#mouse drawing go bonk
modstarfell · 1 year
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something something praying angel something something
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6lostgirl6 · 2 years
Hello again! I’m the anon from yesterday. May I request another Bill (totally good with Bill from any of the films. Alex Winter is just a cutie honestly) or Marko fic with an arty partner please? Just the thought of either of them casually posing like a catalogue model in the hopes their partner will draw them is endlessly amusing to me.
Also, I don’t feel like I’ve thanked you properly for the fic you wrote me so would you like a picture in return? Bill and Ted and The Lost Boys are usually my thing but if there’s anyone else you’d like me to draw, let me know.
Omg! I enjoyed writing this for you! You don't have to draw me anything!If you're sure, I would like the lost boys if that's okay? (●u●)
Marko x Artistic!Reader
TW: None
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You were leaning against your large pile of pillows, the slightly worn blankets surrounding you like a protective cocoon. Whenever you felt artistic, you would always retreat to your nest and sketch whatever it was that your mind conjured. Sometimes you needed some alone time whenever you felt like drawing, being able to concentrate in your own private space helped you with your creativity. Your nest was practically your own art studio.
Often times, Marko would join you when he was also in a mood for sketching. Unlike Paul, who needed music to help him concentrate, Marko enjoyed the silence. Therefore, the both of you decided that you would draw together weekly as a little stay at home date. Just being in each other's presence was enough to put you both in a creative mindset, shoulders touching and lingering gazes and draw whatever came to your minds.
Unfortunately, Marko and the boys were due for a feeding tonight. Therefore, Marko wouldn't be able to join you this week for your little date night filled with flirtation and art projects.
It has been a few hours and while Marko was full from feeding earlier, he was hungry for something else. He craved the presence of his precious mate. Earlier, he was a little upset that he had to cancel his date with you. However, him and the boys haven't fed in a while and they knew they couldn't postpone any longer lest they wanted to feel weak.
However, he was going to make it up to you. Rather than staying out all night like usual, he got on his bike and arrived earlier than expected. He just missed you so much.
He walked into the cave and headed towards your slightly concealed nest that was surrounded by shimmery-curtains. Sometimes, whenever Marko would visit your nest, he felt like he was walking upon royalty. That's what you were to him. His mate. Someone priceless.
Uncharacteristically quiet, Marko pulled back the curtain and stared as he watched you continue with your sketch. You were humming to yourself, not noticing the new presence that has joined you. He continued to watch you, smirking to himself while the leather of his fingerless gloves.
God, you were so perfect and completely his.
Depite Marko being quiet, he will always find ways to create a little mischief. He devised a plan and quickly put it into action.
Silent as a mouse, he rushed towards the bed, swan diving and belly-flopping onto the bed. "Hey, baby!" He greeted loudly, wrapping his arms around your waist and giving you a squeeze.
You gasped in freight from the scare and turned towards him with a playful glare. "Don't do that!" You scolded, lightly bonking his head with the end of your pencil.
He laughed, rubbing your sides as he nuzzled into your lower back. "Sorry baby, you're just so easy to scare." He placed a kiss into your back before continuing his nuzzling.
You felt your face grow a little warm. "Shush. What are you doing back so early?" You asked, curiously.
Marko sighed before pushing himself up, moving to where he was sitting next to you and leaned against your shoulder. "Mmm, missed you is all." He said, looking up at you with a smirk.
You smiled and turned, giving him a small kiss which he quickly reciprocated. "I missed you too. Are you gonna draw with me?" You asked.
Marko chuckled mischievously. "I was thinking," he turned around, propping himself on his elbows and bending one of his legs, leaning his head back so his long curls caressed your sheets, "I could be your muse tonight."
You watched him in amusement as he continued to hold his pose. However, seeing him like that was very attractive. His jacket was starting to slip down his shoulders and his white crop top was pulled up slightly, exposing his tummy. He reminded you of those ancient Greek statues.
"How could I not draw such a handsome man?" You flirted, flicking through your journal to start a fresh page.
He smiled, lifting his head to look at you better. "After this, it'll be my turn to draw such a gorgeous being."
"Am I your muse or something?" You chuckled, leaning forward to fix his curl that hanged in the middle of his forehead.
His smile turned devious, "You've always been." He gripped your hand before you could pull away. "And I am yours." He gave it a squeeze.
You giggled, returning the squeeze. "Being each other's muses, how romantic."
"Course it is." He roughly pulled you close, gripping the back of your head and giving you a deep kiss, which you happily returned.
Pulling away slightly, he liked his lips before randomly flopping onto his back. "Now Hurry up, babe! I'm not getting any younger here!"
You laughed before shaking your head at him. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."
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boyakishantrinity · 11 months
Howling. Screaming into the night sky, a single figure marched out the village gates. Ignoring the elder as he lightly pushed her aside. Marching up towards the holy rock as he barked out.
Staring indignantly at the local, ignoring her shocked stare as he glared at the spirits. Ghosts of the past who'd come to comfort the girl.
Spitting onto the ground, he shouted into the sky a it thundered.
Lighting crackled, as the man holstered the weapon at the sky.
Sitting down on the stone, back turned to the sky as he glared at her. Bags in his eyes.
"Y'know where that brother of yours is?"
"كيف عرفت حتى؟"
"Drop that gobshite before I send you straight to Allah. Don't give me that shocked impression. Michael told me you can speak english. Where the fuck is that brat?"
Thunder boomed, standing to his feet he loosed several shots.
Shaking his fist at the sky, cursing profanities towards it as the young teen stared in surprise. Was he seriously-
He snapped back at her.
Staring down at her, almost immediately drawing his side arm as he continued to argue with the sky. Swearing at the night sky as rain continued to crash against the ground.
He looked down at her, frozen in confusion as he looked at her calmly.
"What is it little vulture?"
"... I- I'm willing to let you come with me to his resting place?"
Squealing like a mouse, he glared at the sky.
The thunder crackled, like laughter.
Firing a shot into the sky, he flipped the thunderous cloud off before marching out the room.
"You coming?"
Calmly, he walked past the woman. Still shouting in arabic, as he dumped a sack of coins at her feet.
"Sorry for the trouble. I have slept. FOR A FUCKING WEEK. SHUT THE FUCK UP."
Now cursing the sky like a child, making childlike gestures towards the sky.
Barking at her, the woman just stared at the strange man as he turned. Cloak snapping behind him as he marched towards the battlefield. Ripping a shovel out the hand of a nearby attendant, staring confused at the scene.
"Thank you. Uhh. Shkran?"
Muttering to himself, guns on his body as he marched towards the battle ground.
Bodies were already carted, whatever the demonic rift had done had subsided, the man sneering at the hole as he threw a grenade into the door.
Scowling, the man huffed as the young lady walked after him.
"I don't-"
"I'm well aware of your customs. I simply don't fear God."
Thunder rumbled behind him. Aiming the gun at the cloud he let loose another shot.
Snarling at the cloud, more laughter.
She just stared. Was this man seriously arguing with clouds?
Then he stabbed the ground, bonking her lightly on the head.
"HEY. SCARF FACE. Which body's your bother?"
Pulling her ear, he repeated himself. Now cursing in arabic, he began to repeat as she spoke.
"I curse you to the worst punishments in Hell, I curse your mother. Father. Family. Friends love life?"
Snorting in amusement at each juncture, as she stopped talking.
"... What is wrong with you?"
"plenty. Now either help me find your brother's body to bury, or however you deal with relative bodies. Or I'm putting you into a ditch."
He ignored whatever she said about how they normally cared for bodies. Instead jumping into a hole and dropping the body into the ditch.
"Ait, good enough."
He immediately reached for his shovel.
"... Oh. Right. Prayer. Uhhh. In the name of the father, son and holy spirit. Uhhh. Get fucked. Good luck in the afterlife."
He went back to moving to shovel dirt.
Staring at her, she muttered something.
"I don't speak desert mumble."
Spitting out her words, she coughed and repeated herself.
"Thanks. But uh-"
He ignored her, shoveling dirt into the hole. After a few layers. Before his face was covered, he pulled out a small toy.
"I don't know if you can hear me. And I don't care. Here's a friend's toy, to keep ya company. 40k ring and a knife in case you need to stab someone-"
She almost stopped him before he dropped the knife.
"... Funeral gifts. Unless you want him to show up in heaven without signs of his family and shit."
She just stared at him.
"You. Care?"
"no. I just rather not have another pissed off spirit up my ass about doing it wrong."
Dumping a rock onto his stomach, he reached for his shovel.
"... Zombie?"
"animated undead. We're not far from a portal to hell. Is there only sand in the skull or are all desert folk this thick?"
Wrapping his knuckles against her head, he began to shove dirt back into the hole.
"Why did you do that?"
She'd asked, as he accompanied her back to her home.
"Let's see. I can either sit in bed hearing a bunch of whining, or I can annoy a pretty girl around and make it less whiney and finally go to sl-"
"Did you just- ... Did you just call me pretty."
"Uh huh. That's your house right?"
Jabbing at the house, an enraged pair glaring at the man. Shouting in arabic as he walked back.
The pair just paused, looking at the girl as the man grumpily marched his way down the hill. Sliding, tumbling and cursing profanities at various things as he went. Eventually firing into the forest as he shouted more obscenities at hiding forces. Swearing flood plains and forest tongue as he swore in his native Chinese tribe's tongue at the "annoying evil spirits." Calling them impotent, dumb, pathetic and a lot more childish insults to include.
"... What a strange man."
Shouting at the girl, he continued to swear across languages, seeming to not use his gun as other soldiers began running to help him.
Shaking his fist at the sky, in the dawning light where you could see the cheery grin on his otherwise unfriendly voice.
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I've been meaning to do this forever and I'm bored/can't sleep so...
MLQC Boys as CG's!
At first he'd think you were joking about your regression or just pretending to act younger for attention (ouch.)
Don't worry, it wouldn't take him long to realize that he totally screwed up in making that assumption.
He's a busy CG and has to work a lot, but he loves you very much and makes as much time for you as he can.
Very protective of you. He tells you to hold his hand when crossing the street, makes you wear coats or bring them 'just in case,' and brings the entire house with you when you leave because you might need anything.
The only thing he can't handle is tantrums. (Panic attacks/meltdowns don't count as tantrums, he knows you can't help those.)
Takes you to souvenir all the time and makes sure he knows exactly how to make all your favorite foods.
He's too scared to wash your comfort items, so he asks someone else to do it for him, but only because he doesn't want to mess up.
He teases you a lot, but he means we'll by it and really doesn't mean to offend you.
Not strict, but he's not chill either. He has a specific set of rules for you, but nothing out of your comfort zone.
He's actually a big softie (don't tell him I said that.)
He's open to any male CG names (daddy, dada, papa, etc.)
Calls you: pumpkin pie, muffin, sweetie, boo, etc.
Would be best with littles 5+
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Doesn't have a clue what littles are.
It takes him forever to understand, but once he gets it, he makes sure he does a good job being your CG.
He secretly holds you a little tighter and is a little more protective of you than before.
Let's you go to the police station and meet the other officers that he works with. They all know you by name, get you presents and always have a lollipop ready when you come to visit.
He lets you sit in his police car and start the siren if you want.
If you want to, but the siren scares you, he's got noise cancelling headphones handy.
He is such a fun CG, he'll make everything into a game so that it'll be fun for you.
If you're fussy/can't sleep, since Gavin can control the wind, he takes you for 'uppies' where the two of you just fly around until you feel better or fall asleep.
Tries to teach you new things and constantly tries to keep you engaged in things. "What color is that, little one?" "Can you tell me how many that is?" "Can you tell me about (insert thing here)?"
When you cry or get upset, he pulls you into his lap and bumps his knee up and down while you sit on it to calm you down.
He always tries to make you giggle.
He is perfectly fine with any caregiver names you give him (masculine, feminine or gender neutral.)
Calls you: giggles, sweetheart, bubs, junior, little one, etc.
He's best with littles 3+
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Oh my goodness, he loves being a caregiver.
He's pretty childish himself in a way, so he'd be super good with caring for his little.
He would immediately sit down with you and ask why you didn't tell him sooner. Then, he'd ask you if he'd ever said anything that made you feel upset and try to get things right immediately.
Arranges all your comfort items the way you want them because he loves putting things in order.
Very paitent. If he has a chatty little, he'll listen. If he has a quiet or nonverbal little, he'll try to find out what you need by asking questions or by telling you to point. If you're fussy, he immediately puts his focus on finding out why. He's amazing, okay?
Loves taking you to the children's museum. He gets to teach you about science and animals and you get to have fun. He'd even buy you a stuffy afterwards.
Loves to color with you and he loves to watch you color. If you're too little to color when little, he teaches you how to grip a pencil and let's you draw.
Keeps all your coloring pages and drawings, he loves them.
Is fine with being called dada, papa, mama, etc. Just not daddy or mommy.
He calls you his little fool (like the game but this time for real because you are his little.) He also calls you cutie, baby (gender,) bug, princess/prince/royal, etc.
He's good with any little, he just wants someone to love and make happy.
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Oh gosh, his initial reaction is not great (he doesn't understand.)
*laughs a bit* "Is this a joke?" "Are you trying to tell me you want a baby?"
He calls his brother, Gavin to see if he understands what you're going on about. Then he realizes he was a big ole jerk.
Immediately apologizes and agrees to be your caregiver.
He's not good at it at first, he really is trying, he just doesn't know what he's doing. "Oh, you're little now? Cool! So uh, we still making dinner or no?"
Gavin bonks him on the head a couple of times and shows his brother how to properly care for you and he's much better after that.
He likes doing preschool activity sheets/books with you. He even plays preschool with you. He's the teacher and your toys are your classmates.
Swears up and down that he doesn't really care for watching little shows with you but he loves it. You've even caught him once or twice singing the theme song to your favorite little shows.
(Not really a fitting headcanon for this post, but I'm putting it in anyway.) If you guys watch Hurcules or Descendants 3 when you're regressed, he thinks Hades is the coolest character he's ever seen.
Since he has the power to control storms, if you like them, he can make that happen. If you don't like them, he can make storms go away.
Prefers daddy or dada as a CG name for him, but is okay with anything really.
Calls you: lightning bug, little lightning, thunderbolt, little lion, firefly, angel, sweet baby, etc.
Is good with littles 3 and 1/2+
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Oh boy, oh boy, my favorite! (I'll shut up now and get back to the HC's xD)
Have you seen how childish he is? He would think your regression is the cutest thing he's ever seen.
Makes you a 'baby' room and a 'big' room.
Likes making you cute foods like Mickey Mouse pancakes, Octopus hotdogs, etc.
Is so understanding about everything, most of the time he knows when something is bothering you. You don't even have to tell him.
Let's you help him write some music with him and pick instruments you like to be in his songs.
The king of lullibies, he loves singing to you and it sounds precious when he does it.
He's also really good at reading and telling bedtime stories. He loves doing voices and making you smile.
When he has to leave to go on tour, he asks Gavin to babysit. When he comes back, he brings you a present everytime.
Teaches you little songs about everything like how to set the table, going to bed, different stuff.
Makes your stuffies talk a lot and almost always gives them accurate voices.
He's a reward chart kinda CG's, he has a reward chart for you in just about everything from self care to eating your veggies.
He doesn't care if it's three in the morning, if his baby needs something, he gets it for you.
Is okay with all caregiver names except 'daddy."
Calls you: baby chips, chocolate chip, little biscuit, little rockstar, (insert cg nicknames here's) little one, etc.
Is good with any littles, but the younger the headspace, the better he is.
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fandomlurker · 4 years
A Ponderous Rewatch: Jockey For Position
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Now that we’re done with that long cameo, it’s time for our feature presentation for tonight, and it’s a doozy!:
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We open with Pinky frantically running on a spinning globe while Brain stands above him on the…globe holder? I don’t know if that part has a name or not.
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“[winded gasps] Can I stop now, Brain?”
“Not until I finish my demonstration.”
Brain, that’s just… Well I was about to say it was mean, but given that Pinky understands the details of his plans better when Brain demonstrates it or draws elaborate diagrams, maybe it’s for the best? I doubt Brain could make that large globe spin just by using his hands, and Pinky’s been seen a lot of times running on the mouse wheel in their cage so he’s gotta be pretty in shape. Still, it feels like Pinky’s been running for a lot longer than he needed to…
You know what? I change my mind. It is a bit mean, Brain.
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“When I build my reverse geotropic arrestor, Pinky, and throw it from the North Pole like this…”
The word “geotropic” doesn’t quite sound right. I wonder…
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…Okay, yeah, Brain’s getting worse at naming things.
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“…In a matter of seconds the cable will become taut, gravity will cease, and everyone will fly off the face of the Earth!”
Oh my GOD, Brain. This has got to be the stupidest plan you have come up with yet! Nothing about this will work.
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Well, there goes poor Pinky.
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“Leaving us alone to assume control.”
It’s still “us”, huh? Noted.
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Long Pinky.
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“Egad, Brain, brilliant! Haha hehe heh—!”
Pinky, sweetheart, I know praising Brain is kind of your thing but this is one time I’m going to have to call you out on your bias because this is super not brilliant and I’m actually a little worried for Brain’s mental state.
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“—Oh wait, no, no. What’s going to keep us from flying off the Earth?”
That’s one flaw of many, Pinky, but I guess it’s as good a start as any.
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“We will duct tape ourselves to a tree.”
Because the tree will totally stay in the ground when the Earth abruptly stops spinning. Not that it will stop spinning, because none of this makes any sense.
Brain, did this idea come from, like, a dream you had or something? Is that why the plan is working on dream logic?
I know this is a comedy cartoon and this is all a joke but sometimes Brain’s plans are so fucking out-there I just have to roast him for it.
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“Unfortunately we still need to raise money to buy a one billion ton magnet. But I have a solution!”
Oh boy, can’t wait to hear the solution to this one. It’s gonna be stellar if the whole plan today is anything to go by.
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Oh nice, Brain’s the one sewing for a change! Usually this is Pinky’s area of expertise, but it’s always nice to see that Brain can do some classically domestic things too.
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“Tomorrow is the running of the Kentucky Derby. Do you know what that is?”
Most of my knowledge on it comes from “My Brother, My Brother, and Me” goofs, so my mind keeps autocorrecting it to “Kenfucky Derby”, but go on.
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“Umm… Oh! A very large hat?”
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“Promise me something, Pinky. Never breed.”
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“I’ll try.”
Well, that’s going to come back to haunt them.
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“The Kentucky Derby is the biggest horse race of the year. There’s a one million dollar purse going to the jockey riding the winning horse.”
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“And I am going to win that purse!”
Okay, first off: Pinky, are you just going to stand there and stare at Brain as he gets changed? Like, I understand they’re naked normally and this is the exact opposite of stripping but umm…
Secondly: Brain, did you really have to get that up close to tell Pinky this? You two are making this too easy for me.
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“Zort, Brain! A million dollar purse?!? Ooooh!~ You’re going to need matching pumps and earrings for that!”
Pinky’s got his priorities in order.
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“Focus, Pinky, focus!”
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“Now watch.”
And now Brain’s ordering Pinky to watch him dress and I just…I have no words. This is all so suspect. Why do you two even need a dressing screen if you’re usually naked anyway? And it shouldn’t matter if anyone sees you get dressed unless this is some weird reverse nudity taboo you two have developed and if that’s the case, why are you allowing Pinky to watch? And if it’s for a dramatic reveal WHY ARE YOU ORDERING HIM TO WATCH YOU CHANGE???
This episode is already so goddamn wild.
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I am really not sure how I feel about that pan-up of Brain when he’s thrust his pelvis forward. At least the outfit is cute, though.
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“Narf! Oh, Brain, I get it! You’re a beautiful lawn ornament!”
“Beautiful”, huh? Also noted.
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“Look at me, narf, I’m a pink flamingo! Ahahaheh!”
Oh LORD, Pinky, how are you—?!?
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“I’m a cement deer! Ah hah!”
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“Oh, I’m one of the seven dwarves, Brain!”
That’s more acceptable but Pinky, sweetie, warn me if you’re going to nightmarishly shapeshift again, okay?!
I guess we can add that to the list of random abilities Pinky has.
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“Stop it, Pinky, or I shall have to hurt you.”
You are much calmer about this than I would be if this happened in front of me, Brain.
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“Oh. Right-o, Brain. Narf.”
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“Now let us make haste, for we have much to do before the race begins.”
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So then we cut to Churchill Downs, and I can only assume another roadtrip adventure was had off-screen.
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“First, Pinky, we must visit the stables.”
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“Inside, we will find the winning horse.”
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“Err… How are we gonna do that, Brain?”
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“The racing form, Pinky.”
My bet’s on... [squints] hLUUNO the horse.
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“By analysing the velocity-based pace line, mile turf win and bayer speed figures, we’ll find a grade one stakes claimer who’ll give us a key horse situation.”
“Key Horse Situation” would be a great band name. Also, whoops, little bit of an error on the name plaques, background artists.
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What do your mouse eyes see, Pinky?
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“Err, can’t we just ride the pretty one?”
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So here she is, one of the few characters debuting in the Animaniacs run that will matter to PatB lore going forward aside from our main duo.
A fun fact for you all: Phar Fignewton’s name is a triple reference joke. “Phar Lap” was a champion thoroughbred race horse in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Fig Newtons are small pastries filled with fig paste. Lastly, “Fahrvergnügen” was a slogan for Volkswagon starting in 1990. Translated, it means “driving enjoyment”.
Phar Fignewton makes a whinnying noise and ends it off with a goofy laugh.
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Brain is not impressed.
“Heavens, they’re multiplying…”
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Pinky is instantly smitten with her.
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“This is a business trip, Pinky!”
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“Oh. Right. Sorry, Brain.”
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“Here is our horse.”
“’Daddy’s Little Angel’…”
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I guess it’s an ironic nickname.
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“Pinky… Are you pondering what I’m pondering?”
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“Whu… I think so, Brain, isn’t Regis Philbin already married?”
Now I’m wondering if Pinky is suggesting that one of them marry Regis or if he’s suggesting that Regis marries the horse. Either way, what the fuck?
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Yeah, same.
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“The race, Pinky. By combining the statistics and my low body weight, this horse cannot lose! The prize money will be ours!”
GAH! Brain, I’ve had enough minor heart attacks from this episode because of Pinky’s eldritch morphing ability, I don’t need another one of your bizarre close-ups to do the same!
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“Now I must take the place of the real jockey.”
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“Is this the Jockey who’s going to ride ‘Daddy’s Little Angel’?”
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“This is Ed Mcmahon from Publisher’s Smearing House. You’ve just won ten million dollars.”
Pinky delightedly and silently listening in and chuckling in the back is precious.
And honestly, Brain, I don’t know why you’re crouching here, but it’s also cute.
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“I won ten million dollars… I WON TEN MILLION DOLLARS! I am outta here! Later!”
The mice are lucky that he’s so excited about winning all that money that he forgets to do basic things like ask when and how he’ll get the money.
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“Louie! Louie!”
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“Who’s gonna ride my horse? I mean, Louie is the smallest, lightest jockey in the entire world!”
Did you know that there’s a weight requirement for jockeys, but no height requirement?
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“Not anymore!”
Whoops, I just noticed another error, though it’s minor: Brain’s jockey outfit throughout this scene is light tan and purple instead of the pea green and purple that it’s supposed to be.
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“You’re a jockey?!”
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“Actually, I am a mouse in the early stages of an elaborate scheme to take over the world.”
The more this happens, the more I’m starting to think that Brain does this shtick on purpose to emotionally and mentally disarm people who would otherwise suspect that he’s not human. The fact that it works shows you just how idiotic the human beings of this world are.
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“Well, fine, we all need a hobby but…will you ride my horse?”
Oh, sir, I think it’s much more than a hobby at this point. If only you knew…
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“I shall ride! And win!”
His design is a little odd here, but it’s still a good pose.
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So Brain next has to be weighed to make sure he meets the requirements.
“Saddle: Seven pounds. Saddle and rider: Seven pounds 3 ounces.”
So if you can recall from the previous rewatch post, a house mouse on average weighs 19g, and a common wood mouse weighs 23g (it can be up for debate which type of mouse Brain is).  Converting Brain’s 3 ounces of weight to grams would result in him weighing 85.0486g.
Brain does have a bit of a cute little potbelly thing going on, but he’s also consistently much smaller in height and width than the average adult mouse in the series. I think the incredible difference in weight is mostly coming from the heft of Brain’s, well, brain and skull…and the muscle mass packed into that tiny body to help keep him upright.
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“A genetically perfect jockey! This is fantastic!”
Please don’t phrase it like that.
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“…Let’s look into early retirement.”
That jockey on the left is going through some shit, man. He looks like how I feel after working an eight hour shift on the holidays.
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And so we skip to the beginning of the race!
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That poor, poor jockey…who changed colour schemes for some reason.
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There’s Phar Fignewton with a jockey who honestly looks like he’s high.
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And here’s our little mousey fella, who has somehow managed to make this aggressive horse obedient.
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“Camptown race is five miles long, do-dah, do-dah.~”
He’s so happy he’s singing to himself! This is honestly so precious that I completely forgive him for not getting the lyrics correct.
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Coincidentally, Daddy’s Little Angel is positioned next to Phar Fignewton.
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“Ooh, isn’t this exciting, Brain?”
Uh oh.
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“Pinky, what are you doing here? Your weight will disrupt my winning calculations!”
I don’t know if it’d be that off, Brain. The combined weight of two mice is still much less than that of a human jockey.
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“But Brain, it’s too exciting! I—“
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“Oooh! Heh. Hello.~”
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I think I’m going to save my thoughts on this whole…thing until the end. Right now I will say, however, that I wasn’t quite expecting the tongue-hanging-out-of-gaping-mouth lovestruck/horny??? reaction.
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“Pinky, the race is starting!”
Too late, Brain.
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And we’re off!
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Bye, Pinky.
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“There’s baloney in our slacks…~”
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So as the race goes on, we get to know a few more of the horses’ names: Isle of Yap (a nice callback to the first PatB short), Flamiel (which is apparently the WB writers’ favourite word?), and Leggo-my-Egoiste (a double reference to an old Eggo slogan and the name of a cologne).
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The other jockeys are more than a little surprised by Brain and his steed taking the lead early in the race.
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Phar Fignewton is trailing way behind.
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Meanwhile, Pinky’s woken up from fainting, seeing the oncoming horses—
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--and promptly freaks out and stumbles back down again.
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“Victory, she waits for me! Oh, the do-dah-day!”
You really have to stop tempting fate like this, Brain.
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Phar Fignewton’s very tired, but what’s this?
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Is that…Pinky in harm’s way?
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Determined and fueled by her inexplicable crush, Phar Fignewton starts gaining ground on the other horses.
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Brain didn’t calculate for this!
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…Oh! Hi, Warners! Looks like they’re cheering Phar on.
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“Oh no! Yah! Yah! Yah!”
I didn’t think whips were allowed in races like the Kentucky Derby, but apparently they are. Their use was only restricted—not banned—in the summer of 2020, which is alarming to say the least.
On a different note, I know some of you folks are now jotting down the fact that Brain knows how to use a whip. I see you.
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She makes the save!
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And she also wins the race! Way to go, Phar Fignewton!
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“In the words of the great Willie Shoemaker: ‘Nuts!’”
It was a good try, Brain, but honestly I’m glad you failed this time if only so that you wouldn’t embarrass yourself with your actual world domination plan’s failure later. Maybe take a couple nights off to rest up a bit and formulate plans that aren’t totally bonkers, hmm?
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I might as well go ahead and talk about this now. I…am conflicted on this whole Phar Fignewton thing. It makes for a very strange one-off joke about Pinky instantly falling in love with a distaff counterpart of his that’s a horse for whatever reason…but the fact that she’s not a one-off character is baffling in and of itself. Like I’ve said before, she’s mentioned a couple of times going forward as being Pinky’s girlfriend, or as a bizarre joke at Pinky’s expense about him being in/having been in a relationship with a horse. There’s even a small running gag about Pinky’s reaction to people’s disgust about it: “People can be so intolerant!”. I don’t know if the joke is supposed to be one about racial segregation or a wink and nod to queer folks in the only way that the writers could get away with in a cartoon at the time (in a “see, Pinky’s down for a relationship with anyone, even outside of his species!” type of way).
Phar Fignewton herself is a sweetie but besides that she has no personality to speak of and we’re just meant to assume based on physical appearance that she is equivalent to Pinky. And like, she hasn’t been uplifted to human levels of intelligence and sapience like Pinky has because of Acme Labs, but she seems to be naturally sapient for some unknown reason and just simply unable to speak English.
On top of all this, the relationship is very shallow and the only reason we’re given as to why Pinky likes her is because he finds her pretty. It’s perfectly in character for Pinky to easily fall in love, as he does so with other animals a couple more times in the spin-offs, but it just feels weird that this is the one that sticks around purely to become a running gag that gets mentions that are sometimes literal years apart from one another.
And listen, I know the writers most likely made this a thing just because they thought it was a funny joke and a few of them managed to remember about Phar and would use Pinky dating her as a gag. I know this. But it doesn’t make it any less confusing and weird. I remember the jokes about Pinky and horses from way back when I first watched Animaniacs and the PatB spin-off when I was a kid and I never had any context for it because I don’t think I ever saw this specific episode. Coming back as an adult and seeing all these episodes in order and watching this one in particular and finding out the context is “Pinky thinks a horse is pretty and the horse and him are in love and long-distance dating now” is both underwhelming and leaves me with more questions than answers.
…Also, if my earlier theories on why the writers made this joke are correct, does this mean Phar Fignewton is metatextually a beard for Pinky?
I just don’t know, folks. You’re welcome to leave your thoughts on this in comments.
Let’s wrap this up.
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So as we can see, Brain is, as usual, back to work on another plan that involves—
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—a goddamn cannon, holy shit! What is he using the glue for? That’s a little ominous, given what’s been involved in this episode.
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There’s a hammering noise in the background and we see Pinky putting up a photo of Phar Fignewton.
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“Pinky, will you please stop that? I’m trying to concentrate on tomorrow night!”
Wow, you’re more irritable than usual, Brain. I didn’t think some delicate hammering would annoy you that much.
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…Despite my ramblings earlier, that’s very cute of you, Pinky. I’m sure you could’ve gotten a better photo, though.
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“Why, Brain, what’re we gonna do tomorrow night?”
Try to take over the world, of course! Right, Brain?
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Umm, wow. That’s a first. You look like you’re absolutely enraged, Brain. All this over some hammering sounds?
This had me taken aback a bit when I watched it the first time, not gonna lie. We’ve seen Brain after a plan’s failure plenty of times before. He’s been frustrated, sure. Humiliated at times, or maybe he just sighs in resignation and walks off into the sunset. It always ends with him simply using these feelings to fuel the fire in him to do better tomorrow night.
This is the very first time we’ve seen him jumpy and irritated at the most minor of things and so angry that he literally refuses to participate normally in his and Pinky’s shared catchphrase. And this was for a plan that was just to fund the real plan! So why is this time any different?
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Okay, that’s… That makes a lot of sense, actually. Damn.
Hey, fanfic writers? Ya’ll ever use this as the very first time Brain experiences romantic jealousy? Let me know.
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“Oh yeah, try to take over the world. Right.”
I think even Pinky’s put off by this development, if his hesitant and quiet finishing of the saying is anything to go by.
And that’s what we end off with.
All in all, this episode is a wild ride of strangeness in small moments and bizarre additions to lore and ends on the first subversion of the long-running closing gag of the series. It’s not exactly a great episode, but that ending is intriguing enough for one of the main purposes of this rewatch. In short, I’m just baffled.
Luckily the next episode is much better. Next time, the mice head on down to Tennessee to seek world domination via country music.
See you then!
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azeriaa · 4 years
Hi!! these are some asks that has been in my inbox since September— I will answer them now!!
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@mmangaboi​ Oh, I- I don’t know??? I honestly don’t know?? Why is it there?? Well, never mind... maybe its “time” has stopped since nobody really remembers them anymore. Also congratulations! You have found one of the Easter Eggs I planted in the comic hahaha. More importantly, a crucial one.
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@silheedil​​ That’s literally everyone after Part 9 has been released for 2 months. (*´艸`). Have you all been thinking that as a grammar error??? Well, there’s a story to why he speaks in Past Tense, and it may doesn’t make a lot of sense. Basically, his future is taken away.
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*attempts bad mouse drawing on ms paint* Well, I would like to know what’s your thought on that last question ( ̄∇ ̄)
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HI!!! I love you a lot too!!!! What happens when past rewinds himself?? He goes back in time of course!! Ya big dummy!! (`▽´)/ *bonk*
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And your ask give me more serotonin than you ffffffffffffffffffffffff <3 <3 I’m glad you love it so much!! I will continue to do my best!~ (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
Im taking a wild guess — kingofk1nk is that you?? Sorry if I’m wrong ahahhah.
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Oh no, you’re not dumb! I’m very sure I confused you on purpose and I have successfully done so! No just kidding I have no idea what am I doing as well despite I know how the story goes.
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Neverland was actually a place where “forgotten” things go, where nobody has remember that AU, not even the creator themselves, It is basically a graveyard for ideas. So no, Hard mode wouldn’t be here.
Again, still a heavy draft, don’t count too much on it. (★uдu)σ
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@k0re-drawings​ HIIIIII !!!!!!! I MISS HANGING OUT ON TUMBLR TOO AHH H H H H EXAM IS KICKING MY BUTT but I kicked it back. ( • ̀ω•́  )✧
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*attempts another bad mouse drawing on ms paint* I am doing well hasdsdf <3 thanks for asking asdfasdf 
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@pistachio-mint-puppet​ Hello! Just passing by to tell you that— TAHNK SDYFASDFODJF THANK YOU!!! and I wish you a wonderful, fantastic day!!
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@owizy​ I will never stop making the comics until I have finish telling my story!! Season 2 is coming next year February!! Though, there may be a delay because the cases in my country are rapidly growing and there’s a good chance the exam will be delayed until May or April ;n; I wanna draw!!!!!!!!!!! *slams table aggressively*
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no... (´・ω・`) The only way to enter the Neverland is to erase your existence from everyone’s memory. That’s a comic idea for one of the mini-series but I’m not sure if I have time to draw/continue it hahaha. Nothing goes in or out. 
These interactions with other Sans(es) are not canon hahaha. Well, you can probably hack your own existence so nobody remembers you and access the Neverland? Who would want to do that, honestly. Abyss.
asdhfdf my hands are so itchy to tell you about this comic idea, let’s see if it will be drawn out or not.
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ok ok prompts!!! so, I would be Delighted by some more qinxiyao family fic (deleted scenes or things you might have wanted to include in the big bang fic but didn't get to?), or, alternately, anything in the modern tcgf au? anything at all; they're all so excellent <3
both of these are such excellent prompts I started working on both of them, but the modern au got finished first! I’ll probably both a) do a lot of edits on this and b) do the qinxiyao family fic in a week or so, but here this is for now. Also, for those not in James and my brains, this is a very small part of a very large AU! Small note, all characters appearing in this fic are trans; however, He Xuan is still very much an egg and so they are referred to throughout the fic as “he/him,” although SQX at least is aware of this and wondering when to bring it up with her. She is, however, unaware that “Ming Yi” is a stolen identity and He Xuan is actually the eco-terrorist who’s been blowing up her brother’s fish hatcheries. It’s a long story. 
If Xie Lian was being honest, he didn't much like the internet. It was so bright and everything moved too fast. People used a bewildering array of slang and images. It was surprisingly difficult to avoid spending hours reading upsetting news stories. People spent days arguing about pornography. 
Also, his phone didn't really connect to WiFi very well. Even by the loosest definitions of the word, he hardly counted as a netizen.
People were usually shocked when he told them this, though, because Xie Lian's best friend was one of China's most popular beauty influencers.
Xie Lian's face appeared on her Weibo with some regularity. She talked about him often. He'd gone viral three separate times on Douyin, entirely accidentally. 
What Shi Qingxuan was most famous for, however, was makeup tutorials. He had never actually appeared in one of these, but, since there were very few people in the world capable of saying no to a very determined Shi Qingxuan, this was about to change. He was used to being in her charmingly decorated little apartment but not quite used to becoming a decorated thing himself. He'd even put on one of the outfits Hua Cheng had designed and sewn for him, based on some of his old dance costumes and a few frantic weeks of historical research, and kept swishing the skirts around his legs.
Shi Qingxuan started setting up, chattering away to Xie Lian as she did. "You need anything before we start? Bathroom, water, a snack? I edit my videos pretty heavily, so we can always take a break, but it’s good to be comfy." 
"No, I'm fine," Xie Lian said, and then had to close his eyes when she clicked on the ring light.
He fiddled with the makeup compacts laid out on the table.
Shi Qingxuan adjusted her light, scootched Xie Lian’s chair a little to the left and a little back, and then fiddled with the camera. It was quite the involved operation, Xie Lian thought; he knew a lot went into making videos, but he hadn’t realized it took this much effort before the camera was even on. Shi Qingxuan had done his makeup before, of course, but mostly just for fun, or something she could take a picture of and post on Weibo. It had been so long since he'd been filmed.
He watched Shi Qingxuan press record on her camera and then sit back and flash it a smile, putting on her Influencer Face. She squeezed his hand under the table.
“Hi everyone, welcome to Feng Shi!” she said, chirpy. “I’m Shi Qingxuan, and today we’re doing xianxia makeup with my good friend, Xie Lian. Now, for this look, we’re going to need…”
When Xie Lian was little, the makeup artists for his dance troupe had known he took about twice as long as anyone else did to get his makeup done. He was the darling of the company, though, so this was tolerated with fondness.
He didn't like the way the foundation felt on his face when it dried. His eyes watered when they put on eyeliner. He liked to spin his chair from side to side. 
He'd had much worse things on his face than paint since then, and had learned how to be still.
Shi Qingxuan patted his hand cheerfully as she pulled out the setting powder. 
"You're always one of my favorite models," she said. "You're so photogenic and so patient!"
"Thank you," Xie Lian said, and held still while she brushed it in his face.
Ruoye, probably noticing the warmth, slithered out of Xie Lian's robes and curled up on top of his head so she could get the full blast of heat from the ring light. She flickered out her tongue to scent Shi Qingxuan when she leaned in with a liquid eyeliner pen.
Shi Qingxuan made little kissy sounds at her, which only confirmed Xie Lian's certainty that he had good taste in friends. Most people were startled by Ruoye originally, but how they responded to her after Xie Lian introduced them was a good litmus test.
Ruoye settled in, and Xie Lian reached up a finger to stroke her scales. 
He was feeling good, content and warm, happy to sit still. Then the apartment door clicked open, and Xie Lian stiffened.
"Ming-xiong? Is that you?" Shi Qingxuan called.
Ming Yi mumbled something back and shuffled into the room, buried deep in his black hoodie. As always, Xie Lian's first thought upon seeing him was wondering how he could see through all that hair.
The hoodie had a fish skeleton painted on it that he recognized instantly as one of Hua Cheng's drawings; it made Xie Lian smile, thinking of how insistent San Lang was that they absolutely weren't friends, no way, there was no particular reason he would make custom hoodies for Ming Yi. The fish were a coincidence. He’d even made Ming Yi custom salmon breakup boots while proclaiming it meant nothing. 
Xie Lian, wearing an elaborate hanfu Hua Cheng had designed, sewn, and embroidered himself, even making him a period-appropriate duduo to flatten his chest, absolutely did not buy any of these excuses. Hua Cheng covered people he cared about with his art. 
Ming Yi grunted a greeting and wandered off, probably to raid the fridge. Shi Qingxuan winked at Xie Lian.
“I’ll edit most of this out,” she said, conspiratorial, “But my viewers love Ming-xiong. Especially when he’s out of focus in the background. They’ve made memes. I haven’t told them anything about him. It’s good to keep a little mystery! It keeps people watching.”
Xie Lian, having no real idea what she was talking about, smiled and suppressed his instinct to nod. Shi Qingxuan began painting a flower on his forehead with red pigment.
Finally, Shi Qingxuan gently removed Ruoye from Xie Lian’s head and shoulders and settled a wig cap over his hair, then the wig she’d pre-prepared. A few bobby pins, a few tucks, and then she stepped back, grinning.
“Ta-dah! How do you like it, taizi dianxia?”
“It’s beautiful,” Xie Lian said, honestly.
“We’ll end the video here, I think,” she said, “But I’ll get some posed photos of you to edit in here if that’s alright. Oh, tilt your head back and forth a little? Good. Smile at the camera!”
Shi Qingxuan fluttered her fingers at the camera in a wave; Xie Lian waved too, a few seconds later. As she leaned forward to click off the camera he straightened his legs out to try and loosen them up. His knees made terrible crunching sounds as they stretched. 
“You can take a little break if you want,” Shi Qingxuan said. “I’ll set up the area where we’ll take photos, but I’ll try to make it quick. You’re a darling for sitting through all this, you know?"
She was already bustling around again. She seemed to have an endless fountain of energy; Xie Lian found it admirable. He laid flat on his back on her bed, careful to not get makeup on her sheets or wrinkle his clothes. Ming Yi sat next to him, eating shrimp chips. He put a few directly into Xie Lian's mouth, feeding him like a little bird, and Xie Lian felt warm. Like Hua Cheng, it could be hard to know when Ming Yi liked you, but there were ways to tell.
He let Shi Qingxuan pose him until she was satisfied with the numbers of pictures she’d taken, trying very hard not to feel like the chuunibyou teenager he’d once been. He felt himself mostly immune to embarrassment at this point, but he supposed there were always exceptions.
Eventually, they cleaned up, although Xie Lian had promised Hua Cheng to show off the full look, so he didn’t get changed or clean his face. 
“I’ll buy dinner,” Shi Qingxuan said. “We deserve it. You too, Ming-xiong!”
She herded them both out of the apartment and down the street to a small noodles stall. They all ordered (in He Xuan’s case, three bowls) and Xie Lian was fumbling for his phone when he heard Shi Qingxuan cheerfully tell the clerk to put it all on the same ticket. She tapped her phone to pay for it all before Xie Lian could protest.
A few people asked Xie Lian for pictures as they ate. He posed obligingly, hoping he hadn't spilled any sauce on his clothes while eating. When he was done, he packed up his leftovers, let Shi Qingxuan nag him into calling a Didi instead of trying to walk home, and bid both her and Ming Yi farewell. Ruoye, who had spent most of the time they were eating in Xie Lian's backpack, made a brief appearance too like she wanted to say goodbye as well.
Xie Lian clicked his own apartment door closed quietly and tiptoed over to slide his leftovers into the refrigerator. Down the hall, a light shone out from underneath Hua Cheng's studio door.
There was an old picture of the two of them on the fridge; it was them in a hospital pediatric ward group room. Xie Lian, age fifteen, was beaming at the camera, his "FIGHT! JUVENILE SLE" shirt a bright red and his pants an immaculate white. Next to him, Hua Cheng, his right eye patched with patterned tape, bald and tiny, stared up at him with devotion. 
Ruoye bonked her head gently on the freezer door. Xie Lian pulled out one of her mice and slid her gently into her tank before giving her the treat; she was swallowing the mouse as he left the kitchen.
Hua Cheng turned to him as Xie Lian opened the door to his studio. His eye got wide, and his face looked like it did sometimes when he looked at Xie Lian, like he was seeing something holy. He slid his headphones off his ears.
Xie Lian did a little twirl for him, letting him see the way the fabric moved, and then tilted his face up for a kiss when Hua Cheng came over to him.
“Gege, you look beautiful,” he said.
“San Lang,” said Xie Lian. “It’s all you and Qingxuan. I’ll get her to send you the pictures later.”
Hua Cheng kissed the top of his head. He was dressed down, in a soft shirt and pants, not wearing his prosthetic eye. Xie Lian leaned his head into Hua Cheng’s chest.
“Gege seems tired,” Hua Cheng said. “Would you like to get ready for bed? Do you need dinner or your medicine? I can help you take all that off.”
“San Lang, you’re working,” Xie Lian said. “I already ate, so I think I’d like to sleep. But you don’t have to help.”
"Gege is more important than commissions," Hua Cheng said, and Xie Lian let him bundle him off to bed.
post about prompts! 
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I absolutely love your OCs! If you don't mind, could you please give us some advices to create a good Mystic Messenger OC?
I think this goes for making any OC but start with your heart. When I was young, I started with self-inserts and started building onto that by slowly shifting from me to a character that exists all on their own. They still hold pieces of myself, cause’ the best characters take facets of yourself when you’re creating them. If you’re putting your heart into them, then it shows to the people that you’re working with and the audience that might interact with them. Make your OCs for yourself, but don’t get discouraged if people don’t interact with your OC content. 
Make content for yourself and if you’re putting heart into it, more people start to take notice of that and you’ll see positivity. I see so many great MCs in this little fandom of ours and I love them. There’s something so unique about all of them and I hope you guys know that it’s always okay to come and talk to me about your OC! I would love to hear about them and let them interact with my MCs for fun! 
I assign myself to the theory that there is no such thing as a Mary Sue or a Gary Stu. I hate when people rag on people for making a character that is loved by the cast because so much of the people, the people who made that character is something that wants to cope with something that’s going on in their life. 
So, do not let anyone tell you that your character is bad. You wanna make a cute catgirl or catboy, for example? Let that be your MC if you want! What if you want an MC that’s got rainbow hair and skinny jeans? Delightful, I’d love to see them. What if you want your MC to be goth or perky? GOOD! Do it. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t. 
Shamelessly enjoy what you’re creating and I promise you, everyone will see that you’re having fun. If they don’t, trust me, I’ll bonk a motherfucker who makes you cry for having a cute MC. I won’t hesitate to defend y’all and your cute OCs that you want to make. So, take wherever you want. For me, when I first made my MC, I wanted to explore more of the way that I wanted to dress but I never felt confident opening up to others about it. So, I made a Lolita MC and I can’t tell you how much I’ve grown as a person thanks to Lila. 
My passion for my MC has given me the motivation to create and write more than I ever have created in my entire life. So, if you feel like you want to make an MC with a specific style, start exploring that style and the character creation as a process. If you have an idea for an MC with a specific attitude instead, go with that, like, with Judas, for example! I wanted someone to contrast against Seven and would give him that banter and cat and mouse game of chase. So, I made him from that single thought. 
Play on name websites. Play with Picrews and Rinmaru. Draw for yourself! Start writing! Explore what you want to create. There’s no right way to start. So, my best advice to you is to just start. If you’ve got an idea in your head, run with it and see where it takes you. 
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pinky and the brain - s1e3b: that smarts
here it is. lol.
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episode summary: frustrated at pinky’s constant disruption of his plans (okay, brain, if you say so) brain invents a machine to make him smarter. it goes about as well as you think it would.
the rundown:
it’s acme labs.
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unless this is just some cage in the middle of nowhere, i guess. i don’t know.
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no, wait. definitely acme labs. brain is writing in his Mouse Diary, probably relating the weird dream he just had about being in post-war japan. he has a lot of those, it seems, probably because it’s a good way for the writers to keep the status quo.
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mumble mumble grump grump mumble mumble
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“ah!” like he’s just discovered something. you’re not getting anywhere with those formulae though, brain. ∞A2-A= 2 to the tetration is just absolute gibberish and it’s not going to help you at all.
still, i’m glad he’s found what he’s looking for. satisfied with his nonsense calculations, brain calls pinky over.
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“what were you doing up there, pinky.”
“oh!” says pinky, who has just remembered he’s british. “i was having a devil of a time cleaning the chimney, brain.”
“we don’t have a chimey.”
“oh, well. there you are then.”
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brain reassures pinky that he is nowhere near the ceiling, which is good, because we don’t want more asthma than this poor guy already has. instead, he proposes to pinky that he’s figured out why they haven’t taken over the world yet.
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“oh, i know why, brain. it’s gremlins.”
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“an interesting theory.”
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i like how brain draws himself, here. with the little ¬¬ face. grompy.
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“but i have reviewed our past efforts, pinky, turning the situations into numbers in an effort to locate the exact problem.”
“well that sounds, um. narf.”
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“yes, i’m sure it does.”
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luckily, he’s plotted them all out on his little graph plotter, which is apparently going to paint a picture of the thing that’s ruining their plans... because... that’s how numbers work.... apparently? coming from the guy who thinks you can multiply infinity by -2 tetrated, forgive me for being skeptical.
let’s see how this goes!
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still, pinky looks like he wants to put it on the fridge, so it’s not all bad, i guess. “egad, brain! that looks like me! but flat!”
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“it is you, pinky. my calcuations have indicated that you are the problem.”
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“p... pinky?”
the leering figure of brain in his Man Suit behind him doesn’t help the tone, and should also probably serve as a reminder that sometimes it’s-- well, we’ll get to that.
poor pinky. ):
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brain rubs it in further by deriding pinky as a “spazzy, beetleheaded dufus.” he has.... diagrams, to match. this is all very rude and unneeded.
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“but you’re not getting rid of me, are you, brain? i mean you? working as a single? look at what happened to jerry lewis when he split from dean! all that stuff in your hair--”
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<gay little hand flip>
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“point taken.”
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“but fear not.” <gay little hand flip in response.>
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but brain has another plan! he is going to make pinky smart. so that’s not too bad, i guess? oh he’s making me change everything about myself! but at least he didn’t dump me.
i’m waiting for the christmas episode.
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so brain gets pinky all strapped into the promare spinny machine.
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he also makes this face when pinky asks why people don’t usually just make themselves smarter. so okay. he maintains that “the problem is in the execution”, but quite frankly i think it’s because most people aren’t into eugenics.
anyway brain activates the smartsotron.
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it, uh. i don’t know why this shot was taken from this angle. i’m sorry. i’m sure, historically, it made a lot of people happy.
brain does some more scientific mumbling.
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“fourty seven knots, six-- nineteen kelvin, fibbonaci, n minus one,”
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“coming-- coming--”
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in the nicest way possible, brain, i’m not sure he is.
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if you say so, brain. he goes off to pull the lever that. does that.
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it has an effect.
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the face of a man who is enjoying himself, apparently.
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brain also shorts out the whole electricity for acme labs, which is very funny.
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“pinky?” says brain, like he was concerned for his health like five minutes ago, when he put him into the bloody thing in the first place.
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“oh, that was fun, brain! haha ha. narf. hoo! i’m all tingly! woo woo.”
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“fun, perhaps, but obviously not successful.”
“oh, no, no, i think it was!”
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“at first i thought the folded dipole wasn’t working as your centrefed, horizontally mounted conductor,”
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“but frequencies below thirty megahertz--!”
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“loud and clear! haha!”
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“and i must say, brain, the peak value wave shape of the impulse voltage? glorious! i mean, hitting that maximum value without appreciable, superimposed oscillations! egad brain! brilliant!”
haha ha.
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good for brain. the worrying implications of his assumption that making pinky smart would cure his tourettes??? we can worry about that later.
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anyway, so tonight’s plan for world domination is that brain will pose as jimmy hoffa--
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anyway, he intends to pose as jimmy hoffa and manipulate the old labour leaders into worshipping him.
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with that, they will help him utilise the industrial complex to build a “forced vertoconvector”, whatever that means.
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“it will create millions of steaming, tiny guysers that will actually lift people several inches off the ground, immobilising them.”
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“egad, brain! it’s like giant air hockey!”
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unfortunately for brain, his coefficient values are wrong. “it’s suppose to be sin, not cosin. kind of flips the whole thing around. haha. won’t work.”
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inside his head, brain screams, quietly.
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but never mind! initially, he’s excited, because pinky has saved them a whole night’s work! tremendous!
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and luckily, he has a backup plan, which is also totally going to work. “take a look at this one,”
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“oh, brain.”
this is how mice flirt, i guess.
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ignoring that “colleague” is a slight downgrade from “lifelong friend,” brain explains that he intends to program a computer to generate a fantastically popular romance novel, that i actually don’t want to look at the cover of for too long.
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let’s move away from that. the romance novel “will contain a hypnophonetic sentence so long and so confusing that the reader will be forced to reread it, endlessly, out loud, and the frequencies of those sounds will hypnotise all those around them, primed for my suggestion that,”
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I RULE THE WORLD. it’s not quite a close up but it’s a funny face so i’m counting it.
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pinky is not as hype.
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“the frequency needs to be an exact integral multiple of the input, doesn’t it? or it’ll be all wobble wobble bluueeroooogh.”
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that’s one way of putting it. “not hypnotic at all, nope. won’t work.”
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“yes. you’re right.”
brain is not enjoying this any more, it seems.
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“by converting our cage into a nuclear reactor, we can produce enough energy--”
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“but your migration area is tiny, brain! the neutron will never be able to slow down from fission to thermal in here!”
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“please, pinky. let me finish--”
“but it’s got to be at least one sixth of the square distance between--”
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lms if you are the square distance between pinky.
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“it seems to be, brain, that it’s not my fault at all that these plans haven’t worked.”
man. we don’t get to see pinky mad at brain very often? i love it. please let him get this mad in the reboot. madder, even. let them argue, wb!!
i don’t think brain has much grounds to argue, considering that he is, of course, the inventor of Really Big Magnet That Sticks People To The Floor By Their Pocket Change. still, he gives it a go.
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he drags pinky back over to his weird little graph machine, citing that he “calcuated it himself” and “the numbers don’t lie.”
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<gay little hand flip>. that’s not entirely fair because this is a tween but. it’s funny.
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“actually, there seems to be a little booboo right here.”
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he sets about correcting it, of course!
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brain may well be at his limit.
(they angle that through the bunsen burner as it boils over, which is a very nice touch. it’s a metaphor, kids! he’s having a Hard Time.)
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“these-- this!--”
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“it’s preposterous what you’re saying! it’s ridiculous! it’s absurd!”
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“but brain--”
“just go!”
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“naaaaaarf.” going mouse! leave. ):
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but now that brain has vented his own raging insecurities, he has some calculating to do.
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well! isn’t that a merry little plot twist.
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brain’s response to this is to have a nervous breakdown, because of course it is.
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“no!” he cries. “he’s even smarter than i! smarter!”
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“but i have accepted my own errors. the team needs balance. balance! yes.”
this can’t be good.
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meanwhile, pinky is mourning their friendship! and all of the bops on the head.
“being a smarty is no fun! brain doesn’t like me.”
awww. ):
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meanwhile, brain is wittering on about how “sacrifices must be made,” as he plugs himself into the machine.
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“fourty seven knots, six-- nineteen kelvin, fibbonaci, n plus one, coming.” despite that, he doesn’t seem very happy to be here.
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brain runs back to their cage excitedly, to show pinky what he’s done!
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and immediately falls over in the process. aww.
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“pinky! look! i’m a ninny! a wooden headed dumbdumb!”
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“there’s not a smart thought in my whole empty head!”
this man is having a nervous breakdown.
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“narf, i say! narf to the world!”
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wait, what’s that noise?
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“ah! it’s good to be back. brain? brain?”
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that doorway is evidently a real problem for them. someone should probably fix it before they break their little ankles. ):
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“i fixed it! i’m a nitwit!” pinky cheers. “hurrah!”
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“yes. i fixed it as well, pinky. i’m as dense as a tree stump.”
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“you mean--”
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“well, we’ll just have to make you smart again, don’t we?”
“we can’t. we’re both too stupid to operate the machine.”
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so instead they just sort of sit down and give up, i guess.
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“what do you wanna do tonight, brain?”
“the same thing we do every night, pinky.”
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“what’s that?”
“i have no idea.” says brain, in a monotone, clearly upset deadpan. “narf.”
so that’s that, i guess.
originally, i was going to give this to brain - they were both as smart as each other, and if they had worked together they probably could have taken over the world. all he had to do was take the L and let pinky advise him.
on the other hand.... pinky is emotionally intelligent enough that i think he could have had a shot at reasoning with brain about it. and if he’d tried, then he would have figured out that brain had put himself in the machine, and if brain had tried to reason through his insecurities, he would have worked out that pinky had put himself in the machine, and--
basically they get half a point again.
brain: 6 pinky: 7 outside influence: 11
because i think that’s fair.
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either way, they seem to have fixed it, somehow, by the next segment. so it’s all good.
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mythiica · 5 years
Mini Scenarios - The Warlords Reacting to Minor Injuries
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Character: All warlords
Genre: Fluff, Micro fics! Mini scenes!
Warnings: None
Intended Gender Audience: Female Audience
Word Count: 2284 words total
Other comments: bashed my thumb in the door the other day so.. this happened 
...offers you his secret stash of konpeito. You are honored that he is sharing some with you, so for every one you eat, you feed him one. Playful as he is, Nobunaga nips your finger, making you squeal and pull back. As you do, you accidentally bite down hard on your tongue.
          You can taste the blood in your mouth, so you bring your hand to your mouth. “Ow!”
         “What happened?”
         “I bit my tongue.” Your jaw falls open and you rub the spot with a finger. “It hurts…”
         Nobunaga leans forward and grips your jaw. He brushes his fingers past your lips, and you open your mouth for him. You think that he’s going to pull on your tongue, but instead he pushes a piece of konpeito to the small tear in the muscle. The cold candy soothes the ache and makes you feel better.
         You nod, and he lets you close your mouth and eat the konpeito. “How did you know that will help?”
         Nobunaga takes a handful and plops it into his mouth. “When Hideyoshi nearly catches me eating it, I have to take as much as possible because I know he’ll take it away. I’ve bit my tongue a few times when doing this.”
         You laugh and lean against Nobunaga. “So you’re experienced with tongues?”
         His voice goes low and rough, “Oh, I’m very experienced with tongues…”
...panics when he hears you scream. He bursts into your room and demands to know what happened.
         You hold your hand to your head. “I stood up too fast and bonked my head…”
         He closes the distance between the two of you and drapes his arms over your shoulders. Hideyoshi rakes his fingers through your hair and massages your skull. “Are you alright? Please be more careful.”
         You try to swat him away, but Hideyoshi keeps his hands clasped over your ears. “I’m okay. It just hurt a lot for a few seconds there, and it surprised me.”
         Hideyoshi kisses your forehead gently. “You expect me to let you anywhere near the battlefield if you can’t even see a bar?” He scoffs. “I don’t want to see you get hurt more than this.”
         Huffing, you look at Hideyoshi. “This isn't the same. This was an accident. I promise, I’m fine!”
         He flicks your forehead, and you wince immediately. “You’re fine?”
         “I was until you did that!”
         The warlord cups your cheeks and looks at you intently. “Even if you protest, I will do whatever it takes to protect you. Starting with moving that bar so you don’t hit yourself again.”
         You pout more, but you know that he is only doing this out of love and concern. “I guess I’ll just have to sleep in your room then-”
         “Yes, you’ll just have to– wait, what?!” He blushes slightly and removes his hands from you. “W-We have a lot of other rooms, you don’t have to stay with me.”
         “Well, that way, you can keep a closer eye on me!”
         Hideyoshi narrows his eyes and smiles at you. “Smart girl. I suppose so.”
...asks you to slice some onion for the dumplings you are cooking together. However, the handle of the blade is slightly wet, so it slips from you grip and you end up slicing your finger slightly. The smallest drop of blood hangs from the edge of the cut, but you drop the knife and step backwards.
         “Yes, lass?” He turns around and sees that single drop of blood. He immediately drops the lettuce he had been washing and goes to your side. “What happened?!”
         “It just slipped, I’m sorry.”
         Masamune reaches for a towel and holds it to your finger. “It’s not deep, thank goodness.” He strokes your hair and kisses your temple. “Your heart is racing. Are you scared of blood?”
         “It’s not that – the cut jus tflet a lot deeper than it is.”
         “Perhaps next time, allow me to make the food, no?”
         You coo. “Sorry for-”
         He hooks his finger under your chin and makes you look up. “Don’t apologize, lass. Look at the bright side – you’ll get to stare at me as much as you want!”
         This makes you laugh. “Well…” you smile at him. “I do like looking at your ass-”
         “That’s my girl!”
...tends to the small blister in your palm carefully. You had been learning how to wield a sword, and the hilt of the sword had rubbed your skin too much, causing a small blister to form and pop. It is painful because the blister sits in the middle of the crease of your hand, but as Ieyasu puts an ointment on it, you cannot feel the stinging anymore.
         “...Thank you, Ieyasu,” you mumble.
         He grunts in response. “Don’t worry about it. Just make sure to wrap your hands from now on. Or let me train with you next time. So I can help you.” His voice is soft and gentle, full of meaning – you  are touched by how genuine he is.
         “You would train with me?”
         Ieyasu bandages your hand. “Make sure to change this tomorrow morning. It should heal in a few days.” He starts to clean up the materials he had used. “And yes. Why wouldn’t I? Better than you working with the kitsune or the book lover.”
         You laugh at the nicknames and flex your hand to adjust the bandage. “Sounds good. I look forward to seeing you in action. Are you as gentle with a sword as you are with medical supplies?”
         He growls at you. “Oh, I’ll show you gentle.”
...reluctantly allows you to carry the sack of arrows. He had just finished his practice for the day, and the two of you are now walking back to the castle. You are in deep conversation with him when your foot hooks in a loose root. This causes you to fall forward until Mitsuhide catches you.
         However, one of the arrow tips brushes across your skin, drawing blood. You stop walking and set the back down to inspect the wound.
         Mitsuhide’s eyes flash with concern. “I knew I shouldn’t have let you carry it– let me help you.” He pulls a piece of fabric from the depths of his clothes and wraps it around your wrist.
         “I’m okay–”
         “Quiet, little mouse. Pain is relative. It might not hurt you all that much, but it hurts me to see you injured.”
         You flush red and look away. “I start bleeding and you turn into a flirt?”
         Mitsuhide grins and picks up the bag of arrows. “Do you think you can handle the bow? Or will you find a way to injure yourself with it as well?”
         “I’m not that incompetent!”
...offers you one of his new books. As you admire the intricate cover details, you flip the page too quickly and end up cutting your finger. You wince and shake your finger. “Ah! Why do paper cuts have to hurt so much-”
         Mitsunari sets his box down and raises an eyebrow at you. “What happened?”
         “The book attacked me,” you whine before you go to leave to wash your hands.
         He looks at you with sad eyes and ushers you to leave the room.
         When you return, every book has been shoved into a space – meaning there is no place for you to hurt yourself again.
         “Did you.. me-proof… the room?”
         Mitsunari looks up, over his glasses. “In case you get a paper cut again.”
         You raise an eyebrow. “I was gone for a few minutes, Mitsunari, did you really do all of this for me?” You pad over to him and take his glasses off for him.
         He looks at you bashfully and nods.
         “But it was just a paper cut–”
         Mitsunari takes your hands in his and kisses your palms. “I’d do anything for you.”
...strums his fingers on the inside of your thigh when he notices a dark bruise. He lifts your leg, making you squeal in surprise. “Kenshin, what are you doing–?”
         He glances up at you. “Did I do this?” His fingers are on the hickey, and you blush.
         “Well… yes. You got a bit enthusiastic last night.”
         Despite the lighthearted tone you use, Kenshin still seems distressed by this. “But it’s red, not purple. I bit you too hard–”
         You lean forward and wrap your arms around Kenshin’s neck. “I’m a big girl. It will heal, so don’t worry about it.” When you smile, Kenshin inhales sharply before tucking his nose into your neck.
         “I’ll… try to contain myself more next time.” His fingers trace circles on your thighs as he rests his head against you. You can feel his heart beating steadily, and the rhythm calms you.
...kisses the finger where you accidentally ripped your nail. It had hooked in the fabric of your kimono, and you pulled your arm back too fast, causing the nail to tear. It had gone pretty deep, and it hurt.
         However, Shingen takes your mind off of the pain by trailing soft kisses down your jaw and neck. “It will grow back. Keep it covered for now, though,” he reminds you with his mellow voice. Shingen always knows how to comfort you, so you exhale slowly and lean against him.
         “You are right.”
         Shingen smiles at you, and the warmth from his kindness makes your heart melt. “I just wish I would have paid more attention..”
         He clasps his hands over your own and presses his forehead to yours. “Nonsense. It is difficult for angels to multitask when they are busy being beacons of light.”
         His sweet talk makes your legs turn into putty. “Shingen!”
         “Yes, my love?”
         Laughter erupts from your lips, and you cannot help but smile now. “I am not an angel, though.”
         “My goddess~”
         You give up, knowing that trying to argue would not work.
...looks at you, inviting you to come sit with him. His sly smirk and half-lidded eyes are enough to convince to go running across the room, but your toe catches in the arm of the futon. As you fall, you look at Sasuke with big eyes – your mouth found into an o, and you can’t help but thinks there I go.
         Sasuke is not fast enough to catch you, so you land flat on the ground with a hollow oof, but he scrambles from his spot and rushes to your side. “Are you practicing your ninja rolls?”
         You sit up and seeth with pain. “Don’t make fun of me! I stubbed my toe-”
         He pushes his glasses up and glances at your toe. It is already starting to bruise slightly. “Can you curl it?”
         After doing as asked, you wince at the sharp pain. “Great… I’m handicapped now.”
         Sasuke picks you up bridal style and starts to carry you towards the door. “Good thing I can carry you, then. No?”
         Not wanting to refuse his offer, you sling your arms around his neck and giggle. “You know, I think my entire leg is going numb… you’ll have to carry me around everywhere then~”
         “As long as it keeps you from doing a Naruto run, anything-”
         “I was not-”
         “Sure, sure.”
...doesn’t exactly know what to do to comfort you. Tears bubble in your eyes, but you are the only person in the room. Yukimura has no idea what has happened, but he rushes to your side and lifts your face. Words fall from his mouth, but most are incoherent.
         “I pulled to hard on a knot in my hair and it hurts,” you whine, rubbing your scalp.
         Yukimura falls to the ground next to you. “That’s it?!”
         “What do you mean that’s it! It hurts!”
         He laughs and picks up your hairbrush. “This hurt you?”
         You nod, and once you do, he throws it across the room and out into the garden. It tumbles in the grass before coming to a stop. “There, it won’t hurt you now,” he says triumphantly. He tucks an arm around you and brings you to rest on his shoulder. “Are you alright though?”
         Your tears have turned into laughs, and you nuzzle against him. “Yes. You saved me from the evil hairbrush. Thank you.”
         “Next time though… can you not scream so loud? I thought someone broke in or Shingen was trying some bad flirting with you–”
...watches the door close on your finger, but he isn’t fast enough to stop it. You reel back in pain and clutch your hand – just a few moments after, and the nail is already bruising slightly. Your bottom lip trembles, but you try to keep the tears back. It’s just a small injury, but it hurts immensely.
         Kennyo grips your wrist and drags you to the other side of the room and pushes your hand into a bowl of cold water. His eyes are clouded with concern, and when he looks up at you, you catch your breath. His immediate reaction was to help you – the cold water envelops your finger and soothes the pain. In the long run, it will also help reduce the bruising.
         “Th-Thank you. I wasn’t watching the door,” you explain between ragged breaths. “But you didn’t have to.”
         He looks at you and then at the doorway. Kennyo had dropped his staff in the moment. It had rolled into the grass and opened slightly, the metal of the hidden blade shining in the sunlight.
         You expect him to get up and retrieve it, but he sits with you instead. “Please be more careful.”
         Nodding your head, you turn your head down sheepishly and try to steady your thundering heart.
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ohmrlove · 5 years
Hello! May I have a request of the bois as kitties and their obsession of following after their owner MC. Well, for Victor, I think we all know he'd be 'that one cat' who likes to push stuff off high places just to tease you but also at the same time loves cats. Bonus if MC is the cat and the bois are her owner.
Hey there! So, due to the nature of the question and the fact that my answers can get kind of long, I’m only doing the first half with boys as cats. When the ask box is reopened, feel free to submit the MC as a cat prompt.
In the future I’d appreciate one question per ask, as that makes it easier on me :)
Let’s answer this question! =^● ⋏ ●^=
🍷 Victor 🍷
He’s the asshole cat
If you want to pet him, you come to him. He doesn’t come to you.
If he DOES come to you, he will sit on whatever you’re working on. Or if you’re reading, he’ll plop down in the middle of it. He’s decided he wants to be pet so you better give pets
Can be a food snob--it’ll take you a few tries to find something he likes. It’s best to get cheap trial tins of foods until you find a favorite
Most likely to do that thing cats do where they sniff something and gag
Will make the ugliest gremlin yowl if you’re holding him and he wants to be put down. He’s not completely against it, but he’ll DEFINITELY let you know when he’s had enough
He’ll grab your ankles about 40% of the time. He’s not even in a playful mood; he just wants to grab your ankles.
The type of kitty that has to be in the room with you, but pretends you don’t exist
Meows obnoxiously to locate you--you left? Um, excuse me! I’m not done!--just to meow in your face with a disinterested look upon finding you before going back to you not existing
Does the annoyed ear flick if he steals your seat and you try to sit with him anyways
Doesn’t like most cat toys. Prefers absolutely random things like cardboard tubes and hair ties
You can dress him up in little ties if you pay enough cat treats
The type to sleep on your face at night and only care a little.
He loves you, he’s just not going to show it. 
Will dart out in front of you for no reason. There’s an 80% chance he’s trying to trip you.
📢 Gavin 📢
A decently active cat that needs time to warm up to you
He’s pretty easy to buy over--wave around a couple of toys and toss some treats and you’ve got a new best friend!
Much cuddlier than Victor cat, but will disappear around company
Will blanket burrito with you
Chatters when he plays, and peeps to you in the morning
More about rubbing up against your legs and sitting on your chest
The type to bonk your head in the morning if he wants you to get up. May tap at your nose.
Has a favorite stuffed animal that he MUST have if he goes anywhere. Will be best kitty--no matter what--when he has it
The one you’ll hear running around your apartment at 3AM.
You’ll find him in unexpected, high places
Tends to hide in the pantry/cupboards
Must sit with you or touch you if you’re in the same room
You want to work on your laptop? He needs to be in your lap. That’s the cost.
The type to get really still if you give him catnip--he’s stoned out of his mind and will basically sleep. Or look like a blob on the floor.
Has torn up a curtain and scratched up some things, but learned not to do it after a punishment
🔬 Lucien 🔬
A very quiet, unexpectedly affectionate cat
Naps a lot
The type to watch TV with you, or sit next to you when you’re on your computer. Sometimes you swear he knows what he’s looking at
Will play with the mouse cursor for fun
To wake you up in the morning, he flops near your face. If you don’t look like you’re getting up, he’ll play with your feet
The one you’ll spend hours looking for because he wouldn’t meow back and it turns out he was curled up, blending in with your things
Stretches out across your lap for back scratches
You can pet his tummy. He won’t actually attack you, even if he puts his paws down. You think he enjoys how it makes you flinch and draw your hand away
The one with the loud purr
Tends to knock things off the counter out of curiosity
The type to stick his tongue in all your drinks (or his paw)
Likes to get behind you when you sit and try to make biscuits with your hair
Loves to put his tail in your face
Is it comfy? It’s his now. You found him in the bottom of your dresser once, in a nest of pajama pants
Give him a clear view outside and he’s a happy cat. You don’t know if he people watches or looks for animals, but he could spend all day up there!
Doesn’t like it when you’re away from him. Like Gavin, he has to be near you. Usually lays down on your foot or climbs into your lap
Figured out how to turn the bathroom faucet on so he can get free water whenever he wants
🎤 Kiro 🎤
The cutest cat ever
He loves people, and he loves you. Warms up to pretty much anyone but will ALWAYS prefer you over others
Has the cutest mews and can be quite manipulative
The type who thinks his bowl is empty when the food in the middle has been eaten. Will make an absolute RACKET until you investigate
Always asking for treats
Most likely to be an internet star--he picks up tricks fast and he’s the cat that can “talk” back
A needy baby. Loves to be carried.
Will settle for riding around on your shoulder
When you’re sitting down he gets right up on your chest, his little paws stretched out to touch your neck like he’s hugging you
The type to sleep in weird positions, like on his back with his paws in the air
Has the most fun with food containers and empty boxes
Most likely to steal your food and chew on things he shouldn’t
Very playful. If you’re using a pen--and not paying attention to him--he’s going to fight you for the pen now
The one you have to keep taking off of your keyboard or whatever your working on because he wants to be the center of attention
Will wake you up in the morning by trying to grab your cheeks or walking on you. Will probably try to eat your hair.
If you leave him, he’ll sound like the saddest creature on earth.
The one that has to go with you when you go to the bathroom because he thinks you disappeared
Freaks out when you take a bath or a shower because WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! IT’S WET IN THERE AND YOU’VE BEEN IN THERE FOR A LONG TIME!
The one that hides in your purse/bag and wants to go outside with you. You’ll have to get him a space backpack or a kitty harness and take him with you.
Gives you the most wholesome, noisy greeting when you get home, jumping into your arms
This was a really interesting question. I never thought about them as cats before. I hope you liked it!
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stingchronicity · 8 years
do............. all of them
omg emily thank you ily
Purple: 10 facts about my room
1. the walls are a terrible shade of green (not my choice)
2. my favourite poster on my wall is my Brain Salad Surgery poster and sometimes i spend hours just looking at Keith bc he makes me happy
3. i don’t have any shelves so i keep my records lined up on the floor and there are so many of them that they take up approx. 1/3 of my floor
4. i have a glass drafting table that i love, and when i did more graphite drawings i used to have it tilted up all the time, but ever since i started doing more paintings, it’s been set flat (plus there’s a bunch of shit on it)
5. there is a caricature of myself and keith emerson holding hands on my wall (done by a lovely woman i met in the last hospital i stayed in)
6. i also have a lot of my own art on my walls (foxtrot painting, abacab fantasies, steve winwood painting, bloody piano, rush logo, smirky tony banks, red keith, a thing i did for david bowie, a bloody flower, and the valentine i made for keith)
7. i have 4 (used to have 5) calendars on my wall and they’re all out of date
8. i have a copy of queen’s Hot Space vinyl on my wall and also a ceramic mask with balloons on it
9. the records i can see from the spot i’m sitting at right now are Honky by Keith Emerson, the first Asia album, The Kids Are Alright by the Who, and Love Beach by ELP
10. i keep the following things on my bed: first off i have my purple/pink/blue comforter and the matching sheets and pillow cases (2 pillows), and then i have a throw blanket that’s black and white and very soft; a really thin and cool to the touch Mickey Mouse sheet that was my mom’s in the 70s (i like to snuggle it in the summer bc its somehow always cold); greg lake pillow (from my own redbubble); a star shaped rainbow pillow (i call him carl !!) which i got from my sister; a hello kitty bunny (don’t remember the character’s name) plushie with a carrot (i call him keith ♥️️) which is one of the toys i had as a baby; Mr. Bonks the giant panda plushie which was a valentine’s gift; and most importantly !! keith blanket (from the amazing @moogotron) and keith pillow (which i bought myself) !! my most prized possessions !!
Blue: 9 facts about my family
1. we’re chinese/costa rican
2. we usually just speak english but sometimes we speak ~spanglish~
3. i have a love/hate relationship with my sister
4. i’m decently close with my parents although my dad can be an asshole
5. my brother is dead to me bc he gave me PTSD and basically killed my innocence
6. my entire family is fairly ableist except my mom who at least tries to be understanding
7. i have one nephew (age 6) who is my brother’s child, and two nieces (aged almost 2 and the other is 1 month) and they’re my sister’s children
8. i have 2 kitties !! they’re twins from my old cat and their names are Coda and Kenai (from Brother Bear) !! coda is my smol and good prince and he spends every night in my bed (he’s actually asleep next to me rn) and is like,, in love with me (krista calls him a “humany” bc hes like the opposite of a furry). kenai is enormous like a vet once told me he’s the largest cat she’s ever seen and its true he’s very bode and that’s like,, the only way to tell them apart bc they look exactly the same except their weight, and kenai has a kink in the very end of his tail 
9. i’m not that close with my family i don’t know what else to say
Green: 8 facts about appearance
1. hmm my hair is really dark brown and it’s feathered
2. i have a singular white hair that i was born with and still have
3. i have long legs but short arms
4. smol and sad (but perky) boobs
5. i do like my cute nose and lips
6. i have a really tiny waist and rather wide hips
7. i’m 5′7″?? idk
8. my back hurts rn
Yellow: 7 facts about my childhood
1. it was terrible
2. i didn’t have a childhood
3. we were extremely poor and everyone ignored me bc they were too busy dealing with my siblings’ legal trouble and such
4. my body was used and nobody cared 
5. i was a “gifted” child so nobody read me bedtime stories or helped me or like,, spent time with me after the age of like 4
6. i never really had friends, and nobody my age lived near me so i spent every weekend alone and neither of my siblings seemed to even remember i existed, nor my parents, so
7. my dad yelled at me so much for bothering him or asking him questions or asking to hang out with him that i’m perpetually scared of people yelling and will cry if someone yells at me
Orange: 6 facts about my home town
1. i do not even think i can fit in 6 facts about my hometown
2. its less than 700 people
3. more churches than homes
4. we have a single eatery and basically its a parking lot with a tiny building where you go up to the window and order things like hot dogs (theyre actually p good not gonna lie)
5. ummmmmmmmmmmmm
6. i hate it
Red: 5 facts about my best friend
i don’t want any of my friends to feel left out here so i’ll give u a fact abt my closest pals
1. @moogotron is a slut (jk heres a real fact abt her: she once fell out of a stationary car and now has a scar on her temple)
2. @auroreamethyste has the same special interest as me !!! eeeee !!! (actually when i first thought of a fact for you, my mind went to the nutcracker story but i don’t know if it’s okay to share it XD)
3. @dumbfaceadventureland knows so much about birds???? i am truly amazed and whenever i see birds i think of her
Pink: 4 facts about my parents
1. my dad has seen pink floyd like 3 times
2. my mom once had a fax conversation with jon bon jovi
3. todd rundgren took my dad sledding in the 80s (they lived in the same town, woodstock NY)
4. my dad was in the studio with the band when foghat recorded “slow rider” (to sum it up my dad knows a lot of famous musicians)
White: 3 facts about my personality
1. aaa difficult question hmm well i spend about 3/4s of my day in a childish mood where i kinda feel like i’m 5 years old and i want to cuddle up in cute pyjamas and stuff idk how to describe this it just happens
2. bold and brash (aka belongs in the trash) seriously though i’m not bold or brash at all (but i do belong in the trash)
3. i’m more like a soft mouse who likes to spend a lot of time thinking
Grey: 2 facts about my favorite things
favourite material items?
1. keith pillow !! and keith blanket !! the two most wonderful objects i own they’re so soft and covered with my beautiful keith
2. i carry them around constantly like, literally everywhere i go i take keith pillow with me (easier to carry than keith blanket, though i take him with me sometimes too)
Black: 1 fact about the person I like
1. beautiful blue eyes, soft sandy brown hair, plays a various amount of keyboards, is in emerson lake and palmer
eeee thanks again !
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fandomlurker · 4 years
A Ponderous Rewatch: Opportunity Knox and Cameo
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We’re treated to something a bit special this episode! No, not the art and animation quality, as that’s…kinda weak this time. Or maybe I should say Brain is drawn and animated kinda nightmarishly in a lot of parts? Well, you’ll see.
No, the special thing about this episode is that it’s written by Tom Minton, the writer at Warner Brothers who was the original inspiration for The Brain! The general idea for Pinky and the Brain as characters and as a show came from Tom Ruegger having an office close by to Tom Minton and Eddie Fitzgerald, two writers and storyboard artists who he would often hear laughing and joking around together but usually couldn’t make out what exactly they were saying. Minton usually spoke low and quietly and was more introverted, while Fitzgerald was much more outgoing and loud…basically already like a cartoon come to life (Eddie actually did exclaim things like ‘Narf’ occasionally in reality, which was an aspect that was added to and exaggerated in Pinky’s character). The fact that these two guys who were viewed as total opposites by their colleagues were good friends and spent so much time working together in secret lead to everyone joking that they were secretly trying to take over the world.
That isn’t to say that Pinky and Brain are 100% cartoon copies of Eddie and Tom—our mouse duo definitely veered off into their own distinct personalities very quickly—but the basic bones of their characters came from these two real life men. That makes me wonder about how surreal it must have been for Tom Minton to write for episodes starring Pinky and the Brain. He only did so four times in Animaniacs (and Eddie Fitzgerald never directly worked on Animaniacs or Pinky and the Brain, to my knowledge).
In any case, let’s move on to the actual episode.
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We open to a multitude of bubbling beakers of mysterious liquids and one scientist working alone at night in the Acme Labs. She sneezes a few times, and then exclaims that she’s only a few steps away from curing the common cold.
…Man, Acme Labs is a total shitshow when it comes to their work, aren’t they? In addition to all the blatantly cruel experiments on animals that they do, just look at how lax this scientist is about lab safety. I’ll give her props for at least wearing her lab coat properly and tying her long hair up, which is something most media usually gets wrong. The fact that she’s doing this medical experiment while not wearing gloves or proper eye protection or a mask is very troubling. Not to mention that she’s doing all this while being very sick, if her violent sneezes are anything to go by.
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Hmm, that cage is looking suspiciously empty.
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Well, well! Looks like our mousey duo is up to something.
“Ahehehehe, oh this is gonna be great, Brain! Narf!”
“Quiet, Pinky!”
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OH LORD, SHE JUST CHUGS IT HERSELF! Lady, PLEASE! The fact that this “cure” is piss-coloured only makes it worse.
Sweetie, I think this needs more peer-reviewed, double-blind tests before you can truthfully say that you’ve made a cure for the common cold. You have no proper safety gear on and you’re doing this experiment all alone at night with no one to check up on you.
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Oh no. Boys, what are you doing?
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So they catapult some powdery substance on her and she goes into a more violent sneezing fit than before. She leaves the room to go “back to the drawing board”, but honestly I’m hoping that she just goes home and isolates herself for a while.
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“Success, Pinky!”
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“Egad, Brain, what is this stuff?!”
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“A new strain of pollen I created myself, Pinky. It causes a temporary but uncontrollable fit of allergic sneezing in man.”
Pinky looks very disturbed by this (although I suppose it doesn’t help that Brain has that very smug and devious look on his face) until Brain says that the effect is temporary. It’s a nice little detail that shows us approximately where Pinky’s lines of morality are. Brain makes his own strain of pollen to cause humans to have severe sneezing fits? That’s amazing but horrifying! Oh, it’s only temporary? Well okay, then. It’s fine if it doesn’t cause any lasting harm.
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“No human is immune.”
AAAAAAHHHHHHH! Holy fuck, show, don’t give me a jumpscare like that!
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“Do you realize what we will do with this pollen, Pinky?”
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“Umm… Open a boutique?”
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GAH! I told you to stop doing that! Seriously, what’s up with the way Brain’s draw in this episode?
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“Yes, that’s it. We’ll open a boutique and sell ladies’ clothing and pollen.”
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“Egad, Brain, what fun! I like this idea, I do! Hehehahahaha!~”
Of course he would. Of course he’d like working in a more domestic setting and selling ladies’ clothing.
…Say, now that I think of it, I think this might be the first time we get a hint as to Pinky’s love of what’s stereotypically thought of as women’s clothing. Hmm.
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“Focus, Pinky, FOCUS!”
Brain, sweetie, not everyone goes into tunnel-visioned hyperfocus like you do.
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“We shall do no less than go to Fort Knox, Kentucky: keeper of the nation’s gold supply. There, we will expose the guards to our pollen…”
Despite the general awkwardness of the animation this episode, I like the way Brain is drawn here from over the shoulder. Very nice work.
Also…”our” pollen? Brain, you made that yourself. I guess this is just another example of Brain subconsciously including Pinky in everything.
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“…and while they’re sneezing uncontrollably, we’ll move into the vault and take the gold!”
Brain’s plan blueprints are such a treat. Gold! Gold! Gold!
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“For he who controls this nation’s capital, controls the nation!”
Okay, this close-up is a little better.
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“Off to Fort Knox!”
“Oh! Wait! But isn’t the nation’s capital in Washington, DC?”
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“Capital as in money, Pinky!”
Oh come on now, Brain. It was an easy mistake to make. Also “capital” in this instance can mean more than money if you want to get semantic about it.
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Brain grabs Pinky’s tail to drag him away again. It’s a wonder that Pinky’s tail isn’t as kinked up and injured as Brain’s is by now.
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Ooo, improvised tools time!
“But how are we gonna get to Fort Knox, Brain?”
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“We’ll simply borrow one of the lab’s technological resources:”
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“The minivan!”
Pinky, are you mildly swooning over Brain acquiring a minivan? I…
This does bring up a point I wanted to make, though. Sometimes fans will question why Pinky and Brain stay at Acme Labs despite being put through so much inhumane and humiliating bullshit. While it’s true that Brain doesn’t much like the experiments he’s subjected to (Pinky is…another story entirely), I’m pretty sure he keeps the labs as his home because it’s incredibly convenient for his world domination plans. These are ACME labs, after all, and regardless of how terrible the experiments are, Acme has access to just about every bit of technology in the Warner Brothers cartoon universe. Brain can find or order whatever parts he needs for his latest world domination plan whenever he wants, and no human bats an eye at mysterious bits and bobs showing up because, well, it’s Acme. Acme is in the business of doing absolutely everything. No matter what daytime tortures Brain goes through, the lab is an incredible asset to him, and he’d be foolish to give that up.
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Hello again, Warner siblings! I hope you’re having fun tonight.
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That’s an awfully tiny sack of pollen to take for this trip…
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“Won’t we get in trouble, Brain?”
“’Get in trouble’? Pinky, we’re going to take over the world!”
I just like the tiny silhouettes in this screencap.
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“Besides, we’ll have the van back here by 8 am.”
“Oh! All right, then!”
[Quickly googles how long it would take to drive from Burbank California to Fort Knox]
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…Are you sure about that, Brain? Are you really, positively sure?
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Oh my goodness, a little winch and pulley system! That’s a little convoluted, but it’s adorable.
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“Oi! Nice threads, Brain! But, err, why the disguise?”
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“If we are to succeed in our mission, I must pass for an average, non-descript motorist, Pinky.”
I agree, Pinky. Brain always looks good in a suit.
Also he’s on a literal soap box, holy shit.
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“So while we’re driving, call me Mr. Perkins.”
A trillby?!? Put it back! Putitbackputitbackputitback!
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“Say no more! Brilliant, Brain!”
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“Mr. Perkins.”
Oh no, he’s threatening to punch the audience now!
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“Ooo, right, right. Narf! Heh, Mr. Per-kins.~”
“Pinky, start your engine!”
So Pinky tugs on a rope tied to the car keys to start the minivan, and I bet we can all already tell that he’s going to be doing most of the hard work for this roadtrip.
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“Now depress the brake!”
I half expected a joke here where Pinky would say depressing things to the brake, but that didn’t happen. It’s just as well, I suppose. Pinky’s not usually the type to be mean to anyone or anything.
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Instead, he pushes himself into the brake.
This made me curious about how strong real mice are. According to this scientific article, the average mouse can lift approximately 70 g in weight.That’s not a lot compared to us humans, of course, but seeing as the average weight of the common house mouse is 19 g (and common wood mice are on average 23 g), that’s really impressive! Still, for Pinky to be able to depress the brake is quite a feat that’s worlds beyond what the average real-life mouse can do.
Yes, yes, I know. It’s all cartoon logic and physics. That’s not going to stop me from having the headcanon that Pinky and the Brain have both been modified so much by Acme Labs that in addition to becoming sapient and intelligent, they’re basically little mouse superheroes in strength, too.
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“Yes! Now I’ll shift the transmission into gear and…you give it the gas!”
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Man, Pinky just slams his entire body onto the gas pedal with all his mousey might! You can hear him physically strain against it. Well done, Mr. Paulsen!
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“Now Pinky, let us, in the vernacular, ‘take this hog out on the road and see who’s boss’!”
Oh lord, Brain’s on a slight power trip just from being able to drive a vehicle. If he ever does rule over the world one day, I fear he may explode from the sheer ego-high of it.
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Anyway, on the way to Fort Knox they get stuck behind a rather slow transport truck. Well, Brain can’t have that! He’s got to get back to the lab by 8 am after all!
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“Pinky! Prepare to pass a slow-moving vehicle!”
“Righty-o, Brain!”
Again, Pinky, I’m pretty sure you really aren’t supposed to stick your ass and chest out while saluting. You’re supposed to keep your posture straight.
…What am I saying? Pinky can’t do anything straight.
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“Call me Mr. Perkins! Activate left turn indicator now.”
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Aww, a little hop!~
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Unfortunately it’s the wrong lever.
“…Let’s try that again, Pinky.”
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“Narf! Wrong switch.”
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He sits down to think and of course he gets it right that way.
Anyone else enjoying a lesson on how to drive from Pinky and the Brain? No? Just me? I mean, I already know how, but this is super cute.
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“Exemplary work, Pinky!”
Brain, he just…he just pulled a switch. By accident. The fact that he’s so sincere about complimenting him for this is very cute but also very odd. I guess Brain’s in a good mood tonight.
“But we’re slowing down. Quickly, step on the gas!”
“Gas, check!”
Pinky, no!
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Oh lord, he just lets himself fall directly on the gas pedal. You okay there, dude?
“Maintain pedal pressure, Pinky!”
I don’t think he has much of a choice, Brain.
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So they get beside the freight truck and the driver of it picks up his CB radio mic.
“Hey, breaker breaker one nine, this here’s Big Red. Eh…what’s your handle, good buddy? Over.”
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“The name’s Perkins. MISTER Perkins. Just an average, non-descript motorist.”
Wh—Why is there a CB radio installed in the Acme Lab minivan?
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Pinky chooses this moment to lift himself off the gas pedal and then jump back on it in a weirdly showy, semi-acrobatic way. The first screencap has the tip of his tail almost in the shape of a heart, so I had to include it.
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Our duo pass by the freight truck. Needless to say, the truck driver is still pretty rattled by his run-in with “Mr. Perkins”.
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“I gotta quit eatin’ them double onion chili dogs!…”
Usually people just run with it on this show, but this is one of those rare moments where a human being doesn’t inexplicably fall for one of Brain’s horrible human disguises.
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The minivan’s grill looks like teeth here and it’s almost menacing.
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Uh oh, Brain’s getting dozy.
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“Pinky…I’m in need of some music to keep myself raptly alert. And use the cruise control this time so we don’t lose speed!”
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I don’t know why I’m so charmed by Pinky pressing the cruise control button like this, but it’s very cute.
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“Cruise control on, Br—aaaerr—umm, Mr. Perkins!”
He is trying his best. :3c
“[yawn] Stellar, Pinky. Now see if you can locate a local radio station frequency.”
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“Narf! Wrong knob…”
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Smacking the hell out of the right knob make the radio explode into a loud yet incredibly mild generic rock tune. I’m surprised Pinky’s so alarmed. I wonder if Brain—
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JEEZUS FUCK! You gotta stop giving me a heart attack with these sudden messed up close-ups of Brain, episode!
“Turn off the radio, Pinky!”
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“Heeey! This knob’s loose!”
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Aaaand there he goes.
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“Oohoo ahaha! What’d’ya know? The lighter works!”
I wonder if Pinky knows what that’s actually for at this point, considering his utter disdain for smoking later in the spin-off?
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“The radio, Pinky!”
“Ooo, right. Almost forgot!”
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Uh oh.
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“Whew. Suddenly I feel downright feverish, I do…”
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Pinky has become a Charmander, and he’s not happy about it.
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So he’s screaming and shouting his verbal tics all over the place and what’s Brain’s reaction?
“There’s no need for you to entertain me personally, Pinky. I’m quite awake now.”
BRAIN! You wipe that smug smile off your face right now, you little jerk! I know Pinky will be okay because he always is, but still.
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One screen wipe later…
“Kentucky, Pinky! We made it!”
“All right, Brain!”
“Mister PERKINS!”
Brain, I think Pinky’s just not into this roleplay tonight. Or it might be your trillby. Lose the damn trillby.
“Fort Knox is mere miles away. Nothing can stop us now!”
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Well, looks like you jinxed yourself.
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I’ve got no love for cops, but his “what the fuck” expression here is choice.
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“Good evening, officer. Was I exceeding the speed limit?”
“By about a hundred miles an hour.”
Oh, is that all? They’d need to be over by, like, a thousand or so miles an hour to make as good of a time as they did getting here.
Maybe this guy is going to arrest them for breaking the laws of time and space.
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“I’m sorry, y’see—“
Shining a flashlight directly into your eyes? Yup, this is definitely a cop.
“I’m Mr. Perkins, an average, non-descript—“
“Can I see your license and registration, please?”
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And then Pinky immediately interrupts the shakedown with a happy, matter-of-fact “We don’t have any! Zort! :D” and now my mind wanders off into let’s-overanalyze-the-shit-out-of-this-joke-scene territory because… Look at this. A cop pulls over a vehicle from Acme Labs doing about a hundred miles over the speed limit and finds Brain, a mouse in a suit trying to pass as a human driver. Then Pinky, who is dressed in no such disguise because why would Brain ever think of an obviously important detail ever in one of his plans, pops up to say that they don’t have a driver’s license.
…So what does this scene look like at this point from the cop’s perspective? Besides the very rare outlier like the truck driver from before, humans usually take Brain’s word for it that he’s also human, no matter how shoddy his disguise is. There are a few possibilities here, and I honestly can’t decide which is funniest:
1.      The cop can see through Brain’s poor disguise just like the truck driver from earlier can, and knows that these are actually two mice that have stolen a truck and have been speeding down the highway with it.
2.      The cop thinks Brain is a very odd-looking human without a driver’s license who’s been driving down the highway at insane speeds with his loose pet talking mouse by his side.
3.      The cop believes that Brain really is an odd-looking human who has no license and has been wildly speeding down the highway and also there’s an equally odd-looking human man with him who is stark naked for some mysterious reason.
I’ll let you decide which one is the most likely canon scenario as we continue as Brain tries to clear up this scenario.
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“If you must know, we are two lab mice out to control the world by seizing its gold assets. But when we assume power, rest assured our budget will result in substantial new funding for law enforcement.”
Leave it to Brain to truthfully spell out his global domination intentions for no good reason and then lie his little mousey ass off to try and bribe his way out of going to jail.
Also, again, it’s “when we assume power” and not “when I assume power”. Hmm.
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“Bwuhyuube… Be--best be on your way, then.”
“Thank you, officer.”
I’d say I was surprised that white privilege extends even to white lab mice here but…that would be a lie.
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“Oh man, I do miss them witless teenage speed demons…”
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So they finally make it to Fort Knox.
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…And I guess the Warner siblings do, too!
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The two mice have parked on a hill overlooking their target and gosh Brain, you’re looking extra pudgy here.
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“It’s time to make our move, Pinky.”
Judging by the look on his face here, I think Pinky just noticed how thicc Brain’s behind has suddenly gotten.
Nevertheless, they begin their pollen assault on the guards.
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Finally, the moment has arrived!
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Brain’s head is shaped like a football and is almost as wide as Pinky is tall here, but besides that this is a cool shot.
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This bit was also used in the spin-off’s theme for some reason, but now it will forever remind me of the absolute chaotic laughter that erupted when I got some friends to sit down and watch an episode of PatB. The stream decided to stop on this specific shot for buffering and they all just lost it. Most of the reaction was through voice on Discord, but luckily there were some friends using text chat too:
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I live for moments like these when we’re streaming shows and movies.
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“Egad! This is even better than a Ducktales episode, Brain!”
That’s pretty high praise, Pinky. I love the shadowing done on him here as well.
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“Pinky… Are you pondering what I’m pondering?”
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“Wha—I think so, Brain, but balancing a family and a career? Oof, it’s all too much for me!”
Pinky did…did you see all this gold and immediately begin envisioning yourself using the money to settle down and start a family?!? And so far in this series you aren’t dating anyone and you probably don’t even know anyone besides Brain and…
Okay, listen, I know it’s established later on that Pinky has wishes and daydreams about having a very domestic life, culminating in that one “Somewhere That’s Green” parody fantasy where he and Brain live together like a 50s couple in the Elmyra spin-off but… But…!
Well, you’ll kind of get a family along with your world domination “career” in a few years, Pinky. It’s probably not going to be quite how you envisioned it, though.
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“The gold, Pinky! It’s all ours. Let’s move it out!”
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“One…two…three…and lift!”
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I just realized that out of context the poses and faces in this screencap could look, uhh, questionable. But will that stop me from sharing it? No.
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“I believe my plan has a…fatal flaw…”
About 27.4 pounds worth of a fatal flaw. You two might have super strength in comparison to other mice, but it looks like you both have a hard limit.
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“I am in intense pain, Pinky.”
“Ditto, Brain. Zort!”
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Well, okay, I guess it’s good that you are both cartoons, then. You boys should be able to shrug this off pretty quickly, especially Pinky.
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Is this what all those nightmarish close-ups of Brain were preparing me for?!?
“Fear not, Pinky, for the unwieldy atomic weight of gold will not thwart us tomorrow night.”
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“Why? What are we doing tomorrow night, Brain?”
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“The same thing we do every night, Pinky… Try to take over the world!”
You know, most cartoons would settle for them just being covered in bandages. Not Animaniacs, though. In Animaniacs were have to know that their removal from under the gold bar was so difficult and painful that fur was pulled out and they were left with bare, raw patches of skin. T-thanks, Warner Brothers?
Let’s end with a somewhat longer cameo appearance, as I suspect at this point Tumblr will have another fit if I try to combine two full episodes again.
The very next episode of Animaniacs has a skit called Hercule Yakko, which is a vague parody of Hercule Poirot mysteries. We get a good handful of cameos from the stars of other Animaniacs skits as passengers on a luxury cruise boat on the Nile.
The basic premise is that the Marita, one of the Hip Hippos, awakens in the middle of the night to find her comically large diamond necklace missing. The Warner siblings are a detective team who happen to also be onboard the ship and offer to help the hippo couple find it.
Before you ask, yes, this is the same episode as the infamous “fingerprints” joke.
Eventually the Warner siblings begin to go around knocking on the doors of the other passengers’ rooms to ask questions. They come across Slappy Squirrel first, who knows nothing about the missing diamond and just wants to be left alone to sleep. Then they meet Minerva Mink and, well, you can guess how that went. Then Yakko knocks on the last door.
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Look at them in their matching lederhosen! That’s absolutely adorable. Bravo to whichever of the mice had the idea for these “disguises”.
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“Did you steal a big diamond?”
“No. We are Swiss hikers on holiday.”
Okay so maybe I’ll deduct a few points for wearing lederhosen, which is more associated with Bavaria and Germany, but claiming to be Swiss. Not that people in Switzerland didn’t also wear it, but you’d probably want to make your cover story as unsuspicious as possible, right? And that’s not even going into the idea of wearing a garment made from leather in hot, hot Egypt. These mice must be drenched in sweat…
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“Look at me, Brain! I’m Heidi! Yodelehe-NARF!~”
Well at least someone in this duo is trying his best to reference things from Switzerland.
…Brain is the one that fucked up the lederhosen cultural background thing, isn’t he? Goddammit, Brain.
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He just bonks the hell outta Pinky and silently slams the door in Yakko’s face.
After briefly talking with Marita, Yakko exclaims that he knows where the diamond is and asks that everyone assemble together in the state room. And so they do!
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Aww, they’re sharing a chair because they are so, so tiny. :3c
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“You’re probably all wondering why I called you here!”
“To reveal the thief?!?” says everyone in unison.
Minerva, you’re looking kind of weird in that second pic.
“No. It’s because you can’t play charades with three people.”
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“That’s it! I’m goin’ back to bed.”
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“So am I. I didn’t take the diamond!”
Man, Minerva really got a raw deal in the 90s. She only has two episode skits of her own and makes a few tiny cameos elsewhere, like in this one. I get that she was put on the back-burner as a character because her skits were considered “too suggestive”—and to be honest they were a bit over the top—but there are certainly ways that you can write a character who uses their sex appeal for comedic effect without it being disrespectful. It’s a shame they never tried to tweak the tone of her episodes just a tad.
But anyway, mice!
Brain is looking at Minerva with…worry? Concern? Confusion? Which is a very atypical reaction to Minerva. Gee, I wonder why.
Pinky is Looking Respectfully.
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I’m never going to get over how cute they look in these outfits.
“I also am innocent.”
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“Umm… I may have done it! I walk in my sleep, you know.”
Pinky, sweetie, I know you’re trying in your own odd little way to help but there’s no way you’d be able to carry a diamond of that size.
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This is the very last clear shot that the mice are in and it’s not very significant but I liked the angle of it.
Oh, you’re asking who took the diamond? No one did. The diamond was lodged in Marita’s butt fat the entire time. It’s the typical style of “humour” from skits with the Hip Hippos. Now you all know why no one is clamouring for their return in the reboot.
That’s it for this post, though. I should have the next episode that I promised would go with this one up in a day or two.
See you next time, folks, when we go off to the races!
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animaniacs - s3e6: hercules unwound
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yeah it’s season three now. sorry. season 1 had sixty five episodes in it and season 2 had..... four. i don’t understand it either. but none of those episodes had mice, so i guess we’re here now!! (if i’m wrong, and they did have mice, feel free to get back to me, but i definitely didn’t see any mice on the wikipedia page.)
episode summary: inexplicably existing in ancient greece, the boys plan to steal zeus’ lightning bolt. which is the source of his powers, i guess? i don’t know. this episode makes no sense.
the rundown:
so here’s the thing.
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they introduce ancient greece.
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they introduce hercules.
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they establish he’s a crybaby who has twelve (12) chores to do today, which... seems like an excessive amount of chores, sure, but he’s literally just rolling around on the floor and having a tantrum about it.
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zeus gets pissed off and electrocutes him.
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and then the warners show up. “i’m lost,” says wakko, “is that our cue?” they have no idea. they’re confused. i’m confused. this short has gone in like eight different directions since it started.
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still, they potter down to where hercules is crying, introduce themselves (left; yakkoles, right; wakkonemnon)
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(above, the goddess of cuteness, aphrodottie.)
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and then dot goes and lays on the floor and decides she doesn’t want to do it.
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“you wanna just skip this cartoon?”
“alright, see ya, pal.”
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and off they go, i guess.
that’s.... as accurately as i can summarise it. none of what happens there has anything to do with the mice or the future plot, so i’m just gonna skip past it, if that’s okay.
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poor hercules. having to clean out the stables all by his lonesome.
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meanwhile, after a sudden jumpcut, we see aristotle desperately trying to teach his class the source of zeus’ powers. it’s the lightning bolt, you goofs! the lightning bolt equals unlimited power!
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none of them care.
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good thing someone does! so we can get the review started already, christ. this is how they’re arranged at first, but it’s only for a couple of frames, so i’m highlighting it because it’s very funny! and also very easy to miss.
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“we, pinkus, shall steal zeus’ lightning bolt, overthrow the kingdom, and
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TAKE OVER THE WORLD.” good thing they managed to squeeze another closeup in there, huh. just can’t have an episode without them.
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“but how do we get to the tippy-top of mount olympus, where zeus lives?”
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“i have that figured out, pinkus. behold, across the street, the agean stables, where legendary, famed and godlike horse pegasus spends the day.”
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calm down, brain. jesus. i thought pinky was the one with the Horse Thing. brain goes onto explain that every night, pegasus flies back to mount olympus,
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and they’re just gonna hitch a ride. climb on his back without him noticing. steal the minivan, except the minivan is a flying horse.
so off they go to do that, i guess!
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it immediately cuts to them being chased by cerberus, with a “run, pinky, run!” from brain, which is cute. his name is pinkus, in this interation, but brain calls him pinky for short. did the writers intend that to be cute? probably not. do i find it cute? absolutely.
it’s very peatb-esque. still, they outrun it eventually.
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“in future, pinkus, let sleeping guard dogs lie. especially when one has three heads.”
“funny. the middle head seemed so friendly.”
honestly? the animation here is cute. and it kind of sucks that they gave the good animators whatever this episode is. is there something i’m not understanding? it’s just been completely threadbare random throughout. they always seem to give the good episodes to the guys who draw them weird. it’s upsetting.
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but the stables are there, so off they go.
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so while hercules cleans out the stable and whines about it,
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medusa gives pegasus a makeover. she is just dying to braid his tail, for no extra charge. this would probably be a lot funnier if i knew who they were trying to make fun of, here? but it’s all good. (that’s one of the problems i have with this show, sadly. all these celebrities stopped being quite so famous literally before i was born. hoo hoo. i’m sure there are like, 30-40 year olds who appreciate the humour far more than i do.)
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the mice have found their target. soon, they will strike.
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“there he is, pinkus. in all his wing-ed glory.” he puts the stress on the “ed” and it’s uncomfortable. nobody says words like that, brain! or i guess he does? whatever.
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so they climb this conveniently placed shovel, ready to jump right on! because, yknow, it’s right there.
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except hercules decides that, yknow, he needs a bigger shovel to... clean out the stables with, and--
look. guys?
i have so much anxiety, okay? real talk for a sec. you see my head? nothing up there makes sense. this is why i run a cartoon mouse blog. one of the ways that manifests is in incredibly nervous coprophobia. i don’t like to talk about it. it makes things difficult for me. this episode makes things difficult for me. i barely made it through the stupid... garden of mindy. you don’t want to see this, i don’t want to see this, i do not want my comfort characters to have to deal with this, and i do not want to put myself through the heart attack of trying to transcribe it like the... bad children’s tv jokes bible. okay? i’m skipping this section because it doesn’t add anything and i’ve had enough.
hercules uses the shovel. the mice get dirty. presumably, between scenes, they go take a bath. let’s just say that happens. whatever. cartoon logic.
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but nobody takes a bath without hercules’ sayso, so he decides to beat them to death. this is just the first frame i skipped to. i assume this is what’s happening.
i’m not enjoying this episode.
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homeboy decimates a wheelbarrow. it has good faces, i’ll give it that. this episode has good faces. is it wang? why on earth would they give wang this bollocks.
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“be gone, manure sprites!”
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thankfully there’s nothing weird in this barrel. it’s whatever medusa was doing pegasus’ pedicure with. dish washing liquid, i think? whatever that means. i’ll be honest, too many gross things have happened in this episode and i’m not sure i could handle anything e--
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thankfully, pegasus decides this is a good time to get the fuck out of dodge.
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the mice agree.
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hercules grabs bucket girl and also gets out of dodge.
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that was weird and random and not needed.
but like, it’s fine. it’s good. they’re on the horse. the horse is flying directly towards mount olympus. yknow. it worked out.
as zeus mopes about his son’s work ethic, the mice get on with their own, tiny mouse jobs.
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“upon that table, pinkus, is zeus’ mighty lightning bolt.”
“gee, i hope he has it charged up.”
with a LIGHTNING CABLE!! hoo hoo. hee. those were definitely not a thing when this came out.
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brain doesn’t find it quite so funny, sadly, but he chooses to ignore it in favour of hustling his little mouse ass onto the table.
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“all power is ours, pinkus. now to-- take over the world...”
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this is not the first time this has happened. (or maybe it is? chronologically? who knows.)
but oh no! zeus looks through his big old zeus telescope that he has and works out that the stables are worse than ever, actually, and hercules has no intention of cleaning them.
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he’s off having a coffee break with medusa! typical. time to electrocute him.
so zeus reaches for his trusty lightning bolt.
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pinky’s so chill about this. he’s just vibin.
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he just straight up throws the whole thing. does it respawn? y’all. i don’t get it.
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“i sense the pivotal moment of failure quickly approaches.”
unfortunately - or perhaps it is forunate, depending on how you look at it - zeus just straight up misses.
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the mice rebound.
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aaaaand that can’t be good.
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of course, whether or not this was zeus’ intention, the upshot is that the stables are nice and clean, finally.
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so hopefully we never ever have to go through that again.
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on the downside, the mice did drown, so i guess that’s the end of this blog.
brain: 3 ½ pinky: 5 ½ outside influence: 8
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“as your reward, you get to marry a goddess.”
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“the goddess of love? the goddess of beauty?”
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“the goddess of cuteness, aphrodottie.”
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(so we iris out on child marriage. goodnight, everybody.)
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