w-o-r-d-s--f-a-i-l · 9 months
Closed w/ @muralmxse
Milo wasn’t positive how this all happened, one second they were just enjoying a lovely boat trip with some friends, and now they were on a beach, drenched and exhausted. They tried their best to dry off before going to call the others who had been aboard the boat to let them know they’d fallen overboard and was now somewhere they weren’t familiar with. It had been amazing that their phone worked after being in the water for so long, but the second they tried to call someone, it failed to, no reception to be found on the island. Despite having fallen overboard, soaked to the bone, and somewhere they weren’t familiar with, this was the most horrifying thing in this ordeal. In a last ditch attempt they tried to post something to their Instagram stories to let people know they were lost somewhere, but the second they tried, it failed to send.
They were lost, cold, and couldn’t use their phone to call out for help. It was time to do it the old fashioned way they supposed. They cleared their throat before cupping their hands around their mouth and yelling out, “Help! Is anyone here?” They continued yelling as they walked along the shoreline, trying to get any attention onto them, hoping to any god that would listen that the island wasn’t completely deserted.
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historias-multorum · 8 days
{ Invitation @muralmxse } ❝ To the family of House Dimitrescu, We are pleased to in form you that your daughter, Lady Daniela Dimitrescu, has been accepted for the new boo year at Monster High. Attached to this letter will be a fear package on what your child will need for the hackademic year. Be sure to see the attached list of corpses to be interested and filled out. We look forward for you to frightened the halls with our student disembody. Bey yourself, be you unique, be a MONSTER.
Sincerely, Nora Bloodgood, Headmistress of Monster High. ❞
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Curious Daniela opened the letter and grinned at the contents. To think, she was accepted and invited to go to such a place outside the castle. Oh her sisters would be jealous. She must go tell mother and get ready for the new school year!
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rxbelling-hxrald · 3 months
@muralmxse: (aka rubyxdiamond) For Iris or Fiona
Random Generated Starter || Accepting
"You stand there and accuse me, but where were you at the time?"
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13xwishes · 6 months
@wickedlyxcreepy: [ Catastrophe Pt 13 ]
Toralei growled as she found herself surrounded on all sides. These ghoul-damned goody-ghouls! Couldn't they just for once leave her alone?
Not that it really mattered, in the end. Despite what she'd promised Gigi -- with her claws crossed behind her back -- Toralei had never intended to really keep Catty's little relationship a secret. Catty Noir was a big name star, after all -- the world deserved to know those kinds of details about her life!
That's why Toralei had already scheduled the pictures to go up online. She had anonymous accounts across a few websites, and she had selected a handful to post the pictures to, just to be sure that the cat got out of the bag. They were all due to go up in a matter of minutes…
… and there was nothing the goody-ghouls could do about it.
The sound of someone's voice besides Cleo's brought Toralei back to the present. Catty was talking to Gigi, and Toralei's ears twitched as she focused on them instead of that jabbering mummy. When she could make out the words, the orange werecat rolled her eyes, huffing out an annoyed sigh.
"'Please don't shut me out,'" she mimicked, moving her claws like an additional mouth. Claw-d, how had she ever looked up to that silly singer?
"Honestly, I don't know why you even bother with her," Toralei said to Gigi gesturing dismissively toward Catty. Her fellow werecat didn't deserve any more attention than that. "I can't imagine saddling myself to a mewling kitten as pathetic as that."
She shrugged. "But, on the other hand, look who I'm talking to! It makes sense that one pathetic weakling would attract another pathetic weakling. I shouldn't really be so surprised."
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Catastrophe P1 13 || @cxttynoir / @wickedlyxcreepy
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12
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Mentioned: @muralmxse
       ❝ I'm sorry... I promise I won't. Never again... ❞
Gigi only was listening to Catty, showing a small smile but her worries were threatening to crawl out. She only wanted her safe and yet she pushed her away to do so. Just like she tried to do with Whisp...
She hopes her kitten would forgive her for doing so. Gigi would make sure she would do right by Catty.
Toralei's last few words though... struck a bit of a nerve. The genie didn't care if she was insulting her own being, but for Catty...
She didn't know what or why it came out... but even Allah's patience had limits...
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❝ Maybe if you had someone who actually loved you, you would understand. ❞
The jeers and callouts behind her from the other ghouls towards Toralei were ignored by Gigi as she embraced Catty with all her might...
... and then the moment was interrupted by the sounds of phones going off all at the same time.
Gigi pulled away as the ghouls gasped behind her, Frankie being the most vocal. Seeing the looks on their faces, Gigi's dread came back all at once seeing the headlines...
No... no... despite all she had done... Toralei let it happened anyway?
A mixture of emotions swirled around her right now that Gigi' barely heard anything before she turned to look to her ghoulfriend...
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       ❝ ... Catty? ❞
What were they going to do now? Their secret was out!
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mechahero · 8 months
@muralmxse continued from here
Lambda rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh. He's not even sure what he was expecting when he asked her initially. He had a feeling that that would have been the answer he'd gotten. Long slender fingers wrap around the other's wrist, sparkly pink polish glinting in the bright light of the hallway.
However, instead of bringing her wrist down... he moves it slightly to the right instead.
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"There was someone else in the way.", Lambda says, lowering his hand. His gaze is turned back forward to the very same werecats Cleo had been aiming at. "Now you've got a clear shot at 'em."
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ofthepuzzle · 1 year
@muralmxse: { Tournament P1 } After a few opponents, a familiar face came up to face Atem: None other than Frankie Stein! The stitched ghoul would be an unexpected opponent but she had liked the idea of duel monsters and was eager to play. Even if she didn’t win, she had wanted to duel for a while.
❝ Hope you don’t mind. I always wanted to duel you and see what everybloody is talking about.  You ready? ❞
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『 Unprompted, always accepting! 』♚ ╰┈➤ @muralmxse
Atem’s heart has been racing from excitement. Duel Monsters is his passion and to see others engage in sparks joy. He’d just won his latest duel and was on break but time flies fast. The prince took the time to muster a new strategy, so each time it’d be different. Oftentimes the biggest mistake in dueling is having the same tactics.
When his new opponent is picked, he walks up to the arena on his respective end, and to his surprise, he gets to face Frankie. The look on his face can tell the encounter is unanticipated but just then his expression transforms to his usual confident smile. Atem is composed yet deep down he’s curious about what type of deck did she go for. Well, he’s going to see here in a minute.
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“I don’t mind it at all. In fact, I’m happy to see you play.” He extends his arm so that his duel disk unfolds with a light bleep sound and gets ready for battle.
“Ready. Duel!”
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cxttynoir · 1 year
@muralmxse: {Catastrophe Pt3} Frankie, Cleo and Ghoulia were walking to class as Cleo was perfectly bragging about the latest date she had with Deuce along with the next ideas for the fearleading competition. Frankie then noticed Catty nearby and smiled. She remembered the werecat telling how she was meeting up with Gigi later. She motioned to the other ghouls to go say hi to the popstar... but Frankie's smile diminished when she sees Catty... upset?
❝ Hey, Catty. How is... hey... is everything okay? ❞
Catty turned at the sound of Frankie's voice. She tried to summon a smile and a greeting for the friendly ghoul, but it felt hollow and fake.
"Hi, Frankie. I'm..." She faltered. "... not doing so great, actually."
She puzzled over what she should say for a moment, turning words over in her head as she thought. After spending years in the limelight, Catty knew the value of privacy, and she didn't want to simply air things out for the world to see. Especially if there was a misunderstanding. Or if she had done something wrong already.
But... she needed to talk to someone.
"Frankie, do you know if... is something going on with Gigi?"
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"... She's been avoiding me lately. And she's not answering my calls."
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sorcerymuses · 7 months
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@muralmxse asked: “Do you intend to vocalize every thought?. Or just the most obvious ones?” (Nath to Kagami)
𝐁𝐆𝟑 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. | Always accepting
Kagami made a face at the artist. She was only at Françoise DuPont to support Marinette as a model during her art club meeting, a good excuse to ditch her mother's redundant training session. And she'd admit that she had been rather blunt with this red head. His hair did look like a tomato and he would be better suited pinning it back to clear his vision.
"Excuse my bluntness," she sighed. "Socializing is still new to me."
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muralmxse · 2 months
"Protection - Pt 1"
There was a hesitant knock on the door to Headmistress Bloodgood's office, the sound caused by an equally hesitant werecat. The door opened with a creak, revealing Catty Noir behind it, causing the pop star to startle, her hand still raised in the air.
"Miss Bloodgood? I mean, Headmistress Bloodgood? I, er, we…" Catty coughed and cleared her throat. "Gigi and I would like to talk to you, if that's possible. It's about our privacy, and the recent… events… that have affected it."
charas: @cxttynoir, @13xwishes, @muralmxse
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Stop The Purresses (Protection) P1 || @cxttynoir
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Both of the ghouls had to sneak to get to Bloodgood's office the best way they could and Gigi had to use a bit more magic than she had intended to make a get away when they passed by the creepeteria. Ghoulia, Frankie and Cleo did their best to distract them with the princess making up a holiday to say the school owed their queen some presents... but it only distracted most of the school.
When a few students followed and made their way to the office, they would soon be stopped by a stream of fire to push them back out the moment Catty and Gigi entered.
Nightmare neighed a warning before shutting the door and standing guard with a stomp.
The headless headmistress' body was standing by her head while on the phone with someone but motioned the couple to sit down.
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      ❝ Yes, I know... I have them in the office as we speak... There's much we need to talk about so if you can, please make your way to the school as soon as possible. ❞
After that, Nora hung up the phone before addressing the two ghouls, picking her head up as her body sat down.
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      ❝ I was just about to call for you, but it was best you ghouls were able to make it here without the announcement. I'm sure you know that nearly everyone in the school is aware of your relationship with Gigi, Catty. And while I wish I can congratulate you two, I'm afraid we are not under better circumstances. That was your manager on the phone and they're making their way to the school as we speak to talk about your... continuing education here at Monster High. ❞
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wickedlyxcreepy · 7 months
@muralmxse: { Catastrophe Pt 10 } As Catty and Gigi were in the back, Cleo's act was next for the show. And just like the perfectly perfect diva, she made sure to put on a bit of EXTRA flair to catch the werecat's attention. Even with a few taunting looks when making her way up to the runway.
Then when Toralei's eyes were completely on her, Ghoulia from backstage would signal Frankie to make her move. The green stitched ghoul made quick haste, removing her hand. It moved quickly through the crowd and snagged Toralei's phone!
Toralei watched with eager anticipation as Cleo took the stage. Her eyes were wide, her ears perked, and her tail wiggled, her entire body coiled with excitement for the hauntingly terrible display that was about to take place.
Like pushing a glass off a table, the werecat just couldn't wait to see that stuck up haughty princess take the fall!
This really was the best use for that genie. Honestly, Gigi was so sweet and spineless, Toralei was surprised this sort of thing didn't happen to her more often. Blackmailing her over her secret relationship with a pop star was so simple honestly, and sooo rewarding!
The werecat glanced down at her phone, where she had an anonymous message open to one of the local rumor mill magazines, complete with a photo of Gigi and Catty together.
(It was a really good photo, actually. Maybe she should look into a photography class...)
Running a quick calculation in her head (counting down to the 13th of a second, aiming for a specific instant in order to achieve optimal humiliation!), Toralei idly handled her phone, her claw hovering over the 'send' button.
T -5...
Someone's hand touched hers, breaking her out of her thoughts. Her phone was tugged out of her paw before she could react.
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But it was too late. Her phone and the thief had disappeared into the crowd. And, even worse, the time of humiliation had passed. Cleo was still performing on stage without a single hitch caused by her conniving feline enemy.
Glaring up at the performing mummy, Toralei felt a growl growing in her throat.
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"Someone's itching to get scratched with this kitty's claws...!"
Now then, where oh where had that useless genie gone?
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w-o-r-d-s--f-a-i-l · 2 months
Andy looked curiously at the device Milo was holding and was a bit weary after seeing the strange flash of light coming from the back of it and the strange buzzing noise.  ❝ Are you sure that mystic box is not dangerous? ❞ He couldn't help but ask. ( @muralmxse )
Milo couldn’t help but let out a melodic laugh that made their head tilt back a bit, the glowing heart on their chest pulsating along with their laugh. They found him so absolutely charming and cute that they couldn’t resist after taking his picture. “Oh, you’re adorable,” they mused, lowering their phone briefly before turning to show him the picture just taken. “Look, I just captured your visage, that lighting is beautiful for you. The only thing dangerous about these things are the people behind them, but I like capturing memories on them. Now I can look at you whenever I want, even when we’re apart from each other,” they said, meeting his eyes with only appreciation and admiration. “What do you think? Do you like it?”
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historias-multorum · 3 months
@muralmxse: celestite (Shadow)
send me a crystal and i'll tell...
celestite: how my muse deals with anxiety
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Shadow is very introverted and solitary. So he deals with anxiety both quietly and out of the way of others. You will never see or hear him ever motion his anxiety either. He will take his anxiety with him to the grave.
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monmuses · 1 year
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Anonymous asked: @muralmxse: ❛  do i have something on my face or why do you keep looking at me like that ?  ❜ (Courage to Anybody) ; 🐝  *  ―  𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒
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"You are like fellow comrade... a dog. Talking dog!" The other's tail began to wag eagerly, meeting a new friend. Were they like her? They were much smaller than she was, but this was interesting!
"Who are you, friend?" Already, she was up in their business, sniffing them from head to tail and giving excited kisses. "Friend like you must be shown to Cosmo's friends! Rocket would like you!"
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13xwishes · 7 months
@wickedlyxcreepy: [ Catastrophe Pt 11 ]
Slinking along the walls but shoving aside anyone and anything in her way, Toralei made her way toward the backstage area. Gigi was supposed to be back here, but, given how she hadn't done anything else she was supposed to do, she wouldn't still be back here if she knew what was good for her!
To the werecat's surprise, the genie was still backstage. And she wasn't alone.
"Well, well, well… Look what the cat dragged in!" Toralei sneered. "Really? You dragged her--" she gestured at Catty, "--into this, even though you knew how dangerous it would be for her image? How pathetic can you be?"
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Catastrophe Pt 11 || ASK THREAD
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
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Mentioned: @wickedlyxcreepy | @cxttynoir | @muralmxse
       ❝ Thank you! Thank you! Oh you should have! You should... ❞
Cleo continued her performance on the stage and was not ruined by any magic, but also received a standing ovation. This time she worked extremely hard for her routine with Deuce. And of course, embraced the praise.
Backstage behind the curtain, Gigi listened to Catty wanting to help her beat Toralei. She was conflicted what to do until the devil itself decided to appear. The overwhelming feelings override each other, but the fact that Catty was being threatened made Gigi push her fear back.
Gently as she could, the genie turned Catty to be put behind Gigi and gave a stern glare to Toralei. As she spoke, she felt a bit of her magic flare a bit to reflect her tone...
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       ❝ You can insult me all you want but don't you DARE hurt Catty. She's done nothing to you and I will do all I can to protect her from ANYONE. ❞
She held her arms out to stop the striped cat from coming closer as another voice spoke from behind Toralei...
       ❝ And she's not the only one! ❞
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Archived!! (Moved to Muralmxse)
//Due to an event and technical issues, I'm archiving this blog and moving Bloodgood to join my multimuse blog! If you want to roleplay with her, she'll be added to the roster!//
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ofthepuzzle · 1 year
@muralmxse: After hearing around the school and hearing from Gigi's point of view, Frankie decided to be the first of the ghoul squad to approach the mummy manster, offering a hand to shake... which would pop off should he shake it.  ❝ Hey there! Atem, right? I'm Frankie. Frankie Stein! Nice to meet you! I know it can be a bit much being the new monster but if you ever need anything, I got your back. ❞
Behind Frankie was another ghoul: a certain zombie with blue hair. She groaned out her greeting as well, but waited to see if he understood her. ❝ Uuuhaa. Aaaahhhhaaah. ❞ (❝ I'm Ghoulia. I can help you if you need it. ❞)
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『 Unprompted, always accepting! 』♚ ╰┈➤ @muralmxse
Atem is not the most sociable monster, so whenever he’s approached he appears a bit bewildered by the interaction. But he knows social etiquette, so that’s fine. It’s better to make acquaintances with other monsters than be isolated.
The prince responds to the handshake but before he can say anything is taken aback by Frankie’s hand popping out.
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“Hello—oh.” He very awkwardly returns the hand, although finding the little inconvenience to be a little amusing. Frankie so far sounds like she’s a friendly ghoul, offering her hand like this. Quite literally too.
“Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Frankie. And I appreciate the support.”
He then turns to smile at the zombie but has difficulty understanding the language.
“Ah, sorry. I’m new to the language. Is there a dictionary I could use to study it?” Atem’s feeling a little sheepish about that. Regardless, he’s willing to learn so he can communicate with the zombie students.
His first impression of Monster High is that it’s filled with kind individuals, fun classes, and activities. He can’t wait to see more of it. His parents knew this was the right place for him to start anew. Wonder what his next adventure at school would be?
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