#ms kitty
basil7766 · 18 days
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계정 찾았는데 이상한 거 올리기 ㅋ쿠ㅡㅜ
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hungry-hobbits · 5 months
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ive been absolutely obsessed with this picture i got of ms kitty being incredibly angry over my legs not being as comfy as she would want them to be - she was trying to sleep on me and having a hard time
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doggirling · 4 months
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ok. giant art dump of a bunch of designs i made for catstruck/my kirby warrior cats au back in february and never uploaded.
characters in order are: ms kitty, meta knight, dr yabui, mabel, samo, taranza, windy, and narune. ms kitty and narune have their original names in this au since they're not clan cats.
1) ms kitty/magicellia is a kittypet (fitting name i know) who has a weird amount of esoteric knowledge despite the fact she doesn't interact with the clans. in this au, she and nightstar (nightmare) crossed paths after he explored near the border of the twolegplace, and they continued to meet in secret every once in a while for a few moons. their affair was pretty short (and neither of them strike me as even being into each other that way), but it did result in nightwing (meta knight)! nightstar took nightkit(wing) back to shadowclan pretty soon after his birth, and the affair ended after that.
note 1: ms kitty (and windy) are also probably in the same boat as nightmare/nightstar in this au where they're like. unnaturally long-lived cats.
2) nightwing (meta knight) is... formerly a shadowclan (nightmare enterprises) cat, then a windclan (gsa/star warriors) cat, then a loner after shadowclan drove out windclan, and now a member of either thunderclan or riverclan once i figure out which one will basically be the dreamland equivalent. he's an estranged son of nightstar, having rebelled against him and left to join windclan/meadowstar (sir arthur) back when clan tensions were rising. since he was still in the latter end of his apprenticeship at the time, meadowstar took on the role of his mentor and helped him wrap up his training. as for his current role, im not sure. could be a deputy, maybe not, still thinking on it. regardless, he's the clan's best fighter. he'll probably mentor peachpaw (kirby).
also considering how he was very young when nightstar took him to shadowclan (like 2 weeks old max), he has no memory of ms kitty, nor is he aware of his half-kittypet lineage. would he develop some sort of complex if he found out? mmm potentially LOL we all know how he can get sometimes.
3) owlmist (dr yabui) is a medicine cat of dreamland-clan (just gonna use that as a stand-in for now) who's excitedly anticipating the day he can find a reasonable excuse to use to retire to the elders den early. there's a very real possibility he was the medicine cat who was with dededestar (another stand-in for now) during his leadership ceremony which is funny as fuck to imagine. he also mentored hazelwind (ricky)!! ^^ and is very excitedly anticipating the day he can drop all the main medcat duties onto her. ❤
4) sagewhisper (mabel) is a mediator of dreamland-clan. i haven't caught up with wc since early avos, so I'm not very familiar with this role, but based on the description and mabel's work in the anime, i felt it'd be pretty fitting. if the situation ever calls for it, though, she is an absolute tank in battle. have her and nightwing on guard at the camp entrance and i promise not a single soul is getting in.
5) sootberry (samo) is just some guy. he's one of dreamland-clans best hunters, though, so i'll give him credit where it's due. pathetically in love with sagewhisper but fortunately shows no signs of pulling an ashfur over it. i also had a lot of fun drawing him considering he gave me a break from designing another cappy as a colorpoint.
6) spiderleaf (taranza) is a medicine cat of skyclan! his father served as the previous medicine cat, and he was very close with mallowstem (joronia). haven't sorted out the whole dimensional mirror drama but he heavily enabled her once she began to descend into madness, and took forcible leadership over skyclan as waspstar (sectonia).
note 2: in this au skyclan still got driven out decades ago in the timeline, but they never disbanded once they settled far away in their new territory, and continued to function fine as a solo clan. the previous clan leader was daisystar (florence), but she passed away unexpectedly from birthing complications, and certain things i wont get into led to skyclan being leaderless for a prolonged period of time before waspstar took the position by force (ie: a power vacuum. hey wait where have i heard this before)
7) windrunner (windy) is... idk. probably a former windclan cat (big shocker) who used to be friends with nightstar before he became leader and started terrorizing them, eventually to the point they just straight up left the clans and began living as a wandering loner in hiding. the two of them would still occasionally engage in a very toxic affair together despite this, but once windrunner realized they were pregnant, they went completely off the grid to raise their kit in secret.
8) narune/palewillow is the aforementioned kit and product of windrunner + nightstar's final tryst. she's never met her father, but due to the experiences windrunner had to go through with him, she's... definitely not a fan of his. i'd imagine she lives in a loner group of some sort outside of the clans, maybe something like the guardian cats or jingo's group. she's a VERY esoteric she-cat who finds herself quite connected to starclan, despite never being raised as a clan cat. like, bordering on medicine cat level of starclan connection.
she was also born with albinism, so much like her estranged father who has 0 knowledge of her existence, she prefers to be most active at night.
note 3: in this au, single-kit litters are significantly more common compared to both warrior cats and real life. no it's not realistic but warrior cats as a series isn't super realistic to begin with and i've already made the realism worse while attempting to translate certain starstruck plotpoints into this au. looking at you nightstar (who's somehow simultaneously capable of getting pregnant and getting other cats pregnant).
okay. THATS ALL. oh my god man this is so fucking long but i was trying to hit a lot of bases here.
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janadog · 1 month
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Drawings I did today (the ravenpaw and scourge design are for an au)
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hungry-hobbits-art · 2 years
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late night doodle of my cat doing this thing she does
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catfindr · 11 months
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sylvienyas · 1 year
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ha ha im so silly
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thunderc1an · 4 months
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Hollyleaf- ms paint with a mouse
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basil7766 · 5 months
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나머지 바시건과 스왑 바질
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hungry-hobbits · 3 months
ms kitty will go to another room and meow at a concerning volume then look surprised when i run in after her to make sure she's okay
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doggirling · 8 months
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finally finished her design after over a year so im publicly introducing her now... this is magicellia who more commonly goes by ms. kitty, the keeper and secretary of stellar nurseries. ✨🐈‍⬛
more info under the cut ⬇️
very very related to the starstruck headcanon i explained in this post a few months back, where a majority of puffballs naturally form in stellar nurseries as a divine/astronomical phenomenon. to the majority of the universe, that whole aspect of puffball formation is unknown and not exactly understood. except for ms kitty of course 😏😏😏 she knows more about that than literally anyone
she solely manages stellar nurseries and the natural formation of puffballs, and also stars, i guess, but puffballs are more important here. she was born into this role and the birth of every puffball who's come into this universe the natural way has been sorted, handled, and recorded by her.
she's a very upbeat, charismatic, and peppy older lady despite being willingly isolated from the rest of the universe. she lives and works in her grand space HQ, which is hidden in the middle of her 'mother cloud' (ie: the molecular cloud she was formed from). i'd say she's essentially unheard of by anybody, but regardless, she's quite powerful (being a divine entity) and her work is very important.
why does she look strangely similar to another puffball we all know? i shant say
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prettyplumpkitty · 16 days
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A curious girl. 🌸
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bigfatbreak · 9 months
Hey I was wondering if you would do a post about how you make your feralnette au? I really like how you color it and was curious about your process.
Yes this is absolutely for plagiarism purposes /j
(I want to incorporate something similar on a smaller scale within my artwork, I don’t plan on posting anything but I can run the art past you if your worried about me actually stealing your style)
sure! as a note I'm not a pro or anything, this is just how I render my comic for ease of access
as a general note I draw everything in black and white first
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I use a LOT of texture heavy brushes for effects, and specifically because I render with gradient maps a lot. people ask me why I do AU's in different styles - usually anything outside of feralnette is done in color - but that's because the rendering process is different.
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for instance in the dad villain au, I do basic linework and chunky colors. if I was to do Feralnette in the same style, the gradient maps wouldn't nearly have the same effect, as you can see up there ^
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when a gradient map is applied I can fiddle with the color values to set a Tone for the update I'm going for, while also making it really pretty, bc textures can really bloom the subtle colors in a gradient map. I get a lot from the CSP page itself, but I also MAKE a lot too. this specific map I made by color picking off of a neuron map from a brain scan I thought was pretty~
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I don't do the feralnette AU in full color because generally, anything IN full color will have significance - either to show that a scene is important character development,
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is a flash back,
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or to put emphasis on something supernatural happening.
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with Feralnette, when something is colored purposefully, its to emphasize it, whether that be to highlight character moments, or to stress that something eldritched and unnatural could be occurring, as its colors that do not exist in the pre-existing gradient map. Color out of space, yknow?
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((SOMETIMES I put gradient maps on my colored chunky stuff, but once again, for the purpose of creating a tonal shift, like when papa Tom shows up in the dad villain AU!))
anyway I hope that helped!
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shamlesspandanerd · 6 months
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X-Men//Russell Dauterman
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catfindr · 11 months
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