tori-go-ya02 · 9 months
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diariesof-kg · 1 year
Chapter Four.
11 August 2023.
I sat here and cried for thirty minutes. Lol, I am tempted to call my circle of friends and cry some more. I'm honestly in a weird space. I sat here again and praised who I am, in order avoid succumbing to my thoughts. One thing I said to myself is Ke'Anna, you are great at understanding even when you are misunderstood. I thought to myself as a partner, I have grown and I love that for myself.
When I am in a relationship, I am able to validate my partners feelings without making it about me, egotistic. If my partner has an issue, I am welcoming of their feelings without even thinking. I am a fixer without hesitation. I don't insert my thoughts about how I FEEL, because it's not about me. It's about my partner in this moment. I avoid the, "well I thought or I think..." mindset, because again, it's not about me. I love the fact that I listen to understand and to find out how my partner feels. I love the fact that in that instant, when I say I am going to do something I actually do it. And that's growth.
I don't ever want my partner to feel like their feelings are dismissed or invalidated. I have people that I use to talk to who said that's what they liked about me the most. *le sigh, but they could never really provide me the same. The lack of reciprocation. I sat here and cried, because at this moment I don't feel amazing inside. I honestly don't. I tend to move forward because that's how life is. But how I feel remains the same. I think part of me what I have noticed throughout the years of my life is I never receive reciprocation. Do I expect it, not really. Would it be nice, most definitely. Years of therapy and learning to communicate with abuser did something, someone go thank the SHE of Ike turner. I really dislike who I am right now. I never felt like this but I do. I can't even ask God why he made me this way, because there is no reason to question it. I just don't get why I have to fix and care about everyone's feelings but when it comes to mine, I'm dramatic. My friends have said I am dramatic several times, until they hear me crying and they realize I actually have emotions. I cried about the same thing in May and June, when everything was happening. Like why Ke'Anna. Just stop caring about everyone's feelings. Stop fixing shit. The whole Barbie friendship I am sure they want me to fix that too and I didn't do shit.
Why is it that no one comes to me and fixes things or take accountability or just simply say, I am sorry, I am going to go ahead and fix the issue. It's always a debate and trust me it never fails. The tears are coming... I honestly don't ask for anything really, but respect and loyalty. My feelings to be validated. Maybe that's why ol girl tried to lock me down so quick, Lol, I am as transparent as they come and don't need to lie about anything. She said, "i want us to be exclusive..." Lol, I wasn't having it, because who are you? I mentally stimulated you and think differently now you trying to lock me away with no ring, honey please. Lol. Phew women. I try to laugh to stop the tears seriously. I should start posting on Twitter and speaking on subjects like this. I know intellectual conversations is a turn on for most. Maybe I am too loyal? I shouldn't be. Should I go back to Snapchat, like I use to and preach. I honestly don't feel like getting hit on, Lol, not really laughing but more annoyed about it. I mean I know how to put people in their place, but still.
When I don't sleep it means things are not settled within me at all. I'm no longer overthinking but I am just disappointed more than sad. I cry it out for a couple of days and then I feel what should be my next move. I guess I am tired like I said previously. The things I yearn for in my life will never be fulfilled and it pains me. Even with my friendships, I ask for my feelings to be validated, that means so much to me than anything else. I am sure I will overcome this, but I know what will become of it. It also sucks when I have feelings or a issue everyone is upset, at me for being upset and I just think that is beyond unfair. That honestly grinds my gears to the fullest. How narcissistic can you be? but in the end I am glad I am that partner that people want in their life when it comes to validation and understanding a person's feelings. Like a show I watch on youtube, she always says, sometimes people just want to be heard and that is really it.
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maxphilippa · 2 years
I keep on thinking about how like...
A mini comic I made about Joseph and Dan being lovers
Very very low quality comic too
Just started most of the ships I have with Burgy now mskg
I care about them a lot
I might redo it eventually cuz man was it low quality, I want to do a rendered version
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orange1896 · 1 year
C15AB-4W2448+A CDM856 OIL PUMP 4W2448
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C15AB-4W2448+A CDM856 OIL PUMP 4W2448
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29031011931 卡环 26240007201 PLATE 4011000840 下瓦 4120003158 下板护板 29290039031 进气网 29340046252 软管20411-30-16TZ/20491-36-16TZXFC686-16×8 ZL50.5.3-10 14703583A TRANSMISSION ASSEMBLY E6600FP 4120015772 驾驶室总成 26330044261 方向机 30HB 29040014101 定位环C3902343 WZ25.11-14 28111002131 销轴LGB301-80*170*320-2A10G M086DWC03 上封板 6900014438 56、958,、959前车架自检记录质记96-8号 4130000417004 螺钉M8*20 020490 30F2111GA2 定位座 26331013832 非公路自卸车 4110000645001 前车架电气总成 6221000091 300汽缸垫 6410001479 挡圈50 E680F 26121004301 BRACKET 15702583 变速箱行星轮垫片 4110002126221 驾驶室附件 28210011541 遥控装置 TDL-T6A DC12V 26030008631 支架 4110001089366 密封件包 E1815215A3602 停用-螺母GB889.2-M36*3EpZn-8 4120001685 支承座 29010000111 HEXAGON SCREW_M8X70 14765325 26011007681 管夹总成612660110064 4110001907017 停用-回转支撑 29331002361 举升缸总成 CMT96 29240010801 销 14626365 CAB_ASSY WITH ELECTRIC_SDLG 4110002139041 柴油机油8L 29360019531 电气系统 29360020261 铲斗总成 26180014421 挡圈59242842 6214000550 紧固螺钉 11217298 M12-M10-M14三通接头 6410007797 垫片-0.2 6220000225 驾驶室本体 4041002372 螺塞 M10*10636304019 2030900024 锁紧盘 28070005611 P-套 2810000357027 硬垫圈2S5658(17×29×3) L055FW3115A39AB 量油尺 4110001061255 CLIP 4110001100308 燃油细滤器支架1117070-1837/A 4120000555101 喷嘴套件固定器16871-53904 29180007541 接近开关J4-D8C1 29360009791 前车架线束 26180021911 胶管 28220000141 花键套 4190000024 右底板 6420001543 上部钢管 29360025571 普通平键90015410026 26290018941 接头1CM-36-42WD ER616F FHH13-WP02 停用-铲斗总成 6244000001 胶管F431CACF080804-270-PG270 29330046322 筋板 M0860CA10 CF转PCMC2A适配器 闪迪 6373200322 电瓶线A60*530 29241002324 行车制动总成 26330066851 安装板 29120032811 软管LGB165-014310 4110002139056 6902轴承 Mobile/WhatsApp:0086-1525-4934-126 4190000852 LG936L装载机保养包 5022211GA3 内存卡 14515829 横梁 4120001054228 管夹总成13052396 6390901613 活塞24A180290(M80*3金利) 4041003772 挖掘阀回油中接头 11210687 驾驶室958E 26441004041 快拧接头SK3/8-12 4110003577003 螺母 3070900151 活塞销 26120005821 车轮总成 LG6360E 至斗杆油缸大腔钢管 29010063021 50转向油缸活塞杆LG952 26050001831 HOSE_HEATER 28060004911 下短钢管 14507802 上盖板 LG770C 29370013451 测压接头TC-A12L 7300001338 垫圈121315 26370001921 HYDRAULIC FLUID TANK 6222000026 内密封环 11210493 停用-胶管 29260015871 BW型卸扣T-BW2.5-7/16 26331052251 发动机前支撑 6720000014 紧定螺钉CPH180.1-5 MT86D 29120016101 左外门板 29330091811 PLATE 4120009845002 O型圈18X2 0634.304.204 ZL20E 26170025021 衬板 11222157 胶管F481CACE101205-570 11212599 螺栓GB5786-M10*1.25*40EpZn-10.9 4120010538 螺栓DL20-8.02 26130004911 电磁铁托架总成CN221200305TJ 29231003611 电磁调速电机 4110016196006 胶管20411-16-06WZXEC110-06X800 4110002649016 活塞销1000735203 6410007073 装饰板GKZ11-4.5B2-03 21909003501ZC 五十铃输入法兰130040024 916A2.1-5 2190900936001 桥导管临工933 26410004962 叉架 21906005501 PLATE_IECU MOUNT 11213675 PLATE_ARM WA(3.05M)-XD 1690100486 组合接头LGB143-01406*55 14408478 制动钳 26360004931 胶管 29250022231 摇臂总成 6390202253 软管LGB334-13*3100E 28210014411 消声器弯管 21986056 4043017313 喷油泵齿轮压紧垫圈B8800-1111019 26170009641 拉杆 4110000013013 软管20411-16-06WZ/20411-18-06TZ*FC686-06*2 4110000218064 龙工转斗油缸后销轴850 F40-50-44 PIPE 4120002174 工作泵总成 4110015615070 前支架 ZJ4110001187140 软管 4110003181 GAS SPRING FZ0000642 PU管接头(1/2-16) 4120001822103 盘 F4063845 P-螺栓GB5783-M8*40-10.9 29291000561 过流阀DL-10B 4120006271017 STOPPER 2022000822 锁垫板 6390903451 防滑垫 29240036751 直接头LGB177-02233 4021000405 立板 6223000033 座垫冬季60*60cm 6410006476 模式选择开关MSKG-60 M0860WF10 旋钮开关 NP2 BE1013~4(NO) 415V 10A 29340048911 发动机罩总成 4110015901113 发动机右支座 11215115 电源开关至蓄电池负极线 28809043351 铲斗2.8*3016 14505054 4120001835 导风罩总成 3040600033 筋板 28230020182 SPACER PLATE; PINION HOUSING-HEAVY DUTY 4120005022 蜂鸣器FMQ 4120005997008 耐磨块 26130006811 导风罩DB1367 4120001670 驾驶室 29330034591 固定座 L0160N3214A29A1 角钢 29340044821 管 ZFJ 6303900483 弹性体 5303000340 左挡板 29170025051 HEX. SOCKET SCREW 11213626 SPONGE_LH 9453-06209 垫圈16 29040010881 压块B J11214999 驾驶棚用工作灯 4011001603 蒸储连接管 26380001121 弹簧 29010053561 中间传动轴CDZP-585 4110003684046 孔板LGB343-80*40*4-2*8*32R5 6373400035 BUCKET 4110003164129 轴卡 Φ18 4110000014059 贯通轴(输出轴)HD90149326050 4130002644 下铰接销 28430000241 前安装板 4130001839 电喇叭3AM002952-521 11215444 六角头螺栓Q150B0612 01112238 F61E3-1108F-LG2 板 FKC27120103851 螺塞DIN908-M36*1.5 LG6300000281 管夹 4110002409339 弯板 26010020961 胶管F372CACE121206-1920 6900002230 吸油管焊接部件D19-001-02+C F61N1-40040 Ⅱ档齿圈403509A 6410000039 标签包 14642249 起动机总成 14734742 2601001379101 消音器护板 4120017631 动臂 26290002581 线圈指令器支架1G820-60170 4110004063203 PLATE_GREASE 6219000096 电磁阀过渡线 4120002642 左前踏板 26370101821 接头612600110672 F31M8-30050 弯管接头 11418635 海绵 4110003427062 卡簧1491.707-2201063(外径56.2) 29260039351 叉齿 FSK260-8-ZZL 破碎器机具LG150V 4043000409 废气引射管总成1000072920 26370101971 停用-减压阀YJ320-10000 28070002071 调速器杆1G820-56112 11221071 软管LGB145-102055 LG29430001531B 正时肖C3903924 4120006628007 垫片组合件D7505-1010150 29260021011 电枢11460-63070 29220011321 矩管 4120016415007 下水室LY-LG956-3-37-013 11221232 挡环 14572781 29340017841 液压油箱 29170094541 板 29030038661 WIRING HARNESS 29280011071 右平衡箱总成 14401418 多路阀固定板 11428023 板 4041001470 后摆动支架 29270008701 弯头 2060900077 黄油管 11216061 MT86H 1.75挡板厢 26361001901 MT86整机+电涡流缓速器+34.72m3后翘尾斗 4014000077 E6700HB挖掘机 4041002782 硬管总成 LG7300000417-1 直管接头C4935794 11220242 导风罩DB1124 4110000560238 END PLATE; TANDEM D7; RH 11223253 内六角套筒1/2 L953 B631000094 上银直线导轨HGR30(长度2.5m) 6410001297 BEAM 29110014191 安装板 14611147 软管LGB127-010033 14517106-B 329451-02235 仪表台架总成 29270000041 制动盘 26130009961 steel plate t20-SM490A-L 14692016 29260018671 从动摩擦片 MT86D 26260012471 固定板 997857 4120009299 二轴总成 6390300838 调整垫片 29270003281 活塞密封圈 彩色纸箱350*350*350 28020004541 变速箱总成TP170 11213267 火焰预热装置DXY-6BT5.9 4120008583 防锈蜡 山泉E99-1 ZJ2716011148 曲轴包 4120000363 动臂缸大腔至选择阀前油管 6303011051 胶管 29160008071 换向器 型号:EC100减速比:1:2 6390200393 挡圈43203700000 4030000700 底板 7200002387 Lower Frame 4044000069 混合器总成610800190638 59218404 机油泵C4939587 11412671 主溢流阀 29040011341 驾驶室系统 11218796 LG933传动轴总成 4110003163 停用-方管 ZFJ 29370008052 空调总成DZ-6220 5301000114 接插件DT06-2S 29370027351 后横梁上板 M095DWB06 软管20411-16-05TZ/20491-16-05TZ*SR2SN-05*2 6230000348 长尾夹得力8563 29280020931 支架 6999050 4120004692 驾驶室总成 77001111219 钎杆加长费10cm-HB215~HB230(加强型) 4019000039 INTERMEDIATE PLATE 17004348 RADIATOR_LG968N-2A 8278030 发电机皮带 L968F 9100001575 轴套 Mobile/WhatsApp:0086-1525-4934-126 ZJ4110000730006 进气门 6290000031 大理石叉1500×1538 29020013231 润滑油管 29410000101 铝合金线槽 40*25mm 11213750 销轴 11213455 驾驶室总成 14623509 29170000602 支架 29180011261 胶管 29291018941 合成纤维吊装带 R02-04*0.75m 29260009713 环 0730.161.562 A=23,50 14403036 阀 29340039511 T形接头 6232000191 六角法兰面承面带齿螺栓90011430032 3010900071 密封垫D01118713 11211987 支板 J4120001795 LG938L轮式装载机 LG40410029791 PLAIN WASHER_6.7X14X1.5 530*530*720 6233000304 槽钢 4120007464301 板 16061195 长寿命抗磨液压油SDLG Longlife Hyd Oil 46雪佛龙 -200 22362192 Read the full article
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staxel · 7 years
im glad its always sunday love hour on your blog because u always deserve it
ROSEWELLINGTON I LOVE OYU!!!!!! u always deserve eerythign good.. i love oyu
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emirakimov · 3 years
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@oboi202 •Ставьте лайки •Сохраняйте •Этим вы поддерживайте аккаунт, а также тех кто присылает фотографии и видео •Заранее спасибо #куйсун😍♥️ #куйсун #веськуйсун #туткуйсун #tutkuisun #родныеместа #роднойкрай  #родныепросторы #родноесело #сельскаяжизнь #нашесело #2021 #жизньпрекрасна #подписка #прекрасноеместо #дорога #село #красота #местныепейзажи #красотасела #рассвет #закат #горнаяместность #магарамкент #магарамкентскийрайон #дагестан #кавказ #природасело (at Куйсун) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUdN9a-MSkg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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william-lejeune · 5 years
Expo: Een dag in Gent
Huis van Allijn
Het Huis van Alijn is een tijdloos museum. Het cultureel erfgoed van alledag is een immense schatkamer van verhalen van dingen die (n)ooit voorbijgaan. Je beleeft ze in het Huis van Alijn! Een museum met een passie voor het dagelijkse leven in de 20ste eeuw. Ontdek hier de kleine en grote geschiedenissen van het leven, zowel uit het begin van de 20ste eeuw als uit de naoorlogse jaren.
Poppentheater met Pierke van Alijn. Pierke, de kinderheld van het Huis van Alijn, zorgt elke zaterdag voor avontuur - van 1 oktober tot 31 mei.
Tijdens de herfst-, kerst-, krokus- en paasvakantie is Pierke ook van de partij op woensdag. In de Gentse Feesten is er 10 dagen lang een namiddagvoorstelling. Wie graag de avonturen van Pierke en zijn kompanen wil volgen, kan de agenda raadplegen. Reservatie van tickets gebeurt via Uitbureau.
Het Huis van Alijn heropende op zaterdag 16 december 2017 met een vernieuwde opstelling van de vaste collectie na een sluiting van elf weken. Die vertelt het verhaal van het dagelijks leven tijdens de 20ste eeuw tot vandaag. En de nieuwe tentoonstelling is er niet alleen om naar te kijken. Je kan er ook voelen, horen en ruiken. Die nieuwe aanpak moet een museumbezoek vooral aangenamer maken voor mensen met autisme. Het Huis van Alijn is naar eigen zeggen het eerste autismevriendelijke museum in België. Het vernieuwde Huis van Alijn toont dat het alledaagse allerminst gewoon is en zoomt in op gewoonten, tradities en rituelen die herinneren aan een recent of verder verleden.
Mening: In de krokusvakantie ben ik samen met mijn zus naar Gent gegaan om mijn grote zus te gaa bezoeken die daar op kot is. Maar eerst had mijn zus les dus moesten we iets doen in afwachting dus hebben we besloten om naar het huis van Alijn te gaan. Er waren daar momenteel twee tentoonstellingen bezig, eentje over rook en de andere over het hedendaagse leven. Ik had eerlijk gezegd geen zin in de beide omdat ze me niet zo aanspraken. Eerst zijn we naar tabak gegaan, daar leerden we iets meer over de geschiedenis van tabak. Ik vond het heel erg saai en het enige leuke eraan waren de reclamebordjes van de jaren 90 van sigaretten. De tweede was veel leuker daar waren er allemaal leuke activieteiten over het leven vroeger. De tweede is meer gemaakt voor kinderen en die over rook is meer iets voor oudere personene. Dus als je nog iets met je familie in gent wilt doen is dit iets voor jou!!!  Link: http://www.tento.be/musea/het-huis-van-alijn-museum-van-het-dagelijks-leven
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Museum voor Schone kunsten
Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent
Aan het Gentse Citadelpark verrijzen twee kolossale musea: het Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst (SMAK) en Het Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent (MSKG). Het laatstgenoemde museum is één van de oudste musea in België, waar een grote diversiteit aan Vlaamse kunst te bewonderen is. Naast een vast collectie zijn er ook tijdelijke tentoonstellingen te zien in het museum.
Het MSKG werd al in 1798 opgericht en heeft al eeuwen een rijke collectie kunstwerken. Bekijk hier een permanente tentoonstelling van ruim vierhonderd schilderijen, tekeningen, beelden, wandtapijten en andere werken. Een prachtig beeld van de diversiteit van de Vlaamse kunst! In het museum komen aan bod: het realisme, impressionisme, symbolisme, romantiek, expressionisme en het surrealisme.
Er zijn veel verschillende mogelijkheden om een bezoek aan het museum te verrijken. Huur een audioguide of laat je als groep rondleiden door een gids. Kinderen leven zich uit in het atelier, nadat ze het museum verkend hebben. Het museum heeft een all-informule voor verjaardagsfeestjes. Ook voor scholen is er een uitgebreid programma. Het museum kan in zijn geheel of gedeeltelijk worden afgehuurd door bedrijven.
Het uitstapje Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent in Gent leent zich ook goed voor een schoolreisje.
Mening: Daarna ben ik naar het museum voor schone kunsten in Gent gegaan maar nu alleen omdat ik mijn zus had kwijtgeraakt. De toegang tot het museum is volkomen gratis voor jongeren. De schilderijen in het museum zijn verdeeld onder  kunststromingen zoals impressionisme, expressionisme,... . Het museum bezit ook het wereldberoemde schilderij Lams God gemaakt door de gebroeders van Eyck. Het is momenteel nog in restauratie maar we kunnen live zien hoe ze te werk gaan. Ik was hier al gekomen met de school toen we naar gent gingen maar we waren maar 2 uur hier gebleven en ik had alleen maar een klein stukje van het museum en nu heb ik heel het museum bezocht. Ik was heel moe en blij op het einde van het museum. Maar het is echt iets dat je moet doen in je leven, vind ik.  
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tatanizno · 7 years
Вопрос назрел
Ребят, интересно ли вам будет читать истории из жизни, поучительные, выдуманные, душевные? Хочу писать очень много и интересно нужна аудитория!! Ждите завтра первую сторис😋
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vitabird-blog · 7 years
— Иногда я подслушиваю разговоры… И знаете что? — Что? — Люди ни о чем не говорят.
Рэй Брэдбери. 451 градус по Фаренгейту
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tori-go-ya02 · 1 year
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プロメテ受けの気配がするやつまとめ 2023/02/15~07/07
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diariesof-kg · 1 year
Full Moon.
I am not sure if I am comfortable speaking on this, but I feel as though, writing everything out will relieve some sort of misery.  I’ve been quiet for some time about this incident.  You’d think it was a dude the way this whole thing occurred.  This is why, when I interact with people publicly I make sure I shift my body a certain way.  This girl, literally, did the most one night.  And I definitely don’t understand why she continues to create different IGs and Ph#s and calling me when I am aware of who they are and don’t respond.  Of course, I head downtown and have two drinks, at which I am unsure why people think alcohol is going to make you feel loose.  Third eye and conscious will never make me not be present.  She came late and ordered two margaritas and of course had drank prior and smoked.  Now as we are sitting in this place, its subtle things she attempts to do that I am like no, I’m okay.  Yes I was single at the time, but I honestly wish people would stop thinking, I am down for everyone and everything.  Anyway, I am always ready to leave, of course I get in my car and start my car and left my door open, because I was irritated and ready to go.  The person asked for a hug and everything kind of went left. 
The person started grabbing on me and feeling on me and to my ignorance I had placed both arms against my chest in the effort to push her off of me but she grabbed tighter and at this point I could not move and kept leaning back and pushing at the same time telling her to get off of me and to stop.  She was licking on me and kissing on me and feeling on me.  It was ...disgusting.  If there is a alternative word other than violated, I’d use it.  She also in the midst of that, told me, “I did not come all the way here for nothing...” I remember my feet being off the ground at some point.  I remember car headlights passing by and people walking past on the sidewalk, looking.  I wanted to throw myself into on coming traffic just to get away.  She let me go, because there was this couple walking past and they had stopped.  I dislike being small, I honestly do.  I... drove home confused and took a 45 minute shower to be exact.  She actually reached out with a different number and texted some crap about having sex dreams about me.  I have been quiet for awhile, I tend to hold things inside until something triggers one emotion and then it all comes out at once.  If I was trifling and I mean a savage, I’d out her whole entire existence.  I have friends in the industry with blogs that would literally make her lose her damn teaching job.  But once again, Ke’Anna spares the souls that destroys hers.  
Just thinking about it has me gagging and wanting to fall into a black hole.  If my friends knew, or my one friend knew, I mean I can’t even discuss further, what would happen.  I think that’s why I be scared to touch people sexually sometimes.  I kind of always wondered why.  Just my past childhood and other occurrences.  I remember the last chick I asked permission and she found it annoying, but she knew of my past, but didn’t care.  This world has sheep in wolves clothing forsure.  Since I am always the bad guy, I guess I deserved to be assaulted like that even though I know it was uncalled for.  I wish I could speak up and say something to her, but I know every time I speak my mind, I end up in the wrong and I don’t even come at anyone sideways, just calm and open.  It honestly sucks, but this is how I felt when the incident happened as a child.  Just a muted mind, with a tainted body and useless soul.  No one to save me or have my back, no one to speak up for me, when I feel silenced.  I am probably in the wrong for even speaking about it on my blog, I am always wrong for expressing my feelings.  
People want to know whats on my mind and its hard for me to express myself, because I always feel like I am wrong.  This world wants someone gentle and can communicate and I am more of a sensitive person, that shuts down and cries.  I think also, I dislike being called mean, when I am placing boundaries and don’t tolerate a lot of things.  I kind of accepted that title “mean lady.”  I can barely convince people that’s not me.  I remember I wanted to out this girl that literally stalked me, I posted a picture and she wrote, “If that’s how you look all the time I want to taste your p*ssy.” *gags, I wish I could do what I really want to do and expose.
To end this blog ----
I ...feel a relief of writing out what happened.  Although, I am numb and don’t know how I truly feel, but since Ive written it, I don’t believe I will speak about it again unless someone asks.  Humans are less than kind these days.  I wish, I could vent this out, but I also, dont like to pour this kind of heavy load onto someone.  I wish I could post on my IG, but knowing my followers it would create drama and of course the person would deny it all.  I wish I could post all my DMs of the inappropriateness I receive, but that’d make me the bad guy.  I wish the world didn’t just tell people to simply ‘block’ a person, but to encourage them to speak up.  
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staxel · 7 years
How can i find a girlfriend?
hmm!! i HONESTLY HAVE NO IDEA?????? everything just happens to me skmsglmSGMKLSG,, but usually i just make?? a bunch of friends somehow and sometimes we mutually like each other so mskgs
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kyarymell · 11 years
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diariesof-kg · 1 year
The Heartbreaker?
Why am I so poetic?  I can get really deep with my words.  I guess that’s the part of me that’s still alive.  I am ultimately shocked when I write about love and things.  It’s a rarity that I write poems for anyone.  When I do consider it a one in a million moment.
I think I will dive into this quite quickly.  I am not upset or mad, because I am numb at this moment.  But I am disappointed, I suppose.  The fact that a friend of mine decides to do a Oprah interview and tell all without coming to speak to me is definitely grounds for never being a friend of mine again.  The fact that, she decides to tell someone that she is heartbroken, because I “ghosted” her, but never used all methods to reaching out to me to check on me is the reason I am writing this out.  Manipulators are like abusers, well my therapist would say they are.  She needed to tell the story first to make herself seem as if I am the one doing all this.  Listen, at this point, I will take the L and be the bad person, because that seems to be the narrative here.
It’s the fact that she can not reply and have the whole entire group on ‘do not disturb’ but post on social media and then return when she feels like it and, I actually don’t flinch or feel like “she’s not my friend.” Everyone goes through things!  If you’ve known me, you know I hide my feelings and emotions and be that supportive friend through it all.  I get quiet after Mother’s Day and post on social media and all of a sudden, I am ghosting and breaking someone’s heart.  This is exactly why I am removing myself from everyone.  I am tired.  This shouldn’t bother me, but it does.  Imagine being there for everyone and supporting them, making sure they are good when you are not and then God says “Hey Ke’Anna, I’m going to take your mother from you now.” and I still be there for everyone.  Mother’s Day was hard for me and nobody cared to ask me will I be okay.  I am highly disappointed in her.  And it’s not just the situation now, this person will flake on you day in and day out with so many excuses.  On top of that the other girl paid for her whole Bday dinner just for her NOT to show up.  I was upset for the girl at the time, because that was honestly foul.  No one knows how to communicate anymore I suppose but expect people to communicate.  My question to her is why even start the narrative about me that isnt true.  Also, I don’t like lies.  I can barley lie myself, my consciousness, guilty consciousness rather just could never.  Saying things like that will make people think we real life had something going on and we did not.  Thankfully the person I am dating trusts me to know it’s not what she is saying.
Could you imagine if I was with the last girl or my ex.  And I went to vent to them, they’d accuse me of had done something with the girl and believed her instead of me.  That’s why I don’t play about my character or name.  You out here doing too much.  I get it, I was that friend, real friend out the group and I cared and made sure you were good, but isn’t that what friends are suppose to do?  Perhaps this is my down fall.  Perhaps I do a lot for people and they become platonically possessive.  Maybe it’s just the taurus?  I understand going through a friendship breakup, but please tell the truth.  Maybe deep down inside you are projecting?  Maybe you are jealous that everyone is in a relationship out the group and you are not.  Imagine if me and my other bestfriend got married, since the other two in the group are married.  I do recall this text though, where after I made it official, she said something about, “you are leaving me for someone else...” I will definitely find it sooner or later.  I try not to read into things sometimes, because it’s literally all shits and giggles, but also you have to pay attention to the hidden truths.
Karmic energy is real.  I honestly tried to help her as a friend to cut the soul ties with her exs, rebalance her chakras and vibrational energy, but she refused.  Everything she has told me, you have to sit back and think this is karma.  Although a person can sit and tell you what another person has done, you’d have to think than why are you surrounded constantly by negative energy.  Why do things not happen for you?  I believe some people are content with things happening to them.  I am not.  I worked so hard on my spiritual journey to unravel it all.  Maybe us not being friends is the best.  I mean in general what kind of friend has their do not disturb on forever in a day and is only available when they want to be.  I’m sure the other girls don’t care or maybe they do, but everyone feelings do matter.
On the contrary I am disconnecting my phone, Tmobile asked me a million questions just to turn off the service.  If I want to disappear into the ocean, who needs to know that Tmobile, I pay the services now turn it off.  But I am going to do some candle work, which is dangerous might I add.  Lol, Sage is mildly dangerous but the candles I have, I did it once and was shook by the results.  That’s the reason I refuse to relit them unless necessary.  I just feel entirely numb.  And while being numb, I don’t feel like going to work anymore, I miss my mom.  I have no one to vent about my feelings too.  It’s really lonely even though I have my family and friends and my partner it’s very lonely.  I thought about joining some groups in the LGBTQ community to get out the house and do meet ups, but I feel like a disease.  I feel like if anyone was to hug me I’d cry and no one wants to be around that.  I don’t even want to be in this vessel right now.  My cousin keeps throwing away things and I think it’s adding pain within me that I can’t explain.  I am not in a dark space but honestly I wish I could dig the grave site where my mom is and be with her forever.  It’s almost six months and like my friend who lost her mother as well told me “it gets quiet..” no one calls, you become lonely.  And it’s crazy how we mistreat others while they have a breathe in their body but as soon as they die, it’s “I miss them so much...” but 3 months later its radio silence.  That’s why I don’t fear death at all.  But that’s another blog for another day.
To end this blog ----
I did see my mother in my dreams, I think?  It’s her but no words are spoken.  I think subconsciously I am still waiting for the doctors to tell me to come pick her up.  The last blog I wrote that I wanted people to miss me, but I was weak.  I could careless about being missed.  I just don’t want to feel numb anymore.  I want to feel loved and chosen and seen like I stated, but missed, that’s what photographs are for.  I do wish the friendship didn’t end like that, but that’s cliche of a statement.  I wish the world was more gentle to those who are suffering in silence.  I wish the world would be washed of lies and deceit.  I wish those around would stop calling me rich.  Don’t ask why but it does bother me.  To be honest, the funds are enough to cover my funeral, if yall really want to know.  But moving on, I hope me and the ocean waves meet again.  Maybe the ocean will grab me and pull me somehow, but never give me back.  
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tori-go-ya02 · 2 years
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tori-go-ya02 · 2 years
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