#multiple preds
justanothervoreblog · 8 months
Hot Tub Party
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Brody and Kyle had no idea what to expect when they arrived at the hot tub. Gino and Dylan have been in there for a while, drinks in hand, and laughing amongst themselves. When Kyle asked what was so funny, Gino had replied that it was an inside joke. Unfortunately for Brody and Kyle, the joke was going to be on them.
The night went on, Brody and Kyle didn't expect anything. There were a couple of sly comments about how delicious Cody and Kyle looked. Cody just assumed that it was just bro talk. They didn't notice how Gino was practically drooling. The way that Dylan licked his lips went unnoticed either. Eventually, by the time they did it was too late.
Gino had mentioned how hungry he was wrapping his arm around Kyle. Kyle recommended that they get pizza and Dylan made a sly joke on how they would never get to see it. Before Cody gets the chance to clarify what Dylan meant by that, he watches Gino devour Kyle. His best friend bulges out Gino's throat as he wiggles all the way down. It was surreal and unfortunately it was an experience that Cody got at the hands of Dylan.
Dylan and Gino swallow their perspective prey, enjoying the sensations of them fighting the entire way down. It wasn't a difficult task considering how practiced they both were. With every gulp, there was less of Kyle and Cody and more Dylan and Gino. Their bellies expand eventually pushing against one another. The thrashing coming from within was a soothing feeling for both of them. Live prey, caught and belly bound, nothing they could do, but squirm. It was the best feeling in the world.
They toss their head back collecting the feet and swallow down what remains. There is a soft thump as Kyle and Cody settle into their forever homes. Gino and Dylan settle back into the hot tub, one hand on top of that huge guts. Gino plays with his belly button while Dylan picks at his teeth. Eventually all of the squirming inside of their collective bellies works up a belch. It silences the squirming once and for all.
Gino and Dylan press their bellies together feeling the quiet contents in there finally rest. They chuckle at one another as they burp again. The leftover trunks of their food splat onto the hot tub.
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thealmightyemprex · 13 days
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Alden has eaten Dion who has eaten Antonius
@ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @piterelizabethdevries
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naszircrock4 · 1 year
Crucial operation By Aru
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vorekody · 2 months
wat about.. cow type preds? They have 4 tummies for friens :v
Okay I'm so sorry but I'm going to geek out on you right now.
really fun fact is that a cow is a ruminant - a group of mammals who have four stomachs (or more accurately stomach chambers)
And so if you want a pred who has a bunch of guts to fill there's actually a lot of different animals you can base them off of, not just cows >:)! There are sheep, deer, goats and giraffes too! (Or you could always make a fictional creature ofc lol)
Then there's camelids! A modified ruminant with only three stomachs/stomach chambers- alpaca, camels and llamas, so even more options there :)!
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ANYWAYS, yes, cow type preds are amazing, I love them, and not exactly a cow but here's a gentle Yak pred with a couple of bunnies in their storage bellies and some grass in the others, and a not so gentle bonus alpaca pred.
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ltsmoving · 17 days
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waugh i cant be bothered colouring this have some lineart of these two also hiiii slight redesigns :)
noo little british boy dont get eaten by your big alt boyfriend...
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justanothervoreblog · 7 months
Big Brother's Indulgence
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Martin had been warned so many times about the noise. Once was an honest mistake, two was recklessness, and three was just a blatant disregard. Kyle had to lay down the law. He pardons himself from the game chat that he was on and makes his way towards Martin's room. Martin had a friend over, Sam, the two of them together were a nightmare. However, both of them together would be delicious.
Kyle opens up the door and interrupts both of the noisemakers. Right before he was about to grab them, he could see cans of Coke all over the floor. So not only had Martin failed to entertain his guests at unreasonable noise levels, but he went right into Kyle's secret stash of sodas. Now this was more than just punishment, this was earned gluttony.
Kyle's belly growled out in anticipation and Martin immediately realized that he had fucked up. He had watched Kyle swallow up a couple of religious solicitors once. Martin was fully aware of what his brother could do and began to plead for his mercy. Sam foolishly believed that this was a punishment was relegated family members to try to make a subtle exit. Kyle grabs him by the shoulders and opens his mouth possibly wide. Sam screams but it is immediately cut off by the muscled walls of Kyle's throat. To make sure that Martin doesn't try a similar stunt, Kyle seizes Martin by the shirt. He gets a front-row ticket to his brother's gluttony.
Kyle shoves Sam into his mouth. The saliva slicks up the shoulders and helps them slide past that pink tongue. Afterward, the lean chest and abs follow quickly. Martin's room is filled with Kyle's gluttony and satisfied moans. His stomach greedily awaited the arrival of Sam. It gets its first bit of food when Sam's head pops past that tight stomach ring. It was an uninviting and hostile place, Kyle's belly. Inside was digesting Pizza and leftovers, and he was pretty sure that there was a Best Buy t-shirt. All that remains of the unhelpful worker that Kyle had snapped up.
Martin watched as Sam's legs uselessly outside of his brother's maw. His thighs are slowly reduced down to the calves. Kyle removes the sneakers from Martin's feet. He leaves the socks though, it was always a bit of a kink of his. Then Martin watches as Sam goes from best friend to brother food with a single gulp. The bulge passes down into Kyle's throat and then expands inside of his belly. Martin can hear Sam's cries from inside. He watches Kyle rub over that belly and Martin trapped within. Martin knows that it was fucked up way to think, but he silently hopes that Sam was enough for Kyle's hunger.
For a moment, Kyle just pushes his brother's face up against his expanding dome. Martin could feel every twitch that Sam made and realized that if he ever wanted to see Sam again, he'd have to ask Kyle to lift his shirt. Kyle didn't usually let his meals go and this wasn't the first time that he had snacked on Martin's friends. Billy, Josh, and Steve had all made their way down Kyle's throat.
Then a rumbling vibrates Kyle's belly and Martin knows exactly what was about to happen. With a loud burp, the nastiest-smelling air is expelled. It was wet too, bits of spittle landing on Martin's face. All of it, unfortunately, smelled like Sam. The dome slightly shrinks to reveal Martin continuing to struggle. The fight inside the belly becomes clear for a moment. Then the belly expands again leaving the prey obscured.
Kyle's eyes then drift down to Martin, his little brother. For a moment there is an exchange, no words. Could Kyle eat his brother? His own flesh and blood? Was that a line that he could cross? Martin hoped that there was some limit to Kyle's gluttony. Maybe eating one of his friends was enough and Kyle would let him go? Perhaps, there was a chance. Kyle lifted him so that Martin was close enough to smell Kyle's Sam-scented breath. The pool of saliva building up at the back of his mouth was intimidating. Still, Kyle wouldn't actually do it right, right?
Martin's hopes get dashed as Kyle licks his lips. Martin doesn't remember what Kyle says after that. Something about how the second course is always sweeter or something along that line. What Martin does remember is Kyle opening up his mouth and his world turning to darkness…
Kyle could feel the weight of his gaming chair creek. Other chairs he had owned would have broken by now, but this one had been properly reinforced. If Kyle was going to eat like a pig, then he should have a chair that fits him like one. Martin and Sam had saved him only one Coke. So who is the real pig here? It was still Kyle, now with Martin and Sam trapped inside of his belly.
The struggle had calmed down a while ago, both boys accepting their fate as food for Kyle. Kyle savors their taste with a refreshing Coke as he texts the game chat that he will be a moment. He was going to order some more food for himself and in a way, Martin and Sam. Of course, if they ate the food that already came down, it was their business. Kyle had already gotten his.
So while Kyle waited for the food delivery, his hands roamed over that mighty gut. His little brother was trapped inside, wondering if he would see the sun again. Kyle wasn't sure if his little brother would be let out. Sam would be a permanent resident, much like his other little friends. Kyle thought about the questions his dad might ask. It was enough to make him reconsider or… Kyle could just show his dad where Martin had gone. The thought of that makes him chuckle as he rubs his fat gut. As he daydreams about the scenario, Martin plays with his belly button.
The doorbell cuts him out of his delusions. He stands with his hefty belly and stretches realizing that the food was here. Right before he was about to head to the door, his belly growled.
The question is this: Did Kyle want thirds?
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thealmightyemprex · 3 months
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Delilah showing off her latest creation to Jolene and Amara.The three goddessess gaze hungerly at their new food source,their new prey,humans
@themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @ariel-seagull-wings @piterelizabethdevries
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naszircrock4 · 1 year
Angel Food By Alis10101
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tabbytums · 5 months
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turns out it's Eat Your Friends Day :3
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nombitenary · 2 months
Obsessed with a pred overindulging a little, especially with G/t vore. A full and squirming belly packed full with tinies, every single movement any one of them makes something the pred call feel against the strained walls of their stomach. Tiny ripples of movements flutter under their skin, and they rub their belly, causing all the prey within to cry out in a myriad of different muffled voices as they're all shuffled around in the tight space. They barely even move, too firmly wedged against the strained folds of the belly and each other to be jostled.
Bonus if the pred tries to get just one last tiny down and has to really struggle to cram them in there, swallowing repeatedly as they feel an uncomfortable pressure at the top of their stomach. Their fingers worriedly rub their middle, tracing around the squirming lumps tucked beneath their skin and kneading in an attempt to coax their prey further along into their intestines...
All the jostling does is cause them to hiccup, and although it's not a lot... with the pocket of air gone, the stomach is allowed a little more space to relax, only for the pred to gulp one last time and seal their last mouthful in their churning gut.
A pred could also pair this sort of meal with a drink- perhaps a hot tea to try getting their prey to digest faster to create more room. All the prey can do is thrash and wriggle with more vigour at the sound of the pred eagerly and repeatedly gulping above them, a steady stream of hot liquid spilling into the belly and causing those stuck against the bottom of the stomach's lining to frantically try clawing their way up. Maybe the tea doesn't help digestion, but the pred wouldn't know thanks to the fact that how much it makes their prey struggle certainly does.
They can't even fight back properly. Too bogged down by the hot drink causing the already sweltering temperature to rise further as liquid soaks through their clothing, weighing them down. The stomach around them is eagerly churning, one rippling wall firmly settled against them thanks to the pred rubbing them and cooing about how good of a meal they all made...
And of course, if they make it whole and alive into the intestines... the pred walking their fingers along the curve of their lower belly to single out each individual squirming lump. Just to remind them of their place, trapped in gurgling darkness, squeezed by muscles set on pulling them deeper... deeper...
A sudden pressure above them causes a new bout of squirming, though they're all shocked when they feel wriggling from above the fleshy 'ceiling' of the pred's intestines.
The pred's already indulging again. They plan on filling each inch of their gut with squirming tinies, and with the lovely wriggles of their meal settling in with longer gurgles and glorps... well, it just makes them hungry.
Luckily for them, tinies are easy enough to come by, and more than easy enough to swallow.
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wholegrainvore · 19 days
A giant sitting back in his chair in complete satiety, one hand underneath his huge, quivering belly as it tries its best to digest the tribute he’s given it.
And you. Sitting on the table in front of him.
“Now, that,” he purrs, his voice thick with pleasure and eyes half-lidded, “Was delicious. It’s a shame I’m out of room, though.”
He hums, a cruel sound. “Poor little thing, all alone.”
His stomach gives a long, wet groan, and he smiles down at the proof of his overindulgence, kneading his fingers into his gut fondly. “Though, by the sound of things, hopefully I’ll be able to get you settled in sooner than later. No need to fret. Let’s just enjoy each others company in the meantime, hm?”
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urfavoritewriter · 7 months
Ghostface Meal, Part II
A gift for a very good friend of mine. <3
Content: M/Multiple Prey, Oral Vore, Digestion, Unwilling Prey, Muscular Pred, Ghostface, Male Observer, Belching
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As Chris ventured back into the lively atmosphere of the party, his shirtless form with the bulging, full-of-Alex belly stood out amidst the sea of costumes and flashing lights. The Ghostface mask perched atop his head added an eerie allure to his imposing physique. He moved through the crowd with a predatory grace, his eyes scanning the room for his next target.
Nearby, a young man dressed as a cowboy caught Chris's attention. The cowboy's outfit consisted of a worn leather vest adorned with fringes, tight jeans, and a classic Stetson hat perched jauntily atop his head. His rugged appearance contrasted with the flamboyant costumes around him, drawing Chris's gaze like a moth to a flame.
With a confident stride, Chris closed the distance between them, his muscles rippling beneath the dim lighting of the party. The cowboy glanced up at him with a mix of curiosity and apprehension, clearly taken aback by Chris's squirming belly.
Without a word, Chris reached out and grasped the cowboy's shoulder, his touch firm yet strangely inviting. The cowboy's eyes widened in surprise as Chris's strong grip guided him closer, their faces mere inches apart.
With a sudden, fluid motion, Chris's other hand shot out and wrapped around the cowboy's waist, pulling him even closer until their bodies were pressed tightly together. The cowboy's heart raced with a mix of fear and excitement as he found himself ensnared by Chris's powerful embrace.
“Hope you don’t mind joining the private after-party,” Chris said, “’Cause you’ve got a one-way ticket there.”
With a primal growl, Chris lunged forward and engulfed the cowboy's head in his gaping maw, his powerful jaws snapping shut with a resounding crunch, bitten as he’s being swallowed whole but not enough to end him right away.
As the cowboy's struggling form disappeared into the darkness of Chris's gullet, a deep, satisfied belch reverberated through the room, signaling the completion of yet another successful feast.
As the partygoers began to notice the peculiar sight of Chris, shirtless and bulging with an unmistakable gluttony, a wave of confusion rippled through the crowd. Some exchanged bewildered glances, while others gasped in shock at the spectacle unfolding before them.
With a self-satisfied smirk, Chris patted his distended belly, relishing in the weight of his recent indulgences. His appetite had been ignited, and he had no intention of stopping now, especially since Robin was waiting for him up there where he promised he’d be back.
With a predatory gleam in his eye, Chris began to move through the crowd once more, his strides purposeful and determined. He approached his next unsuspecting victim, a young woman dressed as a glamorous flapper from the roaring twenties. Her sequined dress shimmered in the dim light of the party, her laughter ringing out like music to Chris's ears, oblivious & thinking people were having rowdy fun.
With a deceptively charming smile, Chris sidled up to the flapper, his muscles bulging beneath the dim light of the party. Before she could react, Chris's strong arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her close to his towering frame. His grip was firm yet strangely comforting, drawing her into his embrace with a mix of fear and fascination.
With a playful wink, Chris leaned in close, his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered teasingly, "Looks like you're the next lucky contestant in my little game."
The flapper's eyes widened in disbelief as Chris's other hand shot out and clasped the back of her head, tilting it back at a precarious angle. In one swift motion, he opened his mouth wide, revealing row after row of gleaming teeth.
With a mixture of horror and fascination, the flapper watched as Chris's jaws descended upon her, swallowing her head whole in a single, merciless gulp.
Undeterred by the chaos unfolding around him, Chris continued to waddle through the crowd, his eyes scanning for his next victim. Man or woman, it mattered little to him.
As the chaos of the party escalated into mass panic, Chris found himself swept up in a whirlwind of movement and noise. People were running in every direction, their screams echoing off the walls of the house as they fled from the terrifying spectacle unfolding before them.
But amidst the chaos, Chris remained strangely calm, his focus unwavering as he continued his relentless pursuit of sustenance. With each swift movement, he snatched up another unsuspecting partygoer, his powerful arms enveloping them in a vice-like grip before they even had a chance to react.
As he swallowed down his latest victim, a surge of exhilaration coursed through Chris's veins, driving him onward in his quest for more. He moved with an almost supernatural agility, darting through the crowd with ease as he zeroed in on his next target.
But amidst the chaos and confusion, there was one person who remained firmly planted in Chris's mind: Robin, the shy and unassuming boy whom he had left behind in the room upstairs. With each passing moment, Chris's thoughts turned to the young man, his heart swelling with a strange mixture of protectiveness and desire.
As he swallowed down yet another hapless partygoer, Chris's mind drifted back to the image of Robin, sitting alone in the room, tears glistening in his eyes. The memory fueled his determination, driving him to continue his rampage through the party with renewed fervor.
With each swallow, Chris felt a strange sense of satisfaction wash over him, his belly swelling with the weight of his latest conquests. As he swallowed down another partygoer, Chris couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation at the thought of having the boy rub & worship his growing belly, putting all his weight to work.
As Chris sat on the floor, his muscular frame dominating the room, his shirtless torso gleaming under the party lights, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. His belly, now swollen to a massive size, bulged out between his powerful thighs, a testament to the feast he had indulged in moments ago. He absentmindedly rubbed the distended mound, feeling the weight of his conquests squirming within.
With a mischievous grin, Chris whistled for Robin, the shy and slender man he had left in the room earlier. As Robin descended the stairs, his eyes widened in shock and amazement at the sight before him. The room was filled with the aroma of food and the sound of muffled protests emanating from Chris's belly.
“U–Uh… Chris–”
"Well, don't just stand there cutie, this is all for you to enjoy~," Chris said casually, gesturing towards his swollen midsection with a nonchalant flick of his hand. Robin approached tentatively, his gaze fixed on the round mass before him. With a mixture of curiosity and excitement, he gingerly reached out to touch Chris's belly.
As his slender fingers made contact with the warm, taut skin, Robin felt a rush of exhilaration. “You’re so big ,” He began to explore every inch of the dome-like mound, his hands tracing the contours and feeling the occasional punch or kick from the prey trapped within. “I can feel them moving inside you!” Despite the chaotic scene unfolding around him, Robin couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration for the powerful figure before him.
“Probably just letting you know they love being in there,” He said, as Robin continued to worship Chris's giant belly, his slender fingers exploring every curve and crevice, Chris casually reached up and pulled his Scream mask back down over his face, the eerie grin now concealing his features once more. The mask perched perfectly on his head as he leaned back against the wall, enjoying the sensation of Robin's touch against his distended abdomen.
With each gentle caress, Chris could feel the vibrations of the prey inside, their muffled protests only serving to fuel his amusement. He couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Robin, so small and delicate compared to the massive mound of flesh before him.
“You’re so warm, so big, and so squishy!” Suddenly, Robin leaned forward, his entire weight pressing down onto Chris's stomach with surprising force. The sudden pressure caused Chris to let out a deep, rumbling belch that echoed through the room, the sound reverberating like a beast's roar in the quiet of the night.
Chris laughed heartily at the sound, reveling in the sheer power of his own body. Bringing Robin in closer, Chris lifted his mask up slightly, revealing his lips beneath the eerie grin. He looked into Robin's eyes with a mixture of amusement and desire, his voice low and husky as he spoke.
"Well, aren't you a bold one," Chris said, his tone teasing yet tinged with a hint of admiration. "Feeling better already?“
“Very.” He said, his expression a stark contrast to when he was crying back in the bedroom; He had a smile on his face, enjoying himself as Chris’s huffed breath washed over his face.
As Robin leaned in closer, unsure of what to expect, Chris met him halfway, his lips crashing against Robin's in a fiery kiss. The intensity of the moment took both of them by surprise, their mouths moving together in a passionate dance fueled by desire and hunger.
"Mmm, that's it," Chris murmured against Robin's lips, his voice husky with desire. "You feel so good."
Chris's hands roamed eagerly over Robin's slender frame, exploring every curve and contour with an almost primal hunger. He could feel the heat radiating off Robin's body, the softness of his skin driving Chris wild with longing.
Meanwhile, Robin's fingers found their way to Chris's chiseled pecs, kneading them with a mixture of awe and reverence. Each touch sent shivers down Chris's spine, his body responding instinctively to Robin's every caress.
"You're so fucking hot," Robin whispered, his voice laced with admiration as his fingers trailed down Chris's chest.
Chris chuckled, the sound vibrating against Robin's lips. "You're not so bad yourself," he replied, his tone playful yet tinged with a hint of lust.
As their kiss deepened, the air around them crackled with electricity, the intensity of their passion igniting like wildfire. Moans and gasps escaped their lips, mingling together in pleasure as they lost themselves in each other's embrace.
For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they surrendered to the heat of the moment, their bodies pressed together in a frenzy of desire. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated bliss, as Chris’s belly groaned loudly, churning around its occupants.
Chris broke the kiss, but instead of pulling away, he wrapped his strong arm around Robin, pulling him close in a tight embrace. Their bodies pressed together, the warmth of their closeness enveloping them both as they shared a moment of intimacy.
As they held each other, Chris let out a contented sigh, his eyes closing in bliss. "Let's sleep here while I digest," he murmured, his voice low and soothing. "And then, how about we go on an official date? That's if you're fine with me carrying a belly tomorrow from what I got in front of me." He slapped his belly, prompting a muffled yelp of pain.
Robin's blush deepened, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I'd love that," he replied, his voice soft and earnest as he nuzzled against Chris's chest. "And I don't mind at all. Besides, it's just proof of how lucky I am to have such a strong, handsome man like you."
Chris chuckled, the sound reverberating through his chest. He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to Robin's forehead. "You're too sweet," he murmured, his voice filled with affection. "Now, let's get some rest. We've got a big day ahead of us."
Together, they drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, the promise of a new beginning lingering in the air. For Chris and Robin, the night was just the beginning of their journey together, filled with love, passion, and the occasional indulgence in their shared desires.
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nomstellations · 7 months
"Urph...oof, maybe that was too many." He looked down at the tiny he had pressed into his stomach, listening to and feeling the squirms and protests of their friends that came before them. He didn't intend on indulging as much as he had- just one treat after a long day of work would've normally sufficed, but he just so happened to come across a morsel with friends, and...
His stomach at least was quite pleased with the arrangement. His fitted suit however, was not. It was tight around his full belly, buttons straining to stay together while his snacks squirmed unhappily inside. It was more of a meal at this point, but they tasted so good...
Stifling another quiet burp, he studied the anxious tiny under his hand. "Maybe one more...it'd be a crime to waste something so delicious. Don't worry! You'll be meeting back up with your friends real soon!" Before they could react he lifted them up and shoved them in their mouth. He didn't spend as much time with tasting them as the others- there was no need to tease the last one left! He tilted his head back, pulling his collar back as he gulped them down and sighed. His stomach gurgled contentedly as it accepted another tiny, and his hands immediately moved to it to massage it. If they kept squirming like that he'd feel sore...but for now, the bliss of feeling full was worth it.
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justanothervoreblog · 25 days
Roommate Snacking
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They would come a day where people would listen to you and understand that you're not just blowing air up their ass. However today your three friends Josh, Andrew, and Billy had to learn the hard way. Their teacher in the school of hard knocks was none other than your roommate, Brandon.
Brandon was your typical horrible roomy. Didn't cook or clean, but still had the audacity to be a slob. Loud music and even louder sex when you're trying to sleep. All of these things you would reluctantly coexisted with because his job made a ton of money. What scared you was the fact that on multiple occasions you watched Brandon devour men. Pizza guys, the cable guys, mormons, your boyfriends, and even his own. All of them had in one way shape or form become his meal and burped up in your face.
A good enough reason not to invite your best friends over. But they insisted, and wanted to meet this legendary Brandon themselves. And unfortunately their curiosity overwhelmed their survival. Once they crossed the threshold into your apartment, it was over. They weren't three men, just three meals for Brandon. As if things couldn't get worse, you smelled the sweaty aroma in the air. Brandon had just gotten done with a workout and was looking to snack.
Dumb, dumber, and dumbest decided that it would be a good idea to try to talk to Brandon and see what the dude was about. Neither of them looked particularly impressed, perhaps Brandon wasn't what they imagined. Unfortunately their imaginations are quickly dashed by reality. Brandon, not for small talk, reaches out and grabs Billy. The smallest of your friends is devoured quickly. Clothes and all made no difference for Brandon. Josh and Andrew watch as Billy becomes a bulge in Brandon's neck and later belly. A soft thump could be heard as Billy lands in his new permanent home.
Josh goes for the door, but the second he turns his back on Brandon it's over. Your greedy roommate, not satisfied with your first friend moves on to your second. Josh shouts for your help but it is muffled over the sloppy swallowing and gulping from Brandon. Globs of saliva fall from Brandon's wet lips. Brandon devours Josh the way a pelican devours a fish. In no time, just his sneakers are wiggling on the outside. Then, those are gone. Brandon's belly expands with Josh. It sags but clearly by the hungry look in Brandon's eyes, he wasn't done yet.
Andrew looks at you for some kind of reassurance or hope that you would step in. Brandon's protection however only extended to you as a roommate. Your friends are on the table and more importantly on the menu. Andrew was bigger then Brandon, but Brandon didn't seem to mind. He approaches your final friend and opens wide. Brandon lifts Andrew off the floor and glomps down on his body. Andrew's size is no deterrence for Brandon. Your greedy roommate throws his head back as your big friend is turned into a big snack. Helpless Andrew slides deeper into Brandon, bulging out his neck wildly before disappearing past Brandon's chest. You watch as Andrew's form joins Billy and Josh. Andrew's muscular legs are slurped down to his slides. A final and damning gulp makes him disappear for good.
Brandon sighs as he collapses onto the couch. His belly spills out onto his lap. The forms of all three of your friends are rubbed over lazily by Brandon. Even though such a feast was impressive to you, to Brandon it was nothing more than an afternoon lunch. Occasionally he would give the side of his belly a couple of pats. As if he felt the need to remind the three men inside his belly that they were nothing but food. Although the crushing and boiling environment they were in more than likely told them that. Brandon man spreads as he unleashes a hefty burp. Your friend's clothing comes flying out covered in putrid saliva. As horrible as it was to watch your friends be devoured and now digested, you realized you were going to have to clean that up.
Your roommate leans back on the couch and puts his feet on the coffee table. He had a beer in hand and a remote in the other. Brandon mindlessly flips through the channels as he nurses his beer. Your friends struggles are lesser now. Whether they wanted to admit it to themselves, but they were food for Brandon. You leave him to his digesting and head back into your room.
You did try to warn them. And now, you would remember them only as a layer of fat Brandon would get from digesting them.
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thealmightyemprex · 2 months
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When Benny became a space pirate he didn't expect to be in a Throuple with a giant reptilian bird and a male siren,both of whom desire to eat him but such is life
Yeah decided to make Gulliver,Benny and Adjona a throuple.Benny is also the aliens lunch
@ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @piterelizabethdevries
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sinningtamer · 2 months
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When your research assistants are so useless you just turn them into a belly table.
vore day countdown: 7/8
[ do not reblog to non-kink / fandom blogs ]
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