satashiiwrites · 2 years
Death, Rebirth and the Jackal, Chapter VII: At Odds
Whew.  Only 2 months past my original deadline…. 
Title: Death, Rebirth and the Jackal, Chapter VII: At Odds
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda, The Mummy (1999) with influences from Moon Knight, American Gods and other various bits of Egyptian-themed media, borrowing of Egyptian Myth
Pairing: MReyder.  Past Reyes/Zia
Fic Summary:  The Jackal wakes when his master returns.
Chapter summary: Reyes and Zia have a less than friendly tete a tete.
Tags/warnings: not an exact fusion of The Mummy (1999).  Zia should be a warning. Werecreatures. The gods walk among us.  Alternative universe. 
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Read chapter VII here on AO3
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mtreebeardiles · 2 years
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kadarakings-blog · 7 years
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Soooooo … I just finished this ten-part Reyder (Modern, all-human, underground fighting AU) fic and I’m spreading the word. It’s dark-ish, but not overly graphic regarding fights, SMUTTY, and the ending is open and hopeful. The entire fic is from Reyes’s POV. I would dearly love feedback, concrit, and suggestions for improvement on characterization and world-building especially, and on continuing/expanding the story into a series.
Or anything you feel like commenting on. I’m an attention h00r. And an unrepentant Bioware trash-panda. And I’m okay with that :-)
Also, I take prompts!
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
wip wednesday
Tagged by @monsterrae1​—thank you for the tag lovely. Tagging whoever wants to play along. 
I didn’t want to post anything i’ve been working on the last few days as it would be a bit spoiler-y so I was going through my wip folder and stumbled upon this draft that i really should clean up, expound upon and post as it’s too good to just leave in the corner collecting dust. 
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Banner by the ever-talented @radio-chatter​
Title: Untitled MReyder Fic aka the Ellen POV fic
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda
Pairing: Scott/Cora, MReyder
Other tags/warnings: very rough first draft.  Ellen Ryder POV.  Scott married for politics but he’s in love with Reyes.  Reyes respects Scott too much to cheat with him. Pining boys in love. alternative universe. Scott whump. Hurt/comfort. 
Scott wakes at Reyes’ light touch to his arm.  Scott immediately reaches for Reyes which stops Ellen from speaking. There’s this look on Reyes’ face as he looks at her son.
It’s painful to see.
Longing, fear, worry. 
Scott is pulling Reyes to him, “you’re here?”
“I would not be anywhere else,” Reyes tells him.
Reyes is NOT supposed to be on the Nexus.  Ellen knows him as someone of significant power on Kadara that somehow seems to report to both Keema as well as maybe Evfra.  He’s usually present at any big meetings and participates in negotiations for kadara.
Scott is married to Cora.  While Ellen hopes that her son is happy she does note that they seem to be a perfect political pair as Pathfinder and Lieutenant.
The way her son is looking at Reyes is not platonic.  Normally, Ellen has noticed that Scott usually gets on with the Kadaran Exile more than most of the other representatives.  She’d marked it down to some history of him helping Scott out before Diteon was founded.
But he’s usually much more guarded at all times—now he is not.
And her son is obviously all but clinging to a man who is not his husband.  A man who is very carefully avoiding all the medical equipment so he can curl as close as possible to her son, a soft call of a spanish endearment comforting Scott’s protests as he tries to pull him closer.
Scott has always just gone along with expectations. He’s made whatever decision needs to be made to be perfect—at least from the outside looking in.  What he really wants personally usually does not facto in.  He didn’t want to be pathfinder but he did the best he could
He married Cora when she showed interest in him—making them the perfect political power couple. Cora is aware that Scott is friends with Reyes but she knows who he really is and despises him.  
To keep the peace… Scott and Reyes mostly keep things quiet.
It’s not physical—or at least it isn’t yet physical. 
They both love each other but respect each other’s ‘choices’ too much because they won’t talk about it. They’re affectionate and spend time together whenever they can slip away which isn’t often. 
This is a time when the barrier is breaking down. 
It occurs to Ellen how picture perfect her son has always tried to be.  How he would suppress whatever he really wants in order to keep the peace or make others happy.  Focused on being the ‘perfect son’ ‘perfect marine’
She wonders how bad Scott took it leaving the marines—nobody has ever wanted to tell her but she knows that Alec’s actions basically got her son discharged.
Ellen watches as Scott always does what’s expected, steps up, does the jobs that need doing.  She wonders how he never buckles under expectations and keeps on going. 
She wishes Scott would slow down and be happy. 
She’d mentioned grandkids only once but the way that Cora seemed to put it off as a ‘thing for later’ when Scott had just shut down and not answered made he aware that her son—the son that always enjoyed taking care of kids around whatever military base they were stationed at—will follow his wife’s decision regarding children. This is despite the fact that she’d always assumed he’d be the type to ge married with a child already on the way. Instead he’s married to Cora for almost five years and childless.
Scott hasn’t slowed down at all… but now she wonders… is her son really happy?
Reyes tells Scott, “Shhh your mother is asleep.”
Scott protest quietly, tugging Reyes closer.  Reyes runs his hand soothingly through Scott’s hair, crooning to him. “I’m here now cariño.  Sleep. I have you.”
“But will you be here when I wake up?”
The painful look on Reyes’ face is answer enough. 
“I cannot—you know I am not supposed to be here. “ the answer is pained, an answer that seems to tear Reyes apart. 
Scott makes a wordless protest. “I missed you.  Hurt and all I wanted was you.”
Reyes’ eyes are shining in the faint light from the biobed. “I’m here now cariño. I will watch over your sleep.”  He caresses the edge of Scott’s face, encouraging him to settle. 
It’s so intimate that watching makes her feel like a voyeur.  There’s nothing sexual about their movements but the naked love and pain on Reyes��� face tells Ellen that she’s seeing something that’s only meant for Scott. 
Her son settles back down, his hand still wrapped tight around Reyes’ wrist. Reyes just watches her son sleep, still stroking his hair from the forehead to behind the ear and down to the nape of the neck. He’s curled protectively around Scott—between him and the door—and he’s barely spared a glance in her direction other than once when she’d hurriedly closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. 
He stays maybe an hour, not moving from her son’s side. Just watching Scott sleep. 
The indicator light of an incoming message lights up on his omnitool and he frowns as he flicks it off. Leaning down, he places a series of soft kisses on Scott’s forehead, mouth and finally the hand that he picks up from where it’s been resting on his wrist to place it gently back down at Scott’s side as he sits up.  Reyes carefully disengages, movements reluctant but calculated to disturb Scott as little as possible. Scott has been sleeping deeper and more restfully than he has the entire time he’s been injured—it seems Reyes’ presence was what was required to finally get him to rest. 
Ellen says nothing, watching from underneath hooded eyes as Vidal leaves as quietly as he came. 
She had told Cora that she’d take the night shift—let her go back to their apartment for the night and sleep in a real bed. 
Ellen spends the rest of the night thinking on if her son is happy. 
Her conclusion by the time Cora and Sara arrive in the morning with her breakfast is that her son is not happy. Hasn’t been since she last saw him before Alec put her in cryo sleep. 
Scott wakes up with Cora and Sara’s entrance.  It doesn’t escape Ellen’s notice that he seems to be looking for someone else instead of his wife and sister, his shoulders slumping slightly just for a moment in disappointment which is quickly masked by him being a model patient as the doctor enters for his morning examination. Cora ask a bunch of questions of the doctor as does Sara. 
Ellen is silent.
Scott only answers questions directed solely at him.  He’s distracted but unless you knew him like she did you wouldn’t notice.  She notices also that Cora hasn’t noticed… or she’s choosing to ignore it.  
Ellen frowns and the doctor leaves, having not made her feel any better about her son’s well being. 
Sara and Cora make conversation around her, trying to be normal.  Scott is mechanically eating the food brought for him, eyes dull.  The only time he slips up noticeably is when Cora mentions that there was a suspected smuggling operation last night but whoever they were got off the Nexus and slipped into the Scourge before they could be caught. 
The grip on his spoon is just a bit too tight and probably is hurting. 
“Do you know which gang it was?  Any other intel?” He asks Cora.
Cora doesn’t understand the significance of what he’s asking. “No.  Possibly angaran though given the engine signature.”
Humming, Scott goes back to his breakfast—more moving it around the plate than actually consuming it. He’s had such a terrible appetite and has been losing weight he really shouldn’t.  The doctor would be on him and threatening to force feed him—if only partially joking—if he doesn’t eat the rest so Ellen prods him to eat. 
She would bet money that Vidal was on the ship that got away—a lot of money. She’d also bet her son was happy he’d gotten clear. 
Over the following week, Scott heals gradually. It seems to be slow but she knows it’s faster than anyone else would. Her son has been altered to be the perfect soldier—Ellen helped design the implants that have been put inside him to make him the perfect fighting machine and perfect pathfinder. 
She wonders if he knew what they were doing—her husband at times had been overbearing and Alec had tended to do whatever was necessary for the family… whether or not they agreed to it.   She loves her son so much but can’t also help but wonder if she loved him enough growing up or hadn’t shown him how important he was to her that he felt he had to choose this—all of this. 
Did she show her children what a loving relationship with your spouse looked like?  Because what she sees between Scott and Cora is… not that.  God knows that she and Alec weren’t that demonstrative but their love had been solid and Alec had been her soulmate.  She knew why he’d done things to bring their family to Andromeda and sacrificed himself for their son but she missed him terribly. 
When Scott is finally released from medbay it’s only to his and Cora’s apartment.  Cora is already making noises about something needing their ‘pathfinder attention’ on Havarl. 
Scott makes the appropriate noises back but it’s obvious he’s not ready to go back to work quite yet.  he’s supportive of his wife. He doesn’t once ask him if she’ll stay with him during his recovery. 
When Ellen asks Scott he tells her, “we’re needed out there. She can at least help them while I’m out of commission.”
Out of commission. Like a broken machine. 
Her son has become the perfect little machine. 
There’s none of that spark she saw between Vidal and Scott between Cora and Scott. 
Cora’s a fine daughter in law. Respectful. Upstanding member of the Initiative. Powerful biotic. 
Her son and daughter in law are rarely affectionate in public but Scott still brushes a kiss against her lips when she leaves but he doesn’t cling to her like he did to Vidal. 
The blankness in her son’s eyes scares her. 
Cora leaves. Headed for Havarl and then likely Voeld before she’ll be back.  Scott is expected to take another two weeks before he’ll be back to work.  He’s already started doing physical therapy, working to regain flexibility and balance.  SAM is speeding his recovery beyond the normal pace. 
Scott is dedicated.
He is driven.
Can’t sit still.  Would overdo it without her monitoring or SAM tattling on him. 
Cora is due back tomorrow when Ellen catches the tail end of a vid call.  It’s Vidal on the other end. Scott is saying he’s sorry for missing their meet up on Aya—some small trade discussion thing that had been forgotten in the wake of Scott’s injury. Scott’s voice is…. It has none of that mechanical quality to it that Ellen has become so used to hearing.  Scott’s shut down expressing emotions so much since he became an adult.  Hearing him speak with emotion—with longing and even teasing slightly—it’s shocking. 
Ellen waits until the call is done before announcing her presence.  Scott looks better.  There’s color in his cheeks, eyes not so dull and lifeless. 
Cora returned. The dullness comes back. 
Scott is cleared to return to duty. 
They’re on Aya, maybe two months later. Another trade summit that Ellen managed to get herself included on as a mini-vacation but really she just wants to be with her children.  Cora is also here with Scott. 
But Vidal is also here. 
Vidal greets her perfectly politely and asks after her health. If she didn’t—hadn’t seen that nighttime visit—she’d never know how it is between him and her son.  
It’s at a dinner after a long day of negotiations with her son and his wife, Keema Dohrgun, Vidal and several others at the same table when Ellen realizes she can’t take it any longer. 
Someone jokes with Vidal about settling down—he demurs. 
Another joke is made about having kids or a woman in every port. 
Scott’s grip on his spoon is so tight that it’s going to be bent when he releases it. 
Cora makes a pointed joke that is a bit too sharp and at Vidal’s expense. 
Scott doesn’t react.  Neither does Vidal. 
Ellen has had enough of this shit. 
“I was hoping by now I’d have grandchildren myself.  If Reyes were to have children I’m sure he’d be a wonderful father.”
Scott chokes on his water that he’s been sticking to.  Cora is maybe—slightly—glowing biotic blue in both rage and embarrassment at having her mother in law rebuke her.  Vidal is watching Ellen right back as she considers him. 
“I have not yet been blessed with children—I need the right partner to raise our children together,” Vidal admits quietly.  
Ellen likes this man more and more.  He’s got more gumption than her milksop of a daughter in law who she’s not really convinced loves her son nor that her son loves his wife. She’s almost 100% sure of this after the last several months of observation.  
It’s obvious to her that Scott does feel something for Vidal. Something pure. Something that makes him look alive—and her son has been doing anything but living his life for himself. 
Vidal hasn’t looked at Scott but Scott is unable to look anywhere but at Vidal. 
Cora is trying to defend putting off children.  It’s not sounding or really working well at all. She tries to get Scott to defend her as her husband. 
Scott makes a half-assed attempt but it’s obvious he’s not really trying. 
Ellen, who perhaps should be laying off the angaran wine, adds, “well if you were keeping my son more satisfied in the bedroom I’m sure I’d be a grandmother by now.”
You can hear a pin drop in the silence following her comment.
Until, that is, Vidal bursts out laughing and is unable to stop. 
Scott is biting his lips, trying desperately not to join Vidal. 
Cora is gaping open mouthed at Ellen. “What did you say?” She finally asks, voice high pitched and strained. 
Ellen, sipping this fantastic wine and deciding what the hell, “You could be more concerned about my son and your marriage rather than Heleus.”
Keema Dohrgun refills Ellen’s glass, her galaxy swirled eyes gleaming in amusement and she winks at Ellen so that Cora cannot see it.  Ellen suspects that Keema—who seems very close to Vidal and possibly considers him her son—agrees with her assessment of what is going on between the two men. 
Ellen always did see herself as retiring with either her son’s mother in law or Sara’s mother in law and raising hell.  Keema looks like she might be a good candidate. 
It’s really too bad that Evfra looks like he’s about ready to restrain Cora if she gets too upset.  Alec would have told the man not to stop Ellen when she’s on a roll. 
“Cora—dear,” she lays it on thick, “if you were making my son happy you’d already have had at least two children by now.  Scott has loved children since he was a teenager.  If there was a baby around it ended up in his arms and he was the best babysitter to be had on six different military bases.  There were fights over whose kids he would watch.”
Vidal attempts to intervene, his eyes flicking towards Scott’s before meeting hers. “Ms. Ryder—“
“Ellen,” she corrects.   She wants to set the tone right.  None of this Ms. Ryder crap.  Her future son in law can call her by her name. 
“Ellen,” he says, looking like his tongue has tied weirdly on the syllables of her name, “surely you can understand wanting to have a solidly established base in Heleus prior to bring a child into this world.”
“You mean like Kadara?” She asks calmly, taking another sip of her wine. 
Vidal’s eyes widen comically and his cheeks are stained with a blush that is deepening rapidly. “Ah well…” he tries.
“Kadara is doing very well,” Ellen adds observationally and holds out her glass for Keema to fill again as it’s magically emptied itself.  She knows that there were artificial wombs suitable for human embryo development that were given to Kadara with the last trade package and she wants her expectations to be clear from the beginning.  Vidal’s handsome enough and he’d make a good genetic combination with her son. Angaran families are large from what she’s observed… and based on how close Vidal is with them she’s sure he would be willing to have at least two or three children. 
Keema interjects slyly—her eyes meeting Ellen’s with a small smirk. “Reyes you did say you wanted several children yourself. Is there nobody you would want to settle down with?”
Reyes is very carefully not looking at Scott—who is still unable to look away from him—and shoots a betrayed look at Keema. Cora has crossed her arms over her chest and the frown on her face is as deep as a canyon. 
“I… the person I could see myself with is not…” he is stumbling over his words, trying to find a way to dodge saying too much but too flustered at the directness of the question to completely avoid it. “I know what I want in a life partner,” he finally corrects himself with a small grimace. “However the time has just not yet been right.”
“Maybe you just need to make the time right,” Ellen tells him pointedly.
Suspicion crosses Reyes’ face just for a moment. “That is good advice,” he says carefully. 
“Yes.  Time waits for no one,” Ellen agrees now that she’s gotten her point across and believe he understands her. 
She seems to have broken the mood and it isn’t too long before people are dispersing. Cora has her arm around Scott’s wrist like a manacle, ready to drag him back to their rooms where she no doubt is going to have something to say about how much Ellen has embarrassed her. 
Ellen asks for Scott to escort her to her own rooms—in a different section—and she’s feeling a bit unsteady from too much wine.  Cora’s face colors and she gives a huff before telling Scott she’ll meet him at their room.  It seems to be implied that Scott is probably sleeping on the couch or floor tonight for not backing her up. 
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
Evil Author Day 2023
Actually participating this year—sorry no Sleepless in LA today.  It’s going to be the weekend before I get time to work on it. 
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Both are Mreyder:
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Title: Bound by Blood 
Rating: E
Pairing: Mryeder
Summary: After traveling to a new galaxy, Reyes wasn’t surprised to find that the same problems that existed in the Milky Way were brought along for the ride.You’d think after all these years he would know better
Tags/warnings: vampires. Werewolves. Evil Author Day. 
Read it here on AO3
Title: A Mage-Knight’s Tale (might eventually get re-named)
Rating: G for now
Pairing: eventual MReyder
Summary: Born with the wrong sort of gifts, Scott has long accepted his permanent semi-exile to the high mountain passes under the close watch of Lord Shepard. However, trouble is stirring in the Kett Empire and the road to war leads straight through Kadara and then to Hyperion. Tasked by his father, the Prince of Hyperion, he journeys into Kadara to keep the Empire at bay.
Read it here on AO3
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
Messy Draft Monday
For @radio-chatter​, may they have a good writing week and their muse be cooperative. 
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Title: An Andromeda Tale, unknown Chapter
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda
Pairing: MReyder
Other tags/warnings: still technically a first draft. Has been languishing on a hard drive for two years.  Eventually we’re going to get to this bit and I’ll edit it a bit and fix the POV issues 
The panicked look in Reyes’ eyes at the approaching woman’s voice goaded Scott to act. “Just go with it,” he whispered loudly before leaning in and smashing his mouth to Reyes’ with a muffled “umph” from Reyes. 
It wasn’t a good kiss—awkward, teeth and noses bumping into each other due to the force with which Scott pushed into Reyes who had gone rigidly still between him and the stacked containers. 
Well—it wasn’t for the two seconds it took for Reyes to get with the program.
Because when Reyes got with the program?  Scott’s world tilted sideways and he lost the plot somewhere between when Reyes’ mouth parted and he took control by kissing Scott back making his brain go fuzzy and offline.  Even SAM’s constant presence frizzled out as he was overwhelmed by sensory input.  
Reyes’ lips were soft and supple as they pressed against his. Strong arms slipped around Scott’s waist and pulled their bodies closer to align from knee to shoulder and took his weight as he pressed into the firm muscles underneath. A small moan embarrassingly slipped out as Reyes’ agile tongue threaded into his mouth and laid claim, the faint taste of whiskey and something that his brain labeled ‘Reyes’ was sweet on his breath and instantly addicting with one taste.
Scott had contemplated what kind of kisser Reyes was and he, belatedly, came to the conclusion that he had drastically underestimated the other man. Because woah. Reyes Vidal could fucking kiss. 
It was probably the best kiss Scott had ever had.... and it was all a diversion.
Shit. Shit. Shit.  
That whole conversation he’d had with SAM the other day?  The AI’s conclusions had been spot on.  Scott was a fucking idiot who’d been lying to himself from the moment he’d first laid eyes on the smooth Resistance agent with a terrible pickup line and who stiffed him with the bar bill. 
He, Scott Ryder, was in way too deep. 
>>insert more of Scott’s POV<<
He was unsteady on his feet for the first few steps taken reflexively after Scott who’d pulled away as if scalded once they were in the clear. The embarrassed ducking of the head as he’d pulled away from their shared embrace made Reyes want to chase after Scott, pull him back and find the right words to discuss what had just happened. 
Instead, he did what he should do.  Because Keema was going to kill him if he got pinched back here where he wasn’t supposed to be. 
Clearing his throat, he gestured towards the door.  Scott’s eyes met his by accident and the crystal blue eyes were a deep, startlingly sapphire blue in the dim light of the storage room and too vulnerable, cutting through Reyes’ jumbled thoughts and settling something internally that he didn’t have a name for in his chest.  Scott was obviously also feeling out of sorts by the physical heat between them that his gamble of a diversion had been. 
Scott wasn’t unaffected by kissing him.
Huh. That was very interesting. 
So very, very interesting. 
Awkwardly clearing his throat, Reyes took another step before he remembered what he’d been looking for as his eyes landed on the numbers on the crate next to Scott’s left ear.  Holding up one hand he muttered, “One moment.”
He didn’t miss the noise Scott made in the back of his throat when he took the three steps to close the distance between them but then stepped around him. Reyes wanted to turn and push Scott back into the solid surface behind him but he knew that staying here would be a very bad and potentially dangerous decision. 
Besides—he had treasure to liberate from Sloane Kelly’s clutches.  And he knew just who he wanted to share it with.
If Scott was willing of course. 
Prying open the crate, he swore under his breath at the effort. The stubborn crate finally gave way and he pawed through the careful packing to reveal bottles nested within.  As listed on the manifest, there was one bottle in particular that he’d been hunting for since he’d realized it existed. Tilting the bottles towards the light to read the label, his fingers touched the cool glass that glinted in the light as the contents swirled in the full bottle. 
The familiar logo made him smile. He’d found his treasure. 
Looking up, he let the smile widen into a grin.  The perplexed look on Scott’s face made him heft the bottle protectively and hide it under his jacket. “Found it.”
“Found what?” Scott frowned, brow lowering in a cute pout of confusion. It was terribly endearing and soft. Adorable even. 
“I’ll show you.  Let’s get out of here.”  There was an extra bounce in his step as Reyes put his hand at the small of Scott’s back and guided him towards the door.  Scott didn’t make any further protest but he leaned into the touch, eyes continuing to flick back and forth between where they were going and Reyes’ face.   It was difficult but somehow Reyes resisted the urge to catch and hold Scott’s gaze. 
He knew just where to take Scott—he needed to make up for being a terrible date thus far.  Reyes had promised Scott a night out and this was still salvageable.  He knew that Scott enjoyed the holovids he’d sent. 
Leaving the party, Reyes was careful to avoid being stopped by anyone who wanted to talk to either him or Scott—and there were more than a few. He did catch Keema’s eyes over the smoke from her cigarette and the knowing look she aimed at Scott made him hurry their steps.  Keema was going to want to have words about this later but it’d have to wait.  
Scott humored him, giving a few nods to people who greeted him but otherwise heading determinedly for the exit. The smirk that the Outcast guard gave Reyes was filthy looking and Reyes lifted his chin in challenge which made the turian’s mandibles flare even further in amusement. 
“Have fun little smuggler—don’t fuck him so hard he can’t save us all,” was the cat call after them.  The cackling was just insulting. Scott was more than just some savior and if the asshole couldn’t see him as a person...
Reyes stopped that line of thought abruptly.  He was getting out of line. Giving a rude gesture behind Scott’s back as they walked away, it didn’t escape his date’s notice. Scott choked and began laughing, his eyes dancing as they met Reyes. “Fuck off,” Reyes yelled back at the turian, walking fast down the corridor.
“Follow me?” Reyes asked when they were out of sight and earshot. 
The curve of Scott’s lips as he smiled was private. “Anywhere.  Lead on.”
Reyes’ heart may have skipped in his heart.  Scott didn’t know what he was saying but it was... well. Having a stern talking to with his inner thoughts that were a bit too mushy, Reyes led Scott deeper into the maze of the inner port.  His time exploring and memorizing the layout being put to good use.  The soft sound of Scott’s footfalls behind him telling him he was following was comforting and oddly reassuring. 
Scott hadn’t meant what he’d said—couldn’t really given he didn’t know everything about who Reyes was—but it was making Reyes struggle to not stumble as he led Scott. He’d promised Keema that he’d solidify his friendship ties with Scott to further their mutual goals. her remarks about how much he liked Scott were not important right now. If Scott viewed him positively then when they made their move to take over the port it would hopefully make Scott more willing to ally with them given how tenuous his ties were to the Outcasts. 
This was political.  Reyes had to remind himself that being in good standing with Scott was important for political reasons—and maybe some personal feelings he couldn’t really give into. 
Taking the next left up a set of stairs, he began to climb towards his favorite thinking spot that he’d found when he’d been avoiding making decisions. Scott followed silently, content to wait until they reached their destination.  As they ascended higher, Reyes found himself linking his hand with Scott to help pull him up the final ladder.
Clambering up the ladder to the roof, Reyes guided Scott by their clasped hands around the various vents and pipes towards the one spot he’d found a few weeks ago that gave the best view of the sunset above the port lights, protected from the noise due to the cliffs that rose at their back. Scott followed him, laughing and grumbling good-naturedly as he navigated the rooftop maze. Reaching the small, hidden area, he dropped Scott’s hand so he could slide down a vent and sat with his boots propped up on the sill, the slope of the roof creating a natural recliner in which to watch the stars come out. 
He carefully removed the precious bottle of whiskey from where he’d stashed it under his coat. The label was real paper, the color faced with age but still legible. Mount Milgrom, triple distilled. Six hundred and forty five year old treasure that had somehow made it all the way here intact. 
Scott joined him shortly, stretching his long legs out alongside Reyes as he reclined with a sigh. “I can see why you picked this spot.  Great view,” Scott observed as he leant forward, his eyes reflecting the lights of the port below them as they slowly ignited with the fading sunlight.
“I find the light... it touches the edges and blurs them. Makes them cleaner. Fresher. Gives me hope in the dying light of the sun and then the neon colors paint the sky in a pattern I cannot begin to describe... other than it is something that I would like to share with a fellow star gazer.” Rather than continue to stare at Scott as he had been, who practically glowed in the golden red light of the sunset, he pulled his knife and wedged it under the seal of the bottleneck. The soft wax gave way easily and he was able to twist out the cork with one good wrench of the wrist causing a popping sound.  
“It’s beautiful,” Scott admitted, tone wistful as he took the proffered bottle, thumb toying with the edge of the label. “You’re not going to take the first taste?”
Reyes ducked his head and not meeting Scott’s earnest gaze, biting his lips. “I’m sorry I left you by yourself for so long.”
Scott knocked their knees against one another, the light touch making Reyes look up.  Scott’s features were slackened in relaxation, a small smile stretching just the corners of the lips up as the bottom was moistened by a swipe of bright pink tongue. Really looking at his almost abandoned date, Reyes internally kicked himself again for not sticking by Scott’s side and ignoring his other goals. Scott had made an effort for him, jawline shaved and scrubbed clean of whiskers, hair neatly gelled but becoming wind blown from the light breeze that was present this high up no matter how sheltered their spot was. He could just make out a smattering of barely visible freckles across the straight bridge of the nose. 
He wanted to kiss them. 
Each one to see if there was any difference. 
To kiss them like he meant it, not just as a convenient distraction so they wouldn’t be caught where they shouldn’t be. 
instead, he cleared his throat and looked out over the port. In just a few minutes the sky had started it’s fade towards twilight. The bright golden light of the sun so low as it touched the far peaks on the other side of the valley in which the port sat to the fading orange, red, pinks and purple with the first streaks of dark blue bunched out by the first evening stars appearing overhead. The few clouds were low and thin, grey and purple outlined in brilliant liquid gold. There was the scent of rain on the wind but it was faint, a tease that cleansed any scent that might have wafted over from the docks. 
“I’ll let you have the first sip,” he managed, his voice dropping into a husky whisper as his eyes met Scott’s again and caught. 
He’d been wrong when he’d told Keema he didn’t know what to do with Scott. 
So wrong. 
He knew exactly what he wanted to do—he just knew that there was no way that it could possibly work out just how he hoped. Scott was too good a man to be tied down to just Kadara. Just him. Too important to too many people. Pulled in so many directions and unable to say no to the duties he hadn’t asked for but did his damndest to complete. 
Scott was the best man he’d ever met. 
No matter how much he might wish and bargain—their time was limited together. There would soon be another emergency, a disaster, that would pull Scott away from him. Away from Kadara. And maybe he’d be back but it wouldn’t be to stay. 
Scott wouldn’t be able to stay. 
No matter how much Reyes wanted to ask him to. Wanted him to. 
He would need to make the most of what he could. Treasure it in his memory and hope that his heart survived the fallout. 
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satashiiwrites · 1 year
Arrival in Andromeda: Chapter Two
it’s still the weekend….
Title: Arrival in Andromeda: Chapter Two (Book One of An Andromeda Tale)
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda
Pairing: eventual MReyder for series. Reyes/OMC this first part.
Fic summary:
Scott Ryder never saw his life going this way, not that anyone ever asked him his opinion. Now he's pathfinder with too many people depending on his young shoulders and trying to figure out what he wants for himself.
Reyes Vidal, man of mystery, former pilot and now sometimes smuggler. Who knows where he came from or his motivations but he's come to Andromeda to change his destiny.
What neither Scott nor Reyes could have predicted is what their lives would be once they came to Andromeda.
Chapter Summary:
Then: Reyes takes stock of the changes he’s experienced since arriving in Andromeda.
Now: Scott preps for his first mission.
Tags/warnings: epic space opera, scott and reyes are aged up slightly, not fully canon compliant, epic slow burn, reyes vidal backstory
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Read Chapter Two here on AO3
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
Snippet Sunday
Six No it’s SNIPPET Sunday because I can’t help myself. 
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Tagged by the lovely @radio-chatter.  Tagging (unless they’ve already been tagged today) @quietborderline @imsupposedtobewritting @tkwritesdumbassassins​ @missanniewhimsy​ @outtoshatter​ and anyone else who wants to play along. No pressure as always, we’re just having fun.
Title: Death, Rebirth and the Jackal, Untitled Chapter VII: Scott’s POV
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda, The Mummy, snippets/ideas inspired by American Gods and Moon Knight
Pairing: Mredyer as always 🙃
Tags/warnings: first draft. Scott being impossibly dense (or not?). 
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Scott’s dream had changed last night after he’d struck the deal with the Krogan.  
For so many years he’d had exactly the same dream  and the slightest change was disorienting as well as mildly upsetting.  There was still the call of the jackals over the sand but now instead of the sunrise being over the Nile he now stood on a cliff overlooking a canyon.  As the sun touched the horizon an ancient city had materialized as if by magic as the sun’s rays hit stone, carving it into recognizable forms, sand sweeping away like fog. 
The city was as if it had been abandoned yesterday, palms swaying in the morning breeze as they lined the stone road before him that led toward the center of the city, the columns of the temples soaring into the air to greet the sun as it rose higher and higher, watch fires lit upon the city walls. The gates had inscriptions etched into them that were as familiar as his own name.    
Hamunaptra, City of the Dead. Beware all who enters the gates of Anubis.  
The Jackal God’s statue rising high from the center of the city, visible from Scott’s perch above the road below. 
He blinked and his perspective changed. 
Somehow he’d moved so he was standing atop the ramparts but he was not alone.  
The familiar toned body wrapped around him from behind warming him against the cool of the morning air, a strong arm encircling his waist as an unshaven cheek brushed against his making his eyes slide closed as he relaxed into the embrace. “My Scott,” the voice whispered lowly with that taunting accent that he just couldn’t place after he awoke—both familiar and yet strange. “My golden wolf of the desert.”
A name was on the tip of his tongue. A name that mean safety and peace. A name that made him think of long limbs entwined with his, bodies melting into one another as they twisted in the bedclothes with the scent of cypress oil and male musk heavy in the air from their coupling. 
He’d awoken aroused and unfulfilled as always. A few strokes was all it took and he was shuddering through an orgasm, hands clenching the bed frame so they wouldn’t go searching for his missing bedmate. 
Why was he plagued by these never ending dreams?  Why did he have no interest in anyone else other than his dream lover who he’d pasted on the vague semblance of the prisoner—Vidal—for lack of any other reference?
It wasn’t like Vidal was really like his dream lover.  His dream lover was well groomed and had only a five o’clock shadow on his cheeks to tease him with compared to Vidal’s unkempt beard that looked like it could have a rat nest in it not to mention his unruly and oily long hair. 
Scott let himself have only a minute or so of self-pity as he caught his breath before making himself get up for the day. 
Vidal wasn’t his dream man—he was just a new and convenient face to picture instead of carefully avoiding picturing anyone else
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
Death, Rebirth and the Jackal, Ch VI: Déjà Vu
Posting early as my week is looking a bit too busy to post on Tuesday. 
Title: Death, Rebirth and the Jackal, Chapter VI: Déjà Vu
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda, The Mummy 1999, influences from American Gods and Moon Knight
Pairing: Eventual MReyder. 
Other tags/warnings: were-creatures. Borrowed ancient Egyptian mythology/history, not an outright fusion of the movie, no knowledge of Mass Effect necessary to enjoy—we’re way off from canon here. Alternative universe. 
Fic summary: The jackal wakes when his master returns. 
Chapter summary: Dreams and the waking world begin to collide for Scott. 
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Read it here on AO3
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
Death, Rebirth and the Jackal: Prologue
for @tkwritesdumbassassins for letting me rant at you about the Mummy Trilogy movies and Egypt-related things. 
Title: Death, Rebirth and the Jackal
Fandom(s): Mass Effect Andromeda, The Mummy Movies (1999), various bits from other media like American Gods and Moon Knight
Pairing: Eventual MReyder
Other tags: Alternative universe, slow burn, lots of Egyptian myth/lore/history, mishmash of genres, way off from canon, we’re having fun alright?
Summary: The Jackal wakes when his master returns. 
Read it here on AO3
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satashiiwrites · 3 years
Snippet Sunday
Making steady progress here on To Follow this week. So snippet sunday instead of six sentence. 
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From; To Follow (Seguir sequel/companion fic)
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda
Pairing: MReyder
Warnings: first draft—i need to fix some dialogue etc. 
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Laughing, Reyes vaulted himself up to his bunk and rolled to put his back to the wall. Scott was right behind him and already reaching for him.  Reyes went pliantly, allowing Scott to settle atop him and between his legs, wrapping his own ankles around Scott’s to trap him in place but he gentled any amorous movement. 
“Hey,” he said softly, stroking a hand down from behind Scott’s ear to his shoulder when Scott finally stopped fighting him, his vida arching into the touch which made other parts of their anatomy rub together pleasantly but he ignored it. “You look like you’re looking for someone.”
Scott snorted, his body shaking against Reyes as he hid his face in Reyes’ chest and laughed. “Oh god.  I’d forgotten you used that line on me.”
Unable to help but grin, he let his hands stroke up and down from the back of Scott’s head to his upper back, fingernails scratching lightly. He was just enjoying the feeling of Scott against him. The weight of his body and the warmth of his skin against his.  Even if they did nothing more than this it would be enough for him. “It worked pretty good the first time…” he lowered his voice and added, “I missed you more this time.”
Rubbing his face against Reyes’ chest, Scott’s sapphire blue eyes found his and a hand came up to cup his jaw. “I miss you the moment you leave Arcturus—the moment you leave me.  Every time. 
Biting his lip, Reyes considered. He could try and work faster on his masters certification and apply for promotion earlier but it likely would still take more than a year.  Applying for being stationed on Arcturus would also change the trajectory of his career to a more administrative focus… which he hadn’t originally intended but if it got him Scott…  “When I get promoted I could ask to be stationed somewhere like Arcturus.”
Scott shook his head, the fine dark chestnut hair sticking up where Reyes’ fingers had been playing with it. “No—do you really want that?”
“If it gets us more time together?”
“That’s not..” Scott’s nose scrunched up in annoyance. “I don’t want you to arrange your whole career around mine.”
“It would be different,” Reyes argued, “but not.. I would be willing to work towards it.”
“You love flying.”  
“I do.”  It was why he’d joined the Alliance—to get flight training.  He’d dreamed of it since before his parents had died and could remember his father talking of how much he enjoyed being a pilot himself. 
“I can’t ask you to give that up,” Scott protested. 
“I’m not giving it up—I would fly less in an administrative post but I would still have flight hour requirements to make.” It would be a quarter of the hours that he currently flew but he’d still be able to fly.  Just probably shuttle runs instead of a freighter like the Vancouver. 
“Yeah but it wouldn’t be using your skills.  You’re the type of pilot that should be flying from one end of the galaxy to the other not just making milk runs to make an hour quota.”
Realizing he wouldn’t convince Scott right now and that he needed to think more on his long term career options, Reyes redirected the conversation slightly. “Where do you see your career going?  Other than being an N7.”
Scott blew out a breath. “Not just doing patrols and guard duty for sure.”
Reyes knew better than to comment on how that kept Scott mostly safe—his vida wouldn’t appreciate that. “You got to chase those Batarians…” Reyes had felt conflicted about Scott being part of the deployment that had been sent to the Terminus Systems for a month to chase down pirates and slavers.   Scott had been a bit tight lipped about what he saw and Reyes could assume that they hadn’t been able to save everyone based on the news reports. On the other hand Scott was bored to tears while guarding the relay. 
“I don’t know what I want,” Scott admitted finally. “But I don’t want you to give up things for me.”
“I would not ask you to do that either.”
Scott smiled at his promise.  “I am so glad you came up to me on that dance floor—even if your pickup line was cheesy.”
“You looked like you were waiting for me,” Reyes whispered before gently pressing his mouth to Scott’s.
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
snippet sunday
Thinking about An Andromeda Tale today… particularly this bit. 
Title: An Andromeda Tale, unknown chapter
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda
Pairing: MReyder
Other tags: first draft. Mild swearing.  Cut for length. Interrupted make out session on the roof. 
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Scott leaned forward, his eyes fluttering closed and head tilting at just the right angle in an invitation that he couldn’t help but meet. The first touch of their mouths was hesitant, a bare greeting and sharing of breath. Shifting his weight, he reached out and let his hand rest on the angle of Scott’s jaw, fingers resting briefly on the rapid beat of the pulse point before sliding up to rest in a protective curl behind the ear to the nape of the neck as he guided Scott back with a persistent tug of want. 
The next meeting of their mouths wasn’t hesitant or aggressive. It was... they melted into one another. Reyes lost himself in the moment. The sharing of breath and feel of Scott’s body against his as he gathered him in closer as Scott’s arms wrapped around him. It was like coming alive in a way that he’d always thought was just a myth precipitated by stories.  His heart pounded in his chest, light and so full of Scott. 
Scott shivered against him, gasping for breath as they broke apart and then both dived back in immediately to resume. The meeting of flesh and trading of air, Reyes found an opening and slid his tongue in to tangle with Scott’s.  The taste of whiskey overlying something that was essentially Scott. It was like holding something so fragile in his hands that was yet so strong and so very, very alive. 
He wasn’t going to survive it when Scott left him. He knew that he’d live... but this? He’d never get this with anyone else. 
They finally had to break for air, both of them breathing heavily. He’d managed to pull Scott completely into his lap, legs bracketing his as he cradled the other man in his arms as their foreheads rested together. Sharing the moment. Not talking because it wasn’t necessary. The warm, strong, broad muscles of Scott’s lower back flexed as he shifted to settle his weight more firmly against his, his hands  moving to accommodate and support, just holding Scott close The breathy, whispered plea of his name made him open his eyes. 
“Reyes....Reyes.... Reyes!”
So close, they shared each breath, Scott’s blue eyes were pools of dark space surrounded by the icy biotic blue that shone with reflected starlight. An intimate moment entwined and knitted them together in a way that seemed unbreakable as the moment expanded. “Scott,” he returned the call, nudging his nose against Scott’s as he reclaimed Scott’s mouth in an open mouthed kiss. 
Scott’s hands twisted in his hair as his eyes closed, cradling the back of his head and falling into him. The slide of their lips against one another, the tentative tease of tongue before it tangled and danced with the other’s. Reyes came alive in that moment and knew this was what his Tío had talked about with his vida. 
That moment that you fell.
There could only be one moment like this in your life—when you found that one that you belonged to. 
Before they could start kissing again, there was a priority alert on his omnitool that was loud enough to make Scott startle as it sounded right next to his ear.  Shaking his head to try and clear it, Reyes fumbled to silence the alert. “I’m sorry,” he managed to say, still trying to catch his breath. 
“Don’t be,” Scott said, not allowing any distance to grow between their bodies and shifting to use his weight to anchor Reyes, preventing any suggestion of him leaving. “Don’t be,” he repeated breathily as he leaned back in.
Reyes couldn’t resist and wrapped his arms around Scott’s waist, mouth open to meet Scott’s.  The immediate resumption of heat and twisting feeling in his chest had him clinging to Scott who was just as eager. 
A second priority alert pulled him back again. 
Swearing, Reyes silenced this one too under his breath. Couldn’t his people figure things out for five minutes...
Scott had collapsed, curling into Reyes’ chest with his head tucked neatly into the space between neck and shoulder. The slight tremor to his body was from silent laughing but Reyes was soothed from getting offended by the soft touch of lips to the pulse point which made him relax. “I’m sorry,” he apologized again.  
“Sounds urgent,” Scott said softly, fingers trailing a teasing trail up and down his neck as his thumb rubbed in circles just below Reyes’ ear making him press into the touch as he caught the hand and placed a kiss into the palm. Threading their fingers together, Reyes just took a moment to feel the weighty press of Scott’s body into his. 
The light of sunset had almost completely faded and the neon lights of the port had taken over. Pink, blue, purple, and yellow in the neon spectrum with the sparse amber of street lights from the marketplace below and to the left. The blinking green and blue lights of the flight path leading away spread out in a guide line as Scott settled even firmer into him, nuzzling the skin so it erupted in goosebumps with a shiver.
“Getting cold?” Scott asked, in no rush. 
Glancing down at Scott, Reyes adjusted his hold on the other man. “No.”
A third alert sounded, the chirp of his omnitool insistent as he swiped to make it stop making noise. “Fuck.”
Scott laughed again, the sound vibrating through Reyes’ own chest. Moving so their eyes could meet, Scott shook his head. “Keema said you’re always working—guess she wasn’t wrong.”
Reyes shook his head. “No... I do work a lot.”
“I get it,” Scott sighed, moving enough so he could run a hand through his own hair absently as he pulled away and left Reyes feeling unexpectedly cold without his body heat. “Believe me. I totally understand.  Duty doesn’t wait to be convenient for me either.”
“Scott...” Reyes didn’t know what to say. 
Looking away and over the port, the bob of Scott’s throat was visible in the reflected light. “Despite everything... I want to do this again.”
“Yes,” Reyes agreed immediately. “Let me do this right Scott.  A proper date.”
When Scott looked back at him, his gaze pierced right through Reyes like it was pinning his soul. “I’ll hold you to that,” was the soft reply as another priority message chirped through, this time on Scott’s omnitool.
Both of them burst out laughing this time. “It seems it’s not just me,” Reyes chuckled.
Waving him off, Scott got to his feet. “My job is never done nor off the clock either. 
Reyes followed him up, their bodies brushing against one another as neither really wanted to leave despite the calling of others. “Next time I’ll do this right,” he said softly as he pulled Scott closer and placed a soft kiss against his mouth. 
Eyes closed, Scott parted from him reluctantly. Mouth swollen, hair in disarray, it was obvious what they’d been doing.  Scott took a deep breath before opening his eyes, the beautiful blue showing his reluctance. “Next time,” he agreed lowly, voice hoarse. 
Reyes helped Scott find his way back to the ladder they’d taken up. Neither of them said anything further other than a brief brush of mouths as they parted—Scott towards the Tempest and Reyes towards the lifts. Standing underneath one of the streetlights, Reyes watched Scott disappear down the empty alley. 
Shaking himself to try and focus, he needed to think of something other than how well Scott had fit into him. Rubbing his face with both hands, he he yawned and finally pulled up his omnitool—he’d silenced even the priority alerts after the third one. He’d had two more alerts come in since and all of them were from his turian bodyguards.
Opening the first one, his breath caught in surprise. 
They had Kaetus.  The window for acting was now. 
Giving one last glance for the way Scott had gone, he swallowed heavily and let his shoulders slump. It was a good thing that Scott was bound for Elaaden in the morning and wouldn’t be here for this. 
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satashiiwrites · 3 years
wip Wednesday
Yeah… working on my Mredyer week stuff…. 
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From: To Follow, Chapter V
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda, Mass Effect Trilogy (set ~ME2)
Pairing: MReyder, mentioned pre-MShenko in fic but not this part
Warnings: first draft. Swearing. Pre-andromeda meeting. Reyes should probably avoid engineering for a while. 
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The entire ship vibrated as the mass effect field of the relay took hold and then slingshot them to the next star cluster. The weird pinching feeling of something passing through him made his gut clench and it felt like he’d been spun around upside down until he wanted to vomit.  He’d never hit a relay at this speed before. 
His hand snuck up to clutch at his dog tags, whispering a half-forgotten prayer to a god he didn’t believe in as he closed his eyes against the brightness of the HHUD as it whited out from the energy spike. 
Miraculously….they made it in one piece. 
Well… mostly. 
The Vancouver’s engines made a pretty alarming whining noise but the familiar vibration of a running engine didn’t quit.  The electronics flickered twice before stabilizing. 
Reyes was already inputting their next move, pulling out of the near vicinity of the relay and headed for the nearest system which was five minutes away in Caleston Rift.  They could hide there. All they needed was five minutes and some luck.
He was vaguely aware of someone clinging to the back of his seat, watching over his shoulder as he engaged the stealth mode that would hide their emissions trail. 
“You’re going to hide?”
Startling at his Captain’s voice in his ear, Reyes nodded. “If we just keep jumping they can follow. The Rift is big enough that we can hide while I figure out how fu—messed up the engines are.”
His Captain’s caterpillar thick eyebrows inched upwards but the man was trying not to laugh as he clapped Reyes on the shoulder. “Do it.  Let me deal with engineering.”
Slumping into his chair, Reyes winced.  Better the Captain rather than him check in with Engineering. “Yes sir.”
Engineering was going to want to draw and quarter him based on the warning indicators flickering across the HUD. At least they hadn’t had a complete power failure.
As if punishing him for his thoughts the entire ship’s power flickered and then quit as another loud whine came from the engines as they died, the entire bridge going dark before the emergency floor lighting kicked in bathing everything in a red glow.  Artificial gravity failed and he had to grab for his safety harness that he hadn’t put on as he began to float out of the pilot cradle. “Shit.”
The good news is that even being dead in the water they still were being propelled forward due to the momentum they’d already gained.  The bad news is that they had very limited backup systems that were a pain in the ass to navigate by as they were so primitive as it used the same tech that had been used by NASA back in the day of the Apollo landings.  There was only so much fuel you could expend so any flight maneuvers without engine power.  
But on the plus side they’d be incredibly hard to find unless you were visually looking for them. They otherwise looked like just another bit of rock floating around to any scanners. 
Negatives?  The temperature was dropping fast.  The emergency power would only keep them from freezing solid—it wouldn’t be comfortable without the engines being back online. Life support was minimal. 
Roberts, who had been sitting in the other pilot cradle, had his arms crossed over his chest and sniffed loudly. “Well you’ve really fucked us all,” he muttered nastily.
Whipping his head to look at the man, Reyes snapped back, “But at least I got us out alive.”
“Fuckin’ maverick. Always having to show off. I had it handled!”
“No you did not,” Reyes argued angrily. “You were too slow!”
“I had it HANDLED!”  Robert’s face was purple he was so pissed. 
“Knock it off!” Was the loud shout as Alexander propelled himself forward into the bridge to get between them. “Roberts go cool off.”
Sneering, Roberts hastily unclipped himself from his safety harness and tried to get off the bridge.  His dramatic exit was ruined by how many times he had to run into either a console or the ceiling to redirect himself. 
Alexander just watched him leave, his jaw clenched. He was still in his combat armor but he’d lost his helmet somewhere. His strawberry blonde hair in disarray instead of it’s usual neatly gelled look. “Bastard.”
“Me or him?” Reyes asked with a snort.
Alexander rolled his eyes. “You probably saved all our lives Reyes.  That matters.  Captain knows that.”
“Yeah but does Engineering?”
The marine let out a guffaw of laughter, eyes crinkling in amusement. “Maybe stay away from engineering for a while.”
“I’ll take that advice.”
“Stay here.  If anyone gives you trouble you will send them to me,” Alexander clapped him hard on the shoulder, almost sending him face first into the controls. “Careful there top gun.”
“My call sign is Anubis,” Reyes complained half heartedly.
“Which is, as they say, pretty badass brother.”
He could only shrug in response.  “I’ll… stay here.  Hopefully they get back some power.”
“Yes.  You have not been relieved of duty.  I think I am going to make sure nobody gets any ideas.”
Alexander left him alone in the pilot cradle with his thoughts. 
The stars were pretty through the windows. He never usually got to see them with the HUD in the way.  
He wished Scott were here. Reyes could really use a hug about now. 
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
If I See You In My Dreams, Chapter II
 Title: If I See You In My Dreams, chapter II
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda
Pairing: MReyder
Fic Summary: 
Never tell anyone.
That was the rule that Reyes had lived by his entire life. He’d seen the consequences of someone finding out when he was eight years old and his father was taken by mercenaries for his abilities. Reyes would have been next if it weren’t for his Abuela’s actions.
Never tell anyone.
Reyes had always felt a kinship with the story of Cassandra. He knew exactly how she had felt. He won’t let Kadara be his Troy.
Chapter Summary: Habitat 7. 
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Read chapter II here
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satashiiwrites · 3 years
Snippet Sunday
Getting a head start on my wip project goal.
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From: To Follow, ch V
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda
Pairing: MReyder
Warnings: first draft, pre-andromeda meeting, Reyes’ version of events. Vidcalls of the lonely military men. 
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“There’s other things you can do to make you relax rather than being stressed,” Reyes added which made Scott pause and lower his brows even as he smirked. “Not that!”
“You’re no fun babe.” Scott laughed.  He was so easy to read to his vida but then he made no effort to hide from him as Scott had firmly jumped any barriers he might have put up for anyone else. 
Ignoring Scott’s amusement, Reyes continued. “Excuse yourself to the head and take a moment to stand as tall as you can.  Make yourself big and take a few deep breaths.  In and out.  Try it now.”
Making a face, Scott pushed back from the desk he’d been sitting at to stand.  This gave Reyes a good look at the skintight boxer briefs he was wearing that were standard Alliance issue. The way they hugged his muscular thighs and the thin, nipped in waist.  Reyes for a moment just wanted to dip his hands underneath the fabric and hold his lover but he had to focus.  They were discussing his vida’s career. 
“Now stand tall—shoulders back.”  Scott followed his instructions, lips pursing in seriousness. “Hands at your side now extend them and reach.  Deep breath in through the nose and hold it for just a few seconds… now out.  Again.”
Scott did as he was told, letting his eyes slide shut even as his shoulders rolled back into that ramrod straight posture marines were known for. It was as if he’d slid into another persona—gone was his lovable sensual and caring vida and in his place was a stern iron-hard marine. Just a few breaths and Scott oozed confidence, all traces of anxiety gone. 
It was a turn on to see Scott like this. So calm and in control. 
When his blue eyes opened, they were much more confident and razor sharp for just a moment before Scott lost it, bending forward and laughing as he retook his chair. “Okay that might work,” he mumbled between laughs. 
“It works,” Reyes argued. It was what he did each time he had to speak in front of others. 
“Sure babe.” Scott sighed again, a fond look in his eyes as he leaned forward towards the view screen.  “Miss you.  When are you going to be back?”
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satashiiwrites · 3 years
six sentence Sunday
I can never just stick to six….
 From: Reinventing Scott
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda
Pairing: Mreyder—eventually. 
Warnings: first draft. Alternative universe.  Scott still manages to get himself into trouble as always. Luckily he has Drack to come in like a wrecking ball….
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They were pinned down.  Every time Scott managed to take out one of the robots another two popped up in their place.  He should have told someone where they were going but he hadn’t wanted to get Reyes’ hope up until he knew for sure. Now he’d be dead before he could tell Reyes anything. 
The booming retort of a shotgun blast was unexpected in the whirl and screeching of robots. The krogan battle roar that followed it was even more shocking. 
Where had the krogan come from?
Charing through the robots, the krogan scattered them like bowling pins.  His shotgun blasts at close range blasting apart the flyers that tried to swoop down at him even as the wicked looking knife on the end lodged in one of the tripod robot’s mechanical eyes to blind it. “Come on kid! “ he roared. 
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