ukulelette · 11 months
13! 😋
hi and thank you Eugenia!! <3
13. what’s your comfort food? I'm a big food lover and there are very few things I don't like, so anything tasty can become quite easily my new comfort food... right now the first thing that comes to my mind for "comfort" is ramen!
soft asks
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lolanoname · 8 days
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Reference picture by: @mrsfitzgerald 🌸
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woodswallow · 7 days
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Here they are again...loved that scene...have to reblog it...sorry not sorry :D Thanks @lottacharlene who took a screenshot from @mrsfitzgerald 's video!
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You know what we need? A belly positivity post! (And thighs. Arms. My god, I'm weak for arms)
Belly positivity you say? I'm the right person!
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First three rows by my dearest @dandysnob, fourth row and bottom right by @mrsfitzgerald, bottom left by @sechsherzen - sorry I think my gif research is broken
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marimayscarlett · 5 months
Can you please showcase the MEATIEST photos of Richard? I'm desperately craving some Organic, Home Grown German Beef 🤤 that man is a whole ass steak dinner with sides AND dessert 🥵🥵
Hi 😌
Thank you for your order, some of the finest organic German beef coming right up 👌🏼 First up some moving imagery to marvel at the fine movements of this overall wonderful thickness:
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(credits: gifs are by @mrsfitzgerald)
You might seem a bit irritated by the b&w bottom left one - but I'm so extremely focused on his meaty arm here, so it had to be included 👀
Some more meaty Richard is always good, behold those voluptuous curves:
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(credits: top row by @sechsherzen; rest to the rightful owners)
The day this man dresses himself in fitting clothes is the day a little part in me dies.
While i absolutely can't get enough of this thick and wonderful chunky man, i want to emphasize that it seems like Richard lost some weight in the last couple of months, at least it seemed like this in the two new videos we got with him (the guitar signing and i think the speaker company one), and I think that's great and good for him ☺️
I hope you are satisfied with your order 😌
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Interesting that both Paul and Richard's kids are releasing dance music and not something heavier.
Maybe it's the usual "music your parents like isn't cool vibe" 😊 i mean, when your dad and 5 uncles have been playing music as long as you live, you may look for something different 🌺
But...the dads are not averse to dance music either...
There's Richard and his DJ RZK alter ego (video from his IG)
and who can forget Paul's Rewe Rave (video from Paul's IG, gif by @mrsfitzgerald )
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(and Minni's "can we go home now" look 🥰 )
And i wouldn't be surprised if both dads have offered some support to their respective kids (Paul was definitely credited at earlier Twocolors releases)
So maybe 'evil german rock dads' are living their dance ambitions through the kids 😊
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sushler · 14 days
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My oxygen mask 😷
Photo: @mrsfitzgerald
Edit: me
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luluxa · 1 year
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Happy New Year to my loveliest @mrsfitzgerald! 🥰
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endlich-allein · 11 months
Tumblr is dead! I feel like leaving for good! Do you know any good alternative? Or some blogs to follow here? Maybe I'm missing some...
It's true that at the moment Tumblr has become a bit empty, and the ratings and visibility (if that's what you're interested in) are catastrophic. And I also understand that what's going on with the band at the moment may have chilled a lot of people and driven them away from the fandom. Personally, I still like Tumblr, I feel good there and I've only met good people.
I don't have too many alternatives to recommend, apart from the networks you probably already know (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok)...
For the blogs I have to recommend here on Tumblr, there are :
And I apologise for those I've forgotten (feel free to add them to the list) 🫶🏼
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ramm-ramm · 6 months
I was tagged by @franwikema to do this picrew. Thank you for tagging me  😊
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No pressure tags: @buuucky-barnes, @mrsfitzgerald, @notafraidofredyellowandblue, @endlich-allein :)
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ukulelette · 4 months
5 favorite songs at the moment
thank you @alicestrange98 for the tag! haven't watched Saltburn but I adore the soundtrack!
Kisses by Slowdive
Shout by Tears for Fears
Love Crime by Siouxsie Sioux
Amsterdam by Nothing but Thieves
When You're Smiling and Astride Me by Father John Misty
I tag @asylumsammet, @ms-nerd, @tinnike, @carnavoyeur, @mrsfitzgerald
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rammbles · 1 year
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DAY #17: 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭
I've mentioned before that I haven't seen a lot of live content other than through gifs, so my pool to pick from isn't massive, but I'm going to go with Paul & Richard's last hug/smooch of the NA tour 2022.
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(set of gifs for this scene @mrsfitzgerald you are doing god's work)
Like the amount of love is unreal and the tightness of the hug makes me want to sob and the kiss is the gayest fucking thing I've ever seen and Reesh's face tears me apart to my most basic atoms and I can't stand it I can't stand them FUCK brb going to the bathroom to sob and throw up for ten full hours
previous days:  1.) favorite song  2.) favorite era  3.) favorite single  4.) favorite album  5.) favorite music video  6.) favorite member  7.) favorite lyrics  8.) favorite b-side/unreleased track  9.) favorite remix  10.) favorite live photo(s)  11.) favorite live video  12.) favorite "making of"  13.) favorite picture  14.) favorite vocals  15.) favorite work of each instrument ��16.) favorite outfit
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woodswallow · 4 months
Trting very very hard not to be pushy or begging, but someday a Paulchard kiss analysis of this one would be awesome 💕💕https://www.tumblr.com/mrsfitzgerald/694204826538688512/mein-teil-rammsteinlincoln-financial-field?source=share
(but only if you want to ofcourse, i love your analysis...analyses..analysisses...stories 💕💕
Not pushy or begging at-all!!! :) Thank you so much for the idea, I'm always happy to get suggestions for my analysissses...yeah ^^;
I have to have ideas about the scene or "see potential" in it to write about it - yours is definitely giving! :D I added it to my little list wich I'm slowly working through.
Thank you so much, also for liking my writing :-*
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meinewellemeinstrand · 3 months
#my face planted into richard's underbelly#okay? okay
absolutely yes, and please continue thirsting in tags, its very helpful in gray days like there where snow it gone but sun refuses to show itself
Even Paul knows that's the best part ( ͡º ꒳ ͡º)
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gif by @mrsfitzgerald
Thank you so much for your sweet words <3 but don't worry, I will never stop thirsting in the tags. Only when I'm dead!
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marimayscarlett · 7 months
Hmm...not sure what you had in mind, we have these:
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But also these:
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Here's a sneak peek on one:
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(gif by @mrsfitzgerald )
Or some blast from the past:
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Not sure if that helped you anon 🤔
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from ig account sevgab2810, posted 2024-05-20 (thank you @mrsfitzgerald for spotting it)
Richard in Dresden signing autographs in his trusty travel-outfit ❤️
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