#murloc timeline
doodledoos · 1 year
I love the murloc timeline. Look at them! Little cuties every single one.
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findmeinshattrath · 7 months
Every unavailable Paladin combo depicted in Hearthstone
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A New Challenger... - "… Arrives? Approaches? TELL US ALREADY!"
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Commander Rhyssa - "Two people can keep a secret as long as neither of them are Commander Rhyssa."
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Lightfang Enforcer
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Kotori Lightblade - "You need healing"
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Knight of the Dead - "A Paladin will follow their oath to slay the undead, even when they count themselves among them."
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Silver Hand Murloc
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ladymariayuri · 1 year
i feel like im having a stroke
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let-me-iiiiiiiin · 1 year
say what you will about warcraft, but dragonflight is the best thing that’s ever happened in my life. characters??? gay as fuck. all of them. there are cute ducks everywhere. the storyline makes sense and lets the player make emotional connections to the characters. there’s no “power level-up” system. the dragonriding skill FUCKS. talent trees are back. the professions are fun as fuck. then the reputation system---
-my future self grabs the mic from me to address the room-
There's a Murloc Timeline where everyone is a murloc and fighting a murloc Deathwing, the places on the map are changed into murloc names, and it all happened because while helping the Timewalkers your coworker trapped a random murloc in one of the time rifts.
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Azmerloth, the Alternate Timeline where Murlocs Rule
bonus gillvanas: 
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safrona-shadowsun · 11 months
What's the weirdest thing she's seen in her life?
Anon Day
"You know." Safrona tilted her head so slightly to encourage memory, but inevitably shrugged. "I've seen a lot between this realm and others. It's hard to surprise me anymore, I think. But in the collected bucket of 'weird' I've seen most recently, being thrust into a timeline where murlocs were a dominant race rates very high on the scale of strange events. Not only a dominant race but everything and everyone was of a murloc...identity. That just sounds weird coming out of my mouth, and the sight of it was all a little horrifying."
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trashasaurusrex · 4 years
Let Lin be the badass Mom we know she can be!
(theoretical timeline...)
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She’s probably not allowed to have children bc she’d constantly regard to her murloc babies as “higher priority”
deep down i think she’d be the Cool Mom TM who gets into way more trouble than the kid xD.
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katieskarlette · 5 years
WoW Deep Dive
I’ll be watching this panel on the livestream and typing my fingers off.  Check back for updates.
[Edit:  Panel’s over, post is finished!]
Kyrians:  Angelic Soul Guides.  Their job is to shuttle souls from the world of the living to the world of the dead.
Necrolords:  Liches, warlords and spies.  A proto-Scourge vibe.
Night Fae:  Guardians of Nature, Shepherds of the Cycle of Life and Death
Venthyr:  Vampiric punishers of the unworthy.  They break down those who were wicked or prideful in life and build them back up.
Each Covenant has a sanctum.
Covenant abilities:  not class specific.  “Solve a problem without fighting it.”
Night Fae have one called Soulshape:  dash ability, turns you into a spirit fox/butterfly/deer/your pick, and while active enemies ignore you.
Kyrian’s is Unburden:  a dash, slowfall, and reduces your aggro radius
Necrolords have Transcend the Flesh:  out of body experience, lets you go away as an invisible soul for a time, leaving your body behind doing whatever it was doing
Class abilities:  similar to artifact active abilities.
Kyrian mage ability:  Radiant Spark, does damage instantly plus dot, and more damage for other spells for awhile.  Night Fae give mages Shifting Power, channeled AOE and haste buff.  Necrolord’s Contagion Bolt, a damage spell I ran out of time to type about, and...yeah.  I’m sure someone else will screenshot them all.
Soulbinds.  Example benefit is 5% increased crit against targets with lower health than you.  Unlock new tiers of power over time and customize a “conduit” that is basically a talent tree.  Switch soulbinds when strategy demands, just like talents.  Each character you can soulbind to has a backstory to uncover.  Soulbound NPCs do NOT follow you as a bodyguard.
Covenant rewards:  upgradeable mount, backpack-style “cloaks”, weapons and armor, world benefits, campaign quest chain.
It will be possible to change Covenants but it will take time to build your rep with the second one, so it’s not something to do lightly.
Leveling changes:
Current leveling issues: - Takes too long - Not every level is rewarding - Confusing timelines and storylines (the Warchief shuffle, e.g.) - Expansion stories are lost
Goals: - Streamline leveling - Choose the story you want - Make every level rewarding - Modernize the introduction Azeroth (new starting zone)
Updates: - New level range is 1-60 - Every level unlocks something - 60-70% faster to level 1-50 - Choose your story, level 10-50 in the expansion of your choice - New Starting zone:  Exile’s Reach 
Existing characters at level 120 will be changed to level 50, and other levels will scale to equivalents in a similar way.
Character power doesn’t change, i.e. you can do exactly what you are doing now.  Farming old content won’t be impacted.
Exile’s Reach:  new starting zone.  Mandatory for a first character for a new player.  It’s got murlocs, harpies, quillboar, ogres, etc.
Story: An ogre has captured your forces and is going to sacrifice them to rez a dead dragon (I WANT DETAILS ON THAT DRAGON PLEASE--it uses the model of nightmare dragons from Legion).
It ends with a two-boss mini dungeon.
First-time players must do Exile’s Reach as their starting zone, then must do BFA to level 20-50.  This is to help new players feel more connected to the current story and community, having experienced the next-most-recent content.
Your second time through you can pick whatever starting zone and leveling zone you want.  So it basically doesn’t impact existing players, only those starting from scratch.
After your starting zone (or right away if you’re an allied race), Chromie will help guide you to pick which expansion to level in 20-50.
Class Philosophy
They added new stuff with each expansion up through MoP, then got feedback that action bars were too crowded, etc.  They did the WoD pruning with “the best of intentions,” and that freed up room to make Legion artifacts interesting.  In the process of fleshing out the artifacts, however, it became more about spec identity than class identity.
Shadowlands is an opportunity to recalibrate all that.
“We want to fix problems” but they don’t want to change things so drastically that you load up 9.0 and suddenly have no idea how to play your character anymore.  They’ll be adding stuff as you level so the adjustment is gradual.
Specs should “double down” on an aspect of the class, but that aspect is part of all the other specs, too.
Class defining mechanics:  e.g. paladin auras, shaman totems, rogue poisons, warlock curses
“Are there any rogues here?”  *cheers from crowd*  “Not anymore.  You failed the first test of being a rogue, shouting out ‘I’m here!’“  LMAO!
Class range:  different magic schools, roles, weapons
Mages should still be able to use the other two schools of magic (frost and arcane as a fire mage, for example), even if their spec dictates what most of their spells are.
Iconic class abilities:  Raise dead, Frost shock, Consecration, Ursol’s Vortex...and I ran out of time to type the rest.  But they’ll be coming back class-wide, no longer spec-dependent. 
Demonic circle, summon gargoyle, hunter’s mark, etc, will no longer force you to choose one option in a talent tree to get an iconic class ability.
Eyes of the Beast is coming back!  YAY!  Shattering throw, kill shot, ritual of doom, and challenging shout are also coming back.
The Maw
-- A max level zone -- Access point to Torghast -- Home of the Jailer -- A prison for the vilest souls (those that cannot be redeemed), and, more recently, an unjust prison for millions of others--including casualties of Teldrassil and the 4th war.
We are Maw Walkers, who possess the ability to leave the Maw, and potentially save others who are trapped there.
The Maw is dangerous, not just the same stuff as earlier zones with a “deathier” coat of paint.
You can get a debuff “The Jailer has noticed you” that makes some mobs aggro more easily on you, and sends kill squads after you personally.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned:
-- Icecrown-esque architecture -- Scaleable for 1-5 players, role agnostic (Yes, you can take 5 DPS and not have it be a trainwreck) -- Both you and your enemies grow in power as you climb higher -- Progress unlocks new challenges and complexity -- Floors built to encourage exploration -- Not a timed mode, not Mythic+ -- The goal is to climb higher and higher, but detours to seek out Anima are a good idea, too.  Collecting Anima gives you various buffs (more health, more damage, chance to Blind targets on attack, ability to see which enemies carry Anima, make abilities last longer. --Always changing from visit to visit, and also from events (Jailer floods the tower with beasts this week, e.g.) -- Climbing Torghast lets you collect runes to forge legendaries. -- Learn lore on the origins of Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination
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commanderbragh · 5 years
Character Blog Roll call
(Here’s the current list of characters I’ve been active on lately.)
Braghaman Larethian
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Braghaman is a holy paladin who lives in Darkshire with his wife @niviene-larethian and their kids, Banagan and Korissa. After the battles on Argus, Bragh decided to retire from the battlefield. Now, he trains squads of new paladins for the Cathedral of Stormwind, teaching them the skills then need out in the field. On the side, he helps watch out for the Darkshire Academy which is run by Niviene.  (Faceclaim: William Thatcher/Heath Ledger)
Marachius Ainsley
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Marachius is a young paladin from the Cathedral of Stormwind. At a young age, he was orphaned and sent to live in Stormwind City. There he met his best friend, Regynn “Reggy” Winters. He has been trained as a healer by the priests in the Cathedral as well as field training in and around Elwynn Forest. Currently he is assigned to a squad of paladins stationed in Boralus. He is the youngest member of the squad, this being his first field assignment, and serves as the squad’s field medic. (Faceclaim: Rock O’Connell/Brendan Fraser)
Banagan Larethian
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Banagan (AU/adult) is a warlock and son of Braghaman Larethian and Anaja Eva-Larethian. Banagan was from a future timeline, sent back by the Bronze Dragonflight to stop the actions of the demon Corenyn before it could do significant damage to the Alliance. His actions caused him to be trapped in the past until receiving fragments of the Vision of Time allowed him to return. More recently, because of events in his own timeline, he’s found himself thrown back again to the current one.
Evan Shadhemir
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Evan is a warrior and baron of Andorhal in the Western Plaguelands. His parents fled to Stormwind when he was still young. Currently he lives in Stormwind with his wife, Lady @neun-deserrat , and is associated with the Meddlers. In recent years, he became the leader of a platoon serving Stormwind. Mostly this squad helps keep guard around the capital city, but there are rumors that they will be sent overseas before too long. (Face claim: MadMartigan/Val Kilmer)
Other Characters that aren’t getting as much attention:
Curlaina Enerdhil is a human priestess. Curlaina grew up in Stormwind, rarely traveling outside of the city. Trained as a healer, she is currently helping to run a clinic in Stormwind called “Practical Healings” with @rhiswyn , @timory-taupin , and @arcanefirie . She has also started taken further medical lessons in Stormwind with the hopes of becoming a surgeon. (Face claim: Willow Rosenberg/Alyson Hannigan).
Erik Virgas is a human rogue and field agent for the Shrouded Dawn, specializing in intelligence (and item) gathering. Currently he is stationed in Stormwind where he can keep an eye on matters in the city (both personal and professional).
Sandareth Amaron  is a Sin’dorei warrior who was once part of the Sunfury in Outlands. Returning to Quel’Thalas, he tried to reintegrate with society. Eventually, he started his own mercenary group called the Discordant Dawn. 
Skreth is a Forsaken warlock. A human warlock in life, he was betrayed in ways that he did not expect. Awakening in Deathknell, he finds that his anger and hatred has only grown. His driving goal now is cold vengeance. Face claim: None yet
Amand Rignmoer is a Paladin of the Cathedral of Stormwind. Raised in Menethil Harbor, Amand grew up seeing his home attacked by pirates, murlocs, and orcs. As such, he has little patience with people. He currently helps with the training of new recruits in the Cathedral. (Face claim: Ron Perlman)
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pakani-wra · 6 years
To Do Right What is Wrong
((More of Pakani’s backstory.))
"There's another one, limpin' off!" Bragden shouted.
"Does it really count as 'limping' when it's flying?" Pakani said.
"Save yer breath fer breathin'! A few more moments..."
The dwarf hunched over the saddle horn. The slightest twitches of his feet in the stirrups, or of his legs, or a tug or flick of the reins, wordlessly guided the blind drake with perfect precision. So long had they flown together now, Pakanistrasz feared no obstacles but the enemies themselves.
"Now!" Bragden said.
Pakani angled aside and let loose a strafing blast of flame. He heard it catch on undead membranes and caught a whiff of burning Scourge. He'd already turned away from the death knight's striking range before it could respond, keeping pace a safe distance away until the satisfying crumbling of the skeletal gryphon. It gave a last screech and plummeted with its unhallow rider.
Pakani dived after them. He didn't worry about crashing; Bragden would see, literally, to his safe landing.
One perfectly coordinated dance of dwarven blades and draconic talons later, Bragden pilfered what coinage he found, and Pakani set about burning the bodies in cleansing flame.
"Bah, a waste of a gryphon, makin' one o' these," Bragden scoffed.
"It's a waste of any life. Worse than a waste, even."
"I'm glad me old lionbutt is long buried, on another continent," Bragden said. "Hate tae think of me beloved mount lookin' like this."
"What, on fire?" Pakani said slyly.
"Hah. Let's get back tae where tha others fell and do 'em tha same."
A bolt of flame went wide, a clubbed tail slapped him across the snout, and the dwarf's frantic yanking and flapping of the reins sent Pakani into a confused spiral. The warrior frothed curses and leaned out to try one last jab at the blue drake they pursued. He leaned too far aside, one foot coming loose, his other jamming through the stirrup, body sliding sideways. "ACK!"
Pakani sensed the imbalanced weight and rolled to compensate at the same time Bragden heaved aside to do the same, and their combined inertia slammed them into a cliff Pakani wasn't aware existed. A metallic clang-clink-clang told him Bragden had dropped the sword on impact. As Pakani scrabbled to catch hold of the rock face, a barrage of arcane magic blasted him and sent him sailing down in an avalanche of scree.
THUD. The snowbank below softened the blow, but the impact of landing still rang Pakani's brain like a bell.
The blue drake cackled from above, then shouted a taunt in Draconic: "Hey Red! Try losing the two-hundred-pound tumor on your back and let the dwarves do what they do best: Teaching your mom how to braid her beard!"
Pakani was never good at snappy zingers, so he just hissed and bristled. It probably didn't look very impressive when he was tangled in a pile with Bragden and half-buried in snow and debris. The blue drake laughed again, and then the laughter faded into the distance.
"What in tha bloody names o' me ancestors was that?!" Bragden shouted as he dislodged himself.
"What do you mean, what was that? What was that?" Pakani retorted. Yeah, real snappy.
"That was me missin' a strike 'cause ye weave around in tha air like a drunken moth!"
Pakani pushed himself up to his four feet and shook himself off. "Well, that's only because you were steering me like a, like a drunk murloc!"
"I tried steerin' ye like I steered any beast! Me gryphon were nae half as stupid as ye!"
"Well I'm not a beast, you, bearded idiot!"
"Nae, ye're worse! Ye're blind!"
Pakani's neck pulled up and back into an S-curve as he glared squarely at the dwarf. He didn't need to see to know where the loudmouth's little head was at for glaring purposes. "Yeah, well - Well maybe if I had someone who wasn't - Maybe I am, but let's see you fly all on your own, huh?! Gonna start flapping your arms and fly back to the temple all by yourself?"
"I'd fare a helluva lot better, that's fer sure! I thought ye said ye had experience on tha wing! Who taught ye how tae fly?!"
"My - Other dragons, who else? You know, people with wings, and know how to use them, and how to tell someone else how to use theirs without running into stuff!"
"Dinnae play dumber than ye already are, lizard! I meant who taught ye tae take a rider!"
Pakani's tail flicked irritably through the snow. "Why do you care? You can just go back to the temple and get some other drake to carry you anyway."
"Me Pappy taught me nae to quit even under tha most extenuatin' circumstances," Bragden growled.
"Yeah, I'm such an awful circumstance to have to put up with. I'm so sorry my blindness is so damn inconvenient for you."
"Ye should be, if ye're pawnin' yer services as a steed with nae a day in a saddle tae know left from right or giddy-up!"
"I - You didn't even say any of those! You're just flailing around up there, pulling every which way and expecting me to know better! If you're going to act like my eyes, at least act better than the ones I already have!" Pakani huffed.
"Ye're avoidin' tha question."
"Fine," Pakani hissed. "Orcs taught me. Happy?"
"Tha --" Bragden, thankfully, went quiet for a few moments. Probably burning fleas in his helmet trying to do math in his head, working out the timeline. "Tha Second War."
"Good for you. You know basic historical facts. Just... find your sword already so we can leave."
"We're nae goin' back tae tha temple," Bragden said firmly. "Because nae way in hell am I gettin' showed up by blasted orcs as a proficient rider."
Pakani snorted and said nothing.
"Pakanistrasz, ye're right. Ye're nae a beast. Ye're a thinkin' bein'. I didnae raise ye from an egg, ye dinnae know me signals, me language, nae a thing I take fer granted. I knew ye'd be a challengin' mount, an' I'm nae backin' down from a challenge. But just one thing. Why'd ye volunteer fer this, bein’ blind an' when yer history with riders be so ugly?"
"I... I don't know. To prove I'm still useful. To fight Malygos and the Lich King. To do something good and -" Pakani hesitated. "To make up for all the wrong I did. To... atone. I guess."
"Those are all good reasons as any. If ye'll take a surly arse like me on yer team again, I'll try tae make things right."
"Well..." Pakani let out a small laugh. "Yeah. Okay. Let's just... try easier targets to start? Or Malygos is going to see us and laugh so hard he blows up a surge needle."
"Aye. An' if I'm to be callin' out directions fer ye, I need a better name tae use. Somethin' nice and short."
"Well -"
"Aha! I got it. Ye're Pecan now."
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tallgrassstore · 6 years
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Got distracted with The Last Jedi there for a bit, but now it's time to wrap up weekly update #79! This was the last week of sculpting, but that didn't make it any less busy. Over 30 ornaments were made covering all the popular picks this year from festive Star Wars Porgs and cute Ewok; many different Pokemon from Kanto Starters, Santa Pikachu and Eeveelutions; and how could we end the sculpting year without even more festive Murloc from World of Warcraft and Poro from League of Legends?! And to add to that, 2 of the ornaments were custom made of the newest legendary pokemon from alola, Solgaleo and Lunala! Finally, a custom sculpture was made of Mario in the NFL Eagles colors. Over on amigurumi; 5 cuddly new friends were made starting with a trio of Poochyena puppies from the Hoenn region in both the normal and shiny colorings, quickly followed by the beloved Loque'Nahak from WoW and finally the return of one of my favorite amigurumi to make, Mimikyu! Phew! And with that, all clay orders have been filled and shipped, so be sure to check for their arrival! I won't have an update on the amigurumi queue until my store is opened, as i hope to cut it down before then so updating the timeline won't be very helpful until that point. As a reminder to that- for those who have been inquiring - my store is closed and will remain as such until New Year at the earliest. I won know for sure when I'll be reopening until it gets closer, but I will let everyone know when I decide 😊 That's all for this week!
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punchfacefist · 4 years
Imara’el Finds a New Body
Downward. Downward, ever falling, tumbling, spinning through darkness and suddenly as he could right and orient himself, Imara'el Lightsong saw the infinite possibilities his life could have taken. They were, for lack of a better term, windows that looked in onto timelines, transpiring events where he existed. In some he was a just an ordinary citizen in Silvermoon; in another, he was a battle-hardened warlord sitting atop a conquered throne in the ruins of Stormwind. In others, still, he was a traitor, a slave, a rebel, a healer, a commoner, a spy, a lover, a cultist, a Warchief, an exile, a king, an assassin. His life was so different in each and every picture he saw, some timelines so familiar he wondered what difference there was, and other timelines looked completely alien and the farthest from his understanding. from primordial to technologically advanced, there was no timeline he didn't exist in some form. And then Imara'el saw one window that drew his focus the longest. He saw himself as a hunter, wielding a rifle in one hand tossing a grenade with another, which detonated underneath the oncoming throng of demons. He recognized this Imara'el's world as his own on Azeroth, the shoreline was different, surely, but it was the first assault the Alliance and Horde made against the Burning Legion as it invaded. His own memories of the battle were bitter with failure, and he felt helpless in that battle. But this Imara'el he witnessed, doing battle with such odds against him... He was smiling. He lived for this chaos, this carnage, this fight! Imara'el could see the battle take a different turn, as the Horde forces were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers. The demons lifted impaled bodies upon their twisted, blood-soaked weapons, reveling in the cold-hearted slaughter of lives they cared not for. Imara'el in this timeline fought furiously, back-to-back with an Alliance soldier, it looked, before the human was cut down gleefully. Imara'el was surrounded, and the smile fell from his face. Imara'el witnessed all of this, the horror of the battle that he had survived, and seeing his doppelganger ready to fall, something stirred, and he reached his intact hand into the window, grabbing hold of Imara'el the Hunter and pulling him in through it. Imara'el the Paladin admired the Hunter for a moment; their similarities were strikingly close enough to one another, the Hunter's hair was longer though, colored a golden red, untouched by The Light as his own was. But the color was familiar, nonetheless. Perhaps the only constant about the Hunter was the top few inches of his left ear sliced short and capped with gold ornamenting. Very much like what the Paladin had.          "What the hell?" the Hunter gasped at last, realizing he wasn't dead by the demonic onslaught that should have taken him.          "That was a close one," the Paladin spoke up to bring the focus to him in the white void.          "Who the hell are you?" the Hunter asked, clearly having taken in the Paladin's distinct appearance.          "You ever look at a mirror and wonder if the reflection was of yourself or someone else?" the Paladin asked, "I happen to be from the other side of the mirror."          "Bullshit!" the Hunter exclaimed, clearly not having any of the Paladin's nonsense. "You're just me from another timeline, aren't you?" The Paladin sighed. "Take all the fun out of it for me, why don't you?" he asked. "Listen, Ima, I can give you another chance at life. Your Azeroth was about to fall. Here, look." The two turned again to look out the window, and witnessed the Burning Legion enveloped Azeroth. There was a great sound. And a flash of fel-green in the space. And then there was nothing left of Azeroth. The Hunter could say little else as he witnessed the end of his world, and opted for, "Huh."          "Bit much, isn't it?" the Paladin asked. "I'm pretty sure there's one here where we're a Chronomancer." The Hunter strayed for a moment from the Paladin's presence, inspecting the events in another window, wherein murlocs have grown larger than normal, and had to be combated with giant mechanical suits.          "I like this timeline," the Hunter observed as the attacking murloc abomination crashed up against a Stormwind building, sending Alliance scattering in panic.          "Focus, Ima," the Paladin spoke up. "There's got to be a Chronomancer who help us out."          "Do you really think I would help the both of you?" He was resplendent in brilliant robes of gold fabric and threading, his face was taut and hiding a disdainful scowl at the two before him. "You two are not meant to be here. Return to your timelines. Now. I only warn you once." The Paladin and Hunter traded a glance to one another before regarding the Chronomancer.          "Looks like we found him," the Hunter shrugged to the Paladin.          "So we did," the Paladin nodded. "Listen, Ima, we were wondering if you could--"          "No," the Chronomancer interrupted, clearly knowing what would be asked of him. "You need to leave this time-nexus the way you came in." In an act of authority that he meant it, Imara'el the Chronomancer turned to leave.          "Kinda hard to do that when my timeline doesn't exist, buddy," the Hunter answered. "The Burning Legion turned it into ash." The Chronomancer spun on his heel to face the Hunter.          "Are you serious?" the Chronomancer exclaimed, "there's no damn way the Burning Legion has the firepower to obliterate an entire planet!"          "Tell that to the scorched husk of the Azeroth I just came from." the Hunter scoffed.          "I watched it happen, too," the Paladin added. "Just as much of a nasty shock." The Chronomancer fixed his gaze onto the Paladin. now. "So what's your excuse for being here? Your timeline is in no peril currently, surely you can return to it?" Imara'el the Paladin shrugged. "Sure I'd love to," he said, "but I just closed the only way I had home. Had I not, every single one of our timelines would have collapsed in on themselves. You're welcome for that, by the way." The Chronomancer pinched the bridge of nose, unable to deal with such recklessness of his other selves, and growled disdainfully realizing he had no other choice now but to help out.          "The Bronze Council is going to have my staff for this," he muttered. "Fine! I'll help you out, but never come back into the time-nexus again. One-too-many of us would attract the Infinite Flight and it would mean disaster for all!"          "Oh cool, you have the Infinite Flight too?" the Paladin asked, surprised to hear something familiar." The Chronomancer reached into the depths of one of his sleeves, and pulling from it a long-pronged ornate tuning fork. With a quick tap to his staff, the tuning fork vibrated and struck a long tone. The sound of it enveloped the Paladin and Hunter, and a window in the time nexus opened, pulling the two through it. The Chronomancer watched as his work for the two was fulfilled, and he returned to his timeline, hoping the two's frequencies would attune and assimilate properly. For that, the Chronomancer mused, Imara'el the Paladin would have to witness his life again, to grow accustomed to the new body. It would definitely tame some time for everything to adjust naturally.
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noxsden · 7 years
Eyes open, large and golden irises shining in the sun, pupils fixating.  A moment like any other, the countless he had seen.  They all started the same way, it was always like waking up from a dream.  Or walking around when you and only you know the great secret about to befall everything.  Time, time to gather, what was coming to mind this time.  Of all the great treasures at his fingertips.    Here in this village, they brewed some very fine wine.  Of course that was before the scar tore it asunder.  So just a couple of items, preserving this village in history.  Smiles on the golden elf's features, waving to all those that passed by.  It is a shame, but history is what it is, but it can be remembered.  That's what a keeper of time is supposed to do.
Again and again the trips continued.  Waking from the dream that was the present to a new point in time.  A new place, with a new goal in mind.  As his trips took him to similar locations, it became harder to discern the two.  The dreamlike state became stranger, his being split into the various points in time took it's toll.  And as the cataclysm shaped the world, the sacrifice of the Aspects would cause the strain to grow worse.    Age and experience can only prepare one for so much, given the amount of power gifted to the flights, once fractured there was not going back together.
Eyes open, reptilian pupils fixate, a flair to his eyebrows as he cut a look about the bustling people.  There was a job to do, and that was the main focus, the people merely became obstacles on the way of goals greater than their existence.  After all none of them would make it very long.  Grab a few items, and then who is going to notice if a few purses were lightened.  And if a bank was cleaned out, it's not like the scourge or the murlocs would be using them.  Let him go after his precious trinkets and relics, in the mean time why don't the both of us benefit.
The aspect is shattered and weak, so we will move to another location, a place lost to time.  Something forgotten like we will be, like so many are.  Our own little paradise where all of the trinkets can be displayed in their proper places.  Away from the fools that don't understand our work.  The ones that would try and take what we had.  Mortals put such importance on their trinkets, and now I must deal with my own obsessions to it.   We have become so mortal as time goes on, the future is cloudy even for us.
Disasters were easy enough to find in history, and perhaps a few that had it coming lost some of their wealth.  As long as it didn't happen enough in the same place that his face became an omen for disaster.  History must always forget him, the dragon was nothing if not particular.  Obsessive was a better word for it, everything had it's place.  Items gathered that were safe, from times that were safe.  Exhibits were crafted with love and care.  Each coin counted and added to the piles.  Piles became mountains, and the exhibits became a museum with only one patron and guest.
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the-wolfs-raven · 5 years
♌: what’s your family like?♍: other blogs?♎: would you date your muse?♏: would you and your muse be friends?♐: 3 things that scare you
♌: what’s your family like?
Ooh.  Boy.  Well, my dad’s pretty chill.  He was a hippy and all that.  Did a LOT of drugs in his time (which I didn’t learn about til this year.  Go figure.).  Got a bit of casual racism stuck in his humor, but he doesn’t mean any ill-will to anyone.  He’s a good guy overall.
My mother and her family, though.  Damn.  Like.  I’ve never met anyone so hateful and paranoid about the world.  Grandma turned me into a fundamentalist Christian psycho in elementary school (thankfully that got nipped in the bud in middle school).  Ma always said she’d disown us if we were gay (then did a complete 180 when my brother came out).  They’ve mellowed a bit with time, but now Grandma has Alzheimer's and is a complete psycho nut again.  Also, again with the casual racism, but they’re far more serious about it.  Typical MAGA folk.
So woo for breaking the hate cycle, I guess?
♍: other blogs?
@thepalewolfhowls is Tara’s daughter, Taria Fletcher.  My little lore bender.  Very angry daughter of Lo’Gosh with a fondness for orcs and punching people.  She has her own daughter now, Accalia, and a sort-of mate, Grok’tor Ironbite, a grizzled war veteran.  Taria underwent chronomantic aging to make her an adult (partially because I fucked up my timelines.  Partially because a child is an inconvenient agent and adult Taria can break so many more skulls).  She would have been around 7 years old if not for the aging, but she is fully an adult, physically, mentally, and emotionally (though her step-father may argue the latter.  lol)
@bluewolfcaravan is Tara’s trading and shop ventures.  Lots of fun stuff there when I’m not too dead to run them.  
@the-white-lioness is Ishtara Lionstar.  A Night Elf whore who originally turned Tara down the path of owning her sexuality.  She and her lions are all named for Assyrian (Mesopotamian, whatever) figures since its a good chunk of my heritage.  Lovely lion whore, basically.  
@wordhobbies is Necrocia Witherwing aka Twitchy formerly known as Sentinel Lyralel Dawnwhisper.  After a traumatic blow to the head, the elf became completely unhinged, putting herself in dangerous situations and stitching herself back together.  Though she’s never technically died, you wouldn’t know it from looking at her.  She also has...Hobbies.  Lots of hobbies.  “I asked myself, why should a murloc only have two eyes?  Why not ten?  Or TWENTY THREE?!”  …ehem…Her fascination with hobbies was actually pulled from an eccentric character from a children’s cartoon (Grandpapa Thistle from Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom).  Occasionally, she has short periods of sanity where her hair returns to its normal state and she becomes terrified of everything that’s happened to her.  Twitchy is almost emaciated and has various scribbles, scars, tattoos, etc all over her body from just...various things.  Sometimes she needs to remember something and she’ll literally just ink it into her skin.  If she can’t find something to tattoo herself with, she’ll just carve it on.  She’s extremely difficult to play for a long period of time because she just requires SO much energy.
@obscure-snowdrop is my little Shadow Whisperer bookworm who I made specifically to join the Crows.  She began hearing whispers at a young age and they keep her relatively sane despite her horrific life.  If wards or any such thing silence the whispers, she goes into a fit as everything that has worn on her over time coalesces in one fell swoop.
@snaythes These were my spook family from many fandoms back.  They are hemomancers of sorts with various quirks.  The eldest brother builds furniture from human parts.  One brother is a butcher who specializes in cannibalistic delicacies.  One brother, who had his heart broken, incorporates unused bodies into their home’s décor.  His ex-fiancée currently serves as a chandelier in the living room (I realize the irony).  The only sister is a painter who works with macabre and lascivious subjects.  She and the eldest brother have an...unconventional relationship.  The youngest brother is the most tame, and doesn’t really share his family’s penchant for violence and murder.
@korbintavernack aka Nix is a Blacktalon agent who worked closely with Taria in the past.  He’s a brawler and a magebreaker with enough wards to silence any magical activity in a 20 foot radius around himself.  He’s also responsible for the warding on Taria’s mind making her resistant to mental attacks and manipulation.
@theunkindness is an organization of (traditionally only Kaldorei) assassins and thieves who take morally upright contracts overall (killing bad folk like slavers, abusers, etc).  Tara is a part of the Unkindness and still communicates with several of her old contacts.
@winterscalesheir is the original Warhammer 40k Tarvasha.  She is the complete opposite of WoW Tara and I have no idea how it happened.  The bastard daughter of Rogue Trader Calligos Winterscale, she’s determined to find the Baleful eye of Sebastian Winterscale and cement herself among her father’s bloodline.
♎: would you date your muse?
I mean, if I had to date someone, Tara would be a pretty high reach for me.  I think I’d feel way too inferior to actually date someone like her, though I’d shower the poor girl with affection.  We’d probably try to outdo each other in gift-giving and kind gestures.  However, Tara is more heteroromantic, as am I, so even given the chance, it probably wouldn’t work.  lol
♏: would you and your muse be friends?
I think we’d make decent friends.  I don’t like the upkeep that comes with friendships and Tara tends to disappear a lot, so I think that would work out just fine in the end.
♐: 3 things that scare you 
Someone breaking into my house.  Seems kinda specific, but here’s the thing:  I have a shit fight or flight response, even when my kids are involved (I once left them in the backyard as I was running away from a wasp).  This is partially due to the fact that I was terrified of SIDS, so I didn’t allow myself to bond with my kids when they were born.  A lot of people I know are like “Yeah, I’d bust someone’s ass if they ever tried to touch my kids” but honestly, I feel like I’d probably run like a bitch and hate myself forever for it.  But who knows?  Maybe I’d pick up a floor lamp and fucking wreck someone’s day?  I’d rather not find out one way or the other.
Losing my technology.  I live through screens.  All of my memories are contained in my tech and on the web.  I’m terrified that I’d lose those things.  I’ve already had a phone run over and lost all of my children’s baby photos and videos.  I have very little memory of those times, so losing that was pretty heartbreaking for me.
Apocalypse.  Any sort of end-of-the-world bullshit where you’ve gotta figure out how to survive.  A lot of my friends have bug out bags and everything else but my oldest is a Type 1 diabetic.  If the places producing insulin suddenly stop, I have no way to keep my daughter alive.  It’ll be cyanide pills for the lot of us.
Thanks for the ask @latildarommel!  Sorry it got so heart-wrenching at the end.  lol
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barbosaasouza · 6 years
Hearthstone: A Guide to the 28 Taverns of Time Arena Cards
Hearthstone is getting ready to kick off its Taverns of Time event. For a limited time, Arena mode is adding 28 special cards, in addition to the normal batch of Standard cards.
Want to know exactly which cards are available, starting today? Here's what Hearthstone Arena players can expect to find.
(4) Consider the Past Type: Spell Class: Mage Add 3 random spells from the past to your hand. Quick Analysis: This can be a big help if it pulls anything like Unstable Portal, Firelands Portal, or Cabalist's Tome. Given its cheap 4 mana cost, this looks like a thumbs up.
(5) Bronze Broodmother (5/5) Type: Minion - Dragon Class: Paladin When you draw this, summon a 1/1 Wee Whelp. Quick Analysis: The downside mainly involves giving away to the opponent when this card gets drawn, but aside from that, there's nothing bad about a 5/5 body in Arena.
(2) Cavern Dreamer (1/3) Type: Minion Class: Mage At the end of your turn, add a random spell that costs (2) or less to your hand. Quick Analysis: This could be a high-value play if it yields something like Primordial Glyph. There are few bad outcomes with this minion, making it a good pick.
(4) Chromie (4/4) Type: Minion Class: Neutral Battlecry: Shuffle four Historical Epochs into your deck. Quick Analysis: Chromie's Historical Epochs all go off when drawn, only the Battle for Mount Hyjal really having the potential to be a dud. A 4-cost 4/4 body certainly isn't the worst thing in the world.
(6) Stasis Dragon (10/10) Type: Minion - Dragon Class: Neutral Starts dormant. This awakens with Rush after two turns. Quick Analysis: At the earliest, this will go off at Turn 8. A Turn 8 10/10 isn't bad, but it's risky to lay this down and essentially forfeit your Turn 6. A decent late-game option.
(4) Fatecleaver (4/2) Type: Weapon Class: Warrior After this kills a minion, destroy all copies of it (wherever they are). Quick Analysis: Don't expect to make much use out of this effect, but a 4-cost 4/2 stat line is pretty good.
(1) Ripple in Time Type: Spell Class: Priest Discover a minion. If you play it this turn, it has Echo. Quick Analysis: To take advantage of the Echo effect, the minion has to be 4 mana or less. Don't expect to see that put to much use.
(6) Draconic Herald (5/6) Type: Minion - Dragon Class: Warrior Battlecry: Discover a minion. Give it +3/+3 then put it on top of your deck. Quick Analysis: To make the most of this, you'll ideally want something with Charge or a strategic Taunt. Don't play this if you need a board-clearing spell on the next turn.
(1) Infinite Murloc (1/1) Type: Minion - Murloc Class: Neutral Battlecry: Shuffle an Infinite Murloc into your deck. Your future Infinite Murlocs get +1/+1. Quick Analysis: This only works with a lot of card draw, so I can't this pick paying off for many.
(4) Stasis Elemental (3/5) Type: Minion - Elemental Class: Shaman Battlecry: Freeze a minion until this leaves the battlefield. Quick Analysis: The idea of permanent freeze is interesting, but don't expect this to stick around without a Taunt to protect it.
(3) Chronoshot Type: Spell Class: Hunter Return an enemy minion to your opponent's hand. It costs (2) more. Quick Analysis: This is a killer late game spell that can be abused quite often. Be careful playing your Deathwing or Ysera.
(5) Timeway Wanderer (6/3) Type: Minion Class: Neutral Battlecry: Discover a spell. Reduce its cost by (5) then put it on top of your deck. Quick Analysis: The effect more than makes up for that weak 6/3 stat line.
(4) Grasp the Future Type: Spell Class: Warlock Draw 2 cards. They cost (2) less. Quick Analysis: An awesome double Life Tap for Warlock players, without the life penalty.
(15) Timebound Giant (8/8) Type: Minion Class: Neutral Costs (1) less for each card you've drawn. Quick Analysis: It's been a while since we've seen a Giant. Hope it's not at the bottom of your deck.
(2) Temporal Anomaly (2/2) Type: Minion - Elemental Class: Neutral When you draw this, add a random spell to your hand (from your class). Quick Analysis: A free spell is never a bad thing and a 2/2 body for 2 mana isn't terrible.
(1) Blessing of Aeons Type: Spell Class: Paladin Give a minion "At the end of your turn, gain +1/+1. Quick Analysis: Turn any minion into a pseudo-Gruul, which isn't too bad for a Taunt minion.
(6) Master of Realities (5/7) Type: Minion Class: Shaman After you summon a minion, transform it into a random minion that costs (2) more. Quick Analysis: At the very least, this turns the Shaman's Hero Power into a 3-cost minion summon. This can be awesome with anything that summons multiple minions.
(3) Flash Forward Type: Spell Class: Druid Each player gains two Mana Crystals and draws two cards. Quick Analysis: This doesn't do much, other than accelerate the game. Giving the opponent the same benefit is risky.
(7) Murozond (6/6) Type: Minion - Dragon Class: Neutral Battlecry: From now on, your turns are 15 seconds and you draw 2 extra cards. Quick Analysis: This offers up an Aluneth effect, which could be a bad idea in Arena, where you'll be much more prone to die to Fatigue.
(4) Possibility Seeker (4/5) Type: Minion - Dragon Class: Neutral Battlecry: Shuffle your hand into your deck. Draw that many cards. Quick Analysis: Is your hand a dud? Draw a fresh one and try again! This works if your hand is terrible and you need to try to draw for answers.
(6) Harbinger of Catastrophe (6/7) Type: Minion - Dragon Class: Druid At the start of your turn, summon the highest-cost minion from each player's deck. Quick Analysis: Do you really want to risk bringing out an opponent's Deathwing? Only do this if you've drafted something like Tyrantus.
(2) Reminisce Type: Spell Class: Priest Add two random cards your opponent played this game to your hand. Quick Analysis: It's a cheaper form of Thoughtsteal, but this could be a feast or famine effect.
(3) Timeline Witness (2/4) Type: Minion Class: Neutral Instead of drawing your normal card each turn, Discover a card from your deck. Quick Analysis: There's no indication that the cards not selected get discarded, making this an intriguing selection.
(4) Thief of Futures (4/3) Type: Minion Class: Rogue Battlecry: Add a copy of the top card of your opponent's deck to your hand. Quick Analysis: A fun way to know what's coming and potentially use it against your opponent. Almost makes up for a bad 4/3 stat line.
(5) Wildlands Adventurer (5/5) Type: Minion Class: Neutral Battlecry: Add a random card from the Hall of Fame to your hand. Quick Analysis: Hall of Fame cards are Hall of Fame cards for a reason. They range from helpful to wildly powerful and are tasty icing on top of this 5/5 cake.
(7) Rift Warden (5/5) Type: Minion - Dragon Class: Warlock Battlecry: Discard a random minion. Deathrattle: Summon it. Quick Analysis: A good effect, but an expensive play for a 5/5 body.
(1) Deja Vu Type: Spell Class: Rogue Discover a copy of a spell you played this game. Quick Analysis: This is as useful as the spell drafted, which could range from wildly helpful to a dud.
The Taverns of Time event begins today and runs until July 3.
Hearthstone: A Guide to the 28 Taverns of Time Arena Cards published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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