pcsitivibee · 5 years
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positivity for mtrbrth : I wanna give a shoutout to @mtrbrth aka bee. They have more than one blog but they bring each character of theirs to life so so we’ll and you can see the dedication they’ve brought to the table. Bee is an amazing writer but also a super good friend and we’re all blessed to have been in our lives. Bee you rock and you inspire us all — never stop being you!
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deliciousfear · 5 years
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IT watches the other with curious golden eyes, its large head tilting ever so slightly. How curious, IT has seen anger within those, but this one reminded him of an old friend. Though this one was a little older wasn’t he? A beat passes before IT jumps down from where it had been perched, landing easily on its feet. ITs large body still for a momnet before it twitches, making the bells on its suit jingle, in what should have been a joyous way. 
             “Billy.... Billy- B O Y... HA!” A laugh leaves its throat, loud and gravely, yet high pitched at the same time.
@mtrbrth​ // closed.
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devilsitter · 5 years
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                              " Hey Hot Rod -- got any cables you can rev my engine with? ” 
       Head craning to her parking lot neighbour a few spots down, Bee offered up her winning smile. The goofy ‘oops didn’t mean to’ one that was always a real winner in her books. Leaning heavily under the hood of her jeep, arms smeared in oil from her attempts to suss out the problem. It had been an unfortunate set back, in truth. . . That is until she’d clocked him on his way out. So it wasn’t a total mishap. 
      “ This ol’ gal’s battery is high and dry and not a single knucklehead at this school thinks to keep jump cables on them. Myself included, ” a sheepish look and shrug as she finally pulled herself to her full height, patting the front of her jeep almost sympathetically. 
@mtrbrth liked for a starter.
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infantiicide · 5 years
@mtrbrth​  liked this for a starter !
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A lanky frame rests against a dusty black van his eyes peering at the car that had began to pull into the parking lot---it was someone new. . .he acknowledges that almost instantly,  Normally he wouldn’t be caught dead at school, but the eyes on him had been far to many to count since his release from the asylum. He finds himself forced to comply though internally he is walking on a tightrope, barely holding it together. 
The second the stranger exits his car, Patrick’s brows furrow, the cigarette burnt to the filter discarded from his grasp. Without even speaking to the male---he feels a familiar energy. . .after all Patrick believes Henry had died, and maybe this stranger was his replacement. The lanky male approaches, providing an almost eerie smile.
“Nice car---not many like it in town. Where ya from?” Eyes break to stare at the vehicle for a moment before returning to the other, “Shit---Guess I should probably introduce myself before askin’ ya a hundred questions. I’m Patrick----Patrick Hockstetter.”
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galaeus · 5 years
mtrbrth replied to your post
put ur dick where ur mouth is 
i’ll have you know i almost just choked on my blow pop bubble gum and that statement made nothing better
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kaspmatic · 5 years
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@prettyhawkins asked  //  ❤ + mtrbrth
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BEEEEE!!! Ok, first off. I absolutely fucking LOVE and ADORE Bee. Like if you aren’t following them on any of their blogs, then what are you doing with your life?? Their writing is phenomenal and their passion for their muses always fucking shines through. Bee as a person is so goddamn amazing – if you haven’t had a moment to just talk to them, you should really make some time to. Bee is an absolutely wonderful gem that shines on this hellsite. I love them so fucking much. I just. I follow them on all the blogs that I know they have…. Eyes Bee about this because this is a forever mystery game for me – but I will always follow them – wherever they go I will be there. Every muse is always so well fleshed out and I can’t deny following that passion. I love it. 
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evilineage · 5 years
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“ NOBODY listens to me -- don’t hear a single thing I’ve said. ”
                                                                           @mtrbrth​ gets a lyrical starter.
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rosescut · 5 years
@mtrbrth: " i knew a girl who slept with stuffed animals before. she used to hump them before bed. kinda weird. you into that shit , too? "
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               SHE WAS STARTING TO WONDER WHY HE’D BEEN INVITED INTO HER ROOM , especially after that comment . it was a somewhat spur of the moment thing , meaning her beloved bunny that she cared for so well was now being held by billy hargrove’s grummy hands . her cheeks were red , obviously flustered by his comment because who the hell could just say that stuff so openly ? but it’s soon brushed off with a roll of her eyes , hands snatching that stuffed animal from his and holding it close . it was small , one she’d had since birth , around the size of her forearm and hand . 
              ‘ I’LL HAVE YOU KNOW IT’S FOR COMFORT . SOMETHING YOU OBVIOUSLY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT . ’ she hummed matter-of-factly , sitting on her desk chair and looking down at the plush she’d cared for for years . ‘ when i was younger , ’ she started hesitantly , running her thumb of the soft fabric before looking over at him once again , eyes sharp . ‘ i would scream in my sleep and have night terrors , hell i still do now sometimes , but it was always easier with someone next to me . but of course , i’m seventeen now , i can’t just sleep in my brother’s or parent’s room so a stuffed animal was the next best thing ... ’ she paused , trying her best to find a joke to lighten the now somber mood . ‘ anyways i bet you liked a freaky girl like that . ’ she teased .
random asks  /  always accepting
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prcsumptuous · 5 years
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. It’s time to spread positivity ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡ 💞
um ? excuse me ? is this allowed?
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bowersrich · 5 years
send ❣️ if you think my muse is well-written!
sdfghjkl; i love you bee.
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kegstandking · 5 years
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It’s time to spread positivity ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
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i ain’t ever gonna stop loving you. BITCH.
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mothermayfield · 5 years
we demand to do crafts with susan
Things to do in October.
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She had wanted to make a wreath, just a nice little wreath to hang over the door. It would’ve been made of twigs and fake leaves and little pinecones, small plastic pumpkins and a few fake sunflowers. Carefully she cut the twigs and she twined them how she liked, creating a circle. Billy however didn’t seem terribly interested in his own and kept breaking the twigs. A small sigh left Susan’s chest. “It’s all right, Billy, you don’t have to make one if you don’t want to, I just thought it’d be something nice to do together.” She bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself composed, she wasn’t angry, just on the verge of crying. It wasn’t even about the wreath or the broken twigs, it just frustrated her that she couldn’t seem to connect to him. Susan wasn’t his real mother and never would be, she could never compare, she’d never be good enough. 
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notapriss · 5 years
@mtrbrth liked for a lyric starter! // don't lose my number by phil collins
"Oh Billy, you better run for your life."
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infantiicide · 5 years
[Puts head on the other’s shoulder]
Soft Sentence Starters | Accepting
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No sound escapes the brunette as shorter male rests his head on his shoulder. From that he could tell, something had to have happened at home—he had seen him at school earlier, and now he had a bruise. Patrick doubts anyone would start a fight with him from school, so home had to of been the only place it occurred. It reminds him of Henry, of Butch and how he had been one of the nastiest sonovabitches he had ever met. Alas, it wasn’t a battle he was going to fight, least not yet.. .he needs the go-ahead.
Patrick deals with similar issues at home, the only thing stopping physical violence is the fear that Patrick would kill THEM as he had his infant brother. Least when Patrick got aggressive, they backed down…he can’t imagine just TAKING it. “Why don’t you stop it?” He questions, his voice very soft, though his gaze lifts to watch the distance, his face deadpanning, “I…just don’t understand…” His gaze drifts to the left, “My ‘parents’ won’t even touch me anymore, they’re too scared…if you need someone to scare whoever is doin’ this to ya, all you need to do it ask. I’ll take care of it for ya.”
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galaeus · 5 years
send a ◈ for a first kiss between our muses. / @mtrbrth
His face looks like total shit —- again. Rumor mill has it she’s already slept with Sunny California somewhere in the last three weeks when she went missing at Carol’s party to clean up the mess he’d instigated. Perhaps she was the one who instigated. Perhaps she was the one who’d whispered the suggestion to watch a little chaos, and truthfully? It was enthralling. Billy did things. He didn’t think, he didn’t ask if right or wrong came into play —— he felt and he did and the cavity in her chest hadn’t felt this alive in months. Even as she sits atop her bathroom counter with his palms pressed against either side of the sink, he’s doing something; smoking a cigarette, looking at her through a bloodshot eye. Always moving.
                               He has to. So does she.
He’s willing to go to war for someone he’s only just met for the sake of hurting something, a notion she barely allows herself to admit. Echo wants to hurt everything all the time —- to connect her knuckles with someone’s nose, to step barefoot on her rhinestone tiaras and break them. She wants to destroy the world yet she dabs ever so gently against his swollen cheek. If she pressed on it, she could hurt him. If she pressed hard, he’d make a noise and recoil. Addicted to the violence, she can’t help the shake of her fingers at the near possibility, the power, she possesses taking care of him.
“You’re gonna get yourself killed some day,” she murmurs, running a thumb against his lower lip as she re-positions the wet rag to clean up the specs of blood left by his mouth, “if you aren’t careful, California.” Her efforts falter, breath shallow as her gaze glitters over his face to remember him like this. Bruised and beaten, but still the King. She likens herself to Persephone at his side, hovering on a bathroom sink, so long as he saves her from the boredom of Hawkins. Dropping the thumb once sliding along his lips to grip at his chin, the former Little Miss champion leans in, kiss unusually soft.
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kaspmatic · 5 years
`•.¸¸.•´´¯`••._.• ™ •._.••`¯´´•.¸¸.•`
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