#muse: Cirno
magnificentmuses · 13 days
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"Happy me day."
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“That’s right! My day!”
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inverse-muses · 2 years
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"Huh... I thought Sunny was the strongest because she drank her milk."
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blue-scorpion-king · 4 months
Cirno, what's it like being the strongest?
"It feels good, of course!! Especially as the Chief of all of the 19 legions of fairy maids of Zolubu manor!"
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"Though... My bosses, Commander-In-Chief Dlanor, Ms. Remilia, & Mr. Earl are stronger than me. I would admit that."
"...And several others too."
"I can't be too confident, I will level with you."
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tubaobao-1 · 4 months
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people with lots of fumos
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blubberymuses · 3 months
💧⚪~ Poor Cirno-chan, trying to beat the heat~
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Hose in mouth, stomach taut and ever expanding, the moronic fairy's eyes were glistening of a painfully stuffed satisfaction. She couldn't squirm anymore, her crystal wings being a small accessory on top of mountains worth of blubber. Blubber that was acquired by emptying out a lake.... or two. She lost count. She just needs to survive this heat wave one way or another~
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alchemistdetective · 17 days
So can Crescent even eat ice cream? Or does it melt from her holding the cone before it can even reach her mouth?
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"What kind of fire hell fairy would I be if I can't even eat ice cream? Have you seen a candle melt an ice cream that quickly before?"
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"Really, any fairy worth their salt should be able to control their surroundings properly."
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mountainofhistory · 4 months
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"Reimu is extremely kissable, it's true. But I'm pretty sure I would be the most kissable playable character."
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niko-baka · 4 months
i was afraid of checking the new muse dash songs bc i knew the miku and rin-len packs were gonna make me wanna cry. AND THEY DID
two out of my top three fave producers have made it into the packs, with great songs too!!!
i've been wanting to get muse dash songs for years now my god i gotta set aside some money!
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multimuseticles · 1 year
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"It's Cirno day today! You know what that means right? Give me lots of presents."
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halfbakedsinner · 1 year
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"Who needs an ass when I can just beat up anyone with a bigger ass, after a while, I'll eventually have the biggest ass in Gensokyo."
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magnificentmuses · 9 days
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"Fear me. The colder it gets the more powerful I get. And I am already the strongest. Worship me, or..."
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imperishable-prayers · 5 months
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"O-Oh." That was quick. She lost all her lives against Koyuki.
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"U-Um... Are you... okay..?"
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She has been thoroughly wiped via danmaku... but she's not at all dead, she's just coughing after the fight.
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floweringscarlet · 1 year
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"Cirno, you're not a charity case, don't you have family you can bother for money?"
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"You misunderstand me. I'm a powerful feudal lord. I demand tribute. This is about traditions."
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mizua · 2 years
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tubaobao-1 · 3 months
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