ferindencadash · 27 days
WIP Wednesday (time is a lie)
Tagged by @daggertongue Thanks! 😊
Sadly most of my writing lately has been academic bullshit, but I do have a very self-indulgent MShep/Vega AU in the works. 👀 Snippet below the cut!
No pressure tagging, if you've got anything in the works you want to share: @aleksxo @swaps55 @ginbiscuit @dandenbo @ankhegs-in-my-salad and literally anyone who wants to play (yes, you! gimme your wip!)
He’s definitely too young to be in the bar. The bouncer probably wouldn’t have bothered checking his ID, even if this was the kind of place that would actually do that. The man’s bulk alone would have most peg him for at least twenty-five, but most people wouldn’t really be looking. Shepard was looking.
Okay, ogling might have been a more accurate description, but in Shepard’s defense, the things he was doing with those hips were pretty ogle-worthy.
Shepard forced himself to turn away from the gyrating temptation on the dance floor. He was on the clock, so to speak; he had a job to do and not the kind that should be done while distracted.
But what a distraction he was. Even with his back to the crowd of shifting, sweating bodies, Shepard could still see those broad shoulders, that strong back, the narrow waist leading down to those goddamn hips. The picture of him was seared into his mind like the afterimage left behind from staring at the sun.
Shepard threw back the rest of whiskey, cheap shit, but this wasn’t a night made for the good stuff. He scanned the bar again before checking the clock over the bartender’s head; the guy should have been here by now. He scowled to himself. It’s not like he was getting paid overtime.
The bartender must have thought Shepard was trying to get his attention and made his way over. He figured he might as well grab another drink while he had the chance, telling himself it would look suspicious if he was at the bar for too long without one.
“Buy me a drink?”
Shepard looked up as the hulking figure from the dance floor slid gracefully onto the empty stool to his right. The sudden movement displaced some of the stench of stale beer, replacing it with a light trace of cologne and the slightly heavier scent of fresh sweat. It made for a heady combo.
Shepard realized he had been staring a little too long, the other man watching him expectantly with a hint of amusement.
“Uhh…” he very eloquently replied, looking toward to the entrance than back to the man beside him.
“Aw, come on,” the man nodded at the dance floor, “you enjoyed the show, least you could do is tip the dancer.”
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ginbiscuit · 2 years
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The day is finally here and I can share what I’ve been working on! 🎉 
My MEBB fic “Heart of Glass” just went live, so if reading about John Shepard and one James Vega does tickle your fancy, you should head this way: read Heart of Glass
The wonderful art, including the banner with this fantastic dragon, was done by @blasteddoodles. Thank you so much for your art - and for the great collab!😍 Beta by none other than the wonderful @iberiandoctor. ❤️ Now, on to the juicy details:
The fic is rated explicit / NC-17, contains hurt/comfort, pining, trauma (aka the whole damn war) and, as a warning for those of you that always remembered to feed Shep’s fish, a small little mention of war-related fish-death.
Summary: Shepard has been in a coma since the war ended, with no hope for improvement - until Liara unearths experimental tech that might just be the thing to help them. James quickly volunteers to use it - ready to do anything to get Shepard back. Little does he know what he gets himself into. As means of protection, Shepard’s mind has constructed a new world around him filled with magical creatures, wonderment, and danger. James now faces the difficult task of getting them out—and trying not to give away what he really feels for Shepard.
Why are you still reading this? Go read fic! Follow the white rabbit hedgehog: Please take me to the MEBB Shepard/James fic!
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laplaylistes · 2 years
Dj Mshega Ft. Lady Zamar - The End (Official Audio)
Dj Mshega Ft. Lady Zamar - The End (Official Audio) https://laplaylist.es/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/hqdefault-5041.jpg
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roarmoreau · 3 years
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sheploo puppy   |   mass effect: le [26/?]
+ bonus :ь
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ket-fisto · 3 years
I've been digging through my old tags and was hit with nostalgia and memories about mass effect like
Remember when ME3 hadn't come out yet and we were speculating, HOPING for an m/m romance? Remember the disbelief when Kaidan being romanceable was actually real? Such a long time of headcanons and hope being validated? For a long time after it would take me a second to remember that Kaidan and Shepard can be canon and it's not still just a fan ship.
But also. James Vega. I remember me and @anduriil making SO much fan content for the mshega ship, oh my god. Fanart, drabbles, I wrote so much shit. Found a oneshot I wrote buried in my mshega tags that actually holds up a bit and posted it on ao3. So much creativity for this ship that started even before the game came out, holy shit
Good times, good times
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volkra · 4 years
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Showing some mShega love
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jacensolodjo · 6 years
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“I need you back at the shuttle.”
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shotce · 7 years
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Sketchy sketches are therapeutic and they take 1/10 of the time. Here's an mshega for @ellebeedarling, because I've been meaning to.
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xaalk · 7 years
mshega replied to your post “i will love garrus forever tb h”
i will love u forever
STOOOOPPPPPP <3 <3 <3 <3
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rhythmlessgay · 7 years
mshega replied to your post: Unpopular gay™ opinion, but like… Not all chest...
oh no baby what is you doing
I’m spilling the tea that you hennys need to accept.
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omegastation · 7 years
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Okay, Loco. Let’s dance.
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laplaylistes · 2 years
DJ Mshega ft. Holly Rey - Hurricane (Official Audio)
DJ Mshega ft. Holly Rey - Hurricane (Official Audio) https://laplaylist.es/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/hqdefault-5032.jpg
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roarmoreau · 3 years
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me: james x shepard [1/?]
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themightychristoff · 7 years
What if...
…there was another universe where most of the gay ships are canon, but the straight ships aren’t?
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volkra · 4 years
Here's some Mshega for y'all sry I haven't been posting in awhile I'll try to be on it more
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tomhardysurinal · 7 years
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