#Rollins Lin
id-element0 · 2 years
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Upon returning from the university, cousins move on with their lives. Sid starts as a band manager in music career and moves into the room above the grocery store. Rollins gets an offer in the video game developer career. She moves into the house shown in the screenshots. It's built after this video, originally intended for Fendi and Macy.
Then I remembered that they don't have to move until Danzig decides to have babies. And that will take some time. So they'll stay for a while.
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low-budget-korra · 1 year
The Legend of Korra Fancast
This one was hard to make. Specially the Watertribe that is based manly on the Inuk people but it physical appearance also resemble a lot other native people, like the Maori and other Native American people.
This fancast is based on appearance, ethnicity and vibes.
Korra- Devery Jacobs and Sydney Park
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Devery Jacobs is a native actress who stars in Reservation Dogs, a show I haven't watched but it is on my watchlist. She is the first pick for the role, because she is native american, despite being light skinned in comparison to Korra.
The second pick is Sydney Park, I read she is mixed but I choose her based on her appearance only. I haven't seen none of them acting, but in those pictures I could see Korra in both of them.
Asami Sato - Havana Rose Liu and Kelsey Chow
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I've Watched Bottoms and in the moment I saw Havana Rose Liu on screen I thought "that's Asami Sato" and, I mean, just look at her. She is gorgeous, sophisticated, charismatic, she even has those beautiful green eyes. And importantly, the acting is there.
I feel the same with Kelsey Chow, especially after watching clips of her in Yellowstone. Sure, she ain't asian or asian American (I've read that she has some native american background) but still, I think she is a good second choice even being too old for the role cuz like Devery Jacobs, who is also in her 30's, they look younger than they really are.
Mako - JJ Jr Mackenyu / Ludi Lin
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I haven't watched One Piece but one look at JJ Jr Mackenyu and I saw Mako.
Same with Ludi Lin, sure he is also too old for the role but he has that "cooliness" , that "bad boy" aura that Mako has especially in book 1.
Bolin - Niko Hiraga // Kai Bradbury
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I only saw Niko Hiraga in Booksmart and haven't seen any work of Kai Bradbury but look at those eyes, such sympathetic eyes man.
Tenzin - Donnie Yen / Ke Huy Quan
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Ip Man himself as Tenzin is a dream and one of the most common fancasting of the character but I think Ke Huy Quan would be The Tenzin, I mean, in Everything Everywhere all at once he shows an heart and an light that justs would fit Tenzin so well
Lin Beifong - Michelle Yeoh // Ming-Na Yen
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The same with Michelle Yeoh, I mean just look at her and her works. Ming-Na Yen would also be an amazing choice for Lin, if see her in clips from agents of shield and damn she seems so good in there.
Suyin Beifong - Maggie Q / Lucy Liu
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Maggie Q is a baddie with such kind eyes and mother vibe (yes, I loved Nikita) that fits so well with Su. Lucy Liu brings the same as Maggie Q but with some swagger that would be fun to watch.
Amon - Meegwun Fairbrother / Adam Beach
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No, Meegwun is not a white man but it is white passing just as Amon. I haven't see any of them acting, I'm going just by looks here. Adam would be the choice if they choose to make Amon look more like a Watertribe man.
Tarrlok - Tatanka Means // Matariki Whatarau
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Same with Amon fancasting, Mataraki ain't native american but he is Maori(according to google) and yes, he is too young for the character and that's also why Tatanka is my first choice
Zaheer - Henry Rollins / Ron Yuan
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Before y'all jump on me because I pick a white guy has first choice to play Zaheer, let's remember that he has a view of the Air Nomad culture and mentality that he considers superior even in comparison with the only Airbender master at the time, he also is a hypocrite since he let his friends destroy a millennial temple symbol and museum of the culture he said it's inspired him. This is the type of arrogance and disrespect that typically comes from a white man c'mon
I didn't know any of Ron Yuan work but just by his appearance I think he would be a good choice for Zaheer
Kuvira - Sonoya Mizuno / Natasha Liu Bourdizzo
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Sonoya and Natasha , can't choose who I like best for the character, both of them has that damn penetrating powerful gaze.
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one-smuts · 2 years
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You've been a ranch hand with Millies family for years, and are none to pleased when they hired on a new guy for "extra help." even less pleased when he turnes out to be a massive douche bag. an incredibly sexy and charasmastic douche, but a douche none the less. you want him to think that you want nothing to do with him. but the walls at the farm are thin, and you rearely keep track of what your saying when you're in the heat of the moment. that's when the truth of the matter really comes out.
Honestly there is not nearly enough striker smut out there and it is a crime. so let me try to get the ball rollin. reader is Afab and Fem, an imp, and as always, requets are open ;)
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"Son of a bitch!!" You yelled as the Hell Hog threw you off. And right as you got an opening too. "I swear to Satan, I will gut you." You growled to yourself as you charged for the animal again. You didn't get very far though. Of course Striker has to show you up, jumping in to "help you out" and slicing the pigs throat easily, stealing your thunder in the process. 
"Well that hog was one tough son of a bitch, huh Y/n?" He asked you with his signature mischievous grin. In your mind you always heavily equated him to a con man. He went over to offer you a hand up, but you brushed it away and got up on your own. 
"Yea, whatever Striker."
"Well now darlin', you sound pissed! And why's that?" He smirked, cocking his head to the side as if he didn't already know the answer. Ever since Lin and Joe hired him to help around the farm, he'd taken a great pleasure In showing you up whenever he could. Maybe because you were a woman. maybe because he didn't like not being the only farm hand. Maybe it was just because he found you adorable whenever you got angry. Doesn't matter why, really. You just wish he'd knock it the fuck off. 
"I had it handled you know." You said, answering his question without answering it. 
"Oh, yea. You really had things handled from the ground." He laughed, "really had the upper hand there." 
"I only missed my opening because you distracted me!"
"By being so handsome?" He smirked.
"By being so annoying. What were you yellin' about anyway?" You asked. 
"I was tryna see if you had the hog slaughtered yet. The answer was no, by the way."
You rolled your eyes as you hoisted the hog onto your shoulder. Being an imp, the damn thing was almost twice your size, and you struggled with its weight. But knowing Striker was just waiting for you to buckle so he could come in and "save your ass" once again gave you the spite needed to haul it into the kitchen. 
"Oh, Y/n!" Ms.Lin sighed as she saw you toss dinner onto the counter to be skinned. "Now why in the 7 rings would you carry that in here all by yourself? Wasn't Striker out there to help?"
You sighed and grit your teeth, knowing Ms.Lin met well. You had injured your shoulder a few days back. She just didn't want to lose another hand. "Don't worry Ms.Lin, I'm not made of sugar," You said as you let out a calming breath. "I've carried these fuckers in 1000 times before, I can keep doin it, on my own." You smiled. 
She shook her head. "You know, you can accept help, right? It's kinda what we hired him for." Lin said as she crossed her arms and popped her hip.
"Then fire him." You retorted.
"I knew you were gunnin' for my job." Striker laughed as he walked In, "man, you should seen yourself, strugglin' to carry in that piglet." He snickered. "I wish I'd had thought to record it"
"Well, ya didn't scrub." You hoped, "now are you gonna help us skin this thing or what?"
“Hey, Y/n? Quick question, what the fuck was that?” Sallie Mae asked you after dinner. You raised an eyebrow as you finished up the dishes and turned to her. “At dinner,” she added for clarification. “What the fuck was that at dinner?” You were still confused. 
“What are you-” you started.
“With Striker.” Sallie groaned. Oh, she met THAT.
“That motherfucker kept kicking me under the table!” you burst. “He was tryna get a fucking rise outta me Sallie Mae, and it worked! What kind of elementary school bullshit was that! And then to act shocked when I kicked him back, who the fuck does he think he is?”
“Y'all we’re playin footsie under the table?” Sallie Mae asked as she crossed her arms. She looked unamused.
“What? No!” you protested. “Did ya not hear me Sallie? I said that cocksucker kicked me, it was full blown war under that table!” 
“Mmhmm.” Sallie nodded, not very amused. “So you fuck him yet?” She smirked at your shocked face. Maybe you were oblivious to it, hell maybe even Striker was oblivious to it. But everyone else around you two could see a lot of your problems with each other could be solved with a solid hate fuck. 
“Sallie Mae, I swear on all that I hold dear, if you were not my best friend, I would feed you to the Hell Hogs right now.” you growled at her, face flushed with either anger or embarrassment. Or, more likely, a mix of both. “Have I fucked him yet,” you scoffed, “Girl, you know I have standards!” you snapped as you walked away from the conversation, tail swishing angrily behind you. 
Sallie wasn’t going to let you get away that easy though. She followed you. “Standards, huh?” Sallie laughed, “How’s that been working out for you lately, Ms.Sahara?” she would use your dry spell against you. 
“Just fine thank you!” you snapped. “Even if I hadn’t gotten dick in years, I wouldn’t fuck that snake. Motherfucker has gone out of his way since he got here to disrespect me at every turn.”
“Maybe he thinks you have a degradation kink?” your friend offered.
“What the fuck about me screams degradation kink?” you scoffed.
“Your posture.”
“People who want respect in bed dont stand like that Shug. everything about you screams ‘call me a slut daddy.’ I thought you knew that.”
You looked at your friend for a long time trying to figure out where she got off reading you like that. “I take offense to that.” you finally said. Sallie smirked.
“You're only offended cause it’s true, huh?”
“Shut up Sallie Mae.” you scoffed as you got to your room. “Look Hun, it’s been a long day, and I’m tired. I’d like to get to sleep.” you told her as you stretched to pop your back. 
“Ok, well just answer this for me,” Sallie said, leaning in close to whisper to you. “Honestly, hand to Satan, have you never even thought about it?” She asked. Have you ever thought of it? What a stupid question, of course you had. You weren't too bitter to admit that Striker was an incredibly handsome imp. One that made you blush the first time you laid eyes on him, something not many men could say. Of course you imagined what fucking him would be like. But that was before he revealed himself to be an incredible ass. 
“Not even once.” you said.
“Liar.” Sallie called you on your bluff. You rolled your eyes.
“Good night Sallie Mae.” you said as you closed your door in her face. You scoffed as you went over and plopped on your bed. Sallie had a lot of gaul to have that conversation with you. But, She’d had always been like that. It was why you loved her. Still. That bitch had gotten the thought of Striker stuck in your head. 
There was no way in Satan's hell he would actually want you, right? If he did, he wouldn't have been such an ass about everything. This isn't middle school, you don't show a girl you like her by pulling her hair. Not that I would particularly mind if he pulled my hair. You thought. Then physically shook your head to get that thought out of it. No! No! Bad Y/n!! You’re only thinking like that cause you’re horny! You mentally chastised yourself.
 Fuck, it really had been awhile, huh? A part of you considered dressing up and going out to a bar to try and get out of this dry spell. Then you remembered that you we’re in the Wrath Ring of hell, and that most of the guys here looked like inbred fuckin toads. Not all of em. Striker’s pretty. Fuck, you gotta get laid. Or at least off.
You hopped off your bed and went to your dresser, looking for old reliable. A small bright pink vibrator lovingly named Barbie. You smiled as it whirled to life in your hand. Who needs another imp when you have Barbie? You rid yourself of your torn jeans and got back on your bed, ready to get down to business. Your legs fell apart and you bit your lip as you started teasing your own clit. Involuntarily, an image of Striker entered your head, pinning you to the bed and running his fingers in between your folds. FUCK. This asshole couldnt even let you have your fucking fantasies. Well…fuck it. He’s already here, you already started, and who knows. Maybe it’ll help get him out of your head.
Striker sat on his bed polishing his knife. And no actually, that's not a euphemism. The man was meticulous about weapon care. He heard you and Sallie talking outside of your room, and rolled his eyes to himself. These walls were impossibly thin, and he hated it. Especially having his room right next to yours, it made it hard for him to do any business on the phone. Couldn’t risk it.
He finished cleaning up his knife and put it back in its holster. He checked the time on his phone and considered turning in for the night. Being a farm hand sucked. He was never one for early mornings, but farm work demanded it. It was a not so small part of why he left the wrath ring to become a gun for hire. Murdering people was genuinely easier for him than getting up at 5 AM. He tossed his phone to the side and laid down.
Then he heard the unmistakable sound of electricity coming from your side of the wall and instantly sat back up. No fuckig way. He’d been working on this farm for weeks now and had never heard this before. He was starting to think you were a prude. He laughed softly to himself. This was gonna be great ammo against you tomorrow. There was one highlight to being a farm hand, and that was getting to fuck with you every day. You were adorable when you got mad, and it was so easy to rile you up. He quickly decided if he couldn’t fuck you, he would just fuck with you and be content with that. 
That caught his fucking attention. The last thing he expected to hear from the otherside of the wall was his name. He didn’t expect the effect it had on him either. Something about the way you sounded so desperate for him made his heart race and his dick ache. 
“Striker..Striker please-”
Thank fucking Satan for thin and sin walls. Striker made a mental note to personally thank the king of hell for them. He could hear you so clearly, and yet he still found himself pressed against the wall to hear you better. His hand moved to the crotch of his pants. He plamed himself through the fabric to ease some of the pain. “Fuck darlin’” he groaned out, voice just above a whisper. He didn’t realize just how bad he wanted to fuck you until now.
“St-Striker, fuck me! Please! Fuck me-” you moaned breathlessley through the wall. That was in invitation if Striker had ever heard one. 
“Well, since you asked so nicely.” Striker laughed as he made his way to your room. The panicked ‘meep!” he heard as he left confirmed to him that you did indeed hear him. He’d never been more thankful to share a wall with someone. He got to your door and knocked, then turned the knob experimentally. It was locked. You really were inviting him in, huh? He slipped through the door and could help but smile at the scene before him. 
You were glowing with blush, blanket thrown haphazardly between your legs to give yourself some sense of modesty. A hot pink vibrator, slick and abandoned, at the foot of the bed. You were looking at him, but couldn’t bring yourself to make eye contact with him. “Ya know darling,” Stiker said as he approached your bed. There was something dark in his eyes, “If you wanted me that bad you could have just asked. But I do appreciate the show ya just put on for me.” he chuckled.
“Why were you listening to me, you creep!” you lashed out in anger, trying to turn this on him and away from you. He didn’t take the bait. He laughed as he caged you into your bed, face just centimeters away from your own.
“It’s kinda hard not to when the whole farm can hear you begging me to fuck you darlin.” he chuckled softly as he ran a hand down your side. It sent shivers down your spine. “Now, the real question is; didja mean it? Or are you just the biggest tease in this ring of hell?” he asked, causing your face to heat up even more with desire.
“I meant it.” you said before your brain could stop you. Fuck it, maybe Sallie Mae was right. Strikers wicked grin alone could almost convince you of that. Stiker grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. 
“Good girl.” he said as he pushed his lips into yours. He tasted like coffee and nicotine. You shyly moved your hands to wrap them around his neck. He crawled onto the bed on top of you, finally releasing you of your kiss. His hands ran down to the hem of your shirt. “You got no idea how many nights I imagined doing this.” he rasped, taking your shirt off of you. His smirk only grew. “Black lace, huh? you really are a whore, aren't ya doll?” He tisked as he easily unclasped your bra and threw it to the floor. “They’re prettier than I imagined.” he praised as he ran his thumb over your hardening nipple.
“Are you going to shut up at any point in this?” you scoffed, finding yourself again as you pushed his jacket off his shoulders. You could feel his sculpted chest under his thin shirt and it excited you more than you wanted to admit. 
“Wasn’t plannin’ on it darlin’.” He grinned. He let you unbutton his vest and rid him of both it and his shirt.
“Mother fucker.” you whispered as you ran your hand along his toned chest. It was covered in scars, both healed and not so healed. You wanted to know the story behind every single one.
“Like what you see?” He asked. You could hear his tail rattling in anticipation. He was more excited for your approval than he was letting on,
“Very much so.” you smiled, finally finding the courage to look into his yellow green hypnotic eyes. 
“Right answer.” he chuckled as his hand moved down your body. You tensed instinctively as he reached your cunt. “Fuck Darlin’, I knew you’d be wet, but i wasn’t expecting this wet.” he purred as his fingers ran across your folds. “All this for me?” He teased, fingers finding your clit with the quickness of an expert. You sheepishly nodded as you realized he’d definitely done this more than you had. “I knew you wanted me.” he said smugly as he began to rub circles into your clit, sending electricity soaring through your body. 
“Ya like that, Slut?” the cowboy asked you. You nodded in response, focused on the pleasure he was giving you. Until he suddenly stopped.
“Use your words Doll.” he warned.
“Yes, I liked it! I liked it so much, I kinda wanna punch you for stopping!” you hissed. Striker launched and continued his movements, much to your relief.
“And that's why you're my favorite.” he purred at you. His thumb had taken over rubbing your clit as his fingers began to work your pussy open. “Even when you’re the one in a compromised position, you never lose your fight.” It suddenly struck him that that was a little too intimate than he wanted to get at that moment. So he switched gears and fully pulled you under him. You gasped as you looked up at him. He was only on his knees on top of you, but he still seemed so much taller. It occurred to you just how much bigger than you he was.
“Ya know darlin’,” he stared as he leaned down to kiss your neck, “Ever since I laid eyes on you,” he began to trail kisses down your body. Your neck, your collar bone. Littering marks down your body, “I’ve wanted to know how you taste.” he groaned as he made it to his destination. Your body was on fire with anticipation. He spread your legs for him and let out a low whistle. “Never thought I’d see a cunt as pretty as yours.” he admitted as he kissed the inside of your thighs. He bit gently, sucking marks into your soft skin. He wanted whoever may be here next to know you were his first. Finally, he made his way to where you desperately wanted him most. He smirked at you one last time before licking at your clit. 
Your whole body jolted at his touch, as if it was made to react to him and only him. He sucked at your clit as his fingers began to work you open. “Fuck Striker, how dare you be this good at head.” you groaned as your hands knocked his hat off and tangled into his hair. You could hear him laugh from in between your legs, but didn't really care. His fingers began to massage you from inside, quickly finding the spot that would surely make you see stars. “Fuck!” you gasped as your back arched and your legs tried to clamp around his head. Striker would be the one man you’d been with able to find the G-Spot.
He used his free hand to keep your legs open. “Careful now Sweetheart. You wouldn't want me to stop now would ya?” He asked in the most condescending tone you’d ever heard. 
“Fuck, no! No, you asshole, don't stop.” you almost screamed when his fingers stopped moving. “You bitch! What the fuck did I just fucking say?!” you all but yelled at him.
“Say it nicely.” he grinned at you.
“Fuck you.”
“I know you want to Doll.”
“I'm going to kick you.”
“I’ll leave,” he threatened. 
“Fuck no!” well that was more desperate than you wanted it to be. “No no! Don't leave! Just…Fuck, please don’t stop Sir! Please, I need you.” you moaned. You almost cried when not only did his fingers start going again, but he added a third.
“Good girl.” he praised, his head dipping back in between your legs. He began sucking harshly at your clit, massaging it with his tongue and tying the knot in your stomach tighter and tighter. Your hands found their way to his hair again, and you found yourself bucking into his face. You felt your body tense and your pussy flutter. 
“Striker, I’m Close.”
“I know.” he muttered from between your legs.
“You’re not exactly hiding it sweetheart.” he laughed, picking up the pace ever so slightly, forcing you to forget the argument at hand as your vision exploded with stars and electricity ran through your body. “Fuck, fuckfuckfuck fuck!!” you yelled, your legs closing around his head and your hands pulling him closer. Striker realized he couldn't breathe, and decided that yes. This was how he wanted to die. With his fingers working you through your orgasam as he lapped up as much of you as he could.  “Dear fucking Satan.” you moaned as you released the cowboy. Your legs still shook with the aftershock of your orgasam. It had been awhile since you had sex, yea. But it had been even longer since someone made you feel like that.
Striker smiled as he wiped his mouth and sat back up. “Feel good Sweetheart?” he purred to you. You nodded blissfully. He smiled and gently tucked a strand of your hair back. You nodded, your brain still unable to form words. “That's great Doll. We’re not done yet.” he informed you. “Good.” you chuckled, causing him to smile. You watched as he freed himself from his jeans, and couldn't help the blush that formed on your face. Of course, it wasn’t enough for him to just have a pretty face. Oh no, he had to have a pretty dick too. 
“Fuck man, how’s it feel to be Satans favorite?” you huffed. 
“Isn’t that more of a question for yourself, Gorgeous?” Striker asked as he pumped his dick a few times. He bit his lip as he looked down at your body. He wanted to remember every curve you had. Every scar, stretch mark, birthmark, everything. He wanted to own it. He wanted to own you. He dug his teeth into your neck as he began to push himself into your cunt. You screamed, the mix of pleasure and pain taking over your body as he sunk into your still sensitive cunt. You could feel him sucking a mark into your neck. You knew there would be questions in the morning. You didn’t care. 
“Striker, God damn. You’re too fucking much.” you groaned, trying to turn your head to hide your face in the crook of his neck. 
“You feel so fucking good Y/n.” he breathed to you. “Like you were fucking made for me. Made to be a sleeve for my cock, made to be mine.” he growled. Fuck that alone send ice down your spine. You were not prepared for him to start moving, pumping into you like he was on a mission. He set a brutal pace. Your legs wrapped around his hips to keep up. You clawed into his back, determined to leave marks of your own on him. It was only fair. 
His tail tangled with yours as his hand tangled into your hair. “I’ve been waiting for this for way too long” he huffed, “Do you know how many times I thought about bending you over and putting you in your fucking place? Shit darlin’ if i knew it would be this good i would have done it sooner.” he repositioned himself to stroke at the sensitive bundle of nerves inside you. It was too much.
You groaned and bit the fuck out his his shoulder, causing him to help, then laugh, but never falter in his thrusts. He was a professional after all. He pulled your hair, forcing you to release him. “Fuck darlin, we bitin’ now?” he laughed, as if he did not just leave a very prominent mark on your neck. “I-it’s only f-fair!” you argused, struggling to make coherent thoughts. He smiled almost softly and tilted his head to the side, exposing his neck to you. “If ya gonna leave a mark on me, might as well go big or go home.” he challenged. He desperately wanted everyone to know what happened tonight. And while the thin walls would assure that for the people that lived on the farm, he wanted the entirety of hell to know.
And you were far too cock drunk to think of the consequences. You buried your fangs into his neck, savoring the hiss of pain he let out. He tugged gently at your hair one last time, before using that hand for support instead, and using his now freed hand to rub almost violent circles into your clit. You let out a high pitched and breathy moan into his neck. He could feel your pussy flutter around him, a clear sign you were close.
“Fuck, you gonna come for me twice Darlin?” he groaned. As if on cue the knot inside your stomach snapped in two and you screamed into his neck, your legs clamping around him as your body spasmed with the heat of your second orgasam for the night. And shit, you we’re fucking gorguous. “Y/n, I’m close,” Striker warned as he realized you we’re not letting him go. “Y/n, let go, I-”
“Cum in me.” you moaned. He did not need to be told twice. He picked up his pace, pounding into your spent pussy before his own orgasam finally overtook him. He rode out his orgasam, shooting red hot cum into your cervix. His best move? Definitely not. But that was a problem for tomorrow Stiker and Y/n. Tonight Striker and Y/n couldn't get over how hot the whole ordeal was. Finally he slowed to a stop. He lightly tapped your thigh and you finally let your legs fall to the bed. 
“Shit Darlin’ I knew you’d be good, but..fuck.” Striker laughed, causing you to swell with pride for being the reason he had that reaction. He pulled out, leaving you feeling more empty than you expected.
“You’re a good lay.” you laughed as he rolled over next to you. 
“Why thank ya,” he laughed with you instead of at you for once. He pulled you into his arms, and you didn’t protest. He was warm. “So do we go back to hating each other in the mornin’, or?..” he asked, rubbing gentle circles into your hips.
“In the mornin’? Yes. buut I wouldn’t be against this happening again, so I guess we can like each other at night.” you giggled. He chuckled and nodded.
“Alright, I can get behind that. It’s a start.” he nodded, snuggling up to you. You hadn’t kicked him out of bed yet, might as well enjoy it. Suddenly, there was a loud knock at your door, causing you both to panic. 
“So Y'all are done feudin’ now, right?” Sallie Mae’s almost jovial voice came from the other side. 
“SALLIE I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!” you yelled from your bed as Striker laughed his ass off next to you.
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cienie-isengardu · 2 months
No offense but in MKX Reptile smells awful going by Takeda so I imagine kind of kills the stealth aspect a little. Also probably makes people wanna stay away from him even in non fighting situations. To Reptile he smells fine, to others well...
Bi-Han: So then I was like-What the fuck?
Hydro: Huh? Oh my god, what the hell is that smell?
Reptile existing several feet away:
Bi-Han: You know Hydro, I think we should leave...
But does Reptile really smell that bad, or is Takeda just an ass here? Because not everything the characters say in intro dialogues is a truth, nor should be treated as fact. Sometimes they say mean things just for the sake of being mean, to manipulate or provoke the opponent. In MKX Takeda wasn’t on good terms with Reptile due to their realms’ conflicting interest and his remark about Syzoth’s scent may be just an exaggeration used out of spite. 
Majority of the characters interacting with Reptile through intro dialogues considered him to be ugly, pitiful, stupid, even going so far to call him just a pet no different than a dog. However from the whole cast, I catched only three people - all Earthrealm, all Raiden’s supporters - that claimed Reptile stinks awfully:  
Takeda: Ugh... You been rollin' in trash? Reptile: Respect me, human. Takeda: I'm serious, you smell awful…
Jax: Thought I smelled somethin'... Reptile: Have a care, Jackson Briggs. Jax: I do care--you stink.
Reptile: You dare approach me? Johnny Cage: Despite the smell. Reptile: You will be my latest victim.
so while I’m pretty sure Syzoth as Zaterran has a distinct scent (the same as Shokan, Centaurian or Kytinn most likely have due to non-human biology), I’m not so sure if the smell is that awful, or is it more the matter of those three characters’ individual sensitivity for different (unknown) smell, exaggerated by their dislike for Reptile. 
I’m personally leaning towards the second option, as so far the alternative timeline’s story mode does not imply Reptile’s smell hinders his stealth in any way.
In Mortal Kombat 9, when Johnny for the first time met Syzoth, he was impressed by his entrance and there is no mention of the awful smell. 
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In the same game, Shang Tsung has zero problems with Reptile being around, even when invading his personal space (though in the case of sorcerer, Shang Tsung may be already used to his distinct smell).
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In Mortal Kombat X, during the New Generation's escape, Takeda was observing the surroundings and using telepathy to win. There is no implication he won due to Syzoth’s strong smell, he also did not complain/comment about it.
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There is also a different potential explanation - Reptile’s natural scent has changed over time, due to his age, hormones or maybe even a mental state. The smell that did not matter before but now Johnny, Jax or Takeda complained about, along with a more bland, matte skin tone may be a sign of depression for example. An understandable development, as being the last of his species and being mistreated for decades could take a toll on Syzoth. Or the odor may hint at any other biological or psychological change, as two decades has passed between MK9 and MKX. 
As for Bi-Han and Hydro, they aren’t that easily scared or repulsed. They are Lin Kuei, I’m sure they dealt with the worst stuff.
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callmebrycelee · 5 months
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Kenneth Choi was born October 20, 1971 in Chicago, Illinois. The 52-year-old actor is best known for portraying Henry Lin on the action crime drama television series Sons of Anarchy; Judge Lance Ito in the true crime anthology television series The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story; and Howard "Chimney" Han in the procedural drama television series 9-1-1. His other TV and film credits include Dr. Wu in Glee; Dr. Paul Hyun in Hawthorne; Captain Ed Rollins in Ironside; Jim Morita in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Captain America: The First Avenger; Lewis in The Last Man on Earth; and Mr. Morita in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Kenneth is 5 feet and 6 inches tall.
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@fallenlondonficswap @oleworm For the general swap :-) I saw you'd like to read about Parabolan weirdness and Zailing and I couldn't resist. Hope you enjoy! Downed and Drowned and Never Found Zee Captain and Zailor OCs, general rating, 1621 words.
The Judicious Boatswain’s knuckles went white as he gripped the railing. They were still zailing at a fast pace, headed back from the Khanate towards London with a heavy load of cargo, but… Would it be in time? He flinched hard as his Captain swept past him, his nerves having been frayed nearly to bleeding. “Captain, we need to talk. The crew is uneasy, and I hear there’s been talk of-” He called out to her back. She turned, and he regretted saying anything nigh-immediately. Her gaze was a thousand metre stare that cut into and through him like a scrimshander knife, eyes wide and empty. “Talk of what.” She said flatly. The Boatswain’s grip tightened a fraction further. “Nothing, Ma’am. Go rest. I’ll make sure it’s handled.”
The Captain did not move or breathe or blink for long enough that the Boatswain started to hold his own breath out of fear, but eventually she grunted in assent and turned her haunted gaze elsewhere. The hems of her coat dragged as she curled into herself and turned the corner, shambling out of sight. The Boatswain shivered. A young zailor ran past and he caught them by the arm, ignoring their cry of fear and surprise. “Find the First Mate and tell them they’re to act as Captain until we reach port. And for G-d’s sake, to make sure everyone gets extra rations. If the Quartermaster complains, tell him I said to shove it.” He ordered. The zailor nodded fretfully, gave a squeaked-out ‘yessir!’, and then bolted back in the direction they came from. The Boatswain sighed, shaking out the stiffness in his joints as he followed after his Captain. He already had a very good idea of what he would find, but it was nothing less than his duty to make sure. A knock went unanswered. So did a concerned greeting. Finally he steeled himself and shouldered the door open, one hand on his pistol just in case something went very badly. 
… As expected. The Captain’s quarters were entirely empty. No sign of her beyond a scattered pile of increasingly illegible papers, some old scratch marks at the corners of her windows, and a needlework prayer to Stone knocked to the floor. The Boatswain blanched and returned it to its place on the desk, unwilling to risk a zee-god’s anger on top of their already precarious situation. With luck, She’d be waiting for them in London once she recovered. —
Somewhere beyond the mirror, a form moved slowly through a jungle, gliding through the underbrush as easily as water. A wheel jutted from her spine, spokes spinning as she maneuvered. Steam and coalsmoke billowed from the corners of her mouth with every breath. “Call all hands to man the caps’n, see the cable floked down clear.” A tinny phonograph recording sang within her chest, keeping her on time. Capstan shanty. Raise the anchor. “Heave away an’ with a will boys, for ol’ London we will steer.” Her anchor lifted, bit by bit, and she picked up her pace as it no longer dragged behind her. Ships don’t have voices with which to sing, per se, but song has a way of coming through anyways. Her wooden boards creaked as she stooped under branches. “Rol-lin’ home, rollin’ home, rol-lin’ home across the zee.” The phonograph insisted, crackling softly. Her wheel spun as she turned gently to starboard. Home. Had to come home. No North Star to guide her down here, but her compass-heart knew the way all the same. As sure as Stone’s warmth. “Rollin home to dear Old London, rollin’ home, fair land, to thee.”
A rustling in the undergrowth had her shifting her stance onto her stern, movements slow but deliberate. A gun-arm was raised, and the soft glim-lamps of her eyes narrowed in focus. A tiger padded out from behind a tree, vegetation whispering against its fur. She lowered her weapons. No threat. “Well, aren’t you an interesting sight.” The tiger purred. When she didn’t respond or move, its tail flicked. “What are you doing out here?” “Heave away, you rollin’ king! Heave away, haul away! Haul away, oh hear me sing! We’re bound for London ci-ty.” Her phonograph played, a gentle static hiss clinging to some of the words. She swayed in an invisible current. “Ahh, I see.” It said, stretching languidly. She tilted her head, the ropes and lines of her hair pulling taut against their cleats. “I won’t keep you long, then. I wish you fair winds and following seas.” After a long moment, she nodded, a slow dip of her bow. The tiger disappeared back into the greenery without a sound. Smoke puffed from her mouth as she exhaled, angling herself port and starting on her slow, steady journey once more. Home. She was going home, as all ships do when a voyage is through. Her keel would keep her upright and true. She travelled like this for centuries or seconds until a familiar sight came into view. A mirror in an intricate frame, containing an image of a gas-lit hotel within. A sign that she was nearly home. Her bow breached the glass like a hand through water, and she passed through. The Devoted Captain took a deep breath as she pulled her coat taut around her. She paused for a moment, getting her bearings, when her eyes fell on the fountain in the middle of the lobby. Not the zee-water she craved, but water nonetheless. She trudged over and knelt by the edge of it, trailing a hand in it to bring some to her lips. She drank deeply, like this. Her throat felt like she had been smoking, perhaps, but she couldn’t recall why that would be. A tall and smiling man approached, and sat on the edge of the fountain next to her. She regarded him balefully. Interrupting my drink, she thought to herself. He leaned down to rest a bearded chin in one hand, tilting his head at her. “Are you here to check in? A wind of Fate in your sails has blown you right into my lobby, after all.” He said. The Captain just barely held back on telling him where he could shove his lobby. A sudden ripple of laughter through his shoulders anyways made her wonder if maybe she hadn’t thought that as quietly as she had meant to. She settled for staring at him while pointedly (and loudly) sipping at another handful of fountain-water. “Hm. Very well.” He sighed fondly. “Another red-sky morning, perhaps.” She wiped the extra water off her face with the back of one sleeve and snorted. “Doubt it.” She said, standing up and shaking the wet from her hands. “I’m leaving.” The Manager smiled even wider. “Fair winds, Capstan.” The Devoted Captain turned to him, brows furrowed. “Capstan?” “Hm? I believe that’s a part of a ship, or a variety of shanty pertaining to it. Isn’t it your job to know that, my dear?” He teased, eyes crinkling. “No, you… Urgh. You called me Capstan. The hell did you mean by that?” The Captain near-hissed. “I called you Captain, you must have misheard. Perhaps you have some zee-water in your ears?” The Manager insisted. She clenched her fists by her sides and took a very deep breath to keep herself from doing something very inadvisable, and then turned and stalked out the door. The Manager waved to her retreating form with an airy laugh. Ah, no matter. He’d convince her to stay eventually. —
Wolfstack Docks. Almost there. The Devoted Captain’s boots thunked heavily against wood as she scanned the piers for her ship. She broke into a run when she spotted it, a little worn around the edges but not much worse for wear from her absence. Her First Mate snapped to attention first, then the rest. “Cap’n! We were hoping we’d find you back here. We got all the crates from the Khanate unloaded already, but we’ve been waiting for you.” They said, clasping her hand in theirs to shake firmly. “I owe you all an apology. Things got bad at zee, and I am sorry about that. But right now, I want nothing more than to get back on board my ship. Anyone who needs shore leave can take it, but I…” She gazed hungrily at the deck. “I need to feel her boards under my boots again.” The Judicious Boatswain studied her, not unkindly, before laughing gently. “Well, don’t waste time on our account. Go say hello.” He said. Some level of tension eased in his shoulders as she grinned. The Devoted Captain hauled herself up onto her ship, forgoing the gangplank entirely. Once up she immediately took to running her hands over the railings, relishing the wood under her skin. She was home. More than that, she felt like she was whole again, like some part of her own body had clicked back into place with her return. Her crew returned a few at a time, mostly just trying to keep out of her way as she did her rounds. A good few were taking up her offer of shore leave, it seemed, but not so many that they couldn’t zail. The Fidgeting First Mate joined her at the wheel, hands clasped behind their back. “So where are we off to next, Captain?” She laughed. “How about the Court of the Wakeful Eye? It’s been a while since we’ve paid tribute, and with luck, Stone’s light will bless us as we pass.”
The First Mate inclined their head with a smile. “Sounds like a good enough idea to me.”
The Captain curled her fingers around the wheel, took a deep breath, and prepared to zail once more.
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Hi lin just wanted to say that I read your : Yandere merpeople strawhats x gn reader 
And it’s so good !!💗
Honestly I don’t blame the reader being scared of the sea , it’s frightening!! 
We know nothing about it and good luck trying to fight a shark cause ha!  You have a better chance fighting a lion XD (Me when I read Luffy would be bull shark : 👀😰💀 Luffy I love u but omg keep your distance cousins away from me please )🙏😭
‘Oh my God. Merpeople. This is a merman and you’re surrounded by more of them. Every rumor you’ve heard about them comes to find instantly in one big violent pang. That they love nothing more than to drag any poor unsuspecting human they come across out into the ocean to drown them. That they would eat you after you died. That they could curse humans into becoming like them.’
Oooh yep reader is in trouble especially if there do turn them into one ? I wonder what type of fish the reader would be ?? Sea bunny, a seal ,maybe even a jellyfish 🥰
Pfft why can I now imagine the reader just yeeting Luffy of them XD !! Just YEET !!! 
Oooh Luffy got their scent 👀 good luck reader your gonna need it ~ 
Ooh Luffy as a bull shark good choice , pfft I didn’t know bull sharks fight crocodile’s 🤣 
Green moray eel for Zoro is spot on XD Zoro please go take a shower 🙏
Ooh Nami as a flame angelfish very pretty , excellent choice😍 
Usopp as a indo-pacific sailfish , is a really good choice , I didn’t know what a indo-pacific sailfish was till I typed it in and omg yess Usopp would look amazing as a indo-pacific sailfish!!
Sanji as a pelagic thresher shark is pure genius especially since we all know kicks are Sanji fighting style and wow I can see why pelagic thresher shark use there tail as a weapon it’s massive !! 
Chopper as a blue spotted pufferfish I can really see happing in the show , I wonder can he travel on earth since he used to be a reindeer ? Or is this like one piece devil fruit users can’t go in water makes them weaker , but for this Merpeople can’t go on land cause it makes them weaker or would there be alright for awhile🤔👀
Robin as a mimic octopus is pure genius!! Especially since it works well with her devil fruit! Rollin you done amazing job with the fic and amazing choices for type of fish the strawhats would be !😎👌
I really enjoyed reading this , hope your doing ok 💗
Thank you!
I actually loosely based their fear after my own fear of the ocean. Being lost at sea is genuinely my worst fear, I refuse to do more than wading in the ocean because of it.
I'm not really sure what kind of fish to make the reader, I'm still debating if I even want to specify it or leave it vague so readers can choose their own fish. I might go with an aquatic mammal though, something that still requires air and can't exclusively live underwater. I think that would be interesting given their fears.
I'm glad you liked the choices I made for them! It took a while, but I had a lot of fun picking them out. Thresher sharks are my favorite fish, so I'm very happy I was able to use them for Sanji.
Regarding Chopper, he can change forms to go on land, but only very briefly. It's pretty risky, so he usually avoids it when he can. I imagine that since merfolk are already in danger on land, the devil fruit would just kinda speed it up. Like they dry out faster than a regular merperson would.
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coisa2302a · 30 days
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delta7of96 · 1 year
Rollin' the Dice Since '74: The Westside's Very Own Born Losers MCs | Chicago Defender
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7swordsmen · 2 years
lin, short for linhardt? Wrong. short for they see me rollin
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tempi-dispari · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.tempi-dispari.it/2022/11/07/al-blue-note-questa-settimana/
Al Blue Note, questa settimana
Johnny O’ Neal piano Josh Ginburg basso Piero Alessi batteria Principalmente noto negli anni ottanta come il pianista di Art Blakey, e come sideman di molti altri grandi artisti, oggi conferma di essere un artista a “tutto tondo”, un vero intrattenitore, capace di incantare sia suonando che cantando. Un grande raccontatore, come solo i grandi artisti che hanno fatto la storia e che incarnano un certo tipo di tradizione e sanno fare. Jazz, swing, blues, conoscenza enciclopedica della tradizione. CHICAGO BLUES NIGHT 9 Novembre 2022
Qualcuno ha detto: “Il blues è l’anima della musica, la fonte alla quale si torna sempre ad abbeverarsi, motore e linfa vitale di ogni ispirazione”. Una serata per celebrare le radici della musica moderna con un gruppo di giovani eclettici assi del genere capitanati da Alex Usai! Dal fangoso Blues di Muddy Waters e della Chess Records al Rock’n Roll di Chuck Berry. Le armoniche dannate di Little Walter e Junior Wells e l’eredità di B.B King si mescoleranno al revival del blues dei Blues Brothers e di Robert Cray. AARON PARKS – Little Big 10 Novembre 2022
Aaron Parks piano Greg Tuohey chitarra Chris Morrissey basso elettrico e contrabbasso Josh Dion batteria
Aaron Parks si forma con Terence Blanchard e Kurt Rosenwinkel. È membro dei James Farm con Joshua Redman, Matt Penman ed Eric Harland ed è apprezzato compositore. Il suo ultimo progetto, Aaron Parks & Little Big ha debuttato nel 2017 ed ora è alla sua seconda edizione, sempre con Greg Tuohey alla chitarra, ma con una nuova sezione ritmica. Un mix di jazz, pop, elettronica e R&B, forte della cangiante e sempre ispirata penna del leader. AZIZA – Dave Holland, Chris Potter, Lionel Loueke & Eric Harland 11 Novembre 2022
Dave Holland contrabbasso Chris Potter sax Lionel Loueke chitarra Eric Harland batteria
Il quartetto Aziza ha fatto il suo debutto nel 2015 con l’omonimo album: una formazione di stelle del jazz internazionale. Ispiratore della band è il grande Dave Holland, maestro assoluto del contrabbasso e storico interprete dall’irraggiungibile tocco creativo: un esempio che ha fatto (e continua a fare) scuola per intere generazioni. LEE RITENOUR 12 e 13 Novembre 2022
Lee Ritenour chitarra Otmaro Ruiz piano/tastiere Pera Krstajic basso Wesley Ritenour batteria
Lee Ritenour è un chitarrista dall’immenso ed eclettico talento, leader universale della scena fusion, membro fondatore dei mitici Fourplay, con stile unico al mondo fonde jazz, rock e ritmi brasiliani. E’ stato incredibile session–man e collaboratore di alcuni dei più importanti artisti del pianeta: Mamas and Papas, Pink Floyd, Steely Dan, Dizzy Gillespie, Sonny Rollins, Simon & Garfunkel, Frank Sinatra. Tony Bennett, Phil Collins, o con i grandi del Brasile come Ivan Lins, Caetano Veloso, Djavan. Fortemente influenzato negli anni ’80 dalla musica brasiliana, i suoi lavori gli sono valsi numerosi riconoscimenti e nomination ai Grammy Award.
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id-element0 · 1 year
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Because Danzig has too much on his plate, he can't really keep in touch with his sister Rollins and cousin Sid. On Saturday, though, he bumps into Rollins and her baby daughter Jaime at the local clinic.
Danzig and Rollins are having a falling out of sorts; their interaction is all over the place. I first noticed it at Fendi's funeral. But at least she gives us some cute screenshots with Jaime.
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oceansinspireme · 4 years
Is season 17 of Law and Order SVU just a Hamilton cast reunion?!
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televisionpromos · 6 years
Deadly Class 1x05 "Saudade" Promo - On a mission to Las Vegas to kill Billy's dad, Marcus accidentally takes way too much acid.
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ahb-writes · 3 years
Medieval Nicknames, Pet Names & Diminutives — Male
Adam: Adnet, Adenot, Adkin, Ade, Add
Aloysius: Lowis, Lewis, Lewin, Louis
Amyas: Amyot, Amand, Amadis (Fr)
Ancel: Ansel(l), Anselm, Ancelot, Anscelin, Hanselin, Anselin
Andrew: Dandy, Tandy, Dancock
Anketil: Antel, Anker, Antin, Aske Asketil, Askil, Annakin(Yo), Asti
Arnold: Arnaud, Arnot, Arnel
Auberon/Aubrey: Oberon, Avery, Avo, Aves, Auvery, Aubert, Albray, Albert
Bartholomew: Bart, Ba(t)te, Barty (Scots), Batty, Batkin, Bette, Bartelot, Bertelot, Bertelmew
Christopher: Stoffer, Kit(te), Kester, Kitelin, Christal (Scots)
Denis: Dionysus, Den(et), Denzil, Denisel
Egidius: Aegidius, Giles,Gille, Gillard, Gilo, Gisel
Elias: Ellis, Elcock, Helle, Eliot, Elwaud (Scots), Elwat, Eluat, Eluolt, Elkin, Helyas, Hellis, Elyet, Allat, Alard Adalard, Elicoc, Hellcock, Elie
Geoffrey: Jeppe, Geff, Gepp, Jeeves, Jeff, Jefcock, Jeffkin, Jeffrey
Gerald/Gerard: Girard, Garard, Garrald, Garrood, Jarrold, Jarrot, Jerald, Greoud, Jared
Gilbert: Gibb, Gibelin, Gibelot, Gip
Hamo: Hamlet, Hamlin, Hammet, Hamnet, Hamon(d), Haim(o), Hame, Hamon, Aymes, Hamekin, Hawkin
Henry: Hal, Harry, Herry, Hanne, Hen(kin), Hanekin, Halkin, Hawkin
Hilary: Ilarius, Illore, Eularius, Eylarius, Ellery, Hille
Hugh: Hugo, Huiet, Hughelot, Ugo ,Hugelin, Huelin, Hulin, Hudde, Huglin, Hudkin, Hukin, Howe, Hewe, Huget, Hudelin, Huhel, Huwet, Huchon (Fr)
James: Jago, Jacob(i), Jacce, Jack(lin), Jagge, Jakot, Jackett, Jackamin, Jex, Jem(me), Gimelot, Jimme, Jaycock, Jakock, Jankin, Jaques, Cob(et), Jakemin
Joel: Juhel, Jool, Jol, Johol, Joelin, Joylin, jollein
John: Jack, Jankin, Jenkin, Jan(cock), Hank (Flem), Henk(e), Henkin, Hann, Jonet, Jehan, Janin, Janne, Jenin, Hancock
Joscelin/Goscelin: Josse, Joyce, Josset, Gotselin, Gotsone, Jukel, Judoc, Joy, Joshin, Joce, Goss, Got(te), Goslin
Lawrence/Laurence: Larry, Lorenz, Larkin, Lorkin, Laret, Lawrie, Lowrie, Low, Laur
Leonard: Leo, Lyel, Leon, Leunot, Leonides, Lionel, Leoline
Luke: Lucius, Lucian,Ludovic, Luck Lucas, Luket
Matthew: Mayhew, Makin, Masse, Math(e), Mathy, Matkin, Maton
Michael: Mihel, Michel, Miot, Mighell, Miche, Miell, Miles, Milo
Nicholas/Colin: Colcock, Cole, Coll, Colkin, Colet, Nicol, Nicolin, Nicks, Nix
Odo: Odelin, Eudo, Otho, Odinel, Othello
Orlando/Roland: Rollet, Rollin, Rowland, Rowlatt, Rollant, Ruel, Rollanz, Rauland
Paul: Poul, Pole, Pauley, Paulin, Powlis
Peter: Pierce, Piers, Pers, Pell, Perkin, Pirret, Perrin, Perr(el), Pierun, Perron, Peterkin, Petri (Scots)
Philip: Phelp, Philp, Felip, Filkin, Philpot, Phipp, Potkin, Potin
Ralph: Rafe, Rafael, Raff, Radulf, Raul, Raulin, Raulot
Randolph: Randall, Randle, Randulf, Rand(y), Hann, Rann, Ranulf, Rankin, Randekin, Ranel, Rendall
Reginald: Reynold, Reynaud, Reginaud
Richard: Rick, Rich(ie), Digge, Ricot, Richelot, Rickard, Dicel, Dic(con), Dicet, Dicelin, Diggen, Hick, Hicun, Hickot
Robert: Rob(in), Robelard, Dobb(in), Hobb(in), Hobelot, Hobelin, Hopkin, Nobb, Nabb, Nabelot, Bobbet
Roger: Hogg, Rodge, Hodge, Dodge, Dogge, Doggin, Hodgekin
Silas/Silvester: Silvanus, Selwyn, Selvayn, Savin, Salvin, Selwin
Simon: Sim(o)nel, Sim(kin), Simond, Simonet, Simcock
Theobald: Tibalt, Tibbald, Tebbet, Tebb(el), Tybaud, Tepp, Talbot
Theodore: Theodoric, Terry, Todrick, Torrey, Tyrri, Tedric, Therry, Thierry (Fr), Deryk (flem)
Thomas: Tom(lin), Tomkin, Tomcock, Tam(lin), Tommis
Torald: Tory
Vivian: Vidian, Fithian, Fidd, Fidkin, Fiddian, Vidgen
William: Wilmot, Guylote, Will(y), Willet, Wilot, Wilcock, Gilot, Gilmyn
(further reading: female names)
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Every Baudelaire Guardian (So Far)
This list is a long overdue way for y’all to see past guardians before requesting and a way for me to keep track of who I’ve already made a guardian, so let’s get this train rollin’!
(All Guardians names from first to most recent under the cut, will be updated as more characters are requested)
Frankie Stein
Phoenix Wright
Harry Greenwood
Hiccup and Astrid Haddock
Reginald Hargreeves
The Sorting Hat
Jack Skellington
Reigen Arataka
Taako Taaco
John Mulaney
Dr. Doofenshmirtz
Chidi Anagonye
The Kratt Brothers
Ronald McDonald
Freddy Mercury
Darth Vader
Jefferson Davis
Marie Kondo
Jonathan Van Ness
Maes Hughes
Harold Hill
Dutch van der Linde
Carol Danvers
Molly Weasley
Grunkle Stan
Magnus Bane
Scott Howl
William Shakespeare
George Salazar
Luke Skywalker
Soldier 76
Emily the Corpse Bride
Neil Cicierega and Ming Doyle
Optimus Prime
Robert E.O. Speedwagon
Julian Devorak
Rex Dangervest
Meta Knight
Moominmamma and Moominpappa
Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert
A knife
A bigger knife
Tony Stark
MatPat, Safiya Nygaard and Rosanna Pansino
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Miss Honey
MatPat but with StephPat this time
Thomas Sanders
Magnus and Julia Burnsides
Ruff Ruffman
Willy Wonka
An even bigger knife
Amy Rose
Video Game Sonic the Hedgehog
Scott Lang
A Googly Eyed Slinky
@/sqenthusiast , formerly @/larry-your-gayter
A Dog
@/teeny-beany, formerly @/afarmforthree
The Crystal Gems
@/arisabunni, formerly @/hongmoondescendant
The Biggest Knife Ever in Bowie, Texas
Malina Weissman, Louis Hynes and Presley Smith
Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Linda and Laurence Flynn-Fletcher
Alice Liddell
Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz
Demi Lovato
Princess Peach
Dad Egbert
Phil Coulson
The Phantom of The Opera / Erik Destler
Original Design of Live Action Sonic
Greg Universe
Brian David Gilbert
Robert Manion
Yondu Udonta
Mary Poppins
The VFDiscord
Jay Gatsby
Kermit the Frog
Brandon Rogers
S. Theodora Markson
Chris McLean
Pepper Potts
@/oliviacalibans, formerly @/olivia-calibansnicket
Iris, Talia and Auriana
Final Pam
Miss Frizzle
Crowley and Aziraphale
La Muerte
Leo Valdez
Princess Tiana
Cats (2019)
Bubblegum and Marceline
Gary Goodspeed
Otto Wood
Ouran High School Host Club
Tulio, Miguel, and Chel
Quentin Coldwater
Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey
Fix-It Felix and Sergeant Tamora Calhoun
Barbara and Adam Maitland
Kit Snicket
Dan and Phil
Bill Nye
The Untitled Goose
Scooby Doo
Eleanor Shellstrop
Brennan Lee Mulligan
Final Design of Live Action Sonic
Dio Brando
The Bad Kids
Erika and Princess Annelise
Hat Kid
Princess Diana
Marshall Mallow
Giovanni Potage
Oliver and Lisa Douglas
Din Djarin
Percy King
Miss Acacia
Nico Di Angelo
Kobe Bryant
George Memeulous
Ozma of Oz
Gerard and Lindsey Way
Merle Highchurch
Commander Up
Oliver and Felicity Queen
Steve and Alex
Dale Cooper
Miss Alma Le Fay Peregrine
Queen Barb of the Rock Trolls
Shadow the Hedgehog
Dave Strider and Karkat Vantas
Jonathan Joestar
Mayor Damien
Fairy Mary
Gomez and Morticia Addams
Eijiro Kirishima
Blue the Dog
The Parr Family/ The Incredibles
Five Hargreeves
The Imagination Movers
Coraline Jones
Charles and Jerome Squalor
Clarisse La Rue
The Fellowship of the Ring
Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck
Alucard Tepes, Trevor Belmont and Sypha Belnades
Minnie Le Guin
Barry Bluejeans and Lup Taako
Cyrus and Evelyn Laurie
Red Guy and Duck
Felix Unger and Oscar Madison 
Mr. Nicholas Benedict
Ted Spankoffski
Toko Fukawa and Komaru Naegi
Samuel Vimes
Rick O'Connell and Evie Carnahan
Leon Kennedy
Team Dark
Sasha Nein
Sam and Max
Drawfee Cast
Bruno Madrigal
The Amazing Karnak
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