#muse: masked deuce
cosmicxblossoms · 10 months
muscular arm curls around the shoulders of the blue-haired man, a casual smile dancing around his own lips as the gaze is fixed on the building in front of them. " don't worry so much! ya said it yourself, this is a small island, nobody's gonna care who we are. just two strangers comin' for a drink or two. relax, it will be fun! " they have been sailing together for what feels almost like an eternity now and the fire fist is keen on trying to offer the pleasures of piracy to deuce. although one likely could discuss whether drinking is truly limited to the adventures of pirates rather than an every day escape most rely on.
Deuce knows what he said about this small island, he remembers it clearly as the muscular arm of his captain wraps around his shoulders in an effort to make him feel more at ease. That doesn't mean they shouldn't at least be a little cautious, the life of a pirate could be just as dangerous as it could be filled with adventure.
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Sailing around with Ace certainly never left a dull moment for the two of them, a choice that he never regretted for an instant even if the freckled man beside him could be a handful at times. A sigh left the blue-haired man as a small grin came to his face, leaning down slightly to put his own muscular arm around Ace's shoulders. "Alright I'll try to relax Ace but lets at least try not to cause any problems while were here ok?"
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tricksheart · 2 years
Send in ‘Mask’s Calling’ to meet a muse I’m on the fence about roleplaying as.
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"Can someone help me with this?". In his hands is a small gaming device, a tiny digital creature in need of care and he doesn't know which buttons to push to assist in that as anything technical is beyond his comprehension.
On the fence about roleplaying: Malleus Draconia from Twisted Wonderland.
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thevoiceofthepeople · 10 months
[Muses: Masked Deuce, Portgas D Ace] This was the worst possible place to be right now but Deuce didn't have a lot of options. He needed to get medical supplies for Ace to fix him up after what happened at marineford and Sabaody was the closest place to be that could have what he needed. Right now he was trying to move Ace to the small cabin he bought but then he froze up in shock and mild horror when he saw that he had been spotted by a woman, unsure of what he should do next.
Seda tended to opt for walking over the bubble bikes most days on Sabaody. It was mostly a preference for her health as she went weeks on end sitting at a desk working on her biographies. But today, as it had been for many days since the incident with the Straw Hats, there were just no bubble bikes to rent. The archipelago was abuzz with activity, both marine and civilian. Some people were leaving the area, fearing the wrath of the world nobles, while others who still had to work, like the marines, were docking in in droves. It was like someone had kicked an ant mound, and all the little ants were erratically trying to restore order. She held on to her weekly supply of groceries, keeping an ear out for any danger amongst the tall groves trees. Her home wasn't far off, she noted, counting the numbers on the trees, until she heard movement. She drew her gaze back down and not far from where she stood there was a man, holding another on his body. Or.. Was it another person? Their body was covered in so much blood it looked like they were just carrying a slab of meat... "Are... you okay?" Stupid question, whatever was happening was obviously not okay.
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[Muses: Portgas D ace, Masked Deuce] [For Dadan] Getting here without being spotted by anyone had not been an easy thing to do but he managed. Deuce had figured out enough to get here to Ace's home, shifting aces weight in his arms as he knocked on the door and hoped that someone was home. sent by @cosmicxblossoms
Dadan was beside herself as she tried to keep calm. The news of Marineford had spread through the oceans and her family was in an uproar. The news of Ace disappearing from the battleground as worrying but she hoped it meant he managed to get away despite the picture that was showing off a wound that seemed fatal.
The rest of the family had been kicked out to give her some breathing space so she was alone when someone knocked on the door. Figuring it was Makino she stood up with a groan and headed to the door, opening it wide. Her eyes widened seeing someone standing there holding her son. “Wha….what the hell!” Yelling loudly she reached for Ace, mind already racing through what medical supplies she had. “How did you get here?! Who are you?”
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maestrojax · 4 months
(For Dadlaxle verse, dragon heist edition)
Deuce knelt out in the overgrown field in the Heartlands. Here and there lay old, charred and rotten debris hidden beneath the grasses, shards of wood, old stonework. Remnants of a place and time none could go back to. Here, amidst the long forgotten ruin, Deuce had cleared our a small area towards the center. Here, he had already set up a few small stone sculptures, modeled after celestial objects and scrawled with epitaphs honoring the dead. Carefully, he placed the newest addition: a sculpture modeled after a ship. On the sides he placed lavender incense and on the offering plate, a small amulet and a few coins. Taking a familiar bladed weapon, Deuce stabbed it deep into the earth, and hung a garish feathered cavalier hat on the hilt.
The Nightingale lingered. He closed his eyes. Were his eyes watering? That must be it. Allergies. He took off his crimson mask to dab at his eyes.
"You idiot." Deuce trembled. In his fingers he twisted an old, pink, scorched ribbon. "You promised you'd never leave me again. Why? Why did you have to be so stupid?" He clenched his fists, and the tears came more freely in wracking sobs.
My muse has died. Send in your muse’s reaction.
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cmdrace · 11 months
[Muse: Masked Deuce] [Verse: Post marineford] Strands of black hair were pushed out of Ace's vision and Deuce smiled softly at his captain before consciousness slipped away from the pain of his injury. The attack was meant for Ace and his brother, but Deuce ended up with magma burning through his coat and burning into his back after tackling Ace out of the way.
With Deuce being out of the picture it would be up to Ace to take care of him and help him recover now that the two of them were in a safer location, Hopefully a location where nobody would be able to find them.
When Ace found out someone saved him, the Second Commander got up quickly rushing off from the Marine Ford with the man who just saved him.
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Was it anger? Was it sadness? No. Despite happy to see his friend, his ex vice captain, the idea of losing another person close to him made Ace go completely in a rage.
"let's go!" He yelled as if yelling at himself to stay focus and dragged him to the boat he found, sitting idly, as if it was calling to Ace to come take it. The old Spade boat.
And that's what he did.
Taking the boat, he whisked off, leaving the battle, and from a far glimpse, he saw Jinbei have his brother in his arms as Akainu was sliced by the one and only Crocodile.
Sighing, at the fact that his brother is alright, he looked down at the injuries of his former crew mate. He'd be damned if he were to lose another being. First Sabo..there was no way he was going to let Deuce pass away. Not without doing something.
"Hey hey, you!" Ace said scrambling around looking for something to stop the heat, stopping the heat from Akainu's magma fist.
He shuffled through Deuce's room, looking for books to help, tears threatening to fall.
God damn it. He'd be damned if he lost his best friend.
Not today.
Masked Deuce was not going to leave this forsaken Earth, not today.
Ace was not going to allow that. Not today
@cosmicxblossoms || verse- after Marine Ford
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enjomo-arch · 1 year
@taiixuan , emil ( masked deuce ) asked : [  ALMOST KISS  ]  *  my muse leans closer to your muse almost like they’re trying to initiate a kiss, only to pull away in the last second. ( TEEHEE ACEDEU )
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as  the  day  drew  to  a  close  ,   the  sun  descended  toward  the  vast  expanse  of  the  open  sea  ,   casting  a  breathtaking  palette  of  colors  across  the  horizon.  the  sky  transformed  into  a  canvas  of  vibrant  oranges  ,   pinks  ,   and  purples  ,   while  the  tranquil  waters  below  mirrored  the  wonderful  spectacle.  a  gentle  breeze  whispered  through  the  air  ,   as  the  fire  fist's  relaxed  gaze  seemed  to  pause  in  awe  of  the  incredible  sight. 
despite  the  fact  that  he  had  seen  the  sunset  millions  of  times  before  it  always  left  something  special  in  his  heart  ,   a  feeling.  for  as  long  as  he  could  remember  ,   sitting  on  the  edge  of  the  cliff  with  his  younger  brother  ,   he  had  watched  this  image  of  natural  ,   maritime  beauty  every  evening.  now  ,   however  he  was  doing  it  with  his  first  mate  at  the  side  which  felt  just  as  special.  sitting  on  the  spadille's  railing  ,   one  arm  resting  over  his  knee  with  a  bottle  of  booze  in  the  other  ace  could  only  think  about  so  much  in  moments  like  these.  
he  didn't  say  anything  for  a  long  moment  but  it  was  clear  that  this  didn't  necessarily  catch  deuce's  attention.  his  lips  softly  parted  ,   as  to  speak  something  but  eventually  he  felt  on  his  cheek  the  leather  glove  that  belonged  to  the  writer.  his  hand  guiding  ace's  face  tu  turn  and  let  their  gaze  meet  ,   the  slowly  approaching  closeness  with  the  azure-haired  man  leaning  in  closer  and  closer  caused  ace  to  skip  a  beat  of  his  firey  heart.  he  didn't  even  know  how  to  react  ,   his  eyes  widened  slightly  in  surprise  but  as  deuce  leaned  closer  he  couldn't  back  off.  he  didn't  want  to.  
a  silent  breath  sucked  up  through  his  teeth  before  the  spade  captain  bent  down  to  close  the  gap  between  them  but  ,   before  their  lips  could  meet  at  the  end  of  the  road  ,   only  the  chapped  skin  of  ace's  own  ghosted  barely  over  the  writer's  petal  peach  ones.  until.
❝  oi  ,   captain  ace!  an  island  at  the  horizon  ,   at  eight  .  ❞
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ace  snapped  his  head  to  the  side  ,   upon  hearing  skull  screaming  about  finding  an  island  at  the  horizon.  well  ,   deuce  ended  up  kissing....  the  side  of  ace's  wild  ,   raven  locks.  ❝  holy  shit !?  really !  skull  hold  on  i'm  comin' !  ❞  the  fire  fist  shouted  enthusiastically.  his  attentiveness  completely  changed  its  tracks  and  he  jumped  off  the  wooden  railing  of  the  ship  straight  onto  the  deck.  ❝  oii  deuce  ,   quick !  ❞  he  waved  a  hand  to  the  journalist.  chuckling  under  his  breath  like  crazy  ,   so  happy  about  the  information  of  land  nearby  he  absolutely  forgot  he  was  just  about  to  kiss  his  first  mate.  
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ciarog-archive · 2 years
I was going to wait until I got more bios done, but frankly I'm feral and bios don't seem to be as important to get done, so... I'll be adding the following muses to my muse list:
Beyond Birthday from Death Note Greed from Fullmetal Alchemist Isuka from One Piece Johnny Gill from D.Gray-Man Maes Hughes from Fullmetal Alchemist Masked Deuce from One Piece Kashin Koji from Boruto Let me know if you want to plot with any of these characters!
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awsheets-a · 6 months
☀ (from Deuce, for Sireh, but don't tell her he said that :3)
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"Someone in a mask said I'm attractive? Whatever could I do with this information."
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send me ☀ if your muse finds mine attractive
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muselexum · 2 years
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@broken-shackles​ sent:
(Muse: Masked Deuce) (To Ace for the idea I said in the DM) Rescue + Grief
darker prompts -> [meme]
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He had been bracing for impact, but not in this sense. One moment he was standing in front of Luffy and in the next, he was tackled to the ground with the wind knocked out of him. Ace gasped, mind running wild as he tried to gather his bearings. His mind was on Luffy. Luffy. Panic settled in, terror at the realization that if he had not taken the impact than had Luffy...?
Ace scrambled to his knees, eyes darting over to see Marco and a few of the others jumping in between Akainu and his baby brother. It was a minor relief, but not enough as when he looked over to his side, he saw Deuce laid out with a severe injury- one that Ace should have gotten. It was only then that he had pieced together everything that had happened.
“Deu!” He called to his friend, crawling over to him in a rush. No, no, this wasn’t supposed to happen. Deuce’s back and part of his side were ravaged by magma and Ace felt helpless in his inability to help him.
He picked Deuce up in his arms, unable to take precautions with his injuries as they were in the middle of an active combat situation. The best he could do was to get Deuce out of danger and hope that there’d be some way to fix this, because this couldn’t be the end of Deuce. Marco? Marco would be able to help... right? He had to. If even Marco couldn’t help him then... No, he couldn’t think about that. Not right now. Deuce would be fine. He’d be okay.
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cosmicxblossoms · 6 months
X @pareidolah
"This is awkward.." being caught in his room with his own hair dye supplies but his were for black hair like Ace's. He wasn't going to do his whole head, just the ends of it but the masked man had thought that it would be a nice gesture to show that he liked the black hair Ace had. So to see Ace having the idea of doing his own hair blonde kind of took things in a different direction then he had planned for.
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Fortunately he had yet to start doing his own hair so he could help Ace with his first before doing his own, taking the bleach, spatula and bowl from the freckled man. "Going to need to be a little more specific on the type of blonde you mean Ace. Are we going for strawberry blonde, dirty blonde, honey, golden, platinum, ash? Not that it would change much when bleaching your hair just want to know which direction this is going for how you want it to look."
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
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  With the current chores he had to do being done for the day Ace was currently enjoying the rest of his day with Deuce who was taking a small break from his work, the two of them sitting down and enjoying a drink together. Talking about anything that had come up in conversation and any plans that the other had once they got to the next place that they were going to dock at, only stopping when they caught sight of Aiko coming up to them with eyes that were sparkling with curiosity.    Having a child on the ship made things interesting on how they would handle situations, Thatch and Marco both being good fathers to the young zoan user and she really fit into their big family like she had always been there. “Hey there Aiko what are you doing today? Are you looking for marco or thatch?” 
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thevoiceofthepeople · 7 months
[Muses: Masked Deuce, Portgas D Ace] Today was the day that they were going to be leaving sabaody and going to sphinx where Marco was said to be. Marco could do more for Ace then Deuce could do for him, The masked man doing everything in his power this last week to ensure Ace's health. Moving Ace even now wasn't exactly ideal but they already knew that they couldn't stay here, they wouldn't be able to avoid suspicion forever so it was best to leave now while they still had the chance.
"Are you ready now Seda? There's no going back from this so we got to make sure there's no trace left behind after all..." Making sure that Ace was secure and the medical supplies were all kept safe in the bags he placed them in.
The time between these two men showing up at her home and now seemed to go by both too fast and too slow. Every time she passed by someone in town for shopping or trying to maintain some normalcy with work, she could feel her spine fell out of her body. Anyone time her normal vendors asked about her increase in food purchases, she'd joke that she was eating for two. It was one of the few times her promiscuous life style worked in her advantage since nobody batted an eye. In fact they looked at the thirty something writer with pity, having a child when the world was turning upside down. At home though it was easy. Deuce took care of Ace and Seda condensed her life down into two carry on bags. She'd clear out a room or check to see if there was anything she couldn't part with, and then she'd fill the entire room with paper to the point of near exhaustion, sleep, and then do it again in the next room until only the living room and kitchen were left unfilled with a fire starter. Once night fell on the day they planned on moving, Seda put the finishing touches to her fire trap. A lantern, some very thick rope and a candle were all she needed for a timed fire bomb. The candle would burn under a rope holding a lit lantern filled with oil. By the time it burned through, they'd be on the shore and on a boat getting the hell out of dodge. She held the match in her hand, ready to light the candle when Deuce spoke to her. "Ready when you are." She was all she said. There was no turning back from this the second she let these men into her house. But Ace.... he was a history maker, a integral thumb tack in the cork board of this world and a victim of criminal "justice", she had to keep him alive. She lit the candle and shut the door. "Let's go." She put the hood up on her jacket and grabbed her bags.
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broken-shackles · 2 years
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  Deuce isn’t sure what is happening right now but he’s here to listen if someone needs to talk.
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maestrojax · 5 months
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#MAESTROJAX : private and mutually exclusive dnd/fantasy roleplay blog for Jarlaxle Baenre from the R.A Salvatore novels. Please read rules before interacting! Knowledge of the books isn't necessary!
loved by Elf (30, they/them)
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A study in: caring about others too much, losing those you care about despite everything, the inherent homoeroticism of being in a mercenary group, having a mask up to hide your emotions, if anything? Be flashy, bull shitting your way through life, something something male drow.
musings. prompts. visage. equipment. promo.
fanart icons are @rukafais 's art or bloodyarns!
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TRAVELS WITH: Artemis Entreri, Kimmuriel Oblodra, Deuce, Nymaun , Babette , Narissus
Blog roll: @crimesought
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I don't mind personal/nonrp blogs following me. Just don't reblog my rp responses! They will be tagged as responses!
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special relationship tags:
#humanslifetimeperhaps /w @gemshroud just any of the jarlaxle and artemis antics
#dadlaxle verse /w @astralfox0893 verse where jarlaxle is Auraine's father. warning its really cute.
#mycerebralfriend /w @psionicmolotov and just anything to do with jarlaxle and kimmuriels fun relationship
#larndeanon /w @bloodyarn his sweet lavender flower
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Masked Deuce has lots of love to give!
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