marrissacooper · 2 years
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@mrhomerxsimpson hope you don't mind me posting your tags but I agree 100%!! I was actually going to write a post very similar to this lol s1-3 cameron would have totally killed a dictator if she thought it was for the greater good, she used to be ruthless. it would've been so interesting if it had happened the way you wrote it and this way both chase and cameron could've gotten a proper, good storyline. I'm so disappointed that she was written out of this :(
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thejudgingtrash · 2 years
Unpopular Opinion;I'd rather have show!Annabeth as a kid with dark hair and eyes. Honestly,the whole "grey eyed blonde Athena kids" was odd in the books,and would be even worse in live action,IMO. While I like seeing fanarts of show!Annabeth with blonde hair and/or grey eyes,I don't see why this detail has to be faithful to the books. Besides,I feel the same about Percy,if to a lesser degree.
Sorry for answering this so late, I’m not really active on Tumblr therefore I tend to forget to check whether or not I’ve received some asks and I tend to take a while for answering them anyways. Also, this is going to get very long and rambly, so prepare yourselves!
My opinion on this whole casting situation and book accuracy is: I legit don’t give a fuck. More than that, I just side-eye people that were freaking the fuck out.
I essentially cut contact with 98% of this fandom (aside from few core groups) and left Tumblr last year because it’s a toxic mess and I try to avoid other PJO related social media branches (with the exception for AO3 for dumping my Percabeth fics, next one coming up soon <3) because they’re more than often even WORSE (!) than this hellsite but I still can’t escape casting news. So it’s incredibly hilarious to see so many people freaking the fuck out over something they have little to no control about.
My wonderful friend @mapendo-c essentially brought it to the point with this post but let me add my two cents to this entire situation:
2020 was hell on tumblr for the black crowd, let’s not act like it wasn’t (it was hell for black people in general if you care enough to remember). From harrassing the black PJO Tumblr side, to straight up lying to us, to doxxing, to us being called slurs in DMs and asks, to receiving open death threats and being sent lynching videos, we had it ALL. Some people that were directly confronted with this shit victimized themselves and fled the scene to this day, literally going out with a bang. Congratulations for that, BTW.
And that was only because a few people started to create PJO artwork that involved Percy of Color. Being more open to otherness. Critizing the white status quo and branching out. Questioning the constant projection onto these characters. That set a chain reaction into other endeavors and arguments but alas, this is already enough babbling. 
The fact that we had over 17 years of artwork and fics and videos and movies filled with Cocaine White Percy wasn’t enough for some of you. No, you had to break the spirits of those that are a minority and do not look like you. All of that shit was so unwarranted and unnecessary.
And then when you got warm to the idea of Token Black Percy (in 2021 might I add), you were delighted to see that he would be indeed white in the TV series as announced in the past few months. But oh wait… What was that?? Is it a bird, is it a plane? No?
The whole world just got hit by a big rock and the apocalypse is nearing. The way some of y’all acted… Doing the same exact vile shit that you were doing in 2020 to a twelve year old, because she got the role of her life (so far) in portraying a major fictional character… The fact that y’all lost your goddamn mind without having even seen Leah act is MIND-BLOWING.
The same people accusing the black side of the fandom of likely being aggressive towards White TV Show Percy (before casting confirmation which also — newsflash — didn’t happen) are now the same fucking people freaking out about Leah as Annabeth. Tale as old as time.
I said this two years ago and most of y’all stank bitches proved me right: “Let’s be real: if Annabeth Chase would be black for example with the way she behaves, 85% of the fandom would hate her, cry for Perachel and Percabeth would be the least popular ship. I don’t trust people who are saying the opposite.”
As if anything else was about to happen… if I’m to believe certain Twitter threats and Reddit posts (taken with the biggest grain of salt ofc), some people where close to unaliving themselves because we all seemed to collectively have forgotten that Annabeth stans (this is coming from a core Percabeth shipper, so don’t come for me!) are fucking INSANE. Imagine loosing your shit on a harmless decision like a differing casting choice. Some of y’all need psychiatric help, ESPECIALLY looking at you 
“I can’t be racist, because I’m neurodivergent” crowd!!
I absolutely do not get why people get worked up about this. The minute a live version (aka NOT animation) project was announced, all of you should have collectively kissed the idea of a 100% book accurate adaptation goodbye, just as with the movie version. 
Do I think the show version will be closer to the books? 
Do I think it’ll be a 1 on 1 adaptation? 
Absolutely not. 
The announcement of the blind casting and therefore going for talent approach should’ve cemented the fact that this show won’t be book accurate at all.
How difficult is it to understand for some of you that the image of Annabeth, Percy, the storyline and everything else that you made up in your mind will NEVER be depicted on screen??? This is purely from a logical standpoint. I know Disney has resources and shit but they aren’t infinite. They have to break even eventually. I guess none of y’all have absolutely any idea how the medium of film works behind the scenes. 
Even Riordan’s (as the author with actual authority) initial version is impossible to bring to the screen. Trust me, there will be other things omitted or added to the show. You can either tune in, or don’t. It’s as simple as that. That is the only thing you can influence.
Coming to the next point: do all of these changes even matter?!
Stripping Annabeth and Percy of their default hair/eye/skin color doesn’t really change anything that significantly imo?? 
If you are reducing Annabeth and Percy to their appearance and not the character, what they have as traits and could represent that’s on you, sweetie.
Additionally, most of y’all are ignoring the polar opposite: the nuances and depth Black Annabeth (less so White Percy tbh) could add are entirely forgotten. How they could enrich the story, bring other perspectives in and give in Annabeth’s case the opportunity for black girls that are sexualized and treated like complete shit everywhere else on the planet (anti blackness and misogynoire say hello!) a chance to see themselves portrait in a multi-dimensional character but NOOOOOOOO!
Y’all act as if Californian Dream girl blonde, tall, tanned Anna Bethany “my father went to Harvard and I’m a descendant of Scandinavian royalty and only white people live in Sweden” Chase lives the same life and is equally as oppressed as characters like Hazel or Beckendorf. You know… the little black girl that lived through segregation, got cursed, killed and resurrected and has Hitler as her fucking half-sibling, and the token negro who was one of the very FEW diverse characters in the OG book series that got BLOWN THE FUCK UP as a plot point.
Like GIRL?! (Nella Rose voice:) ARE YOU NOT EMBARASSSSSED?!
I’m not saying that Annabeth doesn’t have her fair share of issues, all I’m saying is SHE’S NOT FUCKING OPPRESSED. Her problems are not the same in comparison to Hazel, Piper, Leo, Beckendorf, Reyna and others. I know white women loooove playing the victim (see: current real world issues where instead of listening to the warnings of black and brown women and people decades ago, they just sat around until they were on the receiving end for once), but no. This is not the fucking same.
Don’t act like it.
“Oh but the dumb blonde stereotype...“
Not only that, you could use that for show Percy for all that I care now that his actor won’t be forced to dye his hair/wear contacts. Percy gets treated by all fronts like an idiot (thank you, Annabeth), let him be the one proving people wrong about the dumb blond thing.
As if there aren’t other white female (main) characters that you can latch yourselves onto if you feel like projecting. And you still can, because the OG book series is still a fucking thing!! This is all about the show!
Like you, @mrhomerxsimpson have said, the OG descriptions sound unrealistic and would look tacky in the live action. Fanart ≠ real portrayal of characters. Having sparkly glowing sea green eyes would look weird in reality. The focus of Annabeth’s on her gray eyes… this is readable but would likely transfer poorly onto the screen.
And let’s not forget the trashy exotic portrayal of Cinnamon Toast Hazel and Kaleidoscope Eyed Piper. Let’s just let people and characters of color chill for a while. Please.
I’ve said it ages ago and I’m too lazy to look it up but I think that as long as Percy and Poseidon reassemble each other slightly, the show will be fine. And if these people can act. Also important.
Which brings me to my final point/question: How are some of you unable to understand that different adaptations of the same enterprise can coexist and be just fine?
Book Annabeth 
Movie Annabeth
TV Show Annabeth
There is a reason why you can filter the universe (book, tv show, movie, etc.) in which your story is set on AO3 and FFN. Because not all universes are the same!!!
Rowling is trash but as an easy to understand analogy: if you think about the Harry Potter franchise…
is Emma Watson automatically Hermione Granger for you? Is Daniel Radcliffe automatically Harry Potter?
Because whenever I’ve read a HP Fic they’ve NEVER come up in my mind. Emma Watson is Movie Hermione, but she’s not THE Hermione. She isn't any better or worse than Stage Adaptation Hermione. Watson certainly isn’t the Hermione in my head.
Dr. Who is a sorta weak comparison but there are a million different Doctors sooo what??
Can’t you separate different versions of the same medium? The same core story just with different faces for the same role? Am I in the minority with this??
Book Annabeth is Book Annabeth, Alexandra Daddario is Movie Annabeth and Leah will be TV Show Annabeth. And none of that is in conflict with each other.
If you still want to create moodboards and artworks with Surinamese!Percy, Haitian!Grover and Desi!Annabeth, no one’s stopping you!
If you see Aryan, Walker and Leah as the new default and want to create artwork with their likenesses, also fine!
If you want to go all white like Burdge and Viria have over ten years ago… lame and side-eye worthy but ultimately your decision.
If you want to do all of the above, go ahead!
Just chill and wait till next year when the show finally hits before y’all start throwing tantrums, jeez. Oh wait. Too late!
Peace out.
TL;DR: It really doesn’t fucking matter how TV series Annabeth or Percy look like. Their actors need to act and that’s about it. However, I agree that the book portrayals (at least to a certain degree) would look tacky on screen. Also, this fandom is trash. 
Stop being dickheads and I’m out until November or so for my new finished fic.
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brizzlovesyou · 4 years
The main reason why I like CK!Danny way better than KK!Danny was mostly due to the several tones of grey morality in Cobra Kai. In the first movie,he was the archetypical underdog with a temper,but ultimately a heart of gold. An okay character and protagonist,but ultimately uninteresting to me(Ralph Macchio was awesome,tho). In CK, Daniel acts really nasty and self-righteous,but I can still see him as a good,caring person(his brightest moments as a mentor,the way he actually seemed to understand Johnny),and the contrast made him more amusing. And having Johnny Lawrence as Daniel's antagonist didn't help his case either (he and Miyagi were the only characters I actually liked/loved in the first movie). Okay, Johnny was very nasty on KK,but he also had signs of positive traits and willingness to improve (he was also really hot,and Daniel was a plain Joe),so there was more of a moral contrast. Maybe the lack of Johnny is why I enjoy Daniel in KK2 and KK3. I'll confess that I'm not fond of Ali,she seemed kinda devoid of personality beyond feisty love interest that didn't like Johnny. I like fanon Ali,but canon her... Yikes.
Thank you for sending this in!! 
See I had a completely different view of Daniel in the original movies but I can understand where you’re coming from. The Karate Kid definitely falls under that 80′s trope of heroic underdog vs. attractive asshole. Interesting!!
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proxissima · 2 years
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(Making this a separate post because it's fairly universally applicable in the fandom.) @mrhomerxsimpson Funnily enough, that's actually almost always the reasoning, and for them it's low standards = no standards.
I think they don't get that Ozai genuinely doesn't understand what's wrong with emotionally manipulating and putting his children against each other, because he himself grew up in the exact same toxic environment and had no outsider's intervention.
We see that he genuinely thought that he was teaching Zuko a lesson by replacing the general in the Agni Kai and challenging his own son. Ozai had intended the punishment to hurt and be a mark of shame for Zuko, but if he'd genuinely wanted to injure him severely or kill him, like so many seem to believe, don't you think that Ozai would've done exactly that? Don't you think that Ozai wouldn't have bothered with keeping most of the damage to the area of skin on Zuko's face that he kept his hand on? Why do you think Zuko can still see and hear through his left eye and ear at all, if it hadn't been for Ozai's minute control over his fire?
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