#movie would’ve ended 30 mins earlier
wasabijean · 1 year
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movie would’ve been better if she had a gun
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potaetaezz · 5 years
|| Sweet Like Coffee || 6
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pairing: Nct Dream x Reader  [female]
genre/au: fluff | teeny bit of angst (to come) | enemies to lovers | Everyone is just a clueless bunch of weirdos, you get the drill.
warnings: slight swearing, immature content, tooth-rotting fluff
A/N: its’s my first fanfic so no judgment lol | Finally a long chp | I’m so sorry if my fanfics are late, I’ve so much studying to do | here we go~
Tuesday [5:48]
Your cheeks turned a bright shade of pink, as you looked at him with shy eyes.
“I don’t know what you’re on about.”
He eyed you up, and purred, “oh but I think you do.”
You avoided the heavyweight of his stares as best you could, looking at your hands instead, fidgeting anxiously. It very nearly felt like an interrogation, with his eyes watching your every move.
“I’ve seen the way your eyes focus on Jeno. I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t caught on yet.”
You mouthed an ‘I don’t know’, losing your voice under his intimidating presence.
Your brain begged your legs to get up and leave, but they had turned to jelly the minute ‘Jeno’s’ name was mentioned.
“And even Jaemin’s acting unusually nice.”
“Nice?” you scoffed, looking up to meet his glare, confidence rising.
“Trust me, if you were any other girl, you’d be devoured already, for ruining his favorite shirt.”
You stayed silent, sinking back into your chair.
“So?” you asked, voice low but steady.
“So,” he scoffed back, relentlessly. “To be blunt, I don’t see anything special about you. But seeing as you’ve even got Jaemin’s head turned, it must be bewitching.”
He was straightforward and clear. He didn’t hold back, with weight in every word. You felt a tinge of guilt rise in your stomach as if you did something wrong.
“So,” he repeated, slowly. “care to show me what’s so special?”
You could see every spec of delight hidden in his stubborn glare.
And before you could react to his idiocy, someone laughed behind you, clapping.
You felt the librarian glower towards you.
He rested his hands on the back of your chair as you turned to see who it was. You came face to face with his crooked smile, too close for comfort.
“Good afternoon, pest.”
You turned back around almost immediately, to see a content Haechan, leaning back into his chair, arms crossed.
“Well, that’s my cue to leave.” Haechan lifted his eyebrows. “Party’s on Friday, come if you can y/n.”
He acted as if nothing happened, and left without another word. It frustrated you even more.
“Miss me?” Jaemin whispered ever so slightly in your ear. You could almost feel the brush of his lips against the back of your neck. You stiffened. He moved away. Your ear burned from his softly spoken words.
He stuck the note which you had used earlier onto your forehead. “Nice try sweetheart, but it didn’t work.”
His newfound pet name painted your cheeks, instead of Jaemin’s.
He sat across from you, and there it was, that smile. He looked like the epitome of innocence, his smile beaming. If you didn’t know him better, you might be fooled.
“I highly doubt you came here to study.” It wasn’t a question.
“Clever girl.” He teased. “Let’s have some fun.”
“Like what?” You kept a straight-face, preparing yourself for the crazy idea to come.
“A movie.”
“As if I’d go to a movie with you.” You tried to damage his ego, maybe that might elicit a response.”
“Fine.” He spat out, but it wasn’t like Jaemin to give up so easily.
“Don’t, and I’ll kiss you. Right now.”
You hesitated, trying to decipher if it was a bluff or not. 
Then he moved closer. You remained silent. You could feel his breath on you, it was warm. You could smell him now, a hint of amber and musk. His eyes swept across your face, snagging on your mouth, your neck warmed again. ‘Want’ pulsed through your veins. Mind scattered like the stars. He swallowed.
“3, 2..”
People began to notice.
His lips almost touched yours when-
“Fine !! I’ll go see the damn movie!” You shrieked. And he slivered back to his chair, satisfied.
He kept insisting to watch a horror film, but you ignored him.
“There is no way in hell I’m watching a horror movie.” You protested.
He began to pout his lips and make kissing noises. You rolled your eyes.
“That’ll do” 
There were a lot more people in the movie theatre than you expected.
Most were….couples.
But that thought went out the window as soon as Jaemin sat down with the popcorn.
“You can’t back out now.” He laughed
“I think I’ll be okay.” Lies.
Someone could just say ‘Boo’ and you’d probably get scared. You hated loud noises, and the last time you went to a horror movie, Renjun laughed at you for a solid hour.
You just hoped you could keep your nerves down.
The lights dimmed, and you could feel the goosebumps rising on your arms. Jaemin leaned in close, your ear still burning from before. “Promise me you won’t hold my hand.” he teased.
He wanted a reaction, a laugh, to play with your heartstrings a bit.
You faced him, inches away from his mouth, looking him right in the eye. “I don’t make promises.”
He could’ve blushed, but it was too dark to see.
The first half an hour was fine, you held your composure, no screams to be heard. But then the jump scares came. The first one (nobody saw coming) you jumped out of your skin, followed by a laugh from Jaemin. He didn’t even move an inch, however.
You held your hands up to your eyes, barely peaking from the gap between your fingers. Lodged back into your chair, knees up incase anything was on the floor. The next few scares, you could see Jaemin tense.
‘I guess it’s not only me who’s scared.’ you smiled sillily to yourself.
He leaned his shoulder into yours ever so slightly until they were touching. 
You stiffened. 
He grabbed your hand from covering your eyes and intertwined it with his. Smoothly. Charmingly. You scoffed remembering his previous comment. You would have jerked it away just as fast if you were not glued to your seat, scared to death. You didn’t think of it as anything more than what it was. No, you wouldn’t allow yourself to think of it at all. Your heart rate increased, but you weren’t so sure if it was from the movie or from the now present hand clutching yours desperately.
Neither of you let go until the end. Towards the remaining 30 mins, he often covered your eyes with his large hand so you didn’t have to see the gore. You’ve never seen him like this; considerate, compassionate. You liked it, not that you would admit it.
You only screamed twice though-out the whole movie, which surprised you, and Jaemin for that matter. When the lights turned on slowly, you saw the reality- your small hand gently held by his large one. ‘Gently’ wasn’t an adjective you would’ve used to described Jaemin, at least not before the movie. He let go softly, and cracked a smile.
“Did you like it?” He asked. (The movie or my hand?)
You glared at him, but a smile was building. “Not. One. Bit.”
As you walked back outside, it was already dark. And extremely cold.
“Where do you live?”
“Stalker.” you retorted, you see why he loves to tease you so much.
“If I was a stalker I’d already know where you live.” And he quirked his eyebrows.
Things seemed different after the movie. He started to show the ‘real’ side of him more. He smiled more. He laughed more. His facade beginning to lift ever so slightly.
You insisted he walked you home. You said it was because it was dark, it was actually because the movie completely freaked you out. Nevertheless, he agreed without too much complaining.
It wasn’t a long walk from the theatre, and chatting with Jaemin about insignificant things from your day made the time go faster. It surprised you that you could actually hold a conversation with him for more than like 2 minutes. Today truly was a day for surprises.
“Thanks…” you said awkwardly once you arrived at your front door.
“No problem…scaredy-cat.” There it was, that beaming smile that you couldn’t seem to get enough of.
“Goodnight.” He spoke delicately. Your mind flashed back to when Jeno said those exact words last night. You watched him turn around, and soon enough the darkness consumed him.
Your hand wrapped around the door handle as you pushed it down. Well, tried. It didn’t budge. You tried a few more times before you shouted out of frustration. “Fucksake Ten!!”
You took out your phone and rang him.
No answer.
And again.
No answer.
“Where could he even go on a Tuesday night!” you growled.
You slid your hand into the flower pot, where you kept your keys.
You now felt alone, no bright smile to give you light.
You looked to see if you could still see him.
‘He couldn’t have gone that far.’
You ran back up the road you came, eyes searching and sure enough there he was. His blonde hair shining from the light of the moon. You chased after him.
He turned around, after hearing your loud breathing.
“Everything okay?” he asked, eyes wide.
‘God I need to exercise.’
You tried to explain it to him but you were huffing too much for him to understand.
“Wo-woah slow down.”
You started again, once catching your breath. “My brother isn’t home, or answering his phone, and he took my keys.”
He cracked that charming smile, one-half of his lips curled. “I’ve an idea.”
From the smug look on his face you could tell it wasn’t going to be a good one. The old Jaemin was back and eager. It was as if you were right where he wanted, caught in his trap, victim to his charm.
“Well I guess you’ll have to stay at my house.” and he winked.
>> Next chapter out the 4th. <<  feedback is appreciated !
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The House That Jack Built or The Murder She Wrote?
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The House That Jack Built (2018)
The House That Jack Built is a horror film, rated R for strong disturbing violence/sadistic behavior, grisly images, language, and nudity. if you’re squeamish about graphic killings, don’t watch it. runtime: 2 hr 32 min
this is not necessarily a scary horror movie. i was fascinated by the psychological side of it, how the main character is obviously psychopathic and the traits were thought-through. the way Jack has a chance to tell his own story was a great choice for this movie.
i almost stopped watching this film within the first minutes, because i thought Uma Thurman acted horribly, but i continued cause i thought it might have been a joke. after seeing the whole movie, maybe her character was supposed to seem a little cheap, although i still wouldn’t have started the movie with it. the murder of her character was plot wise significant, but the stupidity of the character was excessive for the sake of making a point.
if you get through the first part of the movie you have a lot coming for you. this movie uses stock footage interestingly, and has a sort of theatrical style to it. the milieu is eerily beautiful. the focus is so fully on the main character that you almost forget there is a world outside of his mind.
this movie is about 30 minutes too long. after being an uneasy, stretched out spectacle of murders, the main character ends up in Inferno level 0 or whatever. it’s just overall an odd choice to bring this unfeeling, cold engineer to a religious Hell and show him feel remorse by shedding a tear. like i said i would’ve ended it 30 minutes earlier.
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jjkfire · 7 years
Sweet Saccharine; pt. 2
Reader x Jungkook // sugardaddy!AU // 11k words
Summary: Trying your best to stay afloat in a ruthless city, you decide to join the sugar bowl. Who knew the sugar baby business would be this exciting?
Genre: Fluff?
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Part 1 // Part 3
A/N: bro it’s been months since the first chapter and I am so sorry like lmao does anyone even remember that this fic exists??? anyway told myself to keep the fic simple but my brain was like uhhh heck no 
Oh, if only Jungkook knew what he was getting himself into, if only he knew who you really were. He would’ve avoided you like the plague, he would’ve been running for the hills, anything to get as far away as possible from you. It was in this person’s favour however that Jungkook didn’t. An evil smile graces the lips of the dark figure, dressed in all black.
So begins the takedown of Jeon Jungkook.
So begins the end of Jeon Logistics.
So, what are both you and Jungkook doing in the middle of a long, empty, straight road, one would ask? The answer would be Jungkook has no fucking clue.
“Do you trust me?”
“No… not really,” Jungkook gulps as he looks over at you in the driver’s seat.
“Aw, come on,” You laugh. “Live a little why don’t you?” You turn to him to raise an eyebrow, an evil smirk on your lips.
He hears you rev up the car engine, its signature roar resounding in his ears and usually he loves the sound but right here, right now, he’s not so sure. What he knows though is that letting you take the wheel was a horrible, horrible idea.
[02:28] You: Hey friend saw you in a magazine today [02:28] You: Image sent
Jungkook’s fingers scramble to swipe at his phone to open up the message. He breathes out a sigh of relief to see that the magazine had chosen a rather flattering photo of him standing next to Yoongi and Taehyung, his two closest friends.
The three of them grew up basically attached to each other considering that their grandfathers were best friends who had all established their own logistics company around the same time, building it from the ground up with their very own hands. Everyone thought that their friendship wouldn’t last, that eventually, friendly rivalry would turn ugly but the three old men still got together at the Jeons more than once a week for a casual game of poker.
The Min, Kim and Jeon family are often referred to as the 3 greats of the logistics industry, but they were more than just that. The comradery between the 3 families has lasted for generations now. Jungkook doesn’t even remember a day where he didn’t have Yoongi and Taehyung by his side when he was growing up and even now, they’d at least see each other once a week, be it for a casual coffee or the occasional supper. The three of them seem like an odd combination, so different from the other yet somehow, it worked. Perhaps it was the fact that they carry the same burden, the pressure of having to take over such a huge company one day or perhaps it was the other 101 things that they had experienced together that helped shape what is seen as an unusual friendship.
Jungkook stares at his screen, unsure of what his reply should be but sure of the fact that he wanted the conversation to move forward. He wasn’t quite sure where he stood with you yet but the two of you had been texting day and night since he had dropped you home that evening and maybe it was because you were a lot more comfortable over text that he found himself being drawn towards you, wanting to know more about you. Perhaps it was your crass humour or the way you sent him the weirdest memes, a sign of real friendship you had told him one day but he finds himself waiting for a text from you for a greater part of the day but your busy work schedule meant that they were few and far in between until the end of the day comes and suddenly he’s sat there texting you for hours on end, way past his usual bedtime.
Talking to you seemed real because for the most part he knew you didn’t have a hidden agenda, he didn’t have to worry about your intentions or any of the sort because the deal the two of you have has taken care of that and if this felt like a job to you, it never showed and for that, Jungkook is grateful. You speak to him as if you’ve known him for years, not boring him with stupid small talk that he hates but you dive head in, skipping the part where you awkwardly try to get to know each other, instead choosing to talk about that midnight movie you snuck into that day or even your thoughts about the government, fully uncensored of course and boy were you brutal. It’s a breath of fresh air because Jungkook doesn’t remember a conversation he’s had as of late that didn’t have to do with who was boning who or who just got a new car or mansion because frankly, Jungkook could give less of a damn about all those superficial things. He just wanted for once to have a conversation that mattered, one where he left feeling like he learnt something, a good sort of conversation that left you feeling in some way or rather, fulfilled and that he got whenever he spoke to you.
Perhaps the reason that conversations with you seemed so interesting was that you had an entirely different perspective on life, one he assumes is because all his life, all he’s known is the North, the isolated dream island of a city that is separated from the bottom half of the city and the rest of the mainland, the only connecting factor between the two pieces of land is a less than impressive bridge. Jungkook doesn’t know much about his country other than what was taught in school and he has a feeling that much of what he’s been taught has been watered down or altered because after hearing you speak about the provincial parts you had grown up in, everything he has learned doesn’t seem to make sense anymore.
All Jungkook really knew about his city, was that there was a long river that runs through it, dividing it in half, and for years now, the people from the North and the South had lived entirely different lives. The North, where Jungkook was from had the bright lights, the fancy restaurants, the good schools and hospitals. It had everything it needed to be classified as a dream city while the South on the other hand had quite the opposite. It had the crime, the poverty, the dilapidated apartments and ironically, it also had the backbone of the city’s wealth, the port.
Over the course of a week and a half, he has learned a fair bit from you about his country and to his surprise, his very own city because although he doesn’t like to think about it, the segregation is real and he has never had the chance to know about the intricacies of the part of the city his very own company depends on, until he met you of course.
[02:30] You: you know
[02:30] You: i’m a little sad because in the interview portion, you mentioned that you were happy to be there
[02:30] You: because all your friends were there
[02:30] You: but you know who wasn’t there?
[02:30] You: your most important friend
[02:30] You: aka the one you’re paying for
[02:30] You: aka
[02:30] You: me
Jungkook giggles at that, shaking his head at you. For someone who was so shy in person, you were surely pretty brazen over text.
[02:31] Jungkook: are you using your phone at work again?
[02:31] Jungkook: you’re a horrible employee
[02:31] Jungkook: how have they not fired you yet?
Rude, you mumble out loud. It was 2 am and the last customer had walked out about an hour ago. You’d be bored out of your mind if you didn’t use your phone from time to time.
[02:31] You: nobody wants to work the graveyard shift so I mean…
[02:31] You: also, hello, please don’t change the subject Mr. Popular
[02:32] You: frankly, I’m offended that I did not get a special mention
Jungkook scoffs at your text because you sure were a fickle minded person.
[02:32] Jungkook: wow
[02:32] Jungkook: okay
[02:32] Jungkook: I visited you at your workplace last week and you tried to shoo me away
[02:32] Jungkook: said you were afraid people would associate me with you
[02:32] Jungkook: and here you are wanting to be associated with me
[02:32] Jungkook: make up your mind pls
You plonk your head on the table, a slight brush creeping up your face as you remember Jungkook strolling into the convenience store you worked at after you specifically told him not to come. The look of shock on his face after you pushed him out the doors made the situation all the more worse but really, things could’ve gone wrong if he stayed.
[02:33] You: omg that was bc a bunch of paps always hang around outside the store
[02:33] You: waiting for the celebs to leave the clubs on the opposite side
[02:33] You: i clearly said paps when I shoved you out the store
  [02:33] Jungkook: who cares if the paps saw us hanging out?
Who cares? Who cares?! Everyone cares. You’ve seen it all play out, seen how someone’s life goes up in flames simply by having had their picture taken with the wrong person at the wrong time.
  [02:33] You: i’ve seen the magazines okay
[02:33] You: i know what it’s like when they see someone of your stature
[02:33] You: hanging out with someone like me from the south side
[02:33] You: bad press
[02:33] You: I’ll be labelled your south side hoe
[02:33] You:  and then there’ll be a scandal
[02:34] You: then your company’s stocks will plunge
[02:34] You: so really, I was trying to protect you ok
Jungkook laughs at your text because god, you were so gullible. Half the content of the magazines you read were in some way scripted. Usually, the paparazzi are called beforehand by their PR Team so that pictures could be taken of them leaving the trendiest place or hanging out with the in crowd. Of course, he wanted to tell you that the paparazzi had no interest in him of all people considering that his mother had always made sure that any unapproved pictures of him would never make the stands because she’d make sure the magazine would never be able to publish again but you seemed to rather enjoy those magazines so, he didn’t want to ruin that for you.
[02:34] Jungkook: aw, you care
[02:34] Jungkook: that’s cute
  [02:34] You: of course I care
[02:34] You: you’re my source of income
  [02:34] Jungkook: wooooow
  [02:35] You: wait, I mean
[02:35] You: of course I care
[02:35] You: you’re my friend
  [02:35] Jungkook: unbelievable
[02:35] Jungkook: all you think about is money
Of course that was all you thought about. Maybe if you were as rich as Jungkook, money wouldn’t even be something that would be on your mind on the daily but you were you, struggling to even find enough cash in your pocket to pay for a sandwich.
[02:35] You: well I’ve got bills to pay my friend
  [02:36] Jungkook: fair enough
[02:36] Jungkook: speaking of money
[02:36] Jungkook: when are you free?
[02:36] Jungkook: at this point I’m starting to think you’re trying to avoid me
Jungkook had asked to hang out twice so far and you had turned him down, citing work as an excuse and he’s not so sure he believes you. That’s why he decided to pay you a visit while you were working and okay maybe he felt a little bad for doubting you because he saw you at the cash register, scribbling away at the inventory log. He could see the dark circles under your eyes, the way your shoulders were slouched forward, the frown you wore and he didn’t know you too well yet but in that moment his heart ached for you.
[02:36] You: i’m not, i swear!
[02:36] You: i was called in to pick up an extra shift that day
[02:36] You: and that other day as well…
[02:36] You: But i’m free tomorrow night!
  [02:37] Jungkook: nice
[02:37] Jungkook: i’ll pick you up for dinner at 7?
 A free meal, you smile. Heck yeah you were in for that. If it weren’t for the fact that you had to pick up two extra shifts, you would’ve already had 2 free meals, good ones at that.
  [02:37] You: in your Lamborghini?
[02:37] You: you know i only agreed to this deal bc i dream of sitting in your lambo one day
  [02:37] Jungkook: nah
[02:37] Jungkook: you were so flustered the day i met you
[02:37] Jungkook: i know you said yes bc you’re secretly in love with me
 Jungkook laughs as he remembers the way you had rose to your feet the instant his chair turned around, how you had dropped all your belongings onto the floor and you were scrambling to stuff everything into your purse so you could run. Adorable, he laughs. He loved seeing you flustered and he knows if he had said what he had texted to you in person, you’d be a sputtering mess.
 [02:38] You: nice try
[02:38] You: but
[02:38] You: FALSE
  [02:38] Jungkook: hmm
[02:38] Jungkook: i clearly recall you saying something along the lines of i love Jeon...
 You didn’t say that out loud did you… You’d rather die than live knowing that Jungkook knows you’ve had a crush on him ever since you saw his picture in the newspaper when you were 17. He mustn’t know.
  [02:38] You: what?
[02:38] You: i never said that?
[02:38] You: but I mean
[02:38] You: i probably said I love your grandpa maybe
  [02:38] Jungkook: so you’re into old people?
[02:38] Jungkook: like a reverse pedophile???
[02:39] Jungkook: a gerontophile…
 How does he even know that term? God, you meant you admired him. For a second, you’re not sure what to type back and you wonder if this is why Jungkook has to pay you to be his friend because if he’s like this with everyone, you can imagine why he didn’t have anyone to hang out with.
  [02:39] You: wth
[02:39] You: i didn’t mean it like that…
[02:39] You: you’re so…
[02:39] You: wtv
[02:39] You: anyway okay see you at 7 tomorrow
[02:39] You: in your lambo
[02:39] You: bye
  [02:39] Jungkook: wow I have to pay you to hang out with me
[02:39] Jungkook: and you still make demands???
  [02:39] You: what can I say
[02:39] You: i’m a difficult woman
[02:39] You: also a customer just walked in so gtg bye!
Jungkook sets his phone aside, shaking his head as he laughs, a common sight whenever he texted you. Truth be told, talking to you has become something he’s become quite fond of, perhaps even one of the best parts of his day.
Jungkook picks you up from work like he promised, parking his car two blocks away like you asked because apparently you didn’t exactly need to be seen getting into a car you’d never be able to afford. Actually, he didn’t even pick you up because you had told him to wait in his car and that you would find him but he bargains with you and you relent, letting him wait for you a block away from the convenience store you worked at.
From the moment you see him, you’re already giddy, for him, he wishes but he knows you’re only this happy because in a few minutes, you’ll see your dream car right in front of you. He watches as you sprint towards it when it comes into your view, the car in all its matte black beauty, elegant and poised. Before he can tell you that the car doors open upwards, you’re already diligently sitting in the passenger seat, waiting for him which surprises him because the best part about watching people get into his car was to see them struggle with the door. He’s impressed obviously that you seem to know more about luxury cars than you had initially let on but when he gets in the car, he sees you admire the interior, fingers softly ghosting the plush leather interior, a sign that this was a rare occurrence for you.
He expects the car ride to be awkward seeing as to how you’ve always had trouble with small talk but you bombard him with question after question about the car he’s driving and he doesn’t think he’s ever met anyone so interested in this car and everyone before you who had sat in this car couldn’t even pronounce the car model’s name right but here you are asking about the CC of the engine, if he liked the automatic double clutch system and the car’s top speed. In fact, if anything, Jungkook feels embarrassed because he couldn’t answer most of your questions because all he knows was that it looked good in the show room and that alone was a good enough reason for him to buy it.
“How much do you have to pay monthly?”
“Monthly?” Jungkook quirks his eyebrows. What do you mean by monthly?
“Yeah, you know… for the loan?”
Cute. You thought he had a car loan.
“Shit, you paid for it in cash?” You gasp, finally realizing why he didn’t understand your question.
He only nods his head, laughing at the expression on your face.
“Damn, what a concept,” You exhale, wishing that you could do that too, walk into a showroom and pay for a car in full right there and then. Well actually, you wish you even had a car to begin with. Amazing, you sigh to yourself. You knew the rich kids had it good but you didn’t know they had it this good.
“So, what’s for dinner?” You question as your stomach growls, the sandwich you had for lunch already long digested. “How many Michelin stars does the restaurant have?” You grin, already conjuring up an image of what dinner was going to be like.
“You’ll see,” He smirks and the smile on your face is unmatchable, pure joy radiating from you as you picture your soon to be meal.
The two of you stand in a modest store and you frown when you don’t see any chairs, no fancy tablecloth or anything of the like for La Table, is the name of the place and zero is the amount of stars the place has because it wasn’t even a damn restaurant.
“Alright everybody, put on your aprons!” Calls the woman from the front of the room.
“Are you serious Jungkook?” You groan, the emptiness in your belly becoming unbearable. “We’re here for a cooking class? This is our dinner?”
“I thought it’d be fun,” He shrugs and the glare you give him makes him laugh.
“So welcome everybody to tonight’s advanced class! Tonight’s segment is called Date Night: Passport to Paris!” The chef smiles and you look over at Jungkook in shock only to find he has the same look on his face.
“Advanced? Wait, isn’t today just the umm… Essential Skills for Beginner Cooks?” Jungkook asks one of the assistant chefs making her rounds, his voice full of panic.
“That’s next week honey,” She smiles before sauntering away, going to check up on the equipment on the other benches and Jungkook’s heart drops.
“I mean Jungkook, if you wanted to change this arrangement from platonic to romantic, you could’ve just told me,” You tease. “I don’t need some big gesture date night cooking class.”
“No that’s not— I didn’t—”
“Calm down,” You laugh. “I’m just teasing.”
“No, Y/N, you don’t understand,” He frowns. “I can’t cook. Like I’ve never tried… before and now we’re going to— What if I mess up?”
He genuinely looks so worried, so afraid that you can’t help but laugh.
“Chill, Jungkook. If we mess up, then we mess up,” You shrug. “I’m not great at cooking either but I’m sure we’ll figure it out. If you burn the dish though, we’re going for supper.”
“I mean whenever you’re involved, isn’t supper a given?” He laughs because whenever he texted you late at night, even on days you weren’t working, you always seemed to be having supper. A new habit of yours thanks to the deal you had struck up with Jungkook because now, you could afford two meals a day, that being lunch and supper.
“That’s true…” You murmur. “Are you trying to say that I eat too much, punk?” You frown, throwing playful punches at him to which he dodges with a laugh.
The class begins as everyone shuffles in, taking their respective places at their benches. Everyone else in this class were obviously couples because duh, it’s date night and truth be told, Jungkook envies them, envies the way they stared at each other like their significant other were their entire world and he often wonders when he’ll find that, if he’ll ever find that. It’s an odd thought to have but his mother has always had a tight grip on all aspects of his life and sure he has had a few flings here and there but word travels fast in the upper echelons and the moment one of the women says I heard your son’s been seeing (insert name here), it would be game over for him. You have to focus on the company, she would say. Women are only distractions, she would remind him and Jungkook would sigh, knowing what he would have to do the very next day.
All his life he’s felt restricted, the only friends he had were ones she approves of and he really couldn’t care for the most of them, the only actual company he enjoyed was that of Min Yoongi and Kim Taehyung. Though the 3 of them were best friends, they were entirely different people, none of them ever interested enough to do the things Jungkook wanted to. Technically, he never asked them because in truth, he was shy to and he didn’t really have to ask them anyway because he knew Yoongi would much rather be at home during his free time and Taehyung would much rather be out and about, attending parties, drinking expensive wine.
Jungkook doesn’t like to admit it but with his new found freedom, he’s come to realize just how lonely he was, not that he had a problem with being alone but… he’d much rather have company with him whenever he wanted to go on one of his odd little adventures. He really had tried everything, searched high and low in his inner circle of friends, he had even put up a Craigslist ad to find friends but the only responses he got creeped him out so, when he saw that sugarbaby conference ad in the newspaper, gears started turning in his head and when he saw pouty you hanging out at the back of the room, ploughing through glasses of champagne, his interest was piqued. Just by how you spoke, Jungkook could pick up on the fact that you weren’t from the North side and perhaps he was drawn in by that, by how he was told his entire life that those from the South weren’t worth his time and yet he felt like you were the only person in the room he had clicked with that night.
Jungkook’s mind drifts in and out of the class, not really daring to do much despite you giving him plenty of chances to try doing something other than washing the vegetables but he insists he was fine with doing just that.
“Come on,” You laugh. “All you have to do is push the bacon strips around the pan!”
Jungkook only shakes his head vehemently and you let out a snort.
“Typical, rich men,” You shake your head. “Always wanting all us Southies to do all your work for you,” You snort, teasing him.
“That’s not what I—” He sighs, choosing not to complete his sentence. “I just don’t want to mess anything up,” He frowns and you can tell that for some reason or the other he feels genuinely afraid to even actually attempt to cook.
“Jungkook you’re going to have to at least try,” You offer an encouraging smile, handing the spatula to him.
“Next dish,” He murmurs, shaking his head and you nod at that, smiling at him.
Jungkook doesn’t know how to explain to you that he had an inexplicable fear of failure and of trying new things. The very fact he’s here with you, trying something new is in itself, a miracle. Ever since Jungkook could remember, his mother had quite a temper on her and if there was one thing she hated more than anything, it was when Jungkook had failed at something. If Jungkook really thinks about it, he’d grown up fearing his mother more than loving her and it’s sad of course but even at the ripe old age of 23, Jungkook still feared her. She never hit him, no, but she never had to because her words hurt him more than anything, her words had the power to break him. That being said, he still loves her, he does. After all, she had single handedly raised him and he’s more than grateful to her. He assumes the way she tries to control everything, to keep everything in order is her way of coping with the loss of her husband or at least that’s what Jungkook thinks. He wonders from time to time what his life would be like if his father was still around, if Jungkook and his mother would be a lot happier instead of how they both feel a giant gaping hole in the middle of their chests that never seemed to heal, not even with time.
Everyone looking from the outside in sees Jungkook as the young boy groomed to perfection and genuinely, that’s what it is. Every single decision in his life up until recently has been made by his mother and unluckily for him, fun and rest, were not part of her vocabulary. From the get go, it was extra tutoring to piano classes to ballet classes to swimming classes and then topped off with even more tutoring. To say he had a fun childhood would be a great big fat lie because he remembers being wildly unhappy but not having any power to do anything about it. He always told himself to hold on, to tough it out because maybe when he’s older, he’d be able to have the life that he’s always wanted
Yet, in everyone else’s eyes, his life just as it is now is what everyone wanted. The nice cars, the fancy clothes and the big family mansion is everyone’s dream life but Jungkook honestly feels like all of it is a sham because that isn’t who he is, in fact far from it. Because Jungkook hates the piano, hates ballet, hates swimming, hates all things his mother had coerced him into doing but among the elites that’s what he is known for, his exceptional piano skills, his gracefulness as a dancer and his medals that he collected over the years at all those swim meets. Perfect, perfect, perfect, that’s what he is. The picture of success, happiness and elegance, that’s what he had to be but sometimes it all got a little too much for him to keep up with.
For most of his life, he felt like he was playing a role, that he was his mother’s puppet but not too long ago, he took a stand, moving out of the family mansion in favour of a comfortable apartment. His mother had picked it out obviously, it was the only way she had let him leave. He told her it was to show the world that he was independent, that he’d be seen as a more reliable soon to be CEO of Jeon Logistics and to his surprise, she agrees. It was a sudden realization that dawned on him, like a mid-life crisis or probably quarter-life crisis in his case that he had actually never done anything for himself his entire life but rather lived most of it trying to please his mum. So, his rebellion started out small initially with him moving out of the Jeon estate and gradually, it moved on to things like eating at Mcdonald’s regularly, something his mother had never let him do because she was convinced it was bad for him. But he didn’t stop there, the small form of disobediences giving him enough confidence to continue so, it casually turned into hitting all the clubs with Taehyung, which his mother was furious about but at this point , Jungkook could care less. Then finally, came you, the biggest defiance of all. If his mother found out he was hanging out with someone like you… Jungkook shudders at what his mother would do, wishing not to think about it.
You are quite probably her worst nightmare because you’re from the south side which by default meant that you were of a lower socio-economic status and essentially to put it in simple terms, you would never belong or come close to where the Jeons stood and if there was one thing she hated more than Jungkook's failures, it was when he mixed with people outside of his class. He had learned that at a very young age when he tried to befriend the help around the house, a lesson he has yet to forget. Yet, here he was with you, and quite honestly, he’s regretting it now because you’re forcing him to chop up green beans and frankly he’s never held a kitchen knife before.
“Oh god, Jungkook, no!” You yelp as you watch him haphazardly chop the vegetables. “You’re gonna cut one of your fingers if you do that.”
“I, uhh…” He mumbles, his voice small and shrunken because just like always, he couldn’t even do the small things right, he sighs. There’s a large frown on his face and it makes you feel horrible for reprimanding him like that. You step closer to him, a light laugh escaping you as he steps away, letting you take over but you pull him back to his spot. “No, no, you’re not going to make me cook and do prep too,” You laugh.
“Relax your hand. Tuck your fingers slightly inwards and place it here,” You instruct, taking a hold of his wrist, placing it a quarter length away from the tips of the beans. “And the knife,” You try to reach around him for his other hand until you realize that your arms were simply too short so, he laughs taking a small step back from the counter to make space for you. You stand snugly between him and the counter and he’s not sure this is the best way to teach him how to prep the vegetables but he keeps his lips tightly sealed. This was oddly getting a tad bit too domestic for Jungkook but what’s worse is that he feels he rather enjoys having you this close to him when he really shouldn’t because after all, you’re supposed to be just his friend as in platonic, with a capital P so he tries his best to shove aside whatever feelings that seem to be stirring deep down in the pits of his heart. “And don’t hack at them, just slowly slice through them like this,” You continue, hand on top of his, gently guiding it, the gesture making it difficult to concentrate on what you were saying.
“R-right, thanks,” He murmurs, as you turn around to smile at him before ducking under his arms to step away and Jungkook can feel a tingling sensation in his chest when your soft hands leave his. Did his heart just skip a beat? Probably… but it shouldn’t have though. This was all only happening because he’s still feeling rather flustered from his vegetable chopping mishap, he reasons. He’s usually much, much better with girls but he doesn’t know what it is with you that has him feeling so out of his element.
Jungkook feels slightly accomplished when he had chopped all the vegetables on his own and also with your help, cooked the chicken breast in the tarragon sauce. Like with the vegetables, you guide him through the whole cooking process slowly, your hands over his trembling ones as you make sure he stirs the sauce thoroughly and maybe this time he purposely asks for your help just so you would stand close to him again. But, every time he makes a small mistake, he feels like shrinking away, like when you had asked him to put in some pepper and he had obviously put in too much but instead of screaming at him, you only laugh saying that if anything, you could dilute the sauce if need be. There’s a sigh of relief that escapes him because unlike all his other teachers, you’re patient and Jungkook finds a sense of comfort in your presence. For the first time, he feels like he’s with someone that didn’t expect him to be perfect.
When it comes to the final dish of the night, the dessert, Jungkook has grown confident, perhaps a little too confident because he says he thinks he can make it better than you.
“Challenge accepted, Jeon,” You grin.
Though Jungkook doesn’t get very far before he’s asking for your help and you abandon yours in favour of helping him. You can’t help but think that he looks like a lost little puppy the whole time and maybe it makes your heart twitch a little when you see him pout. It surprises you obviously, the fact that he seemed quite timid because he was always painted as a confident, charming man in the magazines, but you’ve only seen him as a quiet, shy boy all night tonight. When you finally take the dessert out of the oven, Jungkook smiles so widely that you almost feel like reaching over to pat him on the head endearingly.
“So with all of that done,” The chef announces. “It’s time for you to plate your dishes.”
Both you and Jungkook can’t seem to come to a consensus when it comes to plating because the two of you have totally different ideas on what looks good and somewhere along the line it turns into a competition. If anyone looked around the room, they’d see cute couples working together, quietly drizzling sauce on their plates and then one look at the last bench and they’d see you and Jungkook throwing insults at each other over your respective artistic choices, screaming and laughing at each other as a raw vegetable goes whizzing over either of your heads. Young love, the other couples sigh. It was always so refreshing to see couples that were just starting out. Ah, but little did they know…
“Your hands are shaking.”
“Shut up, Jungkook,” You snip at him, trying to stop your hand from trembling as you attempt to smear the sauce artistically like you had seen on the cooking channel that one time.
“Am I making you nervous?” He smirks, standing so close to you that you could practically feel the heat radiating off him.
“No…” You mumble. “Just stop staring at me!” You grumble and Jungkook laughs, closing the distance between the both of you until you could feel his breath fan across the back of your neck, an involuntary shiver running up your spine.
“I know it’s hard to concentrate when the man you’re secretly in love with is standing this close to you but relax, Y/N, it is date night after all,” He grins smugly and you can feel a blush creep up onto your cheeks but no, your dignity as a chef is on the line so, your response is an elbow to his abdomen. Jungkook backs away laughing as you mumble under your breath, sauce all over your plate now thanks to him.
As per Jungkook’s request the chef comes around to look at the dishes to pick a winner among the both of you and in your mind, you know you’re going to win hands down because your plate looked 10 times better, in your opinion.
“Im going to have to go with, Jungkook,” The chef smiles, a dreamy sigh escaping her lips. “It’s simple, clean and looks great!”
“What the f—” You bite your tongue, cutting your sentence short. “Of course it looks clean, there’s barely anything on his plate!”
“It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality and I’m a fan of minimalism.”
“Quality, my a—” Once again, you purse your lips, swallowing the rest of your sentence. “The chicken on his plate is smaller than the size of a baby’s fist! How are you even supp—”
“Alright, thank you so much for helping us decide,” Jungkook cuts in when the chef looks remarkably horrified at your small outburst and you grumble as he pulls you away from her.
“She’s biased,” You pout. “I demand a rematch.”
“No, no,” Jungkook argues. “I won that fair and square.”
“Oh come on, she was shooting heart eyes at you from the front of the room the whole time,” You groan. “Of course, she was going to pick you.”
Had she? Jungkook hadn’t noticed. In fact, he hadn’t noticed anyone aside from you the whole session.
“You’re just a sore loser.”
“Am not. I want a rematch, punk,” You jab his chest with your finger.
“No can do, babe,” He smiles, before turning to dig into the salad that you had singlehandedly made and you pout, sinking your fork into the vegetables as you mutter to yourself.
You eat your meal with a perpetual frown on your face and Jungkook finds it absolutely adorable how you’re so upset over something so menial. He tries to make conversation, but you purposely ignore him, feasting on the extra bacon strips that you had fried over the course of the session. God, you’re so cute whenever you pout and he wonders if that fluttering feeling in his chest had to do with you or perhaps he had an underlying heart condition that he needed to get checked because it’s been happening a lot as of late. Much to Jungkook’s dismay, nothing he says seems to catch your attention and he’s stuck in a one-sided conversation with himself until he mentions supper and suddenly, your frown fades, replaced with a bright smile instead.
You insist on saving all the leftovers even when Jungkook tells you that you shouldn’t because it tastes mediocre at best and you only sigh, shaking your head at him because he didn’t understand that you’ve been having sandwiches for lunch for a straight month now and you’ll take anything you can get at this point. So, he relents, watching you stroll down the street with a massive paper bag in hand and the widest smile on your face.
“What’s that?” You question, stopping in your tracks to point at a store, baffled by the queue that went around the block considering that it was nearing 10 pm.
“That’s Glazed, you know… the donut shop?”
“Ah,” You smile. “I’ve seen it online. Best donuts in the city or something,” You scoff, as if it was untrue and Jungkook feels mildly offended because he loves their donuts.
“They are the best,” He defends and you can see the way his eyebrows are furrowed, as if you had personally attacked him.
“Nah, the south side does it better.”
“Have you tried them?”
“Then how do you know it isn’t the best?”
“I just know,” You shrug and Jungkook looks at you in disbelief, his features coloured with a tinge of annoyance before he’s storming off into the store, completely ignoring the long line.
In a matter of minutes, he returns with warm donuts in hand and you have to admit that they smelled heavenly, yet you feign disinterest, only taking a bite when he prompts you to. He watches your face closely to judge your reaction but you keep a blank face, not wanting him to know that okay, they tasted good, better than you had imagined.
“Mehh, the south side does it better,” You shrug, taking another bite of the donut.
“Of course they do,” He rolls his eyes.
“Seriously, they do and it’s a whole lot cheaper too,” Your words muffled as you attempt to speak without choking on the donut piece you just swallowed.
“Says the person who’s almost finished the donut now,” He laughs and you look away sheepishly, licking at the sugar on your lips.
“Look, donuts are donuts and I don’t discriminate,” You smile, reaching into the bag for another one.
By the time the both of you reach the car, the bag of donuts have disappeared and if Jungkook remembers correctly… there were 4 of them in there and he hadn’t had any of them. He doesn’t say anything though, only watching as you admire his car again, running your finger around the exterior of the car.
“You want to drive it, don’t you?” He questions.
“N-no, Maybe… Yes...”
“Here,” He tosses you the keys and you lunge forward to catch them.
“A-are you sure?”
“Why? Will I regret it?”
“I don’t know… will you?” You smirk, a single eyebrow lifted as you slide into the driver’s seat.
The answer is yes, yes he will regret it because you’re driving at a speed he didn’t even know his car could go at and he feels like tonight might just be his last night on this Earth and he squeezes his eyes shut, clinging onto whatever his hands could find purchase on. The car ride in all honesty had started out fine, the car cruising at a leisurely speed until you crossed the bridge over to the south and you found a stretch of road, dimly lit by the streetlights and you stopped the car to ask him an innocent question. Do you trust me?, he remembers you asking and the rest was a haze to him because it all went wrong from there on.
“Lighten up,” You laugh. “What’s the point of having a beast like this if you don’t drive it at top speed?”
The point was, Jungkook explains, that the car looked flashy and that when he drove, he would at least leave the car knowing he would have all his limbs still intact. You laugh at that, shaking your head. The people from the north side of the city were always so timid, so afraid. Without warning, you slam down on the accelerator pedal harder and Jungkook doesn’t want to scream but he can’t help it not when you’re driving at this speed. You take a hard right into an empty parking lot and he can actually hear the tires of his car skid across the asphalt, his heart stuttering along with it.
“Are you ready?” You ask but he has a feeling you’re not looking for an answer because before he knows it, he’s sitting there watching as the car speeds off before everything goes blurry and he clutches onto anything he can grab on as the car spins around in tight controlled circles.
“Let loose! Just enjoy it,” You shout and Jungkook opens his eyes to look at you, the biggest grin he had ever seen on your face and he relaxes the grip he has on the seat. Maybe it was the fact that he was doing something so rebellious that has his heart pumping but soon his fear dissipates, replaced with pure unadulterated joy instead. He realizes now why he enjoys his time with you so much, be it in person or over text. It was the fact that you didn’t try as hard as everyone to try and impress him or put on a show but that you were just unapologetically you, doing what you wanted, saying whatever you wanted without regarding the fact that he was Jeon Jungkook because when he was with you, he felt like he was just him, just Jungkook, without the family name tied to him, without the expectations of what he’s supposed to be hanging above his head.
The two of you sit there, laughing as the car finally comes to a halt and Jungkook doesn’t want to admit it but he had enjoyed that more than he should, considering that what the both of you just did was technically illegal.
“Where’d you learn how to drive like that with a car like this?” It’s a genuine question because as far as he knows the intricate gear-changing systems are only found in cars that quite frankly, you couldn’t afford but you had worked his Lambo like a pro.
“When I first moved into this neighbourhood, I may have hung out with the wrong people,” You laugh. “Long story short, I’ve driven a few expensive cars. Stolen, of course.”
“Like you hot-wired them?”
“Does it look like I could walk into a neighbourhood here and hot-wire a Ferrari?”
“We either bribed the custom guards or straight up stole them from the port,” You mumble, referring to the port on the south side of the city. “Well, I didn’t. I never got that far into it. I just got to take the occasional drive.”
“You were one of them,” He gasps. “I think it was a year or two ago but Grandpa never got the Ferrari he imported in.”
“The Ferrari 458 Speciale, was it? I remember that one,” You laugh, the cherry red car still fresh in your memory despite the time that has passed. “Don’t tell him it was me…” You smirk and Jungkook can only laugh at that.
“Where is it now?”
“Somewhere in some gang leader’s estate in the provinces maybe,” You shrug, the details are a little fuzzy to you because you had tried your best to be aloof whenever the plans of where the cars were going was discussed.
“Do you still do it?” Jungkook asks and you can hear the apprehension in his voice, not wanting to sound like he was judging you but he totally was.
“No, not anymore.”
“What made you quit?”
“I just realized that I had come to this city so I could find a better life, not get sucked into all of that,” You exhale, as if you had almost wanted to say that you didn’t want to get sucked into all of that again but you had opted to leave that last word out but he doesn’t know why. Jungkook can tell that there’s something more that you weren’t telling him and he wishes to ask you a myriad of questions like what your past was like? What exactly it was that you were running from, but he knows it’s not his place to ask and he guesses you can sense that he had these questions burning in the back of his mind because you’re speaking before he can ask you anything.
“You ready for some donuts?” You question and he nods. “Well, you’re driving… and you gotta drive fast,” You smirk, getting out to exchange seats with him and Jungkook gulps in fear as he makes himself comfortable in the driver’s seat.
“Okay, Jungkook,” You begin, as the car sat in the middle of the empty road, like it has for the past 5 minutes. “You just have to slam the accelerator pedal. Don’t think, just do.”
“If you’re worried about the cops… don’t be,” You laugh. “They have far more to worry about than two delinquents speeding down an empty road.”
Jungkook lets out a heavy sigh, unsure as to why he was letting you talk him into this. You were supposed to be someone who was to follow him along on the stupid, mundane things he wanted to do, not get him into trouble. Jungkook looks over at you and you only quirk an eyebrow at him, challenging him. God, his mother would kill him if he picked up a citation for reckless driving and yet, here he was, his foot flooring the pedal, his car going twice, maybe thrice the normal speed he drove at.
The car jerks forward, his body pressed to the seat and Jungkook feels the excitement, the adrenaline rushing through his veins and you were right, it was a lot more fun being in the driver’s seat. By the time he reaches the end of the road, Jungkook makes a U-turn, begging you to let him do it all over again and you laugh at how he asks for your permission because after all he was the boss and this was his car. So he takes off more confidently this time, driving at twice the speed limit, whizzing down the street and in and out of tight roads until he reaches the donut store you had guided him to, the dilapidated store with its broken neon sign buzzed above it. Shame, he was genuinely pretty excited but looking at it now, it seemed like it held little promise.
Jungkook waits with his car parked further down the street like you had asked and just as he steps out of the car, you’re bounding over with a large brown paper bag. You continue walking, beckoning him with a finger and he hesitates, not wishing to leave his car in the open like that… especially not if the same car-stealing gang you were once a part of are roaming the streets.
“Don’t worry,” You laugh. “Your car’s not going anywhere.”
“How do you know that?”
“Just trust me,” You smile and he lets out a sigh, reluctantly joining your side as you pass him a donut.
The two of you take a seat at the bench that looks out upon the water, the calming sound of the soft waves lapping up against the bank echoing in your ears. The bright city lights twinkle before you as you take in the view of the North, a spectacle you never got tired of seeing and you let out a light laugh as you watch Jungkook marvel at the scenery, his eyes wide open and filled with wonder. He stands up to wander around, whipping out his phone to take a few too many pictures, as if he feels like he would never see any of this again.
“What’s all the flowers over there for?” Jungkook questions as he takes a seat on the bench again, pointing at the corner a good distance away from the pair of you.
“It’s in remembrance of those who were lost in the fires a few years back.”
“Fire…?” Jungkook furrows his eyebrows in confusion, unable to recall anything about a fire in this city but he remembers seeing smoke fill the air a while back, but not bothering to figure out what was happening as long as it was south of the bridge.
“Yeah, it was maybe 2 years back,” You recall. “A huge fire started by a leaky gas line running through one of the apartments a few blocks back.”
“I-I’ve never heard of this.”
“Yeah, the mayor swept it all under the rug because the residents had been complaining about the leak for days before the fire happened,” You sigh. “That’s the worst part you know? That it was entirely preventable.”
“How many people…” His voice trailing off in the end, unsure if he wanted to know how many had perished.
“Hundreds,” You mumble. “No one knows for sure,” You shrug and Jungkook can only let out a deep exhale, one filled with sadness.
“It’s funny how we do so much for this city but we’re treated like second class citizens,” You laugh. “They said that all that separates us is a bridge, that we wouldn’t need emergency services on this side if we were only a bridge away,” You smile sarcastically. “But they watched our buildings burn from across the river, sitting on stacks of money that we helped them make.”
Jungkook sits in his seat, guilt bubbling within him because he didn’t know and possibly everyone across that very bridge didn’t know that this was the reality of those who lived just a drive away from them. Perhaps it was the propaganda that was thrown at him at school but from what little he has seen of this side of town, it wasn’t half as bad as what he has been told. Before meeting you, he had only gone to the port and back and he won’t lie, he had many a times seen the occasional broken window, the walls filled with graffiti and the shady men hanging out on the street corners. Everything seemed to be in line with the image that was painted of this side of the city but seeing what you’ve shown him, the vibrant community of late-night food stalls, the cute little mom and pop bakeries, to this lookout point, perhaps it was true that the government was trying to hide something by convincing everyone else that the South held no promise.
“They criticize the gangs that roam the streets here but you know who the first to respond on the scene were? The gangs,” You exhale, tucking the brown paper bag that held the donuts, by your side. “It didn’t matter whose territory it was or who had beef with who. Those men risked their lives, running into burning buildings to save those who were trapped inside, which is more than I can say about the cowards in those glass buildings that constantly tell us we’re not worth a damn thought.”
He’s never seen you so emotional before, your face stern, your voice filled with so much resent that he could almost feel it cutting him, though he hopes he isn’t a target of your resentment towards the rich.
“I’m sorry, I got a little carried away,” You frown. “It’s just… I know what people like you think of us, how you’re so afraid of us but there’s so much you don’t know about that goes on here. I would go so far to say you’re probably one of the very first North person to even venture this far into the South,” You laugh, digging into the bag for a donut.
“Probably,” Jungkook laughs in return. “And, you’re right, but in my defense, it’s only because of what I’ve heard about the South... about the gangs and the violence,” He mumbles. “And the fact that they always attack our shipments,” He whispers the last part, not wanting to downplay the atrocities that the government and by extension the North has committed against your side of the city but maybe that was why Jungkook has come to fear and to some degree hate the South so much.
“The gangs,” You scoff. “My question to you though is who essentially created the gangs? Who created the circumstances that forces us to feel like the only protection that we can get is if we have armed men running around protecting certain parts of our city, our country? That the main requirement of a regular 9 to 5 job, of getting into a university is not merit, no, it’s your postcode.”
Jungkook wishes to argue and to say no, that it was because the Southerners enjoyed the rough-housing, the illegal activities, that they enjoyed living off of his taxes, for that’s what he’s been told over and over but maybe hearing your reality, hearing you speak makes him think twice about the bubble he’s been living in.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” He frowns. “The South has always been like a mystery to me and I guess, it’s not really my place to say anything or judge the way you live.”
“Jungkook,” You smile, shaking your head. “Do you think any of us here want to live like this?”
It’s a rhetorical question of course but he finds himself answering anyway, shaking his head solemnly.
“I know you think this is bad, but you haven’t seen what it’s like outside of the city, in the smaller provinces on the mainland where I grew up,” You sigh thinking back to your childhood. “Ask your grandfather, he would know. He briefly lived in one of the worst provinces in this country.”
It’s a subject his grandfather never enjoys talking about. His childhood almost a complete mystery to Jungkook as he’s learned not to bring it up, watching his grandfather’s face turn sour every time he had questioned him about it. The south, the provinces, the gangs were all hush hush topics, never to be mentioned around the house and Jungkook has a vague idea that they’re all tied together, that his grandfather had some experiences he wishes he could forget. We should do something about the gangs, a member of the board had brought up during a meeting, referring to how their shipments were being ambushed every time it left the port or was bound for the port because what was a logistics company if they could never deliver the goods? Jungkook remembers the way his grandfather had glared at the man, his cold piercing stare making even Jungkook shiver even though it wasn’t directed at him.
If you know what’s good for you, you’d leave them alone.
His voice a clear, loud warning to any who had conjured up ideas of how to curb gang activity. The meeting continued on, the final decision being that decoys would be sent out and the actual packages were going to be transported to and from the port through smaller unassuming vehicles. All of this made no sense to Jungkook because it incurred extra expenses towards the company and made them less efficient at delivering on time when it could have been easier to strike a deal with the gangs or simply just clean them out, both solutions that were much cheaper and convenient but who was he to say anything… He was still learning the ropes.
“Maybe someday,” He murmurs. A certain doubt stirs within Jungkook because to his knowledge, his grandfather has never made public where exactly it is that he had grown up.
You take the short silence as a chance to start a new topic, steering the conversation towards something lighter, like that new Marvel movie that’s slated for release later in the week, letting Jungkook do all the talking for a change for you were still trying to get yourself to calm down. It was hard for you to keep your emotions in check whenever you spoke about the South, about the gangs and about the government, especially when you were speaking to someone who comes from a privileged background. You know like most of the North, Jungkook saw nothing wrong with the state of affairs of the country, completely blind to the injustice but you guess that’s only because he saw no reason to be aware or he’s been brainwashed to think that there really was no injustice in the first place. After all, Jeon Logistics is one of the biggest supporters of the current government’s campaign, the only thing about the company that you absolutely hated and it baffles you as to why his grandfather would do that, would align himself to such evil men when he’s seen how bad it is in the provinces, having grown up in the mainland like yourself. Perhaps it’s for survival, you reason, that maybe if you were in his position, you would do the same. It’s a dog eat dog world after all and it was the cronies at the top in the North that have the upper hand so why would anyone align themselves to the losing side?
As the minutes pass and the conversation flows effortlessly from one topic to another, your anger dissipates as you laugh the night away with Jungkook. He tells you stories about his childhood, ones that leave you wishing that you had something close to what he had. He tells you stories of his first day on the job at Jeon Logistics, how he had been so nervous at the board meeting that he left 3 times to go to the toilet to pee. He tells you about the one time he had a disaster of a date, throwing up all over his date after having had one too many drinks and you laugh, telling him to remind you to at least keep him at an arm’s length distance if the two of you ever went to a bar. His stories make him feel real, approachable and it’s a dream to you that you’re getting paid to be his friend. Little did he know, that you would gladly do this for free, after all who wouldn;t want to be his friend? He doesn’t know but like him, you don’t have too many friends, because well you only have one... two, counting Jungkook... maybe three if you could count the chef at the noodle store you frequented. Though his tales are warm and friendly you can’t help but notice that there’s a huge chunk that’s missing in his stories and that’s obviously his family but you don’t ask because honestly, you don’t want him to ask about yours. It would make all of this far too complicated, you sigh, your thumb rubbing at your inner forearm, a tick Jungkook has seemed to taken notice of and you quickly busy yourself with the donut bag, nervous that he’ll ask.
You don’t remember the last time you’ve lost track of time while talking to someone, the only other person capable of keeping you occupied for that long is Wendy, your best friend whom you’ve been meaning to call up for days now because she keeps giving potential sugar daddies your number, which isn’t entirely her fault since you had given her the green light to do that when you last saw her at supper after the sugarbaby conference. You thought about how you were going to have to tell her you’ve managed to land one on your own, a platonic one at that and that your sugar daddy was none other than Jeon Jungkook but alas, the last part has to remain confidential as the contract between you and him had requested for you to keep it so. It ate you up inside, having to keep a secret this large from her and maybe that’s why you’ve been dilly-dallying, telling yourself to call her tomorrow except tomorrow never seems to come. You know with a few prods, you’d probably break, the secret spilling out of you because who else would understand better than her that one of the most eligible bachelor’s in the country was paying you to be his goddamn friend and the best part was that you’ve been dreaming of meeting him since forever.
Meeting Jungkook is a lot less magical than you had imagined it to be and there are no sparks or hearts flying around but you can’t deny that his presence stirs something within you, a feeling you want to deny because technically, he’s your boss and also, why put yourself in a position where you’ll end up crushed because in a year and a half when the contract ends, you don’t want to be hopelessly in love with him while he walks away, in search of a girl that could match his stature, one that he would probably end up settling down with. You’re thinking far too ahead into the future but maybe that’s the only image that can stop you from letting his passing flirty remarks affect you, from blushing when his gaze lingers a little too long because sure he can toy with you and you can do the same with him but you always have to remember that there’s an invisible wall between to two of you, one you would never be able to break and maybe in the end, you’re only attracted to the idea of him and not Jungkook himself but after getting to know him a little bit better now, that reasoning seems to be falling through the cracks. He would always gaze at you warmly when you spoke and for some reason it felt like he was tuning the world out just to hear you speak, something you’ve barely been able to experience, ever, considering that half the Northern guys you’ve met look at you like you’re stupid or not worth their time and if they were interested, it was only because they wanted to get into your pants. But, you remind yourself that you aren’t here for love or anything of the sort because after all, the end game of all of this was the money wasn’t it and not anything else?
Those are thoughts you push aside in favour of enjoying the rest of the night, telling Jungkook a little too many hours after that you actually have to be up early tomorrow for work but that’s a lie because at this point there was no point in sleeping for you’d be starting your new job at the port in approximately 3 hours now. The pair of you eventually leave the bench to move towards his car and Jungkook is a little worried that his car wouldn’t be there at all but as you had promised, he finds it where he had left it, not even a scratch on it.
“See, I told you it’ll still be here,” You smile.
“But you told me over text the other day that a car like mine would go missing the instant I let it out of my sight.”
“Not here it won’t.”
“What’s so special about this place?”
“It’s a crime-free zone,” You answer, snickering at the literal question marks that were floating above Jungkook’s head. “I think you’ve heard enough about politics tonight,” You laugh, walking around to the passenger seat of the car. “Maybe I’ll tell you some other night,” You huff before getting into the car.
“It’s like every corner of the South has its own story,” Jungkook laughs, shutting the door. “Maybe, you’ll tell me over donuts sometime this week?”
“Let me take a look at my schedule first,” You mumble and it makes Jungkook laugh because usually he’s the one saying that line.
“What?” You grumble and he shakes his head, letting you carry on as you figure out in your head if you have any free time this week. You eventually tell him that you’re too tired to think, that you’d text him later.
The car ride to your apartment is a little too short for Jungkook’s liking and although he’s spent his whole night with you already, it still made him slightly upset when he pulls up to your apartment. Again, like the first night, he wants to tell you that hanging out with you made him feel alive if that made sense but he decides against it, not wanting to sound dumb.
“So, now you have to tell me,” You unclick your seatbelt turning towards him. “Who does donuts better? The North or the South.”
Jungkook purses his lips before he grits his teeth, not wanting to let you know that okay, maybe he was wrong about the donuts in the North.
“The South,” He sighs, letting his head hang low as you let out a light laugh. “But you totally cheated,” He grumbles because by donuts he thought you meant just normal glazed ones but when he dug around the bag for another one earlier when the pair of you were on the bench, he found a powdered donut. The moment he bit into it to find a custard filled centre, he was sold. “How did you know that custard filled donuts are the way to my heart?”
“The custard ones were for me,” You frown. “You weren’t supposed to have them. They’re my favourite.”
The custard donuts were for you, yes and you lied because yeah you love them but you also bought it with the intention of offering him one. You remember reading in a magazine somewhere that it was his favourite, that if there was something the city was lacking, it was a donut store that knew how to do custard-filled donuts well. You’re just not looking hard enough, you sigh as you read the interview. You swore that if you ever met him, you’d take him to the donut store and that you did.
“Well it appears that we are soulmates then,” Jungkook grins as he winks at you and you roll your eyes at him but he can see your cheeks begin to flush a light pink.
“Alright, soulmate,” You laugh. “I’ll see you soon?” You ask, reaching for the door handle.
“I don’t know, you tell me, Mrs. Let me check my schedule,” He teases and you scowl at him.
“I’m a busy woman, okay?” You glower before laughing. “Thanks for tonight though. It was fun,” You smile.
“The pleasure’s all mine,” He smiles in return. “Oh and how much were the donuts?” He questions, reaching into his inner pocket for his wallet.
“Ah, Jungkook, don’t worry about it really,” You push away the cash he had in his hand now.
“Y/N,” He sighs. “Do you still not understand that I’m supposed to pay for everything?” This oddly seemed reminiscent of the last time he dropped you off. Why do you always pay for supper even when you’re strapped for cash? The part where he pays for everything was what he thought would be any sugar baby’s favourite part of the deal but you seem to think differently.
“I know, I know,” You mumble. “But, I just… Take it as a form of an apology for having to hear me ramble tonight.”
“No, Y/N, I—”
“Goodnight!” You shout, as you scramble to exit his car, not letting him argue with you. “I’ll see you around, friend!”
“Soulmate!” He corrects and though you’re a good distance away from him now, he can still see you scowl at him to which he only responds with a laugh.
Jungkook knows that tomorrow, he’ll probably receive an angry text from you, one that demanded he takes back the money he had slipped into the takeaway bag while you were buying the donuts because he had a feeling you were going to refuse his money by the end of the night. The amount he had left paid for the donuts and a lot more because he felt like you needed it and maybe he rather enjoyed the thought of you using it to spoil yourself, though he knows if anything, it would go to paying off your debts. He knows through all your texts that you have far more on your plate than you can handle and he wants to help you, even if you didn’t want his help. 
I don’t want to be your personal charity case, Jungkook, is what you had told him when he said he could help with your debt but that’s not what he meant for it to be like. 
I can get you an entry level job at my company, he had offered but you turned it down vehemently. Jungkook, that’ll only put you in a tough spot. I don’t want to get you in trouble... People will start asking questions, you had warned him and that was true, he admits. He later realizes that he wants you as far away from his mother as possible too.
He hasn’t told you yet but he admires you greatly. He wonders how you’ve been able to survive so long out here in the city without your parents, how you’re still standing after all the odds that have been stacked against you, how you still remain so kind, so caring even when life has been nothing but cruel to you. Looking at you, he truly realizes how unfair life can be because from his brief conversations with you, he can tell that you’re a genius, and he’s not going to lie, he may have asked for your help in trying to solve a few company dilemmas that he was tasked with, a few too many times. You’re an asset he wants at the company, and he can see the similarities between you and his grandfather, it’s almost uncanny, he laughs. But, just like his grandfather, you have an air of mystery that surrounds you, things he can’t seem to figure out, the top one being where is your family and why did you clam up whenever he asked about them? But, Jungkook guesses, he has a few skeletons to hide in his closet too, his family, his father, a main topic he has yet to discuss with you. Perhaps he was making mountains of of molehills, that you didn’t have anything to hide and that you simply just haven’t told him yet but with time, he hopes, you’ll clear the doubt in his mind. You couldn’t quite possibly have a hidden agenda could you? If you turned out to be yet another one of those girls who were hoping to be able to destroy his family’s company with dirty schemes, he wouldn’t hesitate to crush you, even if he’s grown fond of you.
He shakes his head, trying to get rid of the sour thoughts that try to take root in his mind because tonight was far too good a night to be ruined by his habit of overthinking things. Perfect. Tonight was perfect in Jungkook’s books. He drives home feeling rather joyous, using the remaining distance before the bridge as an excuse to drive his car at way past the speed limit. Who knew he’d learn how to cook, break the law, have the best donuts he’s ever tasted and have a conversation ranging from politics to that new video game release, all in one night? This was something that was probably only capable of happening when he was with you. He feels like he’s going to plough through his bucket list that he’s had ever since he was 12 as he spends more time with you, your brilliant self adding onto his list things he never knew he wanted to do.
Alive. That’s how he felt whenever he was with you or talking to you. It’s stupid, because he’s often acknowledged by the inner social circle he has, everyone admiring the fine young man he’s grown up to be but he always felt like they didn’t really care about him, they just care about who he is, about who he’s going to be. You on the other hand, made him feel like he matters, like you enjoy having him around because he’s just simply... him and not because of what he has or what he’s achieved.
The night ends with all parties feeling overjoyed; Jungkook delighted with the unpredictable adventure that was tonight, you elated with the fact that not only had you laughed your ass off tonight but that also for the first time in weeks, you’ll be eating something that was not a sandwich for lunch, but perhaps the hooded man sat inside his car, opposite of where Jungkook’s was just seconds ago was the most content of the three. Happy didn’t even begin to describe what he’s feeling as his plan is coming along just nicely, almost too perfectly and he smiles, admiring the pictures he’d taken of tonight. Mrs. Jeon surely would enjoy seeing these pictures, you and him together, he sighs to himself. But no, it’s too soon for that. There’s still much that he’s waiting for you to do. A perfect night indeed, he smirks. 
A perfect night indeed.
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goodnight-tae · 6 years
The Breaking Point (Seven Intro)
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Pairings: BTS x OFCs
Genres: action, suspense, thriller; intertwined au
Warnings: unsettling situations, mentions of violence, descriptions of gore.
Word count: 3,057 words i got a little carried away and had to make myself stop, thus some parts are shorter than others!
[Siren’s note: the events of ‘The Breaking Point’ take place around the mid-way point of the story. Please note the dates in this and future updates of the series; also the times showing many of these events are happening simultaneously or within hours of each other. After this, the series will “rewind” and show the events leading up to this point- eventually hitting “The Breaking Point Redux” which will pick up where “The Breaking Point” left off. The series will then continue on from there.]
NSCC (Neo Seoul City Center), Neo Seoul 
May 15th 9:45 PM
As the announcer steps up to the podium, a hush falls over the crowd. Hundreds of people crammed into the grand room- each and every one of them eager for the results. Some smile as if certain of the verdict while others look doubtful, not trusting the polls broadcast throughout the day. The announcer adjusts his suit jacket and spares a glance at the two remaining candidates. The two men stand stone-faced and still, ready for the results that will decide the future of their lives.
There’s not a twitch from either to betray the thoughts swirling in the minds of men who had clawed their way here with promises and as much money as they could spare. Such an oddity that they would be so inherently calm when everything rides on this single moment.
The screens scattered throughout the room and flanking either side of the stage flicker once and then flare to life. The murmur of excitement ripples through the crowd as voices rise and fall before the hush resumes.
“People of Neo-Seol, may I present... the election results.”
A blinking cursor appears on the screens, moving steadily as words fill in the once blank space. 
“Kim Namjoon,” he dips his head in recognition, lights glimmering on his currently candy pink hair. “NS... Vice President. Lee By-” The screen to the right of the announcer suddenly shatters, sparks and glass flying while smoke pours into the air. He stares in shock as horrified absolute silence descends... only to shatter into millions of pieces, screams and rapid gunshots filling the air in it’s wake. 
The men on the stage duck on instinct while people run, slamming into each other in the chaos while strangers clad in pitch black high-tech gear spill into the room cutting a swath of destruction in the crowd. Much like the well-dressed crowd, those on the stage are unfortunately not quick enough. VP Kim Namjoon dives off the stage, a bullet grazing his thigh and ricocheting off the reinforced window he once stood in front of. He hits the marbled floor and drags himself behind an overturned table- hopeful that it will serve as a temporary shield and keep him relatively safe. 
His bleeding leg the last thought currently on his mind, he frantically scans the stage for the President. The hope that he had survived dies like a flame extinguished at the sight. Neo Seoul’s newest leader lies collapsed at the edge of the stage with a vacant and unseeing stare into the crowd. Blood leaks from what appears to be a massive chest wound, spilling over the edge of the stage and adding to the growing pool on the floor.
As the pool creeps ever further, red fingers wedging into the cracks and covering the white marble beyond recognition he loses focus. Words from a conversation earlier in the day ring in his ears, drowning out heavy footfalls of the intruders as they draw ever closer.
“No matter what happens out there, know that no harm will come to you. You’re too valuable to us; to our cause.”
All this chaos had an unintentional catalyst... Namjoon himself.
Wayside Motel; City Limits, Neo Seoul 
 May 15th 10:00 PM
“This is your last chance, Yoongi. You’re good at what you do. One of my best. You know I’d hate to lose you but I don’t have a choice. After the screw-up at the NSCC our people want you gone. It’s one girl, Yoongi. One.”
“You know my terms,” he growls, eyes on Jiyun as she peeks through the curtains. “I don’t kill women and I don’t kill children. Seeing as the target is a pregnant woman, it falls out of my range. Goodbye Fei, I’d say it was nice doing business with you but that would be a lie.”
“Remember that I warned you, Min. I tried but it seems that little girlfriend of your’s has made you soft. You can’t blame me for what happens next.”
Yoongi ends the call as the room he and Jiyun inhabit erupts into flames.
Unnamed Warehouse, City Outskirts 
May 15th 10:30 PM
As the bike sails into the gravel drive, the man on it takes a look around. He’s not certain he has the right building- there are so many warehouses out in this portion of the city. He could be wrong... but he can’t afford to be.
He consults his phone, the light shining on his features as he scans his messages. Nothing new. Just the same message from earlier in the day reading:  ‘Warehouse. 10:45 PM. Bring the basket. Don’t be late. Remember we’re watching’.
He dims the screen and makes his way to the building, tugging the bike across the dips in the gravel and through the half open door. He doesn’t trust this. He hasn’t since it all started. In fact, anyone with sense would’ve gotten the hell out  of dodge when it all went down. Hoseok would have, given the chance. They knew that and they were prepared.
Sure, anyone with sense would’ve bailed out at the earliest opportunity, but anyone with sense probably didn’t have their girlfriend’s life on the line. 
He stops in the center of the warehouse floor, scanning the empty walls and floors with confusion. He has to be in the wrong place. He has to be, but at the same time he can’t. He followed their instructions and coordinates to the letter and if he’s wrong... Sora is as good as dead.
A chime sounds out, echoing off the walls- sounding far louder than it actually is. A message: ‘Good dog. Stay’. He glares at the screen wishing he could hurl it across the room. Another chime, another message. This time with an attachment: ‘See Sora?’ followed by a close up picture of a bruised and battered girl with terrified eyes, ‘Want Sora?’ followed by a new set of coordinates, ‘Fetch. Clock’s ticking’.
Unnamed cemetery, Neo Seoul
May 15th 10:45 PM
“A promise is a promise, Jimin.” he glares down at the headstone nestled in the grass, emotions turning in turmoil. “That’s what she told me. The girl you saddled me with and told me to look after.”
The wind flows through the empty cemetery, blowing leaves across the paved road running through it and against the motorcycle that leans nearby. If Jimin came looking for answers, he isn’t likely to find them here.
“Yeah, I promised I’d stop fighting, but you promised you wouldn’t leave. Look at us now, huh. Me still fighting and you, dead in the ground. That girl you wanted me to look after? I’ve kept that promise at least, for all the good it does me. She hates me!” He settles onto the ground next to the headstone, eyes fixed on it. “She hates me and I don’t know why.” 
Silence as he rest his head on his knees. Dark hair rustling in the breeze as he huddles in his jacket and gathers his thoughts. 
“We had a fight. One about me still fighting, funnily enough. It’s not like I even like it. Who likes getting beat up? The only reason I do it now is because it makes good money and we need that. There’s some issue with the estate. Your police chief friend is looking into it but the verdict is... we either pay up to buy it outright... or we’re out on the street. Mina’s working as a nurse so I’m sure she’d be fine but the fights... just aren’t holding up as well as they used to and I’m running out of options. I... guess I’ll see you around.”
Park Jimin walks away, through the grass and trees, back to the motorcycle. He starts up the bike, the rumbling of the engine giving comfort as he speeds away. He’s not sure why he even came to the cemetery in the first place. It’s not like Yoochun could have given him any guidance anyway.
He veers down a side street, an address coming to mind. Dongwoo had said he had some work. It wasn’t exactly... clean, but any port in a storm.
Healing Light Hospital, Neo Seoul 
May 15th 11:00 PM
Bringing her to a hospital, even a lesser know one such as Healing Light, was a risk. One Seokjin had not wanted to take for her safety, yet had ultimately been their only choice. He sits hunched over in the same uncomfortable plastic chair he’d been in for the past hour and half. Ever since the doctor and nurses had taken her from his arms and sprinted down the hall to the surgery wing.
“I’m sorry Yuna,” he murmurs, his head resting on shaking hands. “I don’t think I’ll be able to keep him from you after all.” He remains this way for what feels like eons, even as the steady typing on the computer slows and ultimately halts. Even as footsteps echo on the laminate floor and a pair of white shoes enter his line of vision.
He looks up into the concerned gaze of the nurse on duty, the only one who hadn’t taken off with the doctor, and apparently new if the condition of her uniform was any indication. White dress and cap, white shoes. Like something out of an old movie. It seems as if Healing Light opted for the comfort of the old, rather than the impersonal high-tech used in most hospitals. Strange. 
“You’ve been sitting there for quite some time. I’m the sure the doctor will be back soon. Perhaps you’d like some coffee?” At his hesitation she adds, “The doctor will page me as soon as they’re finished. I’ve got it right here.”
Seokjin, sensing she won’t give up, reluctantly stands and follows her to the alcove of vending machines across the hall. Slightly newer tech, but still old by the time’s standards. He settles into another uncomfortable plastic chair without a word, accepting the coffee she pushes across to him- if only to keep it from splashing all over him. He notes her name tag reading ‘Choi Mina’ as she checks her phone briefly, frowning at whatever she sees.
She meets him with a steady gaze, turning her phone face down to avoid distraction. “I’d prefer to handle this politely, but I don’t see a way around it. What kind of game are playing at?”
“Excuse me?”
“You know who she is, don’t you? That girl you brought in? Both of you covered in blood and clinging to each other like your lives depended on it?”
Seokjin blinks, opting for silence even as his stomach sinks like it’s full of lead. He had figured people would recognize her... just not this quickly.
“Are you always this rude to concerned loved ones of patients?”
“You could say a friend has rubbed off on me.” She sits back arms crossed over her chest. “I’m going to guess that you do know who she is. In which case you know that’s Kim Yuna, the wife of Neo-Seoul’s most powerful man. That’s Kim Jongdae’s pregnant wife. Who was reportedly kidnapped a month ago. I... shouldn’t be telling you this... The doctor had me phone the SPD as soon as they got her in the operating wing. She’s fine. They didn’t need to do any surgery, though they did stitch up a wound, but thought it prudent to separate the two of you as soon as possible.”
Seokjin stands quickly, almost overturning the chair in his haste. “Where’s your restroom?”
“I- down the hall, towards the surgery wing. The police are on there way. Please don’t do anything stupid. You’ll only make it worse when they get here. Besides the main doors are locked.”
Seokjin sets down the hall at a hurried pace, breaking into a run as he rounds the corner and slamming through the doors to the surgery wing. The hospital is all but deserted, a result of being one of the lesser known places, and he only has to duck into hiding a few times in his trek. He dashes in and out of room after room, panic rising as each turns up empty. He’s almost convinced he’s never going to find her, until he bursts into a room and nearly collides with Yuna.
“What are you doing?”
“We have to get out of here.” He grabs her hand and pulls her to the nearest emergency exit, hesitating only a moment before pushing the door open. Hand in hand, they sprint out into the night with alarm sirens wailing in their wake. 
Jeon-Kim Residence, Neo Seoul 
May 15th 11:45 PM
It should never have come to this. Two brothers on opposite sides, each staring down the barrel of a gun. The golden child and the black sheep.
“Where is she?” The words softly spoken are almost lost in the crashing thunder that echoes throughout the once grand foyer. The picture frames that line the wall are now shattered, many in pieces on the floor. A once beautiful vase full of flowers now broken, porcelain shards in a pool of water. “I said, where is she?”
The only response if the tilt of a head and a sardonic smile. “Where do you think? The same place she always is.” A wiggle of the gun, now pointed at the top of the staircase. “Father’s with her though he’s now speaking... considerably less, if at all.”
Dark, tired eyes finally take in the blood splatters on the floor and begin to track the scene. What little furniture residing in the foyer is overturned, pictures destroyed, bloody boot prints leading from the stairs to the one who stands before him. He raises his flashlight with shaking hands, gun still trained, and nearly falls to his knees at the sight. “Taehyung... what have you done?”
“I haven’t been Taehyung for a long, long time. Didn’t you get the memo, Kookie? Father calls me- oh I’m sorry, called me V. Started in with that right about the time mother began refusing to see me anymore.”  He stretches his arms above his head lazily, seeming unbothered by the firearm locked on his every move. He circles around Jungkook, their places now reversed as he nails him with a cold, unfeeling stare. “You should’ve seen how horrified she was up there. Her baby boy, ever the monster. Nothing compared to her favorite golden child.
“You bastard,” Jungkook spits, horror and rage combing into one, his flashlight illuminating his brother’s face- still slick and shiny with blood. “She loves you! How could you believe dad’s twisted lies? He manipulated you, Taehyung, just as he always has. Lied to you at every turn so he could mold you into whatever it is that you’ve become.”
“No, I believe the term you’re looking for is ‘loved’.” A grim, twisted smile. “If you love her, golden boy, I’d get upstairs. Say your goodbyes while you still can.”
The words strike something deep within and Jungkook fires through his tears, a lightning strike illuminating the room at the same moment- the combined efforts bathing them in blinding white light. Glass shatters and when the light dies down, Taehyung is nowhere to be found.
Rain pours in through the broken door as Jungkook radios for back-up and starts, with shaking limbs, for the stairs and what awaits him on the upper floor.
APT 8802; Complex Z, Neo Seoul 
May 16th 12:45 AM
In the slums, far away from the high-tech towers and security enhanced homes, a boy opens a door into an apartment. His clothes are stiff with dried blood and his face and hands itch where the residue has dried on his skin. He rubs at his face with futile efforts as he shuts the door behind him, calling out into the brightly lit room.
“Haneul, I’m home!” As he steps further into the apartment, the lights flicker once and then go out entirely as if a switch were flipped. “Haneul?”
Nothing but silence.
“Babe, listen, normally I’m all for a game of hide and seek but today is not one of those days. My officer brother tried to shoot me, I had to jump through a glass door, and my clothes are soaked in blood. To say I’m not in the mood for games today is an understatement.” 
He checks the kitchen, frowning at the dishes piled haphazardly in the sink and grime covered counter. It hadn’t looked anything like this when he left the other day. 
He exits the kitchen, crossing through the living room with it’s battered furniture and couch covered with torn cushions. The carpet barely gives beneath his feet as he makes his way down the hall, checking the bathroom, the laundry room... any room he passes. He finally makes his way to the bedroom, pushing open the door to reveal bare wooden floors and a mattress with rumpled sheets and scattered pillows- seeming to be the only spotless thing in the apartment.
“Haneul, seriously. I’m don’t want to play games. If you’re mad at me, just say so and we’ll talk it out. Like we always do.” When she doesn’t appear from wherever she’s chosen to hide out he sighs. Catching sight of himself in the mirror, he blanches and goes back to the bathroom to wash his hands and face clean of blood. 
When all traces are gone he wanders back to the bedroom and over to the closet, intent on changing his clothes as he mumbles aloud. “Did you leave me, Haneul? You’re the only good thing in my life. I... I d-don’t want to be all alone. Don’t leave me... please.” The tears well and fall as he sees the photo of himself and Haneul taped to the mirror. “Please, Haneul. Don’t leave.” He drops to the floor, hand slipping off the doorknob as it turns and a sickly sweet scent fills the air.
Perhaps if things had been done differently... had they been raised differently, chosen to do things in other ways... maybe then it would have never come to this. Yet the past is past, and all that’s left is the future they’ve chosen with the choices they made.
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back on my bullshit again
and once more!! if you happen to stumble across these posts of mine, please just ignore them.. they’re a way for me to reflect on my life (and improve my english), and while i can’t stop you from reading them, can i say that you probably wouldn’t benefit much from it lol. anyways let’s go
1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up.
my lots of songs list: the love club-lorde, river en vacker dröm-håkan hellström, living dead-marina, why we ever-hayley williams, snälla bli min-veronica maggio, take this lonely heart-nothing but thieves
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
oof um the person who will be the love of my life? no lol but like zendaya would be pretty cool ig
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
“... and the top was red-and-white striped, and it all zipped up in the front.”
4) What do you think about most?
hmm my friends maybe?
5) Ever had a poem or song written about you?
not that i know of
6) Do you have any strange phobias?
nah i feel some trypophobia (?spelling) sometimes but that’s it
7) What’s your religion?
i’m kinda christian, but like i choose which parts to believe in and not, like i believe in the message of doing good and love, but not like homophobia or an actual god lol
8) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
sitting in the sun, listening to music
9) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
ah probably paramore, yeah it must be them
10) What was the last lie you told?
eh kinda basic but “i’m fine” i guess
11) Do you believe in karma?
ooh that’s a questioning worth discussing, no i don’t believe in the actual the-universe-is-constantly-judging-our-actions, but like that people who do good tend to get good things back? yeah that makes sense
12) What does your URL mean?
my main (neon-places) is from perfect places by lorde, and just neon bc it sounds cool
13) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
oh god if i only knew,,, i really need to improve my empathy, but my systematical skills are quite good
14) Who is your celebrity crush?
hayley williams
15) How do you vent your anger?
i don’t get mad😌😌 no but like when i get irritated do i just close my door to my room and like listen to music in headphones and solve a puzzle or something lol
16) Do you have a collection of anything?
i kinda collect things that mark an important/memorable event in my life, like my first pride bracelet, my favorite jeans from when i was like 15, lots of birthday cards,, yeah it’s not so unique, but they’re important to me
17) Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
yes!!!! me a few years ago would’ve never thought that i’d be like this now, but i’m proud of myself and what i’ve become!!
18) What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
fun fact i HATE sleeping to the sound of rain. it makes me really anxious,, i love the sound of waves though, or my little sisters pure laugh :,)
19) What’s your biggest “what if”?
what if i’m just faking everything, what if this is not actually me but something i put up to please others around me
20) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
not ghosts really, but there must be some sort of life in the whole fucking space,, while maybe not what we traditionally would categorize as “life”, must it exist something, somewhere
21) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
i’m in my bed so like. my nightstand to the right, my wall to the left
22) Smell the air. What do you smell?
absolutely nothing, i’m so used to the smell of my house
23) What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
oo idk??? i’m usually quite content with wherever we’re going, although fotografiska in stockholm was shitty though
24) Most attractive singer/s of your opposite gender?
oh um like tyler joseph maybe? gerard way, frank iero? yeah i’m an emo slut
25) To you, what is the meaning of life?
no don’t go there,, thereisnomeaningoflifesoitsallaboutmakingasmuchaspossibleandliveashappilyaspossiblyuntilourfleetingexistenceonthisearthisover
26) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
.. yeah you could say that i drove, i have a driving license after all, and i’ve never crashed but i’ve been stopped by police a few times lol
27) What was the last movie you saw?
no idea, i never watch movies... or wait!! we had legally blonde on at my friends house a few days ago when we got home from a party, i didn’t exactly watch it but it was playing
28) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
i’ve had some bad allergic reactions in form of severe eczema
29) Do you have any obsessions right now?
‘the devil and god are raging inside me’ by brand new, doing my makeup a special way
30) Ever had a rumor spread about you?
yeah, that i’m gay and together with my earlier best friend (we were not)
31) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
not really,, i’m really fucking scared of conflicts so i simply forgive and move on, it’s easier that way
32) What is your astrological sign?
pisces baby
33) What’s the last thing you purchased?
a blue skirt second hand!! v cute
34) Love or lust?
um idk i’ve never really experienced any of them, but maybe love
35) In a relationship?
36) How many relationships have you had?
a whopping amount of zero
37) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
I DONT KNOW someone tell me please how to get someone to like me,, but like more friendship-like is it usually to always choose my words very carefully to not upset anyone, it usually gets me quite far
38) Where is your best friend?
where? i hope she’s home? well like we took the bus home together a few hours ago, so i guess she’s home
39) What were you doing last night at 12 AM?
aha ha funny,, i was having a small mental crisis so i sat and did math (by free will, school has ended for summer) while listening to melodrama.. yes
40) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
i don’t know, this is so hard.. but like. no? or it wouldn’t really work to have someone like me as a close friend, i’m to introvert, i tend to surround myself with extroverts who bring me with them to do stuff
41) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
oh um i call 112 (the swedish 911) and make sure someone else notice the dog too and help it while i hurry to my job
42) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) yes, i think so. only my closest though, to give them a chance to say goodbye properly, but i wouldn’t really like other just acquaintances to reach out just bc of the circumstances
b) i try to travel as much as possible, party all i can, tell everyone i love how much they mean to me and just. live
c) of course, i would be scared to death (see what i did there) but i wouldn’t have any other choice but to fully live my last month
43) What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
hard times by paramore!! it always makes me want to dance
44) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
45) How can I win your heart?
show any whatsoever interest in me lol
46) Can insanity bring on more creativity?
i guess,, i’m like the opposite of insanity though, i’m constantly numb and completely lacking any creativity, so it may work the other way too
47) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
hmm maybe my school application? i’m so fucking happy with my choice
48) What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
hmm nothing too special i guess, just the usual loved and missed and so
49) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “heart.”
like the anatomy and stuff,,, i really like biology, more than romances lol
50) Basic question; what’s your favorite color/colors?
usually different shades of blue, but right now all pastel colors, especially purple
51) What is your current desktop picture?
my locked screen is two of my best friends, and my home screen is paramore ofc
52) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
trump would be pretty nice
53) What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
oh um like “name a few things you don’t like about me” or something, bc as i said, i hate conflicts
54) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
the ability to change the probability!!! it’s the ultimate superpower!!!
55) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
my tøp concert maybe? i was really euphoric then, and i haven’t really felt like that since, but i’m afraid i’ll destroy that memory if i could go back so idk
56) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
i’ve had quite a happy life yet, there’s no big thing i’d like to erase,, no i feel like every experience in my life has leaded me to where i am today, so i wouldn’t like to erase anything
57) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
hmm idk maybe alex turner. idk i feel like it would be pretty nice
58) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
italy maybe? my friends and i planned to go there this summer before the corona hit, so i’d like to go there lol
59) Ever been on a plane?
yeah several times
60) Give me your top 5 hottest celebrities.
idk idk i’m not really.. attracted to anyone rn? it’s kinda weird but there’s no one where i’m like wow this person is HOT,, nah i don’t really feel anything like that at the moment
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taegilibrary · 7 years
'i didn't intend to kiss you'
student/teacher short series: part one
taehyung had never been the type of person to make it on time in the morning. that’s why he had set his alarm fifteen minutes earlier than he would normally(not to include the next three to follow because he oversleeps a lot lets be honest.) the only sane reason taehyung would ever give up his extra fifteen minutes of sleep is to buy pancakes from his favorite diner. as a seventeen year old boy, working part time jobs and making not as much money as he should, obviously he’s going to blow thirteen thousand won worth of eight pancakes in one sitting.
taehyung also had gotten ready amazingly fast this morning. he styled his light brown hair to feather over his forehead and accessorized his uniform with rings all over his body. he managed to actually catch a bus too rather than walking three blocks and by the time he sits near a window in the small diner and is served his pancakes he has twenty minutes left until school begins. he’s only eaten four of the eight pancakes and lets be real, he’s not going to finish the rest. the bell chimes above the hunter green door frame and a familiar face walks in, mr.min.
mr.min was the geometry teacher and assistant basketball coach at taehyung’s high school. he was incredibly smart and many of the girls fawned over him considering his rough age of twenty-five. he had jet black hair that was always tousled and big brown frames for glasses. taehyung had only had him for one class his first year of high school, when he was a pubescent young boy and looked unbearably ridiculous. so much that he probably seems to be unrecognizable now. the teacher orders something quick and sits at a table beside of taehyung. he picks up a newspaper that had been lying around and taps his fingers against hard wooden table.
taehyung gives himself a mental pep talk before he’s able to stand from the wooden chair he had been sitting in and approaches the teacher.
“hi mr.min.” taehyung greets him with a boxy smile and a quick bow.
“hello.. are you one of my students?” mr. min asks warily, unsure of who he even is. just as taehyung had figured.
“i’m not sure if you remember me..” taehyung awkwardly laughs, “i was in your class three years ago during your first year at our school…”
mr.min’s eyes almost bulge out of his socket, no way this was kim taehyung. he remembers him by the unique mole placed on his nose that gave him that charm. kim taehyung three years ago had a justin bieber fringe, wore thick black glasses, and was seven inches shorter. this kim taehyung wore his school uniform to fit his body nicely, was taller than himself now, looked like he had the softest light brown hair and at least six ear piercings. but all that he replied with was “ah, yes of course. kim taehyung am i right?”
“yes! that would be me. i really ordered too many pancakes this morning and it would be a shame for them to go to waste. i saw that you haven’t ordered any food so would you mind?” taehyung pleaded, eyelashes uncontrollably fluttering and head turned afraid to look at the teacher.
mr.min sat there stunned, left hand gripping his iced americano and right hand fidgeting with his glasses. “i couldn’t possibly take your food, taehyung.”
“please, i really cannot let it go to waste. there’s only one of me and i can’t finish the rest.” taehyung motioned over to his plate, which clearly had uneaten pancakes. taehyung sat down in the chair facing from mr.min and looked at the table, pretending to admire the wooden details.
“only one or two then, i really shouldn’t be eating pancakes in the first place.” mr min said with a soft sigh. taehyung looked up, mouth gaping and hurriedly rushing to grab the food and sit with mr min.
yoongi manages to eat two pancakes before he checks his watch and sees that there’s ten minutes until school begins and he’s very late. taehyung has been very quietly observing the elder, subtly admiring the fingers that wrap around the fork. yoongi has to peel his eyes away from his former student as the younger looks at him with big eyes as if he’s been caught.
“i’m sorry taehyung but i have to be on my way now. thanks for sharing your meal with me today. have a good day.” mr.min grabs his bag and leaves the tip on the table.
taehyung and mr min say a brief goodbye and taehyung as well heads off to their school. neither can stop the moments that just previously happened from replaying in their mind. taehyung calls his friend baekhyun before entering the gate like he always does. he goes straight to his locker as the phone continues to ring before baekhyun has finally answered.
“y-es? ngh stop.” baekhyun says out of breath.
“uh, you realize we have three minutes until the bell rings right?” taehyung says a bit worried for his friend.
“oh fuck. fuu-ck. hurry up oh my fu-” baekhyun is still on the phone fucking around with his girl, or whatever label they have.
taehyung hangs up and rolls his eyes. it’s 7:58 when he walks into his classroom and the next six classes go by like a dream. taehyung is amazingly well at school and excels in many of his core classes. he’s never gotten below a B+ on any assignment and honestly, he doesn’t really study. he just enjoys learning and takes good notes in class.
baekhyun is only in two of the seven classes he has during the day(and honestly that’s enough because baekhyun is the worst distraction)and taehyung keeps his schedule heavily packed. he wakes up usually at seven in the morning and will walk to school considering he lives a couple blocks away, goes to his classes, piano practice is after school, sometimes a movie or a game he’ll go watch with baekhyun, goes to work at the animal shelter until nine thirty, then goes back to his home. hints to why he loves those extra minutes of sleep in the morning.
as taehyung is approaching the music room after the last bell, he can hear someone playing piano already. there’s not very many that stay after school for piano, instead they hire their own tutors and pay. the white door is already slightly open and the white and black keys of claire de lune are being played by none other than mr.min himself.
taehyung falters for a moment and gathers his courage to say the words “mr min?”
mr. min halts from playing the piano and stands from the bench to be polite. “sorry i didn’t realize it was already that time. the old piano teacher is very ill right now so i volunteered to take her position for now.” mr min removes his glasses to gently wipe the lenses on his white button up and taehyung has his breath caught in his lungs from staring at the bony, long fingers.
“oh, do you know what happened to her?” he shakily replies.
“afraid not, no information is to be disclosed with us teachers.” mr. min gives a sad smile towards the younger and begins walking to the window to unlatch it and raises it. their conversation isn’t heated but the temperature in the room feels like a sauna.
taehyung watches him curiously, his mind full of unanswered questions but all he can manage out is an “oh.” he sits on the leathered bench and wanders his eyes over the keys.
“play for me” mr. min tells taehyung, finally standing beside the piano.
“what?” taehyung asks, taken aback.
mr. min blushes at this moment as he realizes how blunt he has said that, “i mean let me listen to what you’re up to so i know where to start. i’m assuming you’ve taken lessons for years now.”
“just three but yeah, i’ll play something.” thin, tanned fingers move across the white keys trying to find a spot to start and they contrast with each other amazingly. taehyung finally decides on something simple, ‘a thousand years’
“you’re really good taehyung.” yoongi praises the younger who’s ending the song.
“i’m not that good.” taehyung hesitates before saying,“ besides, your playing is so mesmerizing, i’ve never felt something like that just by listening to claire de lune.” he turns around from the piano to look up and see that mr.min is still behind him.
he looks at taehyung directly in the eyes and asks “felt something like what?”
taehyung blushes because the feelings were referring to mr min. a teacher and not to mention a guy. mr.min has noticed that taehyung blushes a lot and he’s kind of thinking it the most adorable thing he’s seen. “just like if i hadn’t spoken up i would’ve become immersed/entranced by your playing.”
“that’s not a bad thing taehyung. i was thinking we could do hour long practices if you want to continue lessons.” mr.min says, going back to his business voice. he really doesn’t want to scare taehyung away or make him uncomfortable.
“i would love that but i just got a job at the animal shelter and they work me usually from 5-9:30 on school days. my house isn’t close so i have to take the bus.” taehyung says with a frown, he wants to be taught by mr. min.
“i’m not sure if this would make you uncomfortable or not but my house is just around the corner from the shelter and i have a piano. if you would want, after school we could drive there and you wouldn’t have to worry about being late for work.” mr. min says scratching lightly at the back of his neck, he doesn’t know if it’s fabric or just his nervousness causing triggers as if he was fifteen again.
taehyung’s face glows at the idea although the blush in his cheeks is still faintly there. “really?? that sounds great! you’re not mad at me?” the younger one mutters the latter consciously.
“no of course not, i remember being a teenager. after all it was only 5 years ago.” he says trying to shake the feeling he’s getting.
he’s just invited his student over to his home, but it’s not inappropriate. no, they’re practicing piano and making agreements that will work into their schedule. taehyung knows mr. min didn’t have to make that arrangement if he didn’t want to, but he wanted to know more and see more of the kim taehyung he subtly ignored his first year.
taehyung just silently agrees in his head. yes it was only five years ago. but five minutes later he has witnessed the greatest thing to come to him that day. while playing the piano he vaguely forgot a key and mr. min had taken his hand to guide taehyung’s long index finger to B. the sensation of a fire igniting and electricity bubbling corrupted his entire body and he will not ever shake that feeling. neither of them can, no matter how wrong it should be.
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oceanotides · 8 years
« “Here we go, gametime.”, Yoongi whispered and you watched him adjust his AK 47 at the column he was hiding behind, giving you a thumbs up and a slight, barely noticeable smile.
“Kooks, you need some fresh air?”, you asked tensely, aiming at the doors your rival gang was supposed to come out of, testing what weapon you’d use, “’cause you’ll get a whole lot of it.”
“Y/N, cut it off. I swear to god, I’m going to kill you all if we get out of this alive.”, and again, quiet chuckling was audible through the comm – until the defeaning, irritating sound of the sirens boomed through the streets, shaking through your body as they drowned out everything else. » 
pairing: yoongi x reader
genre:gang!au, thepurge!au, angst, fluff
warnings: mentions of blood and death, a LOT of statements inspired by movies and books, content may be confusing
inspired by: @lets-go-north ‘s the purge vine, lover, fighter and meet me on the battlefield by svrcina, bts x the purge by saera kim, bts // the purge by polarisdreams & bts x monsta x by datjimilly
word count: 8,532
a/n: i really recommend watching all the videos and listening to the songs mentioned above - just so you get the vibe!
remember back in spring ‘16 where i had announced i’d write some thepurge!au? no? well, anyways, i’ve finally done it and here it is. be prepared because i didn’t take a second look at it, so there may be a few grammar mistakes. btw, i’m dead, i’ve written this on a single day and the way it ends is kind of awful, so let me know if you’d want me to write an alternative ending and, as always, what you think about the whole story. if anyone even reads that damn long oneshot, lol. anyways, here you go!
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A fresh breeze whistled around your ears. The petrichor; the world’s smell caused by the sky crying its eyes out, lingered in the air. The soft rain dampened your face and your eyelashes tickled your eyelid crease as you rolled your eyes and laughed out loud at the joke Jin had just made which actually wasn’t funny at all. Life was more tolerable for a moment.
The small backyard you were sitting in had always seemed calming to you. The high and grey brickstone wall entrenched you and gave you the small amount of privacy you needed whenever you felt like being alone, spending your noons organising your thoughts – in case you found time to do so in between all the things on your to-do list.
The rusty lawn chair Taehyung was sitting in made a nerve-wrecking noise as he got up, walking towards the brick house the backyard belonged to and you thought about following him but thinking about what day it was made you stay in your place, messily scribbling things you thought of as essential for tonight down onto a piece of paper.
Clanking noises which sounded suspiciously like the beverage bottles existing in abundance at the headquarter’s kitchen came from inside, reminding you of how thirsty you actually were and of how you’d need to stay hydrated for the event nearing.
“Tae? Bring me a desperados, will you?”, you called.
It didn’t take long for him to answer with the ‘When will you finally learn that you veritably have your own legs’ that was ridiculously characteristic of the currently brown-haired guy you happened to call a best friend of yours. Consequently you weren’t exactly surprised as he crossed the threshold, entering the yard again with some bottles in his hands.
“I wasn’t exactly planning on getting drunk.”, you said, looking at the seven bottles he was putting down on the small table you, Jin, Jungkook and Namjoon were sitting at. The lemonade he had been holding under his arm in order not to go twice followed suit and he fell back into the black chair he had claimed as his.
“Correct”, Namjoon agreed, putting the files he had been reading onto the brown ebony. Some drops of sweat covered his forehead, barely noticeable, yet somehow sticking out to you. It was a unusual hot day and the sun was illuminating the firmament with its last rays – spring was nearing its end and summer was to follow.
“Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin said they’ll be here soon,”, he opened his bottle, the label reading pepsi, took a huge sip and flipped his hair back, “at 6:30, to be exact.”
His eyes settled on you when you crossed your arms and leaned forward, furrowing your eyebrows in thought as you took a sip, too, then focusing on what you had written down till now.
Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok were a weird trio: one of them was most sarcastic person you had ever met; the other one probably the cutest; yet most dangerous person in this town while the latter managed to be the most positive human being in spite of his job as an assassin. Yoongi was a year older than you and you had become friends in your junior year when the both you were paired for a chemistry project.
Min Yoongi, the most intimidating guy out of all the people in your grade – scratch that, in the whole school. He didn’t even bother to give a shit, neither about other’s opinions nor about his grades that had caused him to repeat the junior year. The only reason for him not getting kicked out was Mrs Peterson, and, to be completely honest, you hadn’t been able to unterstand her back then. Maybe it was his ultra sarcastic attitude she relished – but had that been reasonable?
No, not at all. You hadn’t known him that well and at that point, you didn’t really want to, either. Your brother was his age and consequently shared a few classes with him. From what he had told you, Yoongi was no guy who liked to make friends. “He doesn’t even like to meet people.”, your brother said on a Friday evening when the two of you had been eating dinner together, watching one of your favorite series. You had helped him finish an assignment earlier that day since your parents weren’t home, as usual. But let’s not talk about that.
However, being absent thinking about what you had used to think about Yoongi, you hadn’t noticed him, Jimin and Hoseok entering the backyard.
Only when he draped a black hoodie around your shoulders you blinked, recognizing the three boys. Jimin looked at you with an excited smile on his face which partially disgusted and partially amused you.
“So, what’s the plan?”
Today was different from all the other times the eight of you hung out together. The mood seemed chill but you knew better than that, being close with the boys for more than a year now. What seemed to be joyful actually was gloomy; what seemed to be carelessness was worry about what was going to happen today, about what was going to happen tonight – tonight defined as the period of time starting in less than a hour. Aᴘʀɪʟ 21sᴛ, 7:00ᴘᴍ ᴜɴᴛɪʟ Aᴘʀɪʟ 22ɴᴅ, 7:00ᴀᴍ. America’s 7thPurge was going take place tonight.
You looked at the dark brown haired boy you had grown to respect and like so much sitting across the table, unfolding a map on it. The dimples he caused to show up when he was smiling were a perfect cover for what, who he actually was.
At the age of twenty-one, he was ruling one of the most dangerous gangs in Los Angeles, and whole LA to be honest. Rumors had it that he had cameras installed around the whole city and knew what was happening everywhere before anyone else was even capable of doing something. Of course the whole camera-thing was not true – well, not completely at least. And moreover he was not nearly as hostile as everyone thought, but incredibly smart and powerful instead.
Powerful was his voice as he spoke up to tell you about tonight’s plans, taking a look at his watch attached to his wrist.
“It’s 6:37pm.”, he said, giving the three boys who had just sat down a stern glance, before continuing. “However, we’re left with 23 minutes to discuss and prepare for tonight which is not a lot of time at all so I’ll just wrap it up.
I won’t have to tell you guys that us being a gang of more or less criminals makes us an outsticking target. Adding to that, Taehyungie here has taken it upon himself to defy Dom..inic at school which makes it highly likely for his gang to aim their guns at us tonight.”, he smirked, adding “what I would’ve done, too, by the way.” before making the boys turn toward you who had just pulled everything you’d need onto the table.
Aᴘʀɪʟ 21sᴛ 6:48:34ᴘᴍ, 11 ᴍɪɴᴜᴛᴇs ᴀɴᴅ 26 sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅs ʟᴇғᴛ ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ 7ᴛʜ ᴀɴɴᴜᴀʟ ᴘᴜʀɢᴇ
The car ride to the place Hoseok located Dom’s gang to be was as silent as the streets outside, the only sounds audible Jin and Namjoon going through the plan over and over again and Jungkook and Jimin chewing bubblegums while guiding Hoseok through the city.
It was rare to see all the downtown places that were usually busy all day and night deserted like this. There was not a single soul walking on the pavement or hiding in a dark alley. Normally you’d have enjoyed the view – you didn’t like crowded places, but knowing the reason for the emptiness was much less satisfying. Different from most of the people you were out tonight because you had to; and, on top of that, you’d never let any of your friends go out on their own, not tonight.
So there you were, leaning against somebody’s side, nervously playing with the ripped threads of your denim jacket, not caring about how it was just causing the holes to get bigger and bigger; you were just trying not to make up any horrible scenarios that could happen to any of the seven guys you were sitting in the black van with.
You couldn’t afford losing any of them.
“You scared?”, Yoongi’s voice finally broke the heavy silence, sliding into your thoughts as smooth as a feather.
You scoffed in an attempt to seem more relaxed, but there was no point in that, obviously not.
“To say the least. Of course I am.”
He shifted under you, a skinny arm wrapping around your shoulder.
“I am, too.”
There was a short moment of silence (again) before he spoke up again.
“But don’t worry, we’ll be fine. I promise.”
And to be honest, in any other situation you would have believed him, but right now you weren’t sure whether he was saying that to convince you or to convince himself. Yet though something, maybe it was the way he gave you the feeling of being protected by wrapping his arm around you, made you relax a bit.
You were squatting, taking cover in a small alley behind a trash dumpster. Visible in front of you was an abandoned warehouse downtown. The place looked totally rundown, but there were gleaming silver chains latched to the huge doors and you were pretty sure this is the place. You eyed the doors warily as you mumble “Where are we?” while holding your hand to your ear, speaking over the comm system attached to it.
It didn’t take a single second for Jimin to answer as he murmured “I don’t know, but whatever this is, I have a bad feeling about it.”
“Yeah well I’m good. It’s nothing”, Jins voice was dripping with sarcasm so obviously, you could literally hear the drops falling.
You identified the next voice speaking as Taehyung saying, “Oh honestly. Come on guys, it’s not that scary.”
The speakers attached to each and every of LA’s inersections made a somewhat creaking noise.
“Yo Y/N, you’re freaking out over there, ain’t you?”, Namjoon chuckled.
You rolled your eyes and scoffed. “No.”
“Yeah you are.”, Yoongi and Taehyung agreed simultaneously and you didn’t need to look at their positions on the opposite side of the street and on top of the old cinema to see that they were grinning.
“I said no.”
“Listen, man, it takes-“
“Woman.”, you corrected him.
“I’m a woman.”
“Well whatever. However, it takes a grown man-“
“…to embrace their feelings. If you want to cry, just go ahead and cry.”
Quiet laughter and chuckles were shared through the comm, and, once again, you felt a bit lighter.
“No but listen Y/N, as your friend you know I’m concerned about your well-being –“
“Oh listen can’t you just chill out, man?”, you imitated his habit of adding man to every sentence when Hoseok spoke up.
“Listen guys, I’ve seen some crazy shit but among all the things we’ve done, this is definitely an outcast so let’s just try to keep it as lowkey as possible. And always remember – oh my, honestly Tae? You’re playing crossy road right now?!”
There was a moment of silence and, indeed, the typical crossy road noise of the chicken bumping into a truck - boof! – was audible, making you shake your head as you actually smiled because oh my god, this kid.
“So obviously Tae’s not as tense as me right now, but would somebody mind to walk me through what we’re supposed to be doing?”, Jungkook snapped.
“Oh come on Kooks, this was your plan, you gotta embrace it.”, you said, now finally relaxing and preparing for what was going to come.
“No, jumping off a rooftop onto Domincs – emphasis on Dominic – was not my plan. Taehyung –“
His sentence was cut off by the booming, penentrating bass sound of the speakers you had grown to hate so much and from that moment on, all of your senses slowly returned to you and your heartbeat increased incredibly fast.
Blue light was illuminating the streets as the projection screen at the crossing lit up, displaying the oh-so-familiar text of the purge’s announcement. You unintentionally whispered the words yourself as the cold voice of the woman sounded through the alleys and streets down to venice beach.
“This is not a test.
This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of  ᴛʜᴇ Aɴɴᴜᴀʟ Pᴜʀɢᴇ sanctioned by the U.S Government.
Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during ᴛʜᴇ Pᴜʀɢᴇ. All other weapons are restricted.
Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from ᴛʜᴇ Pᴜʀɢᴇ and shall not be harmed.
Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours.
Police, fire and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning until 7am when ᴛʜᴇ Pᴜʀɢᴇ concludes.
Blessed be our New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn.
May God be with you all.”
“Here we go, gametime.”, Yoongi whispered and you watched him adjusting his AK 47 at the column he was hiding behind, giving you a thumbs up and a slight, barely noticeable smile.
“Kooks, you need some fresh air?”, you asked tensely, aiming at the doors your rival gang was supposed to come out of, testing what weapon you’d use, “’cause you’ll get a whole lot of it.”
“Y/N, cut it off. I swear to god, I’m going to kill you all if we get out of this alive.”, and again, quiet chuckling was audible through the comm – until the defeaning, irritating sound of the sirens boomed through the streets, shaking through your body as they drowned out everything else.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see all of them getting into position – Jungkook and Jimin on the warehouse’s rooftop, Tae on the first door in the parkade next to it, Hoseok and Jin adjusting their snipers and Namjoon putting the black mask you all wore on to cover his face. It had kind of become your special trademark, the soft fabric giving you the artificial feeling of personal privacy and anonymity. You knew it wouldn’t last for too long, the siren had sounded for the 4th time now, 2 times to go. In just a few seconds the streets would be filled with gunshots, screams and, most of all, blood. Even the smallest mistake; a wrong movement or a moment of negligence could be the cause for you to be buried tomorrow. You were aware of the fact that you were slightly exaggerating and just making your heart beat faster and faster, but you couldn’t help it.
The rush of adrenaline pumping through you made you feel invincible and as the siren boomed for the 6th and last time, the doors of the warehouse burst open.
Just to make things more clear, you thought you had been prepared for any and everything possible – fist fights, gun fights, a wild chase – but you definitely didn’t expect Dominic and the rest of his gang to drive a..how to describe it?
The thing they were driving out the doors with resembled a team bus but it was longer and higher and it’s tires were the ones of a truck but twice the size, at least. It’s license plate read 1-800-FUCK-OFF instead of any valid number and, to be honest, you thought of it as a little bit funny, but right now you had much more important things to care about, for example a man covered in black sticking his head out of one of the black mirrored windows, positioning a MG3 machine gun.
“Fuck, fuck fuck fuck.”, you heard yourself saying as you ducked in order not to get shot, “Jungkook, where are you!?”, you screamed, firing your gun once, twice.
“What!? You want me to jump on a fucking killer truck!?”
You considered explaining the situation to him but, seeing how Jimin pushed Jungkook to the warehouse’s edge and then jumped down with him, it wasn’t necessary anymore. More importantly the truck with Jimin and Jungkook on it was threatening to speed away while Namjoon was giving orders. You need to do something, you told yourself before an idea popped up in your head and you cut Namjoon off.
“Namjoon, I’m sorry but we’re going to lose them if we continue hiding like this! I’m going in right now”, you shouted.
In the next second you were jumping over the dumpster, securely landing on the concrete of N Los Angeles St; your weapons safely tucked away in your backpack, the silenced sniper rifle’s material cold against your cheek as you tried your best to stand still and slow your breath.
“Fuck this.”, you sighed in defeat as you angrily threw a stone against the target you were supposed to hit with your bullets. 50 minutes had passed and the bost shot you’ve made had hit the target’s nonexistent hair. Great, even the stone didn’t miss it – but you, attempting to shoot it with a sniper rifle? Never. Never ever were you going to get this.
“Fuck what?”, Yoongi appeared next to you, crooked his head and cocked an eyebrow, waiting for you to answer.
You pointed at the 480 cheytac dangling off your shoulders, to the target and then to you, “all of this.”
“Well, as welcoming that invitation is, I’d rather not sleep with you in a…training center.”
You sneered, “very funny. It’s just that I can’t seem to get a good shot and I’ve been trying for about an hour and ugh.”
“Yeah, well, you have never used a sniper rifle before, either, not to mention a 480 cheytac which is fairly hard to handle.”
“Oh, wow. Yoongi, this is the literal first time you’ve been kind toward me.”, you said out loud. Realising what you had just confessed you quickly managed to continue speaking, “what about shooting that target over there –“, you pointed at one which was pretty far away, all the way on the other side of the gym,”and showing me how to do it?”
He chuckled, “sure.”, and took the rifle out of your hands, his right eye closed as he turned to the side. Despite his character, his looks were …wow, they were amazing. The sharp jawline of his, his pale skin in contrast to his pink lips – a silent swish stopped you from keeping to drool over him and you watched the silver bullet smoothly hitting the target’s brain as he turned to you, the satisfaction of his success prominent in his facial expression.
“Told you.”, he said mockingly; caused you to roll your eyes.
“See, all you have to do is hold it like this.”, he put the rifle down only to take your hands in his, wrapping them around the sniper, aiming at the fake body in front of you. His warm breath tickled the side of your neck as he explained, “control your breath and focus on nothing else but the target.”, he watched you do so. “A sniper is characterized by their few but precious and unerring shots. If you shoot, you have to strike whomever you want to kill or hurt, whatever. There’s no such thing as a second chance – it’s like this all or nothing shit. So stay concentrated.”
You nodded, correcting your aim while you kept your left eye shut. The target’s head was the only clear outline right now, everything else being blurry. The small target cross covered the target’s brain, “now shoot.”,
and with a last glance at whoever henchman of Dominics and Owens gang that was, you pulled the trigger.
It was as though someone had pressed the slow motion button on their IPhone when the tiny bullet hit the shooter’s left shoulder and he fell back into the truck-bus-something. Confidently you threw the 480 cheytac over your shoulder and inhaled. Hoseok’s voice saying “now that was a real shot.” popped up next to you and with a smile shared between the two of you, you started to run.
Turning left and right in order not to get attacked by someone else purging you felt the urge to vomit. Every corner and place your gaze wandered to was decorated with signs of cruelty. It took a while for you to realize that a slogan to your right reading ‘h e a r t b r e a k e r – l o v e f a k e r – n e v e r g o i n g t o w a k e h e r’ had been mistaken for spraypaint by you when it was actually written in the blood by the female body hanging next to it. You were sure the girl must have been beautiful before but now the long, blonde strands of hair covered her face, her once white dress now blood-stained.
Quickly looking to your left as your stomach turned, your gaze fell upon a couple being beaten up by four short men, their faces hidden behind suicide squad masks, their hands swinging baseball bats – wait, were those children?
It was weird; the downtown being this alive when it was basically dead just minutes ago – the silence had been replaced by gunshots and screams and crazy laughter, the streets wearing red.. it was disgusting.
You were about to continue letting your mind rant about everything the Purge did as you turned your head straight once again and, suddenly, the truck was gone. It was just gone. There was no sign of it having ever existed, even when you did a sharp u-turn – there was nothing but other people chasing each other and, out of all sudden, you felt tricked, standing in front of the dead end. You felt scared somehow.
You knew the truck had to be somewhere near you, but there was nothing, the doors of the buildings around you as locked as they had been before. And besides, the truck wouldn’t even fit through any of them.
“What the fuck..”, you murmured, not caring that you were interrupting the heated and breathless conversation that had been going on through the comm system.
You heard Yoongi trying to answer when another familiar voice filled the air with laughter. This time it wasn’t coming from the headset attached to your ear, it was louder and you figured it was coming from a speaker which soon proved itself to be true.
By the time you looked up you found yourself surrounded by Hoseok and Yoongi and it took you not even a mere second to recognize the person standing on top of the two-story parkade straight ahead.
You were damned for him to show up here, tonight, and recall everything you had buried under dozens of happy memories and work and assignments and plans and college courses. The last months you hadn’t even wasted a single second thinking about him, you were sure you were over it and, to be honest, you hated admitting that you got emotional right now when it was the literal worst time to get sentimental or caught up in thoughts, just because you saw certain brown eyes boring into yours.
They caused all the memories to come to your mind again. You remembered all the late night sessions where you stayed up late to help him with several assignments and presentations, and on your worst days you did miss him, indeed. It hit you at the most random moments; when you walked out of the house in the morning or when you saw a jeep, or when the midnight air crept through your window and nipsped at your cheeks. Whenever you listened to Cole’s songs you remembered everything he had told you, each and every detail and you wanted to rip off your head. He had never meant anything to you and you haven’t to him, either, you’d tell yourself – and it was the truth. Even though you were hurting when you thought about it, you missed it, but it always ended with you realizing how easy it was for the both of you to throw it all away because in the end, you didn’t care about the other at all, you just didn’t want to be alone.
That was what life was like in high school and you accepted it, yet still, seeing him reopened a door to your past and you hated getting flashbacks from things you didn’t want to remember.
“I see you’ve brought your personal guards. Didn’t know I was so difficult to take down.”, you said in an attempt not to show him he had the upper hand, your head nodding at the people standing on the pavement after they had realized they didn’t have to hide anymore.
You felt Jungkook’s and Jin’s presence behind you and your mind started to fill with relief on the one hand, worry on the other hand.
Chris, or Tej, his name in the business, looked at his henchmen and shook his head, faking a chuckle while anger started to fill your body, “nah, I could take you without wasting a single bullet. These”, he pointed at the assassins positioned on several rooftops, “are for your oh-so-beloved gang leader and the members that actually pose a threat.”
You snickered. “You’re just playing. Are you going to fight or do you want to spend the whole night talking shit?”
Yoongi took a step closer. “Y/N, I’m not saying we’re in danger but that’s exactly what I’m saying.”, he murmured.
“I know,”, you replied, “but I have to do this.”
Gun shots echoed from the walls as Tej shot into the night once, twice; looked at you threateningly. Immediately you felt the pearl handle of your gun in your palm, several clicks of other guns cocking audible behind you. Still hidden behind your back, your fingers curled around the trigger.
Once again, everything else was blocked out by your ears. You knew as soon as the five of you’d lift your weapons to shoot down as many fiends you possibly could, they’d open the fire, too, and more than a few lifes’d be ending soon.
You weren’t exaclty sure who drew his weapon first, but in a matter of seconds you found yourself among a crowd fighting like it was a matter of living and death – quite ironical since it indeed was. Yoongi was standing his ground in front of you. Jungkook hit one of their heads and you quickly looked away, firing your gun here and there as you did your best in helping Hoseok and Jin to keep the steadily raising number of enemies at bay. Luckily, Namjoon and Taehyung soon joined the 5 of you fighting, Jimin appearing out of nowhere taking out men from the top of an empty car. You shot another one into the leg but his companies charged so quickly that you soon found yourselves preferring the methods of a fist fight. A text example of a street fight, your brothe would have said if he were to take part in it.
Eight on you-didn’t-know-how-may was definitely not favorable, you decided as you slammed your fist into someone’s stomach, then looked around in trying to find Tej’s head in the midst of the brutal brawl, immediately regretting it as you earned a punch straight to your previously-injured shoulder and cried out in pain. Little did you know the wound had reopened as you gritted your teeth and blocked your attacker’s view with your hand, easily causing him to fall backwards, afterwards battering him with the handle of your gun.
Oh how much you hated fistfights.
They were way too personal, no doubt, you’d choose a gun over your fist anytime. You were tempted to run and just join Jimin on the car’s rooftop in taking them down smoothly from afar, just so no one important to you was exposed to danger anymore but you knew fully well that, for the next hours, you’d be living dangerously.
Just when you were about to help Namjoon fight off his two attackers a certain green fabric flashed in front of you and without a second glance you recognized the guy dressed in a green bomber as Chris, but that wasn’t exactly what stopped you from fighting.
It was rather the wired box he had left standing on the concrete and the small, almost invisible device in his hand, better known as detonator. Apparently you weren’t the only one who had noticed the approaching danger ‘cause just as you uttered a loud Oh, shit! thin fingers wrapped around your wrist. They were pulling you around the corner and down to the ground, a body promptly guarding you by embracing you close to its chest.
It was then that the detonator was being pressed, the detonation present in a dazzling flash, illuminating the dead end in red, white and yellow; a loud Bang!; the unmistakable, abominable stench of burned flesh and you felt your gastric acid raising in your throat. You wanted to vomit, to cry out loud, break something to cleanse your nostrils from the bloody smell, your hands from the blood covering them; but there was obviously no time for that in view of the hands that pulled you up. You finally recognized your savior as Yoongi when he shouted at you to run since you weren’t out of danger yet but his voice sounded distant, reverberating in your brain. It felt like you had been thrown into a well or something; yet still you followed his instructions, jumped to your feet and ran.
Your body was moving on its own, you yourself completely unable to do anything about it. Looking down to the ground, your red platforms connected and disconnected with the ground, not coming to a halt until Yoongi, who had been holding your hand the whole time, pushed you into a inconspicuous side  alley, sliding to the pavement right next to you.
For a minute or two neither of you spoke a word, the air filled with the sounds of two people catching their breath. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to speak, it was rather the fact that you were unable to, both due to shock and exhaustion. You wondered where you were, but there was no point in asking since you both had just ran and ran, without the slightest bit of a plan – which was fine with you, you had just needed to free your mind, yet you didn’t exactly feel lighter.
You let out a noise, a mixture of sighing, groaning and inhaling as you passed your hand over your forehead and turned to your right, opening your eyes to the sight of a battered Yoongi and you sat up straightaway, groaning with pain at the headache you were having.
“You look horrible.”, you managed to say, even though it was a rasping sound rather than a human sound. With shaky hands you reached up to cup his face, your hand tracing the outlines of several still bleeding scars and cuts on his cheeks.
“I could say the same.”, he whispered as he watched you reaching into your backpack for the first-aid-kit you had luckily taken with you, the backpack’s contents now displayed on the asphalt. He let you take care of his wounds and calmed down whenever your fingers touched his skin. The both of you were still panting and you did your best to ignore his hot breath against your collarbone as you reached behind him to adjust his jacket, afraid that he’d get sick given the fact that he was sweating and the air was not just a comfortable breeze.
Acting normal too, Yoongi let his gaze wander over the different items laying in front of him. A comparable huge amount of different ammo, spraypaint, a lighter, a knife, a map, a black hoodie, tissues…what caught his eye was a small, plain black journal, ‘YOUTH’ written on its cover with silver ink.
With you still patching him up he reached for it, palm brushing over the envelop previous to opening it, a small polaroid instantly falling out.
He turned it around, the caption reading oceans and without thinking about it, he confronted you. “Oceans?”, he asked.
You stopped in your action, letting go of his left wrist you had been wrapping up with band-aid. Your eyes fell upon the shiny, small image and you furiously shook your head, a little too fast.
“Rip it. Just – it’s nothing.”, you said, snatching the paper out of his hands and tore it apart.
The two of you were climbing over a fence, again. You had been strolling through alleys and streets and over railways for what seemed like ages, nothing relevant happening. Yes, there were a few not-so-pleasant encounters with people purging, however you were on the same page with not wanting to throw any more punches tonight, instead taking down each purger with one bullet, and one bullet only. You hadn’t talked much, pretty much due to the fact that neither of you felt like it. It wasn’t like you didn’t enjoy his company, though. You were relieved you weren’t out on your own and you were quite sure that he was the person you’d most likely choose as a companion tonight, just because…you couldn’t explain it, yet still you didn’t doubt your thought. So you both just walked next to each other in silence and you were fine with that, and, on top of that, you were partially doing it for the safety’s sake. Somewhere between two trains, one of them burning, and voices followed by gunshots you took his hand and never let go of it, not until he started to speak.
“What’s on your mind?”, he said, pushing branches out of his way.
“Huh?”, you murmured, snapping out of your trance to look around and see if he was talking to someone else until your realised that you were pretty much the only person he could’ve talked to, silently cursing you for your stupidity.
“I..”, you kicked a stone, “..don’t really know. Pretty much everything.”
He looked at you, an expectant facial expression prominent on his face, urging you to continue which you never did.
Sighing, he shook his head.
“Listen, I know I’m probably not the person you wanted to be with tonight –“
Oh, if only you knew, Min Yoongi.
“  - Don’t.”
He abruptly stopped walking when you cut him off. “What?”
You smiled, seeing as he was the stupid one now, copying his movements as you shook his head.
“I said don’t.”, you stopped breathing for a second, “’cause you weren’t telling the truth. I’m just worried about the others – you know, leaving them behind was not the right decision.”
You could literally see him rolling his eyes although you were looking to the ground.
“I’m sorry, it’s just that we would have died if we hadn’t done just that.”
“Yeah,”, you exhaled, “I know. But that doesn’t stop me from worrying about them.”
“They’ll be fine.”, he said, clearly avoiding eye contact.
“You’re saying that to convince yourself.”
The dry branches made a crunching sound when you stepped over them, then you turned left to get to a street where you’d – hopefully – find some kind of a vehicle.
“I simply don’t like the fact that we left them behind with him.”
“So I was right? I knew you knew that fight-obsessed oh-i-am-so-powerful freak.”
You were biting back a smile at the names he called him, “Yes, congratulations. But you were right, indeed, I used to know him, we were..friends?” It was more of a question than a statement, you realised after finishing.
“Well, back then he wasn’t as much of an asshole as he’s now, I guess.”
“You guess? I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t have befriended him if he was.”
“That’s a point.”, you nodded, then you fished the polaroid out of your pocket. You hadn’t thrown it away yet, you hadn’t had the heart to dispose it yet. Assembling the two shreds, you pulled out the old, rusty silver lighter Namjoon had gifted you at your accession to his gang.
“Funny how pictures never change but the people in them do.”, something in the back of your mind was telling you you had just quoted someone, but that didn’t matter right now, “But that’s just how it goes, you grow older and your best friend becomes your arch enemy.”
Yoongi let out an understanding sigh as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, checking the street before he led you through a hole in the fence that marked the end of the containment area you had been walking on in order not to come across some murderous purgers.  
“That was quite poetic.”, he chuckled, “still, it’s the truth. People erase you from their lives because they’re too damn lazy to try and work things out.”
It was then that you both stopped walking and you turned around to face him, making eye contact. There was no real reason behind your actions, but something within you made you take your time to study his face, and, most of all, his eyes.
They were the first thing you had ever noticed about him. The ones he hid under his hair or behind his glasses; he called boring, brown. He always wanted any color, any other pair of eyes except her own. At first you had found it strange, it was a fair contrast to his i-don’t-give-a-fuck attitude; but you soon learned that he cared more about others and their opinions than he’d ever admit. However, you loved them. You loved how they lit up when his brain produced another brilliant idea. When he laughed his happiness wouldn’t be prominent in a smile or a grin, you’d notice it in the way his eyes started to sparkle and dance.
You had stared into them and he had stared right back into yours, like you should have kissed and made love and laughed and hurt together so many times that you didn’t even bother to count it anymore, but you had chosen to stay friends instead. Both yours and his eyes had been glistening back then, yours in tears and his in anger at himself.
And just the same, they’d dull and blur and lose their joyful aura when he was being bothered by something. They were the only thing left of his dark and ugly past, they were hiding something and you were eager to find out just what exactly it was that he was trying so hard to forget.
You were wondering what in hell he must have witnessed that made him the person he was now, you wanted to know what made him so desperate and hopeless that he became responsible for the ugly, knife-shaped scar extending from his artery to his collarbone he made sure to curtain with whatever top or hoodie he was wearing. You had only seen it once, but that was enough for the question persistently floating around in your head.
What happened to him?
It wasn’t the question that bothered and stressed you, it was you being aware of the fact that you’d never be to find the answer. He wasn’t going to open up to anyone, you knew it.
And now you were looking into these very eyes as you took a step forward, his fingers still intertwined with yours. His eyes were overflooding with emotions, mostly dark and sad ones, but so were yours as you both looked at each other with what if’s and could have’s and hearts and souls full of regret. For a moment your gaze travelled down to his red lips, sore as he had been biting them all the time, but then you got a grip on yourself and pulled away, your fingers no longer filling the gaps between his as you, once again, pulled out the lighter, flicked it and watched as the polaroid caught fire, whirling to the ground.
“Geez,”, you breathed, stomping onto the leftovers, “should’ve done that long ago.”
When you turned to Yoongi, his eyes were dull again, no emotion visible, his facial expression empty once again. He didn’t speak a word other than “let’s go” after you had thrown all the other polaroids displaying Chris to where the first one was still smoldering, a small fire developing.
You only shook your head, staring right into the flames illuminating the night, drowning out his words. Everything you remembered was Chris telling you that “beautiful, you’re playing with fire” and you took that quite literally. He was the fire and if you get too close to the fire you’ll get hurt, that’s just how it is.
The smoke was burning in your eyes and stinging in your nose and soon you attempted to turn away and go, but apparently Yoongi bet you to it.
You remembered hearing a “What the fuck are you waiting for?!” that sounded distant in your head and a gun being fired right after. Your head was snapping up and through the smoke you made out a quartet consisting of men, all of their heads covered with – you actually screamed at that – clown masks. Then, a small, silver object – a bullet – was just barely missing your left thigh with a hiss.
It took another gunshot, this time brushing your jacket, which was – thank god – oversized, for you to finally snap out of your stone-like state. You were firing your gun before you even realised that you were reaching for it but it was obvious that you couldn’t beat them since you’d have to reach into your backpack for ammo – in your foolishness you hadn’t grabbed the sniper that was still securely tucked away in your backpack and, with a glance to your right your suspicion about Yoongi, too, having grabbed his handgun instead of something more powerful was confirmed. In any other situation you would have rolled your eyes, but this was dead serious – literally.
So you quickly decided to do what you were best at; you grabbed his wrist and ran. The fact that they were looking like clowns scared the hell out of you and you completely forgot to look where you were going, leaving the route up to Yoongi who stumbled as a bullet brushed his upper arm. In your rush you didn’t waste a second thought on it, suddenly changing your mind as you took the lead again, turning left, right, running down a street before you took a sharp turn into a smaller, barely visible alleyway.
You were about to slump down when suddenly, you were pushed back, the cold brick wall of the building behind you touching your back. Your reflex was to slap whomever was touching you right there and make a run for it but, hell, this was Yoongi pinning you to the wall, one hand at your iliac bone, the other one at your shoulder, his eyes reflecting anger and frustration, but most of all something you could only decipher as worry.
“Do not”, he stopped due to his heavy panting, “do that ever”, now he was licking his lips and all you could think was oh hell, min yoongi, you’re going to be the death of me, “ever again.”, he finished.
You almost thought he was pulling away when he came back with full force. And then, he was slamming his lips into yours in a desperate attempt to convey all he never said because there were simply no words for it and, to be fully honest, he succeeded in that mission. Right now, in this small, hopeless alleyway, Min Yoongi was giving you all you had ever hoped for, you were letting out all the emotions you had bottled up and tried to keep hidden in this one, literally breathtaking, kiss.
And honestly, you could have kissed him all day. You could have swept back his mint, thin and loose strands of his hair from his eyes and spent the hours that were left just like that. Perhaps it was because there was so, so much sadness and pain in his heart, but he kissed like he needed to be kissed, like he was aching all over, and you knew he was. And you were willing to lend him some kind of comfort as you cupped his face with both hands, deepening the kiss as you traced the prominent cheekbones of his.
That you were, in fact, all lovey-dovey instead of hiding on the Purge’s night didn’t seem to get through to you and neither of you stopped until your palm brushed against his elbow and a thick, dark liquid started to cover it.
“Oh my god”, you breathed, panting from both running and the kiss, pulling away. His left sleeve was blood-stained and you didn’t even bother listening to him when he told you that “Y/N, it’s nothing”, instead pushing him down to the floor, all the way while rummaging through your bag, grabbing what you’d need to patch him up.
“The bullet..”, you murmured quietly, repeating it louder when he didn’t answer, “Yoongi, is the bullet still stuck?”
He shook his head with a “No, it was just a graze shot” and you let out a long, relieved sigh because oh, you would have killed him if you had had to take the bullet out. You had done that once and, to be real, it was kind of the most disgusting thing you had ever done. Raking around in the wound was a necessarity and goodness, there was no way in hell anyone’d ever like to do that.
“We’ll have to praise god for our damn luck tonight.”
A deep, silent chuckle rumbled through his chest you were leaning on in order to be in a better angle and you stole a glance at his dark orbs, enjoying the sight of the stars they were reflecting – or his eyes simply consisted of stars, you couldn’t tell.
“I’d love seeing you do that without even being religious.” You groaned, forcing back a grin. “Oh, watch me. You’ll see.”
You dampened a compress with antiseptic and scrunched your face at the acrid smell that started to fill the air with the action of removing the bottle’s cap.
“This is going to hurt.”, you said guiltily, but Yoongi just shook his head.
“Just get it done and over with. And, if the pain’s too much to bear, I’ve still got the gun. You know, just in case.”
He grinned as you hissed and dared him never to make jokes about such serious things ever again. You had almost had an heartattack when you recognised the damage the bullet had done; like he said, it had only been a graze, still, he was losing a lot of blood to the point where you started to wonder how in hell he was still able to crack jokes like that.
Perhaps it was because he had already been going through so much pain that a bullet was just an annoying pain in the ass – nothing more, nothing less. You didn’t know. Still, he grabbed your jacket and stuffed the hem of his shirt between his lips in order not to scream. After all, you didn’t want to be found.
When you pressed the compress to the wound, he silently hissed and you truly felt sorry when you saw the pain filled expression on his face. However, you continued since you knew it’d be best to finish to fix him up as fast as you possibly could, wrapping another bandage around his arm, careful not to put too much pressure onto it.
As you visibly exhaled and turned around to stuff the things you had taken out back into your backpack, he caught your wrist and stopped you.
“No. Just –“, he never finished his sentence, he just opened his arms and right then you couldn’t help but willingly give in, letting go of whatever you were holding and wrapping your arms around his torso. While you were still seated on the pavement he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, so tight that you couldn’t escape even if you wanted to. You felt like some cliché girl in a cliché book the moment you breathed in and instead of inhaling air, you inhaled his scent. He wasn’t wearing his blackberry fragrance tonight, but still, despite the iron smell of his blood and the sweat there was something else that didn’t go unnoticed by you and, after a few moments, you became aware of the fact that what you were smelling right now was no cologne or perfume or shampoo, it was just him.
And godness, he smelled good. Like something wild and untamed yet angelic, like the ocean does when the waves crash onto the beach, but not those soft, gentle waves but the bigger ones. He smelled like rain on a hot summer night, like milk and honey when you couldn’t sleep at night, like a thunderstorm you were watching on a balcony. It didn’t made sense at all, but you couldn’t describe it any other way, so you just settled down with not trying to describe but enjoy it instead.
It was weird how his embrace made you feel like home, even though you had rarely hugged before. Your head fit into the crook of his neck better than it did into Chris’, your figures hugged each other more passionately, you were two magnets attracting each other.
His lips pressed against your scalp and you were feeling him smile as he did it, you were filled with a sudden warmth and triumph, for you knew then that he was yours. It was damn cheesy and you were cringing at your own self, but right now, that didn’t matter. And you loved him, and it was something that you had known somewhere within you all the way until now.
Why did you love him?
You didn’t have a set answer for that, but you guessed it was just how you felt around him, how he was never leaving your mind, the vibes he gave you and the laughs you got from talking to him. You loved that you knew him so well that you knew what he’d answer before he even said something, you loved his attitude, his looks, his eyes, freshly-added; you loved his scent, you loved the way he’d never fail to comment something sarcastic and you loved that beyond the cold guy, there was a guy caring for all the people he loved, but most of all, for you. And, as you sat there, a déjà vu from just hours earlier crossed your mind, where you had been sure that you’d never be to find out what he was hiding, that he’d never open up to you, but little did you know he was.
Tʜᴇ Eɴᴅ
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yoonseoksopebaby · 6 years
flora v. fauna - 1
florist!yoongi x veterinarian!reader
summary: you and yoongi didn't meet exactly on the best of terms, but you have to work things out for the sake of your best friend's wedding, so maybe you guys can become friends?
(a/n): hey guys! this is inspired off of the latest run episode and it was requested by my favorite army friends in the whole world. this one is for you babes. also this is definitely going to end up being a mini-series and i’ll get carried away.
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You cursed as you ran towards your job at the vet's clinic. It was already late and you had called your boss earlier that morning to tell her that you would be late. This day had been worse than worse. You slept through your alarm, spilled coffee on your favorite dress, and couldn't seem to get your hair to sit the way you wanted it to, so you ended up throwing it up in a bun in frustration. 
You threw open the doors with a loud bang and ran to punch in before taking a seat at your spot near the front desk. You were finishing up looking over today's schedule and loading it into the computer at record speed when someone opened the door. You glanced at the clock which only read 7:30 and you thought it strange that someone would be in this early, but it was a weird morning anyways.
“Hello, welcome to Kim Veterinary Clinic and Animal Hospital,” You recited with practiced ease, “How may I help you?”
“Hi, I’m looking for Kim Seokjin. Do you know where he might be?” The mysterious stranger asked in a quiet voice.
You pressed the button on the intercom that would ask for his presence at the front desk and smoothed your skirt quickly before standing. 
You looked at the man. He had blonde hair, a near shocking white. It was a color you’d only seen kpop idols dare to sport before, but it suited him nicely. He was dressed nearly head to toe in black, with tight jeans decorated with distressed rips across the thigh. He wore a colored t-shirt under a black hoodie, which read “Min Family Flowers” in swirling characters. 
Suddenly, it dawned on you that you were supposed to help your best friend pick out flowers for her wedding after work. You sighed and drummed your fingers in irritation directed towards the universe. The boy looked at you with a sharp stare and you couldn’t figure out why.
"Didn't your mother ever tell you it wasn't nice to stare?" He scoffed.
Suddenly in a moment of stupidity, you realized that it looked like you were irritated by his presence. You suddenly had an apologetic look about you.
“Oh, uh, sorry. That wasn’t directed towards you,” you managed to say through your mouth that had suddenly gone dry. You internally growled at whatever higher power was making sure you had the worst day of your life.
Luckily, Dr. Kim walked into the room, somewhat effectively breaking up the tension.
“Ah, morning Yoongi. See you’ve already met our bright and peppy secretary,” He laughed, and you smiled like you always do when he’s around because that’s your job.
“Bright isn’t exactly the word I would've picked,” He grumbled, loud enough to be coherent. You shot him a dirty glare.
The rest of the day flew by, as it always does, except for the fact that most of the morning, Yoongi was walking in and out of the front doors carrying various sizes of bouquets arranged in forms of colorful glass vases. It wouldn’t have bothered you so much, except for the fact that every time he walked in he looked at you like you were a raincloud that had ruined a big family picnic.
Great just another thing you need to go wrong. Of course, your anger appeared misplaced whenever he walked by and it looks like you were glaring at him. Every once in a while he'd snarl in retaliation, probably annoyed by your glares.
At least you got to see Jihyo later that day. Even though she spent a lot of time now with Jimin because they were planning a rather large wedding, you still saw her pretty often.  You could complain about your horrible day over smoothies somewhere, and maybe got over wedding cakes designs again or something.
When the clock struck five, you were out the minute you saw the other secretary walk in the door. You quickly grabbed your coat that you had hung up by the card puncher, and quickly walked out.
Jihyo was waiting for you outside a nearby cafe that had the best smoothies you’d ever tasted and immediately you went and ran to her. Even though it had only been maybe three days,  you couldn’t help but feel like it had been years.
She was glowing. She looked exactly like the brides that were always described in the movies. You had met Jimin plenty of times before, he was a nice guy and he was fun to hang out with.
“So tell me about the florist we’re going to see today.” You leaned onto the counter of the high top you were sitting at.
“He’s one of Jimin’s best friends. He’s the best man at the wedding. I’m excited to meet him.”
You and Jihyo walked hand and hand down towards the flower store, slowly finishing the rest of your smoothies.
When you arrived, the smell of pollen and fresh flowers filled the air, which brightened even the worst of days, in your opinion.
The little tinkling bell was a cheery greeting, and you saw a worker crouched behind the counter, fiddling with something under the counter.
"One moment, I'll be right with you."
Jihyo was easy to get sidetracked, dragging you over to the corner were some beautiful peonies were on display and caught her eye.
The worker closed the counter and walked over.
"Sorry ladies, what can I help you with?"
You turned around and found Yoongi, not the same as last time, wearing a smile and looking cheery. His face was painted with something confused when he saw you.
"It's you!"
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junker-town · 7 years
9 things we loved from the NFL’s Thanksgiving Day games
The Vikings had the most appropriate group celebration of the day, and a kid dressed like Ben McAdoo.
The NFL on Thanksgiving Day is a time-honored tradition. But we also understand if you were too wrapped up in family obligations to watch Thursday’s slate featuring Vikings vs. Lions, Chargers vs. Cowboys, and Giants vs. Washington.
So let us catch you up.
The Vikings put a damper on the Lions’ playoff hopes with a 30-23 win in the early game. It looked like Matthew Stafford might lead the Lions to one of his signature late-game comeback wins. But he threw a fourth-down interception on the Lions’ last possession, handing the win to Minnesota.
The other two games weren’t nearly as interesting. Dallas watched any chance of the postseason circle the drain in a 28-6 blowout loss at the hands of the Chargers. Philip Rivers racked up 434 passing yards and three touchdowns, while the entire Cowboys’ offense combined for 247 yards.
Then Washington beat the Giants in a 20-10 dud in the nation’s capital.
Here are the big moments you missed while you were eating turkey and spending time with your family on Thanksgiving Day.
The Vikings’ Thanksgiving dinner celebration
You probably sat down with your family to enjoy a lovely meal on Thanksgiving. Case Keenum didn’t want to wait until after the game to enjoy the holiday.
Keenum ran in a 9-yard touchdown in the first quarter. Then he had his teammates join him in the end zone for the most perfect celebration of the day.
The Vikings never disappoint with their celebrations, but this one may be their best of the season.
Kyle Rudolph had himself a day
The Vikings tight end only had four targets all day. He caught all four of them, and he took two of them in for touchdowns.
Rudolph racked up 56 of his 63 yards on a single touchdown drive. First Keenum hit him with a dime for 34 yards. And then he found him in the end zone to give the Vikings a 20-3 lead late in the second quarter.
ANOTHER ONE! It's @CaseKeenum7 to @KyleRudolph82 for the @Vikings TOUCHDOWN! #SKOL http://pic.twitter.com/rQ8WmgpGfm
— NFL (@NFL) November 23, 2017
You should feel bad for anyone who had Rudolph on their fantasy team’s bench. That probably put a damper on their Thanksgiving.
Everson Griffen requested help in naming his son
Vikings DE Everson Griffen’s son was born on Thanksgiving morning. While he had to go play a football game in Detroit, Griffen had a message requesting help:
.@EversonGriffen celebrated Thanksgiving with the birth of his son. Now he's wearing a shirt that says "I just had a baby boy. What should we name him?" http://pic.twitter.com/O5uu0DdOlr
— SB Nation (@SBNation) November 23, 2017
Griffen pulled up his jersey to reveal the question on his shirt after sacking Matthew Stafford. The sack and the newborn are certainly things to be thankful for, if you’re Griffen. That’s a good Thanksgiving.
Philip Rivers and Keenan Allen have the Chargers in the playoff hunt
The only team to ever make the playoffs under the current format after an 0-4 start were the 1992 Chargers. Twenty-five years later, the Chargers have a chance to repeat history and become the second.
A 28-6 demolition of the Cowboys was the fifth win in seven games for Los Angeles and bumped the team to 5-6. That puts the Chargers right in the thick of the race for an AFC Wild Card berth and in reach of the 6-4 Kansas City Chiefs, who are struggling right now.
The reason for the Chargers’ success has been the strong play of their defense and an explosive offense with Philip Rivers and Keenan Allen leading the way. Rivers finished with 434 yards and three touchdowns, and Allen made the Cowboys secondary look like children as he racked up 11 catches for 172 yards and a touchdown.
Oh no he didn't ... HE DID! @Keenan13Allen put the juke on, TWICE!#LACvsDAL http://pic.twitter.com/Q0YKpp1QNM
— NFL (@NFL) November 23, 2017
Up next for the Chargers are the Browns in Week 13, Washington in Week 14, and then a big AFC West matchup on the road against the Chiefs. Look out, the Chargers are coming.
The Chargers had to deal with an emergency kicker
It’s unfortunate that Nick Novak suffered a back injury early, but there’s something really fun about a team asking someone else to do such a specialized job. The Cowboys turned to a safety earlier this year when Dan Bailey got hurt, the Eagles turned to a linebacker to replace Jake Elliott last week, and the Chargers had to turn to a punter Thursday.
From a distance, that seems like a better situation than a defensive player, but nope. In warmups, punter Drew Kaser completely missed the kicking net.
That convinced the Chargers it was a good idea to just send a hobbled Novak back out, but he missed an extra point. So it was back to Kaser who made his first extra point, but missed the next two.
It probably would’ve been smart to just go for two if the emergency option is so unreliable. Not every team can be lucky enough to have a kicking defensive tackle like Ndamukong Suh.
Ben McAdoo kid made an appearance in Washington
Ben McAdoo Kid burst onto the scene last season when McAdoo was sporting a different haircut. On Thanksgiving, he made his return with an updated look, as well as a parter who was dressed like Giants OC Mike Sullivan:
fire these kids http://pic.twitter.com/OA1EZxl97N
— Mike Tunison (@xmasape) November 24, 2017
The real Ben McAdoo hasn’t been doing so hot lately, and even got the dreaded vote of confidence from ownership within the past two weeks. The Giants won last week, but came out flat in their 20-10 loss in Washington, and you have to think about how sad these two kids might be when the Giants likely clean house.
Vernon Davis reminded us of his love for SWEET POTATO YAMS
One of the internet’s favorite NFL videos every year since 2014 has been Vernon Davis saying his favorite Thanksgiving dish is “YAMS. SWEET POTATO YAMS.” He says it in a way that makes you watch it over and over again.
Fast forward to Thanksgiving 2017, and Davis reminded us of his favorite dish:
Vernon Davis staying true to his #brand. #HTTR http://pic.twitter.com/mbEvIK0AVB
— Sung Min Kim (@sung_minkim) November 24, 2017
It didn’t have the same zest as the first one did. But much like movies, the sequel is never as good as the original.
Also much like movies, it doesn’t mean we can’t geek out over it.
Matthew Stafford, Jason Witten, Eli Manning hit new milestones
Three different players reached new milestones on Thursday, all in losses.
First up, Matthew Stafford broke Tony Romo’s record for passing yards in Thanksgiving games.
In the second game, Jason Witten added to his Thanksgiving record collection by becoming the holiday’s all-time leader in receiving yards.
Then in the final game, the milestone was a little more ignominious: Eli Manning earned his 100th regular season loss as a starting quarterback. But there’s a silver lining for Manning. Not that many quarterbacks play long enough, or are durable enough, to find themselves on that list. And he still has more wins (110) than losses.
A happy Morgan Moses used turkey legs as drumsticks
After Washington secured its win, NBC rewarded the team with some turkey legs to celebrate. While Kirk Cousins and two other players were supposed to be showcased, other members of the team showed up.
That included Morgan Moses, who stole the show by taking a huge bite of one of the legs:
Turkey legs for everyone!!! #HappyThanksgiving @Redskins http://pic.twitter.com/bbCcvwNZ1f
— SNF on NBC (@SNFonNBC) November 24, 2017
Then, just as your parents would not like, he played with the food by using them as actual drumsticks:
Morgan Moses certainly had a happy Thanksgiving, and we hope you did too.
Thanksgiving scores
Vikings 30, Lions 23 (recap)
Chargers 28, Cowboys 6 (recap)
Washington 20, Giants 10 (recap)
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