#mumbo is also lighthearted and funny so that helps
anadorablekiwi · 5 months
I have been so productive today
Finished the gigs phasmo video i was in the middle of, watched the HSR 2.3 livestream thingy, and then started watching Mumbo’s hermitcraft season 10 and am in episode 8 (which i have seen already lol)
All while crocheting! First a lavender, then finished Mika’s red panda and sent him pics, and now im working on another lavender! (Ima make 5 to put in the bathroom which is my mom’s idea lol)
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logosbot-tm-fics · 6 months
Soooo...I'm back-
Take My Tea With Formaldehyde
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Chapter 15: Feeling Lighthearted
(More beneath the cut)
It was like a breath of fresh air to discover that things could get easier. Maybe it shouldn’t surprise him. Maybe it should have been obvious that he didn’t have to live in this quiet sort of misery any more, but it still feels as though it took Mumbo by surprise. It surprised him that doing things was easier. That it was easier to exist and actually feel like a human.
Having a clean apartment felt like a restart. The same way it feels like a restart when you finally shower after being sick, as if cleaning out the dirt had also cleaned up his mind. Getting back into routines, going to work, and taking care of himself was strangely easy. As much as he felt relieved about how simple it was, it also bugged him slightly. Things had changed, and it barely felt like it.
Maybe that was for the better.
As the days passed, he discovered small things that were suddenly a lot more convenient. Like finding stuff in the flat. Before, he had to go through piles of belongings that seemed to appear out of nowhere, but now everything was where it was supposed to be.
It was easier to get the energy to do the dishes, when he only had a small amount to do. Same went for doing laundry.
He had stopped sleeping in front of the TV, and had moved back into his bedroom. No longer did the blue light keep him awake, no longer was it his only company and, somehow, falling asleep in a clean room went quicker than in a messy one.
It was most likely not just the clean flat that made him feel better. Sure, it had definitely helped a lot, and had made day to day life a lot less overwhelming, but other things had to have helped as well.
The thing that had probably helped the most, the thing that felt like it was going to make the biggest difference, was that Mumbo was finally getting a therapist. It had been a long time coming, when he really reflected on the way that his mental state had declined so dramatically over the past months, but he hadn’t been ready. Maybe he still wasn’t, not to take that step by himself, at least.
Luckily, he had Iskall.
Iskall hadn't nagged him or forced him to get one. But they gently reminded him that it was an option whenever the opportunity arose. They helped him look, when he finally started to consider it, and reminded him to take a break when searching for options became too overwhelming. It took a little bit, but, eventually, the pair found one that seemed right.
Mumbo thought that it was a bit funny, in a way, that just trying to get help could be overwhelming. It’s just odd really, he would chuckle, that your mind wants to fight against getting the help you need.
That strange urge to run and hide from the help he was seeking was the clearest when Mumbo almost backed out of the first appointment. His legs had felt like jello, knees shaking like he was wearing shorts in a snowstorm. He hadn't been able to wipe the sweat off his palms, and his stomach had made him feel like throwing up what little food he'd been able to eat that day.
It was frightening, he had realized as he bit on the inside of his cheek. Getting help felt terrifying.
Hell, what would happen if it didn't help? What if the therapist thought that he was being silly? What if it turned out that he actually didn't have any issues, and functioned perfectly well, and was just making up stuff for attention? He must be blowing it out of proportion, right?
He was stuck on the kitchen floor for a little while, trying to force himself to calm down. He had sat down in a corner of the kitchen, a cup of tea he'd been meaning to drink cooling on the counter, his phone in hand, held with a desperate grip.
Mumbo chewed nervously and frantically on the inside of his cheek as he tried his hardest to breathe. He tried to run through all the various breathing exercises that he’d been learning, but nothing seemed to work. By the time that he bit at his cheek hard enough to draw blood, he finally managed to unlock his phone to call Iskall.
“Hallo?” Their voice erupted from the speaker, crackly and warped. “Iskall speaking.”
This was stupid. Childish even, Iskall surely would think so too. Mumbo's mind was telling him to hang up, he shouldn't have called. How can a grown man not get himself to go to the scheduled appointment? He was utterly ridiculous.
“Hi,” he forced out, blinking back the tears that were surging forward at the awful weight of his thoughts. “Um, it's Mumbo, I'm really sorry for calling, but I'm kinda, sorta- uh- on the verge of a breakdown?” Mumbo tried to be proud of himself for pushing through the feeling of hang-up-god-dammit-you-are-being-ridiculous that was spreading rapidly through his body and mind, but it was too hard. Everything was just too hard.
“Oh-” Iskall replied after what was probably only a couple of seconds, but still managed to feel so sudden that Mumbo almost jumped out of his skin. From the concern in their voice, he could vividly picture an Iskall with furrowed brows and downturned lips, and his hands only shook harder at the knowledge that he was causing them such concern. “Are you… hm, is there anything I can do to help?”
Mumbo nodded, fully aware that they couldn't see him. It made him feel even more stupid. “Yeah, uh- this is stupid, I'm sorry, but could you please come over?” He gasped, his chest tight. “I mean you don't have to, especially not if you're busy, but it would make everything just a tiny bit easier. I'm really sorry, you don't have to, I'm just panicking, it's silly, sorry.”
He heard Iskall let out a small, kind laugh, something so reassuring that he could’ve melted right then and there. “Hey, don't apologize, I asked if I could help. I'm currently not doing anything too important either way, so…” They went silent for a second. “I should probably be able to be at your place in about uh, forty minutes, I think? Is that okay? I just have a few things to finish up before leaving.”
Relief flooded Mumbo, rushing through him like ocean waves, calming after a storm. "Yeah, yeah, that'd be fine."
"You sure? I could maybe get to your place sooner, but-"
"No no, it's fine. I can wait," Mumbo responded, breathing calmer.
“Okay, I'll be there in a bit then,” Iskall replied, their voice even and calm. “Bye for now.”
If Mumbo had to be honest with himself, he absolutely hated waiting. It usually paralyzed him, left him in a terrible stasis of sitting around and overthinking every possibility. However, this time it almost felt nice to have some time to gather himself before Iskall showed up.
During the forty minutes he spent waiting, he spent five of those sitting on the kitchen floor. Then he spent ten minutes laying on the floor instead, when it got difficult to breathe again. It took him a while to be able to stand up, his legs still feeling far too weak to even try, and he had lost track of the time when he eventually managed to get to his feet.
He took it slow, breathed in and out carefully, and leant on the counter with a shaky step forward. It wasn’t much, but still, he felt just that little bit better.
Mumbo glanced at the clock as he put his, now cold, cup of tea in the microwave, silently setting the timer and watching the seconds count down. He breathed in time with that too, using the boxy numbers as a reference for each inhale.
He flinched again when it beeped, despite his eagle-eyed focus on the timer, before slowly pulling the steaming cup out from inside. The last few minutes before Iskall’s arrival were spent sitting at the table just cradling the warm cup. He still felt too anxious to be able to drink it, but just holding it and letting the warmth put feeling back into his fingers was relaxing.
Then finally, the doorbell rang. A wave of silence filled Mumbo's head, his mind calming down a lot more. He had company now, Iskall was right outside. They’d listen to his worries, they’d take care of him.
Still a bit shaky, Mumbo made his way to the front door.
Iskall ended up sitting at the table with Mumbo for a while, as Mumbo vented his anxiety about the appointment. They didn't judge him, nor tell him that his anxiety was irrational, even though it surely was, they just listened in silence.
“You know, you don't have to go to therapy if you don't want to,” they said when Mumbo eventually ran out of steam, slumping back into his seat like a marionette with its strings cut.
He couldn’t stop himself from staring wide-eyed at the other for a few long moments, just watching Iskall’s expression, trying to understand exactly what they thought of him. “I-I know,” Mumbo settled on eventually. “I just…it feels like it would help. Even though I'm worried that it might not, or that I'm just exaggerating how I'm feeling, I feel like I should try.”
Iskall hummed in understanding. “I see, well…if you want - just as a suggestion - I could go with you?” They leant back in their chair as they took a sip of their tea. “I'd wait outside, then we could go for a coffee afterwards, and you can decide then if you'd like to go to another appointment.”
They paused for a moment, giving Mumbo a breath to process what they were suggesting, before pushing on.
“That way, you’ve given it a go. You’ve felt what it's like, and you can properly figure out if it's for you.” They nodded confidently, setting their teacup down with a quiet clink. “Also, it’d give you the opportunity to see if the therapist we’ve found is right for you or not.”
Mumbo turned the words over in his mind with a thoughtful hum. It seemed like a good idea, really. It did, in fact, make him feel better about the entire thing, and suddenly he realized just how badly he had been craving that familiar company. He hadn't even realized that he had felt like he had to go, despite not being fully sure if he wanted to; the thought of having a familiar face there to wave him in felt like a godsend.
It was like everything was finally clicking into place, and Mumbo hadn’t even realized that he was smiling.
He grinned up at Iskall, the warmth of his own tea seeping pleasantly into his hands. “Yeah,” Mumbo said, and it sounded almost confident. “Yeah, that'd be amazing.”
In the end, his therapist turned out to be lovely. She had a certain calm, understanding energy about her that made Mumbo relax almost as soon as he stepped into her office.
The entire situation still felt a bit weird, definitely, but that weirdness wasn’t so uncomfortable anymore. Instead, it felt almost exciting. He was glad that he was trying something new.
It just felt nice to talk to someone who didn't know him, and therefore wouldn't say things to just please him. Someone who listened just to listen, without Mumbo feeling as if he was a burden for talking. It was a bit anxiety inducing, since it was his first time, but it felt like that anxiety would disappear in the future, and by the end of the session, Mumbo felt a lot lighter.
“So?” Iskall asked with a smile, as the pair of them walked out of the building together.
“I'll go back next week,” Mumbo replied. “It was a lot nicer than I thought. I think it might genuinely help me a lot.”
Iskall smiled, the sort of smile that spreads so uncontrollably across your lips until the corners of your mouth ache. “That's good to hear,” they said, and they looked so happy. They looked so glad. “Now, how about that coffee?”
Mumbo only laughed in response. It might've just been his head making things up, but some part of him was so certain that smile looked proud.
It felt nice, to make his friend proud.
Another thing that helped was knowing that he had people who cared about him. Yes, he had his siblings and Iskall, but he had other people as well. They had fallen to the wayside a little in the midst of everything that had happened, a fact that Mumbo couldn’t help but feel guilty for, but that hadn’t seemed to change much. In fact, it felt exactly the same as it did before when Tango messaged him to invite him to hang out.
He said that he was planning a small get together, and had wondered if Mumbo was interested in joining. It would be him, Mumbo, Impulse, as well as a few of Tango's other friends: Zedaph, Skizz, and Cub.
The first thing Mumbo felt was a shockwave of anxiety. He couldn't say no to such a kind offer, but what if they didn't want him there? What if they just invited him out of courtesy? It would be out of character, sure, but he couldn’t blame them for not wanting to spend time with him. Especially when he had been so absent for the past few months.
But… something about that didn’t feel right.
So Mumbo took a step back, just like his therapist had once recommended to him. He took a second to breathe, to drink some water and refresh himself before looking at the message again. And, this time, as he looked over the first text that had been sent between them in weeks, (a text that very clearly wasn’t trying to pressure him or force him into anything; a text that left his options open), Mumbo knew that it was genuine.
He was a little ashamed of the surprise he felt at that, but it felt like a step in the right direction either way. Mumbo hadn’t ever really thought about it, but in the back of his mind there was a constant feeling that people - his friends, his colleagues, everyone - disliked him.
Getting invited to something and pushing past that feeling… it suddenly meant a lot more. It felt nice to know that people wanted to see him. It felt nice to know that people cared about him. Even if they weren't close, and even if they weren't Gr-
He pushed that thought away, good mood suddenly soured.
He should probably reply to Tango.
Mumbo felt a bit awkward as he stood outside of Tango's apartment, one shaking finger hovering above the doorbell. He knew that they wouldn't mind him being there, since he had been invited, but the muffled laughter sounding from inside made his heart twist.
Anxiety crept up his spine, whispering horrible promises into his ears. He really didn’t want to ruin the joy inside the flat, and a part of him worried that he would, whilst another stubbornly argued against it. He wasn’t sure how long he stood there like that, paralyzed under the frozen grasp of his fear, in half a mind to just turn around and leave. It might’ve been hours, though that was incredibly unlikely.
He only managed to snap out of his anxious daze when his phone pinged, a sharp noise that rang in his ears like the most obnoxious of yelling. He shook out his sweaty hands and took a deep breath, a voice that sounded suspiciously like Iskall’s in the back of his mind, telling him that he wasn’t alone. That it was okay to be here, and that it was okay if he needed to leave early. He was taking this at his own pace, and that’s alright.
He was welcome here, Mumbo reminded himself as he pressed the doorbell. He was visiting his friends, and they would be happy to see him.
It only took a second for the door to open, as if Tango had run for it the moment that Mumbo rang. He was laughing as he opened the door, his cheeks red with a full, rosy sort of happiness, and he beamed as he saw Mumbo waiting there.
“Dude!” Tango exclaimed, throwing his arms out for a hug. “I'm so happy that you decided to join, come on inside!”
Mumbo smiled in response, leaning into his hold with a deep inhale, before the pair were walking further into the apartment.
Tango handed him a hanger out of nowhere, gesturing to a rail where Mumbo could leave his coat. “Feel free to just leave that there. There's snacks in the kitchen if you want any, and we’re just hanging out in the living room for now!” He explained, hands waving around all the while. Mumbo responded with a nod.
“Awesome. Now, I gotta make sure that–” A loud crash interrupted whatever he was saying, and Mumbo watched a little dazedly as Tango’s brows shot up like something straight out of a cartoon, and he yelled, “Zedaph! I swear to God, if you–”
Whatever else he was trying to say was lost to another echoing crash, before Tango was sprinting back down the hall without so much as a second glance. Laughter erupted as the man disappeared around the corner, and Mumbo took another deep breath at the sudden chaos.
Well, he found himself relaxing. Might as well grab some food.
The energy in the living room was comfortable and infectious. As soon as Mumbo had sat down on the couch, a bag of crisps tucked under his arm, he got pulled into playing a board game.
As it turned out, Cub had brought a friend along as well, and Tango quickly decided that it would work best if they played in three separate teams. On one team it was Tango and Zedaph, another was Impulse and Skizz, and Mumbo ended up on a team with Cub, and his friend, Scar.
The first few rounds went pretty well, with Scar showing himself to be particularly adept at scamming everyone else out of points, including his own teammates, somehow. They quickly ended up in the lead, whilst Tango and Zed were second, and Impulse and Skizz were last. Lighthearted bickering was quick to follow between the two losing teams, which quickly distracted them from the game.
Mumbo silently watched them, his heart yet again twinged as it reminded him of the dynamic he, Iskall, and Grian used to have. He missed it. He missed it a lot, actually. He wished he could somehow turn back time, to before-
“Don't mind them,” Cub cut through the mayhem suddenly, as if noticing how Mumbo started to get lost in his thoughts. “The four of them have been close since high school, so they're bound to get a bit distracted,” he explained with a sharp grin.
“I can tell, they all seem to share a brain cell,” Mumbo smiled.
Cub leant back with a hearty laugh, folding his arms across his chest. “Yeah, I suppose they do.”
Quiet fell between them then, but Mumbo found it wasn’t uncomfortable. He didn’t have any qualms with sitting back to watch the chaos unfold, and breaking the silence didn’t feel intimidating either. Something about that felt… new.
“How long have you known them?” Mumbo asked quickly, trying not to dwell on it as he turned to face Cub.
“Hm, not that long, really. I met Impulse in university, and he introduced me to Tango and Zed within a week. Apparently Zed was even on the same course as me, I had just never noticed until after I’d met him.” He shrugged. “Skizz showed up a little while later, since he lived in another city. So- not long. Scar, on the other hand…”
At that, Scar leaned into their conversation in a way that told Mumbo he thought he was being inconspicuous, like a cat who thinks you can’t see them because they’re moving slowly. He really wasn’t.
“I've known Impulse for a while!” He started. “Honestly, I can’t remember where we met. One second I didn't know him, and then, bam! I had known him for years.” He laughed, something buttery and pleasant. “He must've introduced me to the others as well, except for Skizz, I hadn't met him until now. Actually–”
As Scar kept talking, Mumbo found he couldn't help but to listen. Something about him was magnetizing, a sort of natural charisma that made him impossible to dislike. It was so reminiscent of- of-
“Well, anyway, that’s how we snuck a rooster into our final!” Scar concluded, before turning his attention to Mumbo. “Mumbo! A little birdy told me that you're a fan of Ariana?”
Apparently, at some point during Scar’s rambling, the others managed to drag Cub into their weird argument, leaving Scar and Mumbo to their conversation. He had barely noticed when it happened, but now he was cursing being left alone. It felt like his heart had stopped, blood rushing in his ears as the world around them fell deathly silent.
Memories of the Fridays spent on his couch, watching videos together with Grian clouded his mind like smoke. Memories of them laughing together, of them sitting in comfortable silence together.
“Uh, yes, I am,” Mumbo coughed, trying to get that smoke out of his lungs as quickly as he could. “I-I’ve been into her music for a while now, I've followed her for a few years. Which is honestly pretty funny, since my childhood friend, Iskall, is her manager. So, um, yeah.” He smiled awkwardly at Scar, clearing his throat again.
“Oh!” Scar exclaimed, something lighting up in his eyes, “I guess it really is a small world!” He laughed again, clapping his hands together excitedly.
Mumbo honestly felt a bit confused now. “What do you mean?” He asked.
“Oh, well, I know Iskall as well! I happen to be Ariana's bodyguard, actually,” he replied casually, as if he were talking about the weather. As if everyone worked with the most well-known celebrity in the country.
Mumbo's brain was absolutely whirring with the new information, as he filed through all the information that he knew about Ariana, (which, unsurprisingly, was quite a lot.)
“Oh!” He gasped as he recalled the name of Ariana’s head of security. “You're Scar Goodtimes?” He didn’t really mean to ask, but the question slipped out with such ease that Mumbo couldn’t even find it in himself to be ashamed.
“The one and only!” Scar said. “So you know my full name, but didn't recognise me?” He asked curiously.
Mumbo blushed. “Well, I’m rather face blind, if I’m honest… I always have been! I've seen photos of you, but you tend to be dressed in suits and sunglasses, so, uh, sorry. If you hadn't said anything I probably wouldn't have realized.”
“Ah, I see,” Scar nodded with a strict understanding. “That makes sense!”
They were quiet for a second as Mumbo processed the information, sifting through the things that he knew about Scar’s work in his mind. Then, he spoke again, “I, er, I hope you don't mind me asking, but… what is she like? I only know what Iskall’s told me, but they haven’t said much.”
Scar looked thoughtful, mulling over the question for a minute or two before he started, “Well, it's a bit hard to say! She's very sweet, and polite. One of the most humble celebrities I've worked with, that’s for sure, but other than that, I don't actually know much.” The man looked as if he was debating something then, so Mumbo stayed quiet, even as his words came to a stop.
“... She struggles a bit with her mental health from time to time,” Scar eventually seemed to decide on. “And she's a very private lady. The person who knows the most about her is definitely Iskall, and I don't know either of them that well, unfortunately.”
Mumbo nodded, the answer not coming as a surprise. “Well, thank you, anyway. I couldn’t help but to ask, I must admit that I'm rather curious about her.”
“Ah, no worries! I would've asked as well if the roles were reversed.” Scar replied with a smile. “Well, while I might not know much about Ariana, I certainly found out quite a lot about roosters. Let me tell you–”
Scar started talking again, and as Mumbo listened he found himself watching the rest of the group. He couldn't help but miss his own, the ones that were as close to him as these friends were to each other. He couldn't help but to miss Grian.
He felt an urge to text him, to ask him how he was doing, to beg him to please come over again, can we just talk?
Mumbo pushed the urge away as much as he could.
After his visit at Tango's, Mumbo found himself missing freshly cooked meals. Impulse had cooked up a feast later into the evening, a wide spread of vegetables and meats, all seasoned and baked to perfection, and even the thought of them now made his mouth water.
He’d been living off of instant ramen and frozen meals for too long, and it left his fridge and cabinets far too empty for comfort. Instead of being filled with food that he could actually use, it was filled with random jars he didn't remember buying, sauces he never used, pickled things, and random packets that looked a bit too suspicious. The vegetables he did have didn't look fresh at all, and also, where the hell did all these tubes come from?
He sighed heavily, desperately wanting to put off buying food to another day, since it was pouring outside. He would rather stay at home, drink some tea and watch whatever crap was on TV, but then his stomach growled again and he remembered Impulse’s cooking, and… damn it, he should go to the store.
After all, what would Iskall say if they saw his fridge now? What would they think? What would Gr-
Mumbo shook his head, snapping out of the train of thought. He didn't want to think about him, but ever since he was at Tango's, he had started to pop up in his head more and more. He sighed, waited for his mind to clear a bit. It hurt too much to think about him, about the things that he might say.
So, instead of thinking, Mumbo grabbed some reusable bags and sat down at the kitchen table. He very pointedly avoided looking at Grian’s seat as he made a list of the things he needed.
He read through the list a few times, double checked that he’d written tea down, and glanced through the cabinets one last time to see if he needed anything else.
When he couldn't find anything missing, Mumbo grabbed his coat, pulled on his boots, and started towards the store.
Half of the time, Mumbo found grocery shopping to be the most dull, boring and uninteresting thing on the planet, and at other times, he found it therapeutic to walk through the isles listening to music, crossing things off from the list.
This time, it was definitely the latter.
That was another one of those things that had made life a little bit better, to find joy in ordinary chores and mundane tasks. There was something pleasant about doing what he needed to, about taking care of himself, about being able to do small things that he would have previously dreaded with a smile.
Somehow, his motivation for cooking a decent meal didn’t disappear while he was out grocery shopping, and he even left with a solid meal plan scribbled down on the back of his shopping list. He walked out of the doors with two hefty bags and a pleasant lightness on his shoulders even so, and, in his good mood, Mumbo decided that he’d walk the nicer route home. It was longer, sure, but it let him wind through some lovely little side-streets and a vibrant park or two.
He stumbled on a cute bakery as he walked, a small, independent looking store with fresh bread lining the windows. The scent from the bakery was absolutely heavenly, and he couldn't stop himself from going back to it, just to buy some bread. Sure, he had bread he'd bought at the grocery store and buying more things only made the bags harder to carry, but bakery bread was always a lot better, so it was worth it.
So, Mumbo ended up with bags that were heavy, filled to the absolute brim with fresh vegetables and ripe fruits, as well as two loaves of freshly baked bread. He had to stop a few times on the walk home to let his arms relax, otherwise he'd end up with aching arms and his food would most definitely end up getting dropped on the street. Yet, it didn't change how content he felt.
Even if it was still raining, even if his arms ached, and even if he had started to long for a cup of hot tea. He still felt content.
Then, Mumbo turned the corner onto his street.
He was nearly home, he could see his apartment building from where he stood, but that did nothing to stop the grocery bags from clattering out of his loose grip. The bread fell out, its beautiful crust soaked in a puddle on the pavement, and the punnet of apples came loose, fruit rolling across the ground. All of those good things were ruined in an instant, all of the things that he had been looking forward to were nothing more than a smushed pile against gray concrete.
But none of that mattered, and Mumbo wasn’t watching as eggs smashed and vegetables bruised. Instead, he was slack, staring straight ahead with weak, shaking hands.
Because right across the street, on the familiar, uneven doorstep of Mumbo’s apartment block, stood Grian.
He was rocking back and forth on his heels, his back turned to the street. Even so, Mumbo could see that he was twisting his hands anxiously, picking at the skin around his nails. It was almost picturesque, the way that he stood there on the empty side of the street, as if everyone had cleared out to give the two of them this moment - though, realistically, most people were probably just inside because of the rain.
Mumbo couldn’t care about the loss of his groceries as he blinked owlishly at Grian, frozen in place. He couldn't really believe his eyes as he took in every detail of the man’s silhouette, trying to convince himself that it wasn't just his imagination; that Grian was actually there.
He stared at him as he glanced up towards the window of Mumbo's flat, as he flitted between pacing or just tapping his foot, seemingly unaware of everything around him. He looked like he was deep in thought, as if he was trying to decide whether he should leave or not. Everytime that he steeled himself, spine straightening and hands curling into fists, he’d crumble, and go back to just standing outside the building, rocking back and forth.
Grian looked significantly better than the last time Mumbo saw him. His hair was in better shape, trimmed and washed, albeit wet from the rain. He wondered what style Grian usually let it sit in now, he wondered if that had changed, since they last saw each other so many weeks ago. His clothes looked clean, he was standing straighter, and he seemed to have put effort into what he was wearing.
All in all, he looked good. He looked better, so much better. If it wasn't for the pacing, Mumbo would've assumed that Grian was doing well.
It could have been hours that Mumbo stood there, glued to the pavement with watering, blinkless eyes, before Grian finally made up his mind on what he was going to do. He watched with horror as Grian turned around, walking in the opposite direction.
He hadn't seen Mumbo, hadn't noticed him.
He had decided to leave.
Mumbo’s heart dropped from his throat to his toes, fluttering with the desperate pace of a hummingbird, and yet, he couldn't move. He was frozen in place, deafening pulse hammering in his ears. He had to move! He had to!
It wasn't until a passerby walked into him, too busy looking at the groceries littering the ground, that Mumbo moved. In that moment he didn't care about the bread, he didn’t care about making himself a good, fresh meal, or the fact that there was traffic on the road. He didn't care if he ran into someone. He didn’t care if he made a fool of himself.
All he could care about was stopping Grian from leaving. He had to stop him from leaving.
His heart was yelling at him that if he didn't stop Grian from leaving, then this would be the last time he ever saw him. That they'd be stuck in this godawful limbo forever, neither of them ever gaining the strength to try and fix things between them. In those few seconds, where all he could see was the retreating outline of Grian’s rain-soaked hair, he was certain that was true.
It was true for both of them, but he could fix it. Right now, he could fix it.
That's why Mumbo ran out into the road without a second thought, throwing himself straight out into traffic, and only narrowly avoiding getting hit by a car. The driver slammed on their horn and rolled down the window to yell curses at him for his recklessness, but he could barely hear it.
Mumbo could only sprint as fast as he could, legs pumping under him like he was possessed. Adrenaline and fear and longing all melted together into some dangerous potion in his gut, he only cared about stopping Grian, he–
He didn't stop running until he caught up to Grian, his fingers first just brushing against the sleeve of his jacket as he remained just out of reach. In that split second, it was like Grian was nothing but a figment of his imagination, a shadow haunting him as he slipped through quivering fingers. It was only a moment, but the surge of absolute terror that rushed through him at that gave Mumbo a boost like nothing else.
Before he really knew what was happening, he had managed to grab Grian with a far sharper grip, long fingers tangling around his arm like a vice. He watched, tense and slightly lightheaded, as Grian yelled in response, spinning around like a whip as he tried to yank himself away.
His expression was sour, his eyelashes wet, as he seemed about ready to scream at whatever stranger had grabbed him until they let go.
Mumbo watched the exact instant that he realized who it was that was holding onto him.
Grian’s angry expression faded rapidly, first settling into a look of pure disbelief, before a hint of relief and happiness coloured his face. A smile was next, small and barely-there but still present enough to send fireworks shooting through Mumbo’s chest. He looked as if couldn't believe his eyes at all.
In a second, the happiness faded and his face crumpled like a child, something young and helpless and pained overtaking every inch of his expression. He looked sadder and more regretful than Mumbo had ever seen him, his mouth moving wordlessly as he stared up at the taller man.
Up close, Mumbo’s only thought was that he was glad Grian was truly doing better. With relief, he could see that Grian was wearing a small amount of makeup to highlight his features. It was polished, carefully placed and vibrant, but didn't hide the fact that he still had bags beneath his eyes. He still looked tired, a sleeplessness that may as well have been etched into his very bones, but the dark circles were so much less apparent than before.
Then, finally, Grian managed to croak, “Mumbo?” He said shakily, and Mumbo had never heard his name sound like an oath before. He had never heard someone call for him like they had been thinking of him for weeks, like they had been practicing holding the shape of his name on their tongue.
He could do nothing but stare, taking in every detail of the man’s face as the pair of them stood together, stuck in place. Mumbo’s tight, shaking grip stayed on Grian’s arm, his mind blank as he tried to think of a single word that would be a reply good enough for something as terrifying and profound as Grian’s own.
But he couldn’t; couldn’t do anything but gape as he spotted a half-smoked cigarette between Grian's fingers. He seemed to have forgotten it, unlit due to the rain, the smell only slightly present. How long had Grian been pacing? How long had he been out in the rain?
“Mumbo, listen, I–” Grian inhaled, about to continue, but was promptly cut off by Mumbo pulling him into a tight hug.
Grian gasped, and for a split second Mumbo was terrified that Grian wouldn't hug back, that he would resist, push Mumbo away, and leave. That this would be it, he would watch as Grian retreated away from him, and they would have forever missed their chance.
He could feel as Grian trembled. He didn't want to let go. He couldn't let go.
Then, he felt a pair of hands hovering over his back. At first they were careful, landing lightly on his soaking wet coat, but quickly they turned desperate. Those hands felt searching against him, grabbing fistfuls of as much fabric as they could reach, like whatever Grian could hold would stay with him forever. Like Mumbo would leave if Grian didn’t hold on tightly enough.
Mumbo barely registered that the other was crying, the tears blending with the rain, smudged into every other droplet that was already coating his shoulder.
"I'm sorry,” Grian sobbed, burying his head in Mumbo's shoulder. “I'm so sorry."
There were tears on Mumbo’s cheeks too as he pulled Grian as close as he could, burying his nose in damp, blond hair.
“It's okay, I'm here. It's okay," he reassured, and he wasn’t quite sure who he was talking to as he said it. It didn’t matter, they both heard it.
Neither wanted to let go, as they stood there in the pouring rain. Neither could bring themself to.
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pa-rou · 9 months
(same anon from before, hi how ya doing?) Listen this entire au is so nice because it's kinda slice of lifey and sure there's still the real danger of Hotguy's daily life off the page (and Cuteguy maybe). (Also let's remember the whole mess in the Incredibles and not recognizing danger) But it's such an outlet for Mumbo considering his job, as well as being able to at least pretend and write out/off his crush for Hotguy. There's just something wonderful and kinda satisfying about it.
Funny enough my usual schtick is hurt and comfort. There's no way at some point Mumbo doesn't write a chapter on Limbo Jimbo awkwardly trying to work through the kinks of working with a superhero and his day job. And having an injured Hotguy where there's a ton of intimacy and trust in the scene because man. Letting someone help patch you up? Letting yourself be vulnerable in someone else's presence? (Chef's kiss) Perfect material.
Also guarantee Scar has tried to use a few fanfiction lines as Hotguy to Mumbo but Grian keeps ruining it.
(hi!!! hello!!!! i'm very very good and hope you're doing fantastic as well :DD)
It's amazing to hear that you enjoy this silly au :DD I'd be lying if i said i didnt put a healthy bit of projection into it, especially back when i made it those couple months ago. I did highlight the monotony of Mumbo's day to day and how frustrating and exhausting it can all be, but even at the end of the worst day there's always your favorite fictional guy to look forward to (or, in Mumbo's case, a very real guy, who you're also unaware of already being friends with cksnj). For Mumbo that fantasy of being with a superhero is as much of an escape from reality as it is something within his reach (tho he doesn't know that yet). I also like to keep it lighthearted and humorous cuz, yeah, Mumbo may be a bit miserable, but there's something absurd about it all, and there's humor to be found even in the most mundane parts of life :))
It's technically a superhero au, and yet thats not whats really important about it at all (at least not until Mumbo and Hotguy meet) Like you said, everything Hotguy does is off the page, and it's all very slice of life-esque skdjkc
and YEAH.... you better believe he's writing Limbo Jimbo x Hotguy hurt/comfort about the struggles of superhero life and patching up wounds!!! I'd imagine that's a go-to scenario for him to daydream about sknzkxj
and.....scar WOULD. 100000% he would try to (badly) flirt with Mumbo using his own knowledge of the guy against him. He would still fumble so bad but it would make Mumbo explode anyway kxjks
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atherix · 2 years
Hello! I’ve been reading your work for a long time now, and I have to compliment you, my good sir! Every chapter I read feels like an episode of a tv show, and your characterization and world building is absolutely extraordinary! I can tell how much love and care you put into the characters, it’s absolutely beautiful. I’m instantly hooked on the magic system, in-world politics, and of course the romance <3. How you manage to outdo yourself and impress readers is absolutely amazing. The way you write each point of view helps clue me in on who’s speaking before names are said, which isn’t something most authors have mastered. I kid you not, I am constantly theorizing and wondering what will happen next.
The way you described how magic in the fae realm and the Court operates makes me wonder what exactly lies ahead for Scar and Tubbo. Plus, I ADORE their father-son relationship! Scar is definitely the kind of father he hopes to be, because he goes above and beyond for Tubbo, putting his safety and well-being above all else while taking the time to actually listen to his wants!
The Watchers plot is extremely good, I can’t get enough of their mysterious nature, and it occurs to us how little we actually know about them because all we’ve had to base their motives around are books and word-of-mouth. The way you write Grian’s trauma and religious trauma just strikes me deep in the soul because I know how horrible stuff like that can be. Poor Grian!
And Mumbo coming to terms with his past and keeping his mates and family safe from those who still want to harm them is so sweet and courageous. (Also, Tubbo and the spider has GOT to be one of my favorite random side-plots. It’s so lighthearted!)
I’m always lurking on Tumblr for good Mumscarian content, and I hope to draw a scene or two from the Midnight series someday! Keep up the amazing work, and remember to drink some water! :D
Hi hello!! Thank you so much!! Midnight really is a big passion project of mine, every little detail matters to me <3 I'm so glad you're enjoying it all so much! I'm having so much fun writing it. Ah yes, perspectives and character voices- funny you should mention it, since that's one of the areas I always fear I might be failing at hjgjfkj so thank you so much!! I'm glad to hear I've gotten it across then <3 It always amazes me to hear that people theorize about my fic, it makes me so happy to have something worth theorizing about!! <3
I love magic so much, and having different rules for different sects of magic users is so fun to me <3 haha what awaits them indeed... :) I adore the father-son dynamic I've given them so much I wrote an entire fic centered around them for no other reason than because I wanted more father-son fluff <3 Sure I tossed in some plot relevance but really, the father-son relationship is what I was there for <3 Scar doesn't realize it but he's just as amazing a dad as his own father was <3
Haha and the Watchers plot isn't over yet... <3 That one's gonna hang around for a little while longer hehe I think a lot of people can resonate with the religious trauma aspect. I relate to a very minimal degree, but I have friends who relate very heavily to it so... yeeeahh man poor Grian. Also just saying, aren't I pretty cruel to turn Grian into a god of the religion he's got trauma from haha-
Mumbo's had a few lifetimes full of trauma and loss </3 he won't lose again hhgjfdk he will keep them safe <3 Midnight Mumbo gets to be cool only when his family is in danger lol- (Hehe remember that spider, it's not nearly as random as it feels at this point, but I do adore that spider <3)
I stalk the mumscarian tag on tumblr and AO3 just waiting for something to show up so I understand that hehe. !! I will let you know if you do I WILL cry and then I'll spazz out in the notes as I reblog it and Stitch and I will scream <3 hjfsdhjkds drinking water now, thank you so much~! Have a wonderful day~!
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mochiwrites · 2 years
Ask for screaming, and you shall receive screaming.
Is now the time to tell people who haven't read it doesn't take a killer to murder to avert their eyes and read because my screaming will contain So Many Spoilers? Well I'm gonna say it anyway SO <3
I knew to fear when you said you were looking forward to our reactions buT I WAS NOT PREPARED, TAURTIS MY BELOVED I AM SO SORRY
Anyway- now that I have that out of my system....
FINALLY the answer to who's knock knock knockin' on the door!! Pearl not even knowing how badly freaked out Grian is, Grian not explaining, Taurtis' lighthearted joking confusion and Grian relaxing bc it's just his bestiieee <3 Just beautiful. I loved them just chillin' and havin' a good time around town, even though Grian is highkey stressing, and <3 But. BUT. @ THAT "OLD MAN" YEAH THAT'S RIGHT I SEE YOU Mr. Green Eyes and Cane Man Who Owns the SWAGGON SHOP- is that too on the nose? ANYWAY I SEE YOU SIR why ya gotta be so OMINOUS man. Suspecting what I suspect just makes Grian's unease about being in the shop both more beautiful AND ironic <3 BUT THEN. THEN THAT CRYPTIC CREEPY WARNING, YEAH NO WONDER GRIAN THINKS THAT'S A THREAT I'd think it was a threat too MY GODS- oh man I can't wait to one day MAYBE get a crumb of context for this scene haha? Pls? Mayhaps? :'D
Anywaaay~ Grian feeling like it's his fault that Taurtis got got </3 Grian no sweetie just 'cause you know there's vampires don't mean you could've done anything to stop it it's not your fault </3 But really, Grian feeling guilty because he KNOWS about vampires and didn't tell Pearl and Taurtis, and he let his guard down and lost track of time- it's so good, b/c he didn't really do anything wrong- this wouldn't have changed even if he hadn't known (.... right? This wasn't- this wasn't targeted, RIGHT??) and just hjfsdjkfdjk the fact he feels like he's to blame and it's his responsibility to find the person who did this, it is just. I am soft for this boy <3 GRUM AND JRUM MY BELOVED BABY BOIS I love them so much they're so sweet and cheeky <3 Mumbo recognizing that them knowing Grian is there means they won't just leave him alone <3
"He's so annoying why didn't he stay gone" says Mumbo as he immediately and without hesitation tosses aside what he's doing to answer the door. And just- the IMMEDIATE softening when he opens the door to find Grian, having been crying and full of guilt, and recognizing and FEELING human emotion, wanting to keep it close and PROTECT it because it's so HUMAN and FAMILIAR and PRECIOUS, even if he didn't outright think/say it, and just. Just the softness between them I- hjfsdjkfhdj Mumbo letting Grian say his piece, and the fact that Grian while angry and full of guilt has enough sense about himself to not BLAME Mumbo in place of all vampires or something, but instead want to HELP him find the one responsible and just- Mumbo putting a hand over Grian's as he agrees and invites him in and I just.
Mochi I have SO MANY EMOTIONS about this AU in general but this fic I 🥺 There's so much HGJKFSKFS FEAR but it's also so soft and sad and I am just 🥺🥺🥺 Wonderful <3
I’m glad I could give you many emotions >:3 this was a super fun fic to write honestly !!! though I definitely did not think it’d be the first one out of the three to get finished dmfkfkkfkf but !!! to directly reply to some things <3
- that whole scene of grian going and answering the door??? completely written on the fly DKFKFKFK it was No Where in my original plans for that scene. but I was like “haha it’d be funny if I did all this build up and it turns out it was just taurtis on the other side” and then I did it
- it is INCREDIBLY on the nose but I made it subtly obvious for a reason <3 and yes, there will be context for that scene eventually !!! it’s actually like. my second favorite scene in that whole fic??? I love the dialogue from that conversation <33
- pats grian’s head, this bad boy can fit So Much guilt— him and his guilt complex, eh? and no, even if grian had told them, or if he wasn’t aware of vampires, it wouldn’t have changed a thing :( but AY GRUM AND JRUM AM I RIGHT GKFKGMFKF
- god that entire sequence between mumbo and grian… that rant that grian goes on was so damn difficult to write for some reason??? it was challenging finding a balance between anger and guilt but not putting that blame on mumbo. at least not for being a vampire. instead he kinda throws that frustration at mumbo for telling him to stay out of things. but even then it’s more so frustration at himself for listening. and yeah <333 mumbo looking at grian and seeing a younger version of him and going “oh. protect? I protect?”
cause mumbo Definitely recognizes in that moment that regardless of what he tells grian, gri is still going to get involved. and as much as mumbo may want to limit his interactions with grian, he’s beginning to nurture this want to protect his humanity. because yk. in a world of monsters, your humanity is slowly stripped away from you :)
but !!!! yeah <33 am glad you enjoyed the fic uwu. I seem to be very good with writing soft but sad???? I’m seeing a Trend here
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quaranmine · 2 years
for some reason ao3 decided to be rovinphobic today and doesnt let me comment on htbahb properly? so i thought id just paste the comment here :o
when i saw u talking abt this fic on tumblr and when you started uploading the first few chapters, i was so so excited for this story. cant believe i hit a reading slum exactly as you uploaded most of it </3 but! im back now and i immediately went back to binge read this over the last two days, it has been so much fun :D first of all, yeah the concept is genius obviously. season 8 really dumped the wildest things on all of us and just expected us to be normal abt it huh. really glad somebody picked up the souleating storyline again, it had soo much fun potential and yeah you hit all of it. the themes?? and narratives?? in this story?? have been driving me insane theyre so good. going from what it means to be human to is this really me if im always wearing a facade to my identity not as a human or watcher but as a hermit sososososososo good. i have developed all the feeling for the way you portray mumbos and grians relationship like. yeah. yeah they really are that close huh. of course they end up soulmates with the most unfortunate timing possible. of course they do. i dont think ive ever felt as soft as when reading the preening scenes. ALL THE OTHER CHARACTERS TOO THO like skyduo!!!!!!!!! siblinghood is real they invented it. impulse scar everyone!! adored scar taking jellie to the void with him bc ofc. ofc he would. and the scene with jimmy ooo he really is Your Guy huh. "Jimmy held his secrets so close to his chest that people never even knew he had them" ough ough ough ough ough my man my boy my lad. i think having read the listerner!jimmy fic before that also added soso much. grian really saw the dream smp and said no thank u <3 and i think that was very correct of him BUT YEAH overall? amazing writing epic characterizations so many little lines that made me stop and just rethink how i think abt these characters haha. i am afraid i must plagiarize all of your ideas in my brian 😔 ur watcher concepts are simply too good to not be canon I HOPE U HAVE A GREAT TIME WRITING THE SEQUEL I CANT WAIT TO SEE IT
ROVINNNN MY ABSOLUTE BELOVED <3333333 first things first thank you so much for this ask i have read it over and over and i love it <333 also i would have replied to it the day you sent it but you send it like. just a few hours before i got on a plane to go to canada so i ended up a Bit Distracted and did not answer so so sorry
IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED THE THEMES!!! i go a bit insane everytime anyone comments on them because it is by far my favorite thing that i did with the fic, which was explore that concept of humanity/inhumanity/self-identity.
mumbo and grian's relationship...they make me ill! they make me ill. it's like...idk as much as LOVE desert duo, when it comes to my own writing i seem to just write mumbo and grian over and over again. they're just so. yeah. <3 im glad you like the preening scenes there will likely be more of them. it's just such an easily intimate type of scene you know? and the fact that grian up until this point has most done it alone (minus pearl helping sometimes), which is pretty uncomfortable and tedius when he can't easily reach his own back. and im so glad you appreciate scar taking jellie into the void he would never abandon her <3 it was one of my fave funny/lighthearted parts of the series
SLDFKJSLFJSFKFSF YEAH. YEAH JIMMY IS MY GUY. in a fic about grian and mumbo i manage to still insert jimmy solidarity brainrot into it. he'll be in the sequel too--not in any major role but i promise you he will There at some point because empires minorly factors into it. I'M SO GLAD THAT YOU LOVED THAT LINE. i know that i say every line someone quotes is my favorite but that might actually be one of my favorites in the whole fic. the Lonesome Dreams backstory for jimmy was in the works for a long time before I ever wrote the fic, since i came up with that before i even came up with htbahb. so I absolutely intended everything from that fic to be implicated in that line <3 also you're right, i think lonesome dreams does add to it. i may or may not put it in the series, but lonesome dreams is also planned to work with other series as well, so idk
AND YESSS THE DSMP REFERENCE i had a lot of fun with it. i chose blue and gold for the door because it reminded me of l'manberg uniforms and was less obvious than green for dream. i also like my other slight dsmp-adjacent throwaway in mcc too, where when mumbo joins the server tommy comments in chat about seeing him as a father figure (mcc19 does take place after that one collab video...just sayin')
thank you for this review i loved every second of reading it <3333 i hereby give u and other authors permission to take my headcanons and ideas. if u like directly copy/reference a bunch of things, i'd like a shoutout but otherwise i dont care because i dont own ideas and anything anyone writes is likely to be different anyway because it's their brain you know? so def feel free to use anything here <3
i am having a great time writing the sequel!! i actually have an update (not...chapter update. status update) to post no it later this week :eyes: because i finally reached a point where i can make proper progress on it. aka i was able to work out a lot of details and planning and am in the midst of writing it as fast as i can
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