#murderfest 2k16
tiefighter · 8 years
Murder someone of the bullshitters dudeeee
Honestly, it’s a wonder he didn’t die sooner. Vic’s always had horrendously poor impulse control, and there’s nothing stopping him from sticking his hands where they don’t belong. Or, in this case, his head. The cut’s clean, his head resting where he’d left it even as his body slides to the ground, blood gushing from his neck and pooling on the ground, body twitching. 
He blinks, once, and the gem glitters. The last thing he sees. 
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tiefighter · 8 years
Kill Daud :|
“It doesn’t make much.” Billie says, boot at his neck. He’s coughing up someone’s blood. Maybe his own, maybe not. Too many bodies to tell. He can feel Jessamine’s blood on his hands even now, Billie and the Whalers watching as he looks up at her and gives up. 
He’s too weak to live, they know that now. Billie takes his hand, gets him to stand. Thomas, solid and dependable Thomas, puts a blade in his hands. 
“Fight, old man.” Someone says, and Daud straightens his back, stares them down and sighs. He’s- tired. He’s worn out, worn down. Tired of fighting at the whim of something that lives beyond the dark. 
He’s had enough. 
It’s Billie’s sword in his throat, but he fights for it, so he figures maybe he’s not as pathetic as he looks. 
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tiefighter · 8 years
Genji murders Hanzo for the murderfest?
“I take no joy from this, brother.” 
Hanzo suspects that he’s lying. There has to be something like revenge burning in the chest of what used to be his brother, much like the hole that’s gaping in his own. The sword didn’t hurt going in but it hurts now, Genji’s arm over his shoulder the only thing stopping him from collapsing back. He falls to his knees, the heavy thud and the sword moving punching a gasp from his throat, the last of the air he’d managed to suck in. 
Genji was always gentle. Always. And he’s no different now, visor pushed up enough that Hanzo can see his brother’s eyes, can feel the way he wants to cry but no longer has the capacity to.
“Liar.” he breathes out, because he’s the older brother, and always needs to have the last word. 
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tiefighter · 8 years
Is murderfest still happening? Kill two out of Max, Lena, and Doyle, with the survivor witnessing
The worst thing is they leave her behind. Max has always been a force of nature, hit first ask questions later and Doyle’s the worst thing for her, egging her on. He’s a psychopath. Fucking crazy.
“Lena, I’ve got a brother, I need you to-” At least he dies first. She doesn’t think about the real things, the memories she wants to keep; Doyle forcing her to dance in the kitchen, leaning up to kiss her cheek, the way he used to leave the very last of the coffee because he knew she liked it strong, how he’d-
He dies how he lived; fast and full of goddamn holes. One second he’s there and the next his torso is just a fine mist, the heavy calibre bullets tearing through him like a knife through butter. Max shouts something that Lena doesn’t catch, reaches for her for just a second and then-
Lena wears her wife’s brains like a goddamn trophy, screaming all the while. She wades through blood for that crooked smile, for the way her hands were clumsyheavywarm in her own. For the laugh, heavy and deep, for the terrible jokes and even worse eating habits.
For the soft way Max would look at her and wouldn’t think she was a monster at all. 
Lena carried Max’s body out of there, blood and brainsplattered shirt and all. Didn’t look back.
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tiefighter · 8 years
Murderfest two electric boogaloo: Pidge ends Shiro's suffering
Shiro was the last people to see Pidge’s family alive. It sounded overdramatic when they thought about it, like something out of one of Lance’s TeleNovella’s or something. Some tragic backstory, a tortured hero, a girl in hiding and fuck if it didn’t make them feel sick, feel like ripping something apart. 
Lance is still breathing, crumpled in on himself on the floor. Keith’s furious, sword in hand, standing over his body like a sentinel and Hunk drags on Pidge’s arm, urges them to run. 
“I’ve had enough of running.” Pidge says, Shiro stricken as he fights with himself, grabs his own arm and hauls himself back and down. He hits the floor with a thud and Pidge is right there, electricity arcing through their bayard as they force Shiro’s metal arm back, look for a join. Some seam, some way to get it off-
“Don’t, I don’t want to hurt you.” Shiro whispers, and Pidge swallows thickly. Watches the last link to their family shatter and break with the look on Shiro’s face, the desperation in his eyes. 
“You haven’t.” Pidge says. Kind, as they drive their bayard against his chest, fifty thousand volts directly to the heart. 
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tiefighter · 8 years
Anyone/everyone from our dnd group. Consequences.
I’m murdering vic you’re welcome.
The stone hits the sand with a finality that gives him pause, the men standing on the slabs staring at him wide eyed. The sand shifts under his feet, Morty and Aeryn jumping for safety but no, all he can do is stand there and look down at his hands like they betrayed him.  
The snap of teeth around his ankle, the grind of thousands of tiny needles shocks the breath out of him. He’s upside down, blood spewing out of his boot and Morty shouts something, hand going for one of Aeryn’s many swords. A Cat snarls, crouching low to the ground before leaping but he’s not fast enough, nobody’s fast enough as another set of teeth closes around his head, grinds through his nose, leaves him screaming. 
It rips and tears and when the body falls to the ground, it’s-
Not deserved, but expected. Vic honestly expected nothing less.
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tiefighter · 8 years
ok Murderfest: Death to Pidge via Mind controlled Shiro bonus points if he is aware
“Run! I can’t stop-” Shiro’s crouched like a goddamn lion from hell above them, arm glowing a soft, almost gentle purple, his human fingers clenched with the effort of keeping himself still. It’s all Pidge can do to stare, holding their computer to their chest like its a shield, Lance’s body a bloody heap on the floor. The wet thump still rang in their ears, Keith scrambling for purchase against the arm holding his throat, Shiro staring down at them like he wants to cry. 
Pidge takes off so fast it’s a wonder they don’t leave a smoke trail. Hunk pauses at the door, watches them run ahead and smashes the panel behind them, Keith’s scream echoing down the hallway as they make their way to the control room. 
Allura doesn’t look up when they enter because she’s missing her goddamn head and Pidge pauses a deadly few seconds in the doorway, stunned. 
Shiro’s hand fits almost perfectly around their neck. He’s crying, huge silent tears that plop onto Pidge’s shoulders. 
“I’m sorry.”He says, like that absolves him of the almighty crack of Pidge’s computer hitting the ground, the snap of their spine. 
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tiefighter · 8 years
76. Suicide.
Nobody tells you how much it hurts. Failure. It claws at his chest like a demon, traces the scars on his face, the gouges in his arms, the line of his mouth like a lover. Failure, over and over and over, Gabe’s smile ripped open and mouth hanging free, Angela’s fingers pressing that gaping hole closed and pulling him back. 
Jack’s failed a lot in his life. He’d washed out of basic the first time, too homesick and scared of how easy it’d been. He’d failed to speak up when they’d started with the whole supersoldier bullshit, failed to stop his best friend from dragging him down with him, failed to stop Gabe’s descent into pure insanity through jealousy and righteous anger. 
He’d failed everyone the second he’d taken the job, when he’d given them something to hope for. They didn’t need hope, they needed results. They need a leader who won’t let a hand on his shoulder and a please rip him apart from the inside. They need someone to stand up to the monster wearing Gabe’s skin.
They need someone who won’t stand on the precipice, who won’t take that first, gut wrenching step off. They need someone who won’t smile on the way down.
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tiefighter · 8 years
murderfest pronine and aly with a cameo of augustus?? kick me in the heart
Pronine doesn’t bother looking up as he speaks, focused on pulling apart his rifle. It was habit, cleaning it after every job, even if he’d never fired it. 
Especially if he’d never fired it. Aly’s body is still in the bed behind him, blood pooled on and dripping through the mattress, his eyes wide, hands clenched around the shiv in his gut. 
Augustus doesn’t say anything, hand clenched on the doorframe so tight it makes the metal creak. He doesn’t look upset so much as blank, staring at his best friend, at the body of his son. 
“There wasn’t any other way?” He ground out eventually, the sound like a gut punch. Pronine had been avoiding facing what he’d done, abandoned the body like he’d abandoned each and every body before him. Faced with Aly’s father, faced with the face of a man he’d come to-
He pauses, the barrel in his hand shaking a little before he puts it down, deliberate and gentle. 
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tiefighter · 8 years
hanzo kills mccree :^) (how/why is up to u)
“Looks like we’re on opposite sides, Darlin’.” Jesse says, like it’s some great big fucking joke. The man dresses like an idiot cowboy, tips his hat back to look down at him and Hanzo just sighs, scrubs a hand over his face as he leans against the side of the transport. He’s tired, more than anything. Genji- what used to be Genji is out there somewhere, fighting a war he shouldn’t have had to- if he had just listened-
“It appears so.” He says, belatedly. Jesse McCree, all smile and laughter and goddamn stupid cowboy hats, doesn’t expect the arrow to the face. He’s trusting. He’s-
Well. He was, at any rate. An arrow to the eye socket put a damper on any plans he had of laughing this whole thing off. 
“That was brutal.” Reaper says, stepping down off the transport. 
“He was unnecessary.” Hanzo replies, like he hasn’t given himself more guilt to heap onto the pyre. 
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tiefighter · 8 years
Reyes murders Jack :3
It ends like it starts, the two of them in a dark room, Gabe’s hand on his neck. It’s strangely gentle and Jack has to wonder when they became- like this. When they turned into twisted, tortured versions of themselves. Betrayal tore his insides apart but he’d known, deep down, that he could’ve walked away. Taken the out. 
He didn’t have to come back. Gabe, he didn’t have that choice. What Angela did, how she brought him back was nothing short of a miracle, but what she’d brought back with him was...not. 
“You made me into this,” Reaper snarls in his face, the mask gone, the twisting black smoke and broad, sharp teeth snapping in Jack’s face. “You did this to me.” 
“You did this to yourself, you fucking psychopath.” It was just like Gabe to take things personally, to assume that he was the only one hurt, that he was the only one betrayed. He could’ve turned the job down, sure. He could’ve taken a step back, let Gabriel Reyes have the limelight. 
He could’ve pulled the trigger himself, instead of watching the bomb tick down and down, instead of sacrificing himself so the others could get out. 
The shotgun blast to his stomach isn’t a surprise. The shock on Reaper’s face is. 
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tiefighter · 8 years
MURDER SHIRO. Method: asphyxiation
He’s drowning. Water up to his chest, up in his mouth, pulling him under and keeping him there. The soft glow of the Lion’s eyes is enough to calm him, at least enough that when he opens his mouth and inhales nothing but air it makes sense. 
He knows he’s dreaming, but he still can’t breathe. There’s a metallic groan from somewhere beyond what he can see and he knows, without a doubt, that his own arm is-
He can’t breathe, but it’s so easy to drown in a dream and Shiro is tired.
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tiefighter · 8 years
murder my favourite spacedad OuO space him or disembowel him, idk
At first, he thinks he’s dreaming. It’s the sort of nightmare he has often; Zarkon holding Black Lion’s leash, sword red with blood. It hurts in a strange, out of body way, his guts somewhere in the vicinity of his hands, doubled over and staring at the alien’s boots. 
“Pathetic.” Zarkon says, always grandstanding. Shiro’s hands are stiff with the effort of holding himself upright, of holding his intestines in, the hangar behind him vast and empty and cold. 
“Shut up.” Moving takes so much effort. His knees are locked, his body shaking uncontrollably with shock but he does get his hand on the Lion, leaves a red streak down along one massive claw.
Zarkon doesn’t know, can’t understand what makes the Lion move. The desperation involved, the knowledge that if Shiro fails, they all do. He’s lived too long, taken control of too many people. Expected obedience. They broke Shiro, down in the depths of the ship. Thought they’d remade him. 
Black Lion roars, the hangar barrier flickers and Shiro’s smile is nothing but defiance as, with a metallic groan, a paw sweeps them both out into the black. 
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tiefighter · 8 years
hey guys, it’s your friendly neighbourhood bones here, and it’s time for another MURDERFEST. If you’ve been following me for A While you would’ve seen one already but for new people, here we go
How it works:
1.  you guys throw a character I know in my askbox! Can be your oc, if I know them, or from some variety of show or shit that you’ve seen me reblog! :V If you can’t think of anyone just put (insert character here) and I’ll do something.
2. Give me a method of death. If you can’t think of one, just leave it open. :V I’ll come up with something.
3. I murder the shit out of them.
All open prompts I get, I’ll choose an oc of mine and murder the crap out of them.
It’s open to anyone, anon or not, and I’ll be tagging it murderfest 2k16, so you can blacklist if it you want! 
Gimme characters to murder. 
Caveat: I’m not gonna murder real people, so don’t send me someone you don't like, be they a celebrity, yourself, some random you know, etc etc. I’ll be googling characters I don’t recognise. There’s enough actual murder going on lately and I’m not gonna add to that!
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