#mtthew murdock
Matt(about their dog):...Oh, what if we got like, a Biblical painting done with Petunia in it? Foggy: Oh, that would be so cute. We should do like "The Last Supper." Matt: Oh my God, that would be SO cute! We should do all different French bulldogs as the different apostles... Foggy: Oh, and we should have Petunia in the middle where Jesus is, in front of the turkey...! Matt:.....Wait, what did you just say?...Did you say "the turkey"? Foggy: Yeah, why? Matt: Would you just answer me one question...do you think that in Da Vinci's "The Last Supper", that Jesus, of Nazareth, is sitting in front of a TURKEY? Foggy:...Yes, I do. Matt: Thank you for your honesty. Just one more follow-up question - so then, what do you think they're celebrating? Foggy: OK, I get it. I don't get this shit cuz I wasn't raised Catholic, and I'm fucking glad I wasn't cuz it's a fucked - up organization - Matt: - Oh no, no, no...we ALL know that!...But what do you think those guys are celebrating? Foggy(looks at the floor, then looks at Matt):...Thanksgiving.
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