#LGBT relationship
joliemia 1 year
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Oh my God work has been a bum, but i actually got a week off, soo,... Who wanna make my week/weekend become fabulous just as much as i m worth 馃槉馃グ
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prideandmanatees 2 years
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Riley should鈥檝e been Abby鈥檚 gf. No contest.
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When you show someone the parts about yourself you thought were scary but they love and accept you anyway >>>>
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mawce444 1 year
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we鈥檙e kinda cute or wtv 馃き馃き @bli-o
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autisticlee 1 year
everyone keeps swearing to me i'll find The One, a partner, someone to date, my True Love, etc. I get told to keep waiting and don't give up! despite me not caring for my 30 years of life. even while not caring and refusing to look, I still get told constantly by many people that i'll *still find someone* but i've never met a single person interested in me in my whole life. so I dont have a clue what to look for or what to do.
ok, so now that I actually need someone (in canada specifically, so i can move there and be with my friends who make up my found family and want me in their lives, which has been one of my main life goals for my entire life??? visiting them last month solitified it) where are they? where's The One everyone promised me my whole life? where and how do I find them? how do I become likable and interesting so they show themself? (also how do I stop being so insanely picky with high expectations that every person I meet makes me uncomfortable?)
no one tells you any of that. it's like it's part of that NT Book of How To Be "Normal" that us autistic people don't get. no one will tell me how you're suppsed to meet Someone and make them like you enough to be a partner. they just give empty promises that the person exists and say to keep waiting for them lmao
I can't wait forever. my friends need me. i need to move to canada to help them out. I need to escape my own situation that's not that great. I need a cute little reliable and comfortable found family. i'm getting older fast and can't "wait" forever. i'll waste my life and mever escape this hole i'm stuck in. waiting sucks and isn't practical. but all I can think to do is post dumb posts like this on random social media, then get ignored or be unseen by everyone 馃槄
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purplehat39 1 year
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91vaults 9 months
What sparked your last breakup and what has got you hung up about it?
Ok I'm sorry but this is gonna be long.
breakup comes literately out of nowhere, one of those "i cant be in a relationship right now" things, ( ill call her Dianne ) had a rather blaze attitude to mental health where you just have your coping mechanisms and power through, except (and this is just my perspective on what happened) the coping mechanisms stopped working and I think they freaked out and quote " I can't be the girlfriend you deserve" and "I have to let you go". things had always been very cruisy ...so it was odd that the second she felt she had to address some MH issues she just decided it was best to cut and run? that doesn't usually happen like that. Everyone I spoke too after the fact was as confused as I was...even the psychologist I was seeing at the time was like "wut?"
I said I would support them through it but no....and it was very much framed in terms of ME and what I needed...which was a bit of a mind fuck because for someone to do that and then just not listen when you try and say otherwise is...a well meaning but kind of cruel thing to do, Dianne had a habit of making assumptions and running with them...and it felt like they got this notion the night before that I was better off regardless of how I actually felt
They got really fixated on the idea of my "next girlfriend" and it would all be ok because the "next girlfriend" would retroactively fix everything. And then proceeded to tell me about what my next girlfriend should be like...superficial shit I didn't care about. It also deeply hurt me that she told me I should be with someone into fashion and tattoo's and such like me, which made me feel like it was going to be an issue with every person I dated and just completely ignores what I actually value in a partner.
Imagine your at the vet and your dog is getting put down and as the vet is putting in the needle they say "yeah look this dog isn't the right dog for you, your NEXT dog is gonna be great. You should get a terrier...you're more of a terrier person" like holy shit let me just deal with whats happening right now.
I know she's someone who moves on from things very quickly and I don't think they actually understand how people work sometimes (I also don't think she's been on the receiving end of a major breakup) , so she might have just assumed I'd be like her and be sad about for like 4 weeks and get straight on the apps.
I had no Idea things had gotten to that point...and they never spoke to me about ANYTHING. So instead of being able to work on things (eg: her anxiety about money and me liking to buy things..perhaps too much) they just decided nope, I don't want to hold you back from the things you like...referencing past conversations and I just couldn't tell her otherwise.
What was so awful she was trying to spare me from? supporting and compromising are normal things even if it doesn't work out. Nothing could have been worse than those months after..I'm still a bit fucked up inside and it might take a year from the date of breakup for me to get past that.
We met up when I felt the time was right, 5 months (possibly earlier) she apparently felt better and was back on the apps...had gone on a visit to her home country and was on the apps there...and that's ok I knew that would be the case, but I wouldn't be human if it didn't cut me a little. She hadn't been for years and I think it made her want to go back and work there...which I am happy for her, maybe I was holding her back in that way, but it also hurts. I'm too that things didn't always align. Before COVID she had intended to move to Melbourne, but circumstances changed and she bought s house here..seemed she wanted to settle down. I felt lucky, but also had often had thoughts of wanting to move there. Now she wants to move to where she grew up in and do all these cool things (like go to pride in taiwan later in the year) and I feel like there's too much to give up if I moved, especially because I feel I'm finally finding my feet, I'm happy here but this is a small city, if she leaves then do all the people I'd want to be with leave? is this not the place for them? will I never find somone? we all get those thoughts of "am I too scared to be bold"?
Don't get me wrong, I am someone who takes things very hard. a breakup would have been devastating either way but this is worse. If it had been because she felt there were irrevocable differences then I could understand that (and there may have been) if it was because she wanted to go back to where she grew up then I would understand that. if our plans didn't align then I would understand that. But this? it haunts me to think that it only happened because she decided on my behalf. Like I was an exotic bird that needed to be let out of its cage instead of a person. It haunts me to think that if I had said "Hey I deserve better than this lets at least talk about it" then at the very least I would have understood better
I am genuinely happy for the most part, and I genuinely don't want to get back on the apps. But true at the same time I'm a bit fucked up when it comes to the idea of dating because for part of me to not date is to exercise agency because I had it all stripped away.
and I guess that's the thing, its the way it happened and it's partially the why. It's essentially the absolute worst way to be broken up with.
They didn't do me a favor. The fact is sometimes stuff happens and it sucks. Sometimes it sucks more for one person than the other, and sometimes things suck for a little while before they get better (like dating, that can really fucking suck sometimes) and that's OK and to try and spin it and insist it's all gonna be better and great right after the fact just hurts. The previous relationship doesn't have to be worse for the next one to be good
We are still friends (I took a break and waited until the time was right to initiate contact) , and the friendship feels right and when we're together I'm not upset (maybe a little pang when they mention dating but that's normal) it's only when I'm alone and having the conversation in my head do I spiral a bit . They haven't really talked about or acknowledged anything...but that's a very Dianne thing to do.
But the good thing is once the time is right we can have that conversation, and once that hanging thread is delt with then I'll be able to shut the door on the matter (hopefully depending on how the convo goes).
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canadianmaple416 10 months
Fuck, his laugh is so cute. I love hearing it. Last night we talked and did "Would You Rather" and laughed our asses off. It was so much fun. I love him so much.
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greyskyflowers 1 year
I have the fleeting thought that this is love
We hear the splash of water and laughing, our friends not noticing we've snuck away
Or maybe they did and it was normal for us to disappear together
The house around us is quiet and empty, making everything else feel far away
The faint signs of the party barely there under the hum of the fridge and the sound of our drying feet sticking to the floor
The stolen cake is sweet in our hands and we giggle at our little prank
There's sugar on my tongue and the icing stains our skin and mouths
We smells like chlorine and my swimsuit dries stiff against my skin in the air conditioned house
And I don't know anything about love but surely this is it
Just us, in our own world, eating stolen cake in cold swimsuits
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pineconesarecrunchy 2 years
remember when you did that thing
how it made you feel worse each passing second
your heart felt like someone had taken a home run swing
an intense blow, in general, an uneasy feeling making you wonder
when will the lingering striking feeling no longer cling
how the hell did you even end up in this blunder
did you even do that thing?
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fvneral-m00n 2 years
I used to be ashamed i was trans and im still trying to find my pride but my fiance helps me everyday to remember no matter my body i am the man that he loves
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Could someone please infor dump to me about queer culturein Paris during the 1900 century? Please I desperately need it for a fic
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My bf took me to the bookstore and followed me around carrying every book I wanted to look at. Literal goals 馃馃徎
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crows5before5hoes 1 year
i鈥檓 really honestly so gay and into my girlfriend?
romantic attraction has always been so strange for me, it was never really a thing and i鈥檝e dated people but only ever because i鈥檓 too wimpy to say no. when my best friend of 5 years asked me out i thought i had lost my mind because despite this lack of romantic attraction, i had gotten closest to that with her? it still isn鈥檛 quite what it is for most but she鈥檚 so special to me and she treats me so well, i love treating her well in return.
she never stopped being my best friend, she鈥檚 just my best friend and my girlfriend at the same time now. i think it鈥檚 pretty fucking cool.
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I'm wishing a very Happy Pride Month to all the queer people who:
are disabled
are chronically ill
can't celebrate for health reasons
disability gets in the way of their gender representation
disability got in the way of a relationship
don't have anyone to celebrate with
have homophobic caretakers
Happy Pride Month to all disabled queer people
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teonothefoxie 7 months
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Me and Riley, Melvis and Riggy, Aaron and Abby, and Schooly and Shelly wishes you all a happy Valentine鈥檚 Day! 馃挋馃挋馃挋
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