#muse ;; DILUC ( ABOUT )
crimsongrimoire · 2 months
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yeah since i had already posted most of that other one that's basically cheating. another one
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romaritimeharbor · 5 months
arlecchino should kill dottore i think
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resolutepath · 5 months
“About Zhongli: identity” for diluc :eyes:
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[ ABOUT: ZHONGLI - IDENTITY. ] Naturally I had my suspicions that there was more to Zhongli than met the eye, notably due to the way the bard behaved upon his visits. However it was important for him to tell me in his own time... and he did. As for what it means... well... I prefer not to dwell on it too much. We are in the present, not the past and he has chosen to be Zhongli now. I will respect that choice.
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memesomething · 2 years
muse A finding out for the first time that they're listed as muse B's emergency contact only because there's an emergency and muse B is hurt. alternatively: muse A and muse B having a falling out of some kind, and then muse B is hurt, and muse A finding out they're still the emergency contact (and Muse B finding out that Muse A will, still, show up). 10/10
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tenebriism · 1 year
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Diluc is SUCH a good brother figure, and that's the relationship I headcanon for him and the Traveler ( strictly, because I do not ship MY Diluc, romantically, with Lumine or Aether. I just don't see him being attracted to either of them. ) Both the Angel's Share and the Dawn Winery have an ' open door policy, ' and whatever the Traveler needs ( food, resources, a shoulder to lean on ), Diluc provides it without hesitation. Just like Diluc would with Kaeya, he would jump in and take a hit, NO question, for Lumine/Aether, even one that, potentially, could be fatal.
It's just how he is, putting everyone above himself in terms of importance, and with how much Crepus instilled those knightly virtues into both his sons, Diluc knows, at least in THAT regard, that Crepus would be proud of him.
In the case of Kaeya, obviously Diluc still loves him ( Ragbros ONLY here. Kae/////luc has no place here, I do not care about translations and interpretations and--- no. Bye. ) He might not be very affectionate towards Kaeya nowadays ( both because of the shattered trust and the trauma from THAT NIGHT, and the guilt that came OF it ), but . . . he's still Big Brother Diluc from afar. He protects Kaeya as best as he can . . . looks after him. If he sees he's sick or having a rough day, his favorite wine or snack MIGHT just pop up at his doorstep with no name attached to it. Kaeya is STILL Diluc's brother and one of the most important people in his life, regardless of how their relationship currently is. That won't change. Ever.
TL;DR: Big Bro Diluc = top tier. Thank you.
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daybreakrising · 10 months
@resolutepath: [ stolen ] a quick, stealthy, and impromptu kiss snatched in secret (diluc to wrio)
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He blames it entirely on the adrenaline coursing through him, an after-effect of the combat they've so recently engaged in. Add to that the thrill of sneaking around amidst the shadows of Mondstadt, avoiding the attention of the citizens still wandering the late night streets, and really... it was inevitable that he'd give in to certain desires.
His fingers catch upon Diluc's wrist as they slip down a deserted, darkened alley, halting the redhead in his tracks. He's quick with it, and smooth - he knows the other man will probably have complaints later, but that's a problem he'll face another time. All he can focus on now is the blood still pounding in his ears, the tingle of excitement that ripples across his skin.
And, of course, the man now pressed back against the wall, all but pinned in place by his own body.
He can see Diluc's lips about to part, the words already forming on his tongue, so he does the only natural thing to silence him. The kiss tastes sweeter for the risk it poses - it's not so late, after all, that someone won't wander by on their way home. Were it anyone else beneath him, he might have been tempted to linger, to savour this moment for as long as he dared...
But he wants this to be only theirs for as long as possible. Call him selfish.
He draws back from the kiss, one arm still braced against the wall beside Diluc's head, his fingers still curled around his wrist. There's a flash of a smirk - sly, mischievous - and a glint in those pale, pale eyes. "Been wanting to do that all night." He murmurs, his gaze dropping to those recently-kissed lips, then back to fiery eyes.
Then he steps back as if nothing had happened. "Shall we, then?"
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protect-namine · 11 months
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I like navia. when she's out, she's definitely replacing albedo in my spy team
albedo shouldn't even be there because he's officially with the knights, and the only reason he's there is because he's tangentially related to the hexenzirkel and khaenri'ah and doing a lot of non-government and allegedly potentially-catastrophic research. he's definitely working on things varka and jean don't know about.
but the only other people who would fit in a spy team are the shuumatsuban characters and, well. three of them are legally tied to the yashiro commission and kamisato clan. the only other one would rather take a nap so like. no undercover work for you, sayu.
yelan and wanderer do work with their nation's leaders, but they both are not officially in the papers. like, "officially" yelan owns a casino and wanderer is doing his thesis as hat guy lmao. he would rather argue about someone's (very wrong) tatarasuna papers before associating himself with the matra or corps of thirty.
diluc is mondstadt's batman, we all know this already. but he also was involved with an underground intelligence network while he was away from mondstadt before the game started (in that same time period, he was also banned from snezhnaya and declared persona non-grata and like. I'm not saying these two facts are related, but... maybe?? when is genshin gonna give us THAT story)
anyway. I like this team because it's fun doing world quests with them and pretending they're cleaning up teyvat's messes because for some reason the knights / corps of thirty / matra / millelith / etc are either not competent enough to do so or can't do it themselves in an "official" capacity
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zevlors-tail · 2 years
Muse: In fact, between my brains and your brawn, I'd say we make a pretty good team.
Diluc: We do.
Diluc: Although, technically I have both brains and brawn.
Muse: True, but-! I have the personality and winning smile, so...
Diluc: *starts laughing softly*
Muse: *gasps dramatically* Was that a laugh? Did I make you laugh, Diluc!?
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dcviated · 2 years
Keeping with my usual style of hc where the world is bigger than in game, you know Dawn Winery is a big fuckin place. And there are additional buildings we dont see-
Like bigger lodgings for some of the workers. Full stable (and horses). Proper storehouses and facilities for the wine...
AND. The manor is bigger. If he can host freakin balls and galas in there that place in game doesnt cut it.
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teneboobism · 2 years
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Jeeze, now y'all have me thinking about MR. BOUGH KEEPER'S preferences. It's complicated because he's very much NOT the same person he was back before Khaenri'ah fell, so a lot of his ' preferences ' are up in the air, in a state of LIMBO, like his pre-war personality.
He has had se//x more than once. Has never had a LOVER / PARTNER, per-se, but intimacy is not entirely foreign to him. Just . . . when you're cursed to wander Teyvat for the rest of your days, grasping at any sign of HOPE that not all has been LOST to a tragedy you failed to prevent, physical relations are the last thing on your mind.
H M M . . .
I'd say he's not picky, in regards to gender. Male, female, both, neither--- doesn't matter. Can't see him allowing himself to be VULNERABLE enough to bottom ( penetration wise, unless it's KAEYA - if he's being ridden, that's a different story ), but he's also not the type to take that initiative to TOP, either. A reluctant switch, mayhap, would be the best way to describe him.
Patience is key with him. Flirting goes straight over his head, and talking to him, most of the time, can feel like engaging with a brick wall. Give 'em time to slip back into a mindset of normality, and if he doesn't seem all that invested in reciprocating ( or, he abruptly changes his mind and backs out ), don't hold it against him.
. . . otherwise, he's well endowed and DOES know how to use the gifts bestowed upon him ( he's even got a bit of an aggressive side, if you're bratty enough with him ). Ya just gotta wait for the DLC package to download in 3 to 5 business years, and do his Companion Quest, and then, maybe then, you can get the trophy that says you successfully bedded Dainsleif.
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dawnswine · 2 years
i am about to sleep but !!!
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v3ry-cherry · 11 months
i noticed a funny correlation of not being able to write about my absolute fav 2d men freely. literal definition of 'the more i like you the more shy i become'
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mielmoto · 1 year
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@dcviated asking the important questions:
Does Honey prefer headpats or cheek squishing?
cheek squishing. by a country mile. absolutely zero contest.
in fact, it's fair to say that she actually doesn't love headpats from most people under most circumstances— given the threat they pose to her excruciatingly perfect hair. exceptions to the rule are largely people she's very close to, and the individuals she deems 'hot enough they could do pretty much anything to me and i'd be grateful.' (example given: Emké, similar beefcakes)
more importantly, though: look at her. the gods conspired to give her some of the roundest, sweetest, most squishable cheeks the world has ever known.
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destined to be smooshed. made to squish. (a design feature of the whole Honey unit, in fact; the cheeks are just a prime example)
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tenebriism · 1 year
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A lovely reminder on this fine Wednesday, before I head to bed, that:
Kaeya is the most important person in Diluc's life, regardless of how strained their relationship is. Diluc LOVES his baby brother and that will never change.
It isn't that Diluc doesn't WANT to apologize for what happened. It's that he genuinely believes he doesn't deserve Kaeya's forgiveness, and isn't sure he can handle the response SHOULD Kaeya turn him down.
He doesn't get the hints that Kaeya, actually, WANTS to be around him. That, despite there being a whole 'nother, reputable bar in Mondstadt, Kaeya still comes to the Angel's Share. Kaeya still exchanges WORDS with Diluc and still writes letters to him, despite how standoffish and distance Diluc tends to be. Kaeya is still PRESENT, and Diluc believes it's purely due to circumstance.
I shall reiterate from my many previous posts: It is NOT Kaeya's fault, and it is NOT Diluc's fault, what happened that night, and we will not accept any Kae or Luc slander on this blog. They both need to shut up and apologize, they were both wrong. Y'don't drop more horrible news on an already emotionally unstable, grieving man ( TIMING, people, TIMING ), and you don't lash out and try to kill your own brother, thus nearly ADDING to the needless death count, after receiving said bad news. Way better ways to have gone about that whole thing.
He would still give up everything to keep Kaeya safe. This includes his life, yes.
Diluc, ultimately, just wants Kaeya back in his life so he can be happy again... so BOTH of them can be happy. It doesn't matter who Diluc falls in love with, how his future turns out to be, whatever. If Kaeya ain't in it, there's no point. Someway, somehow. If he had the proper words to say all nice and beautifully written on a piece of parchment paper, he'd have sent it long ago, or even read it aloud to Kaeya . . . but he doesn't. It's the one time in his entire life where he's being a coward, and all the Mora in the world won't snag him a courage potion.
TL;DR: Diluc loves his baby brother, and wants, so desperately, to have him back.
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daybreakrising · 8 months
@resolutepath: ‘  am  i  foolish  for  wanting  this ?  it  will  end  in  flames .  it  always  does .  ’ (diluc to zhongli)
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Fingertips skim lightly across a bare shoulder, a delicately intimate touch that he hopes will go some way to soothing the troubled thoughts inside his lover's head. The quietly posed question breaks the quaint stillness of the night around them. He feels the vibration of Diluc's voice resonate within his chest, where the redhead is tucked against him, and it touches a part of him that aches.
It will end in flames.
Such a sure inevitability, but one Zhongli does not share. It must end, one day, for him - that is his inevitability - though it will not be in flames, but in grief. A repeated cycle of love and loss he cannot break for all his efforts to try.
"It is never foolish to want what makes you happy." He replies after a weighted, thoughtful pause. With a few measured movements, he shifts their positions to enable him to look Diluc in the eye, requiring that connection to be sure the redhead is hearing him.
A hand the colour of cor lapis lifts to frame a handsome face, a thumb gently smoothing over his cheek. "You have been taught, through experience, that everything good turns eventually to ash. You are unable to cling to the joys in life because you believe heartbreak is the only outcome. Life has hardened your heart, and you practice pessimism to protect yourself from the pain of disappointment."
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Lips curve slowly, gently, into a smile; amber eyes soften with a great well of affection. He had once sworn never again, but here he was, powerless against the strength of his capacity to feel. "I hope I can be the one to teach you that not everything that burns is lost forever. Does a sapling not sprout again once the wildfire has passed through?"
Lips press softly to Diluc's forehead; to the bridge of his nose. "You are a wildfire, bǎo bèi, and I the granite that can withstand it. You can burn and burn, reduce all around us to ash, and I will remain."
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protect-namine · 1 year
if we're bringing back "diluc is batman" (referencing the description from neuvillette's marketing drip where diluc's mask is his alter ego whereas neuvillette's role as chief justice is just him and not a role he puts on) then can I petition genshin to give diluc a robin
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