#mspec veldifem
neopronouns · 5 months
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flag id: two flags with 6 stripes. the left flag’s stripes are very dark indigo, indigo, faded seafoam green, pale green, light turquoise, and turquoise. the right flag’s stripes are dark brown, soft red-brown, yellow-orange, cream, light purplish-pink, and purplish-pink. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
lunimasc | solifem
lunimasc: being both lunian (mspec lesbian) and masculine-gendered; a masculine-gendered person who experiences gay/queer/etc. attraction to women and is mspec
solifem: being both solian (mspec veldian/turian) and feminine-gendered; a feminine-gendered person who experiences gay/queer/etc. attraction to men and is mspec
[pt: lunimasc: being both lunian (mspec lesbian) and masculine-gendered; a masculine-gendered person who experiences gay/queer/etc. attraction to women and is mspec
solifem: being both solian (mspec veldian/turian) and feminine-gendered; a feminine-gendered person who experiences gay/queer/etc. attraction to men and is mspec. end pt]
figured i'd coin these to go with luniboy/soligirl! they use colors from the lunian and solian flags and colors representing masculinity and femininity. these terms could also be used as a shorter version of ‘mspec lesbimasc’ and 'mspec veldifem/turifem'.
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @orientation-archive, @fem-mogai, @macchiane, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai, @freezingnarc, @skrimbliest | dni link
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mogayis-socool · 8 months
⛱ Radinclus transmasc veldian flag
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This flag is inclusive amab transmasc and transfemmasc/transmascfem perisex veldians and non-SAM mspec veldians.
Color meanings:
Blue-ish purple: Transmasc veldian of color, asian transmasc veldians, black transmasc veldians, indigenous transmasc veldians, mixed transmasc veldians and latine transmasc veldians.
Blue: Intersex transmasc veldians and any non-perisex transmasc veldians.
Sky blue: Transmasc veldians who use presentation labels, GNC transmasc veldians and PNC transmasc veldians.
Turquoise: Aspec transmasc veldians aswell as non-monogamous transmasc veldians.
Yellow: Genderqueer/Abinary transmasc veldians, transmasc boygirl/manwoman veldians, transfemmasc/transfemmasc veldians, transmasc veldigirls, transmasc girlfags, transmasc veldifems and similar identities.
Pink-ish red: Neurodivergent transmasc veldians, including transmasc veldians with personality disorders, transmasc veldians with dissociative disorders and other "scary" disorders".
Dark pink: Mspec transmasc veldians, transmasc velaurians, transmasc veldihets, etc.
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hyhyr · 2 years
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lesbimasc | turifem / veldifem
[flag id: two flags. both flags have five (5) horizontal stripes. the first flag's stripes are, in order, dark orange, saturated orange, yellow creme, icy blue, and dark cyan. the second flag's stripes are, in order, dark blue, light teal, yellow creme, muted lilac, and light magenta. /end id]
[dni id: a long, black banner with white text on it. the text reads "anyone can use my terms. however, proship, exclus, anti-mspec lesgay, ED/SH, radqueer, DSMP & transX please DNI /end id]
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
You like welcome home!!!!?????Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! Me too!!!!!!!!!!! What headcanons do you have :3 ??
mrri [i] could definitely add stuff to these (and probably will at some point + post them), since mrri [i] literally Just started poking around the site last night and finding all the secrets, but here's what mrri [i] headcanon so far!
everyone is neurodivergent, alderkidcore, lostmedian, 70scoric, 70sgender, genderpuppet, puppetic, friendlygender, livlovical, vintelevaesic, kidcoric, twistute, and anemoirec
wally is an autistic autospec aroacespec mspec veldian kenochoric kidchoric hypnoceras smilegender happycoric dappergender blueyellowgender redyellue warmcoloren applecatgender applaromic applecoric paintique genderdarling darlingsilly veldifem kenorosboy rosboy genderqueer trans man with synesthesia who uses he/him, they/them, home/homes, and nameself pronouns
frank is an (canon?) autistic ambiamorous arospec canon veldian autigender nerdgender butterflygender butterflyaesic lepidere dappergender papillithing palomanesic grayscalen heliangender booktix lepidospinnic veldiagender transmasculine canon nonbinary person with depression who uses he/him, rho/rhos, and any archaeopronouns (mrri [i] also wanna coin a few genders that mrri [i] think fit him - like a gender related to grumpiness, a gender related to frowning, maybe a butterfly -tix gender and a butterfly pangender!)
julie is an (canon?) autistic polyamorous canonically bi acespec canonically genderfluid autigender adhdgender flowercoric lovecoric genderfleur rainbowgender rainbowsockin sweetcute bellunic happigender gendercute happycoric ecstimmian alacriumian kandimagna joygender joygirl with adhd who uses she/her, they/them, bloom/blooms, flo/flor, and occasionally he/him pronouns
barnaby is an omni beaglegender laughgender pupgender gendersilly jokingender sillingender sillygoofygender sillything bluegender bluedoggender dogstimil panridiculum pupfool sillyesque guy with adhd who uses he/him, bark/barks, and whatever pronouns are funniest for The Bit
sally is an aroace sun lesbian sungender sunactor brightgender rainbowgender rainbowaesic sunnyskyaesic sunaesic soleinostic starletlexic dramatigender theatreplacial musictheaicesse performaten spotlighthen phostagic phospotial actressgender actressish sunlightlikic sunstar sunshinething with adhd and hpd who uses she/her, sun/suns, star/stars, sing/sings, they/them, and it/its pronouns
poppy is a motherlyperspesque canon lesbian queer birdstimil birdgender bigbirdgender rainbowgender bakerycoric chaluerment bakephoric chickengender wartherbirgg mothergender canon trans woman with anxiety and ocd who uses they/them, she/her, and chirp/chirps pronouns
howdy is an arospec pan bugaesic hivensect catergender guy who uses he/him, bug/bugs, and nameself pronouns (might also coin some genders for him - there's basically no caterpillar genders)
eddie is an ambiamorous canon veldian gendermailman mailmangender letteric loveletteric happyletteric warmcoloren rainbowgender rosboy trans man who uses he/him and mail/mails pronouns
frank and julie are best friends
wally and barnaby are best friends and in a wavership
eddie and frank are (canonically?) married
julie has a crush on sally
everyone views poppy as a mother figure
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somescenecatholic · 2 years
shout out to turigirls and veldifems! you guys are amazing and valid! WOO YEAHHH
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