne stops in his tracks, spine straightening up as he whirls to look at his old friend. Your head cranes to look up at your boyfriend, and it’s a little shocking to see how quickly his expression shifts from concerned and calming to hard and guarded. And to Gibbs, no less. You know how close they are; how far they go back. And it’s your fault he’s looking at Jethro, like that.
His fingers grip your shoulders a bit tighter. “Watch what you’re sayin’, Gibbs,” Dwayne says, his voice hard and so close to sounding like a warning. Not quite there; he wouldn’t sport that kind of voice with his friends. Then again, Dwayne’s always been protective, and Gibbs did just insult you.
A few heartbeats of silence go by, and you keep your head down, not finding the courage to look back to study Jethro’s face. But you could cut the air with a knife with how thick it is, and you’re relieved when Dwayne finally turns back and keeps leading you away from the bullpen.
The pace is slow, but he doesn’t stop or lighten up until he gets you into a quiet corner down the hall. He turns you to face him, but your eyes instantly drop to the floor. “Alright, what the hell was all that about? And don’t you say it’s nothin’,” Dwayne says lowly, and his voice is deadly serious.
A heavy sigh follows his question, and when a few seconds go by without you saying anything, Dwayne bends his knees to search for your eyes. His emotions are as tangible as ever; the anger webbed away, and it’s replaced with worry.
You need to tell him the truth, finally. This was all your fault, in the first place - you should have told him long before this case. Long before things got so bad.
“A long time ago, before I ever joined your team, I worked with Gibbs. You know this...” you trail off while Dwayne nods his head, keeping silent so you can talk. It was hard to force the words out, though. You owed it to him to try. “Well, during that time, Jethro and I- we were together. For a while. And things were going really good.”
You stop, head still bowed to spare yourself from whatever expression Dwayne has on his face. You don’t have the courage to see it, just yet. It’s hard enough to speak with a lump forming in your throat. “At least until he broke things off between us. No real explanation. No reason why,” you continue, voice trailing off at the end.
Keep going. Keep talking. “I switched offices shortly after. All down the East Coast until I eventually got to New Orleans. Being around him after that...it was too hard.”
It’s over. It’s out now.
And Dwayne is still silent. You don’t even hear him breathe. His lack of a response is what finally prompts your eyes to rise up and meet his gaze. The rage and the hurt and the betrayal that you expect to find in those warm green eyes you fell in love with...it wasn’t there. He just looks confused, his brows knitted together while blinking, and finally letting out an audible sigh. “You never told me. Even after you found out we were good friends.”
Your attempt at swallowing is negated by the big lump in your throat. And you know tears are next to appear; you really don’t want to start crying in the middle of the NCIS building. “I guess I just never found a way to tell you. I didn’t want to make things awkward; knowing you hired your friend’s ex and all.”
What a stupid excuse. There’s no reason why you couldn’t have told him this before coming to DC. Maybe you were just afraid of messing up another good relationship.
Or maybe you already did. It scares you, thinking that Dwayne would be so hurt and angry, he’d never forgive you. Maybe there’s an NCIS office in the Great Lakes region who’ll take you...
And then his hand reaches out, taking yours and squeezing it tight. Shock has you glancing down to them before returning your eyes to Dwayne. “I wish you told me this sooner,” he says lightly. The way the corner of his mouth quirks up slightly - the small beginnings of a smile - help start to soothe away your fear. “I would’ve asked Director Vance to send me, instead.”
A small huff comes up at his offer. It’s just like Dwayne to put himself on the line to keep you from being sad. “It’s nothing I can‘t handle. Yeah, things are tense, but we have a case to finish. And I intend to see it through, even if Gibbs wants to start some more fights.” That last part was more or less a joke. Something to help lighten the air between you two.
It does prompt Dwayne to fully smile, and the way his eyes soften to the familiar look means more than you can process, at the moment. With everything as chaotic as it is, at least Dwayne is something to latch onto.
So when he straightens up and starts swiveling his head around, looking up and down the hallway, it makes you frown in confusion. “What?” You ask him, unable to stifle a smirk when he turns back with a gleam in his eye.
Dwayne says nothing, and you don’t expect him to lean in closer until he’s pressing his lips to yours. It’s a sweet, chaste kiss that takes you by surprise, but after everything, it’s exactly what you need. And you want, more than anything, to wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer. Kiss him like you really want to, but can’t in the hallway of a federal building.
He backs away after a few moments, breathing against your lips and grinning. “I love you,” he says, voice soft and low enough so only your ears can hear.
Those words nearly make your heart stop. The shock is visible on your face; as soon as your eyes go wide, Dwayne lets out a small chuckle as his hand releases yours to curve up your arm.
He never planned to just drop that bomb on you, like this. The first time Dwayne wanted to say those three words would be after a romantic dinner. Or maybe late at night when you’re curled up in bed, nothing to do but enjoy each other’s company. But Dwayne is guided by his feelings, and this felt like the perfect moment.
Once the shock ebbs away, you’re mirroring his dopey little grin. Tilting your head up to press another small kiss to his lips before nuzzling your nose against his.
“I love you, too.”
"I want to thank you both for your assistance in this case. Even when things got a little rough.”
Vance glanced to you when he said that. For a scary moment, you figure he was referring to the friction between you and Gibbs. Maybe he got wind of the fight in the squadroom. But then his eyes dropped down to your leg; of course he meant the gunshot. He made sure you even had a place to sit when you and Dwayne entered his office.
“It’s not a problem,” Dwayne replies, his hand resting on your shoulder to show you agreed - he knows you really don’t, but you nod anyway.
Vance dips his head once as he sits down in his chair, fingers linking together on his desk. “We can take care of all the logistical stuff. Tomorrow, just make sure our guy is handed over to the Louisiana authorities for trial,” the Director continues.
“Yes, sir,” the two of you say at once.
As Dwayne holds out a hand, helping you stand in case your leg gives out, it feels almost weird to finally be sent home. As soon as you touched ground in DC, you were waiting for this moment. Hoping it’ll come quickly so you can spend as little time around Jethro Gibbs as possible. And in a way, you still felt that pull to leave. But now that it was actually happening, it just felt like you still had unfinished business that has nothing to do with the case.
Just as Dwayne reaches for the door to pull it open, Vance speaks up. “And one more thing,” he says. His words prompt you both look back to him, expecting the Director to say more about the case. But it’s surprises you to find the corner of his lips turn up, just hinting at a smile. “Maybe you two should take some time off together when you’re back in New Orleans. You more than deserve it.”
That had been hours ago. The sun was setting then, and now it was dark. There was a certain nostalgic feeling in the squadroom after wrapping up a big case. Not so different than how it is at home, and it also reminded you of better times.
Waiting for Dwayne to come back from saying goodbye to Abby, you were left standing (leaning) against the wall by the windows overlooking the Naval Yard. And you weren’t too proud to admit that a part of you missed the sight. Some things changed about it, but not a lot. Even from so far away, you can spot the old bench that you and Jethro frequented to get away from prying eyes for a while. Just to drink coffee and talk and laugh.
Still, you prefer the sights of Jackson Square and the Mississippi River more. DC had it quirks, but New Orleans was home now.
You were so caught up in old memories, you didn’t notice Dwayne walking up until he says your name softly. Turning your head, you reflect his light smile. “How’d Abby take it?” You ask him.
“Made me promise to call more often. And then threatened to fly back home if I didn’t,” he replies. The two of you share some laughter, but Dwayne notices how your eyes keep flickering back toward the bullpen. Toward the lone desk with a light still on. He steps a little closer. “My room is just a single bed, but I’m sure we can make it work with your leg. I’ll sleep on the floor or somethin’.”
When you look at him with a confused quirk of your brow, Dwayne motions his head to Jethro’s desk.
And you’re surprised at how quickly you shake your head at his offer. “No, I can handle one more night at Jethro’s. Besides, I don’t know the next time I’ll see him again. I kinda don’t want to leave things as they are.”
Dwayne doesn’t look all too convinced. “Are you sure, honey? Do ya want me to stay, or...?”
“I’ll be fine. Go and get some sleep. We have a long fly home tomorrow.”
He hesitates before eventually curling his lips into a slight smile. Nods his head and leans in close to press a kiss to your cheek. “Good luck,” Dwayne murmurs out. And his hand quickly squeezes yours before he pads off to the elevator.
You already miss his calming presence in the wake of the coming conversation.
Eventually, your eyes rise up across the bullpen towards Gibbs. He’s still filling out paperwork, probably planning to stay here for several more hours while you go back to his home and settle in for the night. Following the same routine without fail because it worked and it was safe for him and allowed as little interaction as possible.
Pushing off the wall, you make way to his desk. Routine be damned; you both had to talk this through and make it right. You have too much history to just ignore each other until you finally leave state and pretend the other person doesn’t exist. And despite everything - despite the fights and arguments and insults and cold shoulders - you still care about him. You know he feels the same, that was obvious.
You near his desk and he’s already shifting in his chair. Exhaling hard through his nose. He always did have this uncanny ability to sense your presence. And you’re about to speak up, to start this long apology, but Gibbs is the first to say something. “How’s the leg?” He asks.
The question gives you pause, but you push away the surprise. At least he was speaking to you. “Sore. A little stiff. Hurts like hell if I move it the wrong way.”
His head nods. “Make sure to get an aisle seat on the plane. Keep it extended so it doesn’t get too stiff,” he says. When you don’t reply, Gibbs finally glances up. Makes eye contact for a moment before he gives a shrug. “Gotta lot of experience with getting shot,” he adds on.
“Yeah, I know,” you reply, voice suddenly a lot softer than it was. “I remember having the same argument with you like the one we had earlier.”
His eyes fall away at the memory. And you knew Jethro well enough to recognize the guilt he’s carrying; he regrets the things he said. Regrets throwing out anything he knew that would hurt you, and you regret it, too. The fight wasn’t even really about you working with a busted leg.
It was a culmination of years of hurt and confusion coming out at the smallest little argument. For a pair of cops, it really says something that neither of you recognized that, until now.
You lean against his desk, head tilting to meet his eyes again. “Listen, Jethro, I-”
Instantly, your face contorts into a confused frown, watching Gibbs as he stands from his desk with a heavy exhale. For a moment, you wonder if he’ll even accept an apology because he’s still hurt. Or even angry at what you said to him. But he only utters two little words: “Rule 6.”
You snort at the rule, smiling and shaking your head when it’s Jethro’s turn to look confused. “That was never my favourite rule,” you tell him cheekily. Figures he’d bust one out in a time like this.
“Why not?” He asks, sounding almost defensive.
“Because I really am sorry,” you answer sternly. “Sorry for what I said. Sorry for getting in the way...”
“No,” Gibbs interrupts, and he’s shaking his head in disagreement. “No, you were never in the way. That was just something I said. Something I didn’t mean.”
That’s probably as close to an apology as you’ll get from him. And it was a very good step in the right direction. Even then, you can’t help feeling just a little disappointed. And for what, you weren’t even sure. Not apologizing was a rule of his.
A few seconds of silence go by before Jethro lets out a small sigh. “And I’m sorry.”
And in an instant, a heartbeat, the hollowness of disappointment is gone. You’re smiling genuinely at Gibbs for the first time in a very long time. He’s smiling, too. Just a little, but it’s still such a good sight to see.
“You ready to go?” He asks, and you nod fervently. After he grabs his coat and turns his light off, Jethro walks around his desk and falls into step with you toward the elevator. And it’s almost like old times - except you’re still limping pretty heavily.
Jethro notices and offers his arm, just like at the hospital. You take it and lean against him to take weight off your leg.
It instantly feels better, but you’re not too focused on that. His heat, his body pressed against yours, is so familiar. Almost achingly so. Suddenly, you’re thrown back in time to the first “date” the two of you had. And it wasn’t even that much of a date; just sitting on your couch with some popcorn and beers. But you were sitting so close together, it was unclear where you ended and he began. And you were laughing, a lot. That was one of the more pleasant memories of Gibbs.
But glancing up to him, and seeing those familiar blue eyes looking back, it’s clear that time of your lives was over. And you’re surprisingly okay with that.
Because that warmth in your chest? The force that keeps a giant grin on your face?
That must be what closure feels that.
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gyulscult · 6 years
chenle as your boyfriend
before we start, this is a little gift for my friend on twitter (@jhwaney). I hope you like it!
okay so,, when you two first met was when yall were kids
you were eating lunch alone since you knew no one
then chenle came out of nowhere
“why you’re siting alone here?”
“you don't got anyone to sit with?”
“can I sit with you?”
then he started daily siting with you and you both got to know each other
that's when you both became friends
move on to high school
here’s where he started to crush on you
you both were studying in the library and out of nowhere
“y/n I got a question”
“what is it?”
“do you like someone?”
oH BOYY,,,,
“no, why do you ask?”
“nothing just curious” while letting out his cute dolphin laugh uwu
the next day was weekends so you spend it with chenle
while you both were studying, chenle was just looking at you the whole time and you didn't notice.
“lets study later, LETS GO BUY SNACKS”
“alright but don't let me pay like last time IM BROKE AS A JOKE”
then yall go
you both filled the cart with snacks and drinks aND OH BOY IT COSTED TOO MUCH,,,
“how are you pay all that mr. genius”
“miss genius I got this >:^|”
and you were like wHAT THE HELL DUDE SDUHSUGH when he payed all of it
“dude what are you”
“zhong chenle :3″
yall take the bags and go back home
when you get back to the house
you both decide to watch a movie
the softest side hug ever uwu
he’ll be resting his head at your shoulder and you’re gOING TO SCREAM UHYGUSIJHGHDSKLJ
you just act like you didn't notice and continue watching the movie
after an hour the movie is almost finished
and you surprisingly didn't fall asleep
while lele did
he fall asleep at your shoulder
you kept playing with his hair aND HIS HAIR??? IS??? SO??? SOFT???
when the movie ended, when you moved a little to get your phone
“don't move”
“uhu?, okay,, sorry”
“how is it to feel like being the cutest person on this world”
this is when you start to feel something WAS off,, you stayed quiet
“when I asked you if you liked someone in the library,, I wanted to know so no one can try to get you before I do”
“you know, I liked you since we started to become close friends. I will probably lose my friendship with you because of this though,,”
you wanted to stop him :((
“not liked, I loved you since that. I hope you feel the same way if not let’s just be friends”
your heart was gonna break from just hearing him saying all that :((
after some time, chenle stopped and he fall asleep again
“I love you too“
there was school :D (smilin’ through thE PAIN)
you went to your class that didn't have chenle (you share every class with him except music)
you sat down at your seat, and class started
through the whole class, you couldn't focus
you kept thinking about what chenle said
“deep breaths, deep breaths”
and you were finally calm
you ‘tried’ to do well in your class
after it finally ended you got out
it was already afternoon
you went to your locker, in your way there you dumped into someone
“h-hey I'm sorry-”
“yeah,,, sorry should’ve watched my way, here I’ll help you”
“it’s alright, no you don't need to-” you were gonna take the book that was in front of you but yall hands reached it at the same time
chenle giggled and you let go (YOURE SURE AS HELL YOURE BURNING HAAHGAHJHSJ)
as you both finished “thank you”
“no it’s no problem”
“also hey, can we go to the park that is near here? I got something to tell you,,”
oh boy,,,,
“yeah sure!”
after that, you both go out
“you know,,, about what I said yesterday”
“you weren’t delusional?,,,,”
he chuckled “I wasn't, I meant all what I said back there”
“so wait,,,”
“aren’t we already dating????”
“bro- what”
“I thought we were already”
the unofficial date was at a calm café uwu
it was really nice and quiet
not to mention he was holding your hand the whole time
and you’re just melting because he’s holding your hand softly because he doesn't want to hurt your hand :((
you would just be talking and he suddenly laughs really dead out of nowhere
“so I was lik-“
“I didn't say anything just yet??”
and you’re like alright and laugh along with him
basically you can’t get sad when you’re around him but when you do
he would usually hug you while you cry and let your heart out on his shoulder while he tries to comforts you
he wouldn't show if he’s sad or not, when you notice it he denies it but end up giving up because you’re impossible
he shares his concerns to you and you do the same
he trusts you the most and always rant to you
when he gets jealous, he would just stare at you and probably start whining if you don't notice what’s going on with him
“y/n!,, you’re not paying attention to me :((”
“what‘s wrong lele??”
“pay attention to meeee”
and you would just sit next to him and side hug him until he becomes less whiney and ask him why is he jealous
do I need to say anything else
when you hug him hE !! JUST!! MELTS!!
like he would hug you and not let you go and you’re alright with it because his hugs are just so soft???? :(((
“do you want me to let you go?”
“no, let me hug you uwu”
you’d just wake up in 6am
and he would be asleep but you cant sleep
then he would wake up because you’re moving around
“what’s wrong?” with his adorable sleepy voice :((
“I can’t sleep :(”
then he just cuddles you
and you’re just uwuuuu
talking about kisses;;
he would probably just kiss your cheek uwu
he would rarely kiss your lips because come on
hES SHY;;;;
but he mostly kisses your cheek and hug you uwuwu
honestly chenle would be the cutest boyfriend ever :((
so you’re very grateful to have him
and he’s grateful to have you too
sorry if this was long ;___;
and chenle at the end of the day would just want your love and you only uwu
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