#mourner megatron
wyrm-with-a-why · 8 months
You want a Megop au with weird plot I’ll give you a Megop au with weird plot(no one asked)
Ok so it’s Tfa and his repair crew gets scattered by the space bridge explosion and end up on earths moon. On the dark side of it they find a shipwreck so they investigate, cautious and slow. As they enter they notice there’s a weird amount of white flowers somehow growing from nothing all along the walls. Whatever, they continue. Into a specific chamber they go and there’s a corpse in there, sitting on its knees, head slumped forward. It’s Megatron, Optimus recognizes the frame from his history videos. Flowers cover his what looks like dead body. Then as the bots get closer he sits up a bit. His eyes are dull and hopeless. The Autobots freak out and run. Megatron’s sigh is heard echoing through the ship, hopeless and exhausted. Everyone’s back on the ship but eventually Optimus feels the overwhelming curiosity to see Megatron again. He had questions. So he heads back into the shipwreck when no one’s looking and approaches Megatron slowly. He was intimidated for sure but Megatron didn’t seem as intimidating in such a sad state. Megatron senses him enter and sighs and looks up. His eyes go wide with sorrowful horror. He cries out in pure grief. To Megatron, Optimus reminds him too much of his deceased sparkbond. Kiloton
Megatron’s grief is like an infection. It spreads rapidly like a shockwave. Soon, Optimus is feeling a terrible sparkache and he can feel himself crying. He can’t understand the grief but he’s just so sad, as if he’s lost someone. Megatron is hunched more now as tears fall which causes his body to shake as he sobs, and his tears are mirrored to everyone affected by his overwhelming grief.
Optimus wants to help because Optimus is the goodest boy. He doesn’t understand Megatron’s sorrow but will try.
And the story may dramatically unfold. Optimus sort of being like therapy to the absolutely shattered Mech. Then bam, he catches feelings when Megatron musters the strength to leave the room he’s been rusting away in.
This will be continued more often istg I kinda like it. But I’m sleepy. Also, this au will be called Mourner Megatron and is inspired by Hollow Knights grey mourner.
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I’ll probably make more storyline and little scenarios to come. But I need sleep
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nomiyakazehaya · 4 months
just barely waking up not too long ago sucks because now i feel too lethargic to do more art :(
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"What have you become, Prime? Have you become a mourner for a world of oppressors? Have you really fallen that low?" Megatron taunts.
It feels like the truth and condemnation all at once. Some might call it blasphemy to taunt a Prime so but the truth can never be. Optimus knows this. Knows it as surely as the Matrix hums next to his spark.
"I mourn for what I have lost," Optimus tries to explain. His voice cracks and he feels like Icarus fallen. He is drowning in a situation of his own making, covered in wax.
"You mourn for nothing," Megatron hisses back.
He is not wrong.
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krinsbez · 5 years
My Transformers Fancon, Part XIV
Owing to the fact that they barely age, almost never get sick, and can survive a rather ridiculous amount of punishment, Transformers don't die very often during peacetime, so any funeral is noteworthy. Dion's funeral, for obvious reasons, was even more so. Held as soon as Orion Pax was sufficiently recovered to attend, the funeral was something of a circus; in attendance over a hundred actual mourners, and almost a thousand who were more like spectators and/or reporters. A dozen of Dion's relatives and friends gave speeches, but the crowd was here for the last two. Megatron, unlike most of the speakers, was less interested in praising Dion's life and more interested in condemning his killers, his tone more angry than sad. In fact, he stopped just short of swearing to hunt down and kill those responsible personally. Orion's speech was more heartfelt, but he also responded to Megatron rage, gently rebuking him by declaring that continuing the cycle of violence would only tarnish Dion's memory. Megatron was not very happy about this, and said so in private conversation afterwards. However, since he wasn't as close to Dion as Orion was, he ultimately acceded to Orion's insistence that they not seek revenge. Cryotek noted the sudden tension between the Autobot and Decepticon leaders, and sensed an opportunity. Quietly, he had his guys take out the Functionists that had started the riot, occasionally planting evidence that mildly implicated Megatron. Orion was absolutely infuriated when he heard the news, but after Megatron insisted on his innocence, chose to give the other bot the benefit of the doubt. Still, he insisted that Megatron not resist when the authorities came to bring him in for questioning. Not being an idiot, Orion also took steps to make sure that Functionists within the police couldn't take advantage of the situation. Namely, he called his older brother Ultra Magnus, a rising star in the Primal Vanguard's law enforcement branch. The brothers were estranged, Magnus not approving of Pax's current career as a rabble-rouser, but in the interest of justice, he agreed to take charge of the investigation. Knowing that a Vanguard officer was arriving to take over, the local police put Megatron in a holding cell rather than interrogate him themselves. Thanks to strings pulled by Cryotek, said cell was also occupied by a thug named Whirl, who unlike Megatron, wasn't wearing stasis cuffs, and had particular instructions. Namely, to tell Megatron that "Proteus sends his regards" and then start whaling on him. Magnus arrived and put a stop to the resultant beatdown before more than superficial damage was done...physically. However, the pain and humiliation was burned into Megatron's psyche, destroying his burgeoning hope that the system could be fixed peacefully and turning his ideological opposition to Functionism into a very personal hatred. The authorities, embarrassed by the whole affair, released Megatron and pretty much swept the whole thing under the rug, despite Ultra Magnus' objections. Megatron and Orion resumed their alliance, but the bond of friendship between them was gone, and an ever increasing gulf took it's place. Just as Cryotek planned.
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wyrm-with-a-why · 8 months
Optimus:I hope Bumblebee isn’t being a menace
Megatron:*holding Bumblebee on his lap while reading a piece of paper* “he is very girlboss all the time, babygirl”
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wyrm-with-a-why · 3 months
I know it’s been months forgive me I’ve had writers block for that fic
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wyrm-with-a-why · 7 months
Ultra Magnus:any words from the defendant?
Mourner Megatron:*taps the mic*
Mourner Megatron:*clears throat*
Mourner Megatron:you hate me because you’re homophobic
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wyrm-with-a-why · 1 month
hi and good morning, tarn!! dropping a (hopefully pleasant) little surprise for you, along with an inquiry! i finally got around to drawing this fanart hhhhh i know i could probably just make up an imaginary flower but i love symbolism and wanted to get your opinion! 🥲 i'm personally torn between white chrysanthemums and orchids, but what kind of flower did you imagine for those flowers that grow on mourner!megs? 🌺
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Ok so the flowers in the fic are the delicate flowers from hollow knight so they’re actually not real but this is what they look like. I imagine them a bit whiter tho. Lore makes them seem like a beautiful gift, growing rapidly in graves especially. They also seem to be powerful against a literal void god
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But if we’re talking real flowers, then I’d say a lotus looks the most like the delicate flower but a lily is the strongest symbolism wise. White lilies are a symbol for grievance which is mourner Megatron’s whole thing
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wyrm-with-a-why · 8 months
Random idea for the future of my mourner Megatron au
So the crew eventually has to be chill with Megatron who isn’t actually harmful anymore and Bumblebee becomes so aware that he won’t do anything and has also been rusting away for centuries so he shows Megatron adhd ass memes and Megatron just watches them but understands absolutely nothing
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wyrm-with-a-why · 4 months
hellooo i am very curious about the outfits! what do you imagine es megatron and faded mourner/assistant!megatron wearing? 👀 (i could not choose between faded mourner and assistant megs, i love them both so much 😭😭)
So for Earthspark I have this little thing in my head where all the Megatron’s come together and play dead by daylight and earthspark is Yui kimura so I see her a lot in Yuis base outfit
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Also I’m so happy you like my aus I’m gonna try to crack down on their chapters especially assistant because ideas are happening. So for assistant she’d probably have one of these two fits, I can’t really decide
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And as for mourner, if she wasn’t gonna wear a literal blanket or curtain over herself I’d put her in this
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wyrm-with-a-why · 8 months
When Megatron’s my favourite little meow meow ever but I just want to see him cry more
Like I made my Mourner Megatron au a reality but i crave more you know
He’s sad too guys
Also the tears could totally be from getting dicked down like I enjoy that too he is not a top I refuse
Or here’s the fluffy alternative, he cries because he’s finally in a healthy relationship and his partner *cough cough Kiloton cough cough* treats him gently and kindly for no reason(he loves him) and Megatron just full on sobs because Kiloton is so nice
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wyrm-with-a-why · 6 months
Me after taking thirty years to update-
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wyrm-with-a-why · 7 months
The flavours of Tfa Megatron aus in my head(Marauder isn’t an au ive made he’s What triple changer Megs is called I think)
I imagine if they all met they’d be surprisingly silly with each other and try to encourage Mourner to do something
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wyrm-with-a-why · 8 months
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Transformers, Transformers Animated (2007) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Megatron/Optimus Prime, Kiloton/Megatron(mentioned) Characters: Megatron (Transformers), Optimus Prime, Bumblebee (Transformers), Prowl (Transformers), Ratchet, Bulkhead (Transformers), Sentinel Prime (Transformers), Ultra Magnus (Transformers), Kiloton Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Kiloton is mentioned, megatron has incredible depression, Mental Health Issues, self harm behaviour, Isolation, Slow Burn, Strangers to Lovers, optimus is therapy, Inspired by Hollow Knight, megatron is the grey mourner, finally tried to do this for real eheh Summary:
Optimus and his band of misfits get into a bit of a pickle. When the space bridge they’re trying to repair malfunctions after suddenly powering on, the crew of repair bots get sent to earths moon. On the dark side of the moon they discover a mysterious space shipwreck and shortly after discover something much more mysterious. Megatron’s corpse, overrun with strange pale flowers. At least, they thought it was a corpse. What on Cybertron was the leader of the decepticons doing rusting away here?
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wyrm-with-a-why · 8 months
Mourner Megatron has zero filter and could give negative fucks. Like if a flower growing in his throat is bothering him he will reach in there and pull it out. He doesn’t care how long the vine is or how messy it could get he’s dealt with enough uncomfortable/painful things. He won’t excuse himself, warn anybody or nothing he just goes for it and will hold eye contact if it’s made
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wyrm-with-a-why · 8 months
Me when I realize Mourner Megatron does what Blue Diamond from Steven Universe does.
They make others cry when they cry
And they’ve both been mourning for thousands of years
Idk this is an excuse to talk about Mourner Megatron i love my silly guy
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