#mp crime news
asleepinawell · 1 year
the real final boss of critically acclaimed mmorpg ffxiv is my cat who hits enrage when it's 30 minutes before her dinner time and I'm in group content
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indianfasttrack · 1 month
शराब गटकने के आरोप में चूहा गिरफ्तार
मध्यप्रदेश- क्या चुहे शराब पीते हैं? मध्य प्रदेश में तो पीते हैं। यहां एक चूहे को एक पुलिस स्टेशन में शराब की बोतलें खाली करने के आरोप में गिरफ्तार किया गया है। शराबी चूहे को अब अदालत के सामने पेश किया जाएगा! यह विचित्र घटना छिदवाड़ा जिले के एक पुलिस स्टेशन से प्रकाश में आई है। (Rat arrested for swallowing liquor) पुलिस ने प्लास्टिक की बोतलों में पैक अवैध शराब जब्त की थी और बोतलों को स्टोर रूम…
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rightnewshindi · 7 months
36 साल पुराने मामले में मुख्तार अंसारी को एमपी-एमएलए कोर्ट ने सुनाई अजीवन कारावास की सजा, दो लाख जुर्माना भी लगाया
36 साल पुराने मामले में मुख्तार अंसारी को एमपी-एमएलए कोर्ट ने सुनाई अजीवन कारावास की सजा, दो लाख जुर्माना भी लगाया
Uttar Pradesh News: बाहुबली नेता मुख्तार अंसारी को वाराणसी की MP-MLA कोर्ट ने आर्म्स एक्ट के मामले में सजा सुना दी है. कोर्ट ने माफिया मुख्तार को आजीवन कारावास की सजा सुनाई है, साथ ही दो लाख रुपये का जुर्माना भी लगाया है. कोर्ट ने बीते मंगलवार को ही अपना फैसला सुरक्षित रख लिया था जिसके बाद आज फैसला सुनाया गया है. 36 साल पुराने मामले में वाराणसी की अदालत ने फैसला सुनाया है. मंगलवार को फर्जी…
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coochiequeens · 8 months
What these freaks did to those kids is cruel and unusual.
Madagascar will surgically castrate paedophiles under new law approved by MPs it is revealed - days after Kazakhstan announced same plan
 A minister spoke in favour of the law saying: 'society must know what they did'
PUBLISHED: 14:29 EST, 7 February 2024 
Madagascar's parliament has approved a new law which will see paedophiles surgically castrated for their crimes.
The new law comes just days after Kazakhstan announced a similar law where the country's worst offending child sex offenders will have their genitals surgically removed. 
On February 2 Madagascar's parliament, The National Assembly, approved a law which legalised the castration of child rapists. 
The old law stated that those found guilty of raping a minor would face between five and 20 years of forced labour. 
However, this new law states that those found guilty of raping a child under ten-years-old will be surgically castrated and sentenced to life imprisonment. While if the victim is between ten and 13-years-old, they will instead be chemically castrated and face 15 to 20 years of forced labour. If the rapist is also a minor they will escape castration. 
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Madagascar's Minister of Justice Landy Randriamanantenasoa spoke in favour of the bill. She said: 'Society must know what they did and who they are'
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Ms Randriamanantenasoa has rebuked similar criticism about respect for human rights by saying Madagascar is a sovereign country. This comes after Amnesty criticised the bill 
Minister of Justice Landy Randriamanantenasoa spoke in favour of the bill. Le Quotidien, a French language newspaper, reported that Ms Randriamanantenasoa said: 'Society must know what they did and who they are.'  
The bill was proposed by the President of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina, last month and was one of his key campaign promises during his re-election bid last year. 
International organisations have criticised the new law. The BBC reports that in a statement, Tigere Chagutah, Amnesty's regional director for east and southern Africa, said: 'In Madagascar, rape cases remain under-reported, and perpetrators often go free due to the victims' and their families' fear of retaliation, stigmatisation, and a lack of trust in the judicial system.
'Implementing chemical and surgical castration, which constitutes cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, as a punishment for those found guilty of raping minors will not solve this and is inconsistent with Malagasy constitutional provisions against torture and other ill-treatment, as well as regional and international human rights standards.'
Ms Randriamanantenasoa has rebuked similar criticism about respect for human rights by saying Madagascar is a sovereign country.  
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The tighten of the law in Kazakhstan follows the death of Erkezhan Nurmakhan, five, who was lured to a paedophile's house after he offered her money for an ice cream
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Saidolim Gayibnazarov, 48, who had previous convictions, was sentenced to life in jail and chemical castration
Kazakhstan announced its own draft  law to remove paedophiles genitals on February 6 following complaints from MPs that the current law where paedophiles are chemically castrated was not deterring child sex offenders. 
The tighten of the law follows the death of Erkezhan Nurmakhan, five, who was lured to a paedophile's house after he offered her money for an ice cream.
Saidolim Gayibnazarov, 48, who had previous convictions, was sentenced to life in jail and chemical castration.
Deputy Interior Minister of Kazakhstan, Igor Lepikha, said surgical castration was 'controversial'.
'In terms of ethics and the human side of the issue it is very complicated indeed.
'Moreover, we speak about these criminals being locked up for life - so there is no point in [castration] then.'
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
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^ Macron did not enjoy us symbolically shutting him up by banging pans on Monday, and today for his official visit to a small town in the South of France, the Police Prefecture banned pots and pans from city streets. They might have realised it sounded insane, because they artfully phrased it as “passersby are banned from carrying portable sonorous devices” (‘dispositif sonore portatif’—here’s the prefectural decree:)
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I won’t blame you if you think that’s too dumb to believe, but TV news today really showed us cops in that town explaining to people that saucepans shall not pass, and old ladies grumbling as they relinquished the old pans they had planned on using for protesting. (My mum lives nearby and was devastated that she didn’t go. “I could have been fined for illegal possession of saucepan... a once-in-a-lifetime crime...”)
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(The caption says pans are being confiscated.) The lady on the left went through all five stages of grief at the thought of leaving her pan in police custody, from denial (“seriously?”) to bargaining (“can I keep my tin can?”) and anger (telling a cop “oh, go fuck yourself” on national television in a beautiful Southern accent) then finally, sadly walking away to leave her pan and can atop a pile of other confiscated kitchenware.
People trolled them so hard with the “portable sonorous device” thing that the police prefecture eventually responded that this never meant pans at all, and if police officers banned saucepans it’s because they didn’t understand the prefectural decree. (That meme of someone sweating in front of two buttons and it’s “we admit we issued a laughable (and illegal) decree” vs. “we imply cops have the reading comprehension of an oyster”...) (I tried to find a link for the prefecture spokesperson’s defensive statement but couldn’t find it again :( But I found another article from today saying protesters threw potatoes and eggs at gendarmes so it was a worthwhile google search.)
Here’s a tweet with a video:
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For a visit to a village of 4000 people, 600 cops were deployed to ensure Macron’s safety (from seditious kitchen utensils) (okay, and potatoes). Now we’ve got MPs raising philosophical questions like “Can you solve a democratic crisis by banning saucepans...?” and the Association for the Protection of Constitutional Freedoms saying the prefectural decree was illegal as it “seems to associate the act of participating in a saucepan concert with a terrorist threat.” I mean it’s outrageous but also you’ve got to laugh at the absurdist play we find ourselves in.
One last thing:
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^ The last sentence of Le Monde’s article summing up today’s presidential visit was: “Macron interacted at length with teachers, sitting in a circle around him on chairs hastily set up outside in the school’s playground”—because trade unionists shut off the power in the building Macron was visiting, for the second time this week, which is always funny.
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silicacid · 10 months
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MEMO Interviews: Will Brits fighting for Israel be charged with war crimes? MEMO speaks to British lawyer Ilora Choudhury about the legality of Britons going to fight with the Israeli army in Gaza, and whether they could be implicated in war crimes on their return to the UK. Choudhury, senior counsel at the International Campaign for Justice for Palestinians, sent a letter to the British Foreign Office requesting information on the numbers of British citizens currently fighting with Israel in Gaza, and whether they plan to issue legal guidance for those travelling to the Middle East to fight, like they did with Ukraine in 2022.
— Middle East Monitor (@MiddleEastMnt) November 29, 2023
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Jeremy Corbyn presses Foreign Minister on British troops in Gaza; minister avoids answer In a parliamentary exchange, UK MP Jeremy Corbyn raises a question about the presence of British soldiers on the ground in Gaza. UK Foreign Minister Leo Docherty avoids a direct response, saying Israel's objective is to defend itself against Hamas.
— Middle East Monitor (@MiddleEastMnt) December 6, 2023
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> be an anticommunist nationalist in early 20th century Ukraine SSR
> sign up with the Waffen SS when they come to liberate glorious Ukrainaj from the degenerates, communists, Russians, Jews, and Poles
> lose badly to the Red Army and move to Canada to escape justice
> live to the ripe old age of 98 in peace and comfort, thinking you've deftly escaped your mega war crimes past
> new proxy war breaks out between NATO and Russia that makes Ukrainian nationalism and WW2 revisionism in vogue
> get trotted out like a show pony by your clueless dipshit MP in a publicity stunt for Zelenskyy when he comes for a visit
> "hmm who is this guy who was fighting the Russians c. 1941"
> Get extradited to Poland for the war crimes
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submalevolentgrace · 2 months
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for pretty much my entire life we have been locking up refugees in UN-certified human-rights-violating "offshore detention" camps for the heinous crime of daring to try and flee from death and worse, often from wars-on-terror we've helped wage, and have very much done highly decorated war crimes in. we hold them in conditions so bad that war-fleeing refugees have sown their mouths shut, tried to starve themselves, even children trying to kill themselves to escape what we're doing to them. WE are doing. because in my boots on the ground activism days i tried to fight the government on this, and the fact is, the australian public on the whole doesn't give a shit about us torturing refugee kids, half the country is in support of it, so the government gets a free pass no matter which side is in power. from howard to rudd to gillard to rudd to abbott to turnbull to morison to albanese, we lock up and torture refugees. the UN anti-torture inspectors aren't allowed to visit. the camps are run by a private USA prison contractor now.
and it's not like we can't organise a protest! we'll barricade MP's offices because of something an ally-in-law country is doing that we condemn, but when the blood is on our hands we don't wanna know, don't wanna fight, don't wanna admit. and albanese gets up there and says those barricades have "crossed a line", "there's no place for violence like this in our democracy", he says. you know where there is an implicit place for violence, apparently? cops beating indigenous kids to death on camera, the australian people are fine with that apparently. happens all the time. better have a curfew so those kids don't get too rowdy about it!
oh and the CIA agents and US soldiers we welcomed here to supposedly defend us, they rape a bunch of women and children, mostly also indigenous? better get ASIO and the AFP to monitor the population for anti-american sentiment, local cops do it plenty too and we can't stand up to the USA, we're about to go to war with our biggest economic trading partner on their behalf, the troop buildup locations have already been announced! sweep it under the rug little aussies, scrub it from your memory, who cares about raped children anyway? not worth protesting, apparently.
we are right in the middle of the asia-pacific, with loosely speaking about a 5th of the population ethnically or culturally asian, and they are absolutely terrified of speaking out about how many hate crimes they suffer constantly, because the other 80% of the population is more culturally invested in american politics than the fact that labor considers pauline hanson an ally. i don't blame the 20% getting hatecrimed for being scared to speak up, i sure as fuck blame the rest of us for not protecting them, and for doing those hate crimes. "wE'rE a MuLtIcUlTuRaL sOcIeTy!! nO rAcIsM hErE!!", but we'll organise citywide marches in the middle of a pandemic if a black american kid gets killed over there, and then tell blak people they're spelling it wrong.
then we flood the region with our white-bleached propaganda and "culture", to control smaller governments and and lure the people of the region here for our economic benefit; the wealthy as fodder to fund the education complex, and the poor to work below-minimum-wage-slavery "jobs programs" on our great proud aussie battler family run farms.
it's all out in the open. the torture, the murder, the rape, the hate crimes, the technically-it's-legally-distinct-from-slavery, it's all known, all reported regularly on the news, endlessly, cyclically, every few months or years, for my whole life. fuck knows what else we're doing and i don't know about because pine gap prevents it from reaching english language news.
i know the internet zeitgeist really only cares about the single latest trending topic to happen, so you're wondering what that is to make me react enraged and ashamed; but it's everything. i haven't even scratched the surface, just ranting off the top of my head.
every day i carry the shame of what a disgusting violent colony nation this is; to the people who consider themselves australian, to the people here before the nation and their descendants, to the people surrounding us now. i carry the guilt of failure to stop it, and casual complicity of having given up the fight because i couldn't handle it. i think that's what most activists do here, give up in shame, because activists aren't fighting the government - we have one of the most free and open democracies in the world, and the spineless cowards in charge absolutely will do what the populace whims of them - activists here are fighting the cruel and apathetic average australian, who either don't care, or active condone it all. we have the blood of this country on our hands.
what has australia done now?
it's fucken wednesday, mates. nothing new.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
[CBC is Canadian State Funded Media]
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Wednesday senior bureaucrats are reviewing the Deschenes Commission report — a 1980s-era independent inquiry that looked at alleged Nazi war criminals in Canada — with an eye to making more of it public. Governor General Mary Simon also said today Rideau Hall is sorry for honouring Peter Savaryn — a former chancellor of the University of Alberta who served in the same Nazi unit as Yaroslav Hunka — with the Order of Canada [in 1987].[...]
The vice-regal office is also examining the Golden and Diamond Jubilee medals previously awarded to Savaryn, who also served as president of the Ukrainian World Congress, a group that represents the Ukrainian diaspora.[...] The first [part of the report], which included recommendations to make it easier to extradite war criminals, was released publicly. The second was marked secret and the names of alleged Nazis in Canada were never released. Jewish groups, including B'nai Brith and the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre (FSWC), have said the second part should be unredacted and disclosed publicly so that Canadians can learn more about the country's shameful history of admitting an untold number of Nazi collaborators after the Second World War.[...]
"There are top public servants looking very carefully into the issue, including digging into the archives," Trudeau told reporters. "We're going to make recommendations."
Reports suggest as many as 2,000 Ukrainian members of Hitler's Waffen-SS were admitted to Canada after the war — after some British prodding. The commission said the number is likely lower than that.[...]
Quebec Liberal MP Anthony Housefather said it's a delicate issue because the government doesn't want to "bring pain to a lot of Eastern European communities." Hunka, for example, has framed his war service as a fight for Ukrainian independence. The unit he fought for, the 1st Galician division, is also memorialized by Ukrainian expatriate groups at different sites across the country.[...]
The Deschenes report has also concluded that allegations of war crimes committed by this division have "never been substantiated."
That finding conflicts with what the post-war, Allies-led Nuremberg trials concluded about SS units like that one.[...]
"We have to recognize we have a horrible past with Nazi war criminals. We opened our country to people after the war in a way that made it easier to come if you were a Nazi than if you were a Jew," Housefather said.[...]
Conservative MP Melissa Lantsman, the party's deputy leader, said Canadians need to know more about the country's "dark history" of "letting Nazis through the door to live here in peace and security." Lantsman represents the Toronto-area riding of Thornhill, a riding with one of the country's largest Jewish communities. In an interview with CBC News, Lantsman said the party supports revisiting the Deschenes report and its findings in some way.[...]
Asked if it might be too painful for some communities to revisit alleged Second World War-era crimes, Lantsman said "history is painful but that doesn't mean we don't need to reckon with it."[...]
Quebec Conservative MP Gérard Deltell, Poilievre's environment critic, said Wednesday he's not open to revisiting the issue right now.[...]
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh said he supports releasing the commission's report.
4 Oct 23
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alcestas-sloboda · 7 months
I see so many reflections today from different people: someone woke up from the explosions, some from a phone call, some woke up and saw hundreds of notifications from different telegram channels. It is still so unimaginably bizarre. I have no ability to put into words the feeling of your world falling apart and we didn’t even understand half of the danger that was surrounding us. We were so damn close to disaster with half of Europe believing that nothing good will come out of it.
Ukrainians didn’t care what Europeans thought though, I personally saw news pieces about "Russia will take control of Kyiv" a lot later, somewhere in May, when Ukrainian military took control over the north of the country. And I’m so eternally grateful to every Ukrainian who made sure that all this "experts" sat in those flashy studios red from guilt. I’m grateful for my life, I’m grateful for our Ukraine. She persist. She is still the love of our lives. She’s hurt and devastated but she lives despite all the attempts to destroy her. Same as us. Somehow still here.
Yet I feel more detached from the western world than ever and I’m so fucking jealous of you all. It’s not even about the rockets or shakheds - somewhere along the lines you accept the fact that you may die in any moment - it’s about normal things like your Twitter feed that doesn’t look like a necrology, military terms that don’t make any sense to you, your city that doesn’t stop everyday to mourn the dead, you don’t feel guilty for trying to live a normal life while your classmate, who wanted to be a director, posts stories from the trenches. All of that and more. I’m not even entitled to my emotions because there always will be someone who says that my country is not suffering enough. I no longer react to comments like this as emotionally as I’ve done before but it is still so bizarre to see stuff like that from people whose countries have always been the one to inflict suffering on others.
I may sound mean or sarcastic or whatever but there is so much negativity inside of us that was put there by people like I’ve mentioned above that it is going to be released from time to time. "Your country shouldn’t exist", "Only 9 thousand killed", "You all are nazis/racist/zionists/any of the -ist terms" - yet you should always react in a constructive way because the moment you let your emotions go, you are the worst person on the planet. But who am I kidding, some people here do believe that we are. There is a thousand bad people with sketchy patches in a 40-million country and suddenly "That’s why I no longer support Ukraine". Well, honey, that means you never did. Because Syrian flags were quickly replaced with Ukrainian ones and just as quickly with Palestinian. It’s not about the "Support the oppressed", it’s "Anything to not feel guilty" because then you’ll find the reason to hate Palestinians, just as you did with us. If only you cared about the problematic shit happening in you country as much as you care about our political and social life.
But there are people who still are there for us. Countries that are still here. We may not say it as often but we are thankful. So very thankful for everything you’ve done and are doing for us. Thank you for hearing us and uplifting our voices.
Recently one of the most beautiful people here have lost her life defending me and you. She was always in my notes, always making sure that we didn’t feel uncomfortable even if she of all the people had all the right to be upfront about her thoughts and feelings. I don’t think I will ever get rid of the feeling of guilt. She was there while I wasn’t. She said to mourn her through anger. Anger towards the oppressor. Anger that should be directed into something useful: donations, sharing info, contacting your MPs and so on.
The soldier‘s death is not something out of ordinary during the war, it’s not considered a war crime but what if half of the army are civilians? Volunteers who left their homes to protect them. What if the soldier was a teacher, a poet, an actor, an IT-specialist, a scientist, what then? Isn’t it a tragedy? My country is loosing yet another generation of beautiful talented people and it makes my view of the future even darker.
But what can I say? I’m still here. My country still stands. Ukrainian air defence is doing everything possible and impossible to protect the lives of the civilians. Ukrainian military is still the only thing keeping us all alive. Heroes, titans, gods. Glory to them. Eternal glory to those who lost their lives defending Ukraine.
To Ukrainians: якось буде, прорвемся.
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fancyfeathers · 4 days
I was wondering this for a while, who would most likely desire a darling like Dazai but female out of the Moriarty brothers, also if you consider the light novels the mental abilities of Bsd verse far surpass the MP verse, so the character with Dazai's level of intellence and his persona.
Okay so I deep dived into reading about Dazai cause I am already a huge BSD fan (Paul Verlaine is the best character and I will fight someone on this) and while Dazai is undoubtedly a genius, he is not quite as smart as say William or Mycroft, he is probably in between Sherlock and William. If you set it in perspective he seems smarter because of the times the mangas/animes take place, Moriarty the Patriot taking place in the Victorian Era while Bungou Stray Dogs is set in modern day (2010s-2020s), so it makes sense how Dazai would seem smarter because he has access to quite a few more modern tools while William does not. There is also the fact that Dazai is written to be this smart mentor character rather than the main character so there is a mysterious feeling to him that adds to the genius appearance.
Anyway continuing on lol
Also for reference I’m going to be using more ADA Dazai for reference, like after all the stuff in the PM happened
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The answer is William, because it is pretty obvious that William has a thing for energetic genius detectives when you look at his interactions with Sherlock. He probably meets his darling when she gets hired via her detective agency to investigate a disappearance of one of his students or something similar, similar to what happened to Lucian, something that would also catch William’s attention. They would not talk, he would just see her out of the corner of his eye, walking about campus. Then when he looks into her and the disappearance he finds out that she is a detective from a well known agency who was hired to look into the disappearance by the family of the student. He did not even speak to her until the student was found and the case was closed, she found the student, but he was the one who put an end to the one who kidnapped them in the first place, the other making the other’s job even more difficult. He would play the role of worrying professor and thank her for saving his student, and drops the question…
“I wonder how you understand criminal activity so well? You found him so quickly, it is quite remarkable.”
He looked into her, digging as deep as he could to see if she would be an issue, similar to what he did with Sherlock. Sure to find out she was a detective with a high intelligence level with self sacrificing tendencies was easy, but it took a bit of help from Albert and perhaps asking Mycroft for a favor to find out about her past…
138 counts of conspiracy to murder…
312 counts of extortion…
625 counts of assorted fraud and other crime…
She was an executive of a criminal organization during her youth and now she deserted them to turn a new leaf. Honestly they are an enigma even to William, so he begins to keep tabs on her, having Moran or Bonde staking out near her agency and having one of them or Fred follow her when she breaks from her normal pattern of working at her agency’s office or going on certain cases. He will even find one of her colleagues whom she mentors and ask the young boy about her.
“Hm? You want to know about her, well she found me when I was kicked out of my orphanage, she is a bit of an odd one but she and the agency took me in when no one else would.”
Eventually he follows her himself one day when she is leaving work, but he certainly did not expect to find her visiting a grave. William pieces it together that she is one of the only people who visits this grave and takes care of it. She just turns over her shoulder to look at him with a smile.
“Hello Professor Moriarty, I was wondering when you were going to follow me yourself rather than having your colleagues do it.”
She knew he was following her this whole time and he sits with her at the grave in silence for a bit, waiting for her to say something, to explain what she is doing here and of course she catches on and answers before he even needs to ask.
“The person buried here was my first friend, when he died he encouraged me to do something meaningful and help other people instead of what I was doing. He wanted me to do something good with my life and so I left. I threw out everything I had before to do something meaningful, I know it will never make up for the wrongs I have done, but it is a start and well… I really do hope the wicked can change their ways because otherwise everything I have done has been in vain and I am a disgrace to the promise I have made to him.”
In a way her words may put the world in perspective to him but he cannot stop his plans to rid the world of the class system. Then again he now has a new found respect for her that he would not dare lay a hand on her, but that being said he cannot allow her to get in the way and if push comes to shove he will deal with her as necessary, but again he respects her too much to harm her…
Taking her in…
He looks at the good she has done and unlike the nobles he has killed she has actually tried to make amends for her actions.
She has made herself a new, taking what was once was wicked in her heart and making it pure…
Her heart is a reflection of what he wants to do to this horrible world.
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feckcops · 3 months
Starmer’s so-called “landslide victory” is built on sand
A deeply unpopular leader, Starmer has not secured the resounding endorsement his 412 seat tally would suggest, while record numbers of Green and independent MPs could pose a robust leftist challenge to Starmer’s Government ­– if they get organised
Keir Starmer, an ersatz Blair without a hint of his charisma or vision, is now Prime Minister, despite securing a vote share six percentage points lower than Jeremy Corbyn in 2017. These results expose the widespread disillusionment, if not outright resentment, towards both Labour and the Tories. Smaller parties and independents had a great showing, with shock wins for Greens and pro-Palestine independents, but also Farage's Reform Party (if indeed you can call a limited company with a CEO and no membership a party). However, a large minority of eligible voters chose not to vote at all, with turnout dropping to 60 percent. This matches the record low set in 2001, when everyone knew Blair was set to be re-elected on a landslide. In elections expected to produce a new government, turnout usually rises – but not so this time. Shockingly, Labour’s mantra of “false hope is worse than no hope” failed to inspire any hope for real change.
It is a damning indictment of our voting system that a party can win over two thirds of seats and celebrate a “landslide victory” after winning over just one in five eligible voters. (Out of the 60 percent who voted, Labour only won a third of the vote.) Thanks to our twee unwritten constitution, this technical win grants Keir Starmer the right to form an electoral dictatorship for the next five years. However, the results do offer some silver linings...
Corbyn won his seat as an independent with a 7,250 vote lead over Labour, after he was blocked from running as Labour’s candidate in Islington North, a seat he'd held for 40 years. Labour also lost Chingford and Woodford Green to Ian Duncan Smith, after Faiza Shaheen was similarly blocked by Labour on dubious grounds and continued her campaign as an independent – ultimately this helped IDS win with around 17,200 votes, compared to Faiza Shaheen and the Labour candidate who each got around 12,500 votes. Shadow cabinet minister Jonathon Ashworth lost his seat to a pro-Palestine independent, along with three other Labour MPs, while another pro-Palestine independent left prominent Terf and shadow health minister Wes Streeting clinging on by a thread. Israel's brutal escalation of its 75 year-long genocide in Palestine has not only dismayed Muslims and anti-Semites, as the media love to imply, but a diverse coalition of people united by their outrage at leading politicians excusing, if not actively cheerleading, such barbarity. These results prove there is an electoral cost for enabling rogue states to commit crimes against humanity.
Beyond the three largest parties, the balance of power in Parliament now lies with a socialist, environmentalist, pro-Palestine left. The Greens won all four of their target seats – not only in the young, urban constituencies of Brighton Pavilion and Bristol Central, but also in the rural, once solidly Tory constituencies of Waveney Valley and North Herefordshire – an achievement few really thought possible. (Greens and pro-Palestine independents also came second in a record number of constituencies, laying the ground for more gains next time.) Those four Green MPs, along with Corbyn and the other four pro-Palestine independents, make up nearly double Reform’s five MPs. As such, we will have a principled leftist grouping in Parliament, not beholden to the Labour whip, to hold Starmer to account.
There is hope the new pro-Palestine independents can put aside subtle philosophical differences and work together to offer a robust left opposition to Starmer. We could see Corbyn and other independents join the Green Party. This would be a strategic move; they could still reasonably claim to be independent voices for their constituents as Green MPs, as the Green Party does not whip its MPs like other parties. Meanwhile, they would benefit from this established party’s resources, networks and mass membership. The highly democratic structure of the party means, if they brought a lot of their voters with them, new Green MPs could even secure a change to any Green policies they disagreed with. As for socialist Labour MPs, we could even see some defect to the Greens now they've secured their seats, especially if Labour remains a deeply hostile environment for them. Defections from Labour seem unlikely at this stage, but they cannot be ruled out.
More than anything, we should take heed that our best chance of enacting real change lies in our communities, through grassroots organising and direct, solidaristic action. Green and pro-Palestine independents only won by rooting themselves in their communities, engaging with the voters they hoped to represent, and inspiring masses of people to join their campaigns. We cannot rely on career politicians, whose class interests are diametrically opposed to ours, to protect us and our interests.
There's more to politics than elections, which only come around every few years and, all too often, seem to yield no real change. Real progress does not come from above. It is not gifted to us by the powers on high. It is fought for, from the ground up. In the words of Frederick Douglass, power concedes nothing without a demand. We must keep faith, keep fighting and keep organising. This election shows us that hard work can bear fruit. We know a better world is possible, but we won't achieve it by just voting. It’s on us to bring it about.
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ukrfeminism · 7 months
Non-contact sex offences must be punished more harshly because flashers and voyeurs can turn into rapists, the mother of murdered student Libby Squire has said.
Libby, 21, was abducted, raped and murdered while walking home from a club in Hull in 2019.
Her killer, Pawel Relowicz, had committed other sexual crimes in the city's student area, watching young women through windows and breaking into their homes to steal intimate items.
Libby's mother, Lisa, told Sky News' The UK Tonight With Sarah-Jane Mee there was "quite clearly an escalation from the lower sort of crimes, right up until the weekend before he killed her, where he had escalated quite significantly".
Relowicz exposed himself to Libby just weeks before killing her, Mrs Squire believes.
She is now urging women to report non-contact offences, because that is the "only way we can spot them".
"Reporting is a massive part of it," she said. "And actually then taking action - the police taking action."
'Normal men don't do these things'
Mrs Squire added: "You're not making something out of nothing. It's not normal behaviour. Normal men don't do these things.
"It really is a big deal - the term lower-level sex offences diminishes it. They are sex offences. We need to completely change the way we look at these things and our attitudes towards them."
Speaking to MPs, Mrs Squire said sentencing needs to be harsher.
"It's a slap on the wrist for the majority of people if they're caught," she said. "It needs to be taken as the really serious offence it is.
"A short sharp slap is not going to work."
'I don't think he should ever get out of prison'
Mrs Squire told Sky News her daughter's killer, who was given a minimum term of 27 years, should never get out of prison.
"Originally, I wasn't really bothered about the sentence," she said. "That's definitely changed now. I don't think he should ever get out of prison.
"When he comes out, he'll be in his early fifties. He'll have the chance to travel, to maybe marry again, to have children, to have a job.
"He can do all those things that Libby never had the chance to do.
"Everybody knows you don't kill. You don't do that. So if you do that to me, you should then forfeit your life by spending the rest of it in prison."
Mrs Squire also believes that Relowicz may offend again, if and when he is released - after being incarcerated with other sex offenders.
"His life will be all about sex offences and I can't see any reason why he wouldn't come out and re-offend," she said.
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massispost · 5 months
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New Post has been published on https://massispost.com/2024/04/armenia-to-officially-designate-august-3-as-day-of-commemoration-of-yezidi-genocide/
Armenia to Officially Designate August 3 as Day of Commemoration of Yezidi Genocide
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YEREVAN — The Armenian Parliament voted today to designate August 3 as the official commemoration day for the victims of Yezidi Genocide. The bill submitted by ethnic Yezidi MP Rustam Bakoyan from the Ruling Civil Contract Party passed the first reading with 88 votes in favor, and is expected to pass the second reading to be held within 24 hours. Armenia will thus become the first country after Iraq to enshrine this in a law. “Genocide is a crime against humanity, and it is the biggest crime. This is a direct result and a direct consequence of incorrect and improper…
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
by Lyn Julius
The results of the British Jewish election are in: a landslide victory for the Labour party. Will it be good for the Jews?
The Jewish vote will have reflected the national trend of a swing to Labour, but many Jews remain seriously concerned over resurgent antisemitism. They remain skeptical about new prime minister Sir Keir Starmer’s reassurances that Jeremy Corbyn’s far left antisemitism has been expunged from the party. And, they ask, will a Labour government take a robust enough stand against antisemitism?
A global tsunami of antisemitism without precedent smashed into the Diaspora in the wake of the October 7 Hamas attacks; the link between antisemitism and anti-Zionism has never been clearer.  Hostility to Israel has translated into intimidation and  brutality against ordinary Jews and their property in London and Paris, Los Angeles and Montreal.
While the pro-Israel Conservatives did not always put their money where their mouth was – and the last foreign secretary, Lord Cameron, shocked many with his moral equivalence over Israel’s war on Hamas — the Conservatives’ fall from power means that UK’s 300,000 Jews have lost the most pro-Israel government they could have hoped for. Labour’s policy on the Middle East is ambivalent at best. The Greens are unabashedly pro-Palestinian and the Liberal party are equivocal, if not anti-Israel.  The Reform party have their fair share of antisemitic conspiracy nutjobs. Although ‘Gaza George’ Galloway has lost his seat, Jewish hearts will also sink at the news that four independent MPs were elected on a pro-Gaza ticket.
‘A pro-Gaza ticket’  is doublespeak for the demand for Israel to surrender unconditionally to Hamas, to be pilloried in the international courts for alleged ‘war crimes’ and to suffer political and economic boycotts and strangulation. The pro-Gaza lobby do not want a ‘two-state solution,’ they want Israel gone.
How has it come to this – that whole swathes of public opinion believe that the Jews are to blame for October 7, that Israel’s war against Hamas is unjust and and that Palestinian terror groups – in reality proxies for Iranian aggression and imperialism – are the aggrieved party? The role of the media in misleading public opinion by omitting essential context and amplifying blood libels cannot be underestimated.
The lie, peddled over decades by Western pundits and academics wracked by post-colonial guilt,  that Israelis are ‘white settler colonialists,’ is probably the most egregious. Tens of thousands of young people have been swayed by this inversion of the truth. Not only are Jews an indigenous people of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)  with a right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland, but they predate Islam and the Arab conquest in the wider Middle East by 1,000 years or more.  Even Jews from Europe and the US were traditionally treated as outsiders. They have incontrovertible  cultural, linguistic and genetic links with the Middle East. Crucially, over half the Jewish population of Israel are refugees from Arab countries or their descendants. Ninety-nine percent have been driven from the Middle East and North Africa by mob violence and state-sanctioned persecution –  in greater numbers than Palestinian refugees from Israel.
How many politicians taking their seats in the new Parliament will have heard of  the 850,000 Jewish refugees from Arab countries? How many will be aware of the abuse of their human rights? Apart from a handful of MPs representing ‘Jewish’ constituencies –  none.
In order to challenge ignorance and entrenched misconceptions, we need to launch a massive, pro-active, education campaign about Jewish refugees from Arab countries. The largest act of ethnic cleansing in the Israel-Arab conflict took place not against Palestinians, but Jews. Hamas just wants to finish the job by eradicating our last redoubt in Israel.
We urgently need to reframe the terms of the debate.
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silicacid · 9 months
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French MP Thomas Porte demands that French nationals fighting with the Isreali occupation forces must be referred to justice on charges of committing war crimes in Gaza. According to the French website Europe 1, there are more than 4,000 French people fighting in Gaza. It is noteworthy that the nationality law in France stipulates that a holder of French nationality may not work for an army of a foreign country, and if he does so, his nationality will be withdrawn immediately. — Quds News Network (@QudsNen) December 16, 2023
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