#muse: judah
midian-muses · 2 years
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Which muse(s) would adopt this cat?
Who wouldn't?!
I would!
Okay now let me see.
Hunter, Durin, Judah and Alex, no questions asked.
Jack would love to—but he is allergic. Most likely, he still would and sneeze all the time. David and Van would help him.
(Jack will mentally die and sob if the cat scratches him because it doesn't like him.)
De Ville might under the right circumstances and I would find it just too cute.
Maxwell would, but only in secret.
Suppose most of the guards would, Jim among them of course.
(Dad No 1 would be Garm of course! xD)
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miscxllany · 9 months
TAGS: mogar, princess carolyn, tiana & mother gothel.
INTERACTIONS. / mogar: i.
INTERACTIONS. / tiana: i.
PRE-MOVIE. / tiana: v1. —— [ TIANA: V1. ]
DURING MOVIE. / tiana: v2.
AFTER MOVIE. / tiana: v3.
INTERACTIONS. / mother gothel: i.
SERVES YOU RIGHT FOR HAVING FEELINGS. / princess carolyn: musings.
INTERACTIONS. / princess carolyn: i.
I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'D DO WITHOUT YOU. / princess carolyn + judah.
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knifedog-machina · 7 months
What’s In A Name?
Musings on our names and our relationships with them, particularly around transitioning, OC fictive experiences, established character fictive experiences, and our reluctance to create a system name.
So I'm transgender, and I decided to change my name, as is a common choice among trans folks! I went through several different names before settling on the ones I have for myself now - Kitson, Gray, Finch, for a few examples. I was nonbinary in my teenage years, genderfluid before my gender settled into masculinity as its new home, and I wanted a name that was kinda difficult to nail down as masculine or feminine. I played around with it for a long time, I got silly with it!
My online name is Max now, derived only a little bit from misspelling mackerelgray as maxkerelgray one time! I think it’s a name that ages well, and I really like the potential longform nicknames for it - because I like saying it's short for Maximilian, but it can also be Maximus, Maxime, Maxwell, Maxfield, Maximum, Maxilla, etc. It’s fun! The possibilities are endless!
And on February 29 (wow! a Leap Year!) I got a new addition to it! I was attending the 2024 Centaurus Festival, a three-day online convention centered around mythic and folkloric alterhumans, and it was an absolute blast, especially because of the name thing! 
I was jokingly lamenting that I’d chosen a really boring name to represent myself, when surrounded by the likes of Page or Cynder or Daski, because it does look like I just chose one of the Top Ten Dog Names despite not being a dog. Everyone around me got a whiff of self-deprecation and immediately went about tearing it down, joking about how they came up with their own handles and complimenting mine, and it was honestly really nice? Like I’m not the only one who made up my name in a silly way, or feels like their name is a little underwhelming, and it felt really nice to break up the impression of Big Intimidating Community Names™ with the understanding that we’re all just weird and vibing together!
And Benry said, hey, if it were actually a top ten dog name you’d be a Fido or a Biscuit, and I said, hey, I like biscuits! I’d be a great Biscuit! And in ten minutes I’m being dubbed Max Biscuit in the general chat and giving people virtual baked goods, and honestly, it was so fun and sweet that I’m immortalizing it by putting it on my handle now. Hi fellow alterhumans, I’m Max Biscuit, I was Assigned Baked Goods at the Centaurus Festival and it was absolutely delightful.
First off, my name is technically short for Judah, and I don’t actually use that name here, for a couple reasons.
Mostly, it’s because Judah is a work name. My handler only used my full name - she wouldn’t shorten it, that’s improper, that’s not my actual designation. It’s a name that I associate with my job, with doing something for people who don’t actually care about me, and it’s not something I use with people I’m trying to get along with. My friends and siblings and partners all call me Jude in friendly contexts, but I’m Judah if it’s for something official, and that’s a signal for me to stop fucking around and do what I need to. I’ll use it as a burner name while talking to strangers, to people I don’t care about. Now that I’m in a system, I only directly talk to people who I care about getting along with, so I just cut out the middleman and introduce myself as Jude.
(There’s also definitely the fact that people see Judah and think I’m a guy, and I hate being misgendered. Jude has a more neutral association that I like better.)
That’s what I have for my first name, but I have more thoughts! About other names I have and their funny little origins, related to being an original character fictive.
See, if you’re talking about my model and serial number, I’m called RK800 476 032 660. In beta testing, before being officially given a name, I used to be called Sixty from the last couple digits. Which is really funny to me, because that’s the usual fandom nickname for the Cyberlife Tower doppelganger in Detroit: Become Human, and that was where Max got the original inspiration for my character! Listen, the moralizing machine characterization compelled them. 
Max just ran with the pieces, glued them together, and wrote that guy into weirder and more canon-divergent AUs until they realized they had fully replaced every part of that man’s characterization and I was the result. They just went full Ship Of Theseus with him. So my name got changed because I was a completely different person, and I don’t identify with that name anymore, but I’m pretty fond of it. And I like Sixty in DBH fandom and fics when I see him, he’s kinda fucked up and feral and feels a lot of things and I can relate to that. He’s just a funny little bastard.
And before I walked in, Max wrote a bunch of different alternate universes with me - and honestly I adore it, I love being known and psychoanalyzed by my loved ones because I like to know what they’re thinking about me. Most of those AUs have different settings and premises - like we’re all werewolves, or selkies, or chefs, or in the Star Wars universe or something. And this usually meant that my name is different, because I need a full name, I can’t just be called Jude. So he settled on Judah Nicholas Rook, Rook from RK and Nicholas because it has a good ring to it, and I also have it as a legal name in my timeline.
It’s funny to think about my name in terms of the meta of being a fictive of an original character, because on one hand, Max went through various iterations of a character that would eventually become what I’d recognize as me, including name changes, and that’s really interesting! And on the other hand, I definitely remember talking about what to officially last-name ourselves with my brothers when we finally got the time, because I felt kinda weird about identifying myself by a model number, or worse, a serial number that people never remembered. Watsonian versus Doylist commentary on what went into making me a person, I guess! They’re both real enough, one of them just happened in my life and the other happened in Max’s brain.
My name is Gavin Zachary Reed, and I still think it’s really funny that I can just announce that without getting doxxed. Like I don’t think anyone should follow my example, but it’s fucking comedy gold that I can do it. I’m not even revealing my identity to anyone who’s familiar with the video game my source was based on, because my source is so canon divergent that the character who shares my name is fully unrecognizable to me.
If you recognize the first and last name there, yep, I’m technically an iteration of Gavin Reed from Detroit: Become Human. Unfortunately, I’m nothing like him - I look nothing like his character model, his voice is different, his only personality trait is being a dick, and he’s not even 5’2” - and I hate his stupid fucking ass, including the video game he’s from and most things related to its fandom that we’ve interacted with. This kinda sucks, because I’m not going to change my name again just because it’s associated with a character and game and fandom I dislike. I like my name, thanks.
Here’s a brief rundown on how I got my name. Gavin - I’m trans, I chose this name myself. My middle name, Zachary, I also came up with that, because it worked way better with Gavin than my old middle name, and I go by Zach in spaces where I don’t want to use my first name. And Reed is my aunts’ last name, because I moved in with them as a teenager, and I did not want anybody knowing I had ties to my famous older brother or dragging me back to my shit parents. I legally changed it all at once. My aunts were my guardians until I got my own place, and really, they’re way more like parents to me than the people who fucked over my childhood.
So I’m really attached to my name. It carries a lot of meaning for me. I’m annoyed that it’s connected to a character I hate, but I can’t exactly control that, so there’s not really a point in getting tetchy about it. I’ll readily bitch about it in private, but I genuinely like who I am and I’m not about to abandon that by letting a game dictate what I call myself.
System Names
We still don’t have a system name and don’t really care to officially make one, for a couple reasons.
First, there’s only three people here, and we have our individual names already. Addressing us by a collective system name feels like it means losing some of that individuality, because people use the system name because they don’t want to assume who’s fronting or anything, and while that’s understandable, it’s not something any of us really likes. Like, we’re very much separate people! If you wanna talk to one of us, just say it, we’ll probably show up!
On the other hand, I do understand wanting an identifier - like, there’s loads of Maxes and Judes and Gavins out there, we have really common names, there’s gotta be something to distinguish us from another group, right? Like a last name.
Honestly, looking at it like a last name makes it feel better. If you’ve read through the rest of this, you can tell we’re already experts at getting new last names, and this is just another one! So on that note, we’re not gonna call ourselves anything like The X System, but if you have to tag us as a collective, just use Machina as a funny end tag, like how people talk about Sans Undertale.
(Max Machina is a misnomer, since he’s not from Machina, but he came up with the title so he counts. And it’s really fucking funny.)
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corvidcrybaby · 8 days
I think one of the major reasons I'm in a writing block on Lesions rn is because of I-P and the ways it's influenced my writing. Since Oct 7th I've gone back and edited countless lines of dialogue from Zemira and Judah especially for a variety of reasons - most if not all relating to the fear of being called out by hard-end Zionists or anti-Zionists for showing my ignorance on one detail or another. And the reality is this: I was admittedly ignorant of a number of things regarding I-P prior to today, but the writing decisions I made previously for these characters still could've stood on their own. They would've been inflammatory and hard to read, between Zemira showing her isolation from her Jewish community due to her being low-contact with her parents in how flippant she is about politics, and Judah being expressly xenophobic and reactionary in a way that would boggle the mind of any modern Jewish radical, left or right. Inflammatory, but honest. And while I do believe the script is now stronger and better expresses Zemira's tired alienation and Judah's obsessive neuroticism, I still can't help but feel that I allowed discourse to poison my story. I made edits out of panic that people I respect or care about might read Lesions and think poorly of me for it. And man, I really, really hate that I did that. Fuck, man. I just had to go and write an angsty PWP epic full of psychological musings on what it means to be Jewish and trans and neurodivergent and all these things that make you feel like unwanted vermin amongst your own kind, didn't I?
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katie-the-bug · 2 months
My thoughts on Soul Harvest, Part 1
Like night follows day, a bunch of long posts follow me finishing another Left Behind book. You know the drill.
Our Cast:
The Tribulation Force: Rayford Steele, evangelist and pilot of the Antichrist; Amanda Steele, Rayford's wife; Buck Williams, reporter and man of occasional action; Chloe Williams, Rayford's daughter and Buck's wife; Bruce Barnes, posthumous pastor; Tsion Ben-Judah, ex-rabbi, prolific blogger, and Bruce's exact replacement; Mac McCullum, Rayford's copilot; Ken Ritz, Buck's pilot buddy. (Were either of the authors pilots at any point? I feel like there's a lot of pilots here.)
The Antichrist (and friend): Nicolae Carpathia, Antichrist and dictator of the Global Community; Leon Fortunato, assistant to the Antichrist.
The book opens immediately after the global earthquake called the "Wrath of the Lamb," and for once, we are actually shown the consequences of one of the series' many cataclysms. Previously we'd only heard about crime waves and disease and famine, but here we actually see people impaled by debris and crushed by rocks.
Both Amanda and Chloe are missing in the aftermath of the earthquake, and Rayford and Buck start on wild goose chases trying to find them that will take the entire book. Spending a whole book looking for someone is okay if the book is of a reasonable size, but after 400 pages it's just silly.
"I've never seen anything make a full moon look like it's turned to blood." It's called lunar eclipse, Mac.
In Chapter 3, Nicolae learns that Leon has died in the earthquake and is disturbed by this to the point of going pale. Almost immediately he sets out into the ruins and comes back a while later having raised Leon from the dead. I can think of no reason for this sequence of events other than that Nicolae actually likes Leon, and I will be accepting no criticism on this conclusion.
We start to get hints, based on things Mac has heard Nicolae saying, that Amanda may be a traitor to the Tribulation Force. This would be an interesting plotline to explore if Amanda were available to be interrogated and investigated, but with her missing the plot thread just kinda floats in the air.
Rayford wonders, while learning of Nicolae's plan to rebuild the world, "How was it this man was prepared for every eventuality?" Rayford himself knows everything that's going to happen in the next five years because of his studies of Revelation, but somehow he doesn't consider that Nicolae could be reading the same books.
"Rayford prayed desperately....that God would use him in the death of Nicolae Carpathia." Finally, Rayford wants something. Until now it feels like he's just been along for the immensely destructive ride, but now he wants to do something about it.
In Chapter 4, Tsion says "The greatest source of Jews is Israel," as though Jews are a resource. And I mean, as far as this series is concerned, Jewish people are just a means to an end - once they're all in Israel (where the authors think they belong) and 144,000 of them convert to Christianity, the end of the world can get underway, at which point it doesn't matter what happens to them.
In Chapter 5, Nicolae spends a few pages musing, based on his resurrecting Leon, that he might be the Jewish Messiah. You'd think a man as educated as Nicolae would know that a) raising the dead is not one of the requirements to be the Messiah and b) Jewish ancestry via King David and King Solomon, which he very much lacks, is.
The above point also implies that, if Nicolae really thinks he could be the Messiah, then he doesn't know he's the Antichrist, which is a tremendously funny prospect.
In Chapter 6, Rayford recaps his faith life yet again, and we hear a line from his late Raptured wife Irene: "Wouldn't it be great to not die but to meet Jesus in the air?" Here we go again with the idea that people who were Raptured aren't dead. My dudes, they have ceased to exist corporeally. If that's not dead I don't know what is.
Seeing the mass destruction caused by the earthquake, we get this about Rayford: "He still found it hard to accept that this was part of God's ultimate plan. Did this many people have to suffer to make some eternal point? He took comfort in that this was not God's desired result." If the death of approximately one quarter of the Earth's population was not God's desired result, why did he take actions that he knew would cause it? Something's not adding up in the authors' theology.
It's said that the cataclysms are a way for God to get people's attention. If the God of Left Behind were omniscient, or even possessed of humanlike intelligence, he would know that there are many, many non-lethal ways for an omnipotent being to get people's attention. Once again, the idea that God doesn't want anybody dead makes no sense - he's either stupid or malicious, and I don't think the authors meant for God to be stupid.
For the past few books we have heard much about the shelter Bruce built under his church that would hide the Tribulation Force from persecution. It was destroyed in the earthquake, but it turns out that a church member who was killed in the earthquake built an exact replica under his own home, which the main characters have now commandeered. Convenient, convenient.
A new incidental character is called "Sunny Kuntz." I have questions.
Periodically the characters discuss Nicolae's new plan for communication infrastructure: Cellular-Solar, or Cell-Sol for short. Cell-Sol. Sell-soul. Geddit?
In Chapter 9 we get even more hints that Amanda is a traitor, this time from Bruce's own journal. The ambiguity will carry into the next book, and without Amanda in the story this just feels like a cheap way to add tension without anything of consequence happening in the story.
Mac converts to Christianity, and Rayford needs a sign he's genuine. Almost immediately, all True Christians get the "seal of God" on their foreheads, visible only to other believers, and while I'm aware that this is a Christian book and there will be God answering prayers, that won't stop me from complaining about the convenience of it all.
In Chapter 10, we find Ken in the hospital, having been bonked on the head by his own plane during the quake. He says of his injuries, "No brain damage, they tell me, so I still got no excuse for bein' crazy." Ken is my favorite character, in case it wasn't clear.
Buck and Ken's mission to fly to the hospital Chloe was taken to is made more urgent by a Global Community plot to take Chloe hostage in exchange for Tsion (a fugitive) or Hattie (who keeps embarrassing Nicolae). I can't help but feel that Chloe, the only major female character, has become a MacGuffin here.
As of Chapter 12, Tsion and his religious blog posts have taken over the role previously played by Bruce and his sermons - which is to say, announcing coming events chapters or even books before they happen.
In Chapters 12 and 13, the mission to get Chloe out of the hospital is a fiasco, made more complicated by the fact that Chloe is delirious and, it turns out, two months pregnant. Buck and Ken disguise themselves as doctors, but Chloe can't help refer to Ken as "Dr. Airplane." He takes it in stride, bluffing his way past GC troops and making snarky remarks the whole way, and when Buck mockingly refers to him as "Joe Thespian," he replies "That's Dr. Airplane to you." I adore this man.
I know I'll have to split this post in two because there's something so monumentally stupid in the second half of the book that I will have a full-blown rant, so I think I'll end this half right here. See ya soon.
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arsensonfire · 4 months
♯ masc muses .ᐟ
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noah abbott. | blog doc
ezekiel alvah. | blog doc
spencer ford. | blog doc wip
dallas monroe. | blog doc
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judah garcia. | blog doc wip
angel simmons. | blog doc wip
henry civil. | blog doc
ashton hayes. | blog doc
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noirapocalypto · 10 months
📎 for Judah 💡for Embry 🎭 for Salem and 💬for Casey if you got the muse? :>
Thank you 💕
[ OC questions ]
📎 - How organized is your OC? Do they keep on top of responsibilities, or leave things to the last minute?
Judah is very organized, probably the most organized out of the whole group. He's punctual, he gets his duties done, he keeps his office and home very neat and put together. He has a schedule and routine he follows closely. And he expects others to do the same when they're around him--at least in a work place environment. He doesn't tolerate disorganization and 'chaos', even if sometimes he's the one causing 'chaos' through some tantrum or whatever.
💡 - How does your OC enact plans? Do they plan down to the smallest details, or do the wing it?
Embry, when in a leadership position, is surprisingly very good at it. He's intelligent and clever, which people tend to underestimate because of his laid back, somewhat gentle demeanor. He'll take his time to think of a plan, tries to think of every possible situation that could happen (this especially becomes more obvious in the present) and makes sure everyone is accounted for and knows what their task is. He was much more likely to wing it when he was younger--not so much now anymore.
🎭 - Does your OC show different sides of themselves to different people?
Yes, 100%. He's the type that keeps a wall up and only lets people he trusts and/or is comfortable with see the softer side of him. To his fanbase and the general public, he makes sure to keep a boundary. What the see is what they get: a broody, standoffish man who doesn't really say much. To his friends though, or people he's fully and completely comfortable with--they get to see the real him, the one that laughs and jokes, the one that starts conversations out of no where. They get to see Isiah more.
💬 - Is your OC much of a talker? Do they only speak when spoken to? (Or not even then?) Do they ever talk over others?
Casey doesn't mind talking, he enjoys chatting with people. He's very warm and approachable. He's not exactly a chatterbox, he has his moments of silence when he's lost in his own thoughts or when he's focused on whatever it is he's doing. But it's easy for him to strike up a conversation or to hold one if someone approaches him. He never talks over others though, or dominates a conversation. He makes sure to listen to the other and makes sure they're being heard.
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girlsofthemcu · 1 year
List of Muses I’d love for my X-Girls to interact with...
Sean Cassidy / Banshee 
Remy LeBeau / Gambit
Bobby Drake / Iceman
Judah Miller
Hank McCoy / Beast
Alex Summers / Havok
Lorna Dane / Polaris
Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto
List of Muses I’d love for someone to pick up...
Nathan Cassidy (Emma’s son, Sandra’s brother, Aimee’s boyfriend, and Katie’s dad)
Chris LeBeau (Belle’s brother, Sandra’s boyfriend, Maddie’s dad)
Aaron Lehnsherr (Belle’s stepbrother, Jess’s uncle)
Doug McCoy (Aimee’s childhood bestie, Jess’s future hubby, Sarah M’s dad)
Any X-Kids really...
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syfyhq · 1 year
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dewanda wise, mena massoud, jung hoyeon, alyah chanelle scott, darcy carden, midori francis, anne hathaway, emma corrin, manny jacinto, rachel weisz, jacob anderson, tom ellis, roberta colindrez. tom glynn-carney, tessa thompson, mia healey, amita suman, ana jeffey, avi nash, pedro pascal, bradley whitford, ivory aquino, laith ashley, hale appleman, gil birmingham, devery jacobs, sendhil ramamurthy, michael vlamis, santiago cabrera, shamier anderson, shohreh aghdashloo, jade hassouné, aria shahghasemi, raúl esparza, ritesh rajan, judah lewis, meagan tandy, amber midthunder, florence faivre, alisha wainwright, danielle rose russell, anya chalotra, oscar isaac, jeffrey bowyer-chapman, simone ashley, jeanine mason, mason alexander park
⌱   SYFYHQ is an 18+ ( mun/muse ) adventure survival horror tumblr roleplay inspired by jurassic park, lost, sweetheart, the wilds, & other survival media. this roleplay will explore different mysteries & various creatures while muses are stuck on a deserted island. the story begins with a plane crashing into the pacific ocean during the turn of the millennium & will only get wilder  !  
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new muse alert! ❤️ this post for a starter from:
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― adelita 'alita' monterrosa | fc: paz vega. recently widowed single mom trying to make ends meet working as a children's librarian and wrangling a teenage daughter.
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― ethan glass | fc: eli manning. college football coach and himbo dad of three children who like their mom more than him, even though he's goofy and an overall sweetheart he was just never around enough to be 'dad.'
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― peridot 'perry' yoo | fc: fivel stewart. sassy, down-on-her-luck frontwoman of an indie rock band whose older sister (who was her band's drummer) just passed away.
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― judah 'jody' jackson | fc: joe burrow. the bullies-you-cause-he-likes-you type, major fuckboy with somewhat of a heart of gold, but will also not hesitate to show off his football trophies to you.
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midian-muses · 1 year
How many of your muses have pets?
I'll do a list of the muses that have pets, if that is okay:
And maybe a few others of the guards had a cat or a bird …
I could imagine the Dollmaker with a bird too, as well as Raoul, but I am not certain.
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lordofbrattiness · 2 months
detailed info !
name - klarion bleak
age - unspecified but clearly a teenager of some kind
pronouns - he/him
gender - cis male
sexuality - asexual aromantic
status - single
occupation - ex-criminal turned gamer ?
family - charity bleak ( mother ), beulah bleak ( sister ), jason blood ( “uncle” ) harley quinn aka “red mom” ( mother figure #1 ), poison ivy aka “green mom” ( mother figure #2)
friends - timothy drake, ariella kent, rachel roth
backstory - born in limbotown. a underground town isolated from the rest of the world by a magical barrier. klarion was always the outcast. the black sheep of the witch coven, if you will. for you see; klarion was a free minded thinker and beyond that, a troublemaker. the leaders did not like either of those things. always being disencouraged, especially by submissionary judah.
after being chased by a horigal, ending up in the subway system of manhattan, almost being sold into slave labor by another runaway from limbotown and then being reunited with teekl as klarion let the leviathan ( a hive-mind group of children ) kill ebneezer badde - klarion declined the leviathan’s offer to join them bc he wanted to explore more. keeping the foundation stone aka the fatherbox croaton. once up in manhattan, klarion meets melmoth who offers him food and shelter and in exchange klarion is sent with a group called the deviant one to steal a giant subterranean drill for him.
once the group returned with said drill melmoth deliberately sent beezer on klarion to see what he was capable of. beezer then attacked klarion only to be threatened with a death curse by the child; humiliating billy beezer in the progress. klarion would eventually learn of melmoth’s real plan for the drill and would attempt to warn his people but he is not believed. with everyone turned against him, klarion and teekl would have been burned at the stake if it weren’t for his older sister, beulah, who saved him which allowed klarion to be able to ring the four bells.
judah, choosing klarion as his successor in his dying moments , taught the witch-boy how to become a horigal. klarion then merged with teekl, fought off melmoth’s forces and knocked melmoth himself into fire only for melmoth to boast about being immortal before retreating. klarion would be offered a chance to become a full time submissionary which he declines in favour of exploring the world some more.
and then spent a lot of time up on the surface; fucking around, causing chaos and being caught by superheroes such as batman, the flash, wonder woman and formed a rivalry with etrigan the demon. eventually klarion, with the help of the fatherbox, captured a ship and conquered an entire planet only to ended up getting bored of ruling and going back to earth. klarion would use the fatherbox to time travel but eventually would lose said fatherbox, trapping himself in the past where he was pursued and killed by witch hunters only for the lords of mischief to revive him as a fellow lord of chaos and ever since klarion has been a very overpowered little shit who doesn’t age or die.
likes - mischief, causing chaos, getting his way, exploring, “playing”, teekl, sushi
dislikes - adults, people ruining his fun, people threatening teekl, the police
appearance - standing at 5’7 klarion is a very slander looking teen boy. natural skin color being blue but klarion used his magic to make it appear a pale white. black hair always styled with devil horns, black eyes and very sharp figures. normally seen dressed in a formal emo/goth aesthetic with his fingernails sharp like cat claws and painted black.
Tags !
- 🔮🐈: a witch-boy and his feline companion [ in character posts ]
- 📖✍️: book of shadows [ personal musings or hcs related oorp posts ]
- 🦇🐈‍⬛: black, full of angst and ready to fight [ mention of or interaction with batman or any of the batfam members ]
-📲: reply sent [ answered ask ]
-🐧🌂: ooo, a bird! yummy! [ mention of or interaction with the penguin ]
- 🃏: sometimes a joke can be taken too far [ mention of or interaction with the joker ]
- ❓🧩: riddle me this! why are all the riddler’s riddles so easy to crack? ;; fellow curious mind [ mention of or interaction with the riddler ]
- 🕯️: shred a little light on the subject [ mention of or interaction with members of the light ]
- 🦹🦹‍♀️🦹‍♂️: we are number one! [ mention or interaction with other gotham villains ]
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beforeiforgetyou · 6 months
03. 05. 24
Dear God,
Is this the sign I’ve been waiting for? Is this a second chance? Well… third or fourth really. Life is full of chances. Full of opportunities. God grants wishes. Is this my way of receiving what I’ve been longing for? Then why does it feel so hopeless? Terrifying? I didn’t ask for this. Not like this. To lose everything so abruptly. I can probably figure something out (I always do) but I can’t shake the nagging feeling that I should let it go, let it burn; take my lashes so to speak.
What’s left here for me anyways? She doesn’t need me. My wife doesn’t want me. I’m friendless, alone, and unhappy; so why not begin again? The sacrifice. Well. It’s hard to call it that since it’s involuntarily. The loss. Yeah, that’s better. The loss. It’s not a loss to mourn. Like my stupid lovesick heart. All that stuff seems so trivial now. It’s a loss to overcome, lest I become nothing at all.
Who am I? Yesterday I wrote 5,000 words and created this essay of repeated lamentations and declarations. But the core message resonates into today: I am me. Only me. Yes, I’m alone. Utterly, absolutely, and eternally. But we all are. I think that’s the point. Born alone to die alone. There’s beauty in it. Can You find it too? I’m rambling. I’m rambling because it’s easier to muse and mutter about the nonsense of a metaphysical world than it is to face reality right now.
And right now reality is uncertain. Where will I be in 2 weeks time? I don’t know but I can’t stay here. I don’t want to stay here. But I thought I had more time. To get it together; to figure shit out. Is this the Divine Intervention I have been pleading for??? Oh give me a sign and if this is a sign, then be merciful and give me a clearer one!
Never satisfied. That’s what she said and it’s true. Why is nothing ever enough for me? Why do I not see what is inches from my face until it is too late!? I hate myself for this fatal flaw. Always in trouble. Always playing some dangerous game. For what? Why for the thrill of it of course! The maniacal parts of me always win, and I always attract chaos. No, that’s not right. I look for it, crave it, breed it. For me, there is no reprieve in homely comforts. I seek the danger, the thrill, the excitement of living at the edge of total annihilation. There is freedom here- I feel it. But the fear has me shaking in my socks.
Do it afraid. But do what? Defy the odds again? Create anew again?
Have I not proven myself to you enough, Lord!? Is it your Will to see your favorite monkey dance again!? I rage against You, all while longing for the solace of Your existence. A mother’s solace. Must I go back in time again? Must I revert and return to those traumas I’ve fought tooth and nail to escape from? Why? Why are You doing this to me? Nay, I did it to myself. Over and over. Self-sabotage, self-destruction. You are not so petty. Your existence questionable from the beginning, You are not so small as to tinker mindlessly in the day to day of my life.
This cruxifixion is a self-imposed prophecy and now I have the ego to fall and beg redemption. Rebirth. Grant me no mercy. Like Joseph in the cave. Like Judah in the whale. Like Moses in the desert. Punish my sins so that I can come back holy. If He is Your son, He did not die for me. Unworthy of such a sacrifice, I renounce it. No, these sins are mine and mine alone and I will bear their burden until the day I die. Heathen, Blasphemer, Zealot. They were right all along. I will not burn in Hell because I have lived it. Grant me no mercy nor love. Let me fall again so that I may rise.
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ancestorsofjudah · 8 months
2 Kings 22: 8-13. "The Division."
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Hilkiah, the High Priest represents the territory the soul occupies once it achieves Malchut, self-awareness and self-control. It is an office that represents something other than the Sanskrit Kshetragna, which is the knower of the field, Hilkiah is the enjoyer of the field, a state of being seldom praised in any type of religion:
Verb חלק (halaq I) means to divide and apportion. Noun חלק (heleq I) and חלקה (haluqqa) mean portion, tract of land, even one's mode of life. Noun חלקה (helqa I) means field. Noun מחלקת (mahaloqet) describes a division of some organization.
Verb חלק (halaq II) means to be smooth or slippery, either of items such as stones or speech and flattery. Nouns חלק (heleq II) and חלקה (halaqqa) describe smoothness or seductiveness of speech. Adjectives חלק (halaq) and חלק (halluq) mean smooth.
The singular noun חלקה (helqa II) and the plural noun plural noun חלקלקות (halaqlaqqot) may describe smoothness, slipperiness, flattery, or pleasant nonsense.
The Priest says to Shaphan the Secretary, which means "to watch from above on down" "read this Law which explains the essence of Shabbat": "do not practice religion, practice being happy instead."
All of Judah gathers to hear about this new aspect of the Law.
8 Hilkiah the high priest said to Shaphan the secretary, “I have found the Book of the Law in the temple of the Lord.” He gave it to Shaphan, who read it.
9 Then Shaphan the secretary went to the king and reported to him: “Your officials have paid out the money that was in the temple of the Lord and have entrusted it to the workers and supervisors at the temple.”
10 Then Shaphan the secretary informed the king, “Hilkiah the priest has given me a book.” And Shaphan read from it in the presence of the king.
11 When the king heard the words of the Book of the Law, he tore his robes. 12 He gave these orders to Hilkiah the priest, Ahikam son of Shaphan, Akbor son of Micaiah, Shaphan the secretary and Asaiah the king’s attendant:
13 “Go and inquire of the Lord for me and for the people and for all Judah about what is written in this book that has been found. Great is the Lord’s anger that burns against us because those who have gone before us have not obeyed the words of this book; they have not acted in accordance with all that is written there concerning us.”
Imagine wanting to be punished for not being happy enough in life. This is the hilarious conundrum experienced by the people of Judah after they heard the announcement made by the High Priest and the Officials of the Kingdom of Judah when they were told they have to observe Shabbat. Which means they have to use the Torah and the documents in the Tanakh in order to teach themselves how to be pleased with themselves, as there is no other way to please God.
The process for finding one's way off the spiral staircase of the Jewish faith at the final floor called Shabbat, and self-actualization is explained by the Gematria. It is the Secretary's job to carry these instructions to the rest of the offices of the Self, called the Officials.
v. 8: I have found the Book of Law. The Value in Gematria is 7286, ז‎בחו‎‎ , slaughter.
v. 9: Money is time spent studying the Torah hoping it will lead to freedom and independence someday. The Value in Gematria is 12526, יבהבו‎ ‎, they will love.
v. 10: Then Shaphan the Scribe read it. The Value in Gematria is 4574, דהזד‎‎ , dehzad, that side.
v. 11-12:
Hilkiah the priest, "the Joy Division"
Ahikam son of Shaphan, "the brother who makes known how one stands up and denotes the substance of existence."
Akbor son of Micaiah, "who reveals the jargon behind the reason we are sentient?"
The noun עכבר (akbar) means mouse. In the Greek symbolic jargon, the mouse (μυς, mus) was associated with secrecy and esotericism (μυστης, mustes; hence words like mystery and muse). In Hebrew the mouse was associated with the עכביש (akkabish), or spider, the notorious web-weaving ambush predator.
The Bible promotes transparency and free exchange of services and ideas, and abhors secrecy and selective elites, particularly those with mere interest in economic gain.
Micaiah= who is the reason we have dry land?
The interrogative pronoun מה (ma) asks "what?" Its counterpart מי (mi) asks "who?" The latter pronoun is spelled the same as the construct-plural form of מים (mayim) and thus also means "waters of ...". Its opposite, namely dry land, signifies certainty and mental footing. A similar particle מו (mo) combines with the usual prefixes to form poetic equivalents of these particles.
Shaphan the secretary, "who overlays with hope from above"
and Asaiah the king’s attendant: "who makes everything work."
The verb עשה ('asa) means to do, make happen or work with. Noun מעשה (ma'aseh) means deed, act, work, doing, making and so on.
He gave these orders. The Value in Gematria is 8626, חו‎בו‎, "We owe Him a debt."
v. 13: Go and inquire. The Value in Gematria is 10490, אאֶפֶסד‎‎טאֶפֶס‎, Apsed tapes, "the loss taps."
Why were we made with the hidden capability to be intelligent, wise, and creative? Because otherwise life on earth is inhospitable to us. It is inhospitable to us if we can't behave on it or elect people to office who can behave themselves.
Given that we can build amazing and beautiful and comfortable places to live, feed, entertain and experience good times together, why are we tapping ourselves, wasting time in other ways?
To observe Shabbat is forced cognition of how life on earth was meant by God to be spent, it teaches us it is worthwhile to make it happen. This is a requirement. If that is too jagged a pill to swallow, then to hell with you.
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extr4normal · 11 months
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#extr4normal. a private, selective, mututals only portrayal of both canon and original characters from various superhero media. primarily headcanon based with influences from canon. adored by b, twenty-three, she&her. est. oct of 2023. muses under the cut.
affiliated with: @ahtlas.
magenta "maj" lewis, shapeshifting. fc: chase sui wonders. laura kinney, accelerated healing/adamantium claws. fc: isa briones. aña "anya" corazón, spider physiology. fc: jenna ortega. courtney whitmore, cosmic energy manipulation. fc: brec bassinger. william "billy" batson, superhuman strength. fc: judah lewis. maxine hunkle, wind manipulation. fc: quintessa swindle. jason todd, hand-to-hand combatant. fc: tanner buchanan. cassie sandsmark, superhuman strength/lasso created by ares. fc: rain spencer. sanderson "sandy" hawkins, geokinesis/precognitive nightmares. fc: adrian öjvindsson.
shelley birch, chlorokinesis. fc: chloe rose robertson. isadora "isa" velasco, invulnerability/regeneration. fc: olivia rodrigo.
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noirapocalypto · 2 years
Physical Traits // Judah DuBois
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Rules: BOLD what applies to your muse. STRIKEOUT what does not.
Long legs.Short legs. Average legs. Slender thighs. Thick thighs.Muscular thighs.Skinny arms. Soft arms.Muscular arms.Toned arms. Lean arms.Toned stomach.Flat stomach. Flabby Stomach. Soft stomach.Six-pack.Beer belly. Lean frame.Strong/muscular frame.Voluptuous frame. Petite frame. Lanky frame.Short nails.Long nails. Manicured nails. Dirty nails. Small breast. Average breast. Big breast.Toned chest. Muscular chest. Flat ass.Toned ass.Bubble butt. Small waist. Thick waist. Narrow hips. Average hips.Deep V cut hips.Wide hips.Big feet.Average feet. Small feet. Soft feet. Slender feet.Calloused hands.Soft hands.Big hands.Average hands. Small hands. Long fingers. Short fingers. Average fingers. Narrow shoulders.Broad shoulders.Average shoulders. Underweight. Average weight. Overweight.Weight matches height.
Shorter than 140 cm. 141 cm-150 cm. 151 cm to 160 cm. 161 cm to 170 cm. 171 cm to 180 cm. 181 cm to 190 cm.191 cm to 2m.Taller than 2 m.
Pale. Rosy. Olive. Dark.Tanned.Blotchy. Smooth. Acne. Dry. Greasy.Freckled. Scars. Birthmarks. Body hair.
Small. Large.Average.Grey. Brown.Blue.Violet. Green.Gold. Silver. Hazel.Heterochromina. Unnatural. Doe-eyed. Close-set. Wide-set.Deep-set.Narrow. Monolid.Heavy eyelids.Upturned. Downturned.  
Thin. Thick.Fine. Normal. Greasy. Dry.Soft. Shiny.Curly. Frizzy. Wild. Unruly. Straight. Smooth.Wavy. Floppy.Cropped. Pixie-cut. Afro. Jaw length. Shoulder length.Back length.Waist length. Past hip-length. Buzz cut. Under cut. Shaved. Bald. Weave. Hair extensions. Mohawk. Dreadlocks. Box braids. Faux locs. Mullet. White. Platinum blonde. Golden blonde. Dirty blonde. Blonde. Ombre. Light brown. Mouse brown. Chestnut brown. Golden brown. Chocolate brown.Dark brown.Jet black. Ginger. Red. Auburn. Dyed. Thin eyebrows. Average eyebrows.Thick eyebrows. Plucked eyebrows. Neat beard.
Full sleeve. Thigh tattoo. Neck tattoo. Chest tattoo. Back tattoo. Shoulder blade tattoo.Covered in tattoos.One tattoo. Face tattoo. A few here and there. Multiple. No tattoo. Monroe piercing.Nose piercing.Septum. Nipple piercing(s) Genital piercing(s). Industrial piercings. Earlobe piercings. Prince Albert piercing. Eyebrow piercing(s). Tongue piercing(s). Lip piercing(s). Top of the ear. Tragus piercing. Angel bites. Labret. Stretches out ears. Navel piercing. Inverse navel piercing. Cheek piercing(s). Smiley. Nape piercing(s). No piercings.
Eyeliner. Light eyeliner. Heavy eyeliner. Cat eyes. Mascara. Fake eyelashes. Matte lipstick. Regular lipstick. Lipgloss. Red lips. Pink lips. Dark lips. Bronzer. Highlighter. Eyeshadow. Neutral eyeshadow. Smoky eyes. Colorful eyeshadow. Blush. Lipliner. Light contouring. Heavy contouring. Powder. Matte foundation. Shiny foundation. Concealer. Wears make up regularly. Wears it from time to time.Rarely wears make-up. Lip-balm.
Floral. Herbal. Earthy. Fruity. Woodsy. Perfumes. Aftershave. Cocoa.Moisturizer. Shampoo. Cigarettes. Leather.Sweat. Food. Incense. Marijuana.Cologne. Evergreen. Sweet. Spiced. Amber. Lavender.Wine. Fried food.Blood. Fire. Metal. Gunpowder. Gun oil.
Jeans. Tight pants.Overknee socks. Tights. Leggings. Yoga pants. Pencil skirt. Tight skirt. Loose skirt. Tight/Form-fitting dress. Cardigans. Tunic. Blouse.Button up shirt. Band-T-shirt.Sports-T-shirt.Sweatpants.Tanktop. Cut off t-shirt.Designer. High street.Leather jacket.Thrift. Lingerie. Long skirt. Miniskirt. Maxidress. Sun dress. Tie. Tuxedo. Cocktail dress. Highslit dress/skirt. T-shirt. Loose clothing.Tight clothing.Jean shorts. Sweater. Sweater vest. Waistcoat. Khaki pants.Suit. Hoodie.Harem pants. Basketball shorts.Boxers/Boxer-Briefs.Thong. Hotpants. Hipster panties. Bra. Sportsbra.Crop top.Corset. Ballerina skirt. Leotard. Polka dot. Stripes. Glitter.Cotton.Linen.Silk. Lace. Leather. Velvet. Patterns. Florals.Neon colors. Pastels. Light colors. White.Black. Dark colors.Fur/Fauxfur. Revealing clothing. Heavy armor. Medium armor.Light Armor. Floral shirts. Leather pants. Turtlenecks. Utility jackets. Holsters. Bulletproof vests.
Sneakers.Slip-ons. Flats. Slippers. Sandals. High heels. Kitten heels.Ankle boots. Combat boots.Knee-high. Platforms. Stripper heels. Bare feet. Loafers. Oxfords. Gladiator shoes. Western boots. Leather boots.
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