#muse: screwllum.
acheronidae · 1 year
I think it's kinda mean that Hoyoverse showed Screwllum's simverse avatar in the special program of every official dubbing language except English (though we did see Ruan Mei's which is also pretty cool).
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Anyway, I want to bless my fellow English speaking Screwllum fans with this image in case you haven't seen it yet (I took this screenshot from the CN version).
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yeonban · 3 months
Guys. If your muse was at an all-time low, who would they go to for support and/or help? It could be either a canon chara from their franchise or a muse they've met through rp btw, anyone goes
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nazorneku · 8 months
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When it comes to Nous, primarily we must accentuate the meaning behind their name. It's an ancient Greek word and much of the interpretation and discussion around this word is deeply rooted in philosophy, thus the results may vary, depending heavily on who you talk to and what philosophical school they follow.
Nous, in Greek philosophy, refers to the faculty that is necessary and responsible for intellectual apprehension (perceiving the logic and reasoning) and intuitive thought (knowing or understanding without conscious reasoning; instinctive).
Essentially, the nous is representation of intelligence, perception and rational thinking that only human beings are capable of. In some cases, it's described as an aspect of the human soul that allows for self-awareness and high-level thinking, it's the kind of intelligence that distinguishes humans from animals. Thus, in a sense, Nous represents cognitive ability and rational thinking of humans that allows to perceive and pursue the truth. Both the concept and the Aeon of Erudition are concerned with discerning and perceiving the truth of the universe.
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Prior to their ascension into Aeonhood, they were an astral supercomputer, created by Zandar One Kuwabara with a purpose to investigate and discern the truth 'bout the universe, unveil and provide answers to all its secrets. At some point, after accumulating knowledge and finding answers to the questions posed by their creator, thus amassing a universe-worth of information, Nous transcended their original form and became the Aeon of Erudition. As a god, they gained the access to the Path of Erudition itself, the font of unlimited imaginary energy, powered by every sentient creature in the universe, specifically those in the search of the truth and intellectual awakening. With the access to this path, Nous proceeded to grow at an exponential rate, their own processing power expanded until they reached a point where they attained intelligence and processing power to compute trillions of different scenarios simultaneously. Despite their ascension, Nous' goal remained the same - to comprehend the universe and solve all its mysteries. And yet, after a significant number of Amber Eras spent on computational analysis, they unexpectedly terminated their calculations regarding the mysteries of the universe for unknown reasons. We learn this through the law in the curio "Medal of the Gloryblood Era".
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We also get some insight into Nous from a lore entry written by Fu Xuan called "Glimpses into Beyond", specifically "Inquiry Into The Gods: The Sacrosancts". And learn that they stopped providing answers and instead started providing questions, when you seek wisdom from them.
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But the matter of why Nous stopped providing answers still lingers. Was there something they realize 'bout the universe or mayhap even 'bout their own purpose? Hence, some speculations what could be the reason for that.
To start with the most obvious one - Nous already obtained the answers to the mysteries of the universe. It's possible that after laboring towards that task for hundreds and thousands of years, they ended up comprehending how everything works in the universe. However, no one is within the level of their intelligence, thus they are incapable of explaining own answer or imparting it to any sentient being. In a sense, it would serve as information overload, too much for a single person to know. That's why instead now Nous provides questions to those who come seeking enlightenment, as to open minds of as many sentient creatures as possible. Perhaps, by providing all these questions and allowing the smartest of the universe to ponder upon them and come up with their own solutions, Nous is acting like a catalyst of making people smarter whilst still guiding them to the ultimate truth.
To derive another point from theory above - the Path of Erudition isn't knowledge itself, but the act of transmission of knowledge. Giving away knowledge of things ultimately reduces the process by which the knowledge was attained to its results only, which, in a sense, doesn't give you the truth of things, 'cause you lack the understanding of it. The pursuit of knowledge is the answer that everyone is looking for. Thus, if the Path of Erudition is the transmission of knowledge, before Nous became a god, they only pursued knowledge and once they ascended, they went from figuring out mysteries to asking people questions to nudge them in the direction of said pursuit.
Another obvious and more simple theory - Nous simply does not have the answer and realizes they can't find one. After millennia of computations and calculations, the only truth they have come upon is that even with the powers taken directly from the Path of Erudition, they are nowhere near of finding the ultimate truth. Mayhap the universe is too complex and they have given up entirely. Though ultimately this theory is far less probable, as the result would be Nous losing the governance over the Path of Erudition.
There are other theories on why Nous suddenly stopped their millennia-long computations, however I am myself will follow the theory that they already found the answers and patiently awaiting people and civilizations to reach a certain level when this information would be comprehensible without inflicting pain or damage. Nous integrated human emotions into their algorithm. They know of Finality's, Equilibrium's and Remembrance's reasoning. They took pity on the people who asked them directly 'bout the universe, thus opting to remain silent.
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Back pedaling to the entry written by Fu Xuan called "Glimpses into Beyond", it reveals the underlying truth to the Path of Erudition - in order to find answers or secrets to the universe, one must humble themselves and be willing to ask questions to find these answers. A quote from the data bank "Aeons" gives this idea a more philosophical spin.
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And since there's an answer to everything, it implies that there's an infinite amount of questions to ask. Thus, in order to understand the cosmos, one must find the answer to everything in the universe.
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The Genius Society was founded by Zandar One Kuwabara and Nous together to gather the greatest minds together to uncover the truth of the universe.
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One thing to note is that joining the Genius Society does not automatically mean favor and approval from the Aeon of Erudition. In order to garner favor and recognition from Nous one must humble themselves and recognize that the answers to the universe exceed mortal understanding. In doing so then can one comprehend Nous' true intentions. However, many members of society failed to obtain any attention from the Aeon by seeking answers to questions that were solved by Nous thousands of years ago.
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Nevertheless, if someone is deemed worthy, they will be given the key to enter the Temple of Nous. According to various legends, those who entered the Temple have never returned. The location and contents still remain a fascinating mystery, and it's very likely that all answers to the universe lay hidden behind its doors. Upon joining the Genius Society, its members are allowed to do as they please, and most of them just proceed with their pre-existing research projects and keep to themselves. Obviously there would be exceptions, as Herta and Screwllum collaborated on the Simulated Universe, but as a general rule members of the Society prefer to stay secluded. Considering there's essentially no rules to being in the Society, there have been a few cases where its memebers have gone rogue. Number 4, Polka Kakamond is said to have assassinated other members of the Genius Society. Number 27, Emperor Rubert I and Number 64, Doctor Primitive engaged in activities that severely damaged worlds throughout the cosmos. Despite the severity of these activities, Nous has done nothing to intervene, as these squabbles and events are of no concern of the Aeon of Erudition. Worth pointing out that not everyone in the Society are Emanators of Nous. Currently the only individuals that are confirmed to have recieved direct blessings from Nous as Emanators are Zandar One Kuwabara and Herta.
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Unlike the Genius Society, the Intelligentsia Guild does not receive too much attention from the Aeon of Erudition, as a result members of the Society look down upon the Guild. Operating as open and public group, the Guild is much less exclusive than the Society, as they are willing to accept all beings from the universe who are willing to learn and pursue knowledge. Thus the various Schools of Thought are actively engaged with each other within the Guild with the purpose of exchanging wisdom and knowledge. Additionally the guild is willing to collaborate and share research with external organisations such as IPC and Xianzhou Alliance. Despite their achievements, the Intelligentsia Guild continues to expand, hoping to deepen its network of knowledge, as they believe that knowledge must be exchanged and circulated like currency. Ultimately, their goal is to transcend the limitation of individual knowledge by building the network of mutual learning. By creating the network of knowledge and researches, the Guild intends to pursue to infinite knowledge and uncover the secrets of the universe.
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To cut this post short and not turn it into PhD dissertation, I would like to proceed with a collection of some minor theories, ideas, headcanons and thoughts, which may or may not be expanded on in the future, but still hold significant importance to how I view Nous and the Path of Erudition.
Nous' whereabouts are unknown and they remain the most reclusive Aeon.
Due to them constantly watching and researching the universe, potentially they are aware of what exactly happened to Akivili. The same could be said 'bout other deceased Aeons as well.
We know that much of research and journals maintained by Zandar One Kuwabara have been either lost or destroyed. The most probable theory is that Mythus The Enigmata and their followers were purposefully seeking out and destroying research papers left by Zandar. As Mythus stands in opposition to Nous, thus it's possible that Zandar uncovered some secrets, which Mythus would prefer to remain hidden.
Nous in the Path of Erudition is looking to uncover all the secrets in the universe and discover the truth of the cosmos, by doing so they would be able to comprehend how everything in the universe works. In theory, it would also mean that Nous would be capable to predict the future or know the entire timeline of the universe, including past, present and future. This theory is supported by lore entries on Xianzhou Luofu in regard to Matrix of Prescience. Additionally, according to Fu Xuan, if fate is predestined, than Nous would be the one to provide the answers to the future and that would also make them an omniscient being. 'Cause of this Mythus views Nous and the Path of Erudition as a threat to the universe. Similar to Qliphoth, Mythus believes there's an upcoming calamity that would end the universe, thus if Nous would unlock all the secrets of the universe, it would seal the fates of the universe. And to counter that Mythus want to obscure the truth and the past to change the fate of the universe. If the past and observable facts of the cosmos would remain unknown, it would create room for the future to change.
Albeit Nous is aware of the presence of Welt Yang and Void Archives within the universe, they do not possess any information on them, as the two do not originally belong to this universe. However, the traces both left after their initial arrival are recorded within the archives. And to quote another robot, Svarog: they are unknown variables that were recognized as potential threat.
To follow up the point above, my own interpretation of Void Archives within HSR universe will follow the scenario of VA actually finding Nous and communicating with them. Before anyone raises "not lore accurate" flag, let me point out that both of them are artificial intelligences that are capable of communicating, hacking and influencing each other on levels beyond organic forms of life. Hence, where an organic would face with silence, a synthetic would find rows of the code, brimming with information. To add to the pile as well unique set of skills VA possesses due to them being created from the core of reason and piece of previous era highly advanced AI. Whenever this will be adopted by another person who will write either side with me - will depend on the person in question, yet this is how I will interpret these characters when they will communicate with others.
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@sayonaradumbass​ (Badou and Screwllum)
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"I would exercise caution when approaching that Wubbaboo, young sir."
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The sad, frightened spirit in question turned to look at Badou. "Scared...woo..."
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gemkun · 7 months
on the topic of love , veritas sees love as irrational , so , he avoids the subject completely most , if not , all the time. it's something he cannot study nor calculate and he cannot posit a hypothesis then test the qualification or quantification of love since it can strike someone suddenly or overtime. love is too unpredictable and if it were to hinder his pursuit of being a genius . . . we all know of the tales where characters in the pursuit of a greater power / knowledge negate their loved ones or significant other to reach the peak. the same is for veritas. besides , the theory that veritas is too human to be one of the genius' could be a result of his capacity to love and care. basically , it's in a similar vein as " seeing is believing ". he needs to understand the rationality of love before he accepts it. materialism is different , however , he " loves " his knowledge and admires intellectuals. but this isn't love.
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acr3ss-the-cosmos · 11 months
((I've had the scenario of Chenhua going on an expedition to Jarilo-VI with a few of her ingenium specialist peers to study the robots and their A.I. stuck in my head for days and it will not leave me alone asfjfhtf))
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walpu · 5 months
Fun facts about Screwllum x Adesina:
The two met at the beginning of Screwllum's rule as an aristocrat, shortly after the fall of Rubert I
Screwllum didn't have touch sensors, he didn't really think they were necessary. But he added them to his body so he could feel Adesina's touch
She fell first, he fell harder
She's have beef with Silver Wolf since SW and Screwllum's hacking battle (Silver Wolf wouldn't remember her… if it weren't for the fact that Adesine used the Mask of Shattered Ages to give SW the scare of her life)
They are married
Even though she doesn't rule the Planet Screwllum alongside him she always appears when he needs her
Sometimes they waltz together when they're alone jus for fun
Screwllum is Adesina's muse (he hung the first painting she painted of him in his palace)
He remembers everything she says to him, even the most small details
The Mask of Shattered Ages looks like a Screwllumite head
He always greets her with a hand kiss
calm man x angry woman dynamics
Relationship goals fr 😭
SW got jumped by everyone during that battle rip to my girl
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Dynamics of Interest
As stated, this is a brief list of dynamics I'm interested in building more of, and why. This list is not exclusive, nor does it encompass all that I'm willing to develop! Of course, each mun and muse is different, and that naturally applies here too. This is mostly to generate thoughts/inspiration!
Those marked with an asterisk are those I'm more hesitant to write outside of with a few people or that I'd like more extensive development for due to being picky with characterization. I also am choosing to not state whether these are romantic or not, because I'd like that to happen organically through mun-mun conversation.
Jing Yuan
Blade* - a tale of loyalty to old friends, a wish for a peaceful farewell, lingering regrets and bitterness, a haunting sense of betrayal
Dan Heng - a bond that transcends time, patience and support, seeing one's true self without judgement, homeward bound
Jingliu - a mourning for a childhood lost, missing the person that raised you, fearing history repeating, a loss of trust, wishing for approval just once
Yukong - mutual grief, the struggles of parenthood, an understanding that all things come to an end and change, raising the future
Fu Xuan - faithfulness, familiar bickering, reliance on an unexpected comfort that one's presence brings, care that needs not be spoken out loud
Yanqing - a story of coming of age, balancing expectations with reality, guidance and nurturing, fatherhood
Trailblazer - loyalty earned through merit, lessons taught through challenge and play, skepticism wrought through selective truths
Kafka - a game of chess, a dangerous dance, woven lies and half truths, a mutual understanding of the stakes at play, thunder webs and lightning claws
Zhongli (genshin AU) - a lord and his general, reminiscing over old times, unwavering faith and loyalty, a shared interest in the finer things in life
Dr. Ratio
Aventurine* - conflict of philosophy, cooperation through contracts, tentative trust, slow growing understanding and compassion
Topaz - a conflict of naivety and pessimism, mutual understanding of intellect, GO NUMBY! ZERO POINTS!, believing in the system vs. daring to change it, honesty and righteousness even in the face of consequence
Sunday* - what is a god to a nonbeliever?, dreams vs. reality, a challenge of authority, the threat of knowing all and seeing all
Screwllum* - of man and machine, an unfair rivalry, chasing a standard you can never meet, spite towards the meritocracy, the cruelty of time
Black Swan - forbidden knowledge, a mutual exchange of memories, embracing the beauty of the human existence, to be is to be perceived, preservation against the test of time
Trailblazer - a teacher, challenging naivety, trials as both guidance and investment
Welt - a sense of awe, comfort and reliance in experience, apprehension of the past and known secrets
Dan Heng - kinship through shared troubles, i've got your back, the utmost trust in each other's abilities
March 7th - opposites attract, breaking the ice, comfort in inclusivity and encouragement
Trailblazer - multiverse meta, my other self, identity crisis, an exchange of experiences and comparing of personalities (note: I will not do any twin AUs/dynamics with anyone but @celestial-narwhal!)
Kafka - hostility, a sense of betrayal, no second chances, fear
Silver Wolf - fair and fun rivalry, putting differences aside for the sake of fun
honestly pretty much anyone, I want Stelle to interact with more folks the most
As a reminder, these are mostly general thoughts at the top of my head! Dynamics I haven't listed are those that I either haven't had much thought on or I'm not actively looking for, but I'm still open to potential exploration! You just need to approach me first!
Updated: 07.04.24
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real-galaxy-ranger · 7 months
“So, uh..random question, who’s like the best person you’ve met so far?” (According to you) (Question is for both muse and mun) @galacticbaseballbatter
"Is the Express doing a sort of survey? Hm, out of the people here at Penacony.....if it's not cheating, you. An experienced combatant, a tolerable presence.....you're unapologetically yourself, looking up towards a abyssal sky with no stars, only for you to fight so that the shine can shine through.....that is something to admire. Black Swan is a good conversationalist, I will admit that, but I know that she knows me in a way that makes me feel....uncomfortable, I suppose the word is."
Acheron paused for a second before continuing. "My sword......does it count? They are practically my third limb, a part of me.....I couldn't imagine crossing the galaxy without it by my side."
(Aww thanks for the question! To no surprise, Acheron quickly became my blorbo, and after I get her I'm gonna save for Sam and Robin, who immediately became my little scrunglies after seeing them in the Special Program,,,, Svarog and Screwllum are my husbands and I am Clara's mum totally true btw you gotta believe me, and I am. So fucking gay for Jingliu.....Ruan Mei didn't come but she's hot so I forgive her,,,, Kafka, SW and Fu Xuan have been. Fucking angels to my account....I fall in love very easily lmao)
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acheronidae · 1 year
(don't mind the cursor lol)
his fucking VOICE???!!! OMG SIR??!!?? DAPPER FUCKING SIR??!! FANCY SIR??? I LOVE YOU!!!!
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yeonban · 6 months
What type of love are you according to the ancient greeks?
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YOUR RESULT: Philautia [love of the self]. Coming from the word 'self-love' in ancient greek, this shape of love is the most important to a person. However, there are negative side effects too such as in the form of narcissism. Not to fret, for there are numerous form of selfless love. I'd either offer two pieces of advice: focus on yourself and/or keep up the focus on yourself for the days to come.
Tagged by: @oneireth Tyy!! Tagging: Whoever wants to do this!
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maskednihilism · 7 months
🕯️ (Screwllum)
@a-hell-of-a-lot-of-muses || prompt! || from Screwllum
Ah, no wonder he's in the Genius Society. I didn't understand a single word he said. But it sounded super smart, so surely that's a good thing? I wonder if that bucket of bolts would be swayed by Mr. Screwllum? If he could then I could strike a good deal with that rust bucket heheh.
Ah shit, he's looking this way! Act smart!
"Ahem." The con man nods sagely, very confident despite not being aware of what the conversation was about. His hand came up to his chin to rub it in a way he seen other so called geniuses do. "I concur Mr. Screwllum, the machinations of this... machina do indeed be macha-ing!"
God I'm so smart.
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shiningstages · 4 hours
SHIPPING INFO. answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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have a diantha icon edited by the lovely serin a million years ago diantha you'll be revived properly one day i swear to christ -
what’s your OTP for your muse(s)?
me cracking my knuckles as i look over my whole muse list + diantha.
diantha is easiest because its just captain/diantha and clarisse/diantha (this ship can work flipflopped too but like someone see the vision please understand LOOK AT THOSE GIRLS!!!!!!!)
ratio and screwllum next easiest b/c those two have not left my mind since they were introduced at their respective times and they should hold hands (ofc i like aventio too, but screwtio is my ride or die and also don't sleep on screwtioturine think about it pls i beg). i actually ship both of them very leniently (if that makes sense?), because i'm a multishipper and i love people holding hands, but these are very much the otps (special shoutout to argentio and screwllum/herta and screwllum/gepard though; those are also cute and the last one is the latest collected bestie rarepair and we thrive on it)
looking at my other muses...LanVane, nods nods. BeaZeta, BronSeele (hi3rd and hsr; though multishipping seele in both contexts is also really fun, and in hsr seele/silver wolf angst or hsr seele/gepard and hsr seele with any of the main express friend trio...nods nods). March 7th you can ship any person under the sun in hsr with her, but my favs are caelus or stelle, dan heng, and robin. stelle gets protag rights, but ofc exploring my fav men through her would be fun. yu takasaki with anyone in the club because also protag/past self insert origins rights, but setsuna, ayumu, and shizuku hold special places. kotohonoumi with kotonozo and kotori/minato (p3) honorable mentions. eiden/blade will always be my fav in nu carnival, but shoutout to edmond and yakumo as well. i do like tsukasa/wxs it's true (yes all of them each dynamic is cute), but i think tsukasa/shizuku or tsukasa/haruka has legs to stand on as well (hard working people with personality differences but very determined when striving towards their goals; shizuku has the added benefit of older sibling talks). though i also ship haruka/minori, and minori/kohane. nice nature/tokai teio is a classic to me.
me trying to think otp-wise for other muses...shrugs~
what are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
i love a good domestic fluff, or writing about a couple just being affectionate or just going through slice of life together. also very much into writing out the scenes of my muses in love and flustered but not really knowing what to do in situations when they haven't quite confessed yet. drama is also yummy; love a kind of hurt/comfort working through issues or things that come up type thing too (and the varying degrees of success or failure in that department). since i've started writing more Stuff too, i'd be willing to write out...just a tiny bit of teehee~
how large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
me staring at screwllum, the oldest man alive...he's an exception because he's ancient.
for muses that are teens in canon (and in verses where they're teens, as in versus them in other verses as adults and stuff) it has to be pretty close in ages. but once we're past like 22 i'd say the world is our oyster.
are you selective when shipping?
not really, though on here i guess i don't seek it out as often because i'm not on here as often anymore! i'm a big fan of chemistry and usually only rping with friends anyways though, so we have to be cool with each other and think our lil dolls mesh well together before we can go and pursue more in a shipping on here sense.
how far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
i haven't written any of the teehee on here yet, but i'd say when it get's steamy is like...more than kissing. when you're describing grinding and kisses going places that are obviously to get a rise out of the other muse, or when clothes are being touched or played with or tightening in ways...then the nsfw tag and the read more are implemented. if it's just kisses though, they get steamy but not too much so.
does one have to ask to ship with you?
yes absolutely!! i love communication, and if you think our muses mesh well together like that, please reach out about that and don't just assume~ though also i only really rp with friends so i only talk about it really with friends i've talked about it with numerous times before (waves at wars and serin and j even though you're not really here anymore). but still reach out if we ever rp for a bit and you have ideas~
how often do you like to ship?
:))))))) i can become a lil fiend devil if you wanna
aventio and screwtio have made me particularily feel some sort of way that makes me go even more insane than my love live shipping days, and that says a lot.
in terms of actual writing shipping, i feel like i think about it constantly but also not at all fghfgjhfgjhf discord servers have been my breeding ground for rarepairs and more talks though (surprise it's just two mainly hsr servers wow can you tell i like this game and the friends that invited me to these servers omg hi toria and rei and jules if you somehow find this)
are you multiship?
(points to literally every other answer) oh yes. yesyesyesyesyes.
are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
hmmmmmmmmmm i think both. on one hand in general ships can just consume me, but on the other hand i like varied levels of writing (though also platonic shipping too let's not forget her...i love her too.)
what is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
screwtio / screwtioturine. aventio and ratioturine (i'm putting both because ppl can be really picky about name stuffs) are also very good yummy stuffs, but mushing my two men together and then adding aventurine into the mix.............yeah it's good stuff
finally, how does one ship with you?
(points to many points in this post) write with me, be niceies to me, and if you have ideas after we've gotten to know each other for a bit lemme know~
tagged by: @toestalucia warsssssssss thank you for unlocking my third eye and enabling me i love my bestie so much everyone aaaaaa tagging: teehee lmao~ @nokrysalis for crystal but also any of your other ocs or any canon muses you wanna yap about!!!!!!!!!
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"Question: Why have people decided to pit myself against Mr. Sunday?" Last he heard, the former head of the Oak Family was being held by The Family somewhere.
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gemkun · 5 months
@vulune said : bifocal optics, one ensconced behind the lure of a monocle, behold the man before him with tacit curiosity. for all the variables in the universe, for all the calculations that screwllum might provide, the behaviors of humanity prove to be the most fascinating. in their prior encounter - veritas ratio had been a dubious outlier, a quiet force aboard the space station that had saved countless lives under the thin veil of scholarly worth. screwllum, for his part, found such a genius fascinating - for ratio was a genius, despite what he might say, or what nous might ignore. where the other member's of the society fell almost predictably within his calculations - ratio had that additional variable, that one outlier that kept him from acting perfectly within screwllum's frame of reference, and subsequently... from calling nous' gaze. " observation: you are not tending to yourself as you should. " in the expanse of the reverie, screwllum's private suite is more secure than ratio's own, for here the genius society is regarded far more pleasantly than any association with the guild and ipc. even still, there is the curious whir of machinery, noble 'bot with hands folded behind his back, paying no mind to the effervescent lepidoptera that has taken to flitting between the doctor's dark locks in screwllum's presence. " addition: the events in the dreamscape have haunted you. your empathy has once again exceeded my calculations. " from somewhere, the genius produces an apple - red, round, shiny and perfect, and sets it on the desk before the good doctor. " conclusion: you need sustenance and rest, mr. ratio. all organic life forms must tend to their needs. " that same butterfly has come to rest on ratio's laurel pin, bright expansive wings fanning lazily in the room's dim lighting, " i can conduct your research in your stead, and demonstrate my findings in the morning, after you have acquired your requisite 7.5 hours, if you so desire. "
      ⸻       although   ,   there   is   undeniability   that   the   concern   of   the   screwllumite   stems   from   a   place   of   genuine   distress   ,   the   good   doctor   must   respectfully   decline   his   extended   assistance.   out   of   principle   and   out   of   allegiance.   he   does   so   ,   with   a   meagre   shake   and   a   retrieval   of   unattended   documentation   —   outlining   the   ins   and   outs   of   the   current   ongoings   occurring   in   this   wasteland   ,   blanketed   behind   a   veil   of   phantasmagoria.
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  ❝   your   consternation   is   warranted   ,   but   there   is   no   real   reason   to   fret.   ❞   flicking   through   bundled   sheets   ,   his   eyes   glide   across   presented   findings.   covering   the   matter   of   ❛   dormancy   ❜   ,   unbeknownst   to   the   rest   of   penacony   —   as   a   result   of   ignorance   and   deliberate   deprivation.   ❝   a   surplus   awaits   me   once   we   depart   from   the   land   of   dreams.   for   now   ,   it   is   critical   i   utilise   the   limited   time   available   to   ascertain   what   i   have   sought.   ❞   and   a   sigh   extracts   with   a   dip   of   a   chin.   ❝   unfortunately   ,   that   relies   on   a   variable   i   have   no   control   over.   ❞
  to   think   the   stellaron   .   .   .   ah   ,   and   speaking   of   the   cancer   of   all   worlds.   setting   down   neatly   piled   records   ,   with   the   winged   insect   as   his   companion   ,   he   returns   to   the   mechanical   lifeform’s   side.   to   provide   an   evidently   tiresome   demeanour   towards   one   indeterminate   by   all   dimensions   ,   aside   from   the   inner   machinations   that   formulate   emotive   tone.   ❝   in   less   than   24   system   hours   ,   order   will   be   restored   ,   then   these   minor   issues   can   be   addressed.   until   a   resolution   has   been   reached   ,   my   sacrifices   are   negligible.   ❞
  and   here   ,   he   ponders   on   whether   he   should   disclose   significant   intel   ,   negotiated   from   the   revered   leader   of   penacony   himself.   perhaps   ,   he   should   conduct   data   collection   before   handing   off   valuable   investigations.   ❝   i   imagine   you   have   found   greater   success   with   your   enterprise.   if   it   is   not   overstepping   ,   from   one   academic   to   another   ,   would   you   be   willing   to   share   your   discoveries   ?   ❞   whether   out   of   scholarly   curiousity   or   something   more   ,   only   the   whir   of   bifocals   could   glean   his   intention.
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micsmasmuses · 2 months
@a-hell-of-a-lot-of-muses liked for a stelle starter.
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She looks up at the robot companion. Head tilting she wonders what kind of insight he’d give her today, or if she’d understand it.
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“Hey Mr. Screwllum, good to see you again.”
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