#mr mercury
Happy birthday, Freddie !!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
The only pics i could find of him in my camera roll are ones with cats, but i think he’d be quite happy about that actually
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amalgamasreal · 2 years
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Good morning - by @AniLu199077
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Honorable mention (vote “something not listed here” if this is your answer):
* Kenny Al-Bahir (The War at Home)
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freddie-mercuryy · 1 year
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FREDDIE MERCURY - Made in Heaven (1985)
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pouletaulait · 4 months
"Do you even intend to quit – not really" 🧐
After reading Chapter 58 I thought about this exchange between Yashiro and Kage for a bit:
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At first sight this might suggest that Yashiro actually considers staying in the Yakuza. I think based on what we know and how this statement is framed though, I come to the conclusion that this suggests the exact opposite in fact; Yashiro’s reluctance to stay in the Yakuza shines through yet again.
Granted, in the above scene Yashiro does in fact say that he doesn’t really want to quit BUT what he said before that stood out to me. Confronted by Kage about how he’s still affiliated with the Yakuza he first diverts his question by saying „don’t say things as if you’re an ordinary person“; I think this points out that Yashiro doesn’t like to think of himself as that different from Kage (or „civilian“ people in general, probably), he’s sorta putting the two of them onto the same level… outwardly he appears to lower Kage’s „status“ as a law-abiding citizen to his own, but, objectively speaking they both know that Kage is not in fact a shady person (at least from what I can tell, after all, he doesn’t appear to be affiliated with any „shady“ people apart from Yashiro and Kage always complains about Yashiro dragging him into these affairs). So, what this ends up doing is lifting Yashiro’s status up (I hope I’m phrasing this in a way that makes sense). Anyway, I think what this conveys is that Yashiro still looks down on Yakuza members (he’s definitely not proud of being one) and that he’s still not fully comfortable with people viewing him as a member or even acknowledging his Yakuza-status himself. He then goes on to say that it’s not easy to leave. Now, this could suggest a) that it has been on his mind (which we already know to be true) and b) that he feels the need to justify the fact that he’s still affiliated with them. Only when Kage questions him again Yashiro finally says that he doesn’t REALLY want to leave. His way of phrasing it doesn’t sound super convincing and he probably says that to get Kageyama off his case and also because, if he is honest with himself, he still can’t see himself actually taking that step after all. I know I might be reading too much into this but it stood out to me that Yashiro didn’t just throw Kage a snarky comment like „why the hell wouldn’t I still be a member?“, in the same vein as his first comment „what kind of upstanding guy runs a shady illegal casino?“ Instead he is somewhat opening up to Kage in his own way.
Anyway, this conversation is yet another puzzle piece that plays into the theory I’ve had from the beginning, that Yashiro will leave the Yakuza eventually. From all we know so far, Yashiro has never really come to terms with being a Yakuza and has generally a very negative opinion of them. The topic of Yashiro struggling to accept this role and the re-occurring questioning of what makes a Yakuza, who’s a good Yakuza, who’s not fit to be one, etc. strongly suggests to me that this is an integral part of this story as a whole and is most probably gonna be relevant to the conclusion of the story. It’s made clear that Yashiro never wanted to be Yakuza in the first place and he’s still reluctant, like… some 20 long years later 😯. I don't want to include too many quotes here because there are far too many instances that could be mentioned and this post is already getting too loooong, as you'll see 🫣, but there are some I'd like to mention. First I'd like to point to one quote from Yashiro that leads me to believe that to him being a Yakuza is not in fact his real identity but rather a role he is playing. He says to Ryuuzaki in Chapter 5:
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He sees himself more as an actor rather than a real Yakuza and interestingly enough, that’s what he had aspired to become as a teenager: (aspire might be too strong of a word here but I think in a way he really did):
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Now, I know that I'm arguing that Yashiro is talking about himself here ,even though, he's not just referring to himself in his comment to Ryuuzaki but the fact that he talks about Yakuza being just like actors in general and then further generalizing his statement to „people spend their lives acting“ still plays nicely into Yashiro's perception of his own life which will become relevant in a bit *bear with me*; it suggests that he thinks that people are not really free to be themselves because they have to play their role which emphasizes his passive approach to life in general „I have lived my life accepting it all“ (I reference this quote further down).
Every time Misumi tries to drag him in deeper, Yashiro is acting completely reluctant. We first saw this in the very beginning of the story when Misumi and Yashiro talk about the succession and Misumi says to Yashiro „be mine once more“ (Yashiro doesn’t want to give him an answer), when we learn through Hirata’s secret recordings about the details of another conversation between Misumi and Yashiro in Chapter 14 (Yashiro still doesn’t give a straight answer) and we see it again in Chapter 36 when Misumi basically says to Yashiro „don’t forget what you are“ after the time-skip (Yashiro distracts Misumi from the conversation by provoking him). He doesn't agree to anything but he never outright refuses either (he's completely passive).
His reluctance is further demonstrated by the fact that after the time-skip Yashiro’s not really a full member anymore. He used what happened after Hirata’s attack on him to the best of his abilities in a way to distance himself from the group but he couldn’t take the last step. But this clearly points to Yashiro wanting to get out for good.
I think it’s noteworthy that the only time he completely rejects the idea of quitting (as far as I remember), is in Chapter 27 when he speaks to Ryuuzaki in the back of the police car:
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This stands out to me because he says this after he’d made up his mind that he was gonna die. So why keep fighting it at this point? (I’m so glad our cute boy is not in such a dark place anymore 😭)
Yashiro has also tried to keep Doumeki out of this world because he cares so much about him. Unfortunately, he wasn’t successful but the statement Yashiro made about the Yakuza in Chapter 22 becomes relevant again, now that Doumeki got a back tattoo (which as we all know made Yashiro furious beyond belief). Yashiro said something along the lines of „do you have any idea how many upright citizens walk around out there with full body tattoos? And how many Yakuza wear normal business suits?“( I hope this translation is somewhat accurate . I had to take it from the official German translation which is not the most exact at times but the only English translation I could find, didn’t seem to be correct 😅) Basically he’s saying, it’s never too late to quit. This was some unfortunate foreshadowing if you ask me but it gives me hope that Doumeki’s status as a full-fledged member and him getting a tattoo won’t prevent them from leaving the Yakuza world behind.
I just cannot imagine Yoneda-sensei making this aspect such an integral part of Yashiro’s character and bringing this topic up again and again if it isn’t gonna be relevant in the end… I know it might be a red herring but I really doubt it at this point. I read the manga as a story of a traumatized survivor of SA finding happiness in life (yes, I’m very hopeful that both Doumeki and Yashiro are gonna make it out alive because anything else would be too cruel🫣). For Yashiro the Yakuza is a hindrance to his freedom and happiness because it’s not who he truly is as a person and as long as he stays he’s going to be under Misumi’s control and Misumi is gonna try to use him, just like his stepfather and all the other men who SAed him when he was a teenager used him. In a way he’s still this powerless child getting used by others. He was an easy target for Misumi because Yashiro was „completely indifferent about himself“ as Misumi put it. This indifference stems from the abuse he suffered. When Yashiro got shot he remembered the SA and he says: „I have lived my life accepting it all. I’ve felt no sorrow. I’ve blamed no one. My life can’t be said to be anyone else’s fault.“ This expresses exactly what Misumi saw in Yashiro: He’s so broken that he doesn't even feel anger, he is beyond caring about himself, his well-being, his future. Putting it differently; he doesn’t love himself and he doesn’t think that he deserves love or a different, better life. This is why he doesn’t really put up a fight against this fate. He’s still passively accepting everything.
To sum this up, it’s mainly his trauma that prevents him from quitting, just like it keeps him from being able to accept Doumeki’s love. Since I believe this story is about Yashiro overcoming his trauma and finding happiness, I think it would only be fitting that once he’ll be able to accept that he is deserving of love, hope and happiness, he’d finally find the courage to take control of his own fate and break away from the path that he felt forced to follow.
And yes, I'm aware that quitting won't be that easy because of Misumi's obsession over Yashiro BUT even though I don't like Misumi too much and I think he's a creep, he's in his own way quite lenient when it comes to Yashiro, I have to give him that. So, I have high hopes that he actually meant what he said about "caring about Yashiro as a person" and will let him leave without too much trouble.
Of course we don’t know much about Doumeki’s plans for his future but if Yashiro and him end up together (which is what I’m hoping for) he’ll most likely go along with Yashiro’s wishes, I guess 😉 And I know, sweet Nanahara would be disappointed but I bet Yashiro and Doumeki would still find a way to adopt their big baby boy into their little family 😜
maybe they’re gonna open up a beach bar in Hawai’i and Nanahara would flirt with the guests and give away all the drinks for free 🤣
On a more serious note, I hope I didn’t get any of the quotes completely wrong. Nuances tend to get lost in translation so it’s kinda "risky" to base a theory like this solely on translations but most of it comes down to my personal interpretation of the story anyways. And I’m sorry if most of this seemed too obvious but I got the impression that I seem to feel more strongly about the fact that Yashiro might gonna leave his days as a Yakuza behind than others in the fandom and I felt the need to present my case 😉
If you actually made it through my ramblings to down here, you deserve some 🍪🍪🍪 😘
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war-is-bad-girls · 1 year
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My beloved Suletta eyebrows 🦝 by @ichi27ichi
Page 1 Miorine: Suletta! Suletta: Ms. Miorine! S: What's up? Ms. Miorine?
Page 2 M: (Ah! That's right.) M: (Phew, okay.) M: (What do you mean? Aren't you an idiot? So cute...)
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emofaq · 28 days
yo does anyone know the context of this photo because i just saw it for the first time and it’s perplexing me
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why is freddie shirtless in the studio,, who are those two castro clone guys,, why the hell are they there. this was taken probably in the 81-84 range, maybe mr. bad guy sessions? i doubt freddie would have brought two dudes who were topping him to the studio if it was a queen session. he’s just literally that bitch. producing his gay disco cocaine music with the roster in the room.
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Today, on September 2nd, 1985
Freddie Mercury released ‘Living On My Own’ bw ‘Love Is Dangerous’ (4th solo single), taken from 'Mr. Bad Guy', first solo album 1985
🔸Freddie Mercury: Well, that is ‘Living on my own’. Yes, that’s like… Basically if you listen to ‘Living on my own’ that is very me, it’s living on my own but having fun. There’s a bit in the middle where I do my scat singing and I’m just going… When you think about somebody like me, I mean my life-style, I mean I have to sort of go around the world and live in hotels and that can be very lonely but then… I look upon it and I don’t want people to say ‘Oh…’ you know, I just say that’s my life, it can be a very lonely life, but I mean I chose it and so, that song, it’s not dealing with people who are living on their own in sort of basement flats, or things like that. It’s my living on my own, and they are going to say ‘Oh my God, how can he live on his own ?’ But I mean, you can have a whole… a shoal of people you know looking after you, but you can be still living on your own because in the end they all go away and you live, you know, you live in a hotel on your own. And so basically what I’ve got to say is that I’m living on my own but I’m not complaining. I’m just saying I’m living on my own and I’m having a bogey time. Does that make sense, honey ?
Interviewer : It does, yes it does.
Freddie: It’s a different kind of living on my own, but I’m just saying that people in my.. with my success can be lonely and can live on their own as well.
Interviewer : So how do you hold on to real friends ?
Freddie: I don’t, I discard them. I don’t have any real friends. I don’t think I do. People tell me though they’re my friends.
Interviewer : Don’t you believe them ?
Freddie: No, no. Yes and no, I mean, I think what happens is when… I’m not afraid of them, but it is frightening, that’s the difference. Sometimes when they get too close I think they seem to destroy me, I don’t know, may be it’s my nature or whatever. When they get too close they seem to tread all over me, and when I lay myself bare on the floor it just seems to be my downfall. Maybe that’s my role in life and so I don’t… Yea, I’m very skeptical in terms of that. I seem to be at this point in time I think, I seem to be… make fewer and fewer friends, but life goes on…
Interviewer : So do you live for today rather than for the future or…
Freddie: No, I live for tomorrow. Quite different too, fuck today, it’s tomorrow. Oh, that’s nice…
Interviewer : That must have been a controversial remark.
Freddie: Somebody didn’t like what I’ve just said ? !
Interviewer : Shall we carry on ? In view of that, Freddie, surely there comes a time when you want to share your life with someone one day ?
Freddie: Yes, but nobody wants to share their life with me. Yes, I do, of course I do. But I think it’s… not easy living with me and I think at maybe I’m trying too hard you know, something… Of course, I think about that and in one way I think the more mishaps I have the better the songs are going to be, you know. Once I find somebody, I can find a long lasting relationship, bong goes all the research for wonderful songs. At the end I’m sort of you know, I’m sort of living on past mishaps. Well, anyway having said that, I don’t know, I don���t know, I don’t know what’s in store for me.
Interviewer : So we can take it that your songs reflect the state of your life ?
Freddie: I think so, I think so, yes.
Interviewer : And that’s why on your songs there is always quite a diverse selection of moods, isn’t it ?
Freddie: Yes, it is because that’s my character too, you know. How boring to just be, you know, to have just one side of your character coming across in everything you do, you know, I just gather information… I’m a man of extremes, you know, I sort of change from day to day like a chameleon and each day is different to me and I look forward to that, you know. I don’t want to be the same person everyday and who knows ?, the way this Album has turned out it’s just a whole spectrum of what my life is, to be honest. But I was not ‘made in heaven’. A lightening bolt suddenly goes ‘crack.
Interviewer : You talk a lot about love on the Album.
Freddie: Yes, I know, I don’t know why.
Interviewer : It obviously means a lot to you.
Freddie: I’m possessed by love, isn’t everybody though ?
Interviewer : Yes, I suppose they are. Deep down there in spite of the tough fade you put on, are you a romantic at heart ?
Freddie: Well, I guess so, you know. Well i think, yes I just… I like writing songs about love, because I mean there’s so much scope and also they have so much to do with me and you can talk about your kind of lover. It’s something that maybe I’m striving for. I’m trying to say that I can be somebody’s lover, you know, a good lover, that’s another aspect of me too. I expect something different now, come on
- Freddie Mercury
Extract from interview 1985
👉 In 1993 Freddie Mercury received in memoriam Ivor Novello award for 'Living On My Own'
📸 Pic: September 1985, Henderson Nightclub, Munich, Germany - Peter Straker, Freddie Mercury and Jo Dare on the set of promotional video 'Living On My Own'
👉 Jo Dare (died in 2024) remembers meeting with Freddie Mercury
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luluv98 · 9 months
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Happy new year 2024! Best wishes for all of you!✨🥳
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soupmanspeaks · 3 months
I know angst and stuff is probably how it would go down but like wouldn't it be so funny if like Glamrock Freddy like, gets all his memories as Michael back and like after he processes it all he takes a good long look at his spike bracelet adorned arms, bright turquoise nails, pierced ear and cool sharp teeth, and looks around in his greenroom and is like "woah......" "THIS IS ACTUALLY SICK LETS GOOOOO-"
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lonestarflight · 5 months
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"This is the launch of the Mercury-Redstone 3 (MR-3) spacecraft from Cape Canaveral on a suborbital mission -- the first U.S. manned spaceflight. The spacecraft is already headed towards its suborbital mission." "The spacecraft attained a maximum speed of 5,180 miles per hour (mph), reached an altitude of 116 1/2 statute miles, and landed 302 statute miles downrange from Cape Canaveral, Florida."
Date: May 5, 1961
NASA ID: S61-01927, LOC-61C-883, JSC2007-E-046477, S61-01908
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No one asked for it, but here are the clip art sources for Hardison's superhero code names in "The Gold Job"
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Mr. Punchy
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amalgamasreal · 2 years
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Suletta pouts - by itsuki20140102
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thegreatbuttoneer · 7 months
Mercurial Knight: *unbothered*
SilverBell: Ok! Not too hard!
White Lily: *vibing*
Elder Faerie: “..forgive me, my friend…” *sounds of distress and emotional anguish*
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freddie-mercuryy · 1 year
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FREDDIE MERCURY The Red Robe Interview (1985)
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pub-lius · 7 months
its intriguing to me how you know so much so instead of asking a question about said knowledge im gonna ask how u know all this?-?/?-
oh hey!! the simple answer is autism but i'll give more specifics
so i've always been a nonfiction guy, and i first started doing historical research when i was really young on the history of New Orleans from my school library, which was abundant since I'm only about 40 minutes outside the city. every week we could check out two books so i'd check out two history books (or books on ghosts, dogs, or greek mythology, i'm kind of a jack of all trades) and just. read them for fun.
later on, i started writing essays in my free time about the things i was reading about to summarize what i was learning (this blog is just a digital version of that). from this point until, well, now, i was taught how to do research online in school and also kinda figured it out on my own and this extended to my other interests which, at the time, was psychology (i still study psychology but just for school).
its not a shock to anyone that my research on the american revolution and american history in general began when i listened to hamilton, and i started researching information about the events portrayed in the musical online. i read yk the online articles about the lives of the characters, then the relatives and friends of those characters. then i found the government archives and started reading through hamilton's letters. then i started giving all my money to bookshops and now i have a library of fully annotated history books, bookmark folders full of secondary and primary sources, and exactly $1.88 to my name (not exactly but its funnier to say that).
i am very privileged to be able to pay for books and have transportation to libraries and bookshops and the archives and whatnot, and i take full advantage of it!! i was actually kinda called out by my law teacher today because he said that usually people get addicted to things that are fun and not tedious while looking right at me. so. that's a fun thing that happened today.
knowledge is just a collection of facts, and intelligence is the accumulation of skills, and so i do my best to get both. so really any knowledge i have is just enough free time to accumulate enough facts to keep me yapping 24/7/365 and enough skills to make it seem that i vaguely know what im talking about!
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