#mpo mob
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bloomingru · 2 years
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Saw the original (bottom) and just HAD to do a SeriRei redraw. :) Original manga panel is from:  Do Chokkyuu Kareshi x Kanojo!
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gofancyninjaworld · 2 years
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Art for Mob Psycho 100 Season 3 Episode 6
Link: https://twitter.com/ONE_rakugaki/status/1590352399289716736
“Please watch it,” ONE says.
I think it’s very good advice!
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llycaons · 1 year
like in my mind mp100 is nearly perfect but marred by ugly jokes and occasionally awkward scenes/tonal shifts so it's like a 9.6 for me. meanwhile dungeon meshi is so impeccably crafted I don't think I could give it anything besides a 10/10 even though I'm not really a huge personal fan of the stakes the finale ended up having. it feels like...just because I wasn't a huge fan of that type of storytelling it was still a cohesive work of art that functioned exactly as the creator intended to and it was still a really great experience from the very beginning to the very end. as near to perfect as any piece of media crafted by the human mind can get
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twimshi · 2 years
Reigen x Platonic!Reader
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a/n: YN has trouble with her co-workers and goes to a seminar recommended by a friend.
YN decides to attend the weekend slot for the seminar.
(hEY HEY !! I thought about dipping my toes in tumbler just to self-promote my fic teehee because of the end of MPO and the fear of the fandom dying T^T Anyhow my fic has about 13 chapters which is about 80k words as of now. It is far from complete but also is complete? Well, the side arc is done but I marked it as complete because it can be seen as complete !! I think its worth checking out and uhm yeah !!)
Also this is chapter 12 of the fic, I just posted this chapter here because its less plot focused and more adult shaninigans.
Reigen’s presentation was not what YN expected, it was a sparkly Hello kitty-themed.
With dramatic music.
Was this why it was free?
“Number one the thing you need to do to increase productivity in a workplace filled with lazy slugs! A presentation by me” Mob dimes the light as his Shishou starts stating the sponsors for the presentation which makes YN tilt her head with disbelief at him.
The slideshow begins with a drawing of an otaku holding a body pillow that looks straight out of Wikipedia “This young lad has a problem with gaming and seems to be addicted which prevents him from doing work. What would you do?” Reigen stares at the audience which was a total of one since YN was the only one there.
He flamboyantly points at her “Ah YN! You want to answer?”
She turns around suddenly feeling like she was in class again “Me?”
“Yes, you! Now, what would you do?”
“Tell them to uh…..stop?”
Reigen stalks her chair for a moment then turns screaming “Wrong!”
“Confiscate the electro-”
“Once again you are mistaken mesmosele. Mob next slide”
The next slide is a gif of a grim-reaper taking a selfie with someone “You gotta show your enthusiasm to work, even if you feel like death!” Reigen signaled Mob to come near him “Mob, slap me”
“Shi-shishou what?”
“Nevermind” Reigen slams himself on the wall, YN thinks there's blood on the wall now “Always SHOW YOUR ENTHUSIASM” She gets up immediately and hands him a tissue to wipe his nose with, he takes it and grins “Do you agree with that?”
“Uhm? ye-”
“WR-WR-WRONG AGAIN!” He sounds like a wrestling moderator now.
“Shishou please sit down-”   
“Never take shit from anyone!" He makes an 'X' sign with his hands "No matter what, show that you're the boss. As you saw just now, Mob didn't slap me because he takes himself seriously and knows his boundaries!” Mob just nods his head blushing.
He does a mini spin and there's now a disco ball? He throws around edible confetti which he strangely kept clarifying with her, she thinks it's probably from one of his sponsors because he is now shoving a bag of skittles in her hand.
YN thinks of how absurd this is yet, she finds some weird type of comfort. 
Was she ever going to use this information?
Probably not.
Was it entertaining?
It might have been one of the best things she has ever seen in a while.
Even almost beating that one time she witnessed an old man cheat on his wife in the park, that was pure cinema - but this was pretty close to topping it.
YN stares at her paperwork and the old man “YN please you've got to do something about the elevator”
She takes in a breath and smiles, something she learned at the seminar “Yes Suki, I've already informed you that it's already fixed”
“It is not just that YN! It keeps making weird noises and-and I keep hearing this gentle whisper…IT'S FREAKING ME OUT! Do something about it!”
“That might be your hearing aid, even I can hear it”
“What's all this fuss about?”
Suki then berates the boss about the weird sounds along with some of the other employees, even Mika “Even you?”
“I dunno? I just saw people crowding the boss and wanted to join” This was the only time YN relates to Mika. 
He turns to YN raising his non-existent brow, the boss was bald “Sir, I’ve already called maintenance, and it all fixed, the noise is probably from how old it is, we would have to use our entire funds to fix-”
“Mrs.LN meet me in my office” 
Everyone stills.
YN just says a small yes in acknowledgment and pushes her hair back “Y-YN I'm so sorry I didn't mean to cause you so much trouble” YN knows there was no point taking it out on an old man and just nods and bites her tongue until it bleeds and proceeds to the room.
“LN, what’s the problem?”
She pulls out her files “He’s complained about the elevator even though I told him that it's just the screws making the noises, I already called the company who fixed the elevator, and like I said before, they said it can't be fixed unless we do a full-”
“Whoa whoa, why so serious?” The boss chuckles nervously.
“I just called you here so they all can shut up, want a mint?” YN accepts “They said they think it's haunted right? Its been a running trend in this stupid country”
“Yes, he says he hears whispers”
“So call an exorcist, it's cheaper anyways”
“You're serious?”
“Why would I not be, I'm always serious” He spins his chair “YN as assistant manager, you need to ensure everything is up and running, do I make myself clear”
The scissors on the desk look sharp enough to cut her neck. 
YN hates everything, stupid job.
Stupid people.
Cute puppy cat……She named him Sherman…
He’s been such a brat lately, he takes up the entire bed. Whenever YN moves him to his DIY bed she made from drifted shirts, he always ended up sleeping on her face which always gave her a rash in the morning.
YN watches a Youtube video on how to make a healthy cheap meal for Sherman, Tuna, and rice were fairly cheap and tasty. Though Sherman likes wasabi for….an unknown reason…but also enjoys the helping of daffodils.
She wonders if she could sell the creature for science.
“Sherman don't jump on the table- SHERMAN DON'T SCRATCH MY BAG AND RIP MY PAPERS!” The puppy-cat was already inside her bag, YN sighs in relief when the cat-dog walks away, her paper was still in its file.
The relief is cut short when he starts barking, YN runs to shut him up, animals weren't allowed “I swear to god if you don’t shut up I will starve you…..” She sees Sherman clawing on a flyer that she picked up.
It was Reigen’s flier.
YN forgot that Reigne ran an exorcism company, she still thinks it's fake but calls him anyways when she flips the flyer with the payment - which was cheaper than the other exorcist she tried to find around the city.
Like really cheap.
So cheap it made her skeptical for a moment.
But it did say he was certified on the back at least, shouldn't that information be on the front instead of the back....
She dials the number “Spirits and such with consultations! I’m sorry but we’re about to close but you can call tomorrow!”
“Oh sorry, I’ll give the number a call tomorrow-”
She thinks Reigen might have coughed and burped from what she can assume is shock “Y-YN?! W-wait why are you calling this number, how did you get the number”
“I mean I got a flyer….you are an exorcist or something”
“Oh yeah,” She hears some shuffling “Completely forgot, wait you said, exorcist?”
“About that, apparently my office is having some issue with the elevator being haunted or something… even if I don't believe it ….I think it would be better if you checked it out, I checked your website and it said you're certified?”
“Of course, I'm certified” Reigen proudly says “Do you want to book an appointment?”
“I thought you were closing? I don't mind calling tomorrow”
“Nah it's fine, I have my pen out anyways. So what day and time”
YN meets Reigen at a train station, which was a bonus since Reigens stop was a few steps away from her workplace.
She spots him and waves him down “I wanted to say thanks again for helping me last minute”
“No worries, it is my job anyways” 
“Speaking of, why is mob here? You babysitting him?”
“Morning Mrs.LN” “I’m actually working with Shishou”
“Wait….your working for him?” YN can’t even hide her shock, it is a little shocking for a high schooler to work with a grown man for exorcism. She wonders if she should just distance herself from the whole situation but realizes it's none of her business.
They enter the crowded train and YN is still experiencing some type of shock, was Reigen exploiting this kid? I mean she knows he would never, would he? “Mrs.LN your face is making a strange face. Are you hungry? Here have my onigiri”
YN didn't realize she was making a face that resembled a squashed cartoon character until she starred at her own reflections on the glass “O-oh, thank you Mob but I don't think eating on the train is allowed, maybe later” 
“Of course! My brother Ritsu made these on his own, I tried some when he wasn't looking and it really is amazing” YN had to cover her eyes from how bright the boy was glowing.
“I actually was about to decline you, but free foo- I mean the way you described the food sounds good”
Mob swats away something with a cloud of green dust “..she…not…pig” Was all YN heard before Mob see’s her staring at him strangely the snaps his finger “Sorry sometimes I just talk to myself”
“I do that sometimes so don't worry” Reigen watches the interaction as he is squashed between two sumo wrestlers.  
As they reach the building YN warns them about the unpleasant smell which they both dismiss at first saying they could handle it until they actually reached the building. YN thinks Mob is holding it pretty well, gagging a little.
Reigen on the other hand was full-on gagging, needing to lean on a nearby tree for stability.
YN hands the two a tissue that has been infused with peppermint knowing this might happen “Mrs. LN do you want my tissue? I think I can still stand the smell”
“No worries Mob, people who work here like me have gotten used to the smell” YN lightly reassures him.
“Question” Reigen asks raising a hand.
“Do you still have your sense of smell after working here?”
A rude but reasonable question “I suffice, now here's the elevator”
They all enter the tiny box “Work doesn't start till nine-thirty and all the elderly people are already upstairs since they do taichi and come here early on a Thursday, so we have the whole thing to ourselves”
Mob inhales on the tissue more.
YN looks and him and feels sorry for making him tag along “Hey kid, I don't mind if you weren't here and I'm sure he won't mind”
“It's okay Mrs. LN I can handle it” she just nods at the boy and looks at Reigen “You said there was a ringing noise?”
“Yup, but its probably from the rust, since the elevator is so old”
“Hmm…I don't sense anything actually. There are no spirits”
Mob crouches and touches the floor “Actually Shishou I do feel something from the lower floor”
“-From this floor at least” Reigen saves himself, luckily YN did catch on “We should go downstairs”
“Well there are only two floors”
“No” Mob suddenly says seriously looking around “Mrs.LN, me and Shishou can handle it from here so you can step out”
“Wait am I that heavy, gosh I thought-” YN teases.
“N-no t-that's n-not w-w-w-” Mob was short-circuiting which had YN giggle in nostalgia.
He was saved by Reigen who stroked his hair gently “There there Mob, she knows what you mean. Would you explain it to her….and me” He whispered the last part.
“I can't tell how dangerous this will be since we're dealing with an older spirit. I don't want Mrs.LN to get hurt”
What on earth were the two going to do? “Hurt? I thought you were going to just exorcise a spirit”
“Oh he is definitely going to”
Mob nods his head “Yes, I sense something below. Something weak, as I said, it's an old spirit. If they feel like they're in danger they can be dangerous, it's like that time when Shishou and I went to a farm to exorcise another spirit” He explains like it's a fact.
When YN knows that it is clearly not “Listen, I think…I can be late let me text the boss that this might take some time. Seriously, guys, I know what you're doing here, the little thing that's going on. Don't have to lie to me to just ‘sell’ the act”
Reigen falters “Sell the act? You might be mistaken, there is no act being done. There is an actual spirit. Right Mob?”
“No seriously Reigen, I could not care less about how you're making money, I'm just saying you can relax, you guys are still getting paid, no need to get worked up over it”
“I am not worked up, you called us in for a job and you are disrespecting me. Mob, how far down is the spirit”
“S-Seven floors…down” He whispers suddenly feeling overwhelmed with the situation.
She senses Mobs discomfort and yields.
“My bad, I'm sorry I disrespected you like that” YN bows her head “I don't mind being late to work, I’ll watch your little exorcism, I don't mind getting roughed up”
Reigen places his hand around his neck “It's fine…You sure about it?”
“Positive, I might even be able to skip work if I get hurt so it's a win-win scenario for me”
Mob looks back at his shishou for approval which he nods at and gives him a smug face “Let's do this then”
YN decides to play along “So how are you going to do this, there are only two actual bottom floors in the building and you said six?”
Mob inspects the elevator “Yes, the remaining floors have been abandoned, which is probably where the spirit roams at” 
“Okay….but how are we even going to go down the buttons don't even go that low”
Reigen has a shit-faced grin on his face when he sees the girl have a confused expression on her face “Watch and see”
“Please hold onto the railing Shishou and Mrs. YN” Reigen braces himself on the wall and looks at the confused YN expecting her to do the same “You heard the boy”
“What do you-” The girl lost her balance, the pressure of the elevator going down makes her fall to her knees, Reigen grabs one of her arms for stability which she accepts still on the floor as she clings on it for dear life.
It stops abruptly “We’re here, sorry for the bumpy ride”
How did he even? Must have been some wiring that she didn't know about.
The place smells like upstairs but ten times worse, it reminds YN of how she felt when she just joined the firm, she wraps the scarf she had in her bag around her mouth “God what is that damn smell, I'm going to pass out”
“Please don't faint Mrs.LN, I really didn't want to get you hurt” 
“Don't worry your little face mobbu-Mob, sorry that slipped out”
“Reigen flips out his phone as a flashlight “He likes that name, he's even blushing right now let's move on, I think I saw a tail”
“Tail?!” YN shouts, a tail could mean an animal.
An animal living down here should be impossible.
Said animal would and will be dangerous.
“Shhh we don't want it to know that we’re here,” YN thinks back on her life and regrets not staying in the office “It's over there Shishou, it's strong but I’ll be able to handle it. You can just wait here” Mob then walks in a straight line forward, slowly disappearing as the light fades.
YN watches as Mob ventures deeper while Reigen just plays Candy Crush “Are you not going to go after him?”
“The kid says he can handle it, he can handle it, Plus he said this a relatively weak spirit and told me to just wait”
“There might be an animal there that might hurt him, do you not care?”
“Relax, we can go after him if you're so worried” 
They both make their way forward, which was basically the only way.
The hallway is dark and the air is thick, she never knew that the lower floor was even a thing until today even after working here for years. 
Then she feels it, she feels pushed back by a force it knocks her back slightly.
That slightly shocked her enough to yell out mobs name “Mob! Mob! Hey, you don't have to do this job, I’ll just grab some salt and throw it around and even pay you guys! Mob!” She shouts as she sees him putting out his hands like he’s casting a spell “Reigen, REIGEN! Get your ass here!” She hears the shuffling as she clings on the slimy wall not caring if it kicks her.
The air feels heavier when she sees his Mob's stance change like he’s pushing something heavy, how much did they pay for a special effects team? She thinks she’s dreaming when there's a colorful blue-ish hue surrounding an unknown object. 
There's a clang and a bang. YN can't see much due to the darkness but suddenly something illuminates and she sees it.
Then she has to blink.
Mob is floating in the air.
He floats with such grace, and the light around him glows a little brighter along with some shapes. It's strange how YN is almost in a trance for it, stepping closer to see it better.
She isn't proud to say but she was quite captured by the fact that the schoolboy was floating.
She was not so captured when he had been flung into her direction which resulted in her and Reigen who was right behind YN thumping on the floor “Mob immediately gets up and checks on YN who looked pretty dazed at the fact she’s been knocked back so hard and Reigen who looked pretty pissed - not at Mob, but the spirit.
Mob walks menacing slowly to the ‘Thing’
Spreading out his arms and YN thinks she sees his hair float.
“Y-YN? Are you okay? Are you hurt-”
All she can think about is how Mob was doing She feels dizzy but tries to keep steady “Get Mob out of here! What's even happening? I think I just saw him float!” her words slur slightly from the impact, Reigen kinda help softened the blow.
YN lifts herself up, giving a hand to Reigen to help him get up “I know this is the last thing you want to hear but, Mob has this and he is a psychic”
Before she can say anything else the smell of the room lessens, it feels clean and less like dead birds.
“Mrs.Y-YN? Are you hurt?! Shishou?!” Mob walks out from the smoke seemingly unharmed other than his hair is in a mess.
YN doesn't know this boy all too much.
But she would die for him.
She runs up to him and checks for wounds which consisted of a scratch on his leg which was blue, she can only assume it was painted but there was no paint around - or maybe it was from before and she didn't notice.
The injury looks familiar.
“YN Mob, you can call me YN” She hugs him like he’s going to disappear, then let's go “S-sorry for hugging you suddenly, It's probably the adrenaline”
“It's alright Mrs- YN, I don't mind hugs. I’m alright, the spirit was a little stronger than I expected but gave up really fast when I lost control a little”
She has no idea what all of this means but just nods dragging both of the boys the ‘elevator’ that she will never use again.
“See, told you he had this under control” Under what circumstances is was this under control at all “Mob you alright? I’ll treat you for some ramen…”
YN places one hand on her hip and one on her face trying to get rid of the headache forming “I have so many things to say...But my head really does hurt so I’ll say one”
Reigen anticipates an insult or a complaint and readies a reply.
“That was so cool”
Mob blushes.
Reigen wants to grin and say something smart, but can't so he just mutters a little “I know” as Mob brings them up, this time with less force since it was going up. 
“Uhm, you guys can wait outside while I go grab my checkbook…and probably go ask my boss for a day off”
The boss's eyeballs were popping from his skull, he has tried for years to get rid of the smell “Holy shit, did the exorcism company clean the elevator?” even investing in a cleaning company years ago but it never worked.
“No, but they did actually get rid of the ghost”
“Psh get rid of the ghost, anyways I can always trust you to fix things” He signs the check and hands it to YN “Actually, you don't look so good”
“The exorcism was pretty intense and I feel pretty dizzy”
For a moment YN wonders if he worries until he says “Oh, well there are headache patches in the cabinets”
“Actually, I was wondering if I could have the day off?” YN picked on her fingers nervously.
“That was sudden, may I ask the reason?” you just told me I don't look so good?
“Well I was pretty knocked up when they were doing the exorcism”
“I see….I hate to say this, and I actually mean this but I have to go for an actual meeting with the Wasabi firm all the way in the soy sauce district so I won't be here the whole day. Kelsey could do the job but I don't think she can handle everyone” YN turns pale “But I’ll add this on your sick day”
“I’ll hold you on that boss” She tries to chuckle and holds her head in her hands “Have a good day”
Outside she hears everyone praise her for finding the exorcist, she really is too dizzy to deal with this.
She hands Reigen the check “Me and mob are going to Family Mart to go grab some drinks, do you want to follow?”
“I would love to” She sees her boss get into his car “I have to work”
“What I thought you said you weren't feeling well”
“Welp, duty calls”
“Mrs. YN, here take my onigiris” 
“Mob…Thank you, but I can't possibly take all of them” He places the whole Tupperware in her palm and steps back smiling “Don't worry, Shishou is going to treat me for brunch anyways so these would go to waste anyways”
"Thank you...I'll cherish every bite" She held onto the onigiri like it was a newborn baby.
Reigen tells Mob that he can go ahead and wait at the train station saying he'll catch up with him later "You know if you ever have problems like this you can always call us"
YN smiles, her head still hurts but Reigen reaches into his pocket and hands her a headache patch, she slowly accepts it - the tiredness is still there, but the warm feeling felt nice.
"I'll be sure to I guess come over for more seminars, they are quite entertaining the more I think about it"
"It is my job"
"It is indeed, I'll see you soon? For the next seminar next week"
"I'll prepare my slides, with more pizzaz this time" When was this man never anything but pizzaz.
Just like that, she's walking back to her office.
YN takes the stairs.
It doesn't reek of dead birds.
At home, she greets Sherman who wags his tail at her return.
While taking her bath, her bones were still sore from everything, something she didn't expect from a mere exorcism.
It took her breath away.
She had work tomorrow and is still trying to make sense of her idiotic co-workers.
What she witnessed today was nothing she's seen, well obviously - you don't always see a young boy fly in the air and body slam you or magically find out that your office was haunted for years.
It feels childish to admit but, she wants to see more of it again.
[i hope this convinces people to try out my fic <3]
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calicocoded · 11 months
not a SINGLE day goes by where i dont think abt the gomens mpo crossover au you posted. i think dimple and crowley would hate each other. i think ritsu wld see the ineffable husbs and be sooo fucking suspicious. i think reigen wld lie to their faces. i think mob would be the happiest little guy by the end. i think aziraphale and crowley shld kiss
Oh my god.. this is so sweet to hear AJDHKFJG IM SO GLAD PEOPLE LIKE MY AUS🥺 I wasn’t planning on posting more mp100/gomens stuff but I might cus those are such cute ideas.😭❤️ thank you!
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ashofalltime · 5 years
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day 20: purest fav. the best magical boy. shigeo-kun.
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nananaomiiidraws · 5 years
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pseudo-soda · 6 years
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100% saturation :P
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legendaryandroid · 5 years
One of the things that amuses me about Reigen Arataka as a character is that when you recommend someone to watch Mob Psycho 100 you’ll probably have to say at some point ‘He gets better later.’
This is a blatant lie. (For season 1 anyways)
Reigen doesn’t really change or have any character growth in season 1. Instead the audience gains a better understanding of who is as a person and his relationship with Mob, allowing them to realize maybe this conman isn’t as terrible as he seems.
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avoresmith · 7 years
mumbles about MPO smol
Anyway I was talking about Teru with my wife last night and. 
Here is the thing. 
I love all of the MPO kids? And I keep thinking of the ways their personalities are unique and consistent and how that leads to me loving them more.
Teru is RIDICULOUS, and one of my favorite posts in this fandom is the one that points out that Teru, after getting his ASS KICKED by Mob, after being a little shit who literally believed he was unstoppably powerful and the world revolved around him, is suddenly all ready to educate Ritsu in humility and how to be a good person.
And Teru largely maintains this! Until he needs to get information from a bunch of minions and he immediately falls into Thug Shadow Leader Mode. And though ‘he doesn’t enjoy bullying them’ he ALSO sure doesn’t feel bad about it, nor does he... do... something else.
So here is the neat thing about Teru: he learns very quickly and can extrapolate and build on concepts to utilize them in the right situation and improve them overall.
You see this most readily with the way he not only copies the abilities of everyone he fights but then learns to do it BETTER. He is constantly in awe of Mob’s raw power but without a doubt Teru is one of the most skilled espers we’ve seen, save for probably Shou’s dad. 
And Teru learns something every time he fights. From Mob he learns ‘humility’.
Only not, really. He learns the value of humility, he learns how to incorporate it. He adds it to his repertoire of behaviors with the same effortlessness he adopts being a bully. 
And I don’t mean to say that he’s ‘faking’ or that he’s being insincere. He sincerely respects Mob’s outlook and he reframed how he manages his entire life in response to it. That’s not a small fucking thing. But it’s not... it’s not what Mob does. Mob is a deeply empathic individual who struggles with how to navigate a mundane day-to-day life because he gets easily overwhelmed by the complexities of a world he often doesn’t understand.
Teru doesn’t do any of that shit.
Teru doesn’t get overwhelmed by nuance, he has an extraordinary amount of self confidence and believes he is at all times correctly navigating his own life. He doesn’t question himself, he doesn’t doubt, and his humility has nothing to do with acknowledging or caring about the rest of humanity, it’s just changing his personal narrative to align more with the one of someone he admires. 
Remember when Mob was freaking out about costing someone else their friends, social status, and hair? MOB WAS FUCKED UP ABOUT BEATING TERU. Teru would’ve have every right in the universe to break down and curl into a ball for a while figuring himself out. Instead he’s already adapted while standing naked and bald outside his school. He completely skips past ever being wrong, lost, confused for longer than the space of a ten minute fight with Mob, and goes right into ‘welp you were right and good news I’m a new person now! Back to being the best at life because I always know what I’m doing!’.
And I ... lo  v e that. 
I mean in the game of Spot the Sociopath, MPO edition, Teru absolutely wins. Though I’d probably just label him as very low empathy. 
And I get excited when I see low empathy characters because Boy Do I Relate. 
I particularly like it when it’s not seen as a character weakness. Teru is very capable! Teru is actually being a good guy who largely makes good choices and wants to be a positive part of Mob’s life! And he is onboard with the idea that it’s better to be Nice than Shitty, even if he can do either with equal ease and lack of emotional investment. He actually is quite clever and after deciding to Stop Making Bad Choices has. Stopped?? Because unlike Ritsu his motivation for being a little shit wasn’t to have an outlet for stress and insecurity, just it was working so he kept doing it until it stopped, then he adjusted his strategy and has been pretty successful since.
Anyway TLDR i love Teru.
(People I also love: basically everyone else. What is MPO and why has it done this to me).
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bloomingru · 1 year
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Almost forgot to post this. The original (bottom) is sooooo SeriRei coded I could not possibly resist drawing it. 
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mpossystem · 3 years
M POS (point of sale) software and its use in POS system
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M POS system is a technique which help in business work to calculate the price and sales of products through mobile. POS software is that instruments which work as a POS system.
M-POS system:
Point of sale (POS) system is the technique through which a business man can calculate the amount of product which have been sale to the buyer and also calculate its price. And also, it helps buyer to get information about the price and quality of product they want from you. MPOS system is the phenomena in which we calculate our sales and all other thing related to our business through our mobile. In mobile there are several types through which we can get information about our profit and loss in our business and also sales of our products.
M-POS system is basically that type of POS system in which we have a mobile phone or tablet to calculate our sales. We have first to create a system in our mob to calculate our basic points in our business. There are some basic types of business in which M-POS system is used.
One of the most important business in which MPOS system is used is banking. Almost all banks and their branches are connected with each other through mobile phone. You are sitting at any place; you can pay your clients at any time through online banking system. So MPOS system is significant for those business man who have expand their business very huge and whenever they are away from their client are on any business tour, they can pay them easily through MPOS system.
Also, general store holders can use MPOS system in their dealing. MPOS system help them in calculating any amount through mobile calculator. And when if they want to communicate with their buyer, they can easily communicate with them through call on mobile phone. So, this is a very helpful system for those who want to reach their business at any time and at any place.
So, a question arises that how we can choses a best mobile for our MPOS system. So, there are some points for choosing your mobile for MPOS system.
Device must me secure:
First question is about the security of our business and business dealing. So, our mobile must be secure from outer means. It means that no one can access your device through outside and cannot harm your data. If your device is secure than you can easily do your work through this.
Device must be easy to use:
Then other thing is that your device must be easy to use. Some business which has their business on national or international level, they are well educated and can easily handle any kind of difficulties making in device but some business man who are at commercial level are not have enough education to handle too much difficulties is device. So, your device must be easy to use.
Device is affordable:
Then next point is that your device must be affordable. It means that you have to choose that mobile which is affordable to you. This is that point on which we have ability to choose our device on the bases of our expenditures. If you can afford expensive device than buy it but if you are beginner and does not buy expensive device than a lot of cheap mobile phones which are affordable for anyone, are available in market.
This is introduction about MPOS (mobile point of sale system) and hope if you want to know about this, you can easily get knowledge about it.
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llycaons · 3 years
ONE ending his story in hope and kindness GOD I just want to shove it in the faces of those grimdark tortureporn big name fans "ohh what if mob killed someone on accident what if he was kidnapped and abused what if he had to watch reigen die and it permanently scarred him what if he was raised by claw and psychologically tortured for his entire life" shut UP this story is about being good to each other and to yourself and forgiveness and kindness and growth and healing and connection and helping each other get OUT of here this isn't the story for you and it ended exactly as it was always meant to!
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vanillapoptarts · 8 years
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smol mob
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