#mun casey
misteria247 · 7 months
Me getting ready for church
My brain: Psst hey, hey bitch.
Me: ?
My brain: *Aggressively starts to play the 2012 TMNT opening*
Me not even thinking: Leonardo's the leader in blue, does everything it takes to get his ninjas through, Donatello has a way with machines-SON OF BITCH NO.
My brain: *evil super villain cackling*
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I think I have figured out Anon Anon's whole 'thing'.
Loosing ones limbs can be very traumatic, see Harvest and Ghost as an example:
Ghost tends to lash out towards other people, though that might be because of past happenings. Though, being eaten and killed might not have been helpful.
Harvest tries to seclude himself as much as possible from what he believes to be the cause of his unfortunate dismemberment. And while he is getting better he gets very frustrated with his shortcomings and lashes out towards the people that he loves (bloody) unlike Ghost, who was taking her frustrations out on everyone, with almost no real pattern besides a specific little who was left behind (not on purpose) by an older sibling and was getting the attention and care he deserved. That itself can be frustrating when you see someone getting the love and attention that you were robbed of when that sibling person left.
But, up until AA's latest ask I couldn't figure out what their deal was. It was when I paralleled them with Sans did I figure it out, comedy. They do rather dumb things to be the comedic relief. They make themself the butt of the joke so others can laugh and they can laugh along. They did this before they even lost their fingers, this might say that something happened to them outside of the blog and they were projecting onto their anon character, or they just like making people laugh. But they continued after a rather traumatic situation instead of just letting them properly analyze what happened, they brushed it off. They bantered with MWCT, they played tricks on the others, they did everything in their power to keep the light on the funny parts of them instead of the bad. To laugh is to forget, at least for a little bit.
When they do talk about what happened they brush it off as if it was 'no big deal' while it very much is a big deal.
And dear sweet Star.
They most likely got pushed away a lot when younger. Told to stop being a bother and a nuisance. Most likely by a parent or an adult, that would explain the constant 'I don't have to play if they don't want me to' getting told to not talk or to go away as a child or a teen is very damaging to the brain and rewires it to work a different way. I'm a bother, no one wants to be around me, I should just shut up and go away. No one wants you to leave, ok? We care about you.
Blood is... violent, most likely from being exposed to the internet at a young age.
Magic penguin, people pleaser. Right off the bat they only asked others what they wanted and have tried bringing comfort to other characters. They desperately want the validation of others and for them to like being around them.
TFM, they like being in control, not in a bad way. They like having the situation taken care of quickly and swiftly with as little casualties as possible. Perhaps they didn't have a lot of control given to them as a younger child so they're trying to make up for it now to make them feel like they're doing something useful.
Anyway, thats just what I've gathered from what I've read. I might be wrong and feel free to let me know if I am. I'm training to become a therapist.
More coming soon.
//....Dang. That was....ah. 😅 I think you pretty much got everyone.//
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talesofourworlds · 5 months
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(ooc: Finally reading The Empty Mask and I AM IN PAIN. ALL THE GOOD RAVEN CONTENT BUT AT WHAT COST?)
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covertstrings · 2 months
answered meme ♡༉ ⟆ casey w. riley ⟅ @saltedair asked ; "sorry. i thought that question was directed at me"
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“it’s no big deal,” casey stated after hanging up the phone. she’d just had an argument with the person on the other end and used a bit of colorful language to end the call. not her proudest moment, but they shouldn’t have irritated her. “i’m not usually that nasty,” she assured the other. “sometimes my patience just gets tested.”
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I wonder, we are already seen too much of our best turtles life! But what about Casey and Timothy? Want to see a little from their life~ Just want to know how their life is going (or maybe they're together as husbands...~ *aggressive shipping*).
Well they're actually doing fine ^^
Casey is married to April and have their daughter. And Timothy has his own comic store in town, it's successful and actually has Jiro and Zach as frequent customers, so... You can guess how awkward it is that he has to see his High School crush with his son come often.
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feathersofvibranium · 2 years
//ok after thinking more about it (which is a rare occurance for me *coughs*) i definitely want to have Okoye (BP/BP:WF canon) as a muse. I’m going to dig more into wakanda culture and learn more about her before I do it tho. not sure yet if I want to make another blog for her or have her be a sideblog (im not a fan of running muses from sideblogs tho but like....sam here needs an entire blog theme update and i haven’t done it in like 2 years oops) okoye muse is mighty, mighty need. i love her so damn much aahh.
//and i still want a Wong (dr strange) muse too but.. actually he’s kinda a more knowledgable casey from loki so i guess im off to a good start on how to rp him eheheh 
//anyway if anyone wants to write either of these muses, feel free to contact me! 
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talesfromahsmoves · 2 years
Slowly and carefully, Ray lifted herself from the toilet to the edge of the bathtub, resting her bum on the edge. "You’re too good to me, Casey…” She murmured, slowly leaning towards him to kiss him before slowly getting in with him.
The initial pain caused a hiss to escape her lips, but soon she was leaning back against him happily. “I think this was all I needed for tonight…”
He chuckles softly and wraps his arms around her as she leans back against him "I thought that I was all that you ever needed anytime and now you say that I'm only what you need tonight? I think I might be a little insulted. I can get out and leave you here till you acknowledge that."
Casey then takes up a washcloth and starts washing the parts of Rayne that he didn't get to when he was taking care of her. He's very gentle with her so as not to hurt her all over again and then runs his hands through her hair "You want me to wash your hair for you? I find it helps me relax."
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secondplympton · 2 years
"I mean -- I literally moved in like two days ago." Ben pointed out with a roll of his eyes as he grabbed them both a beer. "I gave my furniture to my sisters, they need it more than me. I'm old and -- no one comes round really. An old man chair is all I need."
"Well now so your sisters have the couch that I could have sat my proud ass upon." Casey chuckles and takes the beer from Ben, going over and leaning on the wall not wanting to sit since he had been sitting most of the day. "I really don't need anything to sit on, I've been sitting on stage all day teaching some children how to ballet dance."
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jerzwriter · 6 months
A chat with Sienna...
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Book: Open Heart (Book 2 Timeline) Characters: Tobias Carrick x Casey - eventually 😊, Sienna Trinh Rating: Teen Warnings: Mentions of PTSD, panic attacks, nightmares Words: 2,300 Series Summary: Can be found here. Chapter Summary: Tobias is there for his friend Casey when she's struggling months after the chemical attack. During a visit, he has the chance to talk to Casey's best friend. (This text fic is a lead into this chapter.) A/N: I decided to mesh the "With Warning" fics into the existing fics from the start of Tobias & Casey's relationship. The Fine Print would take place shortly after this fic, and the next installment of "With Warning" will be a conversation with Aurora after the events of The Fine Print.
With Warning Masterlist Tobias x Casey Masterlist || My Full Masterlist
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There was nothing delicate about the knock on her bedroom door. Bold and a little too loud, some would say it wasn’t unlike the man knocking. Pushing her weighted blanket off with vexation, Casey left the comfort of her bed with a sigh. It was nice of him to stop by, but... She looked down at her ratty, old t-shirt that hadn’t been changed in two, maybe three days, and her pink flannel Snoopy pajama bottoms had been on just as long. Despite her sour mood, she almost smiled; she was about to make one hell of an impression.
Shuffling to the door in stockinged feet, she considered rescinding her invitation. But the aroma of shrimp Pad Thai was too seductive. He noticed she thought, she never told him her favorite Thai dish, but he must have been paying attention.
Tobias was about to knock again when he heard a gentle thud when Casey leaned against the door before opening.
“This is your last chance; you can make a run for it.”
Amused, he lifted the bags as if she could see them.
“But I’ve got food?”
“You could leave it at the door, I’d even Venmo you a tip... pretend you’re the delivery guy.”
“You know,” he snickered. “I have seen movies that start off like that...”
That did it. It might have been a tiny laugh, but it was a laugh nonetheless, and Casey had been devoid of laughter for some time.
“I’ll bet you have,” she said, mindlessly running her fingers over the slide lock.
“All right, this is your last chance, kid! If you open the door, you get me and food; if not, I walk... but the food comes with me. What’s it gonna be?”
Casey cracked the door open and peered at her guest. “Don’t say you haven’t been warned," she kicked the door open, and Tobias eagerly entered.
While she had one of the biggest bedrooms in the tiny garden apartment, it was still rather small, and Tobias couldn’t figure out where to put the food.  
“You sure you don’t want to eat in the kitchen? I mean, there’s a table there,” he grinned.
Casey shot him a look as she pulled a flat sheet from her closet and spread it over a tiny spot on her bedroom floor.
“You’ve never had a picnic, Carrick?”
He sank to the floor and spread the food out like a smorgasbord and Casey sat sullenly before him. “It was nice of you to come,” she said, grabbing a steamed dumpling.
“It’s my pleasure,” he stated, his eyes catching hers. “Of course, I know you’re just using me for the food.”
Normally, that would have earned a sarcastic reply or at least a little chuckle, but today, she flatly retorted, “You’re on to me.”
They ate in relative silence, Tobias leaning his back against the wall and Casey cross-legged as they scooped down ku chai, tod mun pla, and som thum tua. She began to wonder if he had known her favorite dish after all; perhaps he just ordered the entire menu. Either way, she was content, and when they were both sufficiently stuffed, Tobias began to clean up, stopping Casey when she tried to help him.
“Clean-up duty is on me today, princess. You just relax. Do you want your ice cream now?"
"So, saving the ice cream for later," he chuckled.
After placing the leftovers in the fridge, he returned to Casey's room and found her sitting on the edge of her bed, picking at a ragged cuticle as she stared blankly ahead.
 “Would you like to talk?” He asked as he sat in an easy chair in the corner of the room.
“Not now,” she muttered.
“I brought my laptop; we could watch a movie if you like.”
She turned to him with a forced half-smile. “Maybe later.”
“All right,” he replied, pulling a book from his bag. “I told you, you don't have to say a word at all. But I'm here if you need me."
He flipped through the pages, and Casey, who hadn’t been showing interest in much, she suddenly wanted to know what Tobias was reading. He could feel the weight of her stare but pretended he didn't. She'd talk when she was ready, and when curiosity got the better of her, she asked. “What are you reading?”
Tobias held the book up for her to see. “Homeland Elegies.”
“Is it any good?”
“Not sure,” he shrugged. “I just started it. But it was on my buddy Barrack’s best books of 2020 list, so I’m confident I’ll like it.”
“Hmmm. You and Obama are on a first name basis now.”
“Well, duh,” he snorted.
“Maybe I can borrow when you’re done.”
“Do you want to read along with me now?” he asked.
“No,” she said, still no inflection in her voice. “Not now.”
Closing the book, he looked at her thoughtfully. “How much did you sleep last night?
“Sleep,” she chortled. “What’s that?”
He tilted his head, awaiting an answer.
“Three, four hours tops... it’s just hard... it’s... the nightmares.”
Tobias leaned forward, and Casey couldn’t miss the concern etched on his face. “The nightmares have started up again?”
“Just this week," she nodded. "Ever since I had another panic attack. Some of them make sense, like I’m back in that hospital room, alone, and the plastic sheeting starts to smother me... others are more abstract... like I’m in a dark room, and I hear these terrifying screams, but no matter what I do, I can’t find a light... I can’t find the person screaming, and I can’t make it stop. I wake up in sweat, and there’s no going back to sleep.”
“Have you told your therapist?”
She shook her head. “They started after our last session, but I’ll be sure to tell her this week.”
“Good,” he replied. “She’ll be able to help.”
“Tobias,” she said, her voice so soft and broken that it sounded more like a frightened little girl than the confident young woman she had become. “I just feel like... like I’m failing.”
“Failing?” He asked, brow furrowed. “How?”
“The attack was two months ago now; everyone's moving on, the world’s moving on... and I was doing better... you know I was... and look at me now. I'm a fucking mess. I feel like I’m right back where I started.”
“Casey. You experienced an extremely traumatic event, and two months is nothing. You’re doing great.”
“I thought I was. I was progressing, but the world is so damn dark again, and I feel like a failure.”
“Hey,” he moved closer and placed a hand on her knee. “Look at me. You are not a failure. Do you understand? Casey, progress isn’t a straight line, and setbacks are a normal part of recovery. Be gentle with yourself. I promise you, the sun will come out again; you won’t be in the darkness forever.”
“I want to believe that," she sniffled. "But right now... I can’t.”
“You don’t focus that far ahead. You just keep doing the work and get through the moment. I’ll believe for you until you can do it on your own because there is no doubt in my mind that you’ll get there.”
Casey took a deep breath and closed her eyes; when she opened them, she had the faintest of smiles on her lips.
“If I take a nap, would you stay?” She asked.
“Of course.”
“I’d like to shower first, though.”
“Yeah,” he chortled. “That might be a good idea.”
“Wow. Really?” she chided.
“Hey, tell me...” he teased. “When’s the last time you did?”
“Shut up,” she smirked, grabbing clean pajamas from her drawer. She stopped and ran her hands over the soft fleece, appearing to be deep in thought. “I really appreciate all you do for me, even when I can't show it. I hope you know that.”
“I do,” he smiled. “I'm happy to be here for you, Casey. Now go take that shower.”
“All right,” she grinned, and for the first time since he arrived, it was a genuine smile.
Once she was gone, he brought the leftovers to the kitchen. He could hear Casey and Sienna’s muttered voices at the end of the hall and picked up his pace to give them privacy, but as he returned to Casey’s room, Sienna turned away from the bathroom door, her cautious optimism morphing into absolute glee. Grabbing Tobias's arm, she pulled him toward Casey's room.
"You did it!" She beamed the moment the door closed behind them. "We've been trying to get her in the shower for days, and she wouldn’t budge. But you’re here less than an hour, and ... viola! I’m amazed!"
"Thanks,” he shrugged. "But I didn't do anything special. I just..."
A wave of the tiny but mighty woman's hand brought him to silence. "I know you're not the humble type, Tobias. So do me a favor and spare me the false modesty. Casey will be in there in ten minutes, tops, and I need your help here.”  
"Here?" He raised a brow. "In her bedroom?"
"Yes. I haven’t been able to get her to shower or change her bedding all week. You can help me with the bedding.”
“You sure that’s smart? I mean, you’re her best friend. I’m not sure she'd want me poking around her bed, you know?”
“What do you mean?” Sienna snickered. "I am her best friend, so I know where the toy drawer is. You don't have to worry about finding any under her bed."
"That's NOT what I meant!" he blurted, and Sienna took delight in his astonishment.
“I know,” she threw a comforter his way. “I'm teasing you.”
Tobias decided to focus on the task at hand, and they quickly changed the sheets and blankets. When Sienna fluffed Casey’s pillows, she stopped to watch Tobias tucking the bedding in so it was just right, and she felt her heart warming. 
“Tobias, can I be honest with you?"
"Of course."
"I was jealous of you right after the attack.”
“Of me? Why?”
“Because I’m Casey’s best friend, and she was rebuffing me and latching on to you.”
“But that wasn't anything against you. Casey was just dealing with... a lot, and it was easier to be around someone who was kind of an outsider like me. She was too afraid to let you down - it was nothing personal."
“I know that. That’s why I took a step back. Casey's well-being was all that mattered. She needed someone, and she had you. I want to thank you for everything you've done for her.”
“You don’t have to thank me,” he said with a wave of his hand. “I’m happy to help. If anything, I want to thank you.”
“Me?” Sienna asked. “Why?”
Tobias returned to the chair, pausing momentarily to choose his words.
“When Casey and I became friends again, after the attack... most of her friends all but threatened me. Actually, some did threaten me. And I understand why... given our history, there was reason to question my motives. I’m not stupid. But not you... you always made me feel welcome, and I appreciate it.”
“I just try to focus on the bright side,” she shrugged. “I saw you the night of the attack; no one can fake that level of worry and concern. It was clear how much you cared for her. I chose to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I have been watching you... I’ve watched you like a freaking hawk... and if I had seen the slightest reason to doubt you, I would have swooped in like you were an injured squirrel I planned to devour for lunch!”
“You know... you’re starting to scare me.”
“Good!” Sienna smiled. “But you never gave me a reason to worry. You’ve been nothing but helpful and kind, and it means so much to me.”
“Well, thank you for saying that. I promise you, Sienna, I’d never take advantage of her. I’d never hurt again. You have my word.”
Sienna grabbed a pillow from Casey’s bed and held it close against her chest. “I believe you,” she smiled. “Do you love her, Tobias?”
The tender moment changed in an instant when Tobias jerked into an upright position, his eyes as wide as if that hawk was swooping down for him after all.
“What?” he gasped. “Love? No! No... it’s not like that... we’re friends! I told you I want to help her. I’m not trying to get her into bed or anything! You have to....”
“Relax,” Sienna interrupted. “I’m not accusing you of anything sordid. I’m asking you if you love her.”
Tobias shifted uncomfortably, and Sienna was devastated that she wouldn't be able to share these delightful details with Casey later. The great Dr. Carrick sputtering like a child caught with their hand in a cookie jar... no, she'd save this story for her wedding toast instead.
“I care about Casey.. very much, but no, no... it’s not love...it’s not....”
“OK,” Sienna said matter-of-factly; her words attempted to put him out of his misery, but she couldn't wipe away that smirk.
“What?” he asked defensively.
“Oh, nothing,” she sang. “But you seem to forget what I told you... I have been watching Tobias. And I see everything.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he demanded, but Sienna was already heading toward the door.
“Nothing. You’re free to join me in the living room until Casey’s done.”
Giving up on the conversation, Tobias picked up his book and got comfortable in the chair. “I’m good here... Varma’s inside, and... she scares me a little.”
“She scares everyone a little,” Sienna concurred. “You read, but I’m right down the hall if you need anything.”
“I appreciate it,” he nodded. “Oh, and Sienna, there is a ton of leftover Thai in the fridge. Feel free to have some.”
“That sounds great! I think I will.”  
“Oh, just one thing... don't eat the shrimp Pad Thai. That's Casey's favorite. I'd like her to have it when she's ready for a midnight snack."
"It is her favorite," Sienna said, her smile stretching ear to ear. "I wouldn't dream of touching it. And Tobias..." she said, slowly closing the door as she left.
"Remember... I see everything."
If you're new to their story and want to read the next part as I fill in the gaps, you can read The Fine Print. Thanks so much for reading!
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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hiddenwashington · 4 months
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the loves of my life, members, angels, chaotic kings and queens and nonbinary deities, first off, let me just start by saying THANK YOU so much for the activity and love and excitement that was felt throughout this event!! we are truly grateful for that and all of the creativity and surprises we've seen across the dash!! we have no doubt we’ll be seeing the same energy for the next one, and the one after that, and the dozen more that we wish may follow. but with that being said, all good things must eventually come to an end, for some that means an end to your memories but.. man did a lot of you follow through with 'kill or be killed'. please, from this point on, DO NOT POST ANY NEW CONVERSATIONS regarding the event ( new starters, or replies to OPEN event starters )!! however, YOU MAY CONTINUE TO WRAP UP YOUR EVENT CONVERSATIONS, put a nice ending to them, find a good stopping point, or adapt them to work outside the event!! but with that said, if you did not kill your target, you are unable to complete the murder now. any assassins who have failed, please find your name under the cut to be sure your memory status is updated accordingly. with the event ending, each mun will be allowed ONE FREE OPEN STARTER, just like the start of the event, for the next 24 hours only! after that, our rules go back into place as usual! remember that is ONE STARTER PER MUN! NOT PER CHARACTER!! but again, we just want to thank you all for the support of this event, and we look forward to seeing how all of your characters reunite and adjust to these changes. we can’t wait to see how it all plays out in your writing and how your muses handle that shift!! please give this a like once you’ve read it entirely, thank you!! have fun and happy rping!! ♥ - the admin team ** once again, below is a list of all characters who have not completed their murder and the updates to memory statuses, please read through to make sure there are no mistakes and send us a dm if you catch something we've missed!
alex ( @mischiefxmuses ) : no memory changes
anna ( @thetorturedmusesdept ) : no memory changes
annie ( @bcrncoldx ) : no memory changes
aria ( @grcycosmcs ) : eddie diaz will switch to UNAWARE
atlas ( @youllalwaysbemyporcelain ) : bram greenfield will switch to UNAWARE; diana holland will switch to UNAWARE; minette will switch to UNAWARE; rory gilmore will switch to UNAWARE; sailor serpeni will switch to UNAWARE; stitch pelekai will switch to UNAWARE
bea ( @torturedheart ) : daniel sousa will switch to AWARE
britt/b ( @hiddenpxpercuts ) : no memory changes
casey ( @withinthem ) : diana prince will switch to AWARE
cassie ( @ofsvnlightt ) : no memory changes
cheshire ( @wndrstruck ) : no memory changes
cici ( @ofxscavengcrs ) : no memory changes
ck ( @ivehurtpeople et al ) : gwen stacy will switch to UNAWARE
dee ( @vcndetta ) : penelope featherington will switch to UNAWARE
ellie ( @misteriios ) : amy pond will switch to UNAWARE
h ( @rampagerogue ) : no memory changes
hali ( @nightwhispcrs ) : no memory changes
jodie ( @lcngliive ) : no memory changes
june ( @masqce ) : no memory changes
kasey ( @tragcdysewn ) : korra will switch to UNAWARE; mj jones will switch to UNAWARE
kirie ( @empathiie ) : no memory changes
kow ( @lcveliess ) : no memory changes
l ( @lavendaers ) : kate bishop will switch to UNAWARE; ruhn danaan will switch to AWARE; sophie beckett will switch to UNAWARE
maig ( @mcrcki ) : no memory changes
maria ( @devilsmenu ) : no memory changes
mario ( @rcvcrics ) : altair rigel will switch to UNAWARE; han solo will switch to UNAWARE
may ( @miindfuck ): clarke griffin will switch to UNAWARE
mia ( @coreofgold ) : no memory changes
moon ( @wvsteria ) : andarna will switch to AWARE; avery biers will switch to UNAWARE; mouse honrada will switch to UNAWARE; rosita espinosa will switch to UNAWARE
ollie ( @mvsicinthedvrk ) : no memory changes
queen ( @hiddencitywaters ) :  cassie hobbes will switch to UNAWARE; luke skywalker will switch to UNAWARE; matthias helvar will switch to UNAWARE
risa ( @papermccn ) : no memory changes
salsa ( @rainbowmuses ) : no memory changes
sammy ( @mastcrmiind ) : enola holmes will switch to UNAWARE; helen parr will switch to AWARE
sunny ( @irresistiibles ) : no memory changes
swan ( @drvcxrys ) : buffy summers will switch to UNAWARE
violet ( @spellbcok ) : lorelai gilmore will switch to AWARE; tak dongkyung will switch to AWARE
z ( @lcvelxss ) : eisa rigel will switch to UNAWARE; rachel summers will switch to UNAWARE
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hello there! 🫶 mun is 25+ and looking for 21+ writers to write against my 40+ male in a cheating and age gap plot with lots of sexual tension! I am very detailed and generally write 2-6 paragraphs, and prefer to write with others who do the same. I also love slow burns and would like this to be a slow burn too. I will write in any pairing but prefer m/f and m/m, m/ftm . I have some different ideas for the premise of the plot:
y/m is a hot 20-something that just moved in the apartment next door to my muse, who's the 40+ married dad of 3 that heard y/m arguing with their abusive partner in the middle of the night. he knocks on the door the next night after work with your muse's favorite snack (he's been paying attention) and asks if they need someone to talk to. talking slowly becomes something more.....
my muse is a married 40+ father that hires your muse as his babysitter. everything is normal for months until one night my muse comes home early and catches yours in his shower.
my muse is 40+ and has just gotten out of a fifteen year prison sentence. y/m is his new case worker, a 20-something that's still in college. there's so much vulnerability that he gives y/m that he won't dare to give anyone else. one day when meeting with y/m, mine mentions how he's been feeling unattractive and unwanted by his wife, who refuses to touch him. it makes it hard to control his emotions and his anger to be rejected and your muse assures him he's not unattractive. he asks "even for a young woman like you? I find that hard to believe" and yours responds "well you shouldn't".
faceclaims i'm willing to use as the 40+ male: jon bernthal, casey diedrick, oscar isaac, jeffrey dean morgan, adam brody, daniel henney, michael huisman. i will also take suggestions if u have one u would like me to use
if interested like this post and i will come to you!
Like this post and the asker will reach out!
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misteria247 · 1 year
Saw the newest update on Cass Apocalyptic Series and I just realized that Casey and Mikey have the same parting style in their hair.
Casey literally somewhat styled his hair like his Uncle Mikey's.
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Ah, so they're traumatized and they took it out on others to make themself feel better. Got it.
//Bingo! Now they're a little more traumatized, but they have a support system now.//
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a-krowjones · 9 months
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My AU version of Casey Jones Jr. from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, who goes by the name of Krow Jones.
( HOME. ) ( CARRD. ) ( RULES. ) ( MUSE. ) ( MUN. ) ( ASK. )
It is said that when one does things and later reaps the consequences, the past catches up with them. But what were to happen if one caught up with the past?
Well, that was the story of Krow’s life.
The future was full of unspeakable terror and pain as the war against the Krang raged on, and Krow only got a taste of it. As the end drew near, he was sent back in time on a mission by his sensei to find a key and stop the Krang from taking over the world.
When the key got compromised and the Krang came through the portal, Krow despaired. He knew their doomed fate, and it felt like the final act was playing out in slow motion.
Yet like bold voyagers who chart their own course across the unknown, the heroes of the past blazed the trails of their destiny. With hope in their hearts, they rocked the universe so hard that it sent shock waves through time and space. That day, fate was nudged in a more fortunate direction. Their demise was prevented, and the past timeline was saved from the slimy tentacles of the Krang.
Krow’s mission was complete. Now what was he — a young man from the future, a “time anomaly” (as he had been described by the genius turtle), a person who did not belong there — supposed to do? He had yet to figure that out himself.
Every day was a new adventure, and the ride so far had been pretty intense. If he had his way, Krow would glide along for a bit, get his bearings, and figure out how to survive his biggest challenge yet: the crazy, crowded, noisy, blindingly bright, breakneck-paced past. There was much to see, learn, and do, all while being barraged by overwhelming sensations. Baby steps, the family assured him, were key. But while he took his time discovering the new world of the past, Krow figured that he wouldn’t mind some company.
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covertstrings · 2 months
answered meme ♡༉ ⟆ casey w. anya ⟅ @spellbcok sent ♫
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"who the fuck was that guy?"
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deathsprofit · 1 year
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/.Promo  @deathsprofit​ : multimuse rpblog (selective) +21only. || Ruled by Ky ♂.
Rules || Main Muses || Request Muses || Muse List (mobile)
Rules & Muses summary below the cut!
Warning: This blog contain adult content. Most my muses are thirsty flirty adults tbh. There will be no force sex content if your muse not into it. Hard Block: minors (muns/muses/face claims / aged up teen characters) - pedo content - incest content - racist content (unless your character is a victim in back story) - gross content - hard gore content - drama - nagging for replys - hate.
I encourage: adult/old muses - shipping whores - nerd/weird adults
I'm super cool: if you drop some of our threads or ignore some of my inboxes. Expect same from me when I don't find inspiration. We always can start new one. Also feel free to unfollow anytime and follow back when you have the mood. Rping should be a fun activity not a job.
Muse List
Canon Characters (Main): Call of Duty: Ghost - Soap - Alex - Price - Alejandro - Konig Metal Gear: Big Boss Tekken: Murdok Dead by Daylight: Visconti One Piece: Akainu Major: Joe Gibson
Canon Characters (Request): Final Fantasy: Cor - Clive Bleach: Isshin / JJK: Nanami / T&B: Tiger / Busgamer: Nobuto
Original Characters (fandomless): Agent Nine (cyborg) / Dr. Collins (psychiatrist) / Casey Walkers (weapon engineer) / Burnet Russel (handy man / truck driver)
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