#moved to it's own thread for the tracker
davidkarofskyindie · 11 months
modcrnspirits (Luke/Francis)
@modcrnspirits continued from (x)
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Other men might have been insulted by that clear display of interests, but not Francis. His deal with all of his sugar babes were clear. And he had so much money that giving them gifts was a pleasure in itself. He knew the gods that blessed him and his family would never let money be a thing to worry about, as long as Francis continued to exist for pleasure itself. “You damned little thing.” He said as he grabbed the volume on his pants, his cock so hard already that it would be a sin not to attend to its needs. His other hand continued to tease, fingers playing against the exposed hole until he took them back, putting on his mouth to taste that sweet boy hole. “Here.” He said sitting on the bed next to Luke, getting the phone from the boy’s hand and buying the computer with just a few clicks. Once the payment was done, he gave the phone back to his boy. “Now give Daddy a good kiss to thank me.” He slapped Luke’s ass playfully, laying back on the bed with his hands behind his head.
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Luke's eyes lit up a little bit just seeing the way that Francis looked at him, the man really did just seem to know the exact way to make Luke feel truly wanted like no one else had ever even come close to. Sure their relationship had the element of money included but there was a real intimate desire that underlay everything and it never went away for Luke who was just in awe that he had such a sweet sexy man as his sugar daddy. He watched a little in awe seeing the man licking his fingers that had just been right at Luke's eager hole, a sight so erotic it made Luke's cock twitch and audibly slap against his firm body. When his daddy paid for the new laptop, Luke perked up even more than he already was and moved over so he was sitting right on the man's lap "You really are the best Daddy ever" he exclaimed happily, putting the phone on the table beside the bed as he leaned in to kiss Francis as sensually as he could. His hands moved to rest on the older man's shoulders while he made out with him, taking his time to enjoy the intimate moment while his smaller but well-muscled body melted against Francis', moving just enough that his large bubble butt was resting right against his sugar daddy's groin. He could just barely feel the man's length between his cheeks, the only thing keeping them apart were Francis' pants and he enjoyed the chance to tease the older man with a few little grinds before pulling back from the kiss "Thank you so much Daddy" he whispered, his fingers slipping down a little and playing with the front of the man's shirt "Is there anything else I can do to thank you Daddy? Anything else you want me to do with my mouth?" he pointedly licked his lips, looking at the older man with an intense adoring lust with his lips glistening in a manner that was, intentionally, as pornographic as he could look.
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starsasunder · 1 year
h3artsablaze -> starsasunder
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rockinrpmemes · 4 months
Some things NEW RP blogs need to understand about tumblr rpc etiquette:
It's good to see the RPC slowly reseeding itself after tumblr went all "scorched earth" on the writing community a few years ago. However, with a new crop RP'ers, comes a few issues that need to be addressed...Again.
If you are underage and approach a RP blog that clearly states: "NO ONE UNDER 18/21" Move on. We will not follow back, in fact, many of us surviving RP'ers since the 2015 RPC exodus are well over 30 now, and we will not be caught in some sick trap because a child thinks it's not a big deal to RP mature content with us. Go find someone your own age, and don't ruin our lives (literally, it's illegal and gross) because you have no impulse control.
Please, always reblog aesthetic pics, art, etc. from SOURCE, not the RP blog you're following. It's great if you like the photo or drawing we posted for our muse/s too, and want it as aesthetic for your muse/s, but understand you are clogging up the our Activity Feed. We don't see it as a compliment, rather, we see it as someone that is using our blog as a "resource" to siphon from, and nothing else. You will learn, as you RP more, even if you use some kind of thread tracker app, we ALL rely on Activity to see what exactly is going on with our threads and headcanons. Reblogging art, gifs, photosets, and text posts directly from us is a breach of RPC etiquette.
Same for memes...if you reblog a meme from us, and not the OP or another meme blog in the reblog roll, this looks like you're only following the RP blog as a resource, and not as a potential partner. Some RP'ers on here practice "meme/reblog karma" which means, if you take a meme, send a meme. But generally, 99% of the RPC frown deeply on RP'ers that reblog memes from them instead of source. Use the search bar and look up: "RP MEMES", many will pop up, often from Meme blogs like this one.
Some RP'ers do NOT feel comfortable with duplicates of our muses following them. Please read their guidelines or ask the mun privately if you are unsure. I don't know how it is elsewhere, but in the tumblr RPC, we have often seen duplicates of our muses stealing from us, so it raises a red flag across the board. Be it headcanons, plot arcs, ship-mates, etc. True, we can't steal partners/ship-mates. They can go write with whomever they please. But understand, if a duplicate starts to reblog ALL our stuff for their blog, and copy our plot lines and hound our main partners in order to replace us, it's very suspect, and you deserve the hard block you get. Where it gets confusing, is that some of us have no problem writing with duplicates, because we impliment "multi verse/ multi ship" law. Again, if you are unsure, READ THE BLOG'S GUIDELINES OR ASK the MUN.
If you send a meme or IC ask to RP blog to break the ice, be sure you actually know who and what their muse is. IE: If someone has a very canonly sweet and gentle muse, and you send them a confrontational, "down-to-fight" meme from your muse, I don't care if your muse is a textbook asshole. Use better judgement, because I can bet 9/10 times, the mun won't answer, because they will be baffled on how to reply. Same in reverse; if your muse is an innocent sweetheart, and you approach a chainsaw wielding murder demon from hell, while playing the cutiepie card, you will not get a good response. Know the type of muse you are approaching! We are not responsible for your muse's experience. We will answer In Character, or not at all. Don't complain about it later.
Never join in on a thread or verse that you are not invited to join. Again, I don't know where anyone allows this intrusive behavior, but if you see 2 or 3 people deeply embroiled in their own threading, you sticking your head into their thread and reblogging it to your blog "to keep" as a fanfiction or to "join in," is beyond rude and invasive. THREADS ARE NOT FANFICTION. You can "like" a thread, or do dash commentary, even message the authors on your compliments, but you never ever put yourself or your muse/s in their world without plotting or asking first.
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crownmemes · 4 months
I've been running this blog for a year now, with 400+ memes posted, so I thought I'd just share my meme making process for anyone that may be interested!
I watch a lot of media. My current job works with television, so it pays to familiarise myself with as much content as possible. Plus, I'm a sucker for detective shows, especially older ones. So, I watch a lot of media, and while I watch, I note down any interesting sentences that I think could work well as a rp meme. Everything goes into a google sheets tracker I made.
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My requirements for taking lines from sources are that they must be lines I can imagine starting and interesting thread, and they mustn't be overly genetic (e.g. "Hi, how are you?"). Generic is fine as long as it provides some kind of direction still (e.g. "This isn't a game" could be an argument, a warning, concern, etc). Sometimes I'll also tweak lines to work better for rp - e.g. "He's going to need to rest for a few days" -> "You're going to need to rest for a few days."
Once I've got a lot of lines, I go through them all again to double check for ones that don't work, then I move them to my theme tracker.
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I tick boxes for what themes the lines can work for. For less common themes (e.g. aliens), I have a section at the end of the tracker where I can manually add extra themes, then a count of them on another page.
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Every few months, I go through and make memes out of anything with ~30+ lines. I aim to keep them all ~30 in length, ideally no shorter than 25, no longer than ~40. The only exception is the Questioning memes, which are made from any lines that are question, thus fill up quickly. I go up to 50 for those.
I then use a formula to add speech marks to the lines I'm using, throw them into a list randomiser, and then separate them out into multiple memes if needed. Back in my tracker, I change their ticks to grey so they aren't included in the active count anymore, but I can still find them if I need to see what I've used in the past.
Shows with 25+ lines get their own meme too, and if it needs to be split into multiple memes, they also get a Condensed version at the end. This is where I've pulled out the best/most relevant lines for the show into one, shorter meme.
If they don't have 25+ lines, they get ticked as Assorted, and they go to an Assorted Media meme.
Originals are ticked as Original. I only add them to the theme tracker if they can be used for other themes too.
As of writing this, there are 6.4k lines in my tracker, and 185 waiting to be added.
It isn't a short process, but it's not the worse either. I spend about two evenings every other month caterogrising lines and creating memes. This usually results in 40-60 posts for the queue.
Things I wish I'd done differently:
Adding more robust tracking for smaller themes (currently I don't have a way of tracking which I've historically used once their meme is made)
Things I would like to do, but would take too much effort for the amount they'd be used:
A fliterable list of every show/film with a specific meme
A meme randomiser where you can tick which themes/genres you want memes from, and then it shows you a random one
A meme randomiser where it has all my theme tracking data, and then makes you a unique meme. E.g. you ask for an angry meme, so it randomly gives you 30 lines from the 700+ angry ones I have in my tracker
If you read all this, I hope it was interesting! 😅
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fantasywritten · 1 year
So, it’s pretty obvious to everyone that I haven’t really been here lately. Life happens, and things changed, and I have had to come to the difficult conclusion that… my interests have changed.
Up until now, I have spent my time on this blog using icons, writing extensively, using the queue system, using a complicated tagging system, using a thread tracker, and trying desperately to keep up with every single one of my interactions. And although the writing and creating stories alongside you all has been an amazing experience, I have to take a step back, at least from the way I was doing things before.
Let me make one thing clear: I am not leaving Tumblr. I may or may not move blogs, but at this point, I’m not leaving.
However, I have decided to become a low activity, iconless, casual roleplayer. What does this mean? Well, I’m not going to have a thread tracker anymore, nor am I going to use icons. I’m not going to write in small text — or do any formatting at all, really. I’m going to start and drop threads as I wish. I’m going to answer memes at my own discretion. I’m going to only answer IMs if they don’t make me anxious. I’m going to use muses that I want to use, when I want to use them. I’m going to write with the people that I want to write with, and the people that want to write with me. I’m finally going to prioritize my own needs.
I understand that this may sound harsh. I understand that this may sound selfish. But one thing that I’ve had to learn and accept lately is that there’s a fine line between selfishness and self-care. Putting yourself first is not selfish; it’s necessary.
And if people don’t want to write with me because of this, that’s okay. And that’s something that I have to accept.
My muse list is going to become fluid, meaning that I will have a list of muses that I will write, but I will focus on the muses that I want to focus on at any given period in time. My tagging system will change; I will start to tag things much more simply. OOC posts will simply be tagged “ooc.” IC posts will simply be tagged with the muse’s name; for example, if I was writing a reply from John Kramer, it would be tagged as “john kramer,” and so on and so forth.
I hope these changes aren’t too drastic. If they are and you no longer wish to write with me, I wish you the absolute best, and I completely understand. I truly do love each and every one of you, and I’d like to personally thank you all for being a part of this amazing journey so far. And although my interests have changed, as of right now, I will still be here. You know where to find me! ❤️
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fragmented-tales · 2 months
Mun is 18. This blog will contain Suggestive content, minors will be hard blocked!
I reply at my own pace!! This means that while I will try to reply to you as soon as possible, it may take months for the muse to return to me for that specific thread. If you see me answering memes or other threads, I promise didn't forget about you and am not ignoring you! DO NOT include me in any public thread tracker of whose turn it is, or remind me more than twice every month, as it puts pressure on me and causes more delay.
I believe in reblog karma but don't require you to partake in it. I'll still try to send you things from memes I reblog from you if I think any of our muses could interact, though!
Personals are not allowed to reblog, but are welcome to like any posts. This is due to some rp blogs being side blogs. As anyone might expect, do not reblog threads you are not part of without explicit permission from all parties. You will be hard blocked.
Less of a rule, more of just a general note but doubles are okay! Responses of any length are fine, as long as we both have fun and keep the story moving. English is my first language but grammar is not my strong suit and some responses may be written with 20+ hours of being awake.
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silknoise · 8 months
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x. dossier. / x. wanted plots. x. pinterest. / x. thread tracker.
hi there friendos!!! i am thrilled to be joining you since i've been wanting something simple on tumblr for awhile now!! also so happy to be bringing my underappreciated queen umji to the party! the muse she's the face for is one of my faves to write; lee seonah, aka ramona lee is a new york born saxophonist with a cool demeanor and a love for cucumber melon. more info is listed below the cut, so if you're interested in any of her plots or would like me to swing by your ims to say hello or to plot something, you're invited to leave a like on this post!
trigger warnings: m*rder, robbery, implied g*n v*olence, grief
as briefly mentioned above, seonah was born in staten island, new york on august 7th, 1998.
her parents, originally from daegu, built a life stateside in the early '90s, so they were already pretty blended into the american routine by the time they had seonah.
in new york, seonah often went by her english name ramona, often shortened to mona. the name was derived from an old jazz singer and pianist her mother loved.
one of the main reasons seonah's parents even moved from south korea was so that her mother could try her luck at the new york jazz scene. she was a gifted pianist with quick hands who had always ensured seonah's life was filled with music.
those very sessions with fellow musicians she worked with were the catalyst for seonah's obsession with the saxophone. a musician seonah would always call uncle franklin would come and play the sax at their south shore townhome, while the small child watched and danced along.
he was actually the one to gift seonah her very own saxophone at age ten, by which her younger sister seoyeol had been born and was clinging to seonah's legs while she struggled to play the instrument.
the characteristics of her music were very much shaped by the staten island jazz scene, and the city's famous festival was a tradition for the whole family.
from her father did seonah inherit a love of gardening, building terrariums and making sure a healthy amount of green was present in all her decorating. she and her father would spend hours carefully placing moss, stones, grass and water in small glass containers until they resembled miniature nature scenes.
she spent a good amount of time in her dad's store as well, helping him stock and clean up throughout her childhood. the value of hard work was an early lesson for seonah and it would likely stick with her permanently.
that store, however, would come to be the site of a horrible tragedy that would uproot many lives.
her mother and father were working the late shift at the store one night when a masked gunman entered, demanding cash. her parents were both killed during the exchange, leaving seonah and her sister to grieve them at far too young an age.
as the two had no other blood relatives in the area, their parents' friends franklin and his wife delisle were named in a will to take the children in and raise them as their own.
it was an extremely tough transition, but the pair, along with another of their parents' closest friends adam made sure the sisters never went without love and encouragement. they refused to let the children's view of the world become twisted due to what they had gone through, and they were a huge part of why the two made it through that period of their lives.
now being raised by franklin, seonah was kept occupied by saxophone lessons, camping trips, walks through the city — any and everything she loved simply to keep her mind off the tragedy her family had faced.
despite her new guardians' best efforts to make her childhood fulfilling, seonah couldn't help but feel somewhat aimless after the passing of both her parents, and even a bit disconnected from them. she developed a fairly unbothered demeanor that some would even mistake for just not caring, though that was the furthest thing from the truth.
as she finished out her primary schooling and prepared to apply to the manhattan school of music, she floated the idea of possibly traveling to her parents' home city of daegu after graduating college to franklin and delisle. they met the idea with approval, thinking it was an excellent chance to reconnect with a past she'd never really gotten to discover.
after training up her musical talents to her instructors' satisfaction, it was finally time to say farewell to her family. she couldn't have said thank you to franklin, delisle and adam more times if she'd tried. seonah looked upon her now teenaged sister with slight guilt, feeling as though she were abandoning her for her own selfish reasons. seoyeol simply threw her arms around seonah and promised her she'd seek out universities in daegu so they could see each other soon.
and that was it, she was off to daegu with a graduation present of a one way flight and some won to run on until she found work. thankfully, that didn't take too long, as she found a pretty fancy restaurant looking for jazz musicians of her caliber.
seonah made a vow to herself that she would only speak in korean and only use her korean name until she felt that familiar connection to her parents once more.
she soon found a home in the confines of sueunju sharehouse, and though it's filled with strangers, it reminds her of the blended household she lived in back in staten island and even makes her oft expressionless visage falter into a smile. though she is still very much getting used to living in daegu two years on, her life is in a place of contentment for the time being. she continues to chase memories that have long since passed her by, barely conscious of all the new ones she is making in the process.
some would call her an ice queen, but she's more like a snow angel. like she's definitely composed, doesn't like to argue and sometimes comes off as though she's silently plotting your demise in a corner, but there is a warmth to seonah that is unmistakable. she can be so cold to the touch but also reach directly into your heart and make you melt. she is a mess of contradicting thoughts and feelings and words, but she could be ur mess of contradicting thoughts and feelings and words, u know???
only really loses her cool when it comes to music she's excited about, if her heart's a little bit broken or if she's lost something near and dear to her (her saxophone goes missing, one of her terrariums get broken, etc) and it's sad, but also kind of funny cmvnbvncb!
she's very inquisitive, especially about the daily routine in daegu. she desperately wants to know more about the lives her parents lived before they moved to america, and being that she's only been in south korea for two years, she isn't as in touch with things as she feels like she should be. stop her if she's asking too many questions — she just gets into a flow of seeking information and doesn't realize it sometimes!
a girl of many hobbies: gardening, camping, building terrariums, hitting up the thrift store, smoking on roofs, seeing performances at masquerade, noraebang, etc. and she loves doing these things with friends! partake in any of these activities with her, and you'll earn a special place in her heart and the slightest aura of a smile just for you.
sometimes she just??? disappears. sometimes her social energy simply runs out and she needs some time to recharge it. she's not trying to ghost, she promises! she just needs a couple days of mirror glaring and deep rumination before she's ready to have company again.
a wanted plot of mine (!!!!!!) but i also hc her as recently single with a lot of regretful and reluctant pining for her ex lol. she's in her slightly reckless era in an attempt to forget them, so pls forgive her for any messy moments 😘
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spiritsintertwined · 1 year
World RP Discord server Domino City welcomes you!
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Streaks of color spread across the sky. Branches of the multiverse, twisting and colliding, brought new visitors to Domino City…
Are you looking for a relaxing multifandom roleplay? Tired of muses already claimed? Want a mix of the familiar and unfamiliar?
The Yugioh-focused Discord World RP, Domino City, is now opening the doors for more members! The community is inclusive to other fandoms and OCs, for a refreshing variety of personalities and crossovers. The server offers neutral locations and Alternate Universes for those unfamiliar with Yugioh, allowing for grand adventures or smaller slice-of-life interactions.
Upon joining only the Welcome and Rules channels are visible. After verification, all other channels can be seen. It may take a moment to be verified as it is done by hand!
World RP: plot threads in style.
Our World RP server is structured where each category is a zone/world, each channel a location and each thread a sub location or private story. Characters move about in these locations and writing in them is usually a slow to steady pace. Quick-paced RP channels, like the opt-in Telephone Chat, are for those who desire fewer locations, or just like a brief interaction. It is also possible to start private RPs.
What our server offers:
🤝A small, friendly, inclusive and tight-knit community. Needs are respected and no one gets left behind. There is always some activity to be found in the variety of channels!
😎 Freedom to reply at your own pace. There is also 0 pressure to match writing length or quality.
👥 A duplicate canon muse system. This feature that aims to resolve the issue of fandom characters being taken, using an identifier of nicknames and mun names to tell each other apart. Additonally, the existence of duplicates is explained in-lore with the multiverse! We believe every roleplayer should be able to play any character, any way they like.
🤖 The Tupperbox bot which allows you to use your characters on the fly! This bot works in conjunction with the duplicate muse system.
🔎 The RP Bulletin Board with plotting threads, thread tracker, starter calls and status updates.
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Settings and Alternate Universes:
🏙️ Domino City: The perfect place for more slice-of-life RPs, dates or semi-fantasy stories with a more realistic backdrop. Shop at the mall, visit a restaurant, or enjoy the comfort of your own house channel.
🐉 Domino World: A high fantasy AU setting, including a world map!
☀️ Season of the Light Spirit: This category features locations that are Spring and Summer-themed, but are open all year. Wander into the Spring forest, or sail to the adventurous Summer islands. Port Crookhook is the place for Lovecraftian mysteries. And last but not least, the Sunflower Festival is the slice-of-life hub with picnics and markets!
🌙 Season of the Dark Spirit: Coming soon with Autumn and Winter-themed adventures.
And even more features!
Will your character solve the mystery of the colliding multiverse? Become the greatest duelist? Cause some chaos? Or simply find a place called home, with friends or a loved one? Everything is possible in Domino City!
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anderwhohn · 2 months
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While I'm not 100% back yet, I am working on coming back from hiatus. Mostly in the fact that I'm trying to get caught up on the 'end of the year maintenance' stuff from 2023 that I didn't get to do with everything going on irl, so here is what's been updated and what I'm still working on.
All forms are new, so unless you've filled it out in the last few weeks, then you will need to fill out the respective interest tracking forms in order as soon as possible.
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RULES & GUIDELINES - UPDATED JUNE 5, 2024 - Please note that there are new rules regarding things such as the forms, a couple banned fandoms, and other important changes. If you have any questions, please reach out to me via the inbox or on discord.
NEW FOLLOWER INTEREST CHECK (FORM) - If we're not mutuals, and you want to write together, this brief questionnaire covers the basics of which muse(s) you're interested in interacting with, among other factors that will help determine compatibility. Required for all new followers/non-mutuals who are interested in writing together - I will not follow your blog(s) back until this form is filled out.
INTEREST TRACKER - MUTUALS ONLY (FORM) - If we are mutuals, this form is required in order to interact, as it covers everything from which muses you want to interact with, the verses you want to interact with them in, and other roleplay preferences. All mutuals are required to fill out this form.
SHIPS & DYNAMICS - MUTUALS ONLY (FORM) - If we're mutuals, and you're interested in writing more in-depth dynamics between our muses, including but not limited to romantic and/or sexual dynamics, you should fill out this form.
BEST FRIENDS CALL - MUTUALS ONLY (FORM) - If we're mutuals, we've already been writing together, and you're looking for the 'permanent starter call' (with bonus features), this is the form you'll need to fill out.
REQUEST INTERACTIONS - MUTUALS ONLY (FORM) - The all-in-one call for interactions, be it requesting I send you memes, respond to your open starters, write you starters, etc. This form is available at any time - you don't have to wait for me to make a post about it to fill it out - but please understand that I won't always be able to provide an immediate turn around.
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I think I got all instances of the links to these forms updated on all the pages, but since I'm also going to be reworking a lot of the muse info (ie the dossiers and verse pages), I'll be doublechecking while also handling those updates.
Some muses (including NPCs attached to a few muses that are written occasionally as part of larger threads but not as independent muses in their own right) will also have their info moved to new Irregulars pages that I will be setting up in the near future, in addition to the new guidelines regarding the selectivity with which they'll be handled.
Regardless, this blog will remain low to medium activity for a while longer. I will return here eventually, but I want to do a total overhaul of the dossier and verse pages here before doing so, so please don't expect too much out of this blog for the time being.
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davidkarofskyindie · 1 year
galahadsboy (Buck/Eddie)
@galahadsboy​ continued from (x)
Eddie realised almost as soon as he said it. The bottom of the stairs and the high ceiling. So he groaned closing his eyes & putting his hands over them. “On a scale of one to ten… It’s a I’m never drinking again in my life” he said. Honestly he didn’t mind being undressed like this & he trusted Buck. Other people maybe not but Buck was Buck. “Tell me I didn’t do anything too stupid” he said hopefully. He tended to be too honest when he was drunk.
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Buck casually leaned back in his seat as he sipped his coffee, watching as Eddie slowly started to move. He was surprisingly used to seeing Eddie like this, mostly because he just turned up to Eddie’s house unannounced so often that walking in when the man was about to shower wasn’t unusual for him so sitting there with Eddie in nothing but his underwear was just normal “Oh nothing stupider than usual... though the midnight table dance was definitely fascinating to watch, I hope Hen got video of that” he said with a little smile, looking to Eddie and thinking for a moment “But no, you were pretty much just a fun goofy drunk... and very talkative, especially on the ride home. Drunk talky Eddie is a fascinating side of you, gotta admit I never knew you could talk like that”
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serabellyms · 8 months
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respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag others that you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
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ROLEPLAYER NAME: serabellym (sera is fine!)
MUSE NAME: multi-muse, so too many to list.
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: discord if you have it, IMs if not. I tend to answer Discord more regularly & IMs I sometimes leave the notification until I have the mental capacity to respond as it's usually about plotting, so I have to be in the right mindset!
EXPERIENCE: on tumblr, about 2 years now? In general, well over 10 years.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: some angst or a dab of hurt/comfort is always a soft spot for me. I don't mind fluff once in a while, but it does become dry and repetitive after a while. Realistically, what I want is plots/threads that are dynamic and have a flow; maybe it starts off hurt-comfort, and as replies go on (and we're talking 10, 20, 30 replies in, so long-standing threads) it turns to fluff. Maybe there's a dabble of smut somewhere in there. Either way, dynamic threads is what I crave.
If you constantly drop threads/forget about threads/threads never go past 1 or 2 replies & we never plot, I'm less likely to interact, period. Taking your time is a very different thing; having multiple threads that are 2-3 replies that constantly get dropped are a motivation killer for me.
If you remake your blog more than once every 6-8 months, I get exhausted. For context, in 2 years I've moved blogs only 3 times. The first was to move from a side blog to a main blog (so it wasn't like I could clean up my blog and make it a main blog); the second was to move from multiple single-muse blogs to one multi-muse blog (I had a lot of content across 4 blogs, it was easier to combine it into one fresh/new blog).
PEOPLE WHO REFUSE TO TAG FOR EYESTRAIN. It aggravates me to no end when asking for a tag is a problem. I often get the impression that people don't take the request for eyestrain to be tagged seriously, not realizing that the things I ask to be tagged trigger chronic headaches when it's missed.
Not filling out my interest tracker. I'm very clear why this is a requirement. It's actually detailed & coded on my end to organize it for my own sake well beyond what's asked for in the tracker. It makes it easier for me as someone with a disability to keep track of things, & it alleviates my anxiety to have those tools at my disposal, tools that I've taken the time to create for myself to make my life easier.
PLOTS OR MEMES: both! Generally, memes are good icebreakers, but I'm of the opinion that memes and plots go hand-in-hand. Memes are a great way to trigger a starter for something you've been plotting with a writing partner; conversely, memes can also serve to open the door for plot ideas to form when you discuss with people. I operate on the basis that memes are a way to start threads, and are generally not treated as one-off interactions on my blog. If you send a meme, it's going to be answered in a way that it can serve as a starter. In this case, anyone is welcome to continue memes that I sent if they'd like. I will not be upset.
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: Long replies. Shorter replies are more difficult for me to write and work with in most cases. I can rip through a long reply faster than I can a short reply, because with long replies there's enough content that it gets the creative juices going, and it's a matter of just letting the flow roll. If you give me a short reply, you'll probably be waiting 2-3 times as long for a response than a long reply. (& for those of you thinking "but a long reply is more words to write"--I type around 100-120 words per minute. It's not about the word count or typing speed. It's about my ability to think of a response. Longer replies come easier from a creative standpoint for me.)
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Late at night for me, usually. I need to get more into daytime writing, but it's hard. I'm the kind of person who throws together half a reply while I'm laying in bed about to crash, lol.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: As a whole? No. There are likely reasons I'm drawn to certain characters because I relate to them or empathize with them/what they've been through, but I am not like my muses. Often, my own experience influences how I interpret the muse's experience.
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tagged by: stolen lmao
tagging: @inufangs @smokedanced @hopegained @missallanea @stardustedstories @tenebriism @talesofourworlds @sailingtempest @primitiveside @bloodiedbiotic @altosk & anyone who'd like to steal!
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underforeversgrace · 1 year
broken trust and the wounds hidden behind - 7
title: broken trust and the wounds hidden behind
words: 3064
Chapter 7 of 7
Story Summary: Jack wasn't meaning to snoop in his son's room when he found a box of medical supplies and a USB with a tag that said IF I DON'T COME HOME. Danny’s secrets revealed, Jack is desperate to earn his son’s trust, to earn the right to this secret he stumbled across. After almost two years of unknowingly hunting his son, is Danny's trust too broken to heal? NO ONE KNOWS AU
Tumblr Chapter One
Danny POV One-shot
It was a week later and more treated daily injuries than Jack cared to think of when his phone beeped late at night. It had to be well past midnight as he groggily slapped his hand around on his bedside table until he clumsily managed to grip his phone, yawning. He blinked blearily at the bright light as he opened it, though his exhaustion quickly cleared away as soon as he actually read the message.
From: Phantom
Can you meet me at the clearing?
He shot from the bed, stumbling towards his closet as he responded.
On my way. What's wrong? He sent as he hurriedly pulled on clothes and shoes, running a mental check of what all he had ready in the GAV. It was surprising, how often he’d needed to refill it after only three weeks of this. He’d wondered how Danny kept his first aid kit so well-stocked, though he’d quickly pushed the wonder away.
He had no doubt Danny had been using his own allowance to do it - using money from his parents to buy the thread for the stitches he needed for the wounds also given to him by his parents. Some things were still just easier to not think about.
Jack didn’t bother to check Danny’s room on the way out. He knew it would be empty.
The drive to the park was again short, though he didn’t bother with the sirens this late at night. Ghost activity spiked the later it got, so many people stayed home once the sun set. The only souls he passed on the way there were some police and ambulance on standby, and a few blob ghosts.
Jack’s anxiety, however, grew as he got closer to the park. Danny hadn’t messaged him back, normally he told Jack at least what kind of injury he had - burn or laceration, typically - so Jack could be prepared. But now there was nothing, no information, and it made Jack’s heart twist in fear.
As he made the now familiar trek to the clearing, first aid kit in hand, thoughts and images flew through his mind so fast his head began to ache. He was terrified he was about to find his son - human or ghost - unconscious and bleeding out into the ground. The mental image constantly flickered between red blood and green ectoplasm staining the grass - neither options were good.
Jackno longer needed the tracker, at least, as often as he’d come here recently, though his stomach seemed to sink lower as he got closer, as he didn't see the brilliant, bright white of his son’s aura as he normally should with it so dark.
“Phantom?” He called in a panic as he pushed through the branches, immediately sweeping the ground for his fallen child, who he quickly saw flat on his back in the center of the clearing, one arm reaching up towards the sky, a dark rainbow engulfing him.
“I’m over here.” Phantom called back as his arm moved in a pattern Jack couldn’t identify.
“What’s wrong?” Jack asked, looking for the green glow of ectoplasm but coming up empty.
“Nothing’s wrong, Jack.” He responded softly, lowering his hand to rest on his stomach.
Jack had never been called out here for any reason other than first aid, so he was still on alert despite the assurance. He did settle down on the warm ground next to his son, though, finally realizing why he hadn’t seen the white glow of Danny’s aura.
Instead, Phantom’s aura breathed and swirled like a nebula, constellations again dancing and fading across his cheeks, along his nose. He’d been tracing the stars with his hand when Jack had arrived, he realized.
Silence stretched between them, though not an uncomfortable one. A companionable one, a safe one. Jack mimicked his son, leaning until his back pressed against the ground, staring up at the stars glittering so beautifully against the darkness of night.
“Are you okay, Phantom?” Jack asked after several minutes. As wonderful as this moment was, he wanted to make sure Danny was alright. Once he knew that, he would be more than happy to spend the rest of the night stargazing with his son, as they had done so many times before, from the top of the ops center, though it had been many years since they'd actually done so.
“Do you want to know what I wanted to be?” Phantom asked, eyes still on the night sky, completely disregarding Jack’s actual question.
“What you wanted to be?” Jack repeated, confused.
“Before I died. What I wanted to be when I grew up.”
Something was different tonight and Jack couldn’t help the way his heart began to race. Despite the lack of blood, of injury, the air felt heavy, it spoke of impending change. Anticipation curled into Jack’s chest.
“What did you want to be, Phantom?”
“I wanted to be an astronaut. I wanted to join NASA and fly. Get closer to the stars. I think about it, sometimes. It hurts to think about too much, to remember I’m dead and this is all I’ll ever be, when all I ever wanted was the stars.”
Jack’s heart rate rapidly accelerated, though he just reached out and laid one of his hands on Phantom’s shoulder, long since used to the chill of his son’s body. “Don’t give up, Phantom. I have faith in you.”
Phantom’s eyes finally left the sky, turning to Jack, a burning green boring directly into the older man's soul. “Do you? Have faith in me?”
“More than you know.” Jack answered, gently squeezing his son’s shoulder.
Phantom pushed himself up into a sitting position, scooching away from Jack’s reach. Jack followed, bringing himself up to a sitting position, though he didn’t move closer as Danny pulled away.
“You’ve said your son was really into space, wanted to work with NASA. Do you have faith in him too?” Phantom asked softly, plucking at the grass beneath him.
If Jack’s heart did any more leaps or acceleration, he was going to need to see a doctor, but it was beating a rapid staccato within him. Was this it? Was Danny finally admitting it, letting Jack in?
Was Danny finally about to trust his father?
“I do. I have full faith in whatever he does.” Jack answered.
“Do you know where your son is?” Phantom asked, plucking a single piece of grass from the ground and beginning to methodically rip it into shreds.
“I do.”
“Is he safe?” He questioned, dropping the decimated bits of grass to the ground and pulling his knees to himself, curling up slightly. The colors of the sky faded, brightening again to Phantom's usual pure white.
“Absolutely and undeniably.”
Phantom laughed slightly and seemed to pull away. “Dumb question, right? It’s like 1am. Of course he’s safe, asleep at home.”
Jack slid closer to Phantom, placing a hand on the ghost’s knee, though unsure what to say. Did he admit to knowing his son wasn’t at home? Did he just continue playing along with his son’s secret?
Instead, Jack elected to slightly change the topic. “Are you safe, Phantom? Here, with me, do you feel safe?”
“Do you?” His son responded, looking at his hands. “Everything I can do, have done. Do you feel safe around me?”
Jack didn’t answer verbally, instead choosing to move closer to Phantom, until they were sat side by side, and he threw his arm around Danny’s shoulders. Danny immediately leaned into his side, accepting his father’s embrace.
“I don’t feel safe around myself,” Danny admitted. “I’m scared. I’m dangerous.”
“What do you mean, kiddo?” Jack asked, rubbing small circles on Danny’s shoulder.
“I… Jack, you don’t understand what I am, the things I can do. I’m not safe.”
“I don’t need to know what you are or the full scope of your abilities to know that isn’t true. You’re good, Phantom. Hell, you’re probably safer than my driving at the very least!”
That pulled a small chuckle from Danny. “That isn’t a very high bar to pass.”
“Would you call me dangerous, though? In an overall sense, like the way you’re calling yourself?”
Phantom relaxed slightly. “I… I guess not. I just… I’ve hurt people, Jack.”
“Phantom, I can say with absolute confidence you have never hurt anyone beyond maybe minor bruising, and even that has never been intentional. It was one of the things we monitored back when I still thought you were bad.” Jack admitted.
“Not… not in this timeline. It wasn't in this timeline that I did awful things.”
“Uh. Huh?”
“There was… I’ve mentioned the time ghost, right?”
“Yes?” Jack said, loosening his grip on Danny. This seemed like something that was making Danny uncomfortable and he didn’t want Danny to feel trapped. Apparently this was the correct decision, as he relaxed further against Jack, actually burrowing in closer.
“His name is Clockwork and he can see other timelines. And he showed me one where… where I lost everything. Everyone. And then I lost my mind. And Earth paid for it.” Danny turned slightly, burying his face into the rubber of Jack’s hazmat and breathing raggedly. “I enjoyed it! That part of me enjoyed it and I don’t want to be like that.”
Well. That at least explained Danny’s insistence to never stop seeing Phantom as a threat, he supposed.
“Then it sounds like we need to make sure you’re never in a place to lose everything,” Jack determined. “Because all I’m hearing is a good kid terrified of loneliness and in possession of a good conscience with incredible power who never wants to hurt anyone.”
“That’s easy for you to say, now… but I’m not sure of that. You didn’t see what I did. How many I hurt… I killed.”
“I am, Phantom. I am entirely sure. Anything you have done, anything you fear I’ll damn you for, any secrets you keep from me? I will always support you and try to lift you out of the darkness. It sounds like that’s what you needed - that lonely version of you needed. Humans need help when the darkness is at its worst, Phantom. What you’re describing is just humanity. What’s bringing this up, kiddo?”
Phantom turned slightly, resting his cheek against the orange suit, head tilted up towards the stairs. “Today’s… well, today’s the anniversary of the event that caused the other me to lose everything he - I - we loved. It’s just… brought back some unpleasant memories.” Jack racked his brain to try to remember any significant event roughly a year ago that could've yielded the kind of tragedy Danny was describing, but he came up empty.
Jack squeezed Danny to him briefly. “Thank you for reaching out to me.”
“Of all the things I expected to come out of your mouth, that was not one of them.”
He chuckled. “You did what I asked - you didn’t suffer alone and you didn’t pretend to be perfect. Thank you for letting me in. If you didn’t expect me to thank you, maybe you don’t know me as well as you think you do.” Jack teased.
“Actually, I think I know you better than I thought.” Phantom said, hesitating then pulling away from Jack. “But…don't freak out, but I don’t think you know where your son is.”
A repeating mantra of don’t miss this up, Jack, don’t miss this up began to play in his head. “What makes you say that?”
“Because…” Danny gulped, hovering up and settling down a few paces away. “Because, I’m right here, dad.” Jack watched the transformation sweep across his son, the first time he’d ever seen it in person. Watched the glow fall away, watched the jumpsuit change to familiar clothes, watched eyes and hair that he knew so well reappear in front of him. Until all that remained was his black haired, blue eyed son, wearing clothes that were too baggy for him, nervously wringing his hands as he watched Jack in apprehension.
Apprehension, but not fear.
“Then he’s right where I thought he was, kiddo.” Jack said, standing up and smiling. “I’ve known for a little while, Danny.”
Danny’s mouth dropped, blue eyes wide. “You knew? How? Wait. That’s why you’ve been so nice to Phantom lately?”
“I… I’m sorry.” Jack said, nervously pulling at his fingers as well. “I found out on accident. I found the first aid kit in your room and saw the USB. When I saw all that gauze and a drive that said to watch if you didn’t come home…” Jack gulped. “I panicked, I was worried about you and I watched it… I saw the video. I saw how scared of me you were. I wanted to earn your trust, prove you were safe.”
“So you decided to go through my things and then lie to me more?” Danny asked.
“Wait, no, that - it isn’t what I -“ Jack stuttered but he was cut off when Danny rapidly approached, throwing his arms around his father. Jack immediately wrapped his own around his son, significantly warmer in this form yet still with a slight chill about him. “I needed to earn it, son. I didn’t know how broken your trust in me was.”
“I didn’t either,” Danny confessed. “But you listened. That’s all I’ve ever wanted from you or mom.” Danny suddenly tensed. “Oh God, mom. What do we do about her? She isn’t home for another month. Do we tell her? Will she take it as well as you did? Oh Ancients, what if she doesn-“
“Shh,” Jack said gently. “We’ll figure it out together, son. She will accept you just like I did. I know it.”
“Are you sure? She’s a little more, uh…”
Jack ruffled his son’s black hair. “I know what you mean. But I promise. We’ll get through all of it. Together, okay?”
“Okay.” Danny said, finally pulling away from his father. “Want to watch the stars for a little longer?”
“There’s nothing else I’d rather do right now, son.” Jack responded and they both settled back to the ground, each of them practically inhaling the serenity of the night under the sky’s diamonds.
“I trust you.”
“You defy us yet again for the half breed.” The cloaked ghost said, the scowl audible in his voice.
“I have done no such thing,” the accused responded smoothly, not even deigning the other important enough to stop watching the show before him.
“You were told explicitly to not directly interfere in Daniel Fenton’s life. His choices and his consequences are his own.” A second cloaked ghost said, voice much more nasally than the first despite lacking a nose.
“And I have not directly interfered, you will find.” The purple clad ghost said with a smile, red eyes fixed on the orb in front of him, where time yielded to him like a puppet to its strings.
“Clockwork, we saw what you did. You set Jack Fenton on a path that changes the most likely timelines drastically.” The first, elder Observer said, throwing his hand forward so the time looking glass began to shift.
Clockwork watched with boredom on his face as the Observer played their so-called proof before him.
“Time out,” came Clockwork’s voice. An intradimensional clock appeared, swirling away the time until it settled as a portal. Jack Fenton stood in his son’s room, duct tape gripped tightly in his right hand, a longing look in his eyes as he took one last glance at the rockets along the shelved blue wall.
In the past, Clockwork stepped from the portal, staff clutched securely to him. He floated towards the orange clad man, a thoughtful look on his timeless face. The gentle ticking of his internal clock was the only sound in the frozen time.
He reached forward and placed a single finger against the inconspicuous roll of sticky silver. The tape turned intangible and immediately fell from Jack Fenton’s grasp, though it too returned to suspended animation as soon as Clockwork withdrew his touch, ready to fall and roll under the bed as soon as the clock began to March forward again.
Satisfied with the new direction of time, Clockwork smiled.
“Time in.”
“What have you to say for yourself, Time Master?” The more nasally Observant asked.
“I see only that you prove my point for me, Observant. I did not directly interact with Daniel Fenton nor his ghost form at all within that scene.”
The older Observant scoffed. “You interacted with his father, Jack Fenton, specifically in order to avoid that future.” He said, again waving his hand.
Clockwork really did loathe it when they took control of his viewpoints. They always changed the settings.
Still, he watched with bored disinterest as the scene changed, a future of a timeline now never to pass. A future where, in only seven months, Danny Phantom dies violently by his own government after being recaptured, his family and friends too late to save him, none knowing he was their son and friend.
“I have still yet to see proof of my direct interference with the child’s life.” He said. “I interacted with the father, which I was not forbidden to do. I do not control Jack Fenton nor how he responded to the information he stumbled upon.”
Both Observants seemed stunned into angry silence as they processed his words - his loophole. Clockwork continued to watch them with expressionless eyes.
“Is there anything else you will be needing?” He asked, motioning his staff to the door. “Otherwise, do see yourselves out. I dare say you know where my door is by now.”
“This isn’t over, Clockwork.” The first Observant growled, turning and dramatically spinning his cloak as he stormed from the room, his young charge following behind.
Sealing the door behind his employers, he returned his focus to the view screen, pressing a hand against the smooth, glass-like surface, an actual smile gracing his aged face as the scene shifted again, to show the new future he had nudged the timeline towards.
A tearful apology from a father, a beloved acceptance from a mother, a fierce protectiveness of a sister, and a bond stronger than life or death itself between a trio of friends.
Clockwork nodded to himself the dismissed the image, a swirl of green and purple dancing idly on the screen instead.
“All is as it should be.”
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lgcxmimi · 10 months
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❥ - intro & q4 plot call and tracker ❕
back at it again with another muse. if you've not connected the dots, hi i'm bee-- the mun behind jasper! ( jaemin fc, aka @lgcxjasper). i couldn't help myself and brought lovely emi here, but you can call her em, or mimi if you're really cute. she's a bit of a firecracker, but she's fun, and will work her ass off to get to where she needs to be. as usually, like/reply to this post and i'll reach out to connect! i'm usually always on discord, just ask for my user!
meet emi, though most people just call her em, and if you've been allowed to call her mimi consider it a privilege. she's been at legacy for a few years and a solid amount of that time has been absolutely working until she can't stand in order to prove she does belong here. the rest of that time is spent living a live she didn't have the privilege of before, having the time of her life, frankly.
she's an 01 liner, 22 years old and has been at legacy since july of 2021. she auditioned in january as well, but was rejected and told to work on her confidence, and so she did exactly that to land a spot and be unforgettable the next time.
she's from nagoya, born and raised until she was able to audition, officially moving to seoul. yes, she can speak in dialect, though she knows the tokyo dialect as well.
she's japanese-korean, as her dad was korean, so she knows the language just as well. she was constantly practicing and keeping her fluency which was perfect, considering she's found herself at legacy.
(tw: parental death, single-parenting, emotional trauma, pregnancy) speaking of daddy dearest, she lost her dad when she was 8, nearly 9 years old suddenly. her little sister was only one at the time, and her mom worked tirelessly to make sure her daughters had the best possible life they could.
... which proved to be easier said than done. emi's life was less than cushiony, and it's even more of a reason to make it and debut in anyway she can. she wants to make sure her sister can do whatever she wants, and repay her mom for all the sacrifices she made to make sure they were okay, even if they weren't in the best of situations.
she has plans to be a true ace in the industry, though right now she excels in vocals, performance and dance. she likes showing how much she's improved, and while she's definitely had criticism, it doesn't get her down, only fuels her to be better each and every time. she's gotten to the point where she even loves evaluations.
got to seoul and really had a chance to shine and have a bit of fun, and... that may be a bit of an understatement. she's blossomed a lot being on her own and going to school and training. she's made friends and foes, seen some debut and head back home, but she has no plans on stopping. when she's not training she's playing video games, shooting hoops, reading, or simply just hanging out.
emi is full of energy, but she's not all sunshine and roses either. she's sweet, but she doesn't go out of her way to make friends or go to places she's not wanted. she will get along with everyone until they give her a reason not to, but she loves to drink and have a good time AND still make it early to practices. sort of a tough cookie to crack unless you're really close to her. absolutely loves to laugh and finds a hard time staying still. she's also a severe flirt and thrives on competition.
open events: event 001 event 003 event 005 other events: dec sns (due jan 6th ) trainee mission 015: traditional korean games [due jan 6th]- w/@rowonlgc (x) [✓] educational videos [due jan 6th] - (available!) other threads: long time no see w/ @lgcseojin [✓] a sense of urgency w/ @lgcsujin [✓] long night w/ @cherrylgc [✓]
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amplichor · 1 year
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A STUDY IN ― burning the wick , hosting a spark to temper , making the moonlight your stage , grieving those a breath away & * being haunted by your reflection .
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independent private roleplay blog for utahime iori of jujutsu kaisen , heavily influenced by personal headcanons and Japanese mythology . & treated as an original character . ( 21 + , oc / crossover friendly ) . written by ford : she / they 24 y/o , cst . sporadic activity , not spoiler free ( please read rules before following . ) est. september 2023.
mains : @chikyodai , @sugurau , @moonsmourning , @killerhubby . @usagimen , @kuraokcmi
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𝟏. my portrayal of utahime doesn't align with canon, it's based heavily on my own ideas / headcanons as well as elements from japanese mythology . i treat her as an original character . if you dont like how i write her, please unfollow or don't interact.
𝟐. basic rp etiquette rules apply , mutuals only, minors will be blocked, be respectful. , problematic and toxic behaviors / mindsets will get you blocked . please don't interact with my posts if you're not a mutual oc - friendly . not duplicate friendly . unaffiliated with the jjk rpc. on top of following muses i can see utahime interacting with : i follow muns and muses im familiar with and i'm going to be selective, hence the private label on this blog. i curate my space accordingly and will softblock or hardblock if i feel the need. i like to operate in smaller circles so i won't be following everybody back !!
𝟑. im slow with replies, i'm a mother , work and have other hobbies , on top of that i'm manic depressive / bipolar and have general anxiety, all of which can affect my motivation and activity . if i'm not here i can be found on one of my other blogs ( @zefahai , @yookimi , @audiear , @dielogue )
𝟒. in general i'm a patient rp partner and can take a while to respond. please remind me if it's been a while since I’ve replied to a thread or ask . if you lose muse for a thread let me know, that way i'm not wondering if you've lost interest in me / writing with me . mains + friends are prioritized when it comes to answering asks, replying to threads, etc. please take the time to fill out my interest tracker. it'll help with navigating interactions and chances are i won't know where to start otherwise ..
𝟓. you can continue anything into a thread ! -- starter calls are rare. I’m ok with having multiple threads with you at once and encourage you to send multiple asks ! please like any starters or ask replies i write you, just so i know you see it ( tumblr notifs aren't reliable ) , I format heavily with special characters, double spaced , small colored text, if this gives you any issues lmk and I’ll accommodate ! icons aren't a must, and i often prefer to write without them.
𝟔. i prefer to talk on discord but will still use the tumblr IM system too. ( you can request my discord at any time if we are mutuals . ) i also write on discord in private servers if you'd like to write there too .
𝟕. multi exclusive ship ( i only ship with one portrayal of any specific muse and expect this in return ), I don’t autoship so any shipping requires development and chemistry both ic and ooc . —- the relationship HAS TO develop through our interactions . you can send me shippy memes but we aren’t shipping until it’s discussed ooc and i generally prefer to ship with muns i know well & talk to frequently ! ( i just think that this helps the process of timelines and development better, if you want to ship , reach out to me ! i promise i probably already ship it but i won't make a move to actively ship unless you outight say " i want to ship " because im oblivious. ) -- also , i am okay with duplicates only when the dynamic is different ( unrequited vs. requited. )
𝟖. i use a basic tagging system for triggering or nsfw posts. all nsfw is tagged #nsft or #nsft /, and #usfw , triggers are tagged #trigger or #trigger / , if i miss one please let me know ! I want this to be a safe space <3
𝟗. everything posted is made by me ! do not steal or lift any headcanons, concepts, or graphics i'm happy to help with photoshop or carrd and have a commissions blog if you're interested in that !
𝟏𝟎. the most important rule on this blog is to communicate with me ! [ . . . ] in my 10+ time on this site i've been involved in my own drama, and i gotta say : i'm too old for it. i don't participate in petty drama, vague blogging, clique behavior ,or any other unsavory behaviors as such, and i will not tolerate it ! i don't pay attention to call out posts unless there's undeniable proof / it's not from petty misunderstandings. if there's ever any problems please communicate with me ! if i'm ever interacting with somebody problematic please let me know so i can get rid of the bad apples ! ( given that I was involved in drama at one point : if you hear something about me please get my side of the story before ushering judgement , I’ll take responsibility for any toxic behaviors I’ve had in the past. )
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whiskeysmulti · 11 months
Quick edit to my rules as I realized rules 6 and 8 contradicted each other, I fixed that on the pinned, I will correct it in main rules tomorrow when I'm back to the laptop.
6. You are always welcome to turn answered asks into a thread, all I ask is that if you move it to a new post, please @ me because I use thread tracker, I also track my replies by the number of drafts I have. That way by @'ing me, I can throw it into my drafts as soon as I see it and then work on the reply when I have time. I use the thread tracker to keep track of my RPs and x-kit to trim them. Thread tracker tracks the thread by the post number from my own blog. Do not move the post every reply. If from an ask, I will allow you to move it once to a clean post and then I will reblog and track from there.
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overwook · 7 months
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x. dossier. / x. wanted plots. x. pinterest. / x. thread tracker.
heyhihello it's your girl baz here with a 2nd muse, this one far less fleshed out but it'll be really fun to figure him out more in this setting! those close to him have always called him wookie, which is a reference lost on him; bro has never seen a star war. anyway, he's your typical stoner / burnout skater boy who is an annoying little sh*t with a heart of gold somewhere deep deep down. there's a little bit more under the cut and as usual, if you wanna plot anything with this goober, pls do leave a like! also you can find me on discord @ umjis_gf if that's easier 💗
born & raised on jeju island. the family was financially comfortable due to his mother's realtor career and his father's months out at sea fishing, but the latter's absence was known to take its toll on the family.
wook took full advantage of less supervision and pretty much made the island his stomping grounds. he'd venture around for most of the day, only returning home around dinnertime to fill his empty stomach.
when he received his first skateboard for his 8th birthday, he taught himself to ride in the old empty pool of an abandoned mansion on the island. he'd stay there for hours, falling flat on his face dozens of times before he finally learned to sail across flat ground on the board.
after a few years, he'd gotten pretty good and had learned a plethora of tricks that the pool allowed him to land fairly easily. sure, he'd also built up a few hospital visits, but none of it ever seemed to deter him from what he loved to do.
his teenage years were a little more...stormy as his attitude towards his father became pretty icy. he was never around and when he was, he was always extremely short and uncaring with his family. wookie knew his father was tired from the months at sea, but he also knew the asshole could spare his distraught wife more than a hand wave and dirty dishes on the kitchen table to wash up later.
when taewook turned 16, it came out that his father had actually been cheating on his mother with the woman who did the finances for his fishing boat. at that point, wook was done with his father and wouldn't even speak to the man.
his father moved out, and it was just wookie and his mom from then on. when it came time for him to go to college, the two moved to daegu after he was accepted to kyungpook national university. wook studied civil engineering, but despite the school's best efforts to guide him toward success, it was here that he became truly aimless.
he started smoking weed that he'd buy off other students, staying out all night drinking and partying, missing classes and doing insane skateboard stunts off sacred parts of the school grounds. when he was eventually kicked out of the university, he'd never seen his mom so disappointed. even his father's infidelity hadn't broken her heart the way he had, and it made him spiral even further down the rabbit hole.
wookie's mom did eventually forgive him, and her disappointment was replaced with heavy concern about her son's future. he assured her he was fine, and got a job at wonhyeong skate park to prove to her he was at least moving in the right direction.
he was even able to get his own apartment and a guinea pig to take care of, all acts done to show his mother that he was serious about turning his life around, though it was more so to bide his time than anything else. at least he did end up becoming best friends with doch!
this little sh*tdemon okay, so he is an absolute pain in the ass. loves to tease people and whine until he gets his way. will eat any food you leave out so literally don't leave food in the vicinity of him and walk away, he's like a wild dog.
if he disappears, he's 100% somewhere secluded smoking a joint. he smokes way too much and boy do his eyes show it: literally always slightly red and very sleepy. it also makes him pretty lazy, but that also means he'll be too tired to argue and that is a major plus.
has a massive weakness for pretty people. he's very flirty and lighthearted with people he finds attractive but he's also afraid of commitment so he's never been in a real rs?? he's only ever just slept around. a lot.
some have mythologized that wookie actually has a kind heart deep down, especially in the way that he cares about what his mom thinks of him and the adorable way in which he interacts with doch and dotes on him like a proud father.
speaking of fathers, don't ask him about his! or he will literally brood and cry for three days.
being friends with taewook means that you sometimes run the risk of tripping over him asleep on your floor hours after you thought he left, with an open bag of cookies laying next to him.
he can be a good time or a waste of time, it truly depends on the day.
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