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c-blackwood · 2 years
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The window of St Mary's in Nottingham. Presenting a pointed and cusped multi-foil in the centre and an intersecting and panelled style.
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builderinsulation · 2 years
Not every insulation material is the same, and not all are interchangeable. A fundamental understanding of how walls function is required to help you understand what you can reasonably expect building materials and insulation to monitor for you when they are part of a wall assembly. Understanding the wall specification is the key to designing it with a Celotex insulation board for durable wall systems.
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soundbulb · 22 days
careless whisper is of course a supalucid, indisputable, and it's there with donna summer's I feel love, sade's is it a crime?, bill wither's use me, kilo kish's death fantasy, and cocteau twin's multifoiled
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sewercentipede · 1 year
(omg this was in my drafts for months and i forgot about it completely)
@mybloodiedvalentine tagged me to shuffle my music and list the first 10 songs to come up. thanks for the tag 🖤im honored
using my spotify likes (r.i.p. 1st & 2nd gen ipods)
1. simple kind of life - no doubt
2. wicked game - lingua ignota
3. hybrid - sky h1
4. ladyhawke! - julia ecklar
5. dorian - agnes obel
6. blankenship - diiv
7. multifoiled - cocteau twins
8. shell of light - burial
9. egyptian syndicate journalists - vatican shadow
10. right where it belongs - nine inch nails
i taggggg @innersanctumsurveillance @lovehael @heavensblade @eggsby @puppetstringed @festeringpit @burnher @stlamb @mr-top-secret @avoidance-syndrome @mycomatosedreamworld4 @traumavomiting @heartgutvision @thewomanwithmissingfingers @mudpotion @hypnagogiick @sczzzm-4v0mez @reginaldhubbub @altkey @eyesaremosaics @eyes-like-a-pisces @thirdpunch @dixiedeadshake @jellimoth @playabletrailer @waterfoul @abandoneddepartmentstore @liquidvenus @thomyorkesgf @psystolgia @butch-reidentified @parasitichoney @toothdrop @farmwitch @sloppystyle @alpinemilkmaidd
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MWW Artwork of the Day (4/3/23) Duccio di Buoninsegna (Sienese, c. 1255-1319) Maestà: Washing of the Feet (c. 1308-11) Tempera on wood, 50 x 53 cm. Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Siena
Only John tells the story of the Washing of the Feet and the events should therefore be read from the top downwards, according to the order in which they occur in this gospel. The setting is the interior, in central perspective, of an unadorned room; the only decorative elements are the coffered ceiling and the multifoiled insert placed on the rear wall. This detail must also be imagined in the "Last Supper," hidden by Christ's halo, since it reappears in "Christ Taking Leave of the Apostles," which according to the gospel occurs in the same place. Echoes from Byzantine art can be seen in the "Washing of the Feet," in the crowded throng of the apostles and Peter's gesture, while Christ's position recalls Western models. The shape of the black sandals, aptly described by Cesare Brandi "as if they were precious onyx scarabs", is typical.
Duccio is one of the featured artists in this MWW gallery/album: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.458364304268944&type=3
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huanglaoshu · 9 months
More about Jeeves's habit of giving excessive detail when narrating events.
"Have you ever [canvassed electors] before?" "Once or twice, sir, before I entered your employment." "What were your methods?" "I outlined as briefly as possible the main facets of my argument, bade my auditors goodbye, and withdrew." "No preliminaries?" "Sir?" "You didn't make a speech of any sort before getting down to brass tacks? No mention of Burke or Shakespeare or the poet Burns?" "No, sir. It might have caused exasperation." I disagreed with him.... There is probably nothing a voter enjoys more than hearing the latest about Burke and his On the Sublime and Beautiful, and here he was, deliberately chucking away the advantages his learning gave him.
-- Jeeves and the Tie That Binds, chapter 8
So I'm going to go with, Jeeves is well aware that his habit of including too much detail annoys people, and thus was deliberately riling up Stoker in Thank You, Jeeves.
He reads a little autistic to me, honestly. Caring about little details and memorizing stuff. He also has a flat affect.
Here Bertie has explained that Aunt Dahlia has pinched a silver porringer, and she says it's from the time of Charles the Second by some Dutchman, and then:
"Then I think I know the porringer to which you allude, sir," said Jeeves, his face lighting up as much as it ever lights up, he for reasons of his own preferring at all times to preserve the impassivity of a waxwork at Madame Tussaud's. "It was featured in a Sotheby's catalog at which I happened to be glancing not long ago. Would it," he asked the ancestor, "be a silver-gilt porringer on circular molded foot, the lower part chased with acanthus foliage, with beaded scroll handles, the cover surmounted by a foliage on a rosette of swirling acanthus leaves, the stand of tazza form on circular detachable feet with acanthus border joined to a multifoil plate, the palin top with upcurved rim?"
-- Jeeves and the Tie That Binds, chapter 15
Jeeves also remembers the maker's name and the price.
Then there's a conversation with just him and Bertie, which starts with:
"You wish a complete report?" "That's right. Omit no detail, however slight." ... "...and Mrs. McCorkadale rose to speak. She was wearing a smart coat in fine quality repp over a long-sleeved frock of figured marocain pleated at the sides and finished at the neck with--" "Skip all that, Jeeves." "I am sorry, sir. I thought you wished every detail, however slight." "Only when they're -- what's the word?" "Pertinent, sir?" "That's right. Take the McCorkadale's outer crust as read. How was her speech?" ... "If I might consult my notes for a moment. Ah, yes. Mr. Winship's opening words were, 'Ladies and gentlemen, I come before you a changed man.' A voice: 'That's good news.' A second voice: 'Shut up, you bleeder.' A third voice..." "I think we might pass lightly over the voices, Jeeves." "Very good, sir. Mr. Winship then said..."
-- Jeeves and the Tie That Binds, chapter 16
Bertie guides the recitation quite well and never gets annoyed with the extra details. He's just like, "yeah, skip that bit," and moves right along.
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alexktplt · 2 years
Cocteau Twins: Multifoiled
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e8luhs · 7 months
i just love head over heels as an album so much man .
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tlt-monthly-prompts · 11 months
By: Multifoiled
“I was sure I had made you up. Did I make you up?” you whispered.
“You might have—I don’t know. Sometimes I think it’s me who did.”
You’re a brilliant, young researcher. There is a book stuffed away in your grandma’s basement.
Words: 12,994
Chapters: 8/8
Rating: E
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death
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builderinsulation · 2 years
Celotex products are used to safeguard numerous structures around the globe. Its innovations and product development are still impacting the construction industry.
What exactly is the Celotex insulation board?
It is a multi-purpose Celotex insulation board that could insulate roofs, sidewalls, and surfaces in various sizes and thicknesses.
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gnomeskin · 1 year
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miamihp1 · 2 years
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constmegastore · 2 years
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