#mun// oh this is cool!!!
nebulousmedic · 17 days
What do you guys do about ppl who block ur sideblog. Do you block them on your main. What's the usual etiquette.
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masquenoire · 8 months
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[Laptop repairs were successfully carried out, to some extent anyway! The bad news is that the fan needs replacing but the good news is that it's only £6 tops. Bad news again, it's going to be a wanky job due to how the internal system is set up with the heatsink being connected to the fan. But the good news is that the laptop will be fine for the foreseeable future, but more bad news is that the chainsaw noises will happen on and off, so. So there's that.]
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estarion · 7 days
teach. teach. wear this tie. hey wear this tie now. wear it. wear this tie.
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   later that evening, after lectures, he and katya ( @silvertiefling ) were in his office—set to leave, when she asked about the curious roll of orange on his desk. ( so close to the edge, bin just below. an ‘accident’ waiting to happen. yet, it persists; he didn’t quite have the heart to just throw it away. )   “i mean, katya, i had to be polite, but...”   he’s passed it to her, hoping for some sympathy for his plight.   “it’s the ugliest fucking tie i’ve ever seen.”
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misteria247 · 1 year
I paid my electric bill. Now I'm nearly broke, wanna curl up in a corner somewhere and scream into the void.
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aaravos-answers · 1 year
(same anon here with the touchy guy best friend) Don't get me wrong, Aaravos, I never reciprocated his romantic feelings...I always knew they were there, but I didn't want our friendship to get awkward because of it
What I didn't know was he'd been alienating me from the other guys for MONTHS, and I'd always feel left out and lonely in groups, and he'd be the person i'd turn to, the person i thought I could trust
So when i found out he was the cause of all my misery, my heart just absolutely shattered, you know? Because I didn't know this was the sheer extent of his feelings for me...and it creeped me out, because he was the kind of guy who didn't take no for an answer
my sixth sense would always scream at me whenever he'd touch me in a way I wouldn't like...like the one time he put his hand on my waist, and honest to god, I was not only creeped out, but I was also scared. i don't know why, and i didn't know how to tell him to stop touching me, but it scared me...i was thirteen years old, and i still remember my heart pounding-
and i do hate him, but honestly, i feel like its my fault too...the signs were all there from the start and i chose to ignore them in a desperate bid to revive a friendship and a person i knew was too adamant to change
and i think this is the first time i'm really, genuinely talking about this, since i don't think i have any friends at all anymore
Oh, goodness, little one, you've been carrying this around for quite some time, haven't you?
Starling, breaking away from such a thing with little to no support is incredibly difficult, and I am so, so proud of you for it. <3
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...Do let me know if you ever see him again. I have a blade you can borrow, if you'd like.
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donuts4evry1 · 1 year
I got wisdom teeth surgery (and also possible nerve damage???)
yeah that's about all there is to it
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My entire right chin (along with my right bottom lip and some of my gums) is completely numb.
I haven't been able to feel anything over there for a few days and it's been messing with the way I move my mouth (a part of it might also just be having. surgery. But it still feels incredibly jarring nonetheless.)
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saintslaughter · 9 months
im the token chocolate orange friend so every year i end up with so many of them how do i tell everyone one or two is ENOUGH
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jirachibaby · 1 year
Hi! I understand how hard it is to have wrist pain/issues and the stresses and terrors that that brings and I'm proud of you for keeping going!
Something I've found helps from my physio is gyroscopic exercises, I dont want to push products on you, as I understand how irritating that can be, but I'd reccomend looking into it! If you search "gyro ball" on google it should pop up.
Keep fighting, You're doing amazing!
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oh yeah i have one of those! it's cool! i think i forgot it at my mom's though... haha
thanks for the advice and encouragement, it means a lot <3
i'm really lucky to have amazing friends and support keeping me going through this. and, not to make anyone too excited, but i am working on my inverted comic. just... slowly. very, very slowly.
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godzexperiment · 1 year
~some ramblings about nix's eyes~
-gray eyes inherently are more sensitive to light+pair that with his angelic and personal sensitivity it's not uncommon for him to have days where it's just hell (especially if this was not considered 'he's never going to earth anyways')
-can tend to look unreal/shift depending on how light+what type of light hits them (usually though consciously they look "normal" enough) but certainly moments where it's like the shade of gray stormy clear skies produces and seems noticeably off etc (though it's nothing that doesn't happen with regular gray eyes)
-likely way more prone to things like snow blindness, burnt retinas etc which heal obviously (some days more than others) ie especially migraine days etc
-'human' nix has less severe issues but still does, has heavily tinted sunglasses etc on him (an more human amount of 'oh cool the sun off that metal just fucked me up') usually it translates more into migraines and what not
-dont shine light into his eyes, if you jokingly put an flashlight in his eyes he might stab you. even if he cares about the person it's an reaction he can't really curb. (that being said nix is dumb and might do it to himself) regardless of verse too
-it's part of the main reason his eyes shift with emotions/when they go purple sort of just angelic essence mixing with the more human aspects of him... the internal light within him meddling with the external way light reacts with his eyes (especially shows when his pupils do the breaky thing re: darkness and it's visual 'corruption' marks which likely occurred with how much his eyes shifted color during those circumstances) *addition that I forgot*
-pupil dilation also naturally impacts the color they seem hence that also is why emotions factor in an lot
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sillydillybanana · 1 year
((Alright new tags time!
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((idk how this works but if you have any suggestions feel free to comment lol
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I have seen you on my dash for quite a while now, but for some reason I never hit the follow button. A mutual of ours and I got to talk about your writing and your muse. They were hyping you up big time, so I finally gave a glance at your blog and read about your muse. I'm glad I finally got to follow you. I was not even aware that you had been following me. So, I'm so sorry for taking so long for finally following you back ;u; I'm excited for our interaction!
This....Okay serious talk, you guys ever read something and your heart skips??? AAAAAAa -- Anon this has brought me so much ????????? CURIOSITY AND CONFUSION? I'm legit so shocked, someone thought to bring me up in conversation? I'm blushing! I have no idea who you were speaking to but please give them my thanks??? That is literally the sweetest thing I've ever heard??? AAAA I'm horrible at guessing anons too - THANK YOU TOO FOR TELLING ME? I hope you enjoy what you see in dash! We do all sorts of stuff here haha, no need for apologies I'm just- so flabbergasted fhjbgkhjbfhjkbgf ?????
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bronziart · 1 year
I am graduated.
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fastfists · 2 years
Don’t mind me, just remembering Knuckles was alone on a floating island for 16 years of life and had never truly celebrated his birthday or holidays before now. Yup, I am okay.
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ramguard · 2 years
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Oh look sometimes I draw things
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spootsaline · 1 year
((smh i bought this new shirt for no reason, i cant even print jades symbol on it
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familiaanteomnia · 2 years
the urge to stain my fingers on purpose
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