galaxyraised · 3 years
thinking abt one of the most important (semi-serious) headcanons that @georgiov​ and i ever discussed
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flo-n-flon · 5 years
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A warmup Emperor for @georgiov because I can.
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onaperduamedee · 5 years
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Michelle Yeoh by Olivia Tsang for Prestige HK, May 2019
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georgiov replied to your post: WHERE TO FIND ZANZA! MAIN BLOG:  HIGHER ACTIVITY....
zanza ily but what the fuck
galaxy brain told me that fifteen blogs would be work better than just four??  and tbh for some reason galaxy brain was Right bc this already feels a thousand times nicer than Complete Chaos on one blog.  now it’s Complete Chaos,  but with the ability to pretend it isn’t and hide on any number of blogs if i’m not feeling one it’s fine.  in theory it’s gonna be fine.  in practical application?  well,  we’ll see i guess.
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maldonadonco · 5 years
@georgiov is fantastic and incredible and I love them with my whole-ass heart!!!!!!!!!
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it’s something she’s worn before  ---  for a long time  ---  yet the newly reacquired badge securely affixed to the front of her uniform feels heavy.  almost as if it doesn’t belong anymore,  though michael’s well aware of all that’s been done to earn the right to wear it once again.  despite all of that.....  guilt remains,  gnawing at her insides,  a constant companion.  funny that even though she’s human,  paired with each instance where amanda had ever insisted that she be proud of that,  the most prominent instinct she has is shame that she’s still feeling so guilty.  that’s got to be the vulcan upbringing,  right?  maybe not,  but it’s easiest to lay the blame there,  at least for now.
thousands upon thousands were lost,  and at its essence?  it can be tracked directly back to her.  it would be easy enough to forget it all,  to move on,  and tell herself that if the klingons had wanted a war so badly,  they’d have managed without her help.  but there had been a war,  and as far as the federation as a whole and most of its citizens are concerned?  it leads back to michael.  starfleet’s first mutineer.  it’s a title she’ll wear forever,  in some form  ---  the fact that she’s been reinstated and had done her part to help end the war is irrelevant.  at least,  in her own mind   (   she’s never been particularly skilled at deciphering what other people are thinking,  so it’d be foolish to even attempt to speak for anyone but herself   ).
there have been countless moments throughout the course of her life where michael’s found herself gripped by the cold hand of anxiety.  of dread.  fear.  but this one?  this one tops them all:  the death of her parents,  the bombing at the learning center,  finding out she hadn’t been accepted to the vulcan science expedition,  her court martial,  every moment spent aboard the discovery,  her time in the terran universe  ---  none of them had left her feeling quite like this.
“captain georgiou  ---  ”   there’s a pause,  as she swallows,  hands clasped behind her back,   “philippa.”   it doesn’t feel quite right,  referring to her either way.  michael knows it’s likely she’s being too hard on herself  ---  but it doesn’t seem as though she has the right to refer to her former captain at all.  not after....  everything.   “it’s good to see you,”   that’s the truth,  at least.  to some degree,  at least.   “i’m glad you’re  ---  ”   still alive?  no.  she straightens up,  perfecting her posture,   “i’m glad you’re okay,”
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@georgiov   |   sc.
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sadnessruns · 5 years
👅 (bc phil and milky are more alike than she'll admit to)
[ Send 👅 to lick my muse | @georgiov ]
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“Phil, that is utterly disgusting why would you lick me?” He rubbed his cheek and let out a huff. “I’m serious, you don’t know what I’ve been working with in the lab. Could have been deadly.” Not much better than his own instincts to say the least. ‘Doctor Put-things-in-his-mouth-to-test-if-they’re-safe Stamets’ as Hugh liked to call him. “Sometimes I wonder why I live with you,” he teased, a slight smirk on his face. 
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viceadmrl · 5 years
“Katrina Alice Cornwell, will you marry me and make me the happiest person in the universe?” 💛 (I WARNED YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN)
there have been plenty of moments over the years where kat’s wondered just when this particular moment would come.  hell,  there have been a few where she’s considered going for it herself  —  sweeping philippa off her feet with some grand romantic gesture,  and declaring her love with the words she’s always seemed to struggle to find   (   at least,  when it comes to the other woman   ).  
katrina’s always been the sort to run toward what she wants.  of course,  there have been several occasions where she’s struggled to know what it is she wants,  or feels.  trusting her gut has turned out to an acquired skill,  one that’s been hard won.  of course,  her gut has yet to lead her astray when it comes to philippa.  
it’s a damn gift to be so sure of another person’s presence in your life.  a gift she’s never thought she’d have.  a gift she’s sworn never to forget.
“i adore you,  philippa georgiou.  i have for so long,  and i’d be thrilled to spend the rest of my life making sure you know that you have every last ounce of my love and adoration.”   a pause,  accented with a look and a smile reserved just for the phenomenal woman with whom she’s shared so much.
she’s tearing up,  just a little   (   or so she’ll tell anyone who asks,  because she does have a reputation to uphold   ).   so  —  maybe it’s just instinct to finish off with a light jab.
“you know,  it took you long enough to ask.”  
it doesn’t even occur to her that she hasn’t even technically said yes.
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andë’s right,  i was 10000% warned this would happen,  feat. my tears  |   @georgiov!
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georgiov replied to your post: When Leland was a teenager, he stole a sign from...
what, with all due respect, the fuck
I present a list of place names Leland has a souvenir of:
Billy Butts Pond
Spread Eagle
Blow Me Down
Conception Bay
Happy Valley
Man Point
Muddy Hole
Virgin’s Cove
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lilolilyr · 3 years
And ohhhh, anything you can tell us about any future projects? 👀
Sure! I'd love to :D
For TOG, I don't have many new WIPs, but I do have
- about 2 more chapters of the Andromaquynh University AU coming up soon(ish)... It's still a damn slow-burn, I swear if I end up only having the getting together in the last chapter, I'll write an epilogue for some established feels xD
- As far as I remember I ended up never posting the (smutty) Andronilynh fic with Quỳnh in lingerie? Was supposed to be a discord collab with a fanartist months ago, but I think by now I can assume they've abandoned the project xD (vague so I won't call them out lol), so... I'll just post the fic itself, I think it's finished already, just gotta dig out the draft
- Sth more for the Just You And Me series maybe? I do have a bunch of ideas but no concrete plans yet...
Then, I've got some Milippa fics coming up:
- a getting together ficlet (2k, T) I wrote in the middle of the night and after looking at it earlier today and then just closing the Word doc with a headache, I think I'll just post that without further edits lmao - edit- posted!
- I want to write a longer(ish, probably still just a ficlet of 1-2k) version of this photostory for ao3! I was thinking about whether to make it established or pre-relationship, then came up with an idea for a getting-together variant that I like, and now I've just seen @onaperduamedee's tags here, and I love that idea as well! But maybe as a separate ficlet some day (if you'd be okay with me writing that, Flo?), as I don't think it'd work out with the idea I already drafted now.
- The very very slowly growing fic (I have more or less abandoned the idea of turning it into a longfic, but maybe that means that I'll post it soon-ish now... Damn, I really love the idea but I just can't seem to bring myself to write much for it, why brain whyy) that's a follow-up to this post by @georgiov :)
- a mirror/mirror idea @forestcircle reminded me of earlier today :D
Thanks for the question! <3
Feel free to ask me more about these, or send me other asks/prompts for thirsty thursday!
I also have some vague ideas for projects in other fandoms (below the cut):
- Rly want to continue my 666words Good Omens series, but no actual wips started and they're all one-shots anyway
- a bering&wells artefact story that I thiink I posted the summary of on discord somewhere, but who knows whether I'll actually write it... guess it goes on the list of Might Write It If I Get A Reply to both remind me of the idea's existence and show that there's an interest for it
- Thinking about whether or not and if yes for which ship I should write the suburbs AU I posted about on my WIP blog @thelucyverse
- I'd love to finish my Heistwives Kinda Job series one day, but goddammit I know I probably won't anytime soon lol
- Thinking about whether or not and if yes when to start podficcing part 4 of Leo Inter Serpentes by @aeternumregina, a wonderful longfic series (and I've seen you've started posting the last part!!! Really need to catch up), problematics being a) time (podficcing is hella time extensive and I'm not sure I want to get tied down in weekly uploads again, but on the other hand a slower upload schedule would make it harder to remember the voices and all when reading), b) it's partly NSFW, which I'd censor for the audio, which again is Work, c) it's HP and... Well... I've been working on getting the overterf's name /out/ of my ao3 fandom top5 (the ones that are shown without clicking expand on the list) by getting my Star trek disco fic count to higher than HP, which it now nearly is, and I don't want to ruin that lmao, d) if I do start another long podfic, I'd actually love to podfic my own Andromaquynh fic In Your Stead? Because for once I have a story I wrote myself that I feel would be worth it... But like... I also really do want to continue Leo Inter Serpentes! But it's 7 monsterlong fics! And just...aaah! XD #strugglez
- Wanna write more lezbean smuttttt
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galaxyraised · 4 years
@georgiov​ said:   PERSONAL LOG:  for the day philippa died (fuck me up) 💛
she’s been pacing for….  what feels like an eternity.  it’s impossible to keep still.  as if physical stillness will allow it to all catch up with her,  somehow.  as if physical stillness will make it feel real.
“it’s…..  sometime after 0300,  but i can’t sleep.  i haven’t slept yet,  if i’m being entirely honest.  i’d like to chalk it up to what i’d classify as a perpetual dread that’s lingered heavy in my mind since the first news that contact with the klingons was confirmed.  i’d like to say that,  but i don’t know that i can.  hindsight is a funny thing,  and it feels pretty damn impossible to even begin to unpack anything i might be feeling now,  let alone over the last several hours.”
she can’t unpack it.  any of it.  it’ll crush her if she lets it   ---   and there’s no telling how long any of this will last for.  with the brutality already exhibited by the klingons,  and the knowledge and dread that she associates with a knowledge that they won’t back down.  surrender isn’t in the klingon vocabulary,  so far as she knows   (   not that she’s any sort of expert on such things   ).
“we’re en route to starbase one.  a priority command meeting,  presumably to discuss strategy.  to…..  to figure out where to go from here.  casualty reports are still rolling in,  but they’re extensive.  at first,  i couldn’t bring myself to look.  that’s easy enough to get to the root of.  fear.   it….  it was fear,  plain and simple.  i considered calling commander collins,  to have someone else be the one to tell me,  one way or another.  hell,  i was only a moment away from swallowing my pride and doing it  — but then a new report came through.  it was far more personal,  addressed only to me,  and i didn’t need to be told anything else,  simple as that.”
a pause,  and a deep breath,  before she continues.  it’s like her heart’s turned cold and stony.  feeling is even more impossible than it had been even an hour ago.  absently she finds herself longing for the terrifying lack of knowledge and anticipation that’d followed news of contact with the klingons.  knowledge that her wife’s ship was the one to come face-to-face with this race of warriors in over a decade.  her belief in philippa’s abilities?  absolute.  her knowledge that klingon brutality was unlikely to cease even in the face of true diplomacy?  terrifying.  
but now she’s nothing but cold,  and she can already feel darkness creeping in as hard as she tries to hold it back.
“except for the fact that nothing about this feels simple. nothing about this feels like anything at all. it’s surreal. like a dream. or, more accurately, a nightmare. one i know that i won’t wake up from, regardless of how hard i try. I’m well aware that none of this has settled in yet. names on a list, reports   ---   they’re not exactly…..  tactile.  there’s a disconnect.  maybe that stems from the…..  admitted emotional stake I have here.  a defense mechanism.  i’m protecting myself,  because i can’t bear trying to really process yet.  i can’t allow myself to be compromised now,  as callous as that may sound.  i can’t allow myself to feel this.”
katrina sits in silence for a long time,  until suddenly she can’t take it anymore.  until the silence,  and her loneliness,  are both suffocating.  then,  suddenly,  she surprises herself with an observation that hasn’t quite registered yet.
“i love her.  and all i can think is that i’ll never get to tell her that again.  it feels hollow,  though.  it hasn’t set in yet.  and maybe i should be grateful for that.  maybe i should be grateful for this numbness,  for as long as it happens to last.”  
the thought hangs heavy in the air,  because as kat speaks she can feel the numbness beginning to slip away.  the earliest signs of real,  harsh emotions are causing her defenses to erode away.  so…..  maybe the solution is to stop altogether.  she can’t deal with her feelings now.  she doesn’t know when she’ll be able to,  but now is most certainly not the time.
“i don’t know what else there is to say.  i hoped this might help somehow,  talking out loud,  but maybe i just need a drink.”
what she really needs,  she knows,  is philippa.  here.  in her arms.  safe.
eyes close as she shakes her head,  quiet resignation filling her tone as she feels herself cracking.  she needs to get to the bridge soon,  to coordinate with her senior staff but   ---
“……damn it,  do i need a drink.”
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octaviusindustries · 6 years
A note's been slipped under the door. It reads "hey otto why are you Like That" along with an illustrative ">:(". It's signed "a better planner than you ever were". 😜
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who the fu
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onaperduamedee · 6 years
4, 7 and 17 for any pairing(s) of your choice, please? 💜
Thank youfor asking! I am going to go with Milippa because that’s where my mind is atfor now.
Favorite non-sexual activity?
They lovereading together, side by side. They have vastly different tastes in books, asMichael favours fiction and scientific essays, and Philippa loves poetry andhistorical books. Most of the time, they read rapports because they don’t havetime for anything else, but it doesn’t feel quite like work because it’s themtogether.
They also talka lot, about space and the meaning of life, work and childhood, in veiledwords, private yet close as they are. Michael treasures those gratuitous, aimlessdiscussions more than anything; they predate by years their relationship andwill accompany her for years after Philippa’s death.
What’s the first thing that changes whenthey realize they have feelings for the other?
Touching.Philippa has always been tactile with her crew —hand on the back, shoulderbump, hugs; that’s her commanding style. And Michael, following the example ofPhilippa, Januzzi and others, has grown to use touching as a form ofcommunication as well, and even discovered she enjoys it withpeople she trusts. But the moment realization hits Philippa, she becomes muchmore careful with such gestures, convinced she is taking advantage of theirproximity to sate her romantic needs. Similarly, Michael seeks Philippa’s handless often; she hasn’t been doing it only for morale, and the thought rattlesher.
Theirreserve doesn’t last long though; they bloody miss each other.
Who says I love you first?
Michael.She debates at length whether or not to say it because she does not havesufficient data to settle on the notion of love, but her heart is bursting withneed to say it. She needs to say it with every fiber of her body and maybe once it’s done she will understand why the urge was so irrepressible. She isn’t quite sure the word fits what she wishes to express,to share with Philippa. But love seemsas good as many of the other lemmas contemplated, even better. Philippa knowsexactly what is in this word and shows Michaela great deal before saying it back.
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thebookofsands · 5 years
Smash or pass: Philippa Georgiou? 💛
Send me “Smash or Pass” + a name and my muse will answer with 100% honesty.Status: Always accepting!@georgiov
“Smash. 100000%.”
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vorcotec · 6 years
georgiov replied to your post: revisiting the scene where jane reveals langwidere...
hey quick question: what the actual fuck
hey quick answer: i have no idea
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@georgiov sent:  "Wake up. Wake up. Wake uuuuup." (One Day she'll get kat to wake up before noon smh) 💛
one eye opens,  just a little  ---  she only hopes it’s not enough that it’s noticed.  for a moment,  kat expects darkness.  instead,  she finds herself immediately compelled by genuine sunlight to close both eyes more tightly than before   (   something she does,  in addition to the swift,  practiced motion with which she pulls the pillow out from under her head  ---  placing it firmly atop her head,  with an arm lifting to hold it down   ). 
spending time on earth after months in space is always....  disorienting,  and as irritating as it is in this particular instance?  well,  any sort of constant in the face of change   (   even temporary change   )   is welcome.  hell,  if there’s one thing she can count on whenever they’re lucky enough to be in the same place?  it’s her wife’s inability to accept the fact that katrina never has been,  and never will be,  a morning person.  the eagerness and insistence in her tone only seem to make it all worse,  somehow,  despite the comfort that comes with familiarity.
for a moment,  kat remains perfectly still  ---  stubbornly pretending to still be asleep,  despite the fact that she’d already moved in ways sure to directly indicate that she’s not.  unfortunately,  it’s not long before it dawns on her that it’s especially unlikely that she’ll be allowed to carry on even pretending to sleep,  let alone actually manage to drift off again.  so with a sigh,  katrina rolls onto her back,  the pillow falling to the other side of the bed,  one arm resting above her head,  with the other still desperately clutching a blanket in one last holdout in the battle to not let sleep slip away.
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“consciousness is overrated,”   she finally mutters,  eyes squinting as she stares at the ceiling,  slowly adjusting to the barrage of genuine sunlight streaming into the room.  her gaze doesn’t shift as kat speaks again,  brow wrinkling,   “aren’t we supposed to be relaxing,  philippa?”   she’s never been especially thrilled about the idea of breaks,  or vacations,  even in the abstract  ---  so in the face of a real,  honest to god vacation?  she can’t say she’s especially thrilled,   “this doesn’t seem particularly calming or relaxing to me,”   not that relaxed is something she does well under the most ideal of circumstances,  though she doesn’t bother to say so.   it’s then that katrina finally decides to actually look at her wife,  the most minute of smiles pressing up the corners of her lips,   “though you have always seemed to derive some ridiculous pleasure out of the fact that i’ve never liked mornings,  haven’t you?”
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3 AM sentences   |   accepting!
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