#msc:g3 cousins
id-element0 · 2 years
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Upon returning from the university, cousins move on with their lives. Sid starts as a band manager in music career and moves into the room above the grocery store. Rollins gets an offer in the video game developer career. She moves into the house shown in the screenshots. It's built after this video, originally intended for Fendi and Macy.
Then I remembered that they don't have to move until Danzig decides to have babies. And that will take some time. So they'll stay for a while.
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id-element0 · 2 years
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On the way to Meet & Greet at the Student Union. For the last term I made sure that the term is only one week and that filled all of their days with classes.
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id-element0 · 2 years
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I finally finished one of the Greek Houses, which are merely single-sex dorms. So no pledging or anything like in ts2. I put the girls in the freshly finished sorority house and one of the roomies decides to throw a pool party and even invites(!) Sid... Uh, well each girl gets a dare upon returning from the Meet & Greet.
Sid gets a dare to get super juiced. And Rollins gets a dare to have woohoo. She's such a nerd, and seems to have no interest in other people other than berating their ignorance. She's even worse than me at socializing... So I invite Weng-qi (+ some other boys) and kind of push them together.
Everyone gets obsessed with the deep fryer because I forgot to tune it down and eventually a fire starts because it's broken and the food never appears so the cooking never ends. + some high fashion swimsuit choices of the sims + the hero of the night, Rachel, in her red vinyl pants and flippers, grabs a spot in my favourites.
I don't decrappify my Store content. I just s3rc the sims3packs and then extract them as packages. Then I merge them with s3mo with a size around/under 200MB. I even have NonaMena's ccmerged.package which should be okay for package format. I didn't have any issues with the premium stuff up until now. But if something is broken, then everything gets broken, in the sims universe.
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id-element0 · 1 year
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I deserved this.
For context, Fendi's mother, Roxie, made 3 children from 3 different men, marrying none. Then those men went ahead and had more children from other women. So, now, Fendi's half-siblings on his father's side have no genetic relation to his half-siblings on his mother's side.
It certainly was easier to accept it when his niece hooked up with one of his half-brothers - since his cousin already being married to another one - than to bring a new sim in and hope they will end up together.
I have a caste that I apply to sims who are genetically related to the legacy family, since further down the line, the game stops categorising distant relatives as blood relatives and it starts as early as 3rd generation e.g. the children of two cousins. So Fendi and Jenna cannot date since they're cousins, but their children can. The caste makes sure that Danzig wouldn't have any ideas with Jenna's kids and vice versa.
I didn't apply the caste to Fendi's half-siblings sharing a father, simply because I only considered Danzig and Rollins and they clearly wouldn't be able to date and marry their own uncles and aunts. However, that was not the case for Sid.
The problem is that Fendi's niece, Sid, is now his Sister-in-Law, making her eligible for Woohooty Texts. This was slapped on my face when I was happily spying on my sims in Map View. :/
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id-element0 · 2 years
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Cousins' uni days are quite leisurely. Bowling and partying are among their main activities, with the lack of classes. Sid is popular among guys. She's getting love letters and gifts from 2 roomies and Weng-qi who is now a university student.
But she's mostly enamoured with Jimmy -one of the aforementioned roomies- who loves playing push & pull with her. Personally, he's not worth it. Yet, I like giving my sims what they want so Sid achieves a first kiss and a woohoo in the shower with him.
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id-element0 · 1 year
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A few hours later Danzig's feast party starts. It also serves as a private wedding for Sid and Casey, with close family members. After some chaos inducing routing issues, Casey and Sid are happily married and registered under the name Sekemoto.
For Fendi his niece is now his Sister-in-Law. This family will unfortunately become weirder with coming generations.
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id-element0 · 1 year
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In my 7 times of playing the same week, I had arranged Rollins and Noemi's wedding 5 or 6 times. In my 8th and permanent round, though, I somehow missed the engagement notification and the next thing I know, they were married. :/
But I have another chance at inactive wedding with Sid and Casey. Sid was pregnant with his baby in previous rounds, so I'm excited. Casey is the mentioned half-brother of Fendi and works at the Jolly Pins.
Danzig, basically, has an outing with his uncle and cousin, who are also dating. But they don't share a grandparent, so that's ok. It sounds horrible though. It sure beats EA's "children of cousins are legal to each other" mentality.
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id-element0 · 2 years
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This time I remember to actually have them graduate from high school first, and then have them go to university. The graduation reception is eventless and the next day girls leave for higher education. Danzig is thrilled because he'll soon have the whole house to himself and he thinks university is for suckers.
"Bye, suckers!"
Fendi and Macy show support in the form of synchronized cheering.
"Have fun, girls! Don't forget to call once in a while!"
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id-element0 · 1 year
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Danzig visits his cousin Sid in her new apartment and learns more about himself or herself in this case. 😎 🤟
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id-element0 · 1 year
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Sid has finally moved into her own apartment. I usually hate TS3 style apartments. It's the worst apartment simulation in the series, in my opinion. I'd rather have actual, visitable residents residing in other units not hibernating service NPC's that you can't visit. :/ But I wanted a rent option instead of buying the whole thing so we also have some NPC doors as well. Jenna's family own the lot so Sid will pay the rent to the Sekemoto family.
The ground floor has a full bathroom that's not shown here and upper floor has bedrooms and another bathroom.
For the interested, I use Nraas SP's money module for the renting. The owner buys the property using "Purchase Rental Lot" option. And then the sim who will rent, will move into the lot as usual. They still need to pay the full price, unfortunately, but upon moving they'll receive a certain amount back. For Sid, I used a combination of inheritance reward and a bank loan since she didn't have the money. Then repaid the loan right away with a little interest after the move.
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id-element0 · 2 years
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At the end of our University round, Rollins gets her first 'love' letter. But I guess she reads it wrong, since it might not even be a love letter at all. She wants to use the megaphone so I make her proclaim her love to Weng-qi since they already got close and there's attraction and then the letter... turns out Weng-qi doesn't roll that way, well he's more like rolling every way without stopping. I should have known since I created him that way.
Rollins throws a bonfire party at the sorority on the eve of the finals which ends with various responses and one tragic event. There's this bug that after a party, the guests try to leave but end up waiting around the front door, for hours, well, until you send them home via MC. One of those guests was a vampire, apparently and the poor thing got burned to death during the day.
I was busy with girls' finals when I see it. I sent Sid back to the sorority house between the finals, as soon as she's out one, alas, she was too late and witnessed the death instead. Now she wants to resurrect her. Unfortunately the world doesn't have a mausoleum so the tombstone is destroyed immediately. It seems that Sophie the vampire's dream was eating steak with veggies. It would have been a good side adventure... bummer
On the last day, Weng-qi asks Sid out for a date. Of course, everyone wants Sid. She got a dozen of letters and flowers from boys all over the town. The date was meh, though.
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id-element0 · 2 years
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How to Make Friends ft. Rollins Lin - Part 2
Rollins: Hmpf! You're so not worth it... But, let's make up, give me a high five... Heh hehe heh
The Roomie: Whaaaa??!!
Rollins: I can't believe you fell for it... God, you're such an idiot!
The Roomie: You're despicable! Stop insulting me! slap slap slap
Rollins: Whoaa, man! Relax.. stop slapping me... Ack...
She looks really terrorized by the whole thing. But, it's part her fault. The other component is the guy's diva trait. no surprise They now dislike each other. Though, between all the insults and slappings, there were long stares, as if, the attraction is too strong, it's sickening. Some angry woohoos would be hilarious, yet I don't think it will go that route. Still, thanks for the fun, Rollins.
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id-element0 · 2 years
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How to Make Friends ft. Rollins Lin - Part 1
It's the end of the term and we got new roommates. One of them decides to complain about something as a first interaction with the result of attraction declaration. Alas, being a top level Nerd, Rollins decides that's idiotic and makes it known. Of course, the guy don't like being called an idiot and the rest follows:
The Roomie: You don't get to insult me while you're standing in your panties! slap slap slap slap
Rollins: How dare you slap me!
The Roomie: How dare you insult me! You deserved it!
Rollins: I see an idiot, I call an idiot! YOU deserved it!
The Roomie: WHAT?!!! slap slap slap
Rollins' face pre-slap... 😂
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id-element0 · 2 years
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Bestie cousins have another double birthday, this time, at the movie theater, because we still don't have a proper venue to throw parties at. Anyways, girls are beautiful. Sid is still a copy of her mother; she reminds me of Lucas even more than Prada did. She also repeats her mother's fate regarding daddy issues. So her first wish as a young adult is to become besties with her father, Brendon.
Whereas, Rollins decides to spend the entirity of her coming-of-age party inside a dumpster - until she throws up... 🤢
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id-element0 · 1 year
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This week, in Town Gossip, we have cousin Jenna joining the army of ghosts. Her last and true love, Evan, taking it hard and adopting a cute kitten as a remedy for grief.
More on, Macy, with a desire to improve her kama simtra and no one to woohoo with, takes her frustration out on poor Vickie. Alas, she's no Fendi and there are no passionate kisses afterwards. Speaking of which, Fendi's heir section at the Founder's Museum is almost finished. Now we're waiting for Macy to finally join him in the afterlife.
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id-element0 · 2 years
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Danzig the kid enjoys his childhood, sporting his favourite colour.
Girls have a spooky birthday party at dusk with poltergeist possessing several objects at the park. Fendi gets a break to celebrate and Prada just loves her horse the most.
After the celebration Sid and Rollins rush to the clothing store to pretty up. Unfortunaly, it's certain that Sid is basically a copy of her mother minus the hair colour; while Rollins seems to take after both of her parents.
But I am most curious of how Danzig will fare, since he doesn't resemble anyone yet.
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