#mr. love queen's choice mobile
caesurables · 6 months
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Care to join him? 😗
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velaversal · 9 months
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commission of lucien/xu mo from mlqc for @seiyakoufighter!! 🫶💜🦋 thank you vampy!!
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dreameffectss · 6 months
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I really need to get back on that mlqc grind i miss the guys sm also dont look at the shoes too close lmao i busted this bad boy out in 4 hours, while in tears 👍 i hate drawing his normal hair so i always try to change it up and hairpins are my go to hehe
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oceannyyy · 1 year
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MLQC Gavin & MC commission for Vacances on twt 🫶💗 [Do not use/repost]
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banenaz · 8 months
Guess who's the clown who swore not to miss his bday this year but barely managed to draw a sketch 🤡🤡🤡
Anw look at my bbg I wanna cuddle and kiss and call cute al the time
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Tired boi needs a lot of rest and hugs 🥹🤲🏻🤲🏻❤️
Happy bday sleepy boi ~
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shai-kyu · 1 year
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joined the barbie meme drawing lol
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graffitifactory · 2 months
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She drew a heart in his notebook, and a little rockstar too.
He scoffed at the tiny figure, but the next thing he knew, he was smiling. How so very childish she could be. She was so darn cute.
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ellie-winthrope · 7 months
The Rain’s Requiem - [Lucien]
He possesses a memory that never forgets anything he has seen, yet ironically, the details of his past elude him … except for the haunting memory of that tragic rainy evening.
Words: 694 words
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The incessant pitter-patter of raindrops on the unforgiving asphalt road drowned out all other sounds in its relentless symphony. Amidst the shroud of darkness on that dreary evening, the sporadic flashes of the traffic light stood out conspicuously. A tall, drenched man in a somber trench coat remained motionless by the pedestrian crossing, his usually nonchalant face now etched with a desolate expression.
It was a scene all too familiar, one he had witnessed countless times.
Bloody umbrellas were strewn about while the bodies of a family of three were sprawled haphazardly across the road. Puddles of blood had formed under those three, mixing along with the unabating rain. One of them was a young boy with a red scarf wrapped around his neck. He was lying on his side with blood splatters covering part of his ghostly-pale face, while blood continued to seep through the fabric of his black short coat, forming several darker patches on it.
Having lost so much blood, it was unlikely for the boy to survive this. In fact, if not for the barely noticeable twitching of his fingers, none would have thought that the boy was still alive. Perhaps, it would have been better for the boy if he had died at that time.
That was what the man had thought.
The man slowly closed his eyes and the sound of rain ceased instantly. When he opened his eyes, the scene before him had changed. He was no longer in the dark and gloomy city. Instead, he now found himself standing under a familiar camphor tree on a bright cloudy day.
The little boy with a red scarf that he saw in the previous scene was currently standing a few steps in front of him. Although he was wearing the same outfit as in the earlier scene, there were no signs of blood or injuries on the boy. Instead, he was clutching a familiar sketchbook within his arms, while eyeing the man curiously from head to toe.
“Who are you?”
It was a simple question, one that the man knew the answer.
I am who you will be in the future.
Still, he couldn’t bring himself to say it because it was a truth that was too bitter for him to swallow. If the boy knew of the things he had done in the shadows and the kind of life he had led after that fateful evening, he too would deny such a future and the man wouldn’t blame him for that. Indeed, no one could have envisioned such a future for the boy.
After a moment of thought, the man had finally answered the boy with a smile, which was as vacant as the void within his violet eyes.
“I am … the person you least expected to be in the future.”
Right after saying that, the man suddenly found himself leaning back against the chair in his office at the research center. It took him a second to realize that he had dozed off earlier while taking a break from work. Draping a hand over his eyes, he let out a soft sigh that seemed to echo within the silent room.
This was part of the reason why he rarely sleeps. Whenever he sleeps, he will dream and the only dream he will see will be that rainy evening, which was the only piece of his past that he could remember in vivid details. Nevertheless, it was a memory that he wouldn’t want to remember if he could help it, since it signified the losses that he could never be able to regain no matter how hard he tried.
Who are you?
The sight of the little boy looking up at him with bright violet eyes that were gleaming with curiosity and innocence had resurfaced upon his mind, causing him to clench his fist unknowingly.
That boy… was no longer in this world.
On that rainy evening, the little boy with the red scarf had died along with his parents in the car accident.
The one that was currently living in his place was merely an empty husk that went by the name of Lucien Xu.
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hellcatinnc · 10 months
Confused On How To Play Some Mobile Otome
Ok call me stupid I still have such a hard time figuring mobile games out. So I play most games on switch or steam usually for my otome games especially. However I constantly hear about Mr Love Queens Choice, Tears of Themis, & Ikeman Series. I think Mr. Love is the most difficult for me to understand. I see people with all these steamy stories of the men but all I see is a freakin mobile game with no way to romance these men like that. The cards you pull in these games confuse me as well. Are these only pay to play games someone help me understand them please and how I get these steamier stories.
I normally play stuff like Love365 so how do I access stories like that in these games but with these hot stories I see people all posting. I'm sorry if I annoy anyone but I really do want to learn them.
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genevieve-and-nikki · 6 months
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5th anniversary messages from the Bois (I can't believe I've been playing this for 5 years 🙃🫣)
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caesurables · 1 year
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Big head Victor~
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chuuyastinysock · 2 years
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thedummysdummy · 1 year
I'll Always Find You
Part 1 can be found here: One Small Decision
All the responses had been the same. “Nope, haven’t seen or heard from her.” Victor slammed a fist on his desk in desperation-fueled frustration. He could go to the police, he supposed, but doubted they’d take him seriously. It had been less than 24 hours and she was an adult. They’d had a fight. He’d just be eye-rolled out of their office…
So he went back to the stack of evolvers. Every minute ticking by was a drip of water torture serving to drive him insane. He called her after each page and despite the calls going straight to voicemail each time, Victor found himself holding his breath through that single ring. Stupid, stupid, stupid…
Everything paused as he flipped the page and found himself face-to-page with Ernest Elm, evol: tracking. It was almost too perfect to be true. Victor picked up his phone and dialed the number, hand holding the phone shaking and the other tapping the desk while his knee bounced. Two, three, four times it rang before a voice came on the line. “Hello?”
“Hello, is this Ernest Elm? This is Victor Li. I need your evol’s assistance.” 
An hour later, the redheaded and freckled Ernest stood in Victor’s office at LFG. He couldn’t have been older than twenty, with nervous eyes and twitchy hands. “Sit, sit,” Victor invited, gesturing to the chair where the girl usually parked herself. The young man did so, and Victor skipped the small talk. “Thank you for coming. Tell me about your evol. What do you need for it to work?”
“I, uh. Just need something that belongs to the person, and then I can see a thread that leads back to the owner. I usually just use it to return lost items, sir. I don’t know that it’s super helpful…” 
Victor rifled around in his desk and emerged with a small, well-loved shiba inu plushie. “If you don’t think it’s very helpful, Mr. Elm, then you have not spent enough time thinking of applications. You would be the most efficient search and rescue officer Loveland has ever seen. You could track down criminals, trafficked women and children, or missing persons. I would say that is a most noble evol.” He lifted his dark eyes and connected them to Ernest’s. “What are the limitations?” 
The young man seemed slightly taken aback by Victor’s statements. Could he really be that important? A smile settled onto his face and Ernest visibly relaxed. “I haven’t really found a distance limit, but the person does have to be alive. Sir, before we do this…would this person want to be found? I mean, I’m not helping you be a creepy stalker or anything, right?” 
“She would want to be found, yes. It’s possible that she might be in danger, so shall we get started?” Victor’s voice had regained its sharp edge and Ernest straightened in his seat. He accepted the doll with some amount of apprehension while Victor looked on with concentration. 
“Do you have a map? It would be easiest for me to tell you where she is if I have a map to draw you a path.”
Victor pulled a map of Loveland out of his desk drawer and scooted it over along with a pen. He folded his hands over his knee and swallowed the feelings of concern at the phrase ‘does have to be alive.’ But his dark eyes remained focused on Ernest’s face as the man held the toy and scrunched up his face. 
There was a long pause as tension hung heavy in the air before Ernest reached for the pen. He seemed to be following roads with one eye closed and the tip of the pen hovering over the map until it lingered over the industrial side of Loveland. The pen lowered until it kissed the map, leaving a small dot. “That’s the spot, sir.” 
Victor scooped up the map and examined the place where the marking lay. “Thank you. I must be going now. Goldman will give you your pay and escort you out.” Without further discourse, Victor disappeared down the hallway with his phone in one hand and map in the other. 
Speed limits were for people who didn’t have anywhere important to be. At least, that seemed to be Victor’s attitude as he flew down the side streets which led to the sketchier parts of Loveland. It was all but confirmed in his mind that she had been kidnapped at this point; there was no reason why she would have willingly ended up in the dilapidated industrial sector. 
The further out he went, the fewer cars he passed until he turned onto the final road and found himself completely alone. Whoever these people were, they had obviously gotten all of their training from bad films and crime novels. Victor pulled into the marked parking lot and stopped the car at the far end, not wanting to alert anyone inside to his presence earlier than was necessary. 
Victor slipped through the first strains of darkness to flatten himself against the wall of the building. So far he hadn’t seen or heard anyone, but that didn’t mean there weren’t eyes on him. Practically a wraith, he slipped around the outside until he found a door whose lock had been smashed. It opened easily and Victor entered without a sound. 
Unfortunately, the building was quite large and there was no telling where the girl was being kept. Victor listened carefully for any sound, but was only struck by the vast silence of the building’s hollow carapace. His keen eyes swirled as they scanned the floor for any sign of passage; however, it appeared he would not be so lucky. So he pushed forward into the depths of the building, the dim light providing only little guidance as he walked the halls. 
Door after door Victor paused outside and listened, pushing open those he could when he heard nothing behind them. Honestly, he’d expected to find guards by now, but obviously this was a small  or inexperienced bunch. How they’d managed to catch someone as capable as his dummy made no sense if they were that inept, but the ‘how’ could wait. 
When faced with the realization that he’d scoured the entire first floor, Victor paused at the stairwell. It went both up into higher floors and down beneath ground, and there still was no real sign which way he should check. He chose downstairs for multiple reasons; firstly, it was easier to drag an unwilling captive down than up. Secondly, underground would allow them to use lights without drawing attention to their abandoned abode. 
It seemed his reasoning was sound. Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, a slight glow called from the far end of the hallway. Victor felt his heart rate increase as he knew he was on the correct path. Every cell in his body screamed for him to throw caution to the wind and race to the girl’s side, but thankfully the ones in charge of action still managed to maintain some semblance of order. 
At least enough order for him to only run to the end of the hallway as silently as he could manage and stop outside the door to listen. Two male voices conversed in hushed tones, low enough that Victor couldn’t quite make out what they were saying. He pressed his ear against the door in an attempt to hear better, only to wish he hadn’t. 
“We should just finish the job. We’ve had our fun and at this point, she’s a liability. She’s seen our faces and we can’t let that go.” 
“I suppose you’re right. But I want to have a little more fun, first. Where’d that knife go?” 
A soft rustling accompanied a muffled groan and squeak of fear. The sound of skin slapping skin and a pained squeal brought the fury which had been building in Victor’s stomach into his extremities. He burst through the door, taking in the scene in one swoop. It wasn’t a large room; in fact, it barely held three chairs and a small table. The girl was tied to the chair in the center of the room, her head resting on her chest and blood splattered here and there on the floor. She looked up at the sudden noise and revealed a bloody gag tied around her mouth, the crimson stain originating just above her right eyebrow and flowing its way down to the dirty cloth. 
Her eyes were dull and cloudy as her mind seemed to struggle to understand what she was seeing. However, it really only took a few moments for it to register that Victor had arrived, savior of the day. Tears welled up in those eyes and she seemed to be reaching for him with as much vigor as she could manage while being actually unable to move. 
Victor didn’t have time to release her, however, before her pair of captors were upon him. One held a knife while the other leveled a revolver at Victor’s head. Victor wasted no time in flinging a round-house kick at the gunman’s hand, sending the gun flying. The disarmed man was stunned by the sudden movement and froze, making it easy to strike him directly in the face. He crumpled like wet tissue paper and Victor turned to the other man, a larger specimen with a decidedly more frightening demeanor. 
“Where the hell did you come from?!” the kidnapper growled, circling Victor. “And who are you? How did you find this place?” 
“So many questions,” Victor retorted, his lip curled up slightly. “Who I am is none of your business. Neither is how I found you. But I will always find her, no matter where she is. She is mine and you would do well to put down your weapon before I have to take it away.” 
The man chuckled and lunged, knife aimed for Victor’s stomach. Victor nimbly stepped out of the way and elbowed the man in the back as he went by, causing him to stumble. However, the kidnapper recovered quickly and lunged again, this time grazing Victor’s hand as Victor grabbed for the man’s wrist. 
Victor didn’t so much as flinch at his wound. He simply wrapped his long fingers around the captor’s arm and flung him to the ground, smashing the man’s face into the concrete floor. There was a sickening crunch as the man’s nose broke on impact and a pool of blood began to immediately form beneath him. Victor was just about to turn back to the girl and untie her when she let out a muffled scream, which caused him to spin around and kick the first man again just as he began to reach for the gun. The man howled in agony as Victor’s sharp shoe connected solidly with his ribs and knocked the wind out of him. 
It seemed for a moment that both of his opponents were down, at least long enough for Victor to grab the abandoned knife and cut the girl free. He removed the gag first, followed quickly by her hands and then her feet. Tears streamed down her face despite her best efforts to keep them contained and she collapsed into Victor’s arms. “Can you walk?” he asked, holding her tightly against his chest. 
“I…I think so,” she whispered, voice hoarse from screaming. 
“Then I want you to run outside. The authorities shouldn’t be too far behind me, if Goldman did as he was instructed. Which he always has. I’ll keep these two busy while you make your escape.” 
The girl opened her mouth to argue, but Victor instead covered it with his own. By the time he pulled away from the kiss, the girl was feeling even dizzier than her wounds had caused. “Go. I will be perfectly fine. These two idiots are obviously no more than I can handle.” He pushed her toward the door and despite her intense desire to stay by his side, she gave Victor one last look and darted out of the room as fast as she could. 
Each time one of the captors would attempt to get up from the floor, Victor would mercilessly return them to their position. Every ounce of fear and anger was channeled directly into ensuring that neither of the men escaped before the police arrived to take them away. His hand still bled freely but he paid it no mind, seemingly not even realizing he’d been injured. 
Probably fifteen minutes passed before the thunder of police boots could be heard on the stairs. Victor exited the room and waved them down, pointing into the room. “The kidnappers are in here. I managed to subdue them for the time being, but there’s a loose gun.” 
The police pushed right past Victor and handcuffed the kidnappers, hauling them away before also cuffing Victor. He didn’t protest; it was just standard procedure, after all. They had no way to know what the truth of the situation was until they had time to interview all parties. 
Full darkness had fallen by the time Victor emerged with the police. The girl was being attended to by ambulance staff, but no amount of shouting could convince her to stay put when she saw Victor’s face. She rushed to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging to him as if her life depended on it. “I can’t believe you found me,” she sobbed, her tears staining the collar of his shirt red. “I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have run off like that! I thought for sure I was going to die alone and that you’d blame yourself for me making one bad decision!” 
Victor chuckled and kissed her on the cheek. “I will always find you, dummy. Even if I have to do it ten thousand times, I will always find you.”
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joukhr · 7 months
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banenaz · 6 months
Ayoo guess who's back with a new drawing 😩✨️
Tired sleepy silly boi 🥺🤲🏻💕
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This was supposed to be for his bday lmao but I 2 months late ehe
Ok so ya. Happy Birthday Viccy boii
Missed drawing him sooo much
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shai-kyu · 1 year
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