#Sid Lin
id-element0 · 8 months
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Meanwhile in another part of the town my sims are just not satisfied. Because we don't have law in this town: No criminals, no burglaries, no police and no military. It's so safe my sims are fed up with it.
I guess I should start building those as well. 😫
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yen-sids-tournament · 7 months
Live Action 1: Pitting The Girls Against Each Other *Happy International Women's Day, you're welcome.*
Mary Poppins Returns v 102 Dalmatians v The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
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Mary Poppins Returns {original- Mary Poppins (1964)}
>none submitted<
102 Dalmatians {original- 101 Dalmatians (1996)}
Thanks for reminding me about this one! love Glenn Close as Cruella, best Cruella!
The Princess Diaries 2 {original- The Princess Diaries (2002)}
Chris Pine <3, Julie Andres MATRESS SURFING, "I have to tell mother" "I have to tell everybody else" "Good Luck"/"Good luck", The whole sleep over actually, Joe, Everyone's a Princess! and of course the moose hair. <3 <3 <3
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piers-official · 4 months
It was a surprise party... the whole time, and all my friends and family are here... this is the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!
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ohmyitsfaith · 2 years
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So it begins
Pairing: Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan
Summary: Wu Xie calls the SID once again to have them help with the exploration of the tomb and the mystery of the blade. And so, the team goes to Hangzhou to uncover the secret of the mysterious blade.
Warnings: nothing (yet)
Word count: 2.7k
A/n: This was meant to come out like three days ago, but... PTSD stuff happened. Anyway, enjoy :)
Part 7 of the Dearest, you said series Part 3 of The Mystery of the Ancient Blade
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Fill for @guardianbingo for the prompt Dark More Guardian bingo stuff: Guardian Bingo masterlist More stories: Main masterlist
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elvencantation · 2 years
ok so i was editing clips for a gifset and I came across this absolute gem
like... who set this up?? why?? did jin ling just like decide he needed an outside booby trap in case he caught someone sitting in his chair?
yes i know its aimed at the space around the hallows but it was a funny image in my head. also like- why is it on the floor? you have to crouch down to activate it?
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sorenjacklyoniii · 2 years
The Hero's Tale Poster is now revealed!
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the-marron · 2 months
Confession: I like the ending of Guardian drama.
And yes, whoever just thought "because you like angst, you sick cryptid, you" - yes, yes, guilty as charged.
But there is more to it than just "my favourites die and I like that for some reason", and I would like to share my other reasons.
Now, those of you who don't like it because of the emotional impact it caused them - I hear you and I won't attempt to change your minds, it is upsetting when people who deserve everything don't get it, especially if it's because they are not the "correct romance". So this is not me trying to convince anyone that this ending is *happy*, far from it. Or that you should like it, you do you.
I just want to tell you what I see in it. Spoilers under the cut.
Sorry, no pictures because I will try to be concise.
See, Priest is a fascinating author who not only weaves amazing stories with endearing, complicated characters, but who also aims her pen at different injustices and flaws of the reality she observes. Whoever read Mo Du, or Guardian, probably noticed that she points out different social issues that she finds concerning or worth talking about. Some of them even made it into the drama, and got elaborated on.
An incomplete list:
- illegal immigration problem (Dixing/Haixing tensions)
- nepotism (ZYL, GCC)
- children left with elders not equipped to care for them (Li Qian)
- healthcare that depends on money and connections ( the Zu Ma arc, the entire Merit Brush arc)
Just to name a few.
Now, one of the things that is shown to be a big problem from the very beginning is the Xingdu Ministry - they want ZYL to stop causing trouble, to keep the existence of Dixing hidden, they conduct their own shady experiments on Dixingren and Haixingren too.
Now, when Ye Zun starts appearing in Haixing and the team already knows that his goal is to incite the Dixingren to attack, ZYL goes to the Minister and tells him that he wants to warn the people, to prepare them for what's coming and to try to dissipate the tensions before YZ comes.
The Ministry declines.
They try to cover it up, even when the Minister gets kidnapped, even when Zhao Xinci was kidnapped, the Ministry's policy is: deny, deny, deny. "Let's wait it out, let's not cause panic, let's not make any hasty movements"
Then Ya Qing uploads the files and reveals everything about the SID to the world and... Xingdu Ministry allows the hunt for everyone in the SID.
And then, the finale happens, Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei give their lives to save the two worlds and...
Nothing changes.
Dixing and Haixing are separated, and yes Dixing gets light again, the clock starts, but these two worlds did not learn to co-exist, no.
The Ministry didn't change their tune any - they cover up the cost of victory. Shen Wei is no longer a concern anyone speaks about for long, and there is a stranger walking in Zhao Yunlan's body, assuring people a year later that everything is fine, that the crisis will not be repeated, that the heroes of the day, the SID, are still here.
That's the tragedy of the ending and also the part that points an accusing finger at the people in power. The real heroes are swept under the rug, the word 'sacrifice' is not uttered in the open, it's a 'victory'. Sounds familiar, if you look at history.
Lin Jing and Da Qing come to Yunlan's flat because this is the only place where they can still mourn, where they can say out loud "these people are no longer here and we miss them."
But the official narration is different.
According to the official version of events, there is no professor Shen and Zhao Yunlan is alive, the hero is still here.
Except he isn't. The drama ends up in a lie, Dixing changed but Haixing didn't. Officially there is no one to mourn.
I am aware that I am approaching it through the lenses of someone who watches propaganda pieces and analyses them for fun, but I find this ending really interesting, because it is a real tragedy consciously wrapped into a pretty present - "look, nothing happened! No one died, life goes on", but the inclusion of Zhang Shi walking around in ZYL's body with a heartbreak on his face is here for a reason, I believe.
This is a propaganda in the making, happening before our very eyes.
And I think it's a very Priest thing to do, to draw our attention to how horrible it is. Because we, the viewers, know the real costs - Shen Wei, Zhao Yunlan, Sha Ya, Wang Zheng - we know these characters, we spent 40 episodes getting to know them and care about them. How dare you say they are acceptable numbers. How dare you say there were no sacrifices?
And yet that's what the Xingdu Ministry wants you to accept.
And yeah, we, the viewers should absolutely be angry about that.
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baiyubai · 2 years
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I found this reference and couldn't help from drawing my favourite boy
so have a soft Zhao Yunlan, saved from the inevitable OOCness by @the-marron (check inder the cut ✨)
It was strange. Mostly because, as Guo Changcheng supposed, it shouldn't be surprising at all. The whole SID knew that Chief Zhao and Professor Shen were living together, had for some time. And that after the whole 'saving Dixing and Haixing' business, professor Shen got even more insistent on Chief Zhao taking care of himself - he warned him not to take unnecessary risks, still appeared out of nowhere during the especially dangerous cases, starling their new recruits, and dropping by the station with warm food (in his full HPS get-up on one notable occasion). So, it wasn't really that shocking, all things considered. It was, logically speaking, not the weirdest thing Guo Changcheng had experienced on the job. And yet.
Chief Zhao had been called on his day off, drove here straight from home after the call and was now here. In a white, fluffy sweater, not in any way different from all the white sweaters of the world. But the perplexing fact remained: Their leather-wearing, tears-in-jeans Chief Zhao, who perfected the image of a 'gangster' to a perfection was telling them all how to find the suspect while standing there in a white sweater, looking for all intents and purposes like a home-husband.
Looking around, Guo Changcheng realized he was not the only one staring at the sweater.
It was so... soft.
"Eh... I see some things do not change around here, " Chief Zhao said with a sigh. "Yes, that's a sweater, yes, Shen Wei got it for me. Can you please concentrate now?" He asked, crossing his arms expectantly.
Guo Changcheng nodded with fervour. He was not the only one, but only Lin Jing was brave enough to say:" It really suits you, Chief!" Chief Zhao just sighed again, but it too, sounded somehow softer than usual.
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grimsley-official · 4 months
Hey uhh Grims, ya busy tonight, pal?
Hmmm~? No I don’t believe so, Marnie is having a sleepover with Lin and Shaun tonight. Why do you ask, Sid dear~?
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summerwritesfics · 1 month
🗺️Trust Belongs To You (Trust Is For Fools)
Pairing: Shang Tsung/Kuai Liang Length: 1887 Words Rating: Mature Warnings: Spy AU, Espionage, Trust Issues, Spy!Shang Tsung, Kuai Liang duel wields ice and fire, Mild violence, Sparring, Threats, Knife to throat, Manipulation, Emotional Manipulation, Guilt AU-Gust 2024 Day 19: Spies
AU-Gust 2024 Masterlist
Notes: Another fic where Shang Tsung just demanded that I let him commit psychological warfare, what a bastard. Title is from Trust by Bitter Ruin.
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Infiltrating the Lin Kuei had been surprisingly easy.
All Shang Tsung had to do was show off some of his sorcery skills and say how he could use them to benefit the Lin Kuei’s bid for power. The Grandmaster was thoroughly enthralled by Shang Tsung’s display, immediately taking him within the Lin Kuei’s ranks. Then, as he’d shown himself to be an asset to the clan, he rose the ranks, now comfortably within Grandmaster Bi-Han’s innermost circle.
Which made it oh so much easier to feed information back to Shao Kahn.
He walked out into the courtyard, intending to see what training was going on today. There wouldn’t be too much to report from it, but it was always useful to know what kinds of preparations they were making. He was surprised when the only people outside were Grandmaster Bi-Han and his General, Kuai Liang.
General Kuai Liang was a strange man, and Shang Tsung had initially wondered why Bi-Han would have thought so highly about him to promote him to such a title. Then he found out they were brothers. Kuai Liang being the younger of the two. After that, he believed he’d be content to put it down to nepotism. But then he realised something fascinating about the General.
He could yield both ice and fire magic.
Such a thing was practically unheard of. How Kuai Liang had been able to do so, he didn’t know, but he definitely started to take a lot more of an interest in him afterwards. He hadn’t told Shao Kahn about that yet. He knew it would be of interest to him, but Shang Tsung rather liked having it as his little secret for the time being.
Right now, the two brothers were sparring, Bi-Han repeatedly striking at Kuai Liang with a practice pole arm. Kuai Liang had a training sword, desperately trying to block Bi-Han’s attacks. He could barely keep up however, having to summon ice shields in order to protect himself. It was curious he wasn’t using his fire too, but Shang Tsung supposed if this was a friendly fight, then fire ran too much risk of genuine harm.
Still, Bi-Han thrust the Polearm forward, Kuai Liang only just dodged out the way. Unfortunately for him, it seemed this was what Bi-Han had really intended. His foot darted out, catching Kuai Liang’s legs and sweeping. Shang Tsung had to hold back his laughter as Kuai Liang went tumbling backwards onto his ass. Then, Bi-Han’s polearm was at Kuai Liang’s neck, and it was clear the spar was over.
“Do you yield?” Bi-Han asked, grinning ear to ear. Shang Tsung couldn’t help but find the way he seemed to revel in defeating his brother a little sadistic at times. But hey, who was Shang Tsung to judge? He did rather indulge in sadism himself from time to time.
“I yield,” Kuai Liang whispered, sounding so disappointed with himself. Shang Tsung licked his lips. It was that sort of weakness that he could exploit. Maybe sew a bit of discourse between the brothers.
Bi-Han moved the polearm away, holding it by his side as he held out his hand to Kuai Liang. The younger accepted it, letting the elder haul him to his feet. He looked so defeated, head low, refusing to meet Bi-Han’s gaze. Bi-Han put a hand under his chin, tilting it upward.
“Do not beat yourself up General,” Bi-Han softly told him. It was amazing, just how different Bi-Han could be with his younger brother compared to the rest of the clan. There was a gentleness there he never showed to anyone else. “You have improved a lot since last time.”
“I should still be better,” Kuai Liang spat bitterly, his hands clenched at his sides. “I don’t deserve the title of General.”
“Nonsense,” Bi-Han sharply replied. “You are more deserving of the title than anyone else here, and don’t you dare try to claim otherwise.”
Kuai Liang flinched slightly, but replied with a resigned “Yes Grandmaster.”
“Just keep training, you’ll get there eventually.” Bi-Han pulled away and turned to walk off. “You just need to keep trying.”
“Yes Grandmaster,” Kuai muttered, barely audible. Bi-Han took no notice, instead making his way over to Shang Tsung.
“Shang Tsung, is there something you need?” He asked with an eyebrow raised.
“Ah, no, I guess I was just looking to see if there was anything to be done,” Shang Tsung replied, his eyes wandering towards Kuai Liang. His head was downcast, staring sadly at the ground.
“Hm.” Bi-Han noticed where Shang Tsung’s gaze lay. He grabbed Shang Tsung’s arm lightly and lent in, lowering his voice. “It may be a little unorthodox of me to ask this of you, but do you think you could cheer my brother up a little.” He glanced over his shoulder, Kuai Liang wasn’t moving. “He does so take these things badly.”
“Of course, Grandmaster,” Shang Tsung jumped at the opportunity. Sure, it was mostly to try and sew the seeds of doubt into Kuai Liang’s brain, but the Grandmaster didn’t need to know that.
“Good man.” Bi-Han patted his arm a couple of times, before finally walking back into the temple.
Shang Tsung set his sights on Kuai Liang, who still had not moved. He sauntered over, expecting at least some reaction to his approach, but Kuai Liang just continued staring at the floor. He hooked his arm into Kuai Liang’s, who finally looked up to glare at him.
“Care to take a walk with me, General?” Shang Tsung asked, smiling politely at him.
“If I must,” he grumbled, letting Shang Tsung pull on his arm to get him to walk.
“You really shouldn’t let these things get to you, Kuai Liang,” he said in as sympathetic a voice he could manage. “You’re still young, still learning. It is natural that you would be unable to best your Grandmaster.”
“Thank you for your observation,” Kuai Liang sarcastically replied, letting Shang Tsung lead the way.
“You know, I believe that you could be more powerful than him, if he weren’t purposefully keeping you down.” He smirked as he watched Kuai Liang’s brows furrow. “I think he knows you could lead this clan, probably better than he can, and he-”
“Stop,” Kuai Liang hissed, yanking his arm away from Shang Tsung. “You think I don’t see what you’re trying to do?” His eyes narrowed and he bared his teeth. “Who exactly are you Shang Tsung? You came here, told very little of your past, and seem to have just slithered your way into our innermost ranks.” He began to circle Shang Tsung, and it was clear he was trying to be intimidating. To Shang Tsung however it just looked like a kitten hissing at his new owner. “Bi-Han might not find your appearance here suspect, but I do.”
Shang Tsung smirked as he added “and that’s part of why you’d make a better Grandmaster, dear.” He watched as Kuai Liang’s fists clenched. “You would be far more careful in choosing who you trust.”
Shang Tsung was surprised when he suddenly felt himself being pushed backwards. His back hit a tree, and next thing he knew a dagger made of ice was being pressed to his neck.
“Who are you?” Kuai Liang growled, his other hand grabbing Shang Tsung’s clothing, balling it in his fist.
“I am a sorcerer who-”
“No,” Kuai hissed, yanking on his clothes and pressing the dagger a little closer. “I don’t want your bullshit. Tell me who you are.”
“Very well,” he said, trying to maintain a calm smile. He had a backup story that didn’t give away his true purpose here. “I was once the high sorcerer of Outworld under Shao Kahn. However we had a disagreement one day, and he cast me aside. I merely came here seeking sanctuary, Kuai Liang, nothing more.”
“What was the nature of your disagreement?” He asked, pulling on the cloth again.
“He wished to execute someone who did not deserve it, and I stopped him.” A lie, of course, but given Kuai Liang seemed to be a bit of a self righteous little brat, it was one he might fall for.
“Then why the hell wouldn’t you say that?” Kuai Liang squinted at him in a distrustful manner. “Why would you conceal your past?”
“I feared my former connection to Shao Kahn alone would dampen the chances of the Grandmaster accepting me,” he smoothly replied. “I have no bad intentions for your clan, my dear.”
Kuai Liang still looked at him with daggers in his eyes but finally drew back. Shang Tsung found himself able to breathe freely again now that he didn’t have a dagger at his throat. As he rubbed at his neck, Kuai Liang turned away, his gaze returning to the floor. Shang Tsung reached forward, taking his chin in hand and gently tilting his face back towards him.
“I do mean it, Kuai Liang. I think you have the power to become one of history's greatest warriors, but this clan is keeping you down.” His other hand found Kuai Liang’s cheek, gently tracing the scar that laced it. “I have never met someone able to wield both ice and fire. It is usually one or the other. You are unique, yet they never let you use your flames.”
“They don’t-” Kuai Liang stopped, looking like he was in pain for a second. “It isn’t Bi-Han who stops me. I do.”
“Why would you ever do that?” He meant that question genuinely. He could not understand why Kuai Liang would hold himself back.
“Because the last time I used them to their full capability… People… People got hurt.” He managed to get his face free from Shang Tsung’s grasp, walking away and holding his head in his hands. “I lost control and…” Running his hands down his face, he stared blankly at the forest. “The temple caught fire. People got burnt. No one died, but they could of and I-”
Kuai Liang didn’t continue, just stared down at his hands, eyes full of disgust. Clearly, he believed they were covered in blood.
“Oh, darling, that’s not your fault.” He approached Kuai Liang again, slipping his arm around his waist. “Someone should have been helping you, teaching and guiding you how to control yourself.” He tried to stay neutral, because if he didn’t, he’d seem a little too happy about this. Now this? This kind of guilt? The absolute perfect strings to pull and make Kuai Liang his puppet. “I have some mastery of fire myself, you know. I could help you. Teach you how to more effectively wield those powers.”
“You- You could?” Kuai Liang looked at him, eyes wide and pleading. Oh, poor thing, he really thinks he is a monster, doesn’t he?
Poor, poor thing.
“Of course.” He brushed a strand of hair out of Kuai Liang’s face. “It would be my honour.”
Kuai Liang’s eyes softened slightly as he whispered “thank you.”
“Oh, you are most welcome darling.”
He would keep Kuai Liang a secret from Shao Khan a little longer. Long enough to shape him into exactly what he wanted him to be. And once they’d gotten everything they needed from The Lin Kuei?
Well… Shang Tsung doubted he could ever leave Kuai Liang behind.
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Descendants Fan Cast
[ kids ]
1. Aladdin ( Dev Patel )
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2.  Alice Kingsleigh ( Mia Wasikowska )
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3. Anastasia Tremaine ( Gemma Chan )
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4. Anita Radcliffe ( Emily Blunt )
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5. Anna ( Anna Kendrick )
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6. Ariel ( Amy Adams )
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7. Baker ( Chris Pine ) – Cinderella 2, not Into The Woods, but could be both!
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8. Captain Hook ( Colin O’Donoghue )
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9. Ella James ( Lily James )
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10. Elsa ( Emilia Clarke )
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11. Eric ( Henry Cavill )
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12. Flynn Rider / Eugene Fitzherbert ( Ben Barnes )
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13. Judge Claude Frollo ( Peter Capaldi )
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14. Gaston Legume ( Luke Evans )
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15. Hans Westergaard ( Aaron Tveit )
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16. Hercules ( Alan Ritchison )
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17. Herman Bing ( Lin Manuel Miranda )
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18. Huntsman / Florian Jäger ( Chris Hemsworth )
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19. Jane Darling ( Rachel Hurd Wood )
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20. Jasmine ( Priyanka Chopra )
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21. Kit “Charming” James ( Richard Madden )
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22. Kristoff ( Alexander Ludwig )
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23. LeFou ( Josh Gad )
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24. Mad Hatter ( Sebastian Stan ) 
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25. Megara ( Ana De Armas )
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26. Melody ( Alexandra Daddario )
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27. Mother Gothel ( Salma Hayek )
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28. Peter Pan; adult ( Sam Claflin )
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29. Peter Pan; young ( Thomas Brodie Sangster )
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30. Queen Of Hearts ( Helena Bonham-Carter )
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31. Rapunzel ( Amanda Seyfried )
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32. Roger Radcliffe ( Benedict Cumberbatch )
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33. Snow White ( Lily Collins )
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34. Wendy Darling ( Natalie Portman )
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35. Yen Sid ( Jeff Goldblum )
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*the ideas for Jasmine & Kristoff were both suggested by @cecexwrites​ 
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id-element0 · 2 years
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Upon returning from the university, cousins move on with their lives. Sid starts as a band manager in music career and moves into the room above the grocery store. Rollins gets an offer in the video game developer career. She moves into the house shown in the screenshots. It's built after this video, originally intended for Fendi and Macy.
Then I remembered that they don't have to move until Danzig decides to have babies. And that will take some time. So they'll stay for a while.
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stupid-lemon-eater · 1 year
Fandom: 镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018) Relationships: Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Da Qing & Zhao Yunlan, Da Qing & Shen Wei & Zhao Yunlan, Special Investigation Division | SID Ensemble & Zhao Yunlan Characters: Shen Wei, Zhao Yunlan, Da Qing, Lin Jing, Wang Zheng, Chu Shuzhi, Zhu Hong, Guo Changcheng, Special Investigation Division | SID Ensemble Additional Tags: Age Regression/De-Aging, Humor, Mild Angst, Xiao Zhao being a menace, and too smart for his own good, and more stubborn than you could ever hope to be, the SID is Not Paid Enough, handwavy post-canon, allusions to Zhao Xinci's A+ parenting, the hallows do what i want them to, no beta we die like [redacted]
As with too many things in their life, it involved the Hallows and Zhao Yunlan.
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ohmyitsfaith · 1 year
The Mystery of the Ancient Blade
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"Welcome to the adventure of your life" is something that Wu Xie would say, had he known what was awaiting him and the team his uncle, Wu Erbai invited to solve this mystery. But how could he have known that the ancient blade he found in his basement could lead to him finding out more information than he subscribed for? And how could he have known that he would find people who'd save his life?
Of course, there was no way he could've known that the mystery held so much more than just an ancient blade. And he couldn't have known that the people he met would one day turn out to be gods and all sorts of magical beings.
So, Wu Xie tries not to think too much and just... go with the flow? But it can be hard, when there's a man, who looks almost identical to him and another man, who keeps approaching him. Well, anyway, Wu Xie will try his hardest to solve the mystery. And with the Special Investigation Division's most experienced squad there to help him, he's one hundred percent sure they will solve this. Right?
Table of contents
Chapter 00: Hot (dreams)
Zhao Yunlan falls asleep and has a hot dream
Chapter 01: Zhao Xinci's business in Hangzhou
Zhao Xinci goes to Hangzhou to explore a tomb and asks for Wu Sanxing's help. But things do not go the way they expect it
Chapter 02: When Shen Wei met Wu Xie
Shen Wei is surprised to find someone who looks like him. But is Wu Xie similar to him in anything other than looks? Also, what is with that blade?
Chapter 03: So it begins
Wu Xie calls the SID once again to have them help with the exploration of the tomb and the mystery of the blade. And so, the team goes to Hangzhou to uncover the secret of the mysterious blade.
Chapter 04: Savior of broken souls
While going down to the tomb seemed easy for the team, what waits for them behind the secret door is less so. Now they have to deal with an army of the living dead and the fight is about as easy as teaching a pig to fly. So, Zhao Yulan turns to the only thing he knows will work: Shadow Blitz.
Chapter 05: The memory of the crow tribe
The tomb proves to be an easier ride than Shen Wei originally thought. But the murals tell a story Shen Wei isn't sure he wants to know. Or remember it all.
Chapter 06: It's all fake
Shen Wei explains the truth behind the memory of the crow tribe.
Chapter 07: The memory of Kunlun
With Zhao Yunlan’s recklessness, the truth is out. Now, he has to deal with the consequences while the team decides to travel all the way to Kunlun Mountain to hopefully find out more about the blade and its backstory.
Chapter 08: How to save a soul?
The team climbs up the mountain (Kunlun) and everything seems to be going great. Until it’s not and now Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei have to figure out how to save a soul.
Chapter 09: The truth about the Thunder
Shen Wei, Wu Xie and Zhao Yunlan have a talk about the thunder and how Wu Xie actually lost his soulfire
Chapter 10: Important conversations
Both Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan have something important to share
Chapter 11: Bam! went our hearts
to be continued...
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Author's note: This is an ongoing series of fics, all of which are part of the Guardian Bingo challenge. The updates are random, I write whenever I feel like it. In plan, there are 17 chapters, but we'll see how the ideas develop. Also, this story is part of the Dearest, you said universe.
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More fics about dramas: Fics about dramas masterlist More stories: Main Masterlist
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sorenjacklyoniii · 2 years
Work on progress, The Hero's Tale poster is about to come next!
The Characters are not done yet, just thinking!
The characters (expect mine and my friends) belongs to owners
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the-marron · 4 months
[30 questions for authors]
10, 19, 20
10. Do you enjoy writing dialogue, exposition, or plot the most?
Ha, that's a very good question really. I think it changes? I used to be very bad with dialogues, I could go on and on with my characters' internal monologues without ever mentioning what the character was doing or where they even were, just paragraph after paragraph of their internal struggles. Now I am more mindful of keeping things balanced, and I think looking back onto how much work I've put into actually paying attention to dialogues, by sheer practice I learned to like them a lot. They are still not dominating the story, but I am really happy about them now! But I like the plot too, especially with longer things where I plant the seeds early on and can hit my characters with a full-blown tree later. Lots of fun, writing is. I think exposition out of these is my least fun - I do have a bias for in medias res, so the exposition usually happens on the go and in limited portions.
19. Who is the easiest/hardest character for you to write about? Why?
Easiest? Lin Nansheng, hands down. Not because I relate to him so much, hell no, but because I really like what he undergoes in the canon, it explores the themes I am interested in, so writing LNS is like coming to a well-known room full of my favourite stuff. Plus, I enjoy reading about 'his' era, so each time I finish a book that is remotely connected to the Rebel canon I usually end up with a new idea of how LNS fits there. I also really like writing Zhao Yunlan, Luo Fei and Hei Qi and... do I have a type? Absolutely.
Hardest? Jiang Yang and Da Qing.
With Jiang Yang I find it challenging to balance what he is and does in the canon with adding something more to it and not destroying The Long Night's version of him - I like the canon too much to meddle with it and change it, and so my ideas on what to do with Jiang Yang are very limited - how to write more than a description of what he probably thought during different parts of the drama, without changing the drama too much so I end up disliking the world I've built? So far I only managed to stick him in some aus and in one (1) fix it and I am not sure if I have anything else in me. Love the character but he is a bit above my paygrade for now.
An Da Qing... Well, I admit, I like him, but I don't think I ever managed to bring him out of the 'good friend' role. He is much more than that but I never have good ideas to utilise him fully as something more than just ZYL's friend and partner in crime. I simply lack the ideas to give him something more to do, that is not connected with weilan.
20. What’s your favorite minor character you’ve written?
Minor as in OC? Or minor as in 'character that is not the focus of the show/fic but I liked them?" I am going to answer both, because I like to talk, duh.
OC - Madame Qi in Thousand Flowers Manor (Weilan Derivs). I came up with her because I needed a fretting mother figure that would fit the Pride and Prejudice and Zombies set up of this wuxia romance, and since she was a rather prominent minor character I had to figure out everything about her - her mannerisms, he priorities, her backstory, while still keeping her a mostly comedic character. I had lots of fun with her and when I re-read this story I am truly proud of how she turned out.
Not focus - Zhu Hong. I truly like ZH a lot in the drama, I like her self-acceptance arc and letting ZYL go as part of her journey, and I am also a big fan of how she interacts with the rest of the SID. I think the drama did a stellar job with her and so whenever I have space for it, I like to include her. Most notable work when I am really happy with how I wrote her is Love Resembles Memories series (Mystic Pop Up Bar au!), as well as Through the Window of This Love (Singer au!), but here it's a shared effort with Ascel 🥰. I like ZH so much I wrote an entire fic just about her and her friendship with Wang Zheng, but that doesn't count as minor character, right?
Thank you so much for asking, it was so much fun to answer!
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