#muse: Portgas D Ace
cosmicxblossoms · 6 months
X @onepiecc
When his gaze had been forced to look up towards the woman in front of him and heard her words he was able to recognize quickly what was happening. What his fate was going to be, to be given as a slave to a celestial dragon. Honestly he didn't know which would've been worse, execution or this.
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What was he supposed to do, what could he do? He had already endured being tortured and the sea prism cuffs were draining his power so he didn't know how much of a fight he could put up. Nor did he know what awaited him even if he did manage to overcome all of that somehow. "As you wish. Once we have cleaned up your gift would you prefer us to have a collar on him and have him branded or would you prefer him to remain untouched?" That was the question he heard a marine asking, noticing the grins of their faces as they appeared all too eager to get rid of him and sell him off to his new fate.
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musedbyalli · 7 months
What Does Love Feel Like To You? (Portgas D Ace)
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Your Result: fire
one touch from them sets you on fire. and it burns and burns and takes over everything in its path, including you. you don't care. they are worth it. they are worth every sacrifice and tear, every smile and laugh. as long as they are at your side, you will happily light that match and set everything aflame again. don't slip on the gasoline, my love.
Tagged by: @marriageproposallola Tagging: Everyone, steal it :3
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
@txnatiuh-etc​  x
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 Hazel hues stared straight into the turquoise eyes of Endeavour with a raised eyebrow at the poorly hidden words of venom directed his way. “Well considering it was either I get a proper hero license or go to jail because of my vigilantism is one thing i hope to get out of this internship. Can’t exactly do hero work behind bars now can I? Another thing I hope to accomplish from this internship is being able to expand on the capabilities of my quirk and who better to ask for guidance in regard to fire then Endeavour himself? However, if you have a problem with me then come right out and say it cause that attempt to hide those venom filled words was awful.”   Whether or not the other man was attempting to hide the tone of voice or was being obvious about it was irrelevant to the freckled man. If someone had a problem with him then Ace wanted them to come right out and say it to him as he could handle harsh words or people not liking him, being liked as a hero was not a priority to Ace. He was there to get the job done of protecting people whether people liked how he did it or not.
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i-am-minty-fresh · 5 days
I think as a fandom we have not formally discussed the potential reality of Live Action Ace being a greasy cowboy.
I want him to have the thickest drawl in the game. I want him to be nearly impossible to understand.
I need him in cowboy boots, a big ass buckle, and an adorable gap between his teeth.
I need him with crazy ass southern sayings.
I need him tilting his stupid hat down when he meets back up like Luffy all like, “well lookee here? If it ain’t the barrel a’ monkeys callin’ themselves king! Howya been, Luff?”
Please I’m begging.
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quinloki · 1 month
They’re gonna release the actor for Ace for the live action soon*.
Do me a favor -
Don’t be mean.
Casting has been amazing! The costumes, the sets the actors the work the dedication the LOVE FOR OUR BELOVED MANGA - Has been amazing.
Netflix is crap, but these people are doing a phenomenal job within the lines that corporation is giving them.
It’s been above and beyond.
He’s gonna be too pretty for some of you. He’s gonna be too skrunckly for some of you. He’s not gonna have the right smile, or body or SOMETHING.
It’s impossible to match a real life human to a 2D character.
So please. Don’t be mean. For God’s sake don’t start calling him like “future donut” or some shit as a way to say you don’t like the choice.
If you’re not happy about whoever they cast - just… don’t say anything for a bit. Maybe like a year or something.
Edited to add: *maybe not for s2 - as I’m hearing - but still, my concern might be way preemptive, but it stands.
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hopefulstarfire · 10 months
I've only just found that people are shipping Garp and Zeff in opla (what's stopping yall from doing it for regular op at this point might as well I'm game I like this)
But it raises a point in my head. Sanji is Zeffs son. For all intents and purposes, he adopted that boy and raised him.
If Zeff and Garp got together / got married, Dragon and Sanji would be step brothers. Luffy, as well as Ace and possibly Sabo, would then be Sanji's step nephews.
You wanna talk about the weirdest family dinners? This is it.
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002yb · 10 months
It’s disconcerting for Zoro to see his captain falter when confronted by their new crew mate. There’s no imminent threat that Jean poses, but Zoro recognizes the man's presence on their ship brings Luffy no small amount of distress. Jean is a challenge Luffy doesn't know how to confront or overcome. The emotional turmoil that follows in Jean's wake is a damning thing and Luffy struggles in an uncharacteristic way that Zoro won't ignore.
“Tell me and I’ll send him off.” Because Luffy is his captain and Zoro is his first mate. Because if Luffy asked anything of him, Zoro would follow through. He might not be able to soothe the nightmares that torment Luffy, but Zoro can banish the ghost that haunts him.
Jean’s resemblance to Ace is uncanny. Zoro is no stranger to being confronted by an unwanted doppelganger of a love lost - to be terrorized by guilt and regret personified. He has no doubt Luffy will adapt despite the discomfort, same as Zoro, but Zoro knows from experience the heartache will stay. A persistent thing even in its dullness.
Jean is his own man, but the ghost he carries with him in body and voice and fiery soul is someone else entirely. Luffy is blindsided by Jean because of it and it makes Zoro wince at how lost Luffy looks, how stricken - like he's floundering in open water, dragged down by a devil's fruit and regret he can't shake.
Sometimes Zoro wonders if his captain sees the artist at all or if all that graphite bleeds red like blood and fire. He wonders if Luffy relents to the man’s continued presence on their ship because Luffy genuinely wants Jean there or if it’s because Luffy can’t fathom turning his back even on Ace’s visage. Is it desire for crew or for his brother?
It’s been a rough adjustment since Jean stowed away to pay his respects and dues. The man is all gratitude and admiration and maybe that, too, is similar to Ace. Not in expression, but perhaps in intensity. There’s a lot that Luffy doesn’t say about his brother, but there are some sleepless nights where Luffy will choke out truths in the dark, his voice muffled by arms strewn across his face or by the breadth of Zoro’s shoulder.
‘He always called me ‘crybaby’.’ Luffy would say around breathy laughter, and Zoro would soothe him in the only way he knows how — with dry banter. A quipped, ‘You probably were,’ that’s followed by titters and a nostalgic, ‘I was. He hated it.’ And Zoro understands that in a way Luffy might not; in the way Ace did.
‘He told me he wouldn’t die.’ Luffy said just once, so quiet Zoro almost missed it. But he could feel the ghost of Luffy’s lips and the grief in how he butted his head to Zoro’s jaw, ‘I made him promise because I didn’t know what he’d do.’ And Zoro didn't know what to say; had no means of reconciling that sorrow to the memories he has, to the wild stories Luffy has shared or the tender sentiments Zoro has noticed, himself. 'He told me he'd stay if I needed him. He swore it.'
His captain and he have fought and bled for each other. They’ve gone on a lifetime of adventures together; they share their dreams, their triumphs and failures and burdens. Zoro knows Luffy, but those shared intimacies in the dark give Zoro a clarity he’d lacked.
Luffy's capacity for compassion is a terrifying thing. His empathy towards those who are hurting is just as great. Zoro is no stranger to the hope Luffy can breathe into punctured lungs, the strength he inspires with his steadfast faith and resolve. Zoro assumed it was one of Luffy's innate qualities. It's in hindsight that he realizes Luffy's compassion was learned: a crybaby pleading for his brother to stay with him, to fight and love and live and dream.
Ace is the first person Luffy ever saved; Jean is the latest and all his regard and respect is like salt rubbed in an open wound. 'Thank you for loving saving me,' only Luffy didn't - he has the blood on his hands and a scarred heart to prove it. Jean is a ghost sent to haunt him and it's painful because Jean is kind in a way Luffy isn't ready to accept.
But Luffy is willful. If he didn't want Jean, then he wouldn't be with them.
When Zoro thinks about it, he knows why Luffy chooses to keep the artist around. Jean fits with the crew, all dreams and ambition and steadfast will. Jean is finding his footing after the world left him scarred; persisting despite past hurts and finding purpose and joy in a liberated world with open skies and seas. He is the shadow of Luffy’s brother that Luffy never stopped wanting needing.
It's complicated. Grief is like that.
“He’s crew.” Luffy tells him. It’s the end of their discussion on the matter. Zoro doesn’t need anything more; he trusts his captain’s word. Luffy will work through his grievances.
One day Luffy will stop jerking his head to the side when he catches Jean in his peripheral, mistaking him for Ace and one day the disappointment at his mistake won’t be such a heartrending thing. There will come a time when the depth of Jean’s voice and the sound of his laughter stops being an echo of someone else, when graphite smudges stop looking like blood stains.
Jean might be persistent in that same way Luffy was with Ace. It’s not anything Luffy comments on or complains about, though Zoro notices how contemplative it leaves their captain. He doesn't doubt that perseverance will win Luffy over. History repeats itself in strange ways.
That aside, Luffy is a simple man at heart. Zoro sees it before it happens. He can't help the smirk that pulls at his lips because of it.
Zoro stands at Luffy's side overlooking the seas when a row of graphite beetles come marching along the railing, tiny feet leaving scuttled marks of graphite across the wood as they approach their captain. The way Luffy's eyes light up with merriment as drawings brought to life crawl across his fingers and up his arms is a wonderful thing no matter how seemingly commonplace. Laughter bubbles up from Luffy's chest alongside his awe and wonder and delight.
Zoro catches Jean sitting further down the deck, smile bright and maybe the slightest bit sheepish, misinterpreting the first mate’s stare for scrutiny. Jean makes another creature with that logia devil fruit of his and sends it across the railing. Zoro stares after it for some time, bemused until he realizes it’s a damn marimo (undoubtedly courtesy of the damn cook spreading falsehoods about Zoro's likes and interests), at which point Zoro scowls something fierce and Jean balks.
Everything is made right by Luffy’s renewed laughter though, by the width of his smile and the mirth in his eyes. His joy is contagious just like so much else about him. It doesn’t stop Zoro from smacking the pseudo-marimo out of Luffy’s hand and out to sea when his captain tries to torment him with it though — graphite pressed to Zoro’s cheek once, twice and leaving smudges across Zoro's skin all the while—
Both Luffy and Jean gape when the marimo goes flying, Luffy’s arm stretching out after it a moment later. That Luffy catches it at all is impressive; the guilt Zoro feels when Luffy opens his hand to a circular smudge from crushing the thing is somehow even greater.
Jean fits in with their crew well though. The graphite beetles congregate on Luffy’s hand, molding together into an even larger marimo and Zoro grunts despondently as his captain and their artist cackle at his expense. Some part of Luffy's smile might always be strained when he looks after Jean, but Jean shares Luffy's empathy and compassion. It shows in his patience, the persistent and tentative way he stays just within reach.
crezz-star's Jean: the artist, the muse, the sweetheart.
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writesailingdreams · 9 months
thinking how Ace constantly popping up in flashbacks is exactly what Hiriluk was talking about; you don't die until you're forgotten
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mamamittens · 1 year
Soft thoughts to apologize for not writing for my event today (the last official day)
NVM these are sad thoughts my bad 😬
I wonder if there's someone that met Ace and knew his parents well, both of them. And didn't realize he was their son until his execution. Frozen in disbelief thinking that Ace looked nothing like Roger and too much like his mother (I like to think he had her smile, not the toothy, kick your ass smile, but the soft, deliriously happy smile where his heart was fit to burst. That one was all Rouge). Does he mourn like his father or is the quiet self destruction all his mother? Heart too big for his chest, did he feel relief when he was finally free of it?
I wonder what dream Dadan gave up on if the idea that you age poorly if you give up on your dreams in OP is true. She was beautiful as a young woman. What aspirations did she have that faltered into the bandit life we know she has now? And based on how we saw her, it's interesting that she didn't get any 'worse' after taking Ace in given her vocal displeasure.
Does Ussop get nervous when one of the other crew members gets sick? Does he think of his mother? How much does he remember of her passing, or does he just remember desperately telling tall tales in the hopes that his dad would come back? Does he ever tell a lie and desperately hope for once it's the truth?
Does Luffy have a hard time watching bonfires? The bigger they are, the worse he handles it. Does he think of Ace on his knees finally understanding how loved he is, or does he think of Sabo screaming in the flames? Does he smell garbage burning or just flesh? A little sail boat where it doesn't belong or beads pinging across cobblestone.
Does Teach miss the noise? Does he miss being surrounded by 'family'? Or does he not even register the chill where safety used to rest? Does he value in hindsight how fondly he was regarded by so many? Do you think he hears wet gasps when passing a kitchen?
Does Doflamingo blame himself for how his brother turned out? Does he understand why Corazon betrayed him? Is there ever a time where he wishes someone understood the horrors of his childhood? How does he feel when he sees someone else wearing black feathers? Is it longing or rage?
Does Law think of home when he smells antiseptic, or sickness and fire? Does he crave dishes with a tang of amber lead despite knowing the cost? When he goes to a new island, how closely does he inspect the well? Does he respect other doctors or hold them in contempt for his homeland? Does he even remember their faces well enough to see their pieces in the mirror? Or is his face entirely foreign to his memories?
Does Sabo feel more at home undercover in a mansion or sneaking in trash heaps? Or does he always crave the wild undergrowth of the forest, imagining tree houses tucked out of sight. Does he feel strangely disappointed paying for his meals or running away from the tab alone? Did he feel bereft when he turned 17, like he was missing something or broke a promise?
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Ok! Side tangent to the how can they prove it thoughts!!
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Like it's shitty that there isn't due process for a trial (as corrupted as it would be) and that gives the Marines and Sengoku himself complete power as judge, jury, and executioner (literally). But what if there was???
Like a lawyer who had the absolute balls to call them on their bullshit and demand a fair and public trial for the crimes of Portgas D. Ace and to justify the public stunt they are trying to pull with his execution. To demand accountability!
I think they'd probably end up with their own bounty at the end of up but they'd have so much to work with!!
[Note I am not a lawyer! But I have a lot of questions to bring up reasonable doubt!]
This is going to also get a bit long so read more below!
So to start they don't bring up the Gol D. Roger part yet because confidential, yeah. But they why go through such a stunt for a pirate that is a commander of a yonko, but who has a significantly smaller reputation than some of the people currently locked up in Impel Down? You would lock up Shiki the Golden Lion instead of execution but you want to execute this kid? Powerhouse or not, that seems kinda skewed?? And Biased??
Oh it's to set up a war with Whitebeard, that you have no guarantee you'd win and would possibly waste resources and lives of good Marines that serve for the justice and protection of the people...
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then get into why he became a pirate. He was a ward of Garp the Hero, right? So in theory Ace should have had full access to all the rights and privileges of being Garp's ward/grandson, including education and proper care. However, as far as our information can gather and that Ace could provide himself, he was raised by bandits! Criminals! So had Garp set him up for failure? there seems to be a pattern with Garp and children in his care: Dragon, leader of the revolution, Ace, second commander of Whitebeard, and this newest pirate, Luffy, already making a name for himself and defying the world government as he goes! Isn't there even a hint of responsibility that Garp should take for Ace being the way he is and for leniency and the chance at rehabilitation? (which obviously isn't what Ace would want or do but it'd get him out of the death penalty!)
And what are Ace's primary crimes? Piracy yes but he didn't really pillage, murder indiscriminately or civilians, rape, or cause revolutions! His greatest crimes are dine and dashing (which his bills for that are astronomical but not death worthy), fighting Marines (though more marines make it out of his sort of attacks than not unless they attack him or his crew first so self defense), and obviously raising a jolly roger.
No imagine that these are bringing up things that obviously the marines don't want aired and to shift public opinion. (Garp has been notably silent after a rather nasty look from Sengoku after the whole raising criminals point...) So they bring out their trump card...
Ace is the true son of Gol D. Roger!
Ok, prove it.
Is there any genetic testing to link Ace as a relative of Roger? If they can make clones and robots, they should be able to do some genetic testing to see relations between people right? But where is Roger's body to get a sample from? And how can we ensure that the samples aren't messed with to ensure Ace as a scapegoat?
Then you [the marines] state that his mother held onto him for 20 months but that sounds preposterous! How can you prove that's true and where did you get this information? Is the information source reliable? Has anyone been able to replicate those results? And hypothetically, if this were true, why would a mother be so desperate to save her child to take such measures? is it because she saw the slaughter of children and infants and pregnant mothers on her island just for the Marines to prove a point? To ensure that an innocent child, free of sin with the only crime is to exist, is annihilated? The Marines have already proven how terrified they can be of actual children (Nico Robin's long list of bounty posters starting as a young girl are a great example). [totally separate rant on how pathetic a whole system is afraid of literal children and infants as to headhunt and murder entire generations, because of what they could know or represent. How all that they are could crumble the entire castle of sand.]
anywho I'm sure there's more but that's all I can think up right now from my late night musings. I think a good lawyer could argue at least a lesser sentence for Ace, prove reasonable doubt on the certainty he's Roger's kid (at least to the government and populace), and in general cause mayhem! If the system allows it, and allows it to be public, as well as not be entirely corrupt.
I'd love to see someone with actual law experience write something about this!
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cosmicxblossoms · 4 months
💗/ 💖 / ❤️ / 💮 / 🥀. (Marco/Ace/Sabo)
💗 - How long does it take your muse to fall in love? [It takes a long time for Ace to fall in love with his insecurities so you got to be patient with him to get him to fall for you. Marco also takes a long time to fall for someone but his is more because of the phoenix cause they are partners to each other and they wouldn't fall for just anyone so It's like a package deal with him. Sabo takes the least amount of time to fall in love but it doesnt mean it'll be an easy way to get him to fall for someone.] 💖 - What traits does your muse find physically attractive? [Ace likes a persons smile and their chests, Marco likes the eyes and legs and Sabo likes the eyes, hands and chest of any partner he has.] 🖤 - What's something that will instantly make them dismiss someone as a romantic partner [For Ace it would be a quick dealbreaker if he's not seen as his own person outside of roger. Marco's dealbreaker is if they were hurting his family and that is something he cant stand is someone hurting his loved ones. Sabo's dealbreaker would be if this person tried to dismiss what he is doing for the revolutionaries, he knows that its a lot to do but to have someone try and undermine what he does isn't a thing he can let go.] 💮 - Is your muse the possessive or super jealous type? [Ace would lean more towards the jealous a bit because of needing reassurance he's good enough for his partner, Sabo and Marco are more on the possessive side. Sabo because he wants to have something special for just himself and doesnt want to share that with anyone, Marco's possessiveness comes from both the phoenix being protective over those they see as part of their "flock" or family and because he doesnt let people in easily after losing so much if this happens post time skip.] 🥀 - Do they handle breakups well? [Marco would handle it well if a breakup happened, he knows sometimes things happen and he would wish them the best in life. Sabo I also see would take a breakup well, he would just make sure if this is something they both truly want to do before parting ways. Ace would struggle with the breakup the most, he wouldn't handle it badly he would just be more to himself for a while to work through his feelings. He doesnt let people in easy so he cant help but wonder if it is his fault if a breakup were to happen.]
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musedbyalli · 8 months
@pareidolah liked for an Ace starter. //For Sabo
"I think we really pissed her off this time." It wasn't the first time that Ace's activities had angered Dadan nor would it be the last, but something about this seemed to bother him a bit. Perhaps it was because he thought he had noticed a hint of concern from her that he felt he didn't deserve. Not that he would ever admit that to her nor would he apologize for any concern that he may have caused. That simply wasn't how their bond worked.
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Instead, he would attempt to make jokes about it with Sabo. "You think it's safe for us to go through our haul yet without her stompin' in here to yell at us again?"
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horrorexpo · 19 days
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pirate. 26. canon-divergent.
VERSE: Pirate Life (One Piece)
VERSE: Traveller!Au
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quinloki · 2 months
Who do you think are the biggest fans of holding hands during sex?
Marco, Sabo, Thatch come to mind off the cuff.
Crocodile isn't against it either, though he does rather prefer to hold your hands down. (Sabo and Marco fall into this category too).
Kid's not against holding hands, but he prefers to see your fingers flexing against the ropes while you're losing your mind.
Sanji definitely likes to hold hands, and I think Zoro's for it, but he'll move his hands away from yours when he's close, cause he doesn't want to flex his hand in the moment and accidentally bruise you (or worse, that beast).
Doffy enjoys it, but only as something he imposes on his partner - there's not really any softness in it.
Law doesn't by default, but you can get him to do so easily. I think he's very tactile, and once you open those gates he's into it.
<.< Robin holds hands all the way through that lucky lady.
Oh Heat is definitely a hand holder
Killer too I bet.
Shachi is more of a hand holder than Penguin, but only cause Penguin's hands tend to wander a lot. (I feel like Sabo's a wandering hands guy... I think Sabo just like... hands. Sabo's hands. My brain is happy to think about them in Every Context.)
Ace holds hands. Whimpery little golden retriever man whining in your ear while he's holding your hands. (I don't know why he's just so vocal in my head canon during sex).
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gildedmuse · 2 years
Hopes this ask helps as a distraction but say in a scenario where Zoro 1) is never tied to that cross and 2) never meets Luffy as a result, do you still think he would've become a pirate? Or do you think he would've just stayed a bounty hunter? Also say if Kuina did survive do you think she and Zoro would've become bounty hunter as well I'd they left the island to become stronger :0?
I have had some ideas as Zoro as a bounty hunter who joins Baroque Works, but thats like... barely not being a pirate. Oh, one where he became a bounty hunter, Saga a marine, and Kuina a pirate. I don't know, the girl screams either Honorable Samurai to me or else, "fuck yeah they told me I couldn't be a kenshi but no one tells pirate what she can't be!"
As for Zoro, his commitment to being Bounty Hunter was never that strong. At first he takss issue with Luffy asking him to be a pirate and Zoro considers that a kind of crook which is just down to his sense of honor in a lot of ways. After he realized Luffy actively helped people and, also, got in a hell of lot of fights he was all for it.
See, Zoro was only ever a Bounty Hunter in the first place because:
Boy needs sake. And sometimes food. Turns out these cost coin.
He needed to get stronger, and to do that he neded stronger opponents
They like... Point you to the guys you have to beat and then you do it and they give you money.
When he realized he could get all oit taht oit of pirating only with less marine assholes, more sake, and tougher enemies? Why would he ever go back?
So, I don't know if he'd stay a Bounty Hunter, but my guess is only if someone took him under their patronage, because sooner or later that boy would be out of good fights, out of food, and outside any known location.
Don't get me wrong, Zoro is VERY self determined, bit he does best when he has someone to, if not follow, believe in. It keeps him focused on bigger things and his loyalty to that person keeps him moving forward. You see it with Kuina, with Luffy, even with Mihawk. I think Zoro is simply naturally drawn to those who challenge him, and who dare him to be better, but also are - in his own definition - honorable and truthworthy, and so he was always going to be a First Mate for SOMEONE, regardless.
As you can see from:
All Hearts: Zoro gets stolen as a slave, still becomes a pirate - for Law - Kuina is alive and a Strawhat. [ZoLaw, minor other ships]
Three of Spades: Technically Zoro does get locked up but it was when he was younger and becomes a Spade Pirate. (Zoro/maybe Ace?, ZoLaw)
Three Tailed Fox: Zoro was a bounty hunter but had agreed to help these guys not knowing they were pirates, and ends up lost in a game of Davy Jones games. However, he's too honorable to back out. (ZoLaw, BARELY)
Seeing Red: Mihawk finds a lost baby Zoro and hands him over to Shanks because eww babies. He grows up a very independent Red Head Pirate. (MiZo mentiond, ZoLaw, Benn/Shanks)
Thriller Blade: Zoro was following around his sister Perona when they get kidnapped by pirate. Fighting zombies is more fun than tea parties so he's not too bothered. (ZoLaw BARELY)
Laws & Rebellions: Law as a Marine Officer, Zoro as a Marine who is actually a revolutionary undercover. (ZoLaw, ZoAce)
Zoro (along with Law and Perona) becoming a Hawkeye Pirate
Zoro becoming a Doflamingo Pirate (there are reasons)
Zoro being in Buggy's gang
Zoro as an actual Marine obsessed with Pirate Law
Marine Law obsessed with Bounty Hunter/Robin Hood Zoro
Zoro as a leader of a dojo and all the famouse kenshi pirates come through
Baroque Works Zoro (who runs of with Law)
Zoro joining Kuina's crew. (For a while I thought of him joining Sabo's old crew, who know, when they meet up if Sabo hadn't gone right into the revoltion.)
I also like the idea of Zoro being from Wano and like, the one person Yamato really likes (Denjiro doesn't think he's too bad, either, personally) and after Ace dies they set out as their own little pirate crew.
Hope this even kind of maybe adressed you question! And thanks!
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a11sunday · 5 months
what ghost haunts you ?
you were doomed from the start, weren’t you ? born to bend yourself to the will of a bloodline that sneers at every effort you take towards betterment. you are stained by the hand of your father, your mother, perhaps a family member that looms over your weary shoulders. the first grave is the childhood home, after all. you can escape all you wish. your body can leave the home, the state, the country, but you will always be haunted by what raised you. when chelsea dingman wrote, “i have been trying to go home my entire life.” when graham greene wrote, “from childhood i had never believed in permanence, and yet i had longed for it.” when oscar wilde wrote, “a burnt child loves the fire.”
tagged by: @danversiism < 33 tagging: YOU !!
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