lockhcrts · 4 years
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                               “we all have sins to pay penance for.”                                                  @mostsavage​​
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                              THERE  IS  SOMETHING  RESIDING  IN  FORGET-ME-NOT-BLUE  EYES                something  that  could  almost  be  described  as  sorrow            ;            the  hand  of  sorrow  ‘pon  his  shoulder      ,          a  reminder  that  there  would  be  no  god  residing  in  the  heavens  that  would  be  able  to  wipe  away  the  sins  from  his  slate            /              blood  covered  hands        ,          even  if  he  had  never  ended  the  life  of  another  being        .            fingers  of  a  ghost  wrap  around  his  throat        ,          leaving  him  unable  to  speak  for  a  passing  moment        ,          fleeting            ,          drifting  through  time  and  he  never  did  have  enough  of  time  itself        .        
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features  change          ,          shifting  as  he  shakes  himself  free  from  underneath  the  weight  of  his  crimes        .        lies  once  again  infiltrating  his  mind          ,          a  barrier  against  himself          .            the  forests  is  alive  in  the  night          ,          moon  above  not  yet  full  but  not  far  from  it          .          a  fox  yips  in  the  distance            /          an  owl  looks  down  ‘pon  them  and  for  a  moment  he  cannot  help  but  wonder  if  the  creature  would  see  him  take  a  final  breath            .             ❝          eventually          ,        perhaps        .            ❞          tone  soft      ,        not  yet  confident  enough  that  the  silence  of  the  night  will  allow  for  harsher  words        .            ❝          but  i  would  greatly  prefer  it  if  today  was  not  the  day  i  had  to  pay  for  mine          ,            now  if  i  could  please  pass  through        ?          ❞
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hatrcdcursed · 4 years
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❛ FENRIR . IT IS a joy to see you once again . A pleasure , truly , to have you return by my side . ❜ The Dark Lord spoke in a gentle tone upon seeing the majority of his followers . There were certainly some more distinct than other , however , this particular beast had proven himself quite worthy of his own personal acknowledgment ; rather than bunching him into the mass . 
@mostsavage​ / unprompted starter ! 
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shawneesmith · 4 years
allllllllllllllttyyyyyyg i loovvveeee yiuuuuu
kim. you’re are asleep now. but i want ya to know you are so special to me and i love you so mu chi and EVEN WHEN i’m talking over you. i love you so much. you’re a literal inspiration to me in every arena idk where i’d be without you. there is no one else on earth who i’d rather wat chi movies with and shout at and take shots with and even if we grow apart again in thefuture i want you to know i have you for life and i love you so ouch. thank you. i hope you are dreaming of chip butties rn. personally i la still in the bath. sorry you probably heard me throw up tonigt. you are the best and i know one day you will publish fisch novel and be a firefitngomte and do such fucking outstanding things. i am so proud of you and so thrill d to know you and you are such as incredible person. i love you sweet baby grill daddy and i love you so much 💕💕💕
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mischiefmoonaged · 5 years
happy birthday sonny
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“Don’t — call me that ever again.”
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prodigalpercy · 5 years
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“DON’T  --  DON’T TOUCH ME.”  percy protests, stuttering.  it’s all still fresh.  his face is torn.  yaxley’s had his fun with him, gotten information he could use.  (though, percy still holds back anything that would really put his spies at risk.)  he stands there, uncomfortable with fenrir’s arm around him.  he’s still in pain.  he may be in pain for the rest of his life.  he doesn’t know what kind of curse yaxley used on him, but the wound won’t heal. . .  no matter what he tries.  alas, he never expected a new visitor.  perhaps he should have.  especially now. 
“i  --  i’m not afraid of you.”  oh, percy.  you should be.  | @mostsavage​
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watertorum · 6 years
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f/enrir g/reyback , ecowarrior. @mostsavage
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lamentedhope-a · 6 years
does albus see ‘warning signs’ in students who are likely to turn towards the dark arts and how does that affect the way he acts towards them? how much did he try to steer tom away from that path?
to a certain degree, sure. albus has an acute talent of seeing the true potential in people and where they can go with their lives. however, alongside this, he also obstinately believes in the power of individual choice, so he is always more inclined to judge a person by their actions rather than what albus thinks they may do, or have the potential to do. which is why he’s willing to give tom the benefit the doubt when he starts hogwarts  ---  perhaps being around more children like him would have him grow out of his old bullying ways. albus will always give children the benefit of the doubt, just as he will always attempt to steer them toward a lighter path. if a child hurts or attempts to hurt, another child then albus will punish them as he sees fit, but otherwise, again, will often give them the benefit of the doubt unless given heavy reason to not.
as for tom specifically, truth be told albus didn’t do as much as he could because not only did tom avoid albus, but albus was rather preoccupied with grindelwald at the time. he did attempt to teach tom more “spiritual” like magic --- love, human connection, etc --- with an emphasis he didn’t use on any other student, but nothing ever quite stuck unfortunately.
META QUESTIONS   /  @mostsavage             
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aefintyr · 6 years
cont. @mostsavage​
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Alecto glares up at him, displeasure clear on her face. It’s the principle of the thing, not the reality. She’s usually partnered with Amycus, and his absence is a relief, yes, but not enough for her to wonder why it was demanded they run this mission together. “He told us to blend in. You’re conspicuous as is, mauling little children isn’t helping.” She runs a frustrated hand through her hair, crossing her arms. Her eyes linger on the blood on his mouth, for the briefest of moments, before she sighs. “Can you at least clean up the blood, somehow? You may have not killed the boy, but walking around with his blood all over you, again, isn’t helping.” 
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gammaorioniis-blog · 6 years
💀 @mostsavage ♡’d this for a starter.
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A silver dagger dances between skeletal fingertips as the lady reclines in a terribly uncomfortable high-backed chair, legs swung unceremoniously over one arm as a mane of curls cascades down the other. Aware of another’s presence, she lets the too sharp tip draw just a drop of her own pure blood from the pad of a middle finger, brings it to her lips and seems to savor its metallic tang. “Did you know, Fenrir,” she begins in that lazy drawl, picking her audience out from the heavy scuff of his boots across the floor. “Did you know that even animals wait until a fruit is ripe before they pluck it from the vine? Do you savor green bitterness, Dog?”
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thievingsnatcher · 6 years
cont.      /        @mostsavage                                 SCABIOR TRIES NOT to watch how Greyback devours that chicken, but it’s like a fucking accident. He can’t help but look. However, he ignores it while sipping on his third bottle of beer for the night until Fenrir makes that comment. 
           “ Ah, you bloody minger, ”  he snarls &. nearly chokes on his beer. Now, Scabior isn’t squeamish, not one bit, &. he has seen some disturbing things in his life  ——  &. Fenrir’s  ‘ diet ’  sure is in the top five. Eating children just kinda crosses his red line &. he is still too sober to be hearing about that beast’s favourite meals.
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          “ Yeah, piss off, Greyback. I dunno why I’m still botherin’ with your ‘airy arse. ” No, he honestly doesn’t. Sometimes Greyback just SCARES him, &. yet Scabior still enjoys their conversations. Probably because Greyback is one of the few people who have a brain &. know how to use it; unlike many others he has to deal with lately. 
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uncleverncn · 6 years
@mostsavage started following uncleverncn
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wow. sometimes, I think we should change neighborhoods - - - the strays in the streets have gotten uglier. why aren’t they deported yet.
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mystarsforanempire · 6 years
@mostsavage | the long way down
Loki screams as he hits the cold, icy ground, feeling his shoulders take the weight of the blow, and the scream sends a shockwave out around the clearing around him, thick ice forming on the trunks of the trees and the bushes around him. A crater has formed about him, throwing dirt, dead leaves and scant snow in every direction, and Loki coughs, feeling the wind KNOCKED out of him.
Lying on his back, he stares up at the black sky, dotted with foreign stars, and he knows precisely where he is. Midgard. He feels his  seidr crackle in his palms, but his body is overwrought and exhausted: his magic had done much to shield him as he had fallen through the planet’s atmosphere, keeping him c o o l as flames threatened to engulf him, and now he tries to pull himself up onto his elbows.
He lacks the strength, so weak is he. 
Clenching hs fist, he closes his eyes, thinking of the way Thor had begged him, beseeched him, to remain upon Asgard, and Loki had refused him - Loki had allowed himself to fall freely into the void, and to whence has he come? Simply Earth. 
Perhaps he shall die here. Wouldn’t that be a treat? And yet-- Loki hears noise amidst the wood, hears feet shuffling on the frozen ground, coming toward him. His fall has not gone unnoticed, and he lacks the means to protect himself, cannot even raise his head--
So Loki’s head lolls to the side, his eyes closed, his jaw slack. He barely breathes, and for all appearances, he is most unconscious. Loki has done this act before, and it is f l a w l e s s.
But what dread monster has found him, he wonders? Whatever they may be, they will soon discover Loki is a monster himself. 
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@mostsavage liked for THIS starter
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                 Wand held tightly in hand, Bill stands still strong. “ I dare you to take another step closer. ”
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lyrareed-a · 4 years
                                      𝑾𝑯𝑰𝑪𝑯 𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑶𝑻 𝑨𝑹𝑬 𝒀𝑶𝑼 ?
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THE EMPRESS.     :      you are only independent insofar as you have others to care for. this makes you dependent in your independence. they want your knowledge, your skills, your talents, your affection. what can they give in return? “teeth” is not an acceptable answer, nor is “keeping the shadows to the corners”, nor is “glory”, nor is “love”. there is no acceptable answer, no gift of a magnitude which can match the thing you know, which is that they are taking from you. they are stealing from you. you should stop them from doing that, darling. you only have so much to give. you are not infinite, and when they have taken their last they will remind you of that. my advice is this: give enough to keep them at bay, but be careful. their teeth can turn on you too. there is no easier way to make an animal dangerous than by feeding it.
TAGGED.  stolen from one of my other blogs TAGGING. @nombreux​  (  for any muse you like ) , @greetsdeath​, @mostsavage​ and you !!
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watertorum · 6 years
i’m genuinely sat here cackling @ the idea of seamus, 5′1″, kinda chubby, launching himself at fenrir, 6′2″, a heck of a lot stronger than seamus
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luxfurem · 4 years
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a ruler of steel leads their people with strength and determination. they are renowned throughout the lands for their dedication to their people and their high levels of ambition. they have opponents, and many whisper about their ruthlessness. however, it cannot be denied that a ruler of steel cares for their people and their kingdom, and aims to always rule them with strength and with success.
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TAGGED BY :  @marblecarved​ , @mostsavage​  ( ily both! <3 )
TAGGING : @gildedscripture​ , @noxfurem​ ( or whatever blog u feel uwu ), @ofnegotiatcr​, @lucidwtch​, @chaosascended​, @brightcharms​, @proditeur​ & you !!!
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