#mun// sigh
micarxena · 1 year
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here, have a messy vere
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crimsonsharked · 2 months
Any interested in a 50-60 dollar commission :')
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My phone bill is paid, I'm leaving this up for groceries and stuff of that sort.
So if interested pls dm me @wonderfultheatre or @greedkinggreaser
I have 2 commissions that are urgent rn, so it'll be completed after that.
Ko-fi | Paypal
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diabelskoga · 7 days
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sighs happily as i think about him
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norts-trolls · 10 days
The joy in my heart when i get/make designs for my ships kids.
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vastiitas · 29 days
im jst sayin if u had him against the wall and stabbed him in the side and then proceeded to kiss him, he wld experience 50 different emotions but ultimately he'd snarl a kiss back into ur lips
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*inhales trying not to scream* ah yes the inner barbarian is attempted to get out..............don't you just love when your parents despite being in 30s still belittle you?
I wake up hoping for a good day coz ey today imma head out to city take care of some papers, hang out with hubby and his mom a bit and then.....*bing bing* Then I check out a notification on my phone got a lengthy text from my own oh so dear and caring mom....first thing I notice she uses my full name (which she only does if something is wrong or I did something wrong....usually its the latter). She offers to come to my house and HELP me with organizing my home, imagine she is willing to stay 2-3 days to do so! Oh wow so generous so loving.....I admit I am not the most organized person but both my husband and I make sure we don't live like hoarders either.....and she did same shit to my brother years ago when he was living with his wife in their own apartment......................now I'm pissed, offended and disappointed. Yes I get it she might be doing that out of good intention.
But she never...ever visits my home, whenever I invited her to do that she makes an excuse, even if I invite her for coffee outside my home nope....to busy being retired and polishing her house until she can see her reflection on the floor. Even when we organize family celebration here to which my husbands father who had 3 STROKES and he can barely walk, he cant lift heavy things, he gets sleep sometimes...he still wanted to participate and just be with us.....my mom who is relatively healthy....uhh nope she has something else to do...
so yep..........thanks mom
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mistrdctr · 9 months
|| I swear to fucking god:
I had to block two now. I don't want this shit to happen and I thought that, by now, this is not a rule that needs to be written down anymore to be followed.
Guess even if I did write it down, it wouldn't be read anyways. Sighs.
Well, just so you know:
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themultiversebundle · 1 month
So kind of important: due to things at work it's going to be requiring mandatory overtime next month. I've already been really tired lately(due to various things) so adding on the fact I got to work extra I might be extra slow on replies or might reply only on weekends.
I mean I've already learned to try to slow down by queuing my replies, since my previous tumblr rp experience had me rping several replies in a row for one thread so I'm already learning to slow down and it has been a struggling process at times and for it to go even more slow...
Gah this is going to drive me nuts.
Anyway if I suddenly go quiet next month, that's why. Please feel free to start threads or plot with me, or even send questions in because I will still be around responding just not as often.
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perzyssesuvion · 3 months
my portrayal of cregan is feral. like, yeah, he knows how to keep up appearances, adheres to the typical stark code of honor, strives to do right by his people and his greater moral beliefs, is even a decent politician because of it. but he is harshly blunt, speaks his mind, and doesn't mind his words as much as he probably should. he has all the scrappiness of a low born boy with the standing and training of a high born lord. the harshness of the north has shaped him, much as it does his ancestors and descendants alike. i think a lot of his more brutish characteristics fade by the time he reaches a more mature age, humbled by life and dampened by time.
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aaravos-answers · 1 year
What do you like to do in your free time since you have so much of it
Oh, now that was just cruel, little one.
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cantuscorvi · 5 months
I haven't written anything properly for a while because my health took a dip, but I'm still lurking and keeping track of everything to get back to as soon as I'm able 🫡
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pudgy-planets · 26 days
Was doing calculus for the last five hours.
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shit-enmu-says · 7 months
Dude.. is it true you like Muzan?
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Taiga is Muzan's descendant btw
Before she spoke Enmu nearly prostrated himself. She looked so similar to his master’s feminine form he thought they were one and the same. It was common enough for Muzan-sama to wander about in different forms to better blend in with the humans.
Her voice was entirely different though, which was what gave her away. Now that he had a better look at her face, he could see the subtle differences. With a resemblance so strong she couldn’t be lying. He hesitantly rose to his feet, unsure of how to proceed.
He felt a knot form in his stomach. He was no fool. He expected that his master had multiple wives throughout the hundreds of years he’d been alive but he never thought he’d run into any of them, let alone children. It was something he tried not to think about.
The idea that Muzan-sama might have direct descendants never crossed his mind. He didn’t think humans and demons would be genetically similar enough to produce children. He couldn’t say for certain, having never bothered with such things himself.
“Like him?” he laughed, “I am a small cog in the machine that is the Twelve Kizuki, nothing more. I’ve dedicated my life to serving him to the best of my ability. Like is hardly the appropriate word.”
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norts-trolls · 4 months
Is it too much for a girl to dream of a tea party with her friends? What if I wanna pull out my pretty cups and plates and serve friend my special collect of tea? What if I wanna dress up and be full of whimsy huh?
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aeterna---amantes · 1 year
|| Tonight I went on another adventure with Taliesin (also using this mod)! And of course, had tons of fun while I was at it- I mean really, this sassy Elf has made me giggle in the past few days when nothing else could make me smile (due to personal reasons), I mean look:
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..........that dragon isn't exactly hiding, my dear. 😂
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Looking good in the moonlight~ (he did slaughter the dragon though, didn't really need my help either 😂 what did we unleash on Tamriel with him, oh my oh my-)
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Then I dressed him up in some Immersive Armour, and got a lil' weepy before I headed off for the Thalmor Embassy (and let's just mention that dying there isn't the worst that can happen to someone who infiltrates it, by the way):
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I put him back in his Thalmor robes and. His profile never ceases to make me go *siiiiigh*. He always ends up in front of me when we fast travel - or wanders around in my home, Goldenhills Plantation -, and turns back a bit like this and I'm 😩 Boy. Pls.
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Oh, by the way, he's an idiot for running in front of EVERYTHING he sees. 😑 Trolls. Werewolves. Dragons. In today's playthrough he was Shouted back in the corner by a Draugr Deathlord because His Highness thought he'd deal with it up close and personal. (Constantly worried btw.)
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Then he makes this comment and I'm. I'm sorry I love him. Same Tally, same. 😂 Princess or prince, I'm not picky, either.
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I can't with this. I want to glomp on his back. 😂 Carry me, Tally! I am your burden. 😂
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If I let him rest in my home and he's sandboxing, he starts swiping in every area?? Sassy, elf, AND cleans my home? Can I marry him? 😂
Then I dressed him up in my Lustmord Vampire Armour - and forgot that this way I ended up bare butt naked, because of which he was like:
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Oh my gods, Tally. "Impressive specimen". 😅
Then we found a Heroic Stormcloak helmet and... he looks like he's thinking gurl. Seriously?!
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Now I'm thinking, I'm going to put Vittoria's floral headband on him as soon as we get there with the Dark Brotherhood. 🫶🏻 And I will also put his ass in assassin leather. Yes. That'll be good. 🔥
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barebcnes · 11 months
@darehearts ❝Bones?❞ 🥺👉👈
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"---Depends on what this is goin' to be about."
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