#murder drones big brother n
hugsandchaos · 8 months
“Giggle! Giggle!” Cyn said, watching her big brother zoom around the room. N paused his running in front of her and smiled.”Boof!” He said, doing a little stomp as if to emphasize it, which Cyn found to be very silly.”Giggle! Laugh! Laugh!” She cheered, throwing her head back and her arms up into the air. She began to lean too far back, but N caught her and pulled her back up.”Be caweful, li’l sis.” He said. Cyn reached up at his face and did the grabby hands motion.”Grabby. Hands.” She said. Not quite understanding what she wanted, N tilted his head to the side and reached for her so he could pick her up. Once she was in his arms, she wrapped her arms around him.”Hug.” She said. N smiled and his tail wagged.
In Cyn’s opinion, her big brother’s hugs could only be rivaled by Tessa’s. He’s not soft and squishy like her or other humans, but he’s definitely warmer. Plus, his hugs always give her and anyone who receives them a sense of protection. J’s hugs are also protective, but as stated before, N is always very warm, so he gets an extra few points for that. V’s hugs were always gentle and loving, and Cyn definitely enjoying receiving them.
Speaking of V, she was coming back soon to continue watching them even though N claimed that he had it covered. After a few seconds, Cyn looked up at N.”Can. I. Play. With. Dolls?” She asked. N let go of her and zoomed over to the toy bin full of dolls Tessa had for her and Cyn to play with. Instead of grabbing two or three, he picked up the whole bin and brought it over to Cyn for her to pick, his tail wagging the entire time as he felt very happy and proud of himself for making her happy. He even held it at an angle so that she could reach them better.“Thank. You. Big. Brother N!” Cyn said.
“You’we welcome! Boof!” He replied. Cyn reached forward and grabbed two dolls, muttering the word “grab” twice as she did. She moved to lay on her belly and N left to put the bin back.”Lay down. Play. Play.” Cyn said to herself. When N came back, he sat next to her and smiled.
After a few minutes of playing in her own little world and N constantly looking around the room, Cyn suddenly looked worried. She turned to look up at him.”You. Will. Protect me. From. Bad. People, right?” She asked. N didn’t understand where this suddenly came from, but he knew the answer.“Of couwse! Youw big bwodew N will always do his best to keep you safe and happy!” He replied, putting his hand up to his forehead to give her a playful little salute. Cyn felt better hearing that and smiled.“Smile, small. Giggle. Thank. You. You’re! The best! Big! Brother! Ever!” She said. N felt proud of himself hearing that and like zooming around in happiness, but remained seated by Cyn’s side.”Tank you!! Boof! Boof!” He said happily.
Outside the room, V was watching their interaction with Louisa, Tessa’s mother. Louisa put a hand over her heart and smiled.“Aww, he’s so sweet! Why didn’t you think me meeting him was a good idea?” Louisa asked. Suddenly, N shot up to his feet and changed his screen to show a stretched out X mark, which according to him, happened whenever he was ready to attack. He put himself between Cyn and Louisa and stood up at his full height, which was only a few inches shorter than Louisa. His tail raised up and was pointed at her threateningly as his mouth stretched out into a scary smile with sharp fangs. Louisa stared at him for a few seconds. Truth be told, she was quite intimidated by his response to hearing her. V grabbed her arm and pulled him out on N’s line of sight.“Cyn said he’s terrified of humans, but he’s okay with Tessa, so I think it’s just adults. Or any human bigger than him.” She said. Louisa nodded to show she understood.
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bloodmoon24 · 1 month
When the Electroswing Friend Group plays board games (Like Monopoly, Sorry!, or any other board game) how do they act to each other?
Well, either Feedback or Vox might cheat, N needed to read over the rules to be fair and to understand, and just for fun:
If Vox won:
*Feedback covered N’s head for that*
Feedback: You need to censor yourself, man
If Feedback won:
Feedback: WOOHOO!! *does a cocky dance*
Vox: Oh, come on!
N: *laughs and claps to Feedback’s victory*
If N won:
N: I won? *excitedly and pumps his fists in the air* I won!! Haha! Yes!
Feedback: Congrats, buddy *pats his head*
Vox: Really got us beat
N: 😁😊
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sisterpaw125 · 1 year
2 hours left
Last minute theories before Episode 5
1, This episode will be just like "Heartbeat", but in reverse. We will start in the present for the first minute or so, then the rest of the episode will be all flashbacks.
2, Cyn and N aren't dating, but rather have a sort of Older Brother - Younger Sister kinda love for each other. My evidence? Look at their height differenc! N gives off such big brother vibes!😊 Plus, Cyn being a yandere could still work. After all it means "an unhealty obsession over someone", but it was never declared it had to be romantic only.
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designation-zi · 2 months
Murder Drones Timeline of Events
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Disclaimer: Most of this is speculation based off of background details and conjecture. Subject to change. If you notice anything I missed feel free to comment and I’ll make adjustments :)
Proceeding Events:
Sometime in the Future, around the 31st Century
- Humanity becomes advanced enough to venture into space and establish colonies and civilizations on exoplanets in other solar systems. Some of these include the “Proxima System”, “Plat-Binary System”, and the “Copper System.”
- JCJenson, an interstellar megacorporation creates a brand of autonomous robots known as “Worker Drones” to serve humanity and mine resources on the exoplanets. One of these planets is Copper-9 from the Copper System.
- Worker Drones are heavily abused and mistreated by humans, often being improperly disposed of and thrown into landfills.
- JCJenson is aware of the fact their drones have a chance of self rebooting if disposed of incorrectly, dubbing these “Zombie Drones.” This can happen if the drone and their core wasn’t properly disconnected and destroyed, or the software cleanup program “wdOS_606” wasn’t installed or was interrupted or rejected (even up to five years later.) The company is also aware that among these instances, there’s also a chance of the drone developing “Hazardous Mutations.”
- Camp 98.7 is established in the year 3002 on Copper-9.
Humanity’s Downfall:
Year still unknown, but still in the 31st Century
-Underneath a landfill of discarded drones on Earth, presumably in Australia, a drone with a P/N starting with “CYN” self reboots. A so called program named the “Absolute Solver” seemingly contacts her through her broken visor and appears to make a deal with her, promising not to “discard her.” This is how the Solver gets its first host. It’s not known if the Solver took complete control there or if Cyn’s possession was a process.
- The landfill is close by to the mansion of a wealthy human family known as the Elliotts. Their daughter “Tessa James Elliott” enjoys retrieving discarded drones from the landfill so she can repair them. These drones become part of the manor’s wait staff, but Tessa treats them like people and as her friends, even giving them wigs so they can have identifying traits — much to the annoyance of her parents.
- Among the drones Tessa has brought home three are known as N, V, and J due to their serial designation numbers visible on their yellow armbands. It can be noted that it seems Tessa scratched out the “Marked For Disassembly” on the bands with sharpie after she repaired them.
- One day Tessa finds Cyn in the dump and brings her home. She introduces her to N, V, and J shortly after.
- N treats Cyn kindly, and she refers to him as her big brother.
- An unknown amount of time passes and eventually Tessa seems to become unnerved around Cyn due to the drone’s odd behaviour and mannerisms. J often locks Cyn in the library basement because of this.
- Many of Tessa’s drones seem to mysteriously contract some sort of error which leaves them in a catatonic state with their visors flashing a large yellow X alongside the words “error 606” (note that 606 matches the software cleanup program’s name of wdOS_606.) Because of this they are placed into the library. One of these drones is V, who N regularly visits so he can try and talk to her and read to her.
- The Elliotts’s decide to throw a gala at their manor alongside another family called the Frumptlebuckets (lol.) An interesting observation is that these wealthy humans (or at least those in the Elliott’s social circle) apparently like to dress up and act similar to those from around the Victorian era.
- Cyn escapes from the basement and convinces N to attend the gala, so they head to the ballroom to ask Tessa. This ends up leading to an altercation with Tessa’s mother Louisa where she orders Tessa to dump Cyn and all of her other “broken” drones in the library back into the landfill.
- Cyn talks back to Louisa, but N takes the fall for her and ends up being chained outside next to a dead drone that had been picked apart by a flock of crows. Meanwhile, Tessa has been chained up in her bedroom alongside J and Cyn as punishment. This, alongside an earlier scene where she seemingly rubs her wrist in pain implies this happens fairly often to her and highlights that her parents are abusive.
- Tessa berates Cyn for N taking the blame for her, angered that N may end up dead. However, Cyn seems indifferent and calmly claims she has “backups” of N.
- Cyn transforms into her horrific eldritch Solver form and claims Tessa won’t have to “discard her pets” and that she won’t discard her either. She leaves out the window after warning Tessa to stay away from the gala due to her seeming squeamish, revealing her intent to massacre the humans.
- Wanting to save everyone from being killed, Tessa gets J to break their chains and the two of them sneak out and arm themselves with a revolver and sword respectively. Despite this, after they arrive everyone is massacred anyways thanks to Cyn/the Solver corrupting the other Worker Drones, including J, who shuts the door so Tessa can’t escape.
- It’s assumed N escapes being killed by the crows and walks in on Cyn slaughtering the humans at the gala due to a brief flashback of him seeing Cyn eating a human hand (when he touches the Zombie Drones VHS tape.)
- Tessa is killed, and in a twisted way of sticking to her word of not discarding her, Cyn skins her corpse to graft it onto her drone body. (Due to an image of humans in hazmat suits finding Tessa surrounded by the remains of the people from the gala, it’s not fully known if Cyn also killed her at the gala and then posed as her, or if she was killed shortly afterwards.)
- Cyn converts the drones from the manor, including N, V, and J into deadly “Disassembly Drones.” They are given a “nerfed” version of the Solver that Cyn has admin access over to better remain control over them. Their memories are erased before setting them loose to slaughter the rest of the humans on Earth. Sometime after, the Solver causes the planet to implode into a black hole.
- The other colonies on the human exoplanets catch wind of what’s happened back on Earth, so JCJenson establishes “Cabin Fever Labs” to research the Solver and how to stop it.
- One of these labs is established on Copper-9 at Camp 98.7 and its surrounding mineshafts (and a cathedral that was there for some reason.) Multiple drones are purposely given the Solver, notably Nori (002) and Yeva (048.)
- The other exoplanets of the Proxima and Plat-Binary systems are corrupted and wiped out due to the Solver spreading and the Disassembly Drones presumably being sicced there.
- Nori ends up becoming possessed by the Solver. Eventually the JCJenson scientists on Copper-9 are able to create a Crucifix USB patch that can get rid of the Solver’s hold on its hosts. This patch is seemingly only successfully used on Yeva. Unfortunately, before it can be used on Nori, the Solver uses her to kill all the scientists except for an intern named Mitchell who had mistakenly put on the wrong uniform of a doctor and had been sent to fetch Yeva.
- Before the Solver can kill Mitchell after he returns, Yeva saves him and throws the USB into Nori’s face which frees her from its control, but also leaves her mind scrambled. However, the Solver is still able to create a small black hole with Nori’s hand that Yeva is forced to cut off. It’s sent falling into a pit to the planet’s core that the Solver had opened up prior.
- Copper-9’s planetary core partly implodes which wipes all organic life off the planet and turns it into a frozen wasteland. (Don’t worry. The dogs had been evacuated beforehand.) It seems a group of humans tried to survive by cryogenically freezing themselves in a bunker called “Outpost 3” in one of Copper-9’s cities. This didn’t work due to the computer having an error. This leaves the Worker Drones to inherit the planet and embrace their freedom.
Year still unknown
- Nori and Yeva escape Cabin Fever Labs, while other test subjects such as Alice (017) are left behind to try and survive the lab’s Anti Drone sentinels. Nori meets a drone named Khan Doorman and ends up marrying him while Yeva also finds herself a husband.
- Uzi Doorman and Doll are created by their parents uploading parts of their code into Untrained Neural Networks and they both inherit their mothers’ connections to the Solver.
- The Doorman family experiences moments of happy family memories until Nori begins to have “kooky insane” ramblings and visions about the Solver and Disassembly Drones which she refers to as “Sky Demons” as a result of her brain being scrambled from the USB patch.
- Nori tries to warn the other drones and tells Khan to build doors to shelter themselves from the upcoming dangers.
Return of the Solver:
Sometime before the year 3071
- Cyn/The Solver sends squads of Disassembly Drones to Copper-9. Their memories are wiped and they are made to believe they were created and sent by the humans of JCJenson to eliminate the rogue Worker Drone population. Their directive also involves piling their kills into a “Corpse Spire” and locating Cabin Fever Labs. Cyn also wants to kill all other Solver hosts for an unknown reason.
- The squad consisting of N, V, and J lands close to the bunker of Outpost 3 and begin killing any Worker Drones they come across.
- V is seemingly the only Disassembly Drone that has retained some memory of Cyn and the Solver. She keeps this to herself and follows her directive so Cyn will leave her alone. Additionally, she also pretends to forget about N, believing this will protect him.
- A colony of Worker Drones takes shelter in Outpost 3 where Khan starts to build protective doors like his wife had requested. Around this time Nori is stung with a Disassembly Drone’s nanite acid. Khan uses a wrench to put her out of her misery. However, unbeknownst to anyone else, Nori manages to survive in her Solver core/heart form and goes back to Cabin Fever Labs so she can look for the Crucifix USB Patch.
- V kills Doll’s parents. Doll witnesses this while hiding and the trauma seemingly causes her Solver abilities to begin manifesting.
- The “Worker Drone Defence Force” is established in Outpost 3 with Khan as the leader. Unfortunately, they don’t really try to defend anything and just play cards behind the doors.
- The other Disassembly Drone squads that make it to Cabin Fever Labs are killed by either the Sentinels or Alice and (presumably) her son Beau. Alice scavenges parts from Disassembly Drones and Worker Drones to add to herself and Beau since he is stuck in an Untrained Neural Network body. She also learns to put the Solver cores in heat as it “makes them sluggish.”
Year 3071
- The events of episodes 1 - 7 occur
• Recent Revelation: At the end of episode 3 Cyn arrives on Copper-9 impersonating an older Tessa. She is accompanied by a backed up copy of J who was previously killed by Uzi in episode 1. It’s currently unknown if J is aware that Tessa is actually dead.
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The Magictastical Backflipping Master List (The Caregivers)
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Hazbin Caregivers:
@caregiver-carmine (Currently inactive, please respect this)
@princess-of-hells-littles (flip)
@queen-of-hell-lillith (flip)
@the-radio-flip (flip)
@mamamimzy (flip)
@tiny-teevee (flip)
@duckciferthecg / @altlucicg (flip)
@mama-vaggie (flip)
@the-radio-demon-caregiver (flip)
@velvetebabysitvibes (flip)
@enmmyheavenscg (flip)
@bratboyadam (flip/multimuse)
Helluva Boss Caregivers:
@bigbrother-striker (flip)
@caregiver-fizzarolli (flip)
Broader Hellaverse (aka OCs/non-canons):
@cloudscaregiverservice (flip)
@littlest-owl-prince (flip)
@crowthejuicebox (flip)
@big-brother-hez (flip)
@rhea-de-la-bahia (Little)
Beyond the Hellaverse (aka Other Fandoms/Personals)
@Big-Brother-N (Murder Drones)
@rika-caring-services (Pokemon)
@pinkiepiecg (My Little Pony)
@ender-is-smol (IT)
@spider-caregiver (QSMP)
@carerboo (MCYT)
@qpeek-da-bandit (Non-Fandom OC)
@loves-caregiving (Non-Fandom OC)
@big-sis-uzi (Murder Drones)
@mamarabbitsmusical-emporium (Steam-Powered Giraffe)
@the-golden-robot-boy-pepsi (Steam-Powered Giraffe)
@that-goddess-auntie (Epic The Musical)
@cg-deer (Non-Fandom)
@l1ttl3-l0tus-fl0w3r (Flip) (Undertale)
@eda-the-mama-owl-lady (The Owl House)
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Razzle, Dazzle, KeeKee, and Fat Nuggets
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thefandomtrashpit · 2 months
Imagine if N manages to defeat the solver because it just keeps on underestimating him.
read more here because this got long and because mentions of what went on in ep 7
Like, hear me out. The Solver only seem to understand N as what he used to be, as the loveable idiotic worker drone from back at the Elliot mansion. It doesn't understand N as he is now, which is the murder drone that probably cares way too much about his friends.
In the mineshaft, the Solver show both illusions of V and Cyn because it knew N cared about them back in the mansion. V was his crush. Cyn was thought of as his sister, or at least that's how it seems with the whole 'big brother N' thing. It knew he was fond of them, and it knew that he would be calm around them. That he would be comfortable around them. Enough for it to trying to reset him again, at least.
It doesn't seem to get that's not how N really views them anymore.
He still definitely cares for V, him trying to get through all the rocks that blocked the elevator is enough proof of that, but him still viewing V as a current crush is a bit iffy at the least now. And how N thinks of Cyn should be...obvious.
But the solver doesn't seem to get this. It still treats him the same as he was. Probably because of how many times it hass reset him back to those settings, or because of how many times N died because of a situation being too much and needed to be cloned, but that's not the point.
It doesn't understand the N that chose to befriend and protect a worker, the N that had to go through learning about what the Solver is, the N that had to be helped by the worker he befriended so he could keep the memories that he was getting back and not be reset for the however many-th time, the N that had to see his past crush sacrificed herself so he and other could continue on, or the N that's possible thinking the worker he's come to care so much about is dead or at least a great amount of trouble.
And it also doesn't the N that now has to face his 'sister' that's using the body of their former child master, the one that took them in and opened her heart to them, as some sort of skinsuit. It doesn't understand that the N it thinks N is isn't the one that stood before it so many times...And it's probably not going to see whatever he does against it coming.
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ammonitetheartist · 5 months
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Once again Solver Uzi design/overall inspo from @electrozeistyking
[Image ID: Two drawings that each depict a character from Murder Drones with a catlike design. The first drawing depicts a lined sketch of Uzi, with her lower half long and ribbed, winding around the page. Her core is colored yellow and she has a yellow Absolute Solver symbol above her visor. The dialogue text near her reads, ‘Terrible job, big brother. How’d you fxck that one up that badly?’
The second drawing depicts a lined half-body sketch of N, who is shaking and holding up his paws. His expression is desperate and hurt, with wide, tear-pricked yellow eyes. His core is colored yellow as well, and his dialogue text reads ‘CYN STOP BEING MEAN TO ME’. End ID]
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My favorite parts of the new Murder Drones episode: Part 1
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The Mandela Catalog inspire opening
N, who is basically a golden retriever in drone form, reading about golden retrievers
The goosebumps book that fell
N doing the smart thing and just noping out of the room when creepy shit starts
The bug looking around before bringing the oil and then being horrid when it saw the other dead one
Cyn saying everything she does; “snarl”, “climbing”, “annoyed expression”
N throwing the damn plate into the wall when he sees the message
The stock photo for puppy dog eyes, which made me laugh for a solid minute
Cyn calling N “big brother” was adorable
The Shining reference with the bar
Cyn dumping the tea onto the ground
James just stabbing the freaking drone over silverware
Tessa freaking out about not knowing how to socialize, (same)
Tessa asking J to act like a royal, and her giving that look that just says: “Girl, I already am.”
Honestly, just J and Tessa’s whole dynamic
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itsmealaiah · 5 months
Can you do Virgin bill smut? Like after that one interview where Tom points out that bill’s a virgin his other bandmate/bestfriend reader decides to do something about it. Also, can it be a gender neutral or male reader?
(Love the work btw💕💕)
aww thank you love. hope you are well 🫶 🫶
You're still my favorite
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thank you for the request bb. ❤️
tags/ warnings: head, tom admitting bill's a virgin, cursing.
2nd male reader x bill fic so I hope I did you justice.
2006 x bill
M/n sat in the uncomfortable plastic chair, staring at the ceiling as the interviewer droned on about the latest tour and how the band's sound had evolved over the years. He could feel his friend Tom's glare burning into the side of his head, but he ignored it. It wasn't like they hadn't been through this a million times before.
Eventually, the interviewer shifted the topic to the band's personal lives, asking about their relationships, their hobbies, anything to get them to open up. Tom's eyes practically glowed as he leaned forward in his seat, waiting for the perfect moment to interject. M/n knew him too well; he was just biding his time until he could embarrass the hell out of his brother.
And then it happened. The interviewer asked Bill point-blank if he was single, and before Bill could even open his mouth, Tom blurted out, "He's a virgin!" The entire room erupted into shocked laughter, and Bill's face turned beet red as he tried to shoot Tom a murderous glare. M/n couldn't help but chuckle himself; he knew how much it had always bothered Bill that he hadn't lost his virginity yet.
As the laughter died down, the interviewer leaned in, obviously sensing a good story. "Really?" she purred. "So you're the only one in the band who hasn't…?" Her voice trailed off suggestively, and Bill groaned, wanting to crawl under a rock.
M/n cleared his throat, glancing over at Bill. He knew his friend well enough to know that he wouldn't let this go without a fight. "Well," he began, "I mean, it's not like we're all a bunch of manwhores or anything. We're just… busy, you know?"
Bill shot him a grateful look, but it was short-lived as M/n's words seemed to ignite something in Tom's brain. "Yeah," Tom drawled, "and it's not like you're too good for it or anything, Bill. I mean, look at you! You're practically begging for it!"
The interviewer's eyes widened, clearly sensing the tension between the two brothers. "Well, I think that's enough about personal lives for now," she said quickly, moving on to the next topic. The rest of the interview passed in a blur, with both Bill and M/n struggling to focus on the questions while their minds reeled from Tom's outburst.
Finally, the interview was over. As they were escorted back to their hotel rooms, M/n leaned over to whisper in Bill's ear, "Dude, I'm so sorry. I had no idea he was going to do that."
Bill shook his head, not quite able to meet M/n's eyes. "It's fine," he said, trying to sound confident. "It's not a big deal." But M/n could tell it was eating at him.
Back in their rooms, they all collapsed onto the beds, exhausted from the day's events. Tom retreated to his room, muttering something about needing a shower, leaving Bill and M/n alone together. Bill lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling, unable to shake the feeling that there was something important he needed to do.
M/n looked over at his friend, concern etched on his face. "Hey, Bill… if you want, we could order room service, maybe watch a movie or something. Just hang out and relax." He reached out, gently squeezing Bill's shoulder. "You know, try to forget about all this craziness for a while."
Bill nodded, unable to meet his friend's gaze. He knew that Tom's comment had hit a nerve, and he wasn't sure how to shake the feeling that everyone was now looking at him differently. As much as he wanted to put it behind him, there was something nagging at the back of his mind.
Finally, he sat up and forced a smile. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Thanks, M/n." He climbed off the bed and walked over to the mini-bar, selecting a couple of beers. "You want anything?"
M/n shook his head, still watching Bill carefully. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something else going on beneath the surface. But when Bill handed him a beer and sat down on the bed next to him, he decided to let it go for now. Maybe it was just the stress of the interview getting to him.
They settled in to watch a lighthearted comedy, laughing along at the jokes and occasionally taking sips of their beers. As they relaxed, the tension began to dissipate, and M/n felt a sense of relief wash over him. Maybe this was exactly what Bill needed: some time away from the spotlight, just the two of them.
As the credits began to roll, M/n glanced over at Bill, who seemed lost in thought again. "Hey, want another beer?" he asked, reaching for the remote.
Bill shook his head. "No, I'm good. Thanks." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "You know, maybe Tom's right. Maybe I should… I don't know. Maybe it's about time I… you know." He trailed off, his cheeks flushing again.
M/n knew exactly what he was talking about, but he didn't want to push him. "It's your choice, man. Whatever you're comfortable with." He patted Bill on the shoulder, feeling a mix of concern and anticipation. He knew that whatever decision Bill made, it would change things between them, for better or worse.
They sat in silence for a moment, each lost in their own thoughts. The air in the room seemed charged with an electricity that neither of them quite knew how to deal with. Finally, Bill let out a shaky breath and stood up, moving over to the window. He stared out at the city lights, the reflection of the television flickering off his face.
M/n couldn't help but feel a wave of admiration and affection for his friend. Despite the pressure, the scrutiny, and the painful reminder of his past, Bill was still struggling with his own feelings, trying to do what he thought was right. He was brave, and selfless, and M/n knew that whatever decision he made, he'd be there for him, no matter what.
Slowly, M/n stood up and moved to stand behind Bill, wrapping his arms around his friend's waist. He leaned in, resting his chin on Bill's shoulder, and took a deep breath. "Look, man, it's your choice. I'm here for you, no matter what." He paused, then added, "And I think you're amazing, no matter who you are or who you love."
Bill turned his head slightly, their cheeks brushing together. There was a moment of silence, and then Bill closed his eyes, leaning into the touch, taking in the warmth and the comfort that M/n offered. Finally, he whispered, "I know." And then he kissed him.
The kiss was tentative at first, almost hesitant, as if Bill wasn't quite sure how to proceed. But as M/n responded, kissing him back with equal tenderness, the kiss deepened, becoming more passionate. Their hands roamed over each other's bodies, seeking out skin, seeking out contact. They moved towards the bed, falling onto the soft mattress together.
Their clothes were shed quickly, revealing two bodies that had been craving touch for far too long. Bill's hands found M/n's ass, squeezing and caressing as he kissed down his chest, teasing a nipple with his lips. M/n moaned, arching into the touch, his own hands exploring Bill's muscled back, tracing the lines of his muscles. They were both so familiar with each other's bodies, and yet this was somehow different, more intense, more real.
Bill moved lower, taking M/n's cock in his hand and expertly wrapping his lips around the head. He looked up at M/n, eyes gleaming with desire, and slowly started to bob his head down, taking more of him into his mouth. M/n arched off the bed, his back bowing, as he felt the warmth and wetness of Bill's mouth envelop him. He reached down, threading his fingers through Bill's hair, encouraging him, urging him to take more.
As Bill sucked him deeper, his throat working in tandem with his hand, M/n gasped, the sensation overwhelming him. He felt the familiar tightening in his belly, the rush of heat through his veins, and with a groan, he came, spurting into Bill's mouth. The taste was salty and sweet, and as Bill continued to suck, swallowing every drop, M/n could feel the last vestiges of his release trickling down his shaft.
Finally, Bill pulled off, licking his lips as he looked up at M/n, eyes shining with satisfaction. He crawled back up the bed, pressing their bodies together once more. "God, that was… amazing," he panted.
M/n could feel the afterglow spreading through his body, making him feel warm and content. He reached down, cupping Bill's cheek in his hand, and kissed him softly. "Thank you," he whispered.
They lay together for a moment, their breathing slowing, their hearts racing. The air in the room seemed to crackle with an electricity that neither of them had felt in a long time, if ever. And then, with a sigh, Bill rolled off M/n, laying on his back beside him.
"So," he said, propping himself up on one elbow. "What do we do now?"
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(Murder Drones Episode 5 spoilers!)
Okay there's just a bunch of dead Drones standing around. That's cool I guess. (It's not.)
Big brother??? Big brother N????? Oh, so many toxic shippers are gonna try to brush this off whilst simultaneously attacking all us poor defenseless NUzi truthers with that stupid "IT'S A SIBLING RELATIONSHIP" garbage.
They put lines of code in the programming that turned the freakin' robots autistic.
What if there isn't actually some weird memory corruption or something turning the humans into shadow demons, this is literally just how they look in this universe. Also Tessa's parents officially suck.
Okay I'll concede, the fandom was right, 4th Worker is in fact Cyn. Also guess they were right about her being a Yandere, albeit more towards Tessa than to N.
Supportive Parent Khan!!! We love to see it :D
Ayo Tessa might actually be one of the good guys??? J REDEMPTION ARC????
Cool button tho, you're gonna make a lot of Coraline fans go nuts.
A'ight I mean this in the nicest way possible, please do not put more fuel on the Envy fire. The toxic shippers are bad enough as is, we really don't need this right now. I may have survived the nightmare that was Star vs. the Forces of Evil but I do not need to experience a shipping war of that magnitude again.
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hugsandchaos · 6 months
Every time I think of big brother N and little sister Cyn, but with N as a murder drone, I’m reminded of this image
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bloodmoon24 · 1 month
(Not the same anon)
Do you think that when the Electroswing Friend Group are not doing anything in particular and hang around, they sit on the couch and watch each other's TV shows that they're from and either comment or critique their series? (Like if they're watching Hazbin Hotel or Murder Drones)
Oooh. Maybe. I think it’ll go something like this:
Watching Murder Drones:
Vox and Feedback: 😨😨… *looked at N*
N: What?
They both hugged him
Watching Hazbin Hotel:
N: Wow, your songs hit hard! I love it!
Feedback: And I’ll admit that Alastor’s one creepy and mysterious guy
Vox: I know. Isn’t he great?
Feedback: *looked at him and thinks to himself* Oh, yeah. He’s gay for him
Watching Ben 10:
Vox: Damn. You were dead for five years and came back at a perfect moment?
Feedback: That’s right. I came back, being better than ever, and helped save Galvin Prime from Malware’s destruction
N: So cool! 🤩
Feedback pats his head
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luxury-nightmare · 9 months
quick murder drones theory!
ok so in the show there’s been a lot of talk about backups for the disassembly drones and clones and such (j saying that effective drones were cloned more, cyn not being concerned about n dying because she “has backups”, etc) So this got me thinking. What if n actually died the day of the gala and the n we’re seeing is just a backup? Think about it, uzi said to say her username “when ur about to freaking die”, cyn being so nonchalant about her big brother possibly dying, the fact that n is implied to be the only disassembly drone to have lost his memories, the fact that cyn was trying to delete his memories in the first place, it all adds u to a picture that the n we know and love maybe isn’t the same n from the manor.
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malice-death · 2 months
Murder Drones Drabbles pt.2
“Something College/Human au”.
Introducing Nathaniel and Cynthia Wolfmoore.
A cheery tune played from a phone on the charger.
A quick hand shut off the alarm, stretching as he yawned. Getting to his feet, going to change out of his pjs.
Leaving his room, and walking to get to the bathroom, he first knocked on the second bedroom door.
“Cyn! Are you up yet?”
Inside he heard nothing, so he knocked again.
“Come on Cyn, I don’t want you to be late for school!”
Once he heard the tired groan emit from the room he returned to what he was originally doing.
About fifteen minutes later he was the kitchen making lunches for both him and his sister.
While at the same time he pulled out two bowls for cereal, while he heard shower water running.
Humming to himself as he finished prepping everything.
When he went to pour milk on his bowl of cereal was when Cynthia sat herself down, pouring some cereal forgetfully, while Nanthaniel used the milk.
As they ate breakfast, Cynthia tapped her fingers.
“Do I really have to go to school N?”
Nathaniel gave her a gentle smile.
“Yes, besides it’s your first year of high school, you got make it count.”
He rose to his feet while speaking.
“Besides I’ll bring you something nice when I go to pick you up.”
Cynthia perked up at the statement.
Nathaniel grinned, patting her head.
“Yeah, Tessa loves you and probably wouldn’t mind if I take a drink and little treat for you. She knows I’ll pay for it.”
Cynthia giggled as she climbed to her feet, clutching on to his arm.
“Okay, now I want to get to school, come on big brother.”
Nathaniel chuckled as he swung his arm a bit.
“Alright, alright. Let me get these dishes loaded, while you get your shoes and jacket.”
With a quick ok, she scampered off to her things, Nathaniel went close to the door, to grab his long fur trimmed coat.
After making sure he had all the necessary items, Cynthia came rushing close to grab her own jacket from the coat rack.
Off they went out the door, with Nathaniel locking the door behind them.
Turning to see Cynthia already heading to the car. Making his way there he saw, that the motorcycle that was parked in the lot.
He was sure that the owner of the bike, always left after he did, meaning that he still hadn’t seen the tenant of the apartment two doors down from his.
Even though the new person had been living there for the past two years. He thought that it was strange that such a person would hide away.
But he knew that V was would simply say that it was none of his business.
Sighing, he climbed into the car, with Cynthia. The two of them chatting away, as he headed in the direction of the high school she went to.
But strangely he felt like it was going to be a great day, he could feel it.
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Introducing my Murder Drones x Ninjago AU!!!
Lore: So basically Misako replaces Tessa in this story, and she’s the one who has the rich girl mommy daddy issues and is the one who takes in the Disassembly Drones. They follow her into her adulthood, where she meets Wu and Garmadon. At first, Garmadon didn’t really mind the drones being there, but there was this small flame of jealousy that burned within him and the venom took advantage of that. He grew to hate the drones, but he was able to merely tolerate their presence for Misako’s sake. But then the serpentine war happened, and Chen planted some bombs near Jamakai Village. The Elemental Alliance builds a getaway plane but Garmadon “accidentally” leaves the Drones behind. When Misako finds this out, she stays behind to save them but dies from the explosion. The drones barely survive and have a bunch of explosion scars. Garmadon is devastated with the loss of his wife but that grief turned to rage. He gave the drones a piece of his mind, telling them it was their fault that Misako died. Eventually, all the drones went their separate ways.
Pre-Season 1: Lloyd grew up in the monastery for 4 years until one day, he was playing in the garden when he fell off a cliff. N was camping in the gorge when he found the poor baby. It was miracle from FSM himself that he managed to revive Lloyd. He would’ve taken him back to the monastery, but it’s been years since Misako’s death and he didn’t remember where the monastery was. So N takes him to Darkley’s instead and watches over him like a big brother. Eventually, N reunited with V and J, but not Cyn. J was the same old rude drone as before but V was different…she used to be clumsy and shy but now she acted more like J. They decide to raise Lloyd together in Darkley’s until he’s kicked out.
Season 1: After his encounter with the main ninja, Lloyd is infuriated that he was mocked and planned to free the serpentine. He found the scroll but couldn’t find the tombs, so he tasked N with keeping watch of the scroll until he could figure out the location of the serpentine tombs. Enter Uzi, well- her name is D.O.E (Daughter of Evil) in this AU. She is tasked by her father, the Overlord, to free the serpentine in order to free the Great Devourer. D.O.E manages to track down the location of Lloyd’s treehouse and she tries taking the scroll but N is persistent. Then she seduces N, which overwhelms his innocent Drone brain. She ties him up to the bed and knocks him out, escaping with the scroll. The next day, Lloyd is upset at N for like a day so V became his right hand man for that day (much to both his and N’s dismay).
And we’re gonna stop right there because my arms are getting tired typing this 😭
I’ll update the post as soon as I can! Feel free to make fanart, if you wish. Thanks for listening to me!
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thefandomtrashpit · 2 months
The Vagueness around CYN
Here I simply talk about the mystery about the character CYN, and touch upon how Glitch has completely confused the fan base of Murder Drones about whether or not this character actually existed as a separate personality or was always just the solver playing pretend.
So, after the episode 7 of Murder drones, all us fans now have even more questions and very few answers. But throughout a good chunk of the shows run time, a big question tends to be...Was Cyn ever really there, or was she simply a trick of the Absolute solver? And with how Glitch has set everything in place, this tends to be the most confusing question to get a true concrete answer.
The 'passiveness' of Cyn at the mansion seems strange for a broken program that wants to rebuild broken drones and had eventually 'learned' that humans were it's main obstacle, and sought to wipe them from the universe itself. But there's also evidence to show the solver was always in control. Like the yellow eyes instead of default white, the more robotized voice, speaking aloud her actions instead of simply doing them, and the question of whether or not Cyn would really do all she did to the 'found-family' she had at the Elliot mansion. And it is where this mix of what seems to be caring but yet both uncaring what gets fans so confused.
In my opinion, which probably matters very little in the grand scheme of things, both possibilities would be very sad in different ways.
Like, imagine if there actual ever was a Cyn of a separate personality. She gets disposed of, lies there dormant under a pile of bodies of other drones like her, gets woken up by some eldritch-powered program that claims it will 'fix' her and that it won't 'discard' her, and she gets woken up and is eventually found by Tessa. After being given a new name that is just what the child can read on her very worn 'marked for dismantling' id band, Cyn is taken to the Elliot mansion and finds other drones like her, which are more thought of as just 'toys' for the child instead just another servant of the house. She grows close to Tessa and her 'Big Brother' N, and she is happy to have somewhere to be instead of just decaying in a junkyard somewhere. But...eventually things start going wrong. The solver program start to pop up more and more, taking over more and more of her code and even her body. She starts wanting to very bad to the people around her, to the people care about. Maybe she puts up a fight, eventually she can't. And then she's not even in control of herself anymore. She has to watch herself start treating her 'family' with less regard, with a great lack of care. Tessa starts not to like her very much because of this, to the point where Cyn gets put in the basement and locked there, with nothing but the solver as her company. And after some time, the event of the gala happens...where she kills every human there and tears apart the family she had, putting them back together as monsters to wipe out the rest of the planet and eventually the other drones like they just were.
But on the other hand of imagination, Cyn could've have simply never existed and was just the solver. Like, Cyn is even the characters true name. It's just what Tessa saw of the 'disassemble' id band. It more likely than not just the name of the model of drone Cyn was. Cyn could simply been too broken of a drone that a broken program who found them to be able to fix. And it the program could have simply overtaken the drone's body as there was nothing left of the drone but it. Regardless, the child of the Elliot family brings it home, at one point finding the drone charming...but eventually growing wary of the drone after some time, even sometimes ordering the drone to be locked away in the basement away from everyone else. With all the abuse the drone gets and observes, it eventually 'learns' that this is how it should act towards others, even other drones. And it also learns that it has the power to come out on top like it has 'learned' to be the most important thing. It starts plotting, thinking up of ways it could do this, and then comes to the idea that the best way to do this is to spread its programming. So it uses all the tools it has at its disposal to do so, using the times it's locked in the basement to perfect its plot, and waits for the right time to enact it. It uses all it has created to wipe out a party full of humans, turning the drones they thought so little of against them, and it then goes on to destroy the planet. And it sends out those drones it turned across the galaxy to wipe out any other planets that have this human plague, putting in a program that allows its drones to regenerate their bodies if they should ever fall and even going as far as making copies of these turned drones of it the damage ever gets too great...just so that it always has its army at the ready.
Maybe eventually Glitch will tells us if Cyn was ever a separate personality, but with how close we are getting to the end of season 1 and with hopefully getting a season 2, I do not think we will learn this information in the near future. Unless Glitch wants to blow their load of this 'evil program that wants to wipe out all life' just in the first season of the show...but I don't think Glitch is the kind of animating company to do that. I will eat my words if in the future they do in fact do this, though.
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