#much like with Luigi and Peach mario is extremely protective
zootopiathingz · 1 year
Mario and Daisy have such strong sibling energy. They can roast each other and purposefully make each other mad all they want, but the second someone else even looks at one of them funny the other goes apeshit and won’t hesitate to beat the living crap out of them
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batneko · 1 year
A "wicked enchantress" is running around inflicting people with fairy-tale-inspired curses. Peach's castle gets hit with a Sleeping Beauty curse, and the usual solution doesn't work so Mario and Luigi go chasing down the enchantress.
They catch up easily enough, but she blasts Mario with a spell that turns him into a wolf in a red hoodie. Luigi has just enough time to think "wait a minute, Little Red Riding Hood isn't about a curse," before he's zapped with a "Cinderella" curse. He's stuck in a green ballgown and masquerade mask that won't come off.
Of course, that doesn't bother him much, and turning Mario into a wolf only gave him natural weapons, so they kick the enchantress's butt for a few rounds before she runs away.
Meanwhile, Bowser's castle was hit with a Beauty and the Beast curse... while Bowser wasn't home, meaning Junior is now stuck as a beast and honestly having a great time. The servants are pretty unhappy though and it'll be a pain having Junior shed all over everything (and privately Bowser feels bad he wasn't there to protect everyone, plus kissing Junior's newly-fluffy head didn't break the curse which makes Bowser terrified that he doesn't fully love his son and really is as selfish as people say) so he sets out to find whoever did this and rip them apart.
Soon thereafter he runs into what appears to be a princess with very cool taste in pets, and can't resist turning on the charm.
Luigi would have cleared up the misunderstanding right away, except Bowser is so bad at being charming that it loops around to actually being charming. Telling him who he is after flirting back would just make things awkward and maybe get Luigi set on fire. And Mario, despite lacking thumbs or proper vocal chords, is making it extremely clear that he doesn't approve of Bowser and "Princess Emerald" getting too close. Better to cooperate until they find the enchantress and high-tail it out of there as soon as she's defeated.
Unfortunately it turns out the curse still follows Cinderella rules, so at midnight the ballgown disappears and Bowser finds out after all. He's just as pissed as Luigi was afraid he'd be. There's some fire breath tossed around. But he's more embarrassed than anything else, and the fact that he's the only one without a curse (and that the "dog" is actually Mario) cheers him up enough that he decides to stick it out as part of the team.
He doesn't admit that he'd really started to like Princess Emerald in the afternoon they spent together. She was nice. She listened to him. She laughed at his jokes. And he can admit he's got a thing for big blue eyes. The fact that all those traits are the same whether Luigi's in a dress or in overalls is not one he wants to think about.
(The curse affects Luigi from noon to midnight so he still gets mornings to look like himself. Honestly it wouldn't be bad at all except a ballgown isn't very practical and Luigi's mildly offended that the curse also shaves him.)
So they go on, Bowser tries not to flirt, Luigi tries not to fall for his flirting, they both fail and wolf!Mario suffers.
Eventually they do catch up with the enchantress (probably after a lot of other curse-induced fairy tale shenanigans) and try to fight her. The gang is winning when she suddenly blasts Bowser with something that seems to kill him outright. Luigi, devastated, kisses him before getting up to keep fighting.
The enchantress sees this and goes, "Eewww!"
Turns out she's a little girl who got her hands on a powerful magic artifact. True Love's Kiss didn't break any of the curses because she's seven and kissing's gross! Now that they know she's a child (and that Bowser is just sleeping like Snow White) Mario and Luigi are reluctant to fight at full strength. Instead Luigi distracts her with his pretty pretty princess accessories, so Mario can dash in with wolf speed and steal the artifact.
Bowser is extremely confused when he wakes up, saying something about a weird dream he had, but all the curses are broken and everyone can go home. Problem solved. Definitely no lingering feelings and awkward secrets.
Definitely nobody is going to keep thinking about that teary goodbye kiss when Luigi thought Bowser was dead...
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thequietkid-moonie · 6 months
Request: Mario, Luigi, and Peach with an S/O that was kidnapped by King Boo
S/O gets kidnapted by King Boo
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Mario, Peach ]
[ Super Mario Bros ]
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I hope you can forgive me because i just wrote two of the characters you asked for! I been a little blocked but I didn't wanted to leave you without your request
I hope you still enjoy it!
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Mario isn't embarrassed nor really shy by the relasionship, he may be flustered sometimes but has no problem with being honest when talking about your relationship and how much he loves you
Somehow Mario always end up involved in a lot of troubles, even when he got quite used to it that doesn't mean he doesn't feel at least a little bit stressed, as well he constantly worried about dragging your into all this troubles too, he hates that there is the posibility of something happening to you because of him (even if you were more than capable to protect yourself he is just really caring so is just normal for him to worry about you)
It isn't that Mario is extremely clingy so there are chances that you end up kidnapted when you weren't with him, but also can happen when you two were together (even when he will try his hardest to protect you if that happen), it doesn't matter how it happened the important is that is done and now he has to do something about it
Despite feeling incredibly worried and anxious Mario is aware that he need a plan before doing anything, and he is not quite sure from were to start so is more likely that he ask for help to Peach, Luigi and all his other friends (whoever is willing to help honestly)
Mario is trying really hard to concentrate but he isn't going to be able to do it at its fullest for a while, he is too worried and anxious and he won't be able to really calm down until he has a plan. He doesn't really understand why King Boo would kidnapt you nor how to find him, so, as much as it makes him feel frustrated he is depending a little more on Peach's help for this
At the very moment he has a plan and is ready he won't waste any more time and is already going to find you (probably along with your friends, he doesn't want to abuse of their kindness but won't say no to the help), he is even trying to push himself a little but the simple fact that he is already in his way it help him feel more at ease
Once he came to the castle of King Boo Mario feels like he can take it a little bit more slowly but still that doesn't mean he doesn't go around determinated to save you and ready to fight
Even when he finds you he doesn't want to let his guard down right away since he would prefer to take you somewhere safe before relaxing (what is a little bit dificult when he wants to just hold you close out of relief). Once he knows you two are out of danger he will express how worried he was, to apologize and saying how much he loves you, all while going between checking that you are safe and hugging you
Despite being incredibly worried Mario prefers to put your comfort first, he does calm down and get comforted by watching you feeling at ease, still he will try to stick with you for a while to calm down his anxiety (he doesn't say out loud how much this have affected him but you can notice by how clingy he become for a while)
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Peach its not the type to get shy or hide the love she has for her partner, she has no problem with telling the world how much she loves you, however she does know that there are threatens that can try to harm you because of your relasionship so she tries to be cautious, being ready if something ever happen and even letting you know about them (but always promising that she will be there to help you)
The moment that you didn't showed up she already have a bad feeling, but if it happened in front of her eyes then she will feel even more frustrated since she wasn't able to do anything to prevent. At the end, not matter how it happened the frustration and anger she feels when she get to know you have been kidnapted quickly became a great determination to recue you
Actually, Peach has to be stopped by others before she imediatly goes to search for you, she is quite emotional and can't help but want to do something to recue you imediatly, still it doesn't take her much time to understand that, first of all she needs a plan
She will have no problem to accept the help of her friends with this, but first ask if they are sure about it and will make sure to say a million of thanks. Peach will deeply think on a plan and trying to understand why King Boo will want to kidnapt you (she thought it would be more likely to be Bowser, and probably just assumed that he is involved too)
Peach is imediatly going in her way the moment she knows she (and her companions) is ready, not wasting any time before already putting her plan in motion, she is even willing to step into battle herself if is need it, honestly Peach has been trying her hardest to keep her mind busy on the plan of recue to don't let her anxious and worry bother her, she will have time to deal with all of that once she has you by her side again
Peach is a little troubled by her mixed emotions, for one part she wants to force King Boo to say his reasoning behind his actions while in the other she just want to get over it to be able to run to your side, but she knows that she won't feel at ease if she doesn't get to know the reason so she tries to find out why he has kidnapted you
Once Peach sees you again she will get all emotional again, only stoping if she haven't finished the threats already, but once it is safe she will imediatly run to your side, hugging you as if her life depends on it and finally leaving her emotions flow, saying how worried and even scare she was for you, her mixed feelings are quickly surpress for the relief and the anxiety she can finally let go of
Peach will need to have a lot of quality time with you to help her racing heart, she just want to relax and enjoy your company, as well she need to make sure to bring you the comfort you probably need after that traumatic experience. It won't take her much before she feels at ease again but that doesn't mean she won't take care of what happened
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pianokantzart · 11 months
Can you imagine if the Mario bros from the movie met with their game counterparts?
There’s so much potential there, if they are so similar but so different: take Mario who has grown up in Brooklyn, never felt like he was making a difference, and JUST discovered a magical world where he belongs, compared to Mario who has grown up in the mushroom kingdom, is a world wide hero doing enough feats of talent to show that he lives up to the fame in a week, and has live as a hero his whole life
Plus there’s different mechanics and story lines, imagine if one of the game Mario bros die but come back with an extra life and just act like it’s normal, what if they swap universes for a day and you have a new inexperienced Mario meets classic characters and a experienced Mario meeting a Peach who had to fill his role as the jack of all trades
I thought this was a really cool obvious idea but I haven’t seen anyone else’s take on it
It's funny you should bring it up! Because even though I've never written it down (and probably will never write it down) I've thought about a situation where Movie Mario and Game Mario suddenly switch places due to some interdimentional fluke or magic gone awry.
Both Marios are extremely confused, but they are both communicative about what happened and how– though they are Mario– something's gone wrong, and their life is suddenly very different from what they remember. Both Luigis and Peaches help out however they can. They eventually succeed in piecing together what happened, and start forming a plan to undo the weird dimensional change and get their own Marios back.
Some possible scenes that live in my head rent-free:
Game Luigi is surprised to find himself the voice of experience for once, helping this alternate version of his big brother understand the mechanics of this new world. Game Luigi regales him with stories of all the foes they faced over the years, and Movie Mario is fascinated, amazed, and a little intimidated by it all.
Game Mario suggests he and Movie Luigi stock up on "1-ups" before they enter a dangerous situation. Movie Luigi asks "what's a 1-up?" Game Mario thinks he's joking. Movie Luigi is not joking. Game Mario realizes the situation is far more dire than he thought.
Game Mario having dinner with Movie Mario's family
The moment Movie Mario lays eyes on Game Bowser he is completely on edge. His fists are raised and he's ready to throw down, already motioning for Game Luigi to get behind him. Game Bowser very quickly decides he likes this version of Mario– a little temperamental and rightfully fearful of him. The feeling isn't mutual.
Game Mario is startled by exactly how ruthless Movie Bowser is, and how risky fighting him is now that there are no extra lives involved. He doesn't like to show it, but he's more scared than he's ever been before. Luigi sees the fear despite Mario's attempts to conceal it, and takes a moment to comfort him.
The moment anyone is the least bit mean or condescending to Game Luigi, Movie Mario is on their case. Whether it's an enemy, a toad, or a royal representative, he makes it crystal clear that nobody is allowed to talk to Luigi like that– he doesn't care technically isn't his Luigi. Game Luigi tries to assure Movie Mario that it's fine, but Movie Mario won't hear it.
Game Mario is not quite sure what to make of Movie Peach. Of course he's protective and respectful as always, but the fact that she's so fiercely independent and an incredible fighter is not something he knows what to do with. He's been protecting her for so long...
Game Bowser and Movie Bowser would like each other at first. Then, the longer they talk, the more they rub each-other the wrong way, until eventually they're throwing fists and fire balls.
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galactic-knightmare · 2 years
More of the Swap au!
As I said, I have more info to throw in here lmao
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(this is an aweful background I suck at palm trees LMAO)
(also the proportions on Yoshi are a bit off. I’ll fix it next time...)
Mario is still the oldest. kinda. He was the first out of the egg so the Yoshi’s decided that was good enough.
(Luigi didn’t immediately come out of the egg. He was crying because his d*mn twin broke it open and now it was cold. They did eventually manage to coax him out of it though)
The Yoshis still have absolutely no idea where the egg came from. Koopa’s are extremely protective of their eggs compared to most, and since the twins were Drakoopas, it was even more strange.
(Drakoopas : Dragon/Drake Koopas. essentially what Bowser is)
For a looong while, the bros were convinced they were just weird Yoshis. thankfully though the Yoshis realized that it would cause problems if they didn’t correct them. It didn’t quite go over well, but the bros accepted it after a bit.
Their first adventure to rescue Princess Peach was a breeze. the Koopas didn’t even question why they were there, since their koopas themselves. They were however confused at where these two new Drakoopas came from, since that subspecies of koopa is extremely rare. (the only known ones in this au being the koopalings)
Since they were raised by Yoshis, the two have a couple yoshi habits instead of koopa ones. they don’t go hoarding their belongings like some drakoopas do, but they instead have a habit of climbing and jumping around tall, usually unstable areas. They also try copying the chirps of their yoshi friends, and tend to bob their heads around and act generally like birds/raptors.
This very much confuses the koopas, because what the heck is wrong with these two. They know the two are absolute menaces but could they at least not act like morons? (after they all find out how the bros were raised, their just like “oh. okay yeah that actually makes sense”)
Like the yoshis though, they also act somewhat catlike. koopas do too normally, but their pride usually has them hold back on the urges. The Bros have absolutely nothing holding them back though and they will happily go after laser pointers and other cat toys. Peach thinks its adorable
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squirmywuirmy · 1 year
⭐️My Super Mario Bros. Tickle HC’s⭐️
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-This guy is like a 6/10, he’s definitely got spots, but he’s more resistant than some of the other characters.
-I imagine him losing his hat in a tickle scramble or taking it off to protect his spots like a little surrender salute 🥺🥺🥺
-“Mamma miA!!”
-Worst spot is armpits, if you catch him by surprise he does a little jump and run-in-place in the air (I really hope that made sense😂)
-Is very tolerant and quite fond of innocent tickle attacks, has a generally easygoing nature in general
-I feel like he needs a reason to start a real tickle ONSLAUGHT, but he’s no stranger to initiating cheer-up tickles or a quick, playful poke. He tends to keep it very lighthearted
-Will generally participate in group tickle wars, and be quite a formidable competitor
-Is extremely careful not to overstep the boundaries of someone he cares for, and for that reason, tends to only tickle in short intervals
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-I am so sorry for saying this but he truly is baby like he’s just so endearing you WANT to tickle him
-At LEAST a 9/10 this fella is ridiculously sensitive from top to bottom
-He’s got every tickle spot you can think of, and is incredibly squirmy + giggly for ALL of them.
-I imagine his laugh to be this endearing, squeaky little titter intermixed with a more hearty belly-laugh.
-Is D E FINITELY the kind to nervously giggle before being tickled
-In the midst of a tickle fight, or even a discussion about tickling, he’d definitely be sweating trying to find a casual ‘out’ of the room before the attention is turned to him
-He will actively sprint away from the threat of being tickled
~He’s definitely used as a free win in tickle fights and several people always go after him before he can do anything 🥹🤧💀
-He’s always trying to get Mario back for something or another, and even though he’s not the most devious, the unassuming ness of his nature makes him THAt much more threatening.
-In a romantic scenario, he’s the sweetest, gentlest tickler EVER
-Like, think little pecks and mini raspberries on the tummy, or a flurry of kissies around your cheeks and ears
-Likes to keep the attacks very light and teasy, is more likely to fluster than attack physically
-Would not ever want to make anyone even a little bit uncomfortable, and for that reason keeps his tickling gentle and easy to interrupt
-He’s too ticklish for his own good to get proper revenge without the help of someone else
•Princess Peach•
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-Like a 5/10 on the ticklishness scale—she’s got one or two sensitive spots but she’s generally pretty resilient
-It’s hard to reduce her to jelly, as she will not let you get that far.
-Despite that, I believe her worst spots would be her belly, palms, and thighs.
-She’s got a boisterous, musical laugh and will be very melodramatic when calling for help
-Oh, MEAN if she wants info out of you/feels like you deserve it.
-Princess Peach deals JUSTICE..
-She won’t be sadistic per say, but she’ll make sure you think 2x about tickling her/otherwise messing with her again
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-he does not. Ever.
-If you’re someone he cares about, he’ll definitely give you a run for your money, but if you’re NOT,,,RIP
-absolutely not nice, but will be amused and laugh along by how helpless his subject is
-I mean it this sh!t won’t even be “haha, funny”, it’ll be “Jesus fucking Christ my lungs are collapsing and I’m not laughing I’m screaming”
-I honestly can’t imagine him tickling someone for the sake of fun (unless you’re a koopaling kid) without it being some sort of information/interrogation scenario
-Will not stop until his subject is crying. Period.
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multi-fandomsfreak · 2 months
Mushroom’s Kingdoms Famous Guard Dog -
Just posting this because I finally decided to create a backstory for my horrorbrew oc Feldeltá but I wanted to update the rest so here it is. Trigger warning there is some triggering stuff mostly in the backstory with one in facts. Just warning you just in case so if your sensitive to the stuff mentioned in tw then do not click keep reading. ~Blaze/Dawn
TW: Overdosage Of Medication, Excessive Amount Of Steroids Intake, Needles + Medical Equipment, Injections, Murder, Attempted Murder, Death (all in background), mention of cannibalism (in facts).
Name: Feldeltá
Aliases: Mario
Age: 25
Birthday: October 11
Height: 9ft7
Weight: ???
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Pansexual
Ethnicity: Italian
- Luigi (Younger Brother)
- Princess Peach (Potential Romantic Interest/Friend)
- Bowser (Enemy)
- Plumber (Formerly)
- Guard Dog
His personality can range differently around other people. For starters he usually acts like how a guard dog should, act loyal to their owners and attack their enemies. Feldeltá is no different from this. Around people like family or people that he considers friends (Mostly Luigi and Princess Peach) he’s completely loyal to them. He’s pretty much like a golden retriever being up close to them, very playful, gentle and extremely trustworthy. To those close to him he can’t see them doing any wrong. For strangers it really depends, they typically just lets them be. Unless he has a reason to he will attack them e.g. they’re loved ones get attacked or they simply sees said person as a threat. For enemies he does not go easy on them. Since he considers them threats he pretty much results to attacking them. He doesn’t like them. He mostly acts this due to his (Mario’s) DNA being merged with some DNA similar to a guard dog.
- Enhanced senses = All senses are height in order to protect people he cares about e.g. Hearing = While humans can usually hear around 50-100 feet dogs can hear around 80 feet up to a mile possibly further. Feldeltá can hear as far as a dog can usually hear. Smell = He can smell up to 20 km. Sight = Feldeltá can see up and recognise someone as far as 900 meters.
- Great Strengths = After since the incident Feldeltá body has change in many ways in order to remain stable with two completely different DNA in the body. One of these changes is immense strength, though Mario already has superhuman strength this has increased since the incident as will as due to them training as well.
- Reaction Time = Althought this isn’t possible considered a power regardless his reaction time has increased in order to protect loved ones
- Power ups in Mario games = they can still use them but they don’t do it often. Mostly uses their strength.
- Emotions = This is pretty much his main weakness. Although most of the time he is able to maintain his emotions however there will be sometimes where his emotions gets the better of him. If he gets too sad or angry he immediately starts attacking with no reason until he has calmed down. Opposite end of this is that if he gets too happy e.g. like when a dog meets someone new he likes to cling himself to them. Although this doesn’t seem too bad sometimes he accidentally hurts people and goes too rough on them e.g. knocking them to the floor, accidentally scratching them which causes him to get upset at the fact that he has hurt them.
- Dog Based Weakness = Due to them having some DNA similar to a guard dog in them they started developing things that dogs don’t like which can be bad depending on the situation e.g. being yelled at, being left alone, being sensitive to certain fragrances, muzzles, bright lights.
- Toys (Mostly dead bodies but doesn’t mind actual dog toys)
- Attention
- Praises
- His family and friends
- Adventures
- Being ignored
- Fragrance (More specifically citrus)
- Muzzles
- Bright lights
- Needles
- Doctors/Hospitals
It was a normal day for the people in the mushroom kingdom. Bowser had just kidnapped Princess Peach again for the umpteenth time and Mario had managed to save her from him once again. At first Mario didn’t mind it but just like everyone else the more times it has happened the more annoyed he got. Honestly he started getting sick of Bowser trying to kidnap her and take over the kingdom it was getting annoying. He didn’t mean it in a cocky way he generally was getting sick and tired of it. It didn’t help that he started getting more and more guilty for not being able to put a stop to it sooner. All of this was starting to take a toll on the poor plumber so in a desperate attempt to stop it so he ended up going to a nearby hospital and talked to a doctor so he could get stronger. At first it just started off with normal things like vitamins and supplements but Mario wasn’t satisfied. To him no matter how many he took it didn’t give him the results that he wanted, he even resulted in taking the amount more than recommended. He ended up back desperate to become stronger despite the doctor’s wishes. He ended up resulting to taking many steroids while although it was starting to get the strength he needed at least physically being overcome with the need to protect his loved ones in a desperate final attempt he asked the doctors for some help. He didn’t care if he had to change himself he wanted to protect people like his brother and peach. In a final attempt to help him the doctors ended up creating some sort of liquid that involves combining different DNA’s making it similar to a dog or more specifically a guard dog. They ended up injecting it into Mario veins. Luckily for Mario this finally gave him the results he wanted however thanks to having said liquid in his veins it ended up overwriting his sense of humanity and just like how a dog doesn’t like the vet he ended up attacking the doctors there in response to seeing the needles and other equipment thinking he was going to get attacked. He ended up killing the doctors there and escaped into the woods away from everyone. Slaying enemies and ended up meeting Bowser who he nearly killed him as well before being interrupted by Luigi and Peach who were looking for him after hearing what happened at the hospital. They both ended up taking him in sensing he was in the right mind and tried their best to return him back to normal but weren’t able to so they ended up having to settle with how he was. A completely loyal guard dog. He ended up earning the nickname Feldeltá due to how loyal he was causing him to either respond to either that or on the rare chance Mario (but the most people got was an ear twitch).
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- Besides just being a random thought I had Feldeltá was also inspired by another exe oc belonging to militaryherobrine (oc named Madio). That inspired me to do my own take on the thought of Mario being a feral guard dog.
- His looks were inspired by the Cat power up in 3D world due to there being no official dog power.
- After what happened at the hospital their gloves ended up fusing with their hands and formed into claws. However the rest of their clothes can come off like normal.
- The rips on their clothes were caused from their time in the forest. However both Peach and Luigi had tried to get them to wear different ones but Feldeltá has flat out refused to change so they just let them keep it. The only time they take it off is either them or the clothes need cleaning.
- Feldeltá has 4 fingers and 4 toes just like a dog. No one really knows what happened to the 5th finger or toe but people assume it’s because of what happened at the hospital.
- Feldeltá isn’t from a specific game or isn’t trapped in one (like other horrorbrew/exe) rather this is an actual situation that has happened in that world.
- If the other horrorbrews like MX, Mr Virtual, Horror M (Similar characters to them) were to meet Feldeltá they will most likely recruit him as a pet and use them like a guard dog (like how Nekoamon is considered MX’s pet).
- Feldeltá doesn’t have any faker forms or true forms. They only have two separate looks being their current look and their previous looks Mario.
- Feldeltá has Iatrophobia (fear of doctors) + Nosocomephobia (fear of hospitals) + Trypanophobia (fear of needles) thanks to what happened in his backstory.
- Feldeltá isn’t considered a ‘bad guy’ but rather an anti-villian which means although the goals they have are overall good the way they get to them is considered evil.
- Despite being very smart Feldeltá can be persuaded easily as long as you treat them nicely. As said in personality as long as you treat him nicely and Feldeltá likes you they can’t see you do any wrong.
- Adding on from the previous point he really can’t tell the difference between actual nice people or people taking advantage of him.
- He likes to bring dead bodies to people he cares about. He considers it a sign of trust.
- They’ve pretty much lost all interest in most human food but aren’t interested in dog food. Their diet now mostly consists of meat. Human or animal.
- Feldeltá can somewhat speak but due to their humanity being overwritten they’ve lost the ability to fully form sentences like they used to. But they can somewhat communicate at least good enough to say what they want most of the time.
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superluigiglitchy · 5 months
the Future Savers
Hope Spletzer (14) - Having been found as an egg in a dumpster by Tari, she's the adopted daughter of Tari and Meggy, tough and stubborn but also kind and compassionate, you can really tell she was raised by those two, her mom ended up giving her the goggles that were apart of her headgear and Hope cherishes these goggles greatly. Out of everyone in the group she's the one with the most military-grade training and the most understanding of what the resistance group did before they were destroyed by the virus's forces, she worries a lot despite how happy-go-lucky she is and is freshly traumatised by how her moms died in an effort to get the kids to the past via the time machine so theres that going on, she mains a Squitter with the Zipcaster kit but mains Splatanas sometimes too
Mariano Mario (10) - Genetically the child of Mario and Peach, he was created by Dr. E. Gadd after the death of Mario as a replacement Avatar to prevent the universe from immediately collapsing in on itself, smarter than his genetic father but still an idiot on his own right he's a sweet kid with a nack for adventure, he also seems to exhibit traits of both canon mario and avatar mario with how he's stupidly smart when he needs to be, he also disturbingly enough has control over demonic goop which easily bends to his will
Beanjamin Mario (10) - The son of Luigi and Prince Peasley some years into the Viralpocalypse, quick witted, noble with a dash of love for the theatrics, Beanjamin is the definition of a kind and noble prince, which often times places him smack dab into trouble when it comes to protecting the innocent and his friends
Hayato Bichitaru (20) - The adopted child of Saiko with a blazing temper, this cat is ready to pounce on any opposition! especially viruses, reckless, angry and tough as nails, Hayato Bichitaru is a cool cat through and through but under his rough skin is a soft heart of glistening gold that is loyal to his friends and family, saiko found him in a soggy old box 2 years into the Viralpocalypse during a patrol and decided to take the kid in, he greatly looks up to both his mom and Uncle Kaizo in his own way of course, he can easily play any intrument but much prefers his axe guitar
Todd Bobowski (18) - Bob's son who he created via mitosis of all things, is shockingly not anything like his father, extremely empathetic with a kind heart and an even gentler soul, he's a poet with a golden heart who also happens to have his father's knack for economics and buisness, he loves his dad but hates his attitude and awful gambling habits, he's not much of a fighter so the gang just leave the financial stuff to him
Axol Jr. (20) - All grown up and now having godly powers and inkweaver on his side, Axol Jr. aka AJ, is ready to rumble with the viruses... at a safe distance of course, cautious, shy and anxious AJ doesn't seem like much at first glance but he's the strongest person in the Past Savers but untrained, Melony unfortunately died early into the Viralpocalypse and dropped her mask which was how AJ ended up inheriting the god powers of the Diety Mask, he hopes dearly to prevent his mothers death despite there being a chance that if they do change the course of the future all of the Past Savers will potentially never exist
SMG7.5 (17) - the daughter of SMG4 and SMG3 and the group's leader, she's a paranoid wreck and far too uptight, having lost her father, SMG4 when she was only 7, she enjoys memes as much as her late father but can't bring herself to enjoy them as she once did, she is willing to do anything to prevent they're awful futre from happening, even if it means sacrificing her own life if the chance of ceasing to exist upon changing the timeline would occur
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koopalings4life · 2 years
What are some of your koopalings AUs? Or Super Mario AUs in general?
Ooh Boy, be prepared for a VERY long post on this.
War-Torn AU: One of my personal favourites, this AU takes place in a setting where the Mushroom Kingdom and Darklands have been at war for several years. Mario and Luigi are considered the best fighters in the Mushroom Kingdom and their personal duty is to protect Princess Peach, as well as trying to work out how to defeat Bowser. Bowser himself is the evil yet charismatic tyrant of Darklands, who wants nothing more than the Princess’s hand in marriage. The Koopalings are his most elite soldiers and his 7 army leaders…but they’re still just children.
Undercover AU: One of my Koopaling-centric ones, the Koopalings are a group of orphans sent to the Darklands under the orders of a neighbouring king, King Rohan II, and were adopted by Bowser after he finds the 7 children on the streets. Their mission was to infiltrate the royal family from the inside and take the throne away from Bowser and Bowser Jr. After unsuccessful assassination attempt after unsuccessful assassination attempt, it always ends with the. Sing forced to start an all-out revolution early. The question is, do they get forgiven or not? That’s the fun part to work out.
Haunted AU: I based this one on the 19-year long disappearance the Koopalings had from the mainstream games after Super Mario World and worked it into a fictional story. Basically, 19 years ago, Bowser’s adopted children, the Koopalings, went mysteriously missing and, not long after, their ghosts started haunting the castle. Boos were one thing, but just having the ghosts of your former children wandering the castle was too much for Bowser and his troops, so they left for a temporary alternative. This AU mainly revolves around Luigi being hired to ghost-hunt them and questioning his own morals the entire way along, as well as various scenarios that could have led to their death (AUs within AUs basically)
Reverse AU: Ah yes, the good ol’ Swapped AU as it is commonly known. The world stays roughly the same, but everyone’s personality is completely changed to be the canonical opposite. Therefore, you’d have Soft Bowser, Childish Ludwig, Austere Lemmy, Pacifist Roy (he’s great fun to write), Bully Iggy, Sweet Wendy, Smart Morton and Quiet Larry, all of whom are under the care of Idiotic Kamek. Oh, and don’t forget that Peach loves Bowser, Luigi is a fearless bad guy and Mario is constantly kidnapping Princess Peach.
Evil Mario AU: Let’s face it, most Super Mario fans have the token Evil Mario AU and I’m no exception. As someone who’s firmly on Team Bowser, it comes naturally to me to write Mario brutally beating up Bowser’s children and troops and trashing the Darklands as he goes, as well as him trying to coerce Peach to marry him and relentlessly bully Luigi. It comes in various amounts of extremism, but it’s very good for angst.
Human AU: The second typical AU, this is basically the same as mainline Mario except everyone is a human and I can make them hot. I’m a sucker for Human AUs and I’m not entirely sure why. I guess I mainly write this one because it gives me more to work with, like with outfits or injuries. ALSO, since they’re humans, it would be much easier to disguise themselves and go undercover in the Mushroom Kingdom 😈. This doesn’t have a lot of depth to it, but it doesn’t really need to, it’s just a little variation on normal Super Mario.
That’s all my main AUs. If anyone wants to suggest some more, I’d love to hear them. I think I might like AUs more than canon at this point because I can give people whatever personality I want.
Also, thanks for the ask! I love talking about my AU’s!
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The biggest bowser x luigi headcanons i have are these
1- Bowser treats Luigi like he's literally made of glass. Won't let anything or anyone touch him. He's basically royalty in a kingdom he's just been kidnapped into.
2- The koopalings start calling Luigi dad before Bowser even realizes he's in love with him. It's like half the reason he ever does.
3- Luigi really doesn't know what to do with the koopalings. They look up to him and like to bring him along for fun, but he's not great at kids, even if he's kind. Bowser is normally extremely protective over his kids, but he doesn't mind that Luigi is imperfect because they love him.
4- Bowser can and will lift Luigi in one arm just to horse around with him. He's a pretty aggressive guy even when he's playing around.
5- They're like a beauty and the beast type situation. I can see that being how they get together- Bowser kidnaps Luigi to get the Mushroom Kingdom in a panic and get Peach and Mario's guard down, and tells Luigi he cannot leave. Luigi holds out hope that Mario will find him, and doesn't try to escape to avoid angering Bowser. Over time, however, it becomes apparent Bowser doesn't want to hurt him, and he even begins to develop a soft spot for him. Luigi is treated like nobility in Bowser's castle, and Bowser is super gentle with him.
6- Bowser has a bit of a temper, but he doesn't take anything out on Luigi or the children. One of the first things Luigi notices when he sees the koopalings with Bowser is that when Bowser is driven into a near blind fury, his kids don't look bothered, let alone afraid.
7- Not a headcanon but this is their height difference.
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I've shipped them forever, but never really had much of a reason until the movie, and I love Bowser acting super protective and possessive over Luigi <3333333
they should meet CTW Funtime Freddy x Millie's grandpa cuz tbh they are just them in a different font-
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writeranon69 · 3 years
What headcanons do you have for what I consider the main Mario cast?
(Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Yoshi, Toad, Wario, Waluigi, Bowser, and Bowser Jr.)
He overworks himself and only Luigi and/or Peach can stop him
He has a crush on Peach that's stupidly obvious to everyone
He, Luigi, Toad, Yellow Toad, and Blue Toad live together
He wants to be buddies with Bowser!
Professional Memer
That one father figure of the entire Kingdom
Anger Issues sometimes
A lot more timid than Mario but also a lot more sarcastic thanks to Daisy
Daisy is actually the who has a crush on him that's extremely obvious but he keep ignoring it due to this thing called low self-esteem
Sibling Fights
Great Singer
The Koopalings actually kinda like him!
Unironically friends with Waluigi
Pays attention to every. Single. Miniscule. Detail.
Peach (Writer's least Favorite)
Wakes up at like, 3 AM in the morning to get all of the governing of the Kingdom stuff out of the way so she has time to spend with her friendos all day
She has a crush on Mario that's STUPIDLY obvious to everyone
Learning to protect herself
Literally the definition of a Mario Magnet
Chaotic as all heck, not afraid to show it
Like two other girls from a GOOD few Kingdoms and Towns over, she pulls of "Mario Heists" and just snatches Mario on occasion
Wants to make peace with Bowser but doesn't know how to do so...
Not just a master baker, but she can cook as a whole! She cooks breakfast for the whole castle.
Follows Peach's example of waking up early to govern the Kingdom
Loud. Very loud. Learning to quiet down.
Sports Enthusiast
Tries to get Rosalina to stop being so lazy
She doesn't prefer dresses, but she will wear them if she has to. She likes shorts more.
"Hey Bowser, remember that time where I wrecked you?"
"A complete doofus", she calls herself.
Finds herself Annoying, everyone tries to cheer her up.
Wants to sleep in but has all these children--
You're bound to see her in her pajamas when you casually see her on the Comet Observatory
All the Lumas can take care of themselves and all of the younger Lumas, but due to her Mom Instincts that keep on kicking in, she ends up taking care of the Lumas anyway
Likes drawing as a pastime!
Stupidly Protective of Mario and Peach for whatever reason
Really likes Daisy. A lot. A lot a lot.
"Mama why are you drawing that orange girl again with hearts around i--"
(Shuts the Sketchbook)
A Gamer
The same Dino who cared for Mario and Luigi as babies!
During those "Yoshi Sacrifices" in Super Mario World, he actually flings Mario up himself and just respawns in another egg.
One of the only Yoshi's who can speak English, as well as Yoshi!
Give him an apple and he'll love you forever. I'm being serious.
He likes relaxing a lot.
Also lives with Mario, Luigi, and the Toads, but has his own house in case he needs some peace and quiet.
Wants to be friends with Kamek. Desperately.
Has a Shy Guy friend named Shy. This Shy Guy is the same Guy who you're able to play as in the Spinoff Titles.
Loyal and Adorable!
Tries to keep his voice down as he knows how loud it can get
Also suffers from low self-esteem due to said voice
The same Toad from the Mario Spinoffs and Wario's Woods.
To differentiate himself from other Toads, he gave himself the name, Trevor.
Mario and Luigi are like brothers to him!
Yellow and Blue Toad are liked little brothers to him.
He likes Toadette, who reciprocates!
Can sprout magical mushroom spores from his head. Most Toads have this power.
Captain Toad is he.
Not as rude as you think he is
That one good friend who may be disgusting but is better than everyone thinks
He's like a Dad to the kids who are in Diamond City. Specifically Penny Crygor and 8-Volt.
Him and Waluigi are brothers!
Knows how to make Bob-Ombs.
Good Friends with King Bob-Omb!
Weirdly, nobody is in his interest at the moment. (He doesn't like anyone in this point in time)
Master Treasure Hunter. He ends up running into a certain red echinda on occasion...
A laughingstock of the Mushroom Kingdom
Unironically friends with Luigi
Everyone in the Mushroom Kingdom who's in Smash actually want him in.
Master Dancer.
Does a bit of gardening! Where do you think he gets all those roses?
A bit much on occasion. Poor taste of humor.
He's aware of all the memes people have made about him...
Father first, kidnapper later.
The Koopalings were adopted. Treats them like his own.
Spoils every single one of his kids.
He doesn't pick favorites, Kids or Minions.
Good friends with a Goomba of all people. The same Goomba who's playable in all the spinoff titles.
Is aware of Mario wanting to be friends with him. Slowly warming up to the idea.
Wants to make peace with the Mushroom Kingdom but doesn't know how...
Kamek is his adoptive father and Second in Command.
That one Dad Friend who's done a lot but you hang out with him anyways
Likes Spicy Food a lot!
Actually has enough money to pay for his minions!
Fury Bowser is still kinda...inside him. Please don't make him overly furious.
Bowser Jr.
Showers his siblings with love and gifts
Good Pals with the Broodals
That Clown Car of his is SENTIENT and he loves it
He's in, like, the 5th Grade.
Likes playing Video Games! Especially Switch titles.
So you know that one Orange Inkling in Smash? Jr. may or may not have a bit of a crush on her...
Coincidentally, she goes to the school he goes to. She just lives a few Kingdoms and Towns over.
Extra Careful with his Paintbrush nowadays due to the...Fury Bowser, incident.
Cares a lot more about Mario after he helped his Dad.
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drones-of-innocence · 5 years
Has anyone requested Mario x Peach for the ask yet? Because I am! Yahoo!!!
I will gladly do Mario x Peach!! This one got pretty long, sorry about that!
Who was the one to propose: 
Mario did!! Technically he did in canon already haha, but I think he’s got the heart and the showmanship to put together a proper proposal for his Princess. It was adorable; he caught her completely by surprise, because she figured if he was going to ask, it was going to be before all their friends as the center piece for a wonderful celebration. Instead, he was quite simple about it. She recognized his nerves. His hands trembled just the slightest, his voice caught in his throat, and his breath seemed to shudder whenever he addressed her. Still, when he invited her to the lake on a lovely summer evening, she had no idea what his plans were. They often spent their evenings alone together anyway, whether it be on the lakeside or on her balcony. They were dating, after all. The fireflies came out just when the stars did. She should have known he would have asked her in his own simple, charming way. Mario cleared his throat, and spoke briefly of the future. He couldn’t manage to give a long, elaborate speech like he thought he should. So instead, he got down on one knee, and offered the ring. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you, my Princess. Will you marry me?”
Who stressed more over wedding planning:
Again, this one has to go to Mario. Peach has no qualms about being under the spotlight, speaking in public, or organizing large events. Mario, on the other hand, didn’t even know where to begin, especially with Toadsworth stressing him out over proper behavior and manners at a royal wedding. He was going to marry a whole entire Princess!! The only person possibly more stressed than Mario had to be Luigi, who’s extreme sense of empathy went out to his poor brother. Both of them were just two little balls of nervous energy during the planning. 
Who decorated the house:
So they don’t technically live together? I see Mario splitting his time between the castle and his house, but Peach can’t exactly leave her castle whenever she pleases. But she does visit. If they could have a house together, I see Mario as the one who could put a room together. Neither of them are master interior designers, but Mario has at least had experience, having moved between several apartments in he and Luigi’s past. If Peach were in charge, she would hire someone else to do it more likely than not. But Mario, being somewhat of a penny pincher by habit, would rather take care of things like that himself.
Who does the cooking:
Luigi does the cooking! Just kidding haha, but Peach has food provided for her whenever she pleases. In the Mario household, Mario cooks breakfast, and Luigi, self proclaimed as “il maestro della cena,” will not allow anyone else to cook dinner. So when Peach visits, or even when the brothers visit the castle, he insists on taking over the kitchen. He’s more than happy to cook for his family; he was very thrilled to be the first to point out that now he is Peach’s brother-in-law.
Who is more organized:
So Peach is more organized in the classical sense; her room is always very tidy, her notes very easy to read, handwriting neat. She has lists and agendas and calendars and journals galore. But Mario is organized in a different way; his thoughts can be very scattered, but he is excellent at mobilizing/organizing emergency responses, prioritizing and getting things done. In the event of a disaster, Mario is your man. He can literally survive in the wilderness with nothing but his wits. He naturally regulates his own sleeping and eating habits, which he can adjust and adapt to his situation as need be. 
Who initiates bedroom fun:
Okay, so...I made a vow that I would never publicly do or make anything NSFW for characters that belong to a franchise aimed at children, even discuss headcanons. So I will construe the meaning. Peach and Mario have lots of fun in her bedroom because it’s sort of closed off from the rest of the world. They can read, relax, nap, whatever you can think of. It’s a sort of safe haven for them. Peach is often the one who suggests going back to her room, as Mario is too polite to be the one to bring it up. The proposal alarmed him at first, as the bedroom in his world was a very different place than it is to him now.
Who suggested kids first:
Peach suggested children! This was to Mario’s shock, as he never thought he would ever really have the privilege of being a father. Mario, over a good deal of time, taught her about conventional family values on his world. He mused to her, seeing similar values echoed in the Mushroom Kingdom, that survival of the species definitely has something to do with it. But something about the way he spoke inspired her to wonder what she would be like as a mother. She knew all along he would be a good father; he’s excellent with children and he clearly loves having them around. But she wanted to experience what he spoke about, how a mother’s love is stronger than anything he’s ever seen.
Who’s more dominant:
It’s about 60/40 with Peach often being the more dominant one. She’s the sole monarch of an entire Kingdom, so she’s used to taking charge. Mario, who drinks more than his share of respect women juice, doesn’t mind in the least. He defers to her often, and actually prefers for her to make the difficult choices. The only time he’s the one making decisions is when it comes to adventures and survival, where his leadership shines.
Who’s the cuddler:
Mario! Mario loves cuddles; as he’s often fighting off enemies and running into not-so-friendly people, he doesn’t get much tender contact. Hugging Luigi used to be the only way he could meet those emotional needs. But with the Princess, he can get all that he could ever want. He’ll never admit it to anyone else, but he adores being the little spoon. He feels completely surrounded by her, and safe. He doesn’t often get to feel completely secure in that way. Of course, he’s also more than happy to provide her with that security too. Even before their relationship, Peach liked to sit close to Mario; his Firebrand makes his body unnaturally warm, so he’s nice to be close to.
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity:
If not cuddles, then baking! Both of them adore sweets of all kinds. It was one of the things that allowed them to bond so quickly and so closely. Peach is fantastic at baking, and Mario always provides the best feedback to her creations. He can bake, too; he enjoys making his favorite Italian sweets for her. 
Who comes home drunk at 3am:
Well, honestly I can’t fathom a world where either of them would do this. Peach has too much responsibility toward her Kingdom, and Mario likes to be in control of all his faculties. Now, this doesn’t mean the brothers don’t get a little buzzed sometimes; you know how much Italians like their wine. It’s just another way the brothers can relax and have fun in the privacy and safety of their home. So they might invite the Princesses over for a night of board or card games and wine. Just adults being silly, nothing crazy. Mario notably becomes a wonderfully sensitive romantic singer once he’s had some to drink, but he also forgets to speak English when that happens. His entire goal becomes making everyone laugh as much as possible. This is also the sort of scene where Mario and Luigi act out games like ‘The floor is lava,’ ‘Don’t let the balloon touch the floor,’ or they literally pretend they’re in a war zone and one of them ‘dies’ dramatically while the other is like “sometimes I can still hear his voice.”
Who kills the spiders:
Mario will fight anything to protect his Princess. But Peach doesn’t like to kill anything. This means Mario does this weird thing where he tries to intimidate the spider into leaving, reason with it, something, until Peach reminds him that he can just take it outside.
Who falls asleep first:
Mario can literally fall asleep anytime, anywhere. If you leave him idle long enough, just like in the games, he might nod off. Normally, he’s very goal driven, like when he’s trying to rescue Peach. But focusing that long and hard is very tiring. He gets rest when he can, because he doesn’t know when he’ll have to go without it next.
Their relationship summed up in a gif:
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So this is Sheeta and Pazu, from my favorite movie of all time; Castle in the Sky. These two capture Mario and Princess Peach, I think, because of their persistent optimism and hope throughout the film. And their sheer joy! Look at that, they embrace each other with such fervor and relief that they’re safe and that they made it to their goal! Pazu is such a wholesome sweetheart who prioritizes Sheeta’s safety, and does whatever he feels like he can to protect her. Sheeta does the same, albeit in more thoughtful and clever ways. As Pazu put it, “if my head were any harder, you could use it as a cannonball.” That pretty much sums up Mario and his headstrong nature. Sheeta wants the best for everyone, and does not hesitate to put herself in direct harm’s way if it means sparing those who she loves. She gives herself up repeatedly, hoping it would save Pazu. And Pazu, from the moment he saw her, wouldn’t let her go on alone. Their dynamic is very similar to Mario and Peach; they both want to do the right thing, and they can’t do it without each other.
Thanks so much for the ask!!
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echoeternally · 5 years
How Do I Ship Bowser & Mario?
Part 2: Finding Common Ground Between Enemies
{Previously, we built up Mario’s character, which can be found in Part 1. The next entry continues based on that.}
And, above all else, realize that Mario is just as multi-faceted as his co-stars: he has his own set of quirks, but also his flaws.
How this relates to Bowser and sets them up as a potential couple, that’s for the next post. That will also dive further into Mario’s personality traits, and therefore help flesh out his character.
Be warned, however, as this will contain spoilers to endings of select Super Mario games, and includes spoilers to the recent title, Luigi’s Mansion 3. 
Obviously, Bowser and Mario hold opposite traits, because Bowser is meant to be Mario’s designated enemy.
Where Mario is joyful, but somewhat reserved, Bowser is grouchy, yet very loud and outspoken. Mario likes to help others and is strongest in quieter moments, showing his compassion. Bowser, on the other hand, has funnier moments when he belittles his underlings, is fierce and dominant with his imposing final boss moments, and is overall one of the more abrasive characters in the series.
As much as they are opposites, however, they do share a number of qualities.
Both Mario and Bowser are leaders: Bowser leads his own kingdom, while Mario tends to be the head of his friends, either leading them on adventures, or having everyone join in on a party or with sports. Both characters tend to be stubborn: Bowser constantly wants his way in all aspects of life, and has a fierce determination to see it through, while Mario does all he can to help others and wants to find peace, even if it must be fought for.
An important quality both share, which is one that people may find surprising at first glance: their compassion.
Mario loves others. His brother is normally someone who gets priority in his depictions, and this is best exemplified through the Mario & Luigi series. It shows up in select cutscenes in other games, and through Luigi’s dialogue from time to time; I think the latest example comes from Luigi’s Mansion 3, where Luigi goes to all ends to save Mario, who very excitedly runs and gives his brother a big hug upon his rescue.
As well, Mario is distraught over Peach’s kidnapping and weeps upon finding her locked away. Obviously, given that Peach is traditionally depicted as Mario’s love interest, his love for her is typically demonstrated multiple times in many games, perhaps most famously during Super Mario Odyssey, but consistently hinted at by numerous characters such as Rosalina during Super Mario Galaxy, or the Toads during...most games.
I could list everyone else that Mario shows love and compassion to, such as being brave and protecting Toads, rescuing, befriending, and bonding with Yoshi, and pretty much go across every one-off character that he’s ever come into contact with. But, I think you get the picture based on that.
Now, with Bowser? He’s usually a jerk. His biggest, showy moments, most especially in RPGs, involve him either belittling or bullying his troops. This is, however, because he’s traditionally set in the role of the lead bad guy: the player is meant to identify that he’s evil, and needs to see this full force. If someone treats others as beneath them, they’re obviously not good.
Of course, the quickest character one can point to being an exception is Bowser Junior, who Bowser showers with love and adoration. He spoils his son constantly, but also takes him under his wing, teaching him how to fight Mario and kidnap Peach. And there’s the key point to Bowser: he loves. It’s not like with Peach, where he essentially lusts for her and wants her both for her beauty and to take control of her kingdom; with Junior, this is Bowser actually being a father, and wanting to give his son the world as best he can.
Though this doesn’t always get a front-and-center view in the video games, it does come up, either in passing dialogue from main entries starting with Super Mario Sunshine, or else shows up frequently in spin-off games, especially in sports games where Bowser is playable, and thus is allowed to be demonstrated as a good character because he’ll be under the player’s control, and therefore will be able to showcase his redeemable qualities. More recently, Bowser has been included in video game trailers and animations to help advertise Mario and Nintendo games as a whole, and typically, he shares the screen with Bowser Junior, to continue showing his fatherly side.
Because of how they were depicted in prior games and related media, the Koopalings have also been given an affectionate side from Bowser. He’s spoiled them before, and tends to value them higher than other soldiers in his army. In more recent titles, this is most prevalent not necessarily in on-screen depictions, but rather, implied by circumstance. Sure, one could label the Koopalings as extremely powerful and therefore given more to work with than mere grunts.
However, they’re given very, very powerful tools, most especially in their magic wands; the fact that Bowser trusts them shows a deep respect for them. I think, however, that they’re best shown as being very important to him when the game is over, and it’s the Koopalings (and usually Bowser Junior) who are fishing Bowser out of whatever hole he’s fallen into, and dragging him off to recover and prepare for the next one. Sure, they could be super loyal, but I think that, when the dust settles, the Koopalings are supportive of Bowser in a type of surrogate situation: he fulfills the need of a father to them, and they fill in additional roles as children to him. So, no, they may not be his kids, but he certainly has a soft spot for them.
If we go down the line, we can go back and forth with how Bowser is seen as a father to his men kind of role, given the extreme bouts of loyalty some of his soldiers have in various games. The thing is that, depending upon the game, Bowser is also depicted in various ways, and therefore, his compassion is varied based on title.
So, we’ve got that Mario can be a normally all-around nice guy, and Bowser’s not always a sweetheart. However, Mario can be a bit rough when he chooses, and Bowser can open up with exposed layers to those closest to him.
How the heck can that possibly help them relate to one another, and furthermore, view one another as a romantic interest?
Easily, my dear Anon!
[That answer will begin with the next portion in Part 3! Here’s where to follow.]
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sadpandarengames · 7 years
Here's my review
I would like to say that I love Mario + rabbids kingdom battle
I've been playing it so much onstream and when I'm not screaming I just think about playing it. a very obvious work of passion packed with content and challenges that rivals actual XCOM in terms of gameplay. he brings enough new fresh ideas to the table that differentiated from XCOM so one is not lesser than the other.
it's extremely movement-based combat style is unique to it from the way that movement points are distributed to different characters using the team jump mechanic in different ways. whether it be Mario jumping from one ally and performing his signature stomp on an enemy to another location or peach jumping from one ally to another location and doing an AoE heal. this game is full of depth and actual strategy that many would write off immediately thinking that it would be just a dumb down XCOM which IT IS NOT.
You have to think about the position not only of your squad mates as far as landing a guaranteed hit, but also in their relation to another squad mate to open potential to access another area of the map using the team jump. It works on a simplified aiming system of 0% 50% and 100% hitif an enemy is behind low cover I get 50% protection if they're behind high cover and you're not flanking them they get 100% protection guarantee that you will not hit them, however in most scenarios you can destroy the cover that they're hiding behind so they have to think other feet. The simplified system may deter some people that want the "hard-core" feel of XCOM but that simplification Works in tandem with the enhanced depth of the movement in the game. A system that wouldn't work in XCOM works here because it was tailor-made to work in this game.
the characters are lively and full of personality and if anyone knows me they know I absolutely hate the rabbids but the ones tagging along to have a charm and they each have their own attitudes from rabbid peach being this vain selfie addicted diva with no empathy to rabbid Luigi was the shy lovable outcast, or rabbids Yoshi which is just a frothing maniac with a mini gun.
The overworld is populated with many secrets and challenges some you will be able to solve immediately and some you'll have to wait into you unlock abilities and then return to the spot later. after you finish a chapter you will be able to walk back through the chapter in the overworld and there will be new challenges for example the first one is to defeat 15 rabbids in the course of three turns and you earn little bonuses for completing these challenges mainly "power orbs", are basically talent points and coins to purchase new weapons from the shop and I know somebody probably 10 stuff reading shop but no it's just in game shop THERE ARE NO MICROTRANSACTIONS IN THIS GAME
the game is really easy in the first chapter but the difficulty does ramp-up around the second boss then you get an immediate feel for the way that the game plays even before the tutorial is done and there are's there is some real difficulty in this game to be had here. overall this is a really great game and I cannot recommend it enough to someone that has a switch even if it's their first exposure to this particular genre of game because it does a really good job of teaching you.
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