#mr and mrs smith tv show
martharaccoon · 4 months
Mr & Mrs Smith TV Show
Spoilers// first thoughts while watching
Episode 2 Second Date
*touches the other side of the bed*
Is she looking for John??!?
Oh… for max… i thought there was a time jump 💀
Max chilling with John is everything
Snooping, come on now Jane 😭
Well at least she was straight up with it ig
Well i mean they aren’t normal so I guess it’s not as bad
😟 not the XXX website 😟
Girl did that on purpose to mess with him lmaoo
“Do you have a cat?” 🤨 ya uh bye bitch don’t talk to me
Jane slays
“What’s up with that guy?” John
“I don’t know but he’s kinda of hot tho” Jane😃
John : ☹️🤨
John did not like that 😭
Oh he’s down bad already
“Let’s make a pact, get money, go our separate ways, no sex” ya uh how long we thinking that’s gonna last
Mr. Hihi should’ve just went into match making as a job instead of this spy stuff.
Like bud keeps matching people that are compatible then they go AWOL like his greatest gift keeps screwing up his job.
Like just make your own dating app, you’ll have a lot more success there
Theory: Mr. Hihi is the neighbor
I’m just going to ignore what she did in the mirror there
John got that 20/20 vision, couldn’t be me
Nah I don’t like this bidder, brother you can’t just go and get in peoples personal space like that. Leave bow tie guy alone
John about to Rizz up this man
“Your both dogs” what tf is going on rn 💀💀
😭😭😭 oh hell nah
Save me some one
Stick him with the needle plzzzzz
Guys I can’t even explain what I just witnessed
Uh oh
This mission is screwed
Or not?
“I was with this man as a dog!” 😭😭
“Your just lonely” okay but that’s not a crime
Called them out fr
Mission half successful 🤷‍♀️
I mean nobody cared about this guy so
It’s time to get chopping
Jane: “Do you feel bad, I feel really bad”
John: *nods*
He getting it guys, he’s getting it
They got a movie theater?!??! Lucky bastards
I knew she put the porn there for him 😭😭
Jane: “And when I say out, I mean O-U-T out!”
John: 😑
Jane: 😬
Them messing with each other is gold
“Do you want to kiss me?” 😦😦😦 omg omg wait wait
“Yeah I’ll kiss you” guys wait what wait I was not expecting this in episode 2
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Oh we getting serious real quick
That pact did not last a damn day 😭
Okay 3 strikes your out with this whole mission business. They can only fail two more times without backlash. And I’m guessing that backlash is death.
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emptyjunior · 4 months
Mr and Mrs Smith show murdering a billionaire who's name is a pun for "erection" after being forced to act like dogs for him and then Composting the man, spy cinema is so back
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thealogie · 4 months
Everyone please watch Mr and Mrs Smith I know it’s not morally ok to give Amazon the streams but we don’t get Donald Glover and Maya Erskine to be sickos together for one more season I’ll perish
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admireforever · 4 months
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024)
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Vincent Price -
The Kind Mr. Smith (1958)
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hudders-and-hiddles · 2 months
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(re)watched in 2024: Mr. & Mrs. Smith
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mikimeiko · 3 months
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith | Season 1 (2024), Francesca Sloane and Donald Glover
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itsdeanwinchester · 4 months
just watched the first episode of tv series mr and mrs smith and it's slow but there's an undercurrent of ominous danger thanks to the very first scene. Like, things will get worse. For now, their awkwardness is funny and painful, but it's changing very quickly
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bethec0wboy · 4 months
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SO SO GOOD! I have so many things to say that’s why I’ve come back to this dead acc! First and foremost this show falls under the white lotus category for me. This is for shows that are camp and they have action, but I’m not there for the action I’m there for the dialogue. THE DIALOGUE! Like it sounds like I’m sitting on a bench and just overhearing two people talking about mundane things. That’s what I love cause often times dialogue in shows doesn’t sound realistic but that’s fine I don’t always need that. But white lotus and mr and ms smith’s dialogue is just refreshing and unique whilst being familiar. I also think that’s why the show feel slow. Like it’s a show with guns, spies, the company, and all but it’s also slow and that’s because of the dialogue scenes. Normally I dislike slow but that’s because it’s done poorly. I could just sit and watch a full ep of Jane and John talking, flirting, joking, revealing tidbits of their identity. I’m definitely not surprised because Donald Glover has always been a multifaceted mastermind and Maya Erskine’s acting in Pen 15 was great. The show is so enjoyable I’m only half way in I might come back and debrief later but rn it’s late.
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martharaccoon · 4 months
Mr & Mrs Smith TV Show
Spoilers/first thoughts while watching
Episode 1 First Date
I’ve only watched the movie once so I’m coming into this show new and not deeply connected to the movie plot.
The first John and Jane shown seems to be a symbolism of what’s going to happen to the new John and Jane. (Minus the dying part)
I’m wondering if one of the main characters killed the couple. I feel like it would be a good plot twist. Kind of like “I killed them and I didn’t understand them, but now I do, now I know” and for some reason if one of them did I think possibly Jane did.
Interesting that we get to see a different way they become a couple in the show. I like that we’ll get to watch their relationship develop.
They have a cat 😭 They already have a baby
Oh okay Mr. Smith 😩
First date, kind of awkward.
So far it seems John is the more emotional one and I also wonder if they’ll bring up the accident that happened with him.
“I’m always right”- John
a minute later is wrong
“I’m not in it for the romance” I just knowww thats gonna bite her in the ass later.
“Mom where’s your ticket?” “I don’t know you…😕” lmaoooooo
Golden retriever x Black cat
Their dynamic is just:
John-“What’s your favorite color?”
John-“Well mines green.”
The smirk Jane makes when John jokes with her during the play 😭 Getting distracted on the mission because they like talking to each other.
I have a feeling because that happened she’s going to push him away.
Okay the mission went good maybe she won’t push him away.
A cake??? A test to see if they work together-
Oh Shitttttt 😭😭😭 right as I was typing that the house gets it’s world rocked
The cake was actually a “cake” 💣 should’ve probably seen that one coming
“I thought there would be more high risk” blows up house first day
“Hey, be safe” 😭😭😭😭
I was not expecting Jane to be the one to question the organization first. I expected it be John but nope. I think that makes their characters more interesting though.
It’s her cat?????? What!
Actually since he was in the military it makes sense he wouldn’t question the people he works for. He used to following orders and turning off his emotions when he needs to.
“I was terrified” ☹️ screw that guy and his pancakes
Ending thoughts:
I don’t think Jane killed the first couple anymore. It’s probably to show what happens when couples go AWOL.
I like that even though Jane likes to keep her secrets that she isn’t completely cold. Like she questions who she killed and why she had to kill them.
Where John is a lot more outgoing and wants to get to know Jane. Yet he doesn’t think about the aftermath of the missions, doesn’t seem to really care (at least right now) about who he kills.
They aren’t the typical cold girl / happy guy dynamic
I liked the first episode so far. Interested to see if I’ll like episode two.
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dekaohtoura · 2 months
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velvet4510 · 3 months
If your answer is “other,” tell me who is YOUR favorite couple in the notes!!
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admireforever · 4 months
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024)
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cantsayidont · 4 months
Real hater hours:
MR. AND MRS. SMITH: Antagonistically dreadful sort-of spin-off of Simon Kinberg's uncomfortable 2005 domestic violence comedy (which starred Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie), with Donald Glover and Maya Erskine as two weird losers (Glover's character is a former Marine drone controller, Erskine's was turned down by the CIA for being too sociopathic) who join a mysterious espionage firm that sends them on highly paid secret missions while requiring them to pose as a married couple, John and Jane Smith. John and Jane of course sort of fall for each other for real, more out of a desperate desire for connection than from any real chemistry. It's an interesting premise, with a distinctive off-kilter sensibility and an array of distracting high-profile guest stars like Paul Dano and Sarah Paulson, but it seems categorically resistant to ever being fun: John and Jane's missions never come into focus, so mostly what we see are them having marital spats as they distractedly do spy stuff and murder people as part of missions that take place mostly off-screen and whose purpose even they don't really know. Maya Erskine is actually great, but Donald Glover is Donald Glover, and since he co-created the show and directed its awful finale, the whole thing reeks of his customary misogyny. I thought it might be okay background noise, but I cannot stress enough how much I ended up hating the show. By the final episode, watching it was the psychological equivalent of walking on blisters.
Maybe it's just me, but I've also started to find media with this level of constant, casual, brutal murder (see also the JOHN WICK and EQUALIZER series) really off-putting. It's not the violence per se, it's the weird nihilism — protagonists who murder people with the same level of disdain as someone distractedly playing Candy Crush on their phone. It doesn't even have the over-the-top balletic style of John Woo's Hong Kong movies, it's just mean and pointless, and I'm pretty tired of seeing it.
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hudders-and-hiddles · 2 months
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Donald Glover in Mr. & Mrs. Smith
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