#muse | afsaneh
onlydevilsleft · 2 years
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“And do try not to stick your dick in it, Daniel. Shit’s fucked enough already. Thank you. Bye bye, now.” She sang the end into the open line just before hanging up, as if that might make up for the crude way in which she’d talked to...whoever Daniel was. She was not sorry for it. And wouldn’t lose any sleep tonight.
The pad of her index finger came up off the switch hook as a pretty young blonde came in the door of the office. Regardless of whether or not the other female had heard the end of that particularly colorful conversation, Afsaneh Madani, Senator for the great state of Montana, made no attempt to address it. A perfectly manicured eyebrow arched in solitary. A voice like liquid velvet, deep and laid over a smoker’s gravel, with a heavy Indian or Middle Eastern type accent, came back and filled the room. “Well? I am a busy woman and I don’t have all day, darling... Perhaps you’d like to sit and talk about whatever the bloody fuck you’d like to discuss? Any time now. And if not, the least you can do is stop staring at me like you’ve never seen a vulgar brown person before... I understand we’re like unicorns, but now that you’ve seen one...”
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afsaneh-jaan · 6 years
i was tagged by @arcana-more-likely-nadia-trash thank you dear!! :o ^^
Two headcanons for your muse that you’ve never told anyone:
- she has a little trail of three birthmarks on her ribs that frame her left boob, kinda like this:
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- she often wondered if she had made the right choice, if she should have just stayed with her family, given up her magic and learned to become a healer. at times these thoughts would keep her up at night. however, she couldn’t imagine willingly living without her magic (even at the cost of her family), and she would be too stubborn/proud to return if her choice had turned out to be a mistake  (and then she forgot all about her family anyway and the problem solved itself, haha ;-;)
Three things your character likes doing in their free time:
- going on walks, exploring, looking for pebbles or sitting at her fave spot by the sea (being out in nature either alone or with her familiars)
- playing her instruments (setar and ney)
- practicing new magic, researching it, learning about new things regarding her craft
Seven people your character likes/loves: (not in particular order)
- Nadia - Portia  - Asra - Ra  - Razan (if she would remember him) [... uh... idk, i mean i could go on listing friendly arcana characters, but fact is that she needs to get to know more people, but for the sake of the list...] - Satrinava sisters (as one unit haha) - Bread Guy
Two things your character regrets:
- ohohohoho... once she remembers it, definitely the way she parted ways with her family and never contacting them
- in the mean time she has enough fun regretting dying and not being able to help anyone or anything while she recovered
Two phobias your character has:
- suffocation/tight spaces (yeah, claustrophobia)
- disappointing people or letting them down (not really phobia, but fear that influences her thoughts and actions, so yeah)
well, basically the few people i’d immediately think of tagging like @kaia-is-what-i-give-you or @daddy-satrinava have already been tagged, but there are still people i can officially tag! (woo) @ghostetta @juliandevorakismyeverything @thearcanass @pukichun
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A Guide to Troubled Muses
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deathbytardigrade · 6 years
Behind the Scenes
Send me ‘Behind the scenes’ for conversation between the mun and the muse
Ellen, crying: I love her so much!
Me: I know.
Ellen: She’s so pretty.
Me, pulling out drafts: I know.
Ellen: What are those?
Me: Drafts. Afsaneh did hers now it’s your turn.
Me: *dragging Ellen away from Lorca’s quarters.* Ellen, no.
Ellen: I’m sorry. I just can’t stay away.
Me: it’s called an unhealthy relationship. I thought that you were in counseling.
Ellen: I am. But given the state of this universe, it’s either with that attractive Admiral who also slept with him or the overworked counselor on Discovery.
Me: That is remarkably self-aware of you.
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dancerdoc · 7 years
(How to care for) Afsaneh says a massage usually works.
Anonymously or not, send “How To Care For” instructions for my muse 
Beverly.exe has stopped working.
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K'Pel: You should make bread.
Mun: One, I'm at work. Two, I don't have the ingredients.
K'Pel: Later then?
Mun: Wednesday. I'll do it Wednesday.
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onlydevilsleft · 2 years
{ new muse }
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Afsaneh Shokri Madani
 - Senator for Montana, living locally while maintaining a permanent residence in DC as well. She’s an Iranian/Bangladeshi American, born overseas and moving to the United States when she was eight years old. As her parents were immersed in the traditional culture of her people, she adheres ( mostly ) to the traditional Indian dress common in the area she grew up. Though she identifies with her Bangladeshi side ( Indian dress as an example ) much more than her Iranian side, her name is reflective of that side of her family, via her father. Afsaneh means ‘a fairy tale’ or ‘fable’ and Shokri means ‘to be thankful.’ She remains an only child and her mother’s miracle baby - which also explains how strong willed and independent the woman became.
   Her early life was spent raising Hell wherever and however she could. Her father died shortly after moving to the states, where her mother had to make due supporting herself and Afsaneh on a seamstress’ salary. Life was hard, often brutal; but growing up in the backwoods country both prepared her for the hardship that came and cultivated it, at once. Once, in third grade, Afsaneh was told - and later that same teacher told her mother - that she stood taller than any ponderosa pine and had an attitude that could cut through any oak like acid. Being Montana residents, even then, but more worldly, her mother proudly replied that it was a good thing her daughter was stronger than any tree this country could grow. It showed the strength of her people and her spirit.
   In adulthood, her rise to political and social achievement was no less shock and awe than her early life had been. She made a habit of telling people the things they didn’t want to hear despite the climate for going the easy route. Truth was always her friend. Absolute truth. Not the one people sought to make so because they wanted it to be that way. Facts before fodder. She spends most of her days dealing with petty politicians who would rather get their mistress and abortion than allow the country’s working poor have access to even basic healthcare, and being a Dutton ally...and antagonist. Which, really, shouldn’t be a surprise in the least...
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onlydevilsleft · 4 months
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Senator Afsaneh Shokri Madani shot lasers that could kill with her eyes, even when she didn’t mean to. It was a natural affect, and one, as people liked to remind her, that had people shitting their pants even when they hadn’t done anything punishable by any law she could cite. The silence ran thick between them as the native Indian from India and Persian women stared at the blonde before her. Arms were not folded across her desk as she leaned over it, knuckles to elbows like two parallel lines. A barrier, in effect. Protecting whom, was up for debate.
“I notice you didn’t say good afternoon, which leads one to believe there’s nothing quite good about it… Accuracy means everything in this business and if it’s not pleasant, I can’t understand why we don’t just say that. The world would be a simpler place if we could tell people to fuck all the way off.” There’s a gentle smirk on the brown woman’s lips. She’s beautiful by every definition of the word, even if she may see herself as rather mannish at times. The hand was taken, shaken, and released without so much as a smile. She could appreciate the younger woman’s countenance. She held herself well. It didn’t go unnoticed by someone who had to fight her way to the top simple because of her sex and the color of her skin. “I know what you’d like and I know what I would like to say to a request like that. As much as I enjoy the massive elephant testicles you walked in here with to ask it…” She paused. “Beck. Beck… Where have I heard that name before?” It was rhetorical. She had a memory like a steel trap. “Ah, yes. I do remember. The name of the two brothers who paid for two women to be attacked and nearly raped and a child to be abducted from his home and sold to some Neo-Nazis. No relation, I presume.”
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onlydevilsleft · 2 years
❛ people need hope. to know someone is out there for them. ❜ ( mahia / anyone )
Afsaneh looked at the younger woman quite cynically. “What people need, my dear, is a good swift kick in the ass.” Comes the reply, a course and rather articulate way of saying nobody does what they need to do anymore to pull their own feet out of the fire. “People need more hope like they need a hole in the head. As if their mouths weren’t useless enough.” She brushed a hand through the air like she was dismissing something unpleasant. “No, they just need to stop crying with their vaginas and their balls to drop before something real happens, and then it’s too late and nobody can do shit about it. But cry and die. No one helps anyone who won’t help themselves. That’s like setting all your money on fire...”
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BY: @quimulti (indirectly)
TAGGING: Anyone who wants to!
IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN ONE MUSE, WHICH IS YOUR HARDEST TO WRITE? IF ONE MUSE, WHAT ASPECTS OF YOUR MUSE ARE HARDEST TO WRITE? Probably a tie between me having a hard time with Reno’s technobabble and me having a hard time writing mirror Gabe being evil.
IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN ONE MUSE, WHICH IS YOUR EASIEST TO WRITE? IF ONE MUSE, WHAT ASPECTS OF YOUR MUSE ARE EASIEST TO WRITE? Afsaneh and Ellen just because I usually have a lot of muse for them. Probably because there isn’t a lot of canon info, so I don’t worry as much.
WHAT KINDS OF RESPONSES ARE MOST INSPIRING? Angst. I can almost always get it to flow easily.
WHAT CANON CHARACTER HAVE YOU ALWAYS WANTED YOUR MUSE TO INTERACT WITH BUT NO ONE SEEMS TO RP? Hmm. I’d love to do more tng/ds9 era stuff with K’Pel. She was originally thought up as a member of the Maquis and I do want to play her as that more.
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S FAVORITE CARTOON? I’m going to answer for Ash because he watches the most cartoons. Ash likes Avatar: The Last Airbender.
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WHAT STUPID STUFF DID YOUR MUSE DO IN HIGH SCHOOL (OR WHATEVER EQUIVALENT)? Afsaneh was pretty tame, but she also knew how to avoid getting in trouble.
‘LOST’ EPISODE IDEA THAT YOU WOULD LOVE TO SEE ADAPTED ONSCREEN Just an episode focused on the bridge/aux crew of discovery.
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[Ere flops down on top of her] "You're just gonna have to get up of your own accord, I'm too small for this."
my muse has fallen asleep somewhere that isn’t their bed. what does your muse do?
Afsaneh sighed, rubbing her eyes. “Ere. I can’t move if you’re on top of me. Just let me sleep.”
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You pander too much those 'adopted space children' of yours. They're grown up that make stupid decisions, and they won't replace the relationship you never had with your son.
Destroy My Muse On Anon
Provoke them, upset them, frighten them, make them cry! I want tears and regret and pain and just plain oodles of angst.
Afsaneh held back a sigh. Bringing up her sometimes strained relationship with her son was a low blow. She steadied herself as she began, “Well, I’m not trying to replace my son. I’m just trying to provide my experience to people who could benefit from knowing it.”
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“Jāné-del-am.” Philippa’s voice is as distorted as her body. The binary stars have not been kind to her; their heat has pulled her skin tight against her bones, her face leathery except for the bite-sized chunks of flesh missing from forehead and cheeks. "I came home." The mek'leth still embedded in her chest makes her wheeze as she reaches jerkily towards Afsaneh. "Don't you recognise me? I'm your wife. To have and to hold..." Blood burbles from the gash that was once her mouth. "...Forever."
Destroy My Muse On Anon
Provoke them, upset them, frighten them, make them cry! I want tears and regret and pain and just plain oodles of angst.
Sickbay was loud. Afsaneh knew that. There were monitors beeping and people rushing about, prepping Philippa for surgery. But all Afsaneh could hear was her wife’s voice.
“You are home, Sayang,” Afsaneh was fighting back her tears. “Stay strong. We’ll be together forever.” She reached out to her wife but was pulled back by an orderly as Philippa was whisked into surgery. She stood there, frozen and reaching out, looking at where Philippa had been.
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Behind the scenes! 💜
Send me ‘Behind the scenes’ for conversation between the mun and the muse
Mun: Hey, Affie. Wanna do your drafts?
Afsaneh: Do your speech and paper.
Mun: But I don't want to.
Afsaneh: Well, I didn't want to start drinking decaf coffee at night, but the doctor made me anyways. We all have to do things we don't want to.
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Random Ask Time: What's one talent your muse has that others may not know about?
Afsaneh is actually really good at playing the piano. She doesn’t play very often in public so many people are surprised.
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Does your muse think their younger self would be proud of how they turned out as an adult?
Afsaneh hopes so. After all, she’s accomplished a lot, even if it wasn’t quite what she imagined when she was young.
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