#mrs westernra
cadaverousdecay · 10 days
lot of people hating on mrs westernra as if she took the garlic out of lucy’s room maliciously. she didn’t know! that’s the tragedy of it she thought she was helping!!!
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lucy-shining-star · 9 months
I have weird idea that is no ‘dracula au’ but ‘Nina really likes Dracula and wants to make Dracula play’. Probably musical on skates to be in spirit of show
Set probably at least like...two years after season three?
Anyway I decided it would be done by those who were teens/really early in 20s during series, who are in intros.
It is kinda accodring to canon ships, but like...only in case of Nina’s and Luna’s ships. And even then not fully
(oh btw, I imagine Eric and Nina broke up, Nina and Gaston are back together and Eric is over it. Matteo and Luna also broke up) 
Also since Dracula has much more male characters I couldn’t give all girls lot-of screentime roles so. Jim and Yam would play lot off less important roles, and Ambar, Emilia and Delfi probably also will get some, maybe even some others
Anyway, starting with characters from Dracula, that are important enough that people who play them won’t have more roles:
Mina Murray/Harker-Nina. Well that was her idea and I think she would like to play Mina, and even if she wasn’t sure she could pull this off especially with skates thing, Gaston and Luna convinced her. Also she they are both good at making observations and drawing conclusions from them.  Also because they have names ending with same letters
Jonathan Harker-Gaston. Well, first of all he is Mina’s fiance/husband, and second. He was supposed to be in Transylvania way shorter than he was. So there is some similiraity here. With difference that Jonathan was being kept ouy of England and Gaston in England. Also I think Nina would love to recreate romantic jonmina moments 
Lucy Westernra- Luna. Well cause Mina’s best friend, and also they had sleepwalked. Also because they have names starting with same letters
John Seward- Pedro. ...I admit I don’t have much reason for that except for I prefer to give important role to Pedro than Eric?  (this sounds as I Seward was Mina’s suitor, not Lucy’s well he was Lucy’s but she wrote to Mina he would fit her if she wasn’t already with Jonathan so that’s why I kinda wondererd) Though maybe he does give some vibes especially early first season Pedro in love with Tamara
Arthur Holmwood-Simon. Well he is one of two characters who kissed with Lucy. And her fiance that’s why precised that Luna and Matteo broke up so it wouldn’t be too awkwardXD But also just Simon and Arthur give me more similar vibes that Simon and Quincey?
Quincey Morris- Matteo. Well he is one of two characters who kissed with Lucy. Also Matteo and Quincey give me more similar vibes that Matteo and Arthur. Also there is killing Dracula in team with Jonathan
Abraham Van Helsing-Nico. I dunno really. Probably cause I made Pedro John. 
R.M Reinfield-Ramiro. I dunno just imagine him being most likely to agree to be asylum patient who eat bugs but can also make educated converstations. Or maybe he is just easiest for me to imagine as that
Dracula-Benicio. I imagine him wanting that role after only watching some Dracula movies and thinking he is so cool and get the girls and Nina agreeing an thinking to herself ‘We are making it book accurate sucker’ (although she does have some doubts considering it’s her boyfriend who has most scenes with him) (He is kinda too short for this role to be truly book accurate but who cares)
Vampire woman from castle-Ambar, Delfi and Emilia. I think Emilia would dye her hair black and Ambar would play the blond one. I wondered if it shouldn’t be Jazmin instead of Emilia, but I can’t imagine Jazmin as this
Mrs Westernra-Jazmin. I just. Just vibes of throwing out garlic flowers without asking and calling someone maidenless check out
Captain of the Demeter-I think Eric
Mr Swales-I think Jim
Peter Hawkins-I think Yam
First mate of the Demeter-I think Yam 
Lady who gave Jonathan crucifix-I think Jim
Priest who married Jonathan and Mina-I think Yam
Woman who go to Dracula’s castle to get back her child-I think Yam
Sister Agatha-I think Jim
Zookeper-I think Yam
Pretty girl in Piccadily-Jim
So this is like roles I think are definitely needed to others I’m not sure. Okay so t just like Jim and Yam would play minor characters. And bigger group is needed than like going from most likely to play it-Eric, Delfi, Emilia, Ambar, Jazmin, Matteo, Simon (cause there is like 9 people on crew of Demeter) ...I don’t think more than nine people is anywhere? So anyway they all would need wigs and maybe some fake mustaches and beards
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mxcottonsocks · 2 years
Book Order of Late-August Dates in Dracula (for context)
There's a lot of confusion following the 30 August Dracula Daily email about several things:
Is Lucy actually better or is she lying / hiding the truth?
Is Dracula no longer feeding on her? If not, why not?
Has Lucy travelled back to Whitby? If so, why?
Is Arthur's "getting fat" comment caring or mean?
(And this is all in addition to previous confusion about Dr Seward's recent-ish entry where he talked about events which supposedly happen a week later than an event of which actually only happened the night before.)
To have a better idea of understanding what's going on, I think we need to take a step back from the Dracula Daily order, and return to look at the order of events in the book, i.e. the order Stoker actually intended us to experience the events in.
Too Long, Won't Read: All the dates at the beginning of Chapter 9 (late August) are suspect, and many of them are likely to be wrong. Lucy wrote the supposed-30 August letter before leaving Whitby, so she genuinely is getting better at that point because Dracula is all the way down in London. Arthur's comment is highly likely to mean "thank god you're putting some healthy weight back on". Dr Seward's diary entries of 20th August (supposedly) and 23rd August (supposedly) are meant to come nearer the end of the month than their dates indicate, and Lucy's diary entries of 24th August (supposedly) and 25th August (supposedly) immediately follow Dr Seward's and show us exactly where that bat flew off to.
So what's the order of the end of August in the book?
The time period we're looking at spans Chapters 8-9.
Here's the original order of entries:
Chapter 8
(I think this chapter is mostly, if not entirely, fine date-wise. You can pretty much trust these dates, but this is provided for context of what happens before Chapter 9, which is the one with the weird dates.)
Chapter 8 begins at 11pm on 11th August. You may remember that it was later that night that Lucy sleepwalked to the churchyard and was fed on by Dracula for the first time. I won't list all the dates, but the first half of Chapter 8 consists of Mina's diary entries about Dracula trying to get to Lucy to drink her blood (and sometimes succeeding). Then:
17th August: Mina's diary. She writes, "No news from Jonathan, and Lucy seems to be growing weaker [...]"
Also 17th August: The letter from Samuel F. Billington & Sons saying that the boxes will leave Whitby by the 4:30pm train (on the 17th) and arrive in London tomorrow (18th). There are stern instructions to deliver them that night (18th) to Carfax, near Purfleet (East London).
21st August: Confirmation from Carter, Paterson & Co that "Goods are delivered in exact accordance with instructions" (i.e. on the evening of the 18th).
18th August: Mina's diary. A jump back in time, to resume Mina's diary where we left off. We read this entry in the context of firmly knowing that Dracula left Whitby on the afternoon of the 17th. So when Mina says, "Lucy is ever so much better. Last night she slept well all night, and did not disturb me once," and that, "all the morbid reticence seems to have passed from her, "we know it is because Dracula is no longer in Whitby. However, she notes that Lucy "is still sadly pale and wan-looking".
19th August: Mina's diary. "Joy, joy, joy!" Mina has had news of Jonathan and will begin the journey to join him tomorrow morning (20th).
12th August: A jump back in time to Sister Agatha's letter, included in the place it was received by Mina (19th) rather than the date it was written.
ALSO 19th August: Dr Seward's diary. "Strange and sudden change in Renfield last night." Renfield is being uncharacteristically rude to the staff and no longer cares for spiders. 'Last night' was the 18th, the same night where Lucy, up in Whitby, slept undisturbed; the same night we know Dracula and his boxes arrived at their destination. On the night of the 19th, Renfield escapes, and Dr Seward follows him over the wall "which seperates our grounds from the grounds of the deserted house", which we find out in the next paragraph is called Carfax - the same place we know from earlier this chapter the boxes were delivered to. Renfield speaks of/to a "Master", and is restrained and put in a padded room.
So: at the end of Chapter 8, Lucy is still in Whitby, and is returning to normal. It is now Renfield, who Dracula has just moved next door to, who is acting outside of his usual patterns of behaviour (which we've had time to learn over previous chapters).
Chapter 9:
This is where I suggest you mainly ignore the dates and pay attention to the order.
24 August (maybe): Mina's letter announcing her and Jonathan's marriage. She seals up Jonathan's journal. We worry about the consequences of locking this knowledge away but:
30 August (supposedly - unlikely to be this date): Lucy's letter to Mina, written from Whitby. So the time of writing the letter, Lucy has not yet left Whitby (i.e. she just hasn't left; it's not that she goes away and then returns later). This letter is almost certainly written after Mina's letter to Lucy, as she makes mention of "[Mina's] husband". While she knew Mina was intending to marry Jonathan abroad, I doubt she would have been confident enough of Jonathan's survival to write about Mina's husband before she knew for sure that he lived long enough. As for Lucy, at some point since Mina left in the morning of 20th August, she has finally been joined by Arthur, as he was always intending to do. When he arrived, Lucy was probably still looking ill following Dracula's departure. However, he's now been up there with her long enough that they've done a whole bunch of activities and she says she is "quite restored" ("quite" here meaning "completely" not "slightly"). She talks about her recovered appetite, her vibrancy, and her quality of sleep and the fact that she hasn't sleepwalked recently. It is immediately after this that she mentions Arthur's "getting fat" comment. She therefore doesn't say this out of the blue; it is yet another symptom of her returning health. Readers know that this is because Dracula is still far away.
20th August (supposedly - unlikely to be this date): Dr Seward's diary saying "For the first week after his attack [Renfield] was perpetually violent". 'One night' (approx 26th) about a week after 19th, Renfield grows quiet for the first time, and remains so until just before dawn. This happened for 3 nights in a row (say 26th-28th). Dr Seward plans to help Renfield escape "tonight" (probably 28th or 29th).
23rd August (supposedly - unlikely to be this date): Dr Seward's diary. This is the one where he initially was hoping Renfield would escape, but he didn't, and then Renfield escaped later in the night (of the 29th?), and they saw a bat heading west "as if it knew where it was bound". What's to the West? Well:
24th August (supposedly - unlikely to be this date - however, it does and should be the next day from Dr Seward's supposed-23rd August entry): Lucy's first diary entry, written from Hillingham, in North London. She talks about "last night" (the same night the bat flew west from Carfax which is in East London; possibly 29th?) when she "seemed to be dreaming again just as I was at Whitby. Perhaps it is the change of the air, or getting home again." So it seems that Lucy only got home yesterday and immediately got preyed on by Dracula again. She is today (probably not the 24th - maybe the 30th?) unhappy and scared, and when Arthur saw her, he immediately clocked that something was wrong. Lucy resolves to try to "sleep in mother's room tonight".
25th August (supposedly - unlikely to be this date - however, it does and should be the next day from Lucy's last entry): Lucy's diary. She was not able to sleep in her mother's room last night and so had "another bad night", where she heard "scratching or flapping at the window" and then had more bad dreams. She wakes up very ill indeed. This entry likely takes place near / at the very end of the month, which brings us to:
31st August
I won't say what happens on 31st August as that's spoilers for Dracula Daily. But I think the 31st August entry definitely follows on a lot better from the supposed-25th August entry than the supposed-30th August entry.
So the beginning of Chapter 9 sees both Mina and Lucy happy, in Buda-Pesth and Whitby respectively. The only person who is majorly unhappy is Renfield, who is aware of Dracula's proximity but can't get near him for a long time. When Lucy returns to London, her health and happiness take a sudden and drastic turn for the worse as she is again preyed upon by Count Dracula.
(I might be wrong, but I think the dates return to being pretty-much reliable from 31st August. Which is good, because a lot happens in September.)
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rubiscothegeek · 2 years
I read today's email and immediately thought of this classic:
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flintandpyrite · 2 years
Man I knew it was coming but the reveal that Mrs Westernra has undone all of Van Helsing’s work overnight is so devastating. Her hemoglobin has got to be <10 g/dl and they’re transfusing her *DAILY* (side note: so glad everyone in England is type O. Or maybe Lucy is just AB.) She is in dire condition. Ugh and unlike in the film where she is being punished for being too sexy (don’t get me started) none of this has anything to do with her!! Man I’m upset.
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livingthedragonlife · 2 years
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Mrs Westernra’s actions make sense like, “oh my sick daughters room is stuff and smells bad that’s not good” is reasonable thinking since Van Helsing and Seward never told her the flowers were medicinal but also it’s so infuriating
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ratsetflummi · 2 years
I've seen people complain that Mrs. Westernra got Lucy killed, but how have I not seen anyone complain about Van Helsing's continued inability to communicate? He could have just talked to Seward before he left instead of sending word afterwards
And Lucy herself could have just picked the flowers up again, but she actively put them on her mother's body and then decided to leave them there
I'm just saying that this was not all Lucy's mum's fault
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de-vils-sister · 6 years
Young Dracula × Descendants crossover
I've had this in my head for a while
Instead of escaping and moving to Wales, the villagers caught the Draculas, the Westernras and Patrick and threw them onto the Isle about 20 years after the Isle was set up
Vlad is 14, Ingrid is 16 and the transformation age is 18
Robin is the son of Snow White but is still goth and still bullied for it
The Gaston twins are head over heals for Ingrid instead of the Branaugh twins
Magda allying with Evil Queen, Cruella and Maleficent
Dracula allying with Gaston
Both Ingrid and Vlad become part of the Core Four (now Core Six) but Ingrid backing out of being good
Van Helsing replacing Mr Delay and targeting the Draculas specifically
Carlos finds out he's part wolf through the Draculas and gets along with Zultan quite well
Ingrid: You know it's illegal to mix with.. *sniffs Carlos' hair* Werewolves!
Carlos: I'm not a Werewolf.
Evie at first having an interest in Vlad because he's the son of a Count
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