#murderdolls 2002
the first introduction to stone sour and murderdolls on mtv news, with corey and joey giving their interviews without the masks on | 2002
credits to the yt user gothdestiny
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yourfavealbumisgender · 6 months
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Beyond the Valley of the Murderdolls by Murderdolls is Transmasc!
requested by anon
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horrorart13 · 1 year
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alll-day-long · 6 months
I saw something on twitter that gave me a fic idea last night and I was like I'll add it to the idea list because I am NOT starting another fic that will sit half finished in my docs for months but then I woke up with a fully formed fic (dialogue included) in my brain and I might have to write it now
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thebean-17 · 1 month
"𝔐𝔲𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔯, 𝔪𝔲𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔯, 𝔶𝔢𝔰 𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔢𝔡, 𝔎.ℑ.𝔏.𝔏.ℑ.𝔑.𝔊."
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ramblinguitar · 2 years
There’s not too much about the Murderdolls around here, at least that doesn’t seem to be Slipknot adjacent. Which is cool, since Joey was in both. But this band is just a lot of fun.
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(Source : Spirit of Metal)
While some consider the Murderdolls to have initially been born from Joey Jordison’s band The Rejects, way back in 1994 before Slipknot was signed; the band formed in 2002, in Hollywood California.
Consisting mainly of Joey Jordison and Wednesday 13, the touring (and some in studio work) line up included Tripp Eisen (Satic-X, Dope), Acey Slade (Dope, Wednesday 13, currently live guitarist for the Misfits), Eric Griffin, Ben Graves, among some other rotating musicians.
The band was active from years 2002-2004, and again from 2010-2011.
They’re macabre. They’re weird. They’re shock rock mall goth metal. They’re also pretty cool.
And this Billy Idol cover? Yes, please.
Also, here’s a gem featuring Peter Steele from 2005:
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basementdoll · 1 year
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Do you remember the first time you got drunk, the first time you fell in love, the first time you got in a fight? Wednesday 13 does, and those memories aren’t all pleasant…
The Memory Remains
When was the first time you had sex?
“I was 15 and I was in the garage of my mom and dad’s house in North Carolina. I lost my virginity on a Roger Rabbit blanket, because it was really cold. The year was 1991, I believe. The girl was my high school girl and she’s now my wife. I’ve been with her for a long time.”
What were your first impressions of Murderdolls colleague Joey Jordison?
“My first impression, when I first saw him come by in his car, was that he was a girl. I was like, ‘Wow, who’s that chick?’. And he got out of his car and I realized it wasn’t a chick, it was actually Joey. But it was just that he looked so young, like a 16-year-old kid. Like I said, when I saw him in a car I thought he was a chick and then when I saw him up close I thought he was a 16-year-old kid.”
What was the first record you ever bought?
“I didn’t buy a record until I was 18 because I was too much of a cheapskate to get a job. The first record someone ever bought for me was an Alice Cooper record, a Mötley Crüe record and a Poison record in my stocking from Santa Claus. Alice Cooper had a big influence on me visually, and Mötley Crüe were a big influence because they were just a bunch of scumbags. Poison were cool, too.”
What was the first gig you ever attended?
“Mötley Crüe on the ‘Dr Feelgood’ tour. I was in the Seventh Grade, so I think it was 1988, and the venue was the Charlotte Coliseum. For a little kid who had never seen anything like that it was just awesome, to see all the lasers going off in the shape of a giant pentagram, to see the devil in the house from the first song. And to see those guys going about their stuff literally changed my life. It was such an awesome night.”
When was your first fistfight?
“It was in the Sixth Grade. It was with a guy who was once my best friend, and the fight was over a girl. Well, it was for him, because she’d left him to hook up with me. So we walked in the bathroom and he started swinging at me, and every time he swung he missed, he kept hitting the walls. He hit the walls more times than he hit me. So I just laughed at him and smacked him in the head a couple of times and that was about it. Sixth graders don’t really hurt each other that much. I do try and get along with everyone, but if I’m onstage and you throw a bottle at my head I will go after you.”
When was the first time you got drunk?
“I was 15 and it was during the time I was with my first high school band. The drummer had a party at his mom’s. They just lined up a bunch of different drinks for me and I had a go at each and every one of them. By the end of the night I was in a bedroom jumping up and down on the bed and then I passed out. But then next morning I was okay. I don’t get hangovers, not even now.”
When was the first time you ever took drugs?
“I have never, ever in my life taken any drugs apart from the ones you can buy over the counter. I have never smoked weed or done anything like that. And I’ve been around it all. It’s just not for me; I’ve never had the desire to do drugs. I drink but that’s because I want to, not because I need to. I’m a strong man.”
When was the first time you left America?
“It was on the first Murderdolls tour in the spring of 2002. And the first place we went to was Amsterdam. 
What were your first impressions of Amsterdam?
“It was actually pretty scary. For a start I couldn’t believe all the people riding bicycles, about how easy it was to get run over by one of them. And there were all the drunk people, and the drug people. People stoned everywhere, people collapsed and shooting up on the street. For a boy out of North Carolina it was really quite a lot to take in, so I just observed a lot of things and kept my mouth shut.
When was the first time you ever laid a groupie?
“I’ve never done that. I know how that sounds, but it’s true. I have a cool family, I have a kid so I’m responsible.”
When was the first time you ever pissed off a tour bus driver?
“It was on the very first tour bus I ever got on, and it was with the Murderdolls. The bus was a piece of shit and it broke down, so me and Joey just started yelling at the driver. He got the bus started and we were like, ‘Don’t ever let that happen again’. And he told us to fuck off, and we told him to fuck off. And that was about it. But normally I get along pretty good with bus drivers, and I’ve had some very cool ones.”
When was the first time a fan asked you to autograph her breast?
“I get asked that every single day. The first time it happened I was like, ‘Are you serious?’. But over the years I’ve learned a distinction - I will sign above the breast, but I will never, ever sign on the nipple. I just tell them no, because I think it’s stupid. But I’ll sign the chest if they keep it covered up. I don’t really get a thrill from signing tits.”
When was the first time you really pissed off a headline band?
“There’s been many, but the best one was Iron Maiden. We pissed off their whole entire crew who wanted us kicked off the whole entire tour. We were in Croatia, it was extremely hot, we had a day off and we were in a hotel. We went out drinking and got completely wasted. We came back to the hotel and we were making noise down the street, throwing bottles at the windows of the hotel. The people inside the windows began shouting at us and because we didn’t know who it was we just started shouting at them to fuck off, that we would kill them if they didn’t. But it was Iron Maiden’s crew, because when you’re drunk everyone looks like everyone else. And the next day we found out we’d threatened to kill everybody on Iron Maiden’s crew, and we weren’t even allowed in the venue. So we had to buy everyone roses and apologise to every one of their 30-man crew. It took a couple of days but by the end of the tour they were hugging us again. But I think Iron Maiden themselves would rather not ever see us again.”
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in-death-we-fall · 3 months
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Scar Tissue
Scar the Martyr marks Joey Jordison’s first new music since the death of his Slipknot songwriting partner, Paul Gray. It’s helped heal his wounds and got him excited for the future…
Words: Paul Travers Photo: Paul Harries (drive link)
Joey Jordison and Paul Gray were in many ways the beating, bloody heart right at the centre of Slipknot. They were both in there from the start. They named the band. They were also the core writing team. Joey once said that when he was writing, he’d always just know where a Paul idea would fit just right. When the bassist died in May 2010, Joey lost an important piece of his musical puzzle.
Some of Slipknot’s scars have healed, through their live shows, including an incredible headline slot at this year’s Download. But now, Joey is finally flexing his creative muscles again, with Scar The Martyr. It’s not the new Slipknot album, but their self-titled debut is the first new music the drummer has written since the death of his best friend and songwriting partner. For Joey, though, Paul Gray’s influence still permeates everything he does.
“It’s always going to be difficult,” he sighs. “It will never not be hard to write without him, because he was my partner and my best friend. But there’s a huge part of Paul in me. I know what he’s thinking, I know when he’s upset, I know when he’s happy; I can read his emotions. This might sound weird to people, but I still talk to paul. He still talks to me and it’s spooky. He might not be here in the flesh, but he’s still here in the spirit. When I get stuck I go, ‘What would you do now?’ and he tells me. He helps me when I get stuck.”
That songwriting partnership might still survive in an ethereal fashion, but Scar The Martyr is a very different beast to Slipknot. The album is dense and dark, taking in post-punk atmospherics and tempering its noise-flecked industrial clatter with vibrant melodies and surging synths.
“Do I think it will surprise people?” Joey muses. “Perhaps not so much as other things I’ve done. When I put out the Murderdolls record (2002’s Beyond The Valley Of The Murderdolls), that was a completely left-field move from what I was known for. But for the record I do think that Slipknot fans will totally dig this album.”
That is good. Because the seeds for Scar The Martyr were sown when Joey began the painful process of trying to pick up writing for Slipknot’s long-awaited fifth album.
“I went into the studio and wrote a load of songs for Slipknot. A load of songs,” he says. “I wrote about 30 songs and the stems of another 20, so that’s 50 songs. But when I realised Slipknot wasn’t going to be happening for a while I stayed in the studio and started this.”
Hang on, 50 Slipknot songs? How come this isn’t going on the new record, then?
“The timing just wasn’t right,” admits Joey. “We have to all be on the same page at the same time, but I still have those songs ready for the new Slipknot album. Once we get together we’ll tear them to pieces and see what works.”
So you’re saying the album’s written?
“We might use one song or we might use all of ‘em. I don’t know what the fuck we’ll do.”
Okay. So did Scar The Martyr allow you to make an album without the pressure that the new Slipknot record would?
“There is less pressure,” says Joey. “There are no expectations, so yeah, it’s a lot easier. But I’m not sitting in there just jacking off. This band is now a part of me, just like Slipknot is.”
With the music written, Joey assembled an impressive bunch of ex-men, with Jed Simon (ex-Strapping Young Lad) and Kris Norris (ex-Darkest Hour) on guitars, and Chris Vrenna (ex-Nine Inch Nails) on keyboards. Joey handled drums and bass himself and recruited a largely unknown vocalist, Henry Derek.
“I did want a vocalist that no-one would know,” Joey explains. “Someone put me in touch with Henry and I sent him four songs. When he returned them, I was blown away – he was totally who I was looking for.”
Henry was given free reign on the lyrics. As a consequence, Joey isn’t willing to discuss the themes on the album. The drummer does, however, reveal that much of the turmoil and anguish of the past three years has been channelled into this new project.
“It’s different from anything I’ve ever done and I think you can tell the emotion in the music,” he nods. “I was in a really different place when I was writing this stuff. It’s not just anger, although there is some in there. There’s reflection, beauty – all kinds of different moods.”
And how is Joey Jordison feeling right now?
“I’m ecstatic,” he beams. “I’m really excited. Whatever happens in the long-term isn’t the focus right now, but we’re going to be around for a while.”
That’s good news in one respect, but where it leaves Slipknot’s immediate future is still unclear.
“I can’t tell you an exact timeline,” Joey shrugs. “Stone Sour’s still out [on tour] and I’ve got this record, but [Slipknot] are still playing shows to keep in touch with our fans. It’s just a matter of waiting until it feels right for Slipknot to get back in there.”
What do you think it’ll be like when that happens?
“Whenever it is, it’s gonna be the perfect time, because we’ve never had this much material, ever,” enthuses the drummer. “I just got three song ideas the other day from Corey [Taylor], and they’re fucking awesome. Corey’s primarily been a lyricist in the band, and it’s cool to see someone who doesn’t normally write the music getting so excited about making Slipknot’s next record.”
So Slipknot is still for the future. But for now, Joey has Scar The Martyr to immerse himself in. You get the feeling that somewhere out there, his songwriting partner and best friend would approve.
Scar The Martyr’s self-titled album is out on September 30 via Roadrunner
We’ve seen it live!
Joey unveiled his new band in New York on August 10. We got the first look! Review: Hardeep Phull Live photo: Shaun Regan
It only takes a few songs of Scar The Martyr’s first headline show to realise that Joey Jordison is not trying to create Slipknot Mk II. Instead, the band are attempting to carve out a sound that has more in common with industrial pioneers like Ministry and Killing Joke through songs such as Never Forgive Never Forget.
Although the broader scope and ambition is impressive, it’s the traditionally heavier songs that Scar The Martyr perform more confidently. With it’s (sic) siren-like opening riff and relentless pace, the first single Blood Host is already a crowd-pleaser, if only because it’s the only song anyone has heard to date, while the crushingly heavy finale of Last Night On Earth is where the band give a tantalising glimpse of how good they could turn out to be.
So, with Slipknot still on hold, this is Joey’s main bag for a bit. Us maggots can wait a little longer, as Scar The Martyr are a brilliant distraction.
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fuckyeswednesday13 · 1 year
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🗣When there’s no more room in Hell….The Duke of Spook, WEDNESDAY 13, has announced a fall 2023 US headline tour to celebrate 21 years of his former band, revered glam punk icons, Murderdolls.

WEDNESDAY 13 and his current band - which features former Murderdolls alumni Roman Surman and Jack Tankersley - will perform a full set of Murderdolls songs, taken from the band’s celebrated 2002 debut album, Beyond The Valley Of The Murderdolls and their 2010 sophomore album, Women And Children Last, which won them the Revolver Golden Gods ‘Comeback Of The Year’ Award. WEDNESDAY 13 was the frontman and songwriter, alongside Murderdolls guitarist and his creative partner-in-crime, Joey Jordison, in the metallic glam punk outfit. 

The tour will begin on Friday, October 20 in Los Angeles, CA, and will visit a slew of major cities before ending in Colorado Springs, CO on December 9. Support will come from @geminisyndrome And @napalmrecordsofficial labelmates @infectedrain_official , and @blacksatellite
🗣Tickets go on sale this Friday, April 21 at 10:00 AM EDT. For more information, visit the band's official website. VIP packages are also available.
Complete list of dates and venues are available at officialwednesday13.com
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beginagain-- · 8 months
Wednesday 13 To Celebrate 20 Years Of Murderdolls For New UK Tour
Wednesday 13 have announced the details of an upcoming UK and EU tour where he will celebrate 20 years of Murderdolls. He will perform a full set of Murderdolls classics with his solo band – which also includes his Murderdolls bandmates Roman Surman and Jack Tankersley – with tracks taken from their 2002 debut ‘Beyond The Valley Of The Murderdolls’ and 2010 return ‘Women And Children Last’. On…
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theart2rock · 8 months
Wednesday 13 & Hardcore Superstar
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Wednesday 13 hat eine UK- und Europa-Tournee für Herbst 2024 angekündigt, um 20 Jahre Murderdolls zu feiern, seine kultige ehemalige Band mit Joey Jordison. Wednesday und seine aktuelle Soloband - zu der auch die ehemaligen Murderdolls-Mitglieder Roman Surman und Jack Tankersley gehören - werden ein komplettes Set mit Murderdolls-Songs aus ihrem gefeierten Debütalbum "Beyond the Valley of the Murderdolls" von 2002 und ihrer triumphalen Rückkehr "Women and Children Last" von 2010 spielen. Wednesday 13 erklärt: "Nach 21 Jahren seit der Veröffentlichung und dem traurigen und verfrühten Tod von Joey fühlt es sich nur richtig an, diese Songs zu feiern. Wir haben zwei fantastische Alben gemacht, auf die ich sehr stolz war, und leider hatte ein Großteil der Welt nicht die Möglichkeit, die Songs live zu hören. 2018 trafen wir uns alle in Joeys Haus und diskutierten Ideen und Möglichkeiten für die Zukunft, aber wir hatten beide andere unmittelbare Pläne. Nach einer erstaunlichen Tournee durch die USA, bei der wir diese Songs gespielt haben, werden wir nun im Oktober und November in Großbritannien und Europa auf Tournee gehen, wo die Band begann. Wir werden Tracks von beiden Murderdolls-Alben spielen und das Erbe der Band feiern. Bei einigen Terminen in Großbritannien werden uns die schwedischen Rock'n'Roll-Retter Hardcore Superstar begleiten, und wir werden sie bei Terminen in ganz Europa als Support unterstützen. Wir können es kaum erwarten, diese Tour später in diesem Jahr nach Großbritannien und Europa zu bringen. Inmitten einer musikalischen Landschaft voller Baggy Pants, Schirmmützen und Trainingsanzügen entstanden 2002 die Murderdolls, eine metallische Glam-Punk-Band, die sich den vorherrschenden Trends widersetzte und den harten, schnellen Rock n' Roll zurückbrachte. Sie gruben den Leichnam des Rock aus und injizierten ihm reines, unverfälschtes Leben zurück. Und es war glorreich! "Beyond the Valley of the Murderdolls" und sein Nachfolger "Women and Children Last" waren wie nichts anderes - schnell und dreckig, roh und makaber. Die Texte sind vom klassischen Makabren inspiriert, und jedes Stück ist voller augenzwinkerndem Horror, der perfekt umgesetzt wird. Angeführt vom "Duke of Spook" Wednesday 13 und dem verstorbenen, großartigen Joey Jordison schlitterten die Murderdolls auf ihrem Weg zu den horrenden Höhen des Rocks und sammelten auf dem Weg dorthin eine kolossale Kult-Anhängerschaft. Der düstere, höhnische Gesang, die gewaltigen Hooks, die Refrains mit Gang-Vocals, die stampfenden Rhythmen und einige der eingängigsten Riffs, die je geschrieben wurden - Murderdolls schrieben Songs für Arenen und spielten sie in Theatern, was ihre adrenalingeladenen Oden an die Dunkelheit umso spannender machte. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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topoftheshitpile · 9 months
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horrorart13 · 1 year
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metalindex-hu · 1 year
Cradle Of Filth: jövő tavasszal újra Budapesten az angol metal legenda
Cradle Of Filth: jövő tavasszal újra Budapesten az angol metal legenda - https://metalindex.hu/2023/10/06/cradle-of-filth-jovo-tavasszal-ujra-budapesten-az-angol-metal-legenda-3/ -
Jövő márciusban ismét Budapesten portyázik Dani Filth és hírhedt zenekara, a Cradle Of Filth. A több mint 30 éve aktív csapatot a jól ismert amerikai horrorpunk énekes, Wednesday 13 is elkíséri, aki Murderdolls programmal készül, nyitózenekarként pedig a Sick n’ Beautiful játszik a Dürer Kertben.
A Cradle Of Filth az angliai Suffolk megye legsötétebb bugyraiból bújt elő 1991-ben, és immár három évtizede dolgozik azon, hogy a heavy metal színtér óriásai között tartsa magát, egyre több és több embert megbotránkoztatva, vagy éppen kevély mosolyra késztetve. A Dani Filth által vezetett együttes mai napig a black, gothic és szimfonikus metal elemeket ötvöző, okkult témákat (mitológia, horrofilmek, és a ma már klasszikus sötét irodalom) feldolgozó csapatok legismertebb képviselője. Ismertségükön sokat dobott az is, hogy már évtizedekkel ezelőtt is igen látványos – és nem egyszer megbotránkoztató – színpadi jelenléttel hívták fel magukra figyelmet.
Az alapító Dani mellett Martin ‘Marthus’ Škaroupka dobos, Daniel Firth basszusgitáros, Marek ‘Ashok’ Šmerda és Donny Burbage gitárosok, illetve Zoe Marie Federoff billentyűs játszik a csapatban, melynek egyik friss nótája a She is a Fire:
A Cradle Of Filth rajongói már igencsak várják a zenekar új albumát, ami a 2021-es Existence Is Futile-t követi. A 14. nagylemez megjelenéséig a csapat egy élő felvétellel lepte meg a hallgatókat: az áprilisban kijött Trouble And Their Double Lives a COF első koncertalbuma az elmúlt 20 évben. A Demon Prince Regent felvétele itt látható:
A turnén érkezik Joseph Michael Poole, azaz Wednesday 13 is, akinek aktuális zenekarában többek között a Murderdolls két egykori tagja, Roman Surman és Jack Tankersley is játszik. Ennek megfelelően a srácok egy Murderdolls szettet is beillesztettek a programba, előadva a 2002-es Beyond The Valley Of The Murderdolls, és a 2010-es Women And Children Last albumok néhány nótáját is. Utóbbiról itt nézhetjük meg a My Dark Place Alone klipjét:
A turné március 6-án ér Budapestre, ahol a Dürer Kert nagytermében játszanak majd. A nyitózenekar az olaszországi Sick n’ Beautiful lesz; az industrial és punk vonásokkal színesített, hard rock és modern metal elemeket ötvöző csapat 2004 óta működik. A Rob Zombie, Kiss, Rammstein és Lacuna Coil hatásokat is mutató csapat legutóbbi lemeze a 2022-es Starstruck, friss klipjük pedig a Deep End Dark:
A Livesounds bemutatja: 2024. március 6., szerda 18:30 Budapest, Dürer Kert Cradle of Filth, Wednesday 13 (performing Murderdolls), Sick n Beautiful koncertek Belépő: early bird jegyek 9.900 Ft, kedvezményes elővételben február 20-ig 11.990 Ft, utána és a helyszínen 12.990 Ft Jegyek kaphatók a www.tixa.hu weboldalon és a Ticketportal hálózatában
Kapcsolódó weboldalak: https://livesound.hu/ https://www.cradleoffilth.com/ https://officialwednesday13.com/ https://sicknbeautiful.com/
https://facebook.com/liveSoundProd/ https://www.facebook.com/events/2372075749645886
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eurosleazarchive · 2 years
anon song thing that i'm not sending on anon: literally the entire beyond the valley of the murderdolls ( 2002 ) album tbh
send me a song that matches my vibe. / @drkroots.
oh this fucks so severely <3 b-movie scream queen is sooo sadiecoded imho.
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sawinsanity · 2 years
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My room pt.4 🥀
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